How to seal torn linoleum at home. How to seal torn linoleum with your own hands

  • 15.06.2019

Linoleum is a versatile and relatively inexpensive floor covering, it is he who is most often found on the floor of various rooms. Even with the most careful and careful use, damage can occur on it.

Scuffs, cuts, bumps, cracks and, of course, holes. They appear from mechanical damage. Such a nuisance can be restored without resorting to the help of craftsmen, right at home.

A hole in linoleum must be repaired immediately, as soon as it has been noticed, otherwise its size will increase. Also, such damage can become a source of reproduction of microorganisms, the appearance of mold and a terrible fungus. Fixing this will be hard.

Required Tools

To repair the damaged area, you should prepare. You will need the following items:

  • the rest of the damaged linoleum, a piece should be an area that is enough to make a patch;
  • a sharp and hard knife, a cutter is also suitable;
  • device to make a right angle. You can take any corner, wooden or metal;
  • any adhesive. You'll have to use glue or "", putty is also suitable;
  • , but not ordinary metal, but made of rubber;
  • wide adhesive tape or masking tape, they will be needed for the intermediate step;
  • roller, we will use it when working with an adhesive substance;

It's important to know: when repairs are underway, do not throw away excess pieces of linoleum. They come in handy in order to seal a torn or burned area.

  • also, a syringe is very useful for convenient work with glue;
  • to heat the material, you need an ordinary electric hair dryer;
  • a piece of hard and dense material, with which the surface will need to be leveled;
  • something heavy that will serve as a load to press down the patched piece.

Repairing minor damage

To remove a small hole or cut on the floor, you need to cook adhesive mixture(putty) or just buy ready-made.

  • rosin in loose form (as a powder);
  • a container in which the mixture will be prepared. It must be made of porcelain;
  • alcohol - one hundred and fifty grams;
  • castor oil - one hundred grams.

Rosin is placed on water bath and heated in a porcelain dish. After complete melting, its temperature must be reduced to fifty degrees. Then it is mixed with castor oil and alcohol, and then a color pigment is added. It will help to mask the damage better.

Note: after drying, the putty will become lighter. This factor must be taken into account when introducing the pigment into the mixture.

We apply the finished mass to the place where the linoleum is torn or a crack has formed. To make the seam completely invisible, the surface is polished. For this, glass plaster is perfect.

Major damage masking

Restoration begins with cutting out a patch, it can be made in any geometric shape. But more even seams will provide a square or rectangular patch.

It should be made larger than the hole itself. Apply the patch over the damage. No matter how the piece moves, it can be temporarily glued with masking tape. Next, with a very sharp knife, cut out a piece of linoleum to fit the patch.

After that, we apply an adhesive mass to the cut out part and apply it to the prepared place. We put the load on top, it should stand for at least a couple of days.

This technique will help to perfectly glue the desired part. . The stickers will be almost invisible. To thoroughly study the technique, it is better to first watch the video of similar works.

Burn through different layers

What to do if you burned linoleum? For hookah owners, this phenomenon is common, because it is very simple to do this with coal.

But even without a hookah, a burn is possible. First of all, it is worth determining the nature of the damage - how deep the damage to the linoleum occurred.

Layers floor covering:

  • the upper protective layer, it is called transparent;
  • the layer on which the drawing is applied;
  • expanded polyvinyl chloride;
  • fiberglass;
  • expanded polyvinyl chloride.

Elimination of damage to the protective layer

The coals of the hookah are soft, in very rare cases they make a through hole. If only upper layer linoleum, then first you need to clean the place of the stain from the burnt edges.

Since the drawing was not damaged, this trouble will practically not be visible. But at a certain angle of light it will be slightly noticeable.

Therefore, we take a coin and smooth out the edges of the damage with an edge, and then apply a special mastic for linoleum. Such mastic can be easily found in any hardware store.

Burning through the pattern and the top layer of polyvinyl chloride

If the color base and PVC are damaged, even after cleaning, a stain will remain that will have darkened edges, and in the middle there will be a whitish or yellowish enlightenment. Even one such trace will spoil the whole look of the flooring.

The use of glue, which is used to fasten the edges of linoleum by the type of "cold welding", will help to correct the situation. But when laying new flooring, type A is used, and for old material, type C adhesive is required.

Pick up desired color It will not be difficult, the stores offer a large range of colors. It will need to be applied to the holes formed. You can also prepare such a pigment yourself.

You should take a piece of linoleum of this type. If there is no residue left, you can cut it off in an inconspicuous place, for example, under a baseboard. Next, with a sharp knife or blade, you need to remove the crumbs from the colored base.

After mixing it with mastic, we also apply it to the burnt part. After complete solidification, the excess is cut off, under one level with the coating. Additionally, you can cover with wax, but this is not necessary.

If the burn turned out to be through, then you need to make a patch according to the above method with ordinary holes. In conclusion, I would like to note that fixing a linoleum hole with your own hands is not so difficult as it might seem at first.

Such a nuisance should be removed immediately, because the floor covering is this sealant, and any damage can lead to the formation of fungus and damage to the entire sheet. How to glue cut linoleum, see the following video:

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Linoleum is a coating that must be handled quite carefully, therefore, over time, the question arises for many: how and what is better to seal torn linoleum. There are several answers, but the most common is to use cold welding for linoleum.

What kind of cold welding is better to glue linoleum

Cold welding is a special liquid or gel based on polyvinyl chloride and various solvents. It slightly dissolves the adjoining edges of the linoleum and thus fuses them.

It is usually supplied in small tubes and comes in three types: A (liquid form for gluing seams), C (thicker, for repairing and filling narrow gaps) and T (for gluing multi-component linoleums based on polyester and PVC). Most often, tubes are supplied with a screw-on spout or a needle for applying glue. The needle is convenient for gluing even joints, but any tip will do for repairing a gap.

You should not chase after buying expensive glue, for example, Werner Muller at a price of 450 rubles per tube. In their composition, they are almost all the same. You can safely buy any other three times cheaper than the above.

How to glue

So, before starting, you need to prepare the seam or gap for gluing. Remove dirt, wipe. The places to be glued must be dry.

For gluing, we need a tube of cold welding, masking tape and a knife.

After cleaning the linoleum, the gaps must be sealed with strips of masking tape.

Then carefully cut the adhesive tape along the tear line with a knife.

And lifting the edge of the linoleum, apply glue. It can be applied not only to the joint, but also a little in excess to the lower part. Then the seam will be glued to the surface on which the linoleum is laid, even if it is concrete.

If you bought a tube of cold weld to seal just one tear, you can save money and apply a little more, but don't overdo it. Glue should not get on the surface of the linoleum. And if this happens, then it must be removed with a dry cloth.

After applying the glue, the gap should be closed by stroking the surface of the adhesive tape with the same cloth. After 15 minutes, the tape can be removed.

You can walk on linoleum in an hour, but wet cleaning it is recommended to carry out not earlier than in a day.

Despite the development of technologies and materials, linoleum has been and remains the most popular flooring. This material has proven itself over the years as an excellent floor covering for commercial premises and offices, as well as ordinary apartments or houses.

This material can be laid quickly and efficiently, capturing a large area in a minimum amount of time. If indoors are produced repair work, then the linoleum is also quickly removed. This coating is easy to clean, withstands heavy wear and does not lose its beautiful appearance. Today you can buy imitating different textures. A wide range of colors is also offered.

At times Soviet Union this material was produced in fixed sizes with a width of 1.5 m. Today there is more choice of measurements - you can purchase a coating with a width of 3 and even 5 meters. Despite this, it is often necessary to glue two pieces of material together. Many would like to learn butt at home. Let's look at a few technologies.

Why, when and why is it necessary to glue the joints of linoleum?

This floor covering is very hygienic and quite mobile in terms of replacement. Often it is used for finishing floors in kitchens and corridors - these are the places where you need to clean especially often. Also these rooms are places with increased level humidity and extreme temperature fluctuations. The interiors of apartments in houses of old buildings and the layout of the rooms make it necessary to glue the joints of linoleum.

Bonding is simply indispensable when finishing floors in various offices and other similar facilities. In addition, domestic manufacturers still supply floor coverings with a width of 1.5 m to the construction market. For small corridors, this is a normal size, but for large rooms is not the best choice. Therefore, during the laying process, the strips must be glued together.

Linoleum bonding technologies

There are two options. So, you can use cold welding, which is applied using special adhesives, or hot option- here a special cord with a hairdryer solders the joints together. Additionally, there are more subspecies. For example, there is nothing easier than gluing linoleum on the floor on

They also connect joints. You can use rubber or metal sills, which are recommended for use on other materials.

hot way

Using this technology, linoleum joints are glued in commercial premises. This requires special equipment for welding. You also need a special cord. Instead of welding equipment, you can use a hot air gun.

So, a cord is laid at the joints. The laying width should be 2-3 mm. Then, using a hair dryer, which was preheated to 500 degrees, the wiring is simply soldered to the surface of the linoleum. It should be borne in mind that one cord should not be longer than half of the part to be soldered. The second piece of the cord is placed on the soldered one with a small margin of 2-3 cm.

High temperatures allow you to solder the material of the cord into linoleum with the highest quality and hermetically. To remove it, experts prefer to use a special tool for gluing linoleum.

This option is highly practical and even more reliable, but is more suitable for more rigid flooring. Unfortunately, for apartments and houses, manufacturers offer more soft materials that cannot withstand such high temperatures. And therefore, you need to know other options for how to glue linoleum end-to-end at home.

Cold welding

This great way perform the operation of gluing the joints with your own hands. Cold welding is often used in everyday life and is considered very popular for such tasks. Why is the process called cold welding? It is carried out by gluing the flooring inexpensively without the need to "violence" the material with high temperatures.

How to glue linoleum end-to-end with cold welding

Its edges should be cut as accurately and evenly as possible. Then they are laid on top of each other so that one joint covers the other by about 3 cm. It is important that they are clean and dry. Before gluing linoleum to the floor, you need to apply paper tape to the material - it will reliably protect the decorative surface from the aggressive effects of the glue. It also acts as a label for the gluing zone. Scotch tape is applied not only to the top, but also to the bottom.

Next, the lower and upper strip of the floor material is cut off at the same time. The remaining trim should be removed. Then both are rolled together with a special roller at the junction so as to align in one level.

The glue is applied to the seam area and distributed in a dosed manner over the entire length. After smearing it on the surface of the linoleum, there should be only a thin strip. It is necessary to ensure that the glue does not get on the surface of the coating. Unfortunately, it's impossible to get it out.

After performing these operations, the glue is allowed to dry for ten minutes. The tape can then be removed. Here's how to glue linoleum end-to-end at home - there is nothing complicated about it. advantage this method the invisibility of the seams is considered, and they themselves can even be figured.

Cons of cold welding

Cold welding is a very effective glue, but you should not use it on linoleums that have a soft base or insulation. In this case, the glue will not help to achieve the most accurate docking. The seams will be very noticeable, and their appearance will become unaesthetic.

Adhesive selection

In the process of using cold welding, everything depends on the materials that are glued together. There are several types for different situations:

  • Glue "A" has a liquid form and is suitable for working with hard linoleums.
  • Glue "C". It creates a special layer on the surface of the seam and is used for gluing joints up to 4 mm thick.
  • Glue "T" can glue polyester materials.

Required Tools

Let's look at what tools you might need. The selection is based on the type of linoleum. To work on hot technology, you will need scissors and a bevel cutter for an even cut. Further, to apply the material, it is worth preparing a spatula, brush or roller.

Rubber hammers are used for pressing. For hot gluing, you need a hot air gun and a cord. If cold welding is performed, then you need glue, a sharp enough knife, a lot of rags and adhesive tape (paper and double-sided are suitable).

The needle from the glue container during cold welding should be fed as deep as possible into the seam.

This is necessary to get the right amount of glue. A rag will help to quickly remove drops of glue from the surface. It is more convenient to work with a tube with two hands at once. The glue consists of very aggressive substances, so you need to work with it very carefully. After finishing work, it is recommended to ventilate the room. Now you know how to glue linoleum end-to-end at home.

As you can see, the procedure is simple and accessible to everyone. As a result, the flooring will take on a beautiful aesthetic appearance. There is nothing better than well laid linoleum. Gluing the seams will give the flooring an even more aesthetic appearance.

Damage to linoleum is a very unpleasant, but easily fixable thing. Repairing torn or cut sections must be carried out immediately and not hesitate, as the edges will dry out and the width of the hole will increase. A variety of debris and water can easily get under the flooring, creating all the conditions for mold and fungus.

If linoleum is torn, what to do

How to repair torn linoleum depends on the type and size of tears and cuts. The work involves different approaches, which in turn depend on the installation option.

If you have an idea how to repair torn linoleum, you must have a special set of necessary things:
  • patches;
  • a knife with a very sharp blade;
  • metal corner;
  • means for processing;
  • glue;
  • Scotch;
  • putty knife;
  • plywood sheet, thick cardboard.

With the help of these tools and parts, you can safely carry out the restoration of the required area. The main defects are: hole, cut, docking. Moreover, the severity of the situation is affected by the size of the incision itself.

If the linoleum is torn, how to fix it will help instructions from professional craftsmen, as well as video reviews with step by step advice. For small cracks or holes, as well as significant abrasions, it will be enough to use putty for sealing. After that, it is recommended to grind with glass sandpaper.

How to repair torn linoleum

How to seal torn linoleum with large gaps is a more complicated and time-consuming matter. The patch should not stand out from the overall pattern, so if there are pieces left after the previously laid sheet, it is advisable to use them. How to glue torn linoleum quickly and without difficulty? The main thing is to choose the most suitable piece that can be adjusted to the right sizes knife with a very sharp blade.

The basic scheme for repairing glued linoleum looks like this:
  • thorough primary processing with the removal of debris and other foreign materials;
  • base primer;
  • applying special glue to the patch and laying;
  • pressing with a sheet of plywood or thick cardboard;
  • press down with a heavy load and putty if necessary.
How to close a cut on linoleum, which was not glued, but simply laid on the floor, also has its own nuances:
  • the linoleum sheet is rolled up, and the torn area is processed;
  • patch should close the defect;
  • you can use double-sided or masking tape and glue;
  • if necessary, it is worth laying cold welding in the seam.

If you correctly follow the technology and methodology of work, then the restoration of cuts or other defects will be excellent and without difficulty. In case of difficulties, highly qualified masters can help.

During operation, any floor covering wears out, loses its appearance, strength and integrity. This also applies to linoleum. Under the influence of external factors, scuffs, dents, tears and holes may appear on the material.

The reason for the appearance of defects on linoleum can be furniture legs, exposure to sharp objects or shoes (heels). Damage can be repaired without a complete replacement of the coating. To do this, you only need to have necessary tools and materials. And how to close a hole in linoleum depends on the nature and size of the defect.

Troubleshooting can be done alone

To fix the damage, you will need the following tools:

  • Pen;
  • Ruler;
  • Rubber roller;
  • Cutter.

From the materials you need the following:

  • A piece of similar linoleum;
  • Glue;
  • Primer;
  • Turpentine;
  • Rosin;
  • Plywood;
  • putty;
  • Mastic;
  • Pigment.

Adhesive for linoleum

The process of sealing holes in linoleum is not dusty, but there will still be debris, so it is better to use a vacuum cleaner rather than a broom.

During the operation of the coating, careless rearrangement of furniture or other actions can lead to the formation of holes. They not only spoil the appearance of the floor, but also cling to the legs, leading to moisture getting under the flooring. The hole must be patched immediately, otherwise recovery will be problematic.

Repair of large damage

If a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe flooring is damaged, then it will not work to seal the hole. Linoleum can only be revived with a patch.

Replacing part of the deck

It is best for these purposes the same coating or as similar as possible is suitable. The patch is applied to the damaged area to adjust the pattern. Using a ruler and a sharp knife, cut off the excess. Align the edges of the hole with scissors, clean the base from dust. Glue the patch with glue or "hot welding".

Linoleum went in waves

It is quite easy to remove the waves that have appeared on the coating. First you need to check what caused this defect - to find the cause. Whether the skirting board is pressed strongly against the material, which prevents it from becoming smoother. Reinstalling the baseboard with a gap can solve this problem.

If the problem is not in the baseboard, then the next step is to check the fit of the coating to the wall. Is there a gap there, does the material rest against it. If required, then remove the excess, and put the plinth in place.

Reinstalling the baseboard might help

Also, waves can form from the presence of moisture and dust under the flooring. After checking and removing the causes, carefully seal the material and smooth it well to remove air.

Holes from coals

A burnt hole in linoleum is masked with a patch. To do this, a damaged area is cut out in the linoleum in the form of an even geometric figure. Ideally, if a piece of material remains after laying the flooring. You can cut a patch out of it. If not, then a similar material is selected in the store.

burnt floor

The patch is adjusted to the coating to match the pattern, size, texture. The area around the hole is sealed with masking tape. The floor around the defect is cleaned of dust, dirt, treated with a primer. Glue is applied to the place of the hole and a patch is glued. From above, install something heavy for a few days. When repairing linoleum, you can show your design abilities and creatively decorate a defect with canvases of different colors or with an application of an unusual shape.

Docking seams

In the rooms big size or at the joints on the threshold, the coating is joined by cold welding. During operation, linoleum can peel off at the junctions. You can fix this problem quite easily. To do this, the sheets of material must be stretched so that they overlap easily by 5 mm. Cut the resulting tubercle by attaching a ruler. Remove the cut pieces, degrease the edges, secure the nearby surface with adhesive tape. You can glue the seam with pvc glue(type C). From above set oppression for better fixing. After the glue has hardened, remove the adhesive tape, coat the joint with special wax.

Gluing with cold glue

torn holes

Depending on which edges of the torn hole in linoleum, one or another repair is selected. With smooth edges, you can do without a patch, and use glue for repairs. Otherwise, you should only patch it with a piece of linoleum of the right size.

When peeling off the flooring, it is removed, the old mastic is removed and carefully folded in another room. Then the base of the floor is also cleaned of mastic, existing defects and irregularities are eliminated, and treated with a primer. The next steps look like traditional method linoleum flooring.

Sometimes the only way to solve a problem is to

How to eliminate blisters in linoleum

Bloating is formed due to the fact that the material did not have time to level off before fixing it with a plinth. It prevents the expansion of the coating under the action of temperature, and a wave appears on the surface. To fix such a defect, you need to perform the following steps:

  • Take the furniture out of the room;
  • Remove plinth;
  • Trim the linoleum around the edges, leaving a gap between the wall and the flooring;
  • Allow the material to lie down for a day;
  • Pass over the surface with a roller;
  • Glue the coating to the floor;
  • Install plinth.

If the swelling is small (bubbles, stripes), then there is no need to remove the plinth. To eliminate the defect in the center, make an incision, level the surface and install oppression. After a while, under the cut area, introduce glue and press until completely solidified.

To get rid of dents, the floor is treated with putty. It is prepared in two ways:

  • A mixture of 5 parts alcohol, 25 parts rosin, 4 parts castor oil with the addition of dye;
  • A mixture of 4 parts of turpentine and 1 part of rosin with the addition of a dye of the desired color.

After applying the mixture to the dent, it is necessary to level well and leave to dry. After drying, clean the surface with sandpaper.

Dents are a common defect in linoleum.

If holes are formed on the linoleum, water can enter them, which will lead to swelling of the coating. Therefore, you need to fix the problem immediately with the help of PVC glue.

Stick masking tape on a small hole, in which to make a puncture right above the hole. Pour a little glue into the puncture (type A). Remove the tape after drying. Cut off the protruding parts of the adhesive and clean the surface.

Cavity filling

If the hole is large, then you need to follow the same steps, but without adhesive tape and use glue (type C).

Restoration of small holes

Thanks to the presence a large number modern means repairing minor damage will not be difficult. You can repair such defects using:

  • Mastics;
  • PVC glue;
  • sealant;
  • Homemade adhesive composition.

Before repair, the defect site is cleaned of dust and dirt. Then it is filled with one of the means.

Serious deck damage

Putty is used to remove scuffs, cuts and scratches. If it is impossible to purchase a ready-made mixture, then you can make it yourself. It is prepared from rosin, turpentine and dry pigment. First you need to mix 4 parts of turpentine and one part of rosin, and then add a dye of a certain shade. The resulting mixture is applied to the defect in the coating. After the mass has solidified, it is cleaned of excess. For polishing and polishing the floor after repair, mastic is used.

Removal of paint from the surface depends on the freshness of the stain. Immediately after the paint hits the floor, it can be removed with a regular rag. If the paint is dried, then you can get rid of it mechanically or chemically.

Dried spots on the surface

At mechanical removal abrasive cleaners are used. It should be borne in mind that mechanical removal may damage the upper decorative layer of the material.