Scorpio is silent about his feelings. Zodiac horoscope

  • 26.09.2019

Men born under the ass sign of Scorpio have complex character traits. It is not easy for women to communicate with representatives of this sign. Holding back your emotions scorpio man loving doesn't show feelings. At first he can show sympathy for the girl, then indifference. It is unlikely that he will be the first to confess his love. Sometimes a woman finds out about the feelings of her beloved after a while.

What are scorpion men when they love?

  • Hidden- the first will never admit their feelings. About, how a scorpio man loves his beloved, you can find out after a while.
  • Attentive and caring- will not leave the chosen one in difficult times.
  • emotional- they give a woman with whom they decided to connect their lives with a storm of emotions.
  • impulsive- from a Scorpio in love, you can expect anything.

Love for representatives of this sign can be described in a few words. They constantly transform between passion, jealousy and emotions. For the sake of love, scorpio men are capable of much - this sign is marked by constancy in relationships. Carrying out his emotions, a man looks closely at his partner, tests her, thus, for a serious relationship. A woman, in relation to such a partner, needs to have patience.

What kind of women do scorpio men like?

  • Naturally beautiful, sincere and erudite women. Scorpio needs a charming wife ideal hostess and at the same time she should earn good money. Even if he is decently provided, his chosen one must be self-sufficient.
  • Strong-willed, successful and strong women. He does not need a complaisant "kitty" who will yield in everything. In a woman, he, first of all, sees a self-confident life partner with whom he will be interested.
  • Choosing wise wives, a man tries to avoid emotional partners. He needs a companion, not a hysteric.

It is not easy to understand, they are capricious in their choice and patient. Open and sociable girls often fall into their fetters, but at the same time they must be beauties. You can attract the attention of Scorpio with your inner world. A woman should be smart and well-read. In love, a man is demanding and jealous. They build their relationship on the basis of: love, sexual satisfaction, complete trust in the partner. Many girls are attracted to this sign as an option for a long-term relationship.

Hunters for representatives of this sign are concerned about the question: scorpio man, what is he like when he loves? If his feelings are strong, he is betrayed, does not tolerate betrayal - he does not forgive such women. They fall under his contempt. At the moment when Scorpio breaks the roof from love, he is quite sexually persistent and tireless. The main thing is not to frighten him off at the initial stage of acquaintance, with some kind of stupidity or betrayal. To tame a Scorpio, it is important to match his ideal, take care of his psycho-emotional state, do not infringe on his feelings, do not deceive or shy away from intimacy.

Confident, self-aware Scorpio catches the eye of many girls. This is very the strong man who is not afraid of any life difficulties. If a scorpio man has serious feelings, then he surrounds his beloved with care, attention and she will be able to feel like stone wall. However, getting his attention and building a close relationship with him is not easy. He has his own ideal, which the girl must meet. But isn't his requirements for his chosen one too high?

How to behave with him and captivate a Scorpio man

In order for him to pay attention to a girl, she must be original, unusual and self-confident. He appreciates individuals who can stand up for themselves, have their own priorities in life and know their own worth. Moreover, it is not necessary for him to demonstrate this line of behavior personally, but in the presence of numerous witnesses. He loves hard goals, and even more - to achieve them. Therefore, such a girl will definitely attract his attention.

But it is necessary to use only honest tricks that will leave him in awe. He loves to play and may soon be involved in this as well. unusual game. Then she needs to be ready for various traps that he will specially set for her. The main thing is not to start to panic and not give up, as the final prize will be he himself, head over heels in love with such an unusual, smart and luxurious girl.

How to fall in love and conquer a Scorpio man

Despite the fact that he is aimed at a stable relationship, not every girl can conquer him to the end. If he notices that she does not suit him according to any criteria, then he will decide to leave. In this case, it may seem to his beloved that he does not feel any feelings at all, but this is far from the case. He is used to hiding his emotions deep inside himself, access to which is available only to the closest people.

Often he can offend his beloved with some sharp remarks and his instructions. It is important to take the right position here. Since he likes strong personalities, it is worth enduring such behavior. Of course, this can infuriate him, but he will know the value of his girlfriend and in his eyes she will only gain even more respect. It is only important not to forget and not turn the relationship into a war.

When a Scorpio Man Feels

It is very difficult to understand whether he is in love or not. He is unlikely to change his behavior and habits, also successfully working and fulfilling his duties. This does not mean that he is not emotional and afraid of his feelings. On the contrary, they help him move forward, successfully solve problems and feel at his best. He just does not like to talk about his new love to others, without causing unnecessary gossip and discussion.

But his beloved will definitely understand about his special feelings even before he talks about them. He knows how to look after perfectly and then every girl will be able to feel like a real queen. He will take her to expensive restaurants, literally shower her with gifts, but most importantly, he treats her in a completely different way. This is a gallant and pleasant partner who can guess any wish of his girlfriend.

How to win and marry a Scorpio man?

Unlike other men, he is quite good about marriage. Therefore, if he is confident in his feelings, he may soon make an offer. Of course, before that, he will definitely evaluate everything: his wealth, position, housing and others. important details. In other words, he will do everything that is necessary to create a full-fledged family. He approaches this decision very seriously and understands all responsibility.

If he has been dating a girl for a long time and has not yet proposed to her, then such a relationship does not quite suit him. In this case, she can push him to a similar decision. Just do it quietly and very gently. If he notices that they are trying to manipulate him, then one can hardly count on positive success. Also, he should not make an offer himself, as he is conservative in his views.

The most important thing! How to win a Scorpio man?

Not every girl will be able to win him, since he has his own criteria that must be met. Before you start the "offensive", you should think about whether it is worth losing your individuality and adapting to any person. After all, having figured out that his beloved was constantly playing the game, he may lose all interest in her and decide to leave.

If a scorpio man has serious feelings. Video

Scorpios have a magnetic energy that attracts women. They are self-confident, perfectly control their feelings and emotions. The secret impulses of their passionate nature go unnoticed by others. Girls will be interested to know how a Scorpio man in love behaves, who hides his feelings. Representatives of this sign are ready to fall in love and tell about their attitude only to those who can interest them not only in external attractiveness, but also in intellectual data.

What kind of girls do Scorpios like?

Well-groomed women with good taste attract the attention of representatives of this sign. Beauty alone is not enough to seriously hurt his feelings. The chosen one must have inner beauty, be independent, sincere.

scorpions subtly feel falseness in a relationship, so you can’t play with them in love. You should not fully reveal yourself to the partner, a little understatement and unrevealed secrets are attractive to these men.

Expression of feelings

It is important for Scorpios to have their own personal space, free from any encroachment. Even the closest people are not allowed into this secretive world. Experiencing strong feelings, the guy will try to hide their manifestation by everyone. available means, such is nature, if a man is Scorpio. What is he like when he loves - characteristics behaviors:

The intimate side of relationships is of great importance to Scorpio. He does not suffer from hypocrisy, loves experiments and novelty. For him, the active participation of the girl in the process, her willingness to accept his proposals is important.

How to behave with a Scorpio?

Men born under the sign of Scorpio have several characteristic features. Their knowledge will help to understand the motives of actions, behavior, attract attention, build long-term relationships.

Representatives of this sign are purposeful and courageous., but they have a vulnerable soul, so they are reluctant to reveal themselves even to close people. With ill-wishers, they are cruel and insidious, but they will not make an effort to simply take revenge. Their motive is not emotion, but cold practical calculation. They strive to achieve specific goals, without being sprayed on trifles.

The rudeness of Scorpio should not be taken unambiguously, it may just be a defensive reaction in response to an encroachment on personal space. An enthusiastic display of feelings, flowery compliments are alien to his nature. He chooses not to speak beautiful words and perform a specific action. He is honest in relationships, will not leave his beloved alone in trouble.

It is sometimes difficult to understand him. You have to not rely on sincere conversations, but carefully look at. The intonation and timbre of speech, facial expressions, look can tell a lot about mood and feelings. It will be useful to learn about some of the features inherent in many Scorpios:

  • Prefers to make important decisions on his own, does not accept direct pressure and covert manipulation. He is perceptive enough, possesses intuition to avoid such actions.
  • On a subconscious level, he fears betrayal and disappointment, so at first he will test your honesty and devotion. Alertness is shown to all unfamiliar people, at the beginning of the acquaintance for you there will be no exception to this rule. The constant manifestation of love and confirmation of the seriousness of feelings in the future will become the key to a strong relationship.
  • Compliments are cold. He does not need outside support, as he is self-confident and knows his own worth. Praise can only cause irritation and arouse suspicion of the sincerity of the interlocutor.
  • From the outside, a man may seem like an insensitive and cold type, but rudeness, misunderstanding are painfully perceived by him. He does not like criticism, and even more so from his beloved woman he will not tolerate it. It is necessary to carefully choose expressions so as not to accidentally hurt self-esteem. Otherwise, separation is inevitable.
  • The Scorpio man will not share problems, ask other people's advice. In case of troubles, he needs to be a little alone, to think. Do not disturb him at such times.
  • Scorpions sometimes have outbursts of anger, at this moment they are sharp, rude. No need to try to respond in kind, provoking a proliferation of conflict. Otherwise, the vindictive partner will remember your reaction more than once. The best behavior is not to object, but simply to listen to the angry person, especially since this happens very rarely.

How to fall in love with a Scorpio man?

There is a certain female type that attracts the attention of a Scorpio man. What they are like when they are in love depends largely on the lady of the heart. May enter into sexual relations, not considering them serious, until they are convinced of the fidelity of the partner.

Charming lady, confident, smart, able to maintain a conversation can count on reciprocity.

Men of this sign are leaders by nature, it is important for them to take the initiative in everything. Seeing his interest, you should not get acquainted first. Scorpio will not forgive betrayal, and he will be jealous of the chosen one's friends.

Representatives of this sign are able to easily see insincerity, they are not interested in coquetry, flirting. They want to see in their chosen one a good housewife, a reliable keeper of the family hearth. Prudent, self-serving, stupid women have no chance for a long harmonious relationship. Attract passionate emotional girls. It is important for him to exchange energy, feelings. Considers unacceptable for a companion:

  1. neglectful attitude;
  2. authority;
  3. fraud in any form;
  4. manipulation;
  5. mockery of weaknesses;
  6. relationships on the side.

For a woman who understands how to behave with a Scorpio man, a separate moment remains important - is it possible. If the couple's feelings are sincere, then temporary separation will not become an obstacle that destroys this union. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by sanity, responsibility. A married Scorpio is reliable, will not betray in a difficult situation.

Attention, only TODAY!

People born under the sign of Scorpio from October 24 to November 22 are extremely contradictory natures, the most powerful compared to other signs of the zodiac. They are under the auspices of Mars, strong and cruel, and Neptune, powerful and attractive. Close relationships with such a person cannot be simple and smooth, they are exciting and unpredictable. Scorpions are idealists and romantics at heart, but they are very afraid to show it, believing that their halo of cynicism can be destroyed because of this.

How do scorpios show their feelings? At the beginning of a relationship, Scorpio is very wary of a partner, afraid to trust him. Ideally, if the partner can understand the closeness of the inner world of Scorpio, listen to him and not ask unnecessary painful questions. Scorpio understands that he is vulnerable, but wants to be sure that his partner will not use his weakness for his own purposes. For all their loyalty to close people and friends, Scorpio is vindictive, they do not forgive a mistake and do not forget insults.

Scorpio belongs to the category of psychologically difficult partners, he will not immediately reveal the depth of his feelings, he will gradually open more and more new facets of his personality to his partner. He can, without explaining the situation, retire for a long time in his inner world, not letting anyone in there. For a partner, such alienation is all the more offensive because it is incomprehensible and looks unreasonable.

Scorpio is a complex, sensual person, prone to all sorts of excesses, including in love. Scorpio man is not inclined to reveal his feelings in public. From the outside, he is inattentive, sharp-tongued, rude, maybe even cruel. But in private, he confesses his true feelings. He is very jealous, and this jealousy may not necessarily be for his wife or husband. Scorpio can be jealous, for example, of a sister for her husband or a grandson for his girlfriend, if he is not happy with such a union. Moreover, he can show discontent and jealousy in the most radical ways, up to a complete refusal to communicate with loved ones. For years without talking to family and friends, Scorpio suffers deep down, but he is too proud to go towards reconciliation. The scorpio man is capable of the most unexpected things, he is a born actor, skillfully playing on the feelings of others. He carries strong passions, an inner hidden animal force that women feel and fly at her like moths on fire. The greatest value for him is freedom, so he is always on the alert so as not to fall under the influence of female charms. Men are sexually attracted to the weaker sex, even if outwardly they do not fall into the canons of beauty. Sex for them is a vital engine, they skillfully achieve intimacy with a partner. They are great seducers, they know how to feel what their chosen “victim” needs: rude male power or tenderness and attention. But this will not be a spiritual impulse, but rather a carefully thought-out plan for conquest. He combines the features of the devil and god, he is a combination of contradictions. But he does not know how to express his pain, his inner state, and therefore suffers from misunderstanding.

Scorpio women determine their chosen one with a sixth sense, and he can only submit to their magical power. An ocean of passions rages in her: she either unconditionally loves or hates desperately, and this applies not only to love sphere. She has no half measures, there is only black and only white, which can easily change places in her world. She is terribly jealous: she can easily make a scandal with breaking dishes and throwing things out of windows. She does not like easy flirting, all her novels absorb her with her head. Those who dream of a sultry woman find an ideal in her. In sex, she is violent, discards all conventions, completely surrendering to feelings. Her partners grow in their own eyes, and appreciate her even more. She is a femme fatale, families, careers are being destroyed for her sake, reckless acts are being done. But to her husband, she becomes a faithful assistant and support in business.

Scorpio woman is touchy to the extreme. During telephone conversations loves to throw pipes, defiantly leave. But it is easy to excite her, she can touchingly care for abandoned animals, feeding and attaching them. She will never stoop to ask for help, rather, she will complain about how hard it is for her. She has a masculine character and unbridled energy. For her, the opinions of others are indifferent, she can safely follow her beloved even to the ends of the world, despite persuasion to change her mind. If it happens that she, by the will of circumstances, does not burn to marry her beloved, she will love him even more reverently and tenderly. She will only listen to what her heart tells her. Scorpios can achieve success and happiness in family life, but for this they need to learn how to bring their heart into harmony with their mind.

Women are ready for a lot. Some try to seduce, while others, on the contrary, develop far-sighted strategies to win over the stronger sex. We will try to figure out whether it is possible to interest a guy, knowing his zodiac sign. For example, how to make a Scorpio man fall in love with you?

To answer the question, we first consider the characteristic as a whole.

Zodiac horoscope. scorpio man

Scorpios belong to the element of water. This is very strong sign. Its representatives are very restrained and unemotional. Scorpios are not used to giving up and go to the end to achieve their goal.

Demanding of themselves, accustomed to self-improvement until the end of life. Scorpios believe that learning is never too late.

Scorpio male. Advantages and disadvantages

The disadvantage of the representatives of this sign is that they are very insidious. They are constantly in tension, because they do not know how to relax. Nights of insomnia are characteristic of people of this sign. They love risk everywhere and in everything. A workaholic who always puts work first. As a partner for life, they are very difficult. They have another negative quality - vindictiveness. They remember grievances for a long time and few people forgive them. My personal life Scorpios try to hide from surrounding eyes and do not like it when they interfere with it.

They know how to keep secrets. This quality can be attributed rather to a positive quality.

Due to the fact that the men of this sign are rather closed, it is difficult for them to find mutual language with people and even more so with representatives of the weaker sex. According to Scorpio, you can never tell whether he is upset or, on the contrary, rejoices. They are very restrained in the manifestations of their feelings and emotions.

But for all their isolation and calmness, they will not let themselves or their other half be offended. They can be silent for a long time, endure, wait. But if patience is running out, then you should run away from him. Since its explosive wave will cover everyone.

In relations with a woman, they are powerful and do not tolerate competition. Often, Scorpio men are passionate lovers. They can not stand women who are frivolous about life.

Scorpion. The nature of the mark

The man of this sign has a rather heavy disposition. They are very stubborn, and once they have made a decision, it will be very difficult to convince them. You could say it's almost impossible. Even decision will be wrong, and in the end he himself will understand it, all the same, the man will not change his mind and will not admit that he was wrong.

Scorpios not only have physical endurance, but also differ from other signs of the zodiac in their will and strong character. They never quit what they started without finishing it, no matter what it costs them.

They love to control other people. They love money and do everything to earn it as much as possible and not need anything. Rarely open to people. It takes a long time to win their favor. At first glance and from the first communication, it will be difficult to understand Scorpios, since they communicate with strangers only superficially.

Scorpio loves life very much, he likes to feel the fullness of being. He likes to take himself to extremes to test the limits. human ability. Never dwell on your shortcomings. If he notices imperfections in himself, he tries to turn everything to his advantage. To earn the favor of a Scorpio, you need to go through fire and water with him, and only after you pass the test, he will accept you into his ranks.

The Scorpio man is by nature mostly a skeptic and a pessimist. He never admits his feelings if he has at least a fraction of doubts about this. But if he falls in love, then he gives himself entirely to the relationship. Such a selfless attitude Scorpio is inherent in everything he does.

The advantage of this sign is that it is not squeamish. Therefore, he can take on any job that is offered. A Scorpio man will try in any business, no matter what he does, to reach heights and bring everything to perfection. Representatives of this sign make excellent athletes, doctors, military or rescuers.

Scorpio has a very developed intuition. It helps to understand people well. Therefore, do not try to deceive or Scorpio. Thanks to these qualities, representatives of this sign can make a good musician or artist.

Due to their inability to stop, sooner or later, a Scorpio develops a number of diseases, which leads to early aging. Nervous system significantly weakens, so over the years such people become even more unbearable.

We fall in love with ourselves

In order to answer the question, it is necessary to study their psychosexual horoscope.

There is probably no sexier zodiac sign than Scorpio. He is very sensitive and passionate. He always knows how to please a woman and turn her head.

You need to know how to behave with a Scorpio man in bed, so as not to seem too closed or, conversely, loose. Sex should be given to him, so to speak, in portions. This is necessary so that there is not too much of him and he does not have time to get bored. But at the same time, sex should be passionate and not clamped. In their younger years, Scorpios are very romantic and gentle. With age, they become more liberated, ready for various experiments, and not only in sex. They are very faithful, but only spiritually. They can carry their spouse in their arms and idolize everything, but at the same time cheat on her, considering this to be completely normal. But they never forgive betrayals and will try to take revenge if something happens.

Get him interested

So by nature he is a hunter. If you decide to take possession of a representative of this sign, remember restraint. Such men are attracted to women by mystery. By all means, his future chosen one must be intellectually very developed, but not smarter than him. Do not throw yourself on his neck, otherwise you risk being rejected. A man should think that he is hunting you, and not vice versa. Always keep intrigue. Take a step forward and two back. How to make a Scorpio man fall in love with you? Show that you are very interested in what he does and that you are ready to share his hobbies. If you want to conquer it, first of all, be patient and remember that it will not be easy.

Scorpio in love

How to understand that Pretty complex issue, because due to the secrecy of their nature, such people rarely show emotions. Here, most likely, you need to follow their deeds, not words. So how to understand that a Scorpio man is in love? He is completely trying to please his chosen one, trying to fulfill her slightest whims. When he communicates with a lady for whom he has passionate feelings, he may not be recognized. A man becomes compliant, affectionate and gentle.

But such metamorphoses occur only in relation to the beloved girl. Therefore, if a woman looks closely at a man, then she will easily notice the changes that happen to him for the better.


Now you know the horoscope for Scorpio. Scorpio man, as you may have noticed, is endowed with a difficult character. Therefore, to win it, you need to make a lot of effort.