How did the name Larisa come about? Name in different languages ​​of the world

  • 23.09.2019

humble and gentle name Larisa has not been very popular in Russia lately. Despite this, future parents should pay attention to its magnetism and beautiful sound. It endows the baby with two main character traits: increased emotionality and the ability to empathize with people around.


From Greece to Russian land - the path that the name Larisa overcame many centuries ago. The origin and meaning of the name have three different variants. Some linguists claim that it was formed from the name of the city of Larissa in ancient Hellas. Others are sure: the roots of the name are Latin, it comes from the word larus, which translates as “seagull” or “fortress”. Still others compare it with the noun laris ("guardian spirit") and the adjective laros ("sweet"). In addition, in Greek mythology, one of the granddaughters of Poseidon, a beautiful nymph, was called Larissa. Based on this, we can conclude: the meaning of the name Larisa indicates a beautiful, pleasant girl, soft and sweet, light and airy.

Having moved to the Slavic lands, the name quickly spread among the local population. They were called both the daughters of noble people and the heirs of commoners. The patroness of babies to this day is Larisa Gotskaya, whose memorial day is celebrated on April 8. She was executed in the 4th century for preaching Christianity. The woman accepted painful death: she was burned on a sacrificial fire during a service in a pagan temple.


If you look at the crowd of ordinary kids, then the girl Larisa will not stand out. Moreover, among noisy and active friends, she often seems to others to be too closed, quiet and even clumsy. Avoiding huge companies, the baby loves to spend time alone, while she never gets bored. The calm and slightly detached character is greatly influenced by the meaning of the name Larisa. For a girl, it becomes a kind of guide that directs all her activity to fantasies and dreams. She constantly dreams, likes to retire in places that are inaccessible to people, and reads a lot.

Despite the rather ascetic way of life, Larisa is loved by her friends. They strive to be friends with the girl because of her devotion, modesty, pliability. It is never boring with her, as the information drawn from books makes the baby erudite, interesting for her peers. She loves to study, is often an excellent student and the head of the class. It is important for parents at this age to instill in their daughter the desire to be more decisive and persistent. Closing in on herself, she can grow up as an egotistical or internally weak person.


One has only to determine the meaning of the name Larisa in order to understand what kind of person is in front of you. The girl loves to look fashionable: she dresses beautifully and stylishly, tries to follow all the latest famous brands. If finances do not allow her to buy the things she likes, cosmetics and accessories, she may become depressed. To be honest, such a depressed state for Larisa is becoming commonplace. As she gets older, she becomes even more introverted. The girl is strict and cold with her peers, loves her point of view to dominate, cannot stand heart-to-heart conversations.

With a strong personality, she sometimes behaves too aggressively. Able to remember grievances for a long time, but will never avenge them. The psychological traumas suffered throughout her life torment her soul: plunging into recent memories, she relives again and again negative emotions. Often, in order to hide her dissatisfaction with life, Larisa hides behind feigned cheerfulness or seriousness. And only the closest people are able to see what she really feels and what she worries about.


On the verge between irascibility and modesty ... This duality of nature, tearing her nature, is often felt by adult Larisa. The meaning of the name, character and fate are intertwined and miraculously influence each other. A woman tries to hide her inner anxiety, but often it breaks out and gushes with hostility. She continues to be withdrawn and lonely. Feels uncomfortable in society. Hiding self-doubt from interlocutors, it becomes caustic and caustic, therefore it makes a huge number of enemies.

Despite the negative aspects of the character, the meaning of the name Larisa endows its owner with positive traits. She is very smart and insightful. She knows how and tries to learn from her own mistakes: if in her youth she can break off relations only because of a minor physical defect of her partner, then in her mature years she becomes more tolerant and condescending. Right now, such qualities of her character as mercy and love for children, kindness and understanding are revealed to others.

Love and marriage

The meaning of the name Larisa - sweet - is absolutely not manifested in relationships with men. With the opposite sex, she is very demanding and strict, impregnable and capricious. She notices even the minor flaws of her partner, which prevents her from truly sincerely falling in love with a person. He gets married quite late, when he already knows how to turn a blind eye to the flaws inherent in the second half. Only after thirty years is she able to be tender and sensitive: it is in middle age that she turns out to be a faithful and loving wife. Cheating does not forgive, everything else can easily get away with the spouse. She loves children and tries to have as many of them as possible.

In marriage, for Larisa, the main task is to remove the inner barrier that she erects between herself and her husband. This barrier not only prevents him from showing sincere feelings for a woman, but often becomes the reason for divorce. In order for family life to work out successfully, and for Larisa this is more an exception than a rule, a woman needs to perceive people as they are, without trying to remake or adjust them for herself.


Determining the meaning of the name Larisa is a mandatory task for parents who decide to name their baby this way. After analyzing the necessary information, they will understand that they were not mistaken. Baby who got a rare but beautiful name, will grow strong and developed. She will start talking, walking, reading before her peers. Like all children, the baby is prone to colds. Especially often the “July” Larisa picks up the infection - she has the weakest immunity. But the nervous system does not differ in strength and endurance in all owners of this name. Therefore, the girl must be protected from unnecessary stress and mental drama.

Parents are advised to take the baby for a massage, this will help to avoid scoliosis. It is also better not to give sweets, since Laris's teeth are one of the weakest points. In addition, she often suffers from diathesis, provoked by a large consumption of chocolate. Some girls with this name have heart problems. To strengthen it, you need to write down the crumbs in the section. Most of all, sports such as swimming, dancing or tennis are suitable for her.


The female name Larisa, the meaning of which affects the working capacity of its owner, makes her a responsible employee. The girl tries to fulfill the duties assigned to her as efficiently and quickly as possible. When communicating with her, it seems that you will not meet a more businesslike person. And indeed it is. Career growth is one of the life priorities of a woman. She will do everything possible to break into the highest position, become an authority and leader in the team. At the same time, sky-high ambitions do not prevent her from treating all her colleagues equally and being friendly with them. Despite this, some employees do not like the girl due to the fact that she tends to dump her work on others.

Larisa can become a good linguist, teacher, literary critic and programmer. It can also be realized in the field of theater and cinema, show industry and sports. Such women make excellent organizers and talented leaders.


The name Larisa is perfect for girls who were born under the constellations of Scorpio or Aquarius. This combination will help emphasize strengths character of a woman, and make the weak more invisible. For example, the secretive and firm Scorpio is like the owner of the name like two drops of water. Under his influence, the girl will be purposeful and strong in spirit, will be able to decisively overcome life's obstacles. As for Aquarius, he will make Larisa softer, more inconsiderate, friendly, insightful and open.

When choosing a patronymic, you also need to pay attention to the meaning of the name. Larisa Alexandrovna, Arturovna, Grigorievna, Illarionovna - this combination is considered unacceptable. Instead, the following middle names would be ideal: Andreevna, Borisovna, Viktorovna, Nikolaevna, Leonidovna and Timofeevna. As for men, for marriage, Larisas need to choose a partner with the name Arkady, Andrey, George, Denis, Maxim, Nikolai, Peter and Yuri. Less suitable are Valery, Grigory, Ivan, Sergey and Eduard.

The planet that patronizes the name Larisa is Mars. Lucky colors are blue and green. Clothing of this color must be worn for important meetings and important events. The lucky stone is jade. It must be worn as an amulet on the chest: the nugget will be able to protect the owner from trouble and the evil eye, and will attract luck and success.

Larisa loves animals very much, especially Siamese cats. If you decide to get a dog, most likely, the choice will fall on a collie or a Russian greyhound. She carefully looks after her pet, participates with him in various exhibitions and competitions.

The meaning of the name Larisa greatly affects the fate of the girl. She, like a seagull, tirelessly circles over her lucky star, crying because she lacks the strength and determination to grab what is rightfully hers. In order not to miss the chance given by fate, a woman needs to constantly work on herself - so she will be able to break out of the vicious circle. Having cultivated sincerity and confidence in herself, Larisa will be able to become truly happy.

Larisa is a name with a combination of amazing morals and opposites, but popular all over the world. She is like a volcano preparing to erupt.

Synonymous forms: Lara, Laura, Lyalya, Larusya, Risa. The horoscope named after Larisa is of interest not only to its owners, but also to all her relatives.

From the history

The history of the name begins in ancient times. According to some sources, there are three legends about the origin of the name Larisa:

  • Larissa is a city in Greece, whose name means "fortress" in translation.
  • The origin of the name Larisa tells about the existence of the nymph Larissa, whose ridiculous death occurred on the banks of the river during ball games.
  • Translated from the Latin larus - "seagull".

Orthodox protector (guardian angel) - martyr Gotfskaya.

From birth

We will begin the characterization of the name Larisa, perhaps, from the very birth of its owner. A newborn girl with a Greek name shows her temperament from the very beginning. The baby is characterized by both capriciousness and calmness, impulsiveness and vulnerability.

In early childhood, the baby can also observe leadership abilities. Parents should not stop such inclinations, but rather contribute to their development. After all, prudence, determination and self-confidence are integral features that allow you to achieve great success in life.

A tactful girl is quite secretive, but persistent. He likes to dream and fantasize a lot. Prefers to independently solve their problems that arise in childhood and adolescence. Very often there is not enough firmness and perseverance to quickly deal with their troubles, but they will not ask for help from relatives and friends.

In general, in the childhood of a girl there is a lot of joy and smiles. After all, Larisa is endowed with an excellent sense of humor, enthusiasm and a cheerful disposition. Her sociability and eloquence can only be envied. Overflowing energy endows the child with mobility, pampering and great activity. Such a girl will never sit still, charging the people around her with her lightness and fun.

Health is the most precious thing

As the meaning of the name Larisa tells, the health of its owner from an early age is good. The only thing a child can get sick with is a few colds. But for a real dreamer, bed rest is a great time to devote to your thoughts and silence.

The weak side of the baby may be the nervous system. It all depends on the parents. Calmness, love and mutual understanding in the family will save the girl from frustration and irritation.

When baptized, there is no need to rename the child. The female name Larisa is Orthodox.

Teenage years

The secret of the name Larisa suggests that the perseverance and perseverance of a teenager brings good results in studies. She is ready to fight to the end and learn what she still does not know how or does not work out perfectly. An incredibly strong desire for knowledge makes Larisa an excellent student in all subjects, especially those in which she is interested.

What else can the meaning of the name Larisa tell? In the "dangerous" periods of adolescence, parents should be more attentive to their child. The girl, closing in on herself, develops selfishness and cold towards others, which in the future may affect her already not simple character. It is best for a mother to educate. After all, usually a girl from childhood is attached to her. If mom has Bad mood, she is irritable, then the daughter will grow up eccentric. A teenager should not be scolded, punished and shouted. A calm conversation in a relaxed atmosphere will make the girl think more about her behavior and come to the right decision.

In her youth, Larisa is a real owner. It is not recommended to touch the personal belongings of the child. Striving for order, beauty, and comfort, a girl can uneasily react to “entering” her personal territory.

Friendship is strong

In the meaning of the name Larisa there is information about the attitude of its owner to friendship. Her excessive desire for perseverance and dominance over everyone can cause a lot of problems in adolescence. The leader girl tries to surround herself with the same strong people as if filled with their energy.

The nature of the name Larisa in adulthood

grown woman with a Greek name - a real leader in life. Innate leadership qualities are applied everywhere. A self-sufficient and sociable woman achieves high altitudes his perseverance and determination. The unique combination of temperaments allows you to "win back" the best place both in society and in the family circle. Her family is her castle. She is a wonderful wife and caring mother, an excellent housewife and an attentive friend.

In personal relationships, Larisa is patient, but persistent, ready to take on many important decisions. However, a woman will not tolerate lies and hypocrisy. This nominal form deeply appreciates devotion and loyalty, and not duplicity and betrayal. And there can be no exceptions.

Points of contact with the opposite sex

Relationships with men, unfortunately, Larisa is very difficult. The reason for this is not the partner himself, but the temperament of the woman, her requirements and expectations. Despite her excellent personal qualities, the charismatic Larisa cannot boast of female happiness. In her youth, a girl does not think about marriage and family, as a result of which gentlemen change like gloves. She easily falls in love, throws herself into the pool with her head, but as soon as she notices a flaw in a man, she breaks off relations.

Such a confident person has been looking for her soul mate for a long time. After all, men, as a rule, are afraid of women with excessive demands. Therefore, a potential partner avoids personal relationships, considering himself much weaker. If the lady does not take the situation into her own hands, then she risks being left alone. Femininity and the desire for motherhood wake up Larisa very late. A man chosen as a companion will receive unearthly affection and tenderness, and the children will grow up in a loving family.

Name Larisa: fate, marriage

True love and serious relationships come with age to a romantic nature. She looks at the opposite sex with different eyes, tries to please a man, takes care of his feelings, but at the same time does not forget about herself. With her husband's relatives, especially with her mother-in-law, Larisa converges easily and quickly. A complaisant and caring wife pleases not only with her presence, but also with tact and sociability.

In rare cases, a girl with that name can take loved ones by surprise with her early marriage or intrigue with a married man.

The best compatibility zodiac signs are Gemini and Aries. What is the name of Larisa? Eugene, Victor, Vitaly are ideal for creating a marriage.

The most successful union will be with Sergey. Both people are similar in character, worldview - romantic and charming, and excellent compatibility will be noticed already at the first meeting. A beloved companion with a sharp mind and a strong character only flatters Sergei.

Not suitable for marriage: Maxim, Valery, Yuri, Arkady.

The influence of the seasons on temperament

The meaning of the name Larisa is very dependent on the time of year when its owner was born. Born in the spring - overly demanding and dependent on the emotional state. Their beauty and charm quickly attract men. However, an independent woman will pay attention only to a wealthy and appreciating material wealth of a gentleman. In addition, a man must have strong endurance and the ability to communicate on an equal footing.

Summer. Here, thanks to the combination of hot months and the origin of the name, an ardent temperament and a strong character are revealed. As a child, the girl is smart beyond her years, selfish in achieving personal goals. She is quite sociable, but she takes only those who are beneficial to her as friends.

The autumn months plunge a woman into a world of light irresponsibility and unrestrained fun. But this person is distinguished by great activity, purposefulness and craving for work. Despite the ability to speak beautifully and friendliness, he rarely tells anyone about his experiences and shows weakness. In the eyes of others, Larisa will always remain steadfast and cheerful.

Winter - harsh weather, it would seem, should bestow a girl and But winter Larisa is sensual, good-natured and restrained. In some situations, even sacrificial. Will not tolerate betrayal and lies. A positive person takes unpleasant stories too close to her heart, and criticism of others can hurt Larisa, as a result of which prolonged depression often follows. However, the lady does not have to be sad. Due to her temper and hot energy, a woman rarely receives comments in her address.

Working moments

Larisa is highly valued in the work team. She often changes the place of her activity, trying to combine several cases into a single whole. Thus, the woman is trying to save precious time. With competitors, a professional leader is ready to enter into an overwhelming struggle, where he will definitely win thanks to perseverance and ingenuity.

Rest for such a workaholic is only a dream. In her opinion, weekends, and even more so holidays, are a waste of time. But even such an active and purposeful person should reconsider her opinion. After all, a huge mission is placed on the fragile female shoulders.

But most importantly, Larisa will never talk about personal plans and goals if she is not sure of their positive result. Until the goal is reached, no one around will stop it.

What profession should a woman named Larisa choose? Of course, an educated lady with perseverance and perseverance will achieve success in theory. Researcher, educator, manager or administrator are her ideal areas. Based on the meaning of the name, you can try your hand at the stage of the theater, cinema or in show business. However, if there is no reliable shoulder and connections, then it is too difficult for a girl to break into the artistic world on her own.


One can only be surprised at Larisa's activity and stamina. How much strength and energy she has! However, despite the cheerfulness of the sport for Larisa in the background. She will not waste time on enhanced and hard training, torturing her body.

Comfortable travel and books - that's what a romantic nature is ready to talk about for hours. She is ready to talk about the most interesting places, favorite corners of the world, about the most vivid impressions.

Eloquence and desire for ideal images"push" the girl to additional favorite activities - visits to beauty salons, shopping, meetings at evening celebrations.

Children are another weak point of a woman. Her charm, softness and openness attract children. She easily and quickly finds with them mutual language while remaining fair and responsible.

A successful marriage and a favorite job may well make the charming and independent Larisa happy.

Translated from the ancient Greek language, the name Larisa means "seagull". Larusse was the granddaughter of the sea god Poseidon - according to legend, Larisa is a derivative of this name.

There are other versions of the origin of the name, for example, "laros" in ancient Greek means "sweet" or "pleasant", and the Latin "laris" is translated as "guardian spirit". Also in Greece there was a city called Larissa. Thus, there is no single version of the origin of the name Larisa.

In Russia, this name appeared much later than other Christian names, and until the end of the 18th century, girls were not baptized with this name. In the 19th century, the name began to appear mainly among the nobility, but it was not widely used. The name gained popularity in the 20-30s of the last century, and in the sixties every tenth newborn girl was called Larissa.

Now this beautiful and modest name is used quite rarely. Meanwhile, among its owners there are many outstanding women, such as actresses Larisa Guzeeva and Larisa Golubkina, singer Larisa Dolina, poetess Larisa Rubalskaya, writer Larisa Vasilyeva, sportswoman Larisa Lazutina and many others.

Name days and patron saints

The patroness of all Laris is the holy martyr Larisa Gotfskaya. The girl was born into a Christian family in the 4th century, and from early childhood she was very pious. When King Athanaric came to power in Gothia (modern Romania), Christians began to be severely persecuted. One day, Larisa came to the church to pray, when pagan warriors appeared there and offered her to leave the church forever and renounce Christ. The girl refused, and then the soldiers closed the doors of the church and set it on fire. Larisa Gotfskaya burned alive.

The icon of St. Larisa is prayed for a worthy passage of life, it protects from disappointment and prevents rash acts.

Name characteristic

Most Laris are attractive women who are not endowed with special natural beauty, but who are dedicated to poems and songs that men dream of. This is a creatively gifted, independent and independent person, always striving for leadership.

Larisa knows how to work hard, focus on the main thing and not be distracted by extraneous things. However, she often sets herself unattainable goals, and then her strong character develops into aggression and anxiety, which Larisa tries to hide from others. Discontent can be expressed in sharp outbursts of anger, but the woman quickly calms down. It contains a powerful potential for activity, which Larisa needs to find the right use for.

Larisa is very secretive, she will never share her personal experiences with outsiders, and she will not even burden her loved ones once again. She does not know how and will not pretend, so it is often difficult for her in life. If Larisa is not offended, she is a sweet and pleasant person, but if provoked, she becomes aggressive. Larisa has a sharp tongue and with her sarcasm she can make fun of her offender.

Larisa is ambitious, in order to achieve her goal she can resort to deception, forgery and intrigue. Most often, she manages to get her way, but at the same time she loses the trust of friends, relatives and colleagues. A woman always pays great attention to the collection of information that she knows how to use for her own purposes.

Larisa takes everything to heart, her causticity and arrogance is generated, first of all, by self-doubt, so Larisa has a lot of enemies. A woman can make a dual impression on others: she is both majestic and helpless at the same time. A woman will always prefer loneliness to a noisy society.

By nature, Larisa is an owner, she does not like to share her things, but she loves beautiful things and comfort. Nevertheless, despite the fact that Larisa gives the impression of an arrogant person, she knows how to deeply empathize and sympathize, she can sacrifice herself for the sake of another person.

She can look for excuses for other people's mistakes, but she does not forgive herself. It is hard for him to experience failures and disappointments, again and again mentally returning to unpleasant events. Larisa is always objective and not vindictive, but the insults inflicted leave a deep imprint in her soul.

Larisa in childhood

Little Larisa grows up as a calm and a little reserved child, preferring quiet games in solitude to noisy children's pranks. Larochka is very attached to her mother, and she will carry this attachment through her whole life.

At school, the girl is also modest and inconspicuous, she reads a lot and lives in her own fantasy world. She has a good memory, which allows her to study well. Despite the invisibility, Larisa is a very gifted child, but her talents must be noticed and developed in time.

A girl can grow up selfish if her parents allow her to withdraw into herself and not let strangers into her life. It is important for parents to explain to the child that others deserve attention and respect. It is worth giving a child a pet so that the girl learns to love and be responsible.

In adolescence, Larisa becomes difficult to manage, she can be naughty and even aggressive. In order to hide self-doubt, the girl will try to seem cheerful and frivolous, but this is not so. Parents and teachers should be as tactful as possible with a teenager so that she does not finally become overgrown with complexes. The transferred childhood mental traumas can torment her all her life.

Larisa's health

Having given their girl the name Larisa, her parents gave her good health and many talents. The baby will learn to walk and talk before her peers, and later to read and write. But she must be protected from unnecessary stress, as the girl is very sensitive. She does not need to constantly pull up or scold, it is better to explain everything calmly.

It is also better for a girl to give less sweets - adult Larisa will also have problems with her teeth. Physical education and massage will help to avoid back problems in the future, and the restriction in sweets will prevent diathesis from developing.

Possessing excellent health, however, Larisa loves to be treated and go to the doctors. A woman can even manipulate such behavior in the family, trying to achieve heightened attention and care from loved ones.

The girl is very dependent on her mother, so a nervous and constantly raising her voice parent can grow up the same unbalanced daughter.

Larisa's sexuality

In personal relationships, Larisa is not very lucky, as she is not intuitive and is too irritable. It always seems to a woman that something is missing in her partner, that she deserves better. At the same time, the complaisant nature of Larisa makes her a hostage to relationships, they burden her, but she does not dare to interrupt them.

Larisa really needs signs of attention from a man, she needs sympathy and support. Sex without love will never suit a woman. In intimate relationships, Larisa is gentle, subtle and sensual. He tries in every possible way to please his partner, goes towards all his desires. She is not the most passionate lover, but she will do everything to please the man she loves.

However, for Larisa, sex in field conditions is unacceptable - she is very sensitive to the situation. Stale sheets, haste and rudeness do not excite her at all. Candles, tender words, romantic atmosphere help Larisa to tune in the right way.

Larisa is married, compatibility with male names

Larisa most often marries late, and the dormant mercy and sacrifice are manifested in marriage. Late marriage will make a woman more balanced and less demanding, but early marriage is likely to end in failure.

Larisa becomes an excellent wife, faithful and caring. She can endure resentment and injustice from her husband for a long time, but she will never be able to forgive infidelity.

A woman does not try to re-educate her husband, she accepts him as he is. Larisa accumulates resentment for a long time, without splashing it out on her loved ones, so an attentive and tactful husband will become a real gift of fate for her.

Larisa is unlikely to become the perfect hostess, as he will devote a lot of time to work and his hobbies. She will not quit her job even if there is no lack of money in the family.

The mother from Larisa will turn out to be caring, even too much. It may happen that with her care and desire to keep everything under control, a woman will prevent her children from becoming independent and self-sufficient individuals.

Successful for Larisa will be a marriage with men named Andrei, Boris, Nikolai, Peter, Denis, Victor, Vitaly and Eugene. An alliance with Arkady, Valery, Yuri, Grigory, Ivan and Edward should be avoided.

Business and career

Everything finds a way out in work negative energy Larisa - she is given to her without a trace. Lack of initiative or knowledge is successfully replaced by diligence and diligence. She is so scrupulous that it can sometimes annoy and even interfere. A woman is more inclined towards theory than practice - she is well suited for research or scientific activities. In practical matters, Larisa tends to complicate and double-check everything.

In work, it is important for Larisa to know that the result depends only on her - she is not a team player and does not like to obey. In the team, Larisa is usually treated with caution, but without much hostility. A woman can shift her responsibilities to others, but in such a way that the impression remains that she is a very businesslike person and does everything herself. For Larisa is very important career, and she will do everything to walk up the career ladder. If necessary, he will go to intrigues and lies.

Larisa has leadership skills and is good at organizing events. He tries to establish good relations with business partners, carefully thinks through all his actions and decisions.

A woman can become a good programmer, teacher, translator or lawyer. Larisa achieves success in creative professions, such as a journalist, TV presenter, publisher, and so on. It will be successful for her to work in the police, detective or security agency.

Larisa can become a good professional in her field, but her intuition often fails her, and she, as a rule, remains completely unprotected in front of a world that goes beyond her professional activities. Once having come into the profession, she will never leave it.

Talismans for Larisa

  • The ruling planet is the Sun.
  • The patronizing zodiac sign is Aries.
  • Lucky season is spring, lucky day is Wednesday.
  • The lucky color is orange.
  • The totem animal is a golden-fleece ram. It symbolizes wealth and prosperity.
  • Totem plant - hawthorn and linden. In ancient Greece, linden was considered a symbol of marital fidelity and love, and the Slavs identified this tree with femininity, softness and tenderness. Hawthorn is a symbol of hope and renewal, a symbol of the coming of spring.
  • Talisman stone - aventurine, which is also called moonstone. It helps, first of all, creative people, but for those who crave power, aventurine will only bring trouble. The stone cannot be worn all the time, it must be worn only at significant moments in life.

Horoscope for Larisa

Aries- an egoist and an individualist, in whom feelings always prevail over reason. Easy-going, pleasant in communication, but very superficial both in deeds and in feelings. Larisa-Aries often makes mistakes, but regret is unusual for her, as well as a deep experience. Often falls in love, but not for long. A woman likes the process of courtship and romantic relationships, and as soon as the candy-bouquet period ends, she loses interest in a man.

Taurus- a born leader, a powerful and self-confident woman. She has a masculine mindset, in her character there is a minimum of sentimentality and a maximum of rigidity. In men, she causes timidity and admiration at the same time. As a husband, she needs a strong partner who will be able to wake up a weak woman in her.

Twins- groovy and cheerful talker, the soul of any company. You can talk with her on any topic, since Larisa-Gemini is an unusually erudite personality with an excellent sense of humor. woman bathes in male attention, but only an extraordinary person can keep her near him.

Cancer- a romantic and sentimental nature, about which they say "a person of mood." She can be cheerful and mobile, and in a minute indifferent and lazy. Larisa-cancer really needs support and praise, any criticism leaves deep wounds in her soul. She needs a man, first of all, caring, and secondly - delicate.

a lion- an authoritative person who loves worship and admiration. Her main feature is devotion. It is difficult to get along with Larisa Leo, but having won her favor, you can be sure that she will become the most devoted and reliable friend or wife. Betrayal does not forgive anyone. She rarely changes her mind about a person who once showed his true self.

Virgo- an insecure woman who tries her best to seem like a vamp. She has a delicate and sensitive soul, she is an excellent friend and ally. If Larisa-Virgo gains self-confidence, she can become a successful creative unit, because she is very talented. The woman is in dire need of strong man which will give her confidence.

Scales- an intelligent and delicate personality, looking for harmony and balance in everything. A woman is able to go headlong into love, forgetting about her career and hobbies. Often unsuccessful love puts an end to her as a creative person. If Larisa-Libra has everything in her personal life in order, then her career is being built successfully.

Scorpion- energetic, strong-willed nature, trying by any means to achieve the desired. Her life is full of events and drama, she knows better than anyone what others should do, but does not know at all how to become happy herself. Larisa-Scorpio is a very strong personality, and this power can both elevate her and destroy her.

Sagittarius- a charming woman, before whom few can resist. She values ​​her freedom very much, loves communication and travel. Larisa-Sagittarius will become her husband the most kind and loving wife, but on condition that he shares her interests.

Capricorn- an ambitious young lady, with iron willpower. Larisa, born under this sign, has incredible patience and perseverance. Even when faced with insurmountable difficulties, a woman will never give up her ambitions. She is a reliable friend and faithful wife, whom you can always rely on in a difficult situation.

Aquarius- open and trusting nature, with a calm character. Bright impulses of passion are alien to her, but she will be devoted to her partner. Larisa-Aquarius always looks at the world positively, however, she knows how to think and plan rationally. That's just excessive credulity sometimes fails her.

Fish- a sensitive and vulnerable person, completely incapable of meanness. She is ready to sympathize and help all those in need, to sacrifice her ambitions for the benefit of others. Larissa. Born under the sign of Pisces, you should learn to trust your intuition, and not be led by others.

Full name:

Church name:

Meaning: from the name of the Greek city of Larissa / Larissa
from the ancient Greek word "laros" - "sweet", "pleasant"
from the Latin word "larus" - "seagull", "fortress"
from the Latin word "laris" - "guardian spirit"

The meaning of the name Larisa - interpretation

The meaning of the name Larisa is ambiguous. There are at least three different versions, each of which explains the origin of the word in its own way.

In anthroponymy, a version stands out, suggesting that the name of the female name comes from the word "Larus", which has Latin roots. It can be translated as "fortress" or "seagull". Often the origin is associated with the name of the city of Larissa, which existed many centuries ago in Ancient Greece.

Another version suggests that the name of the name gave the word "laris", which can be interpreted as "guardian spirit". The etymology of this term originates in Latin. Some researchers are convinced that the name comes from Greek mythology. One of the granddaughters of Poseidon was called the nymph Larissa. Another version connects the modern name with the ancient Greek epithet "laros", which means "sweet" or "pleasant".

Name Larisa in other languages

Astrology named after Larisa

Favorable day: Wednesday

Years later

As a child, Lara is distinguished by modesty and obedience. It grows somewhat closed and inconspicuous. At school, she is overshadowed by the more active girls.

The child has an excellent memory and reads a lot. This allows little Larisa to avoid problems in her studies. But already in childhood, Laura shows her possessive habits. She can't stand it when her toys, books and things are taken. The girl is in very close contact with her mother.

This is a calm girl. Studying is given to Lara quite easily. However, her performance depends very much on her life idols and company of communication. Parents should be attentive to the child's social circle.

This name is suitable for girls born under the constellations of Aquarius, Scorpio and Aries. You should not call babies that were born under the signs of Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus.

In the life of this teenager there will be quite a few problems, the craving for leadership and the desire to control and manage everyone who is in her social circle are to blame. She does not forgive mistakes, avoids compulsive and complaisant personalities, surrounding herself with stronger ones, from whom she will have something to learn.

This is a purposeful, decisive, assiduous, as well as stubborn and persistent girl. He makes every effort to learn what he does not know how. She is an excellent student, obligatory and diligent, but this will concern only those subjects that are very interesting to her.

However, the girl Larisa is very vulnerable. She does not tolerate loneliness and takes everything to heart. Failures and defeats endure for a long time. Nevertheless, Lara is in no hurry to share her emotional experiences with someone. She will prefer to deal with everything personally, even if it is not an easy problem.

Adult Larisa is insightful and smart. She does not forgive weaknesses and is intolerant of the shortcomings of other people. She can break off relations with a man if he does not close the tube of toothpaste or snores in his sleep. But with age, a woman changes. She becomes more merciful, gentle, calm.

Larisa is characterized by the ability to lead, she is quite capable of organizing an event. However, only a narrow specialty can become a professional. For this woman, it’s scary to let someone down, so she always tries to think through every detail of her decision. This is a decisive, sociable, self-sufficient and conscious person. Larisa is able to establish good relations with any business partner.

With a reliable partner, she will be able to create a strong and indestructible family - she will be an impeccable housewife, an interesting, attentive and faithful wife, a loving and caring mother.

Larisa's character

Honesty, straightforwardness and openness are fundamental positive traits character of Larisa. She has good feeling humor, friendly attitude and simplicity, ease of communication. She does not like to play the right role in society. It's easy and simple with her.

This is a rather sensitive and picky person in people. It's not easy to fool her. Lara will shun dubious persons who intend to use her kindness for selfish purposes. Boastful people make her suspicious.

Larisa is a rather insecure person. To hide this from the view of the people around her, she becomes caustic and harsh. Her statements often become caustic and caustic.

A woman named by this name is very vulnerable. In combination with intolerance, this creates a lot of problems for her in communicating with people, especially with the opposite sex. She is demanding and scrupulous, such is her natural essence. These traits often turn out to be hypertrophied, which causes problems with colleagues.

The fate of Larisa

Lara does not like to be frank and expose her personal life. A huge role in the fate of a woman is played by a career and children. She is ready to devote her whole life selflessly to them. Households often use this without a twinge of conscience. They sit on her neck, because only the patience and wisdom of this woman keeps the whole family.

Larisa is vulnerable, but she does not show her experiences and feelings, which she takes to heart, outwardly. She was not used to imposing them on others. Lara is tactful, modest, submissive. Often, Lara is called weak-willed, since her lack of determination does not allow her to say “no” where necessary.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Larisa loves to talk, but does not strive to work. She tends to complicate everything, create problems for herself and the people around her.

Larisa can become an excellent scientist, teacher, researcher, trainer, librarian. If she has reliable partners, then it will be easy for her to succeed in cinema, sports, show business. She builds business relationships on respect and sympathy. She is disgusted by inconstancy and laziness.

In business, Laura aims for honesty and direct relationships. For this reason, often remains deceived.

Marriage and family

Adult Larisa is used to putting her family and her well-being at the forefront. Usually Lara late and consciously enters into marriage. She needs to accept the man and be more tolerant so that the marriage becomes happy.

She turns out to be a faithful, caring, loving wife. She does not contradict her husband and tries to please her mother-in-law in everything. She values ​​her children very much. He also loves other people's babies. The only thing she will not forgive her chosen one is treason. A woman will be able to accept everything else in her spouse.

She can create a strong marriage with Victor, Andrei, Eugene, Artem, Ippolit, Vitaly.

Sex and love

Larisa cannot be called amorous. The owners of the name do not enjoy particular success among the representatives of the opposite half. The thing is that they often express their dissatisfaction with everything around. Men do not like this, and therefore the romance ends before it flares up with all its might. Love relationships with Yuri, Valery, Arnold, Maximilian and Benjamin are especially difficult.

In intimate relationships - tender, thin, sensitive.


Most Laris are born healthy and strong. Sometimes the owners of the name are faced with heart disease and rheumatism. The nervous system is often weakened. Sometimes, due to heredity, Laura suffers from scoliosis. To avoid such problems, it is recommended to enroll her in the pool as a child and systematically conduct massage courses.

During her school years, Laura can suffer from diathesis and tonsillitis. To avoid dental problems, it is worth limiting the consumption of sweets. Larisas born in March are considered the weakest. Her parents will have to pay a lot of attention to her health.

Interests and hobbies

Women named this beautiful church name are often ambitious. Their hobbies prove it perfectly. Often Lara is fond of jurisprudence. She may be interested in programming and economics. Often, it is with hobbies that she connects her future career, since her natural abilities are only enough for her to develop in one direction.

Energetic Firm Sociable

Larisa Guzeeva, actress, TV presenter

  • Meaning of the name
  • Impact on the child

What does the name Larisa mean?

This modest and beautiful name is now rarely used in Russia. The meaning of the name Larisa endows her bearer with sociability, diligence, expressiveness, attractiveness, high intelligence.

Throughout her life, she tries to balance the two main qualities of her character: an explosive choleric temperament and the ability to deeply empathize and sacrifice herself for the well-being of other people.

Analyzing what the name Larisa means, we come to the conclusion that there is a powerful potential for activity in her, which does not have a specific direction.

Her cheerfulness and firmness are constantly striving for balance, so Larisa's mobility can manifest itself with aggressiveness. This is especially true of adolescence, when Lara is most restless and unbalanced.

She tries to hide her inner conflict behind some kind of mask.

Middle names are suitable for Larisa: Borisovna, Adrianovna, Iosifovna, Leonidovna, Kirillovna, Timofeevna. Alekseevna is a calm, disinterested and sociable woman. Andreevna has a sensitive, selfish and persistent nature. Evgenievna is trusting, good-natured and persistent. Dmitrievna is an emotional, unbalanced, proud and proud person.

Would you name your child by this name?

This name appeared on Russian soil from Ancient Greece. Some researchers suggest that it comes from the name of the city of Larissa, which was located in ancient Greece. According to another version, the word “larus” is translated from Greek, which means “seagull”. Initially, the name of this bird was explained as voracious. There is another opinion: the name came from Greece and was formed from the word "laros", which means sweet. Arguing what the name Larisa means, we conclude that she is pleasant, sweet, beautiful like a seagull.

History recalls that this name is associated with Greek mythology. Larus, so called the granddaughter of Poseidon, the god of the seas and oceans.

The patron saint is Larisa Goftskaya, whose memorial day is celebrated on April 8. She was executed in Gothia for Christianity. She was a martyr who was burned in the temple during a service in the fourth century AD.

The origin of the name Larisa calls her famous namesakes. Alexandrovskaya is known as a folk singer, artist of the USSR. Golubkina is an actress. Latynina became famous as a Soviet athlete, won the title of master of sports, became a judge of the international category.

Name Forms

Simple: Lara Full: Larisa Ancient: LarisaAffectionate: Lariska

In the early years, Larisa grows up as a closed child. She looks like a modest and inconspicuous girl among active and bright peers, often unsure of her abilities.

At work, he shows himself to be a demanding and scrupulous employee. Because of these qualities, she has unnecessary problems both for herself and for others.

The characteristic of the name Larisa can tell that, having become an adult, she gives all her strength to her beloved work and her hobbies.

Able to prove herself in any field of activity, characterized by a gifted personality. Larisa will be able to show her talents in sports, show industry, theater, cinema, but she needs reliable partners to achieve career heights. Most often, she achieves success in philology, pedagogy, linguistics, and programming. She loves children and will be an excellent educator or teacher. The representative of the name is an excellent organizer, a talented leader.

In the description of Larisa, you can read that she prefers to communicate more with employees and colleagues, requires a respectful attitude towards herself. She needs the approval and support of others to develop. She prefers stability in everything, does not like to demonstrate her merits.

The entrepreneur Larisa is characterized by the following description: she honestly conducts her business, so she is often fooled around. If he feels deceit, he will definitely get to the bottom of the matter.

The owner of the name keeps at a distance from her bouncers, dubious types who can deceive or take advantage of her kindness for their own benefit.

Lara is characterized by a strong character, which can manifest itself in combination with aggression and anxiety. She is impulsive and quick-tempered. Internal conflicts can burst out violent outbreaks that are unpleasant to others.

Larisas often set difficult goals for themselves. She is tormented by the contradiction between her requests and the real world around her.

The secret of the name Larisa reveals in its bearer simplicity in communication, kindness, a subtle sense of humor.

She tries to organize everything in order. This woman is a defender of justice. She does not like to be hypocritical, so it is easy to establish contacts with her.

She is peaceful, but when her personal interests are hurt, then she becomes aggressive and angry. Knows how to defend himself, defend his views, sharp on the tongue, can make fun of anyone.

Larisa has a vulnerable and sensitive nature, she takes all problems to heart.

Its character is dual: it perfectly combines dynamism and calmness, smoothness and sharpness, openness and sensuality, firmness and weakness.












In a love relationship, this woman composes poetry, sings serenades. Intimately, it demonstrates tenderness, subtlety and sensuality, but does not fully reveal itself, is restrained by its own mind.

Possessing a weak will, Larisa may find herself in the networks of a married man, and then she will not have enough strength to stop such a relationship.

AT family relationships accepts her husband with all his shortcomings, does not try to educate him.

It seems to others that she is very cold and reserved in the family, but this is only an external impression. He does not forgive betrayal, which is why he breaks off all relationships. She makes a faithful and reliable wife, a loving mother.

The meaning of the name Larisa for a girl

The name came to Russia from Ancient Greece. In Greek mythology, one of the beautiful nymphs was so called. It is believed that it was called ancient city in Greece. The name means "fortress".

In Russia, Larisa has become widespread, popular with young parents. The meaning of the name endows your baby with powerful active energy.

The girl behaves modestly and reservedly. She has a calm and reserved demeanor.

Sociable, hard-working child with high mental potential. Larisa is able to deeply empathize. The girl does not like to obey.

Larisa is impulsive, quick-tempered, is the owner. She has an active, bright nature that hides her feelings.

In what way will Larisa succeed?

At school, she enjoys studying literature, history, foreign languages. Exact sciences are not interesting for the girl, so she performs tasks through force. Larisa is not active at school.
From it will come out: a successful journalist, a talented teacher (philologist or linguist), a doctor, a hotel or hypermarket administrator, a lawyer, an enterprise manager, a manager, a bank employee.

It is necessary to help the child cope with doubts, to instill a sense of responsibility. For this purpose, get a puppy. By taking care of the animal, she will overcome her insecurities.

Parents need to promote the development of activity, find new hobbies for her, develop her as a person as early as possible. So you can cope with the internal weakness of Larisa.

What games will Larisa like?

Larisa lives in a fantasy world and dreams of the future. The girl is interested in astrology, magic, divination. She reads a lot, prefers the genre of science fiction and mysticism. Despite the fragile physique of Larisa, she is actively involved in sports.