Icon softening of evil hearts description. Strong prayer of the Seven-shot Mother of God - Softening of evil hearts

  • 14.10.2019

Enmity between people can take different forms- for some, it prevents them from studying at the institute and getting an education, while for others it completely spoils life.

Sometimes divine help in such a situation is simply necessary, therefore, in some cases, an akathist is read in front of the icon of Softening evil hearts.

For information on where to get the prayer text, read this article.

Akathist "Softener of evil hearts" text

It can be purchased along with a copy of the icon. In some collections of prayers there is an akathist to the icon "Softener of Evil Hearts".

Prayers are read not only when passions boil around you and enemies attack, take revenge or do very evil deeds, but also if you yourself cannot cope with your own anger, revenge and irritation.

Akathist is read daily before the icon, if:

  • You have become a victim of someone else's intrigue, conspiracy;
  • You are unfairly accused of what you did not do;
  • someone constantly sets the team against you at work or quarrels with loved ones;
  • You have been damaged;
  • enemies are trying to take revenge on you and destroy you;
  • there is a threat of military action;
  • close people are hostile against you;
  • You yourself can not cope with aggressiveness, resentment and anger.

Icon "Softener of evil hearts" and "Seven-shooter" difference

Despite the similarity and fullness of a similar meaning, the icons "Seven-shooter" and "Softener of evil hearts" are different.

The icon "Softener of Evil Hearts" is associated with the South-West of Russia. Little is known about her history today, but symbolically she shows the suffering of the Mother of God associated with enmity.

Number 7 by Orthodox canons means an excess of something, but in this context of human malice, which has a destructive effect on people and causes great suffering to the Mother of God.

On this icon, 3 swords pierce the heart with right side, the same number on the left and one below, in contrast to the Seven-shooter icon. The day of the icon "Softener of Evil Hearts" is celebrated in the dead of winter - February 15th.

The icon "Seven Arrows" has a different origin. It has 3 swords on the right and 4 on the left, unlike Softening Evil Hearts. The origin of the icon is due to the fact that it was found in the bell tower. The peasant who found it suffered from a lameness and before the icon was found, he saw a message in a dream in which he had to find an icon on the old bell tower.

The peasant told the people, but they did not believe him. But curiosity got the better of him and the lame man climbed the bell tower, where he found the icon in dust and dirt. It was attached to the floor like a board and everyone walked on it with their feet, which was the strongest blasphemy. After that, the peasant took out the icon and performed a prayer service in front of it.

After the icon was found, they forgot about it a little. But when the cholera epidemic hit in the 19th century, people begged the icon for salvation. Soon the dangerous illness receded as suddenly as it began.

Another miracle happened in the era of the Great Patriotic War. The Italians, who fought on the side of Hitler, found the Seven-shot icon in one of the houses. They began to pray to her, christening her the "Don Madonna" and taking her to their homeland. It was there that she became recognized by Catholicism and various miracles and signs were performed before her.

Prayer "Softener of evil hearts" text in Russian

It is in the prayer book. The exact text in Russian can be purchased at any church along with a small icon. Brief prayer helps when not the heart is restless or if someone harbors anger at you.

For example, you have become a victim of bullying in a team, prejudice a teacher prevented you from getting credit or passing an exam, or if a loved one is aggressive and ruthless towards you, committing cruel acts.

Prayer to soften the heart of a loved one

Unfortunately, it is the people closest to us who strike us the hardest. There is nothing more painful than feeling angry at the person you love.

Prayer to soften evil hearts helps in such a situation, but there is no special prayer to melt the ice in the heart of a loved one.

It is enough to pray in front of the icon with the usual prayer to the Seven-shot Mother of God or read the akathist if the anger is strong.

However, in some cases, if you feel that you yourself are to blame for something, repentance will help. For example, if you offended a loved one and he cannot forgive you or cheated on him. Prayer also helps in the event of the appearance of a lover or rival in love.

Canon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Softener of Evil Hearts"

Canon helps if you're angry. In collections Orthodox prayers, which can be purchased at any church, there is an akathist, a prayer and a canon to the Most Holy Theotokos given above.

You can read them at least every day at home or during a church service, read to yourself in the temple, if you have memorized them.

The canon is read daily, preferably in the evening or at night. This is done so that nothing distracts you from prayer.

Prayer "Softener of evil hearts" where to order

This can be done in the temple or on the eve of the holiday "Softener of Evil Hearts" or "Seven Arrows". In some temples, for a fee, you can order it on any day of the week.

It is best to order a prayer service if arrows of evil are sweeping around you and you cannot resist the aggressiveness of others on your own. But prayer does not mean giving up the police or legal assistance or the support of a person who can help you deal with your enemies.

Modern youth is far from church life, knows little about the concept of prayer and various saints. Many have not even heard of the images of "Seven-strelnitsa" and "Softener of evil hearts."

Although there is a widespread belief that this is the same icon, there are a few subtle nuances, namely the location of the arrow-swords.

The history of the origin of the icon revered by believers is shrouded in legends and mysteries to this day.

Arrows on the icon "September" pierce the heart of the depicted and enter on two sides. On "Softening" - three each.

There are only seven arrows on both icons, because this number is symbolic, meaning the pain of the Mother of God, as well as seven sins. Wounding the heart of the Mother of God, they entail her torment, as it entails torment and malice in the souls of people.

These arrows also mean bloodshed, the victim of which will fall her son Christ, the Savior of our souls and martyr.

The icon "Softener of Evil Hearts" usually represents the Most Pure Mother of God with arrows in her chest. Also, this image can be found in a variation when she is depicted together with Jesus Christ in the form of a baby sitting on her lap.

These icons are a charm in any room. If such an icon is located in the house, evil and envious people will no longer visit it.

If a person with bad intentions appears on the threshold of the house, who is dissatisfied with your happiness and, consciously or unconsciously, tries to harm, he will soon become ill and leave the premises. It is best that the icon “sees” the entrance to the housing.

Rules for reading a prayer

Prayer "Softening of evil hearts" entails calm, harmony of soul and body. You can pronounce it anywhere, be it a church or an apartment.

No matter the day: special Orthodox holiday optional to talk to a saint. The main thing is to have the face of the Virgin before your eyes.

If the soul is restless, it is read at least on a daily basis. But, if there is no mood and you don’t want to turn to the Virgin Mary, or you simply want to be alone with yourself, you should not turn to the Saint, as if doing her a favor.

Before turning to the icon with prayer words, it is recommended to light three church candles. When reading a prayer, it is important to look at the flames.

When reading a prayer, it is important not only to pronounce the memorized words, like a spell, but to delve into the texts, passing them through oneself. Strong faith is important - without it, appeals to the Saints will not bring the expected positive results.

It is sincerity in one's prayers that is the main guarantee that the spoken words will reach heaven. Due to a lack of faith, insincere suppliants do not get what they want, and subsequently, they question the healing power of prayer.

The original prayer of the seven-shot Mother of God "Softener of Evil Hearts" has been preserved on Old Church Slavonic, but, for convenience, was subsequently translated into modern Russian.

You don't have to learn it by heart. Interpretations are possible, depending on the specific request to the Saint. This is not a spell that needs to be pronounced word for word, but a request for the salvation of the soul.

You need to speak as if you are addressing a good old friend, but do not forget about respect. Read prayer words from the heart. You can ask not only for yourself, but also for loved ones who need heavenly intercession.

Prayer text

“Virgin Mary of Grace, hear me, but my kontakion to the chosen virgin Mary the Most High, you, absorb. Erase from my heart all malice and enmity that I share among family members and direct at my beloved.

Fill our human hearts with love, as the heart of the Lord God is filled with it. Do not leave me, the son of God (daughter of God (name) in sorrows and temptations of the earth. Hear the words of the prayers of those who have, protect our mournful life on earth from suffering, soften our hearts.

Receive us, give us the power of great knowledge about patience. Grant us the ability to forgiveness and mercy to each other and to our enemies, their hearts pray for help to higher powers.

Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy, this prayer is addressed to you. We are touched by your suffering and mercy for us, and we kiss your wounds from the arrows of the devil with the love of children who are ready for anything for their mother.

Rejoice, Mother, this strong prayer is directed to you, but hear it and come to the aid of us, believing Christians, your earthly children. Amen".

The Mother of God is addressed not only with the desire to improve relations between people. Also, prayers are offered to her during hostilities, when it is important to eliminate the enemy or weaken him in the name of victory.

“Mother of God, softening the suffering of her earthly children, I read this kontakion in your name. I appeal to you, all the daughters of Mother Earth, son of God.

I call on him, (name): send an arrow to our enemies. If you help in the salvation of souls and bodies, we will sing to you with all the Saints. Amen".

Situations in which the appeal to the Mother of God will help

Prayers will bring about the following positive changes:

  • overcoming enemy feelings and their elimination;
  • elimination of malicious envious people;
  • victory over all sorts of ailments;
  • relieve stress and calm the nerves;
  • the expulsion of anger and outbursts of anger.

With the help of prayers, you can also get rid of quarrels and scandals among the family, between friends and lovers. Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos will protect against unforeseen aggression, because all unjustified intolerance towards others is the machinations of the Devil, who is trying to capture our sinful souls.

Prayer helps to cope with loneliness. When your soul feels bad, you need outside support, and there is no one to ask for help, talk to the icon of the Virgin about all the exciting cases from life, ask her for advice.

During the appeal to her, in the head, as if by itself, a solution to the problem will appear, which will become the only true one. Do not hesitate, this is a hint from higher powers that heard your sincere prayers.

In addition, soon, a satellite may appear in your life that will pass with you. life path side by side, until the very end.

Some researchers believe that the earliest images of the Virgin began to appear during her lifetime. The icon "Softener of Evil Hearts" stands apart from all others for several reasons. Distinctive feature This image of the Ever-Virgin is that next to her there is no baby Christ. And the presence of swords or daggers aimed at the heart of the Virgin makes this icon completely unique in meaning. According to the Gospel of Luke, the elder Simeon the God-bearer had been expecting the Messiah for a long time, because he knew from the Holy Spirit that this meeting was destined for him before his death. Seeing the infant Christ and taking him in his arms, the saint first said a prayer over him, and then predicted to Mary her spiritual path, associated with many sufferings of the heart.

"Simeon's Prophecy"

Simeon the God-bearer read in the Jerusalem temple over the baby Christ, who was born 40 days ago, a prayer, pronounced since then by the priests at the end of the evening service:

Now let your servant go, Master, according to your word, in peace...

And then the elder turned to the Mother of God with a prediction, later referred to as "Simeon's prophecy":

Behold, this lies for the fall and rise of many in Israel and for the subject of controversy, - and to You Yourself a weapon will pierce the soul, - so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed.

It should be understood as follows: the soul of the Blessed Virgin suffers from unbearable pain at the sight of the torment of the Son on the Cross; and then she will begin to see all the secret thoughts of the surrounding people about the Son of God, and the ways in which they will come to a decision: are they with Him or with His enemies. This prophecy became the basis for the plot for painting the icons of the Mother of the Savior.

Many believers who turn to the icon of the Mother of God in moments of spiritual sorrow with a Prayer for the softening of evil hearts feel how the heartache and the fear subsides. And when a person is in a calm state of consciousness, then his thoughts become peaceful, and he can assess the situation more objectively. And it often happens that problems that previously seemed unsolvable and offensive, actually become tasks for the soul of a person, sent to him for his teaching. Such is the power of prayer to the icon of the Mother of God "Softener of evil hearts."

Description of the icon

According to the canons, the heart of the Mother of God on the icon "Softener of Evil Hearts" is pierced by seven swords: three swords on the right, three swords on the left, and one from below. In accordance with sacred meaning the number "seven", the number of swords symbolizes the fullness and boundlessness of the suffering experienced by the Most Pure during the period of Her life.

On some icons, the Mother of God is depicted with the baby Christ sitting on Her lap, but most often She is written alone, while:

  • Her head is slightly tilted to the right or left, but the position can be straight;
  • hands are positioned in such a way as if they are closing a deep wound in the heart;
  • characteristic in-depth look;
  • in Her appearance there is deep pain and at the same time humility.

On the earliest icons, the Most Pure One could be depicted in full growth.

There are images of the Mother of God, in which she is in inexpressible suffering next to the crucified Son. However, such plots were used more often among Catholics.

There is no reliable information about the origin of the icon, but there are many versions.

Protection method

When all the known earthly remedies for the fallen misfortunes have been exhausted, a person usually remembers the Divine protection. A prayer for the softening of evil hearts is read in front of the icon of the Mother of God of the same name: at the same time, they mention not only themselves and loved ones, but also enemies. Possibly when contacting Higher powers you realize that many situations were provoked by you. Then the attitude towards enemies will change, and peace and tranquility will come in the soul. Turning to the Most Pure One with a Prayer for the softening of evil hearts, one can read "Troparion, tone 5":

Soften our evil hearts, O Theotokos, and quench the misfortunes of those who hate us, and resolve all the narrowness of our soul, looking at Your holy image, we are touched by Your suffering and mercy and kiss Your wounds, but our arrows, You torment, are horrified. Do not give us, Mother of Mercy, to perish in our hardness of heart and from the hardness of our neighbors, Thou art truly evil hearts Softening.

In any case, it should be remembered that the reality surrounding us is a mirror of our internal state.

Icon "Seven Arrows"

This icon is almost identical in plot to the "Softener of Evil Hearts". Nevertheless, the Mother of God is depicted on the "Seven Arrows" alone, without the baby Christ, with a slight tilt of her head to the right.

The same seven swords are present on the icon, but they are unevenly located on the right and left sides: three swords are pierced on the right side, and four on the side of the heart.

The celebration in honor of the "Seven-strelnaya" takes place on August 26 in a new style. On this day, the Prayer for the softening of evil hearts is especially strong, and thanks to it, long-standing enmity subsides and mercy arises in the hearts of enemies.

The history of finding the shrine

In the Vologda region and now there is a river Toshnya. Once upon a time there was a church in honor of John the Evangelist located on its bank, located in the Kadnikovsky district of the Vologda province. The peasant of this county suffered, as they said then, from a weakening of the bones: with this disease, he had to rely only on the Lord. Once he had a dream in which he was ordered to climb the bell tower of the church, find the image of the Mother of God there and ask Her for health.

The peasant begged for a long time the ministers of the Church of St. John the Theologian to let him in, but they, fearing that he was "out of his mind", refused. On the third attempt, he nevertheless got inside the church: intently examining each step, the peasant made his way to the bell tower. And only at the last step did he discover what he was looking for: it was wooden plank, on which the face of the Most Pure appeared.

The clergy cleansed the shrine and served a prayer service, after which the peasant who saw the dream regained health. This Orthodox icon began to show miracles, one of which was the deliverance in 1830 of the Vologda province from cholera. Exactly then miraculous shrine Dmitry Prilutsky was transported to the Vologda Church and soon went around the city with the "Seven Strelnaya". The procession turned out to be miraculous: cholera was gone. Prayer BM "Softening of evil hearts" is also offered in case of illnesses of the soul and body. In this case, you can read the Kontakion:

To the Chosen Virgin Mary, the highest of all the daughters of the earth, the Mother of the Son of God, who gave Him the salvation of the world, we appeal with tenderness: look at our many-sorrowful life, remember the sorrows and illnesses, you endured them, like our earthly one, and do with us by Your mercy , let's call Ti:

Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.

The inhabitants of Vologda were shocked, and the merchants and influential citizens suggested that the rector of the Church of St. John the Theologian transfer the shrine to a new temple for storage, which was planned to be built specifically for the miraculous icon.

However, the priest refused, so a list was made with the "Semistrelnaya", which remained in the Dmitrievskaya Church until 1930, when, for obvious reasons, the service stopped. Services have now resumed in this church.

Further wanderings

As for the shrine, it returned to its temple, where it was once discovered, and for a long time helped the suffering, showing miracles. But the granule revolution of 1917, St. John the Theologian Church was closed in 1930, and then destroyed. Today, a cross stands in its place.

Believers hid the shrine, and despite repeated attempts by zealous communists to discover it, this idea failed. When the dark times passed, "Seven-strelnaya" was transferred to the Lazarevskaya Church in Vologda, where it is now.

The rector of the temple, Archpriest Alexy Sorokin, often travels with parishioners to the place of the initial acquisition of the shrine for worship. This usually happens on the Sunday of All Saints, on the first Sunday after Pentecost, and also on August 26th. It is on these days that a full prayer is read in front of the icon "Softener of Evil Hearts":

O Long-suffering Mother of God, Exceeding all the daughters of the earth, according to Your purity and the multitude of sufferings You have transferred to the earth, accept our many painful sighs and save us under the shelter of Your mercy. Otherwise, for refuge and warm intercession, are you not aware of it, but, as if you have boldness to the One Who is Born of You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we will unstoppably reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where with all the saints we will sing in the Trinity to the One God, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Researchers believe that the original "Semistrelnaya" is more than half a century old, but its list is about 250 years old. The storyline of both icons is almost the same.

How to pray

Get peace of mind in the turmoil of the world is not easy. However, when coming to the temple, many of us do not know how to begin communication with the shrines. Here simple rules, applying which, you will feel confident:

  • having crossed the threshold of the church - cross yourself;
  • women must have a headdress (scarf) with them;
  • go to the image of the Savior, put a candle and cross yourself;
  • go to the image you want, put a candle, cross yourself;
  • refer to the image of the Virgin: this can be done in your own words.

AT holidays dedicated to the Most Pure, in the temple you can hear the song-prayer "Softener of evil hearts." Its melody and lyrics are perfectly memorable.

If you attend services often, you will most likely soon be able to access the image Holy Mother of God with words of prayer.

Synchronized reading

A prayer is read according to the agreement "Softening of evil hearts" in cases where the efforts of more than one person are necessary to achieve a good goal.

The goals in this case can be both personal and public, for example, the speedy construction of a temple. In such cases, by prior agreement, the time for raising the prayer to the image of the Mother of God is set, and the time for its reading is also determined. With such a request, parishioners can be addressed, for example, by a priest.

Looking at yourself

There are times when the cause of your troubles lies not so much in the intrigues of enemies around, but in your internal irritation, rancor and similar feelings. How to deal with them?

Just go to the church and read the prayer in front of the "Softener of Evil Hearts" icon. In this way, you will help your own heart to become more tolerant and kinder.

When you look into the face Mother of God on the icon "Softening of Evil Hearts" - the meaning of prayer becomes extremely clear: peace in the soul can only be found by tireless work on one's own soul.

There is another interpretation of the plot of this icon: seven swords pierced into the heart coincide with the seven sins of a person. And therefore, first of all, it is necessary to overcome sins in ourselves: uncontrolled anger, black envy and greed; exorbitant gluttony, adultery, despondency, and also one of strong enemies man - pride.

Having come into this world, into this incarnation, everyone lives their own life, but there are moments when we realize that not everything is going well and smoothly for us. We wonder why this is happening?

Enemies wishing evil may also appear. And very often we pray to the Lord to help us deal with such situations and turn to prayers and icons.

One of the strongest prayers is the “softening of evil hearts” prayer, which helps with illnesses - mental and physical. They pray before the icon "Softening of Evil Hearts", it is also "Simeon's Prophecy" or "Seven-shot", confirming with its name the prophecies of Simeon the God-Receiver of the Mother of God, who lived a righteous life. Presumably, initially its image is considered to have come from South-Western Russia more than five hundred years ago, but there is no exact data on the birth of the icon.

On the icon, the heart of the Mother of God is served with pierced swords - three on the right, three on the left and one below, thereby affirming the full extent of the sadness of her earthly existence.

The seven-shot icon is close and identical in image to the icon “Softener of Evil Hearts”, which differs in the writing of swords - there are three swords on the right side of the Mother of God, and four on the left.

The swords depicted on the icon are also interpreted as 7 deadly sins, and it is necessary to pray for the softening of evil hearts before the image of the Mother of God to atone for these sins.

Healing Examples

Believers revere this icon, confirming their power in healing from all sorts of ailments. Thus, a peasant of the Vologda province, suffering from lameness, was healed. Treatment and healers could not help him, and the voice he heard during his sleep directed him to the bell tower of the Ionian Theological Church, where the icon of the Mother of God was located. Thanks to persistent searches, the icon was found upside down in the form of a ladder board. After bringing the image into proper form, a prayer service was served in front of it, and a miracle happened - the sick peasant was healed, and then there were many such examples.

This miraculous icon, surrounded by a religious procession around Vologda, the cholera epidemic was stopped in 1830, justifying the hope of people and giving even more faith in it. One of them is also the worship of the healing icon of the Italian believers. The story tells how during the Patriotic War, Italian mountain rifle soldiers who served in a unit in Belogorye - the south of the Voronezh region - came across a miraculous image of the Virgin and handed it over to Father Policarpo, who served as a military priest of the unit.

According to eyewitnesses, the icon formerly belonged to the Resurrection Belogorsky Monastery. The Italians called her the “Madonna of the Don”, and upon returning home, Father Policarpo brought her with him to a chapel specially built for her, which receives all those who mourn for the Italians who died in Russia.

Let faith into your soul

The Orthodox Church of Russia considers them to be representatives of the same type of icon execution and, accordingly, the days of their veneration were combined - August 13, according to the new style on August 26, and the week of All Saints. It is then that the spoken prayer is considered especially effective.

That is why it is recommended to apply with a prayer for the softening of evil hearts to an Angel with a pure heart and a bright soul. Pray only when you believe. If doubt has crept into the heart, then prayer should be postponed altogether until it is again filled with pious desires.

A sincere prayer to soften evil hearts, uttered in front of the icon, improves intra-family relations, protects from anger and emotional irritation, from attacks by enemies - the request will always be heard.

Prayer for the icon "Softener of evil hearts"

“O long-suffering Mother of God, Exalting all the daughters of the earth, according to Your purity and the multitude of sufferings You have transferred to the lands, accept our many painful sighs and save us under the shelter of Your mercy. For a different refuge and warm intercession, don’t you know, but, as if having boldness to the One from You born, help and save us with your prayers, so that we unstumblingly reach the Kingdom of Heaven, even with all the saints we will sing in the Trinity to the one God now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen."

It is best to light a church candle. Thus, you will improve the concentration of attention, as well as make visually the face on the icon as if alive. Even scientists note that visualization helps to fulfill dreams, and in particular, soften evil hearts.

The icon "Tenderness of Evil Hearts" depicts the Virgin Mary. Seven swords are pointed at her, symbolizing the suffering, pain, sins of man. The image has Native sister” under the name “Seven-strelnaya”. She is depicted in the same way with one difference - the arrows are located on two sides (on the left - 3, on the right - 4), and in the "Softener of Evil Hearts" one of the swords is located below.

Experts in icon painting identify two images. Often you can find the names of one under the image of another. Such a mistake is not considered gross. The celebration of the "Seven Shooter" and "Softener of Evil Hearts" takes place on the same day.

Origin of the icon

Nothing is known exactly about the origin of the shrine. Experts know that she is of Northern Russian origin. The original image was created a very long time ago, so no records of its history have been preserved.

An analysis of the image painted on canvas pasted on a board made it possible to determine that it belongs to the 18th century. This is evidenced by the type of paints, their condition. It is obvious that the examined canvas is a list from an earlier icon.

Interpretations of the image

The symbolism of the image is multifaceted. It can be interpreted in different ways, and each meaning will be correct in its own way. Three main explanations:

  • Gospel - associated with the lines of the Gospel, which were addressed to the Virgin Mary.
  • Swords - 7 sins that threaten every person.
  • Swords are a physical threat. The birth of Orthodoxy is associated with persecution. Everyone who preached the faith put himself in danger.

Gospel interpretation

On the appointed day, the Mother of God brought her baby to the temple - this was required by the Law of Moses. The local priest Simeon was enlightened - he spent his whole life in fasting and prayer, so he saw the souls of people, could prophesy and work miracles. He saw the holy spirit, understood that the newborn was the Son of God. Simeon told Mary about the greatness of her baby, but warned that she would suffer because of the sacrifice that her son would bring.

“And to You Yourself the weapon will pierce the soul, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be opened,” the prophet compared mental suffering with physical pain. The fact that there are seven swords on the icon is not an accident. The number means completeness, completeness.

"Simeon's prophecy" is the unofficial name of the icon. She found it because of the gospel lines.

7 Sins

7 swords - as seven sinful passions that threaten a person and destroy the soul: anger, envy, gluttony, adultery, despondency, greed, pride. During severe trials, they also threatened the Virgin Mary during her earthly life. But she did not succumb to sins and went her way with a humble soul and faith in the Almighty. It is believed that through the “Softening of Evil Hearts”, the Mother of God is able to discern any of the sinful feelings in a person and help get rid of him. The icon of the Mother of God reminds us that we must endure all life's hardships, believing in God and humbly obeying his will.

Miraculous acquisition of the image

According to legend, the image was found in the 17th or 18th century in one of the cities of the Vologda region. One peasant suffered almost all his life from lameness - neither doctors, nor healers, nor prayers helped. He had already lost hope of being cured and humbly carried his cross. Once, in a dream, a holy face came to him, who ordered him to visit the local Theological Church and find the image of the Mother of God in the bell tower, where the most dilapidated icons were kept.

At first, the priests did not believe the man and refused to let him go to the ancient shrines. He came three times and only on the third they took pity on him and went to the bell tower. But in the room itself there was not a single image of the Most Holy Theotokos. The peasant did not despair and continued his search. It turned out that the icon served as one of the steps, was covered with mud, and therefore was not seen before. It was an unforgivable sacrilege - they walked on the holy face with their feet. She was immediately washed and a prayer ceremony was held. The chromate has left the man.


In 1830, an epidemic of a terrible disease raged in the North of the Empire. She literally devastated Vologda and its outskirts. The then-reigning bishop blessed procession. "Softener of Evil Hearts" was moved to one of the churches in the city. Everyone could come and pray before the holy face for salvation. The epidemic soon subsided.

The fate of the image is unknown. Back in 1930, he was hidden in the Church of St. John the Theologian. It was closed and resumed its work relatively recently. But this shrine was not in it.

"Softener of Evil Hearts" - a new miraculous shrine

The acquisition of one of the miraculous images happened in our days. In 1997, a tragic event for the Orthodox world took place - the Iverskaya-Montrealskaya was stolen myrrh-streaming icon. She mysteriously disappeared the day her keeper died. After some time, the pious Russian woman Margarita bought the image “Softener of Evil Hearts” in one of the church shops.

Catastrophe prediction

At first glance, the shrine was no different from the others. But soon she began to stream myrrh. Moreover, she did this not haphazardly, but reacted to important events occurring in the world. The face of the Virgin changed when in 1999 Moscow was shaken by explosions of houses - black circles were clearly visible under the eyes, and the smell of incense began to be heard around the apartment. After the death of the Kursk, bloody wounds appeared on the shrine. To this day, the image is covered with drops of blood in anticipation of tragic events. Many who approached the shrine say that they did not leave the feeling of communication with a living being that understands them and sympathizes.

Wanderings of the shrine around the world

Now the icon is being carried around the world by Margarita's husband. A precious ark was created for her, a chapel was built. The list was present at the election of the new Patriarch of All Russia.

The keeper of the icon says that she herself chooses the paths of wandering and always finds herself where she needs to be. Any most logical plans of the owner always collapse in an instant, and what seemed incredible becomes possible.

What do they pray for

Many are interested in what the image helps with. Holy Mother of God is ours common mother, intercessor before God and the Son. Her image on "Softener of Evil Hearts" is prayed for various things:

  • to leave an evil thought, intention or to save their ill-wishers from them;
  • return to the true spiritual path, take away doubts in one's faith that appear in difficult situations;
  • many prayers to the shrine are directed to get rid of diseases, protect soldiers.

In fact, it is not so important why you pray in front of this or that shrine, what images of saints are on it. The main thing is that the petition be submitted with pure thoughts, from the bottom of the heart - then it will be heard and passed on to the Savior.