Is it possible to glue rubber boots: practical recommendations.

  • 14.06.2019

Rubber shoes are incredibly popular in the off-season. Yes, and in the gardens it is much more convenient to water and weed the beds, because no dirt and moisture are terrible. With proper care and selection of the manufacturer, such shoes will serve you for more than one year.

How and with what to seal rubber boots?

However, no one is immune from damage even to dense rubber. We offer two simple and affordable ways to glue rubber boots.

Caring for rubber boots

So that such a nuisance does not take you by surprise, you should properly care for rubber shoes. After all, even very good producers will not be able to guarantee the safety of your boots if they are not properly cared for.

First of all, learn how to properly clean. To wash rubber shoes, it is enough to take warm water, soft cloth and quite a bit of glycerin. Then appearance products will last for a long time. Make sure to keep your boots well ventilated to prevent mold growth.

After cleaning or use in very rainy weather, never put your shoes on a radiator, dryer or use a hair dryer. Dry only in a warm dry place or in a warm wind. If you purchased a model with a light or white sole, an ordinary school eraser will help make it brand new again.

How to glue rubber boots - a classic method

Even if you have taken very good care of your rubber shoes, sooner or later they can deteriorate. In such a situation, the question quite logically arises, is it possible to seal rubber boots, or will you have to go to the store for a new pair?

There is no need to panic, because it is quite possible to glue such a product. You don't even have to ask for help in repairs. From the materials and tools used, you will need glue, a solvent, a patch (it is usually cut out of old cameras from bicycles or strollers).

  1. Shoes should be thoroughly washed and dried, as discussed in the rules for the care of rubber boots.
  2. Cut out the patch to size. In addition to the cameras from bicycles, old rubber boots are quite suitable.
  3. Next, using a solvent, carefully degrease the surface of the shoe and the patch itself. Make sure that there are no pieces of cotton wool or threads from rags left on the treated area.
  4. To fix the patch, we use rubber glue such as Super Moment for rubber. If you wish, you can simply go to any nearest shoe repair point and ask the master to sell you some special glue for a nominal fee.
  5. First, we apply glue to the shoes and the patch, hold it for a while, then fix it. The exposure time is usually indicated on the tube.
  6. To keep the patch as tight as possible, it is usually tapped a little with a hammer or something similar.

How to seal rubber boots - an alternative

Sometimes the patch method is frustrating and you have to look for other ways to seal rubber boots. If you see after a while that it was not possible to close the hole, go to a sporting goods store. Many bike owners claim that more reliable way repair rubber boots, if they are torn - use a repair kit for bicycle tires.

Whichever method you choose, it is better to put on boots in a day, when the glue is completely dry and grabs well.

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EVA stands for ethylene vinyl acetate and is an environmentally friendly, durable, lightweight, resilient and elastic material. It does not absorb moisture and odors, it is easy to clean, in most cases it is used in the manufacture of shoes and has the disadvantage that it is not resistant to sharp tools, such shoes will pierce or cut even a knot if an unsuccessful step is made.

Therefore, repair is a rather urgent issue for EVA products. Universal adhesives will not work.

How to seal rubber boots made of PVC or EVA at home

EVA boots can only be glued with specialized material.

Characteristics of the adhesive composition

Sneakers, boots or winter fishing boots made of EVA material will be glued with quality only by the material of the same name, i.e. EVA glue.


  • waterproof;
  • does not spread;
  • able to tightly connect the gaps formed at the bend, as well as side and corner;
  • the repaired area remains almost invisible;
  • the product stays on the shoes for a long time, so that the damaged area is protected from re-damage;
  • the composition is consumed sparingly, as the manufacturer recommends applying it in a thin layer (otherwise the polymerization process is difficult);
  • inexpensive, a 15 ml tube costs about 100-120 rubles;
  • the shelf life is 24 months (2 years).

How to apply

The method of working with EVA practically does not differ from the usual one, it should only be taken into account that it is impossible to glue PVC products with a tool.

Instructions for use:

  1. Clean the areas to be joined and degrease with acetone. You can do without degreasing, but in any case, the areas to be bonded must be clean and dry.
  2. Expand or squeeze the damaged area so that the porous surface of the EVA (usually the inside of the product) is exposed. This is important because glossy outside surface does not stick.
  3. Lubricate the porous area of ​​the cut (tear) with adhesive material and leave for three to four minutes.
  4. After that, connect the edges of the gap and press them firmly against each other.
  5. The final solidification of the product occurs after a day (24 hours).

In a similar way, it will be possible to repair, for example, Toptygin winter fishing boots. How to use the glue correctly, the manufacturer indicates on the packaging of the composition. Follow the instructions and the cut will literally disappear from the shoe.

A torn boot is a great excuse to buy a new pair. But this is not always possible. If the affected shoes are expensive, very comfortable or beloved, it is a pity to throw them away. And then the question arises, how to seal the boots securely and neatly?

Expensive boots are best taken to the workshop. Careless handling of glue can exacerbate the situation. Professional shoemakers have a lot of experience, and they can make sure that there is no trace of a hole. But if your hands are not for boredom, and curiosity outweighs the risks, then you can try!

Choosing glue

If you are faced with the question of how and with what to seal the boots, in no case should you use superglue. The caustic instant adhesive breaks the structure of the material and makes the bonding point brittle, like glass. When worn, shoes undergo natural stretching and bending, the patch will crumble, after which the boots will become completely unusable.

Only flexible types of adhesive should be used, for example, "Moment Marathon". Professional shoemakers use Dismakol and Nairit adhesives, but finding them is not so easy. In order for the patch to be as strong as possible, carefully read the instructions on the adhesive package before gluing the boots, and follow all recommendations.

How to seal boots if ...

Situation number 1: the top of the boot has parted along the seam, the threads have frayed

You don't need to glue anything. If the material is not damaged and holes from the seam are visible, it is easy to sew up such a hole with strong thick nylon threads. Support the lining and get to the hole from the inside. Repeat the seam exactly along the holes. If you make more holes in the skin, then it can tear.

Situation number 2: leather (or leatherette) is torn in a smooth place

Such a hole is most frustrating, because the trace of gluing will still be visible. How to seal boots as discreetly as possible? You need to make a patch from the inside. Pick up a piece thin skin or dense fabric, such as raincoat fabric. Apply glue around the hole, not reaching its edges by 3-5 mm. Carefully joining the edges, press the patch. Flip the boot over. Non-sticky edges should be carefully greased with glue with a toothpick and pressed well. The main thing is that the glue does not get on the face of the shoe, and the edges of the hole are clearly aligned.

Situation #3: The material is torn at the seam

Glue a piece of leather to each side of the seam to restore the torn allowance. After the glue has completely dried, sew clearly in place of the original seam.

Situation #4: The outsole came off

How to seal a boot if it "asks for porridge"? To make the sole stick firmly, sand the place of the gap with sandpaper, carefully clean it of old glue. Be sure to wipe the surfaces to be bonded with acetone or alcohol before applying the adhesive. To create a load, tightly bandage the boot.

So that shoes do not deteriorate, it is important to wear them. It is better to save the boxes in which it was bought and store the boots in them, then creases do not form on them, and the leather of the boots does not deform.

Recently, rubber boots have been used not only in the country, on hikes or in the forest. Today it is fashionable and stylish footwear that saves during heavy rains and floods. Shops are full of bright and colorful boots. However, even such strong and stable shoes can suffer and deteriorate.

The most common problem is a punctured sole. When stepping on a fragment, broken glass or even an ordinary pushpin, a hole forms in the rubber. It is very easy to pierce the rubber material, as a result they begin to leak and are not usable.

But do not rush to throw out the shoes, in some cases the shoes can still be repaired. Let's find out how to seal rubber boots at home, how to close a hole in the sole and bootleg.

How to prepare boots for repair

First, the boots must be thoroughly cleaned, washed and dried. You can seal shoes with rubber or a patch of old rubber. new shoes or tyres. To do this, cut out the necessary piece of rubber and process on each side with a file or sandpaper. The resulting rough surface is stronger and more secure with glue.

Choose a special glue marked “rubber” or “shoe”. By the way, you can find a tool for gluing rubber boots in an automobile store or stores for anglers and hunters.

Perfectly fit take glue-sealant. When choosing a product, consider the material used to make the shoes, as EVA and polyurethane require different means. In no case do not use classic PVA or “Moment”!

Dried boots should be sanded and degreased with acetone or solvent. Before using the glue, be sure to read the instructions and follow the recommendations.

If the sole is torn, and not the bootleg, you must first make the surface smooth and even with grinding machine. And then you can glue the patch. Next, let's take a closer look at how to seal the sole and shaft quickly and efficiently.

Five ways to seal boots

  • “Hot” bonding method using a vulcanizer. As a patch, they take rubber, which is pre-soaked in gasoline. The resulting patch is placed on the hole, clamped with a vulcanizer and left for half an hour. Then the device is switched off and cooled. Only after that you can remove the press;
  • To repair rubber shoes, a standard bicycle repair kit will help, which includes special patches based on protective films, glue and sandpaper. Clean the desired area on the boots with sandpaper and degrease. Then remove the film from the bookmark, apply glue and stick to the desired location. It is advisable to wait 6-12 hours and only then use the shoes. However, the appearance of the glued patch is not very aesthetic, so this method is suitable for repairing the sole or for using boots in places where appearance does not matter.
  • We repair boots with special means for gluing rubber shoes. This is the easiest and most affordable method. First you need to prepare the patch and boots for gluing. Do not forget to degrease the shoe surface. Apply several layers of glue to the patch and the bonding area and apply each layer after the previous one has dried slightly. Firmly and firmly press the surfaces to be bonded together. For effectiveness, you can tap with a hammer on the bonding area. To prevent the patch from being conspicuous, treat the surface on the sealed area with sandpaper;
  • If the boots have a porous surface, you can patch the holes without a patch. In this case, the edges at the site of the cut are turned inside out and liberally smeared with glue, and then strongly pressed against each other;
  • When using glue-sealant, which is sold in auto shops, you can also repair shoes without a patch. First degrease the bonded areas, then grease the torn edges and press firmly together.

How to take care of rubber boots

If you choose the right glue and carry out the procedure carefully, you will be satisfied with the repair. And in order for the boots to last longer, you need to organize proper care for rubber shoes and refurbished products. Thoroughly clean and wash boots under running water after use.

We offer several simple rules for the care and use of rubber shoes:

  • Wipe the outside of the rubber surface with a clean cloth. Wash very dirty shoes first in water and then dry them;
  • Colored boots are cleaned with Vaseline. It will retain color and shine, while the boots will not burst and become cracked;
  • Be sure to use shoe insoles, preferably warm ones. Wash the insoles every two to three months;
  • Do not wear rubber boots in hot sunny weather, as rubber deteriorates and burns out;
  • Periodically lubricate the surface of the products with oil varnish with rubber glue or glycerin. This will keep the boots shiny;
  • Before long-term storage, be sure to lubricate the shoes with glycerin. Then wrap the products in newspaper or paper and put them in a cool, dry place;
  • You can remove dark spots and stripes from rubber using a regular school eraser. It should be soft and clean;
  • If your foot does not fit into the narrow shaft of the boot, lower the elastic stocking inward and put on the shoes. Then the leg will fit in without problems, and after that it is easy to pull out the stocking.

To keep shoes shiny and attractive for longer, lubricate the surface with oil varnish with rubber glue or wipe with a damp cloth with glycerin. By the way, glycerin is an excellent leather care product. It will help to smooth a jacket made of genuine leather and give the product a presentable appearance. Read more on how to care for a leather jacket.

Rubber boots are shoes that are necessary not only for summer cottages, but also for the city. They protect from bad weather and dirt. But they have one drawback - any nail or piece of glass is enough for the shoes to become unusable. Of course, the easiest way would be to simply take the shoes in for repair, paying a tidy sum at the same time, but here we also face a problem: not all shoe shops undertake to glue rubber boots, because they themselves do not know how to do it.

Seal rubber boots at home can be very difficult. This can be confirmed by everyone who has ever tried to do this. The fact is that the usual glue that we use to glue ordinary shoes will not work for rubber boots. It does not matter if you want to seal the seam, the sole or any other part of the boot.

To seal rubber boots effectively, you need to know where the damage is. Rubber is a material that is very easy to pierce with a sharp object. You can simply step on glass or a sharp brick so that a through hole forms in the sole. This is a very unpleasant phenomenon, as water will rapidly accumulate in the shoes. But if we find damage, we can fix it at home.

And there are several methods by which this can be done. Let's take a closer look at how to seal rubber boots.

Tips before gluing boots

In order for the repair to be successful, and the boots to last for a very long time, you need to know the following:

Before repair, rubber shoes must be very thoroughly cleaned, washed and dried.
- The patch can be cut from a tire or old rubber boots.
- It is better to carefully process the patch from the wrong side with sandpaper or a file to make the surface rough for better adhesion of the glue.
- It is best to degrease the surface of the shoe with acetone or a solvent.
- Glue must be chosen special, on which it is necessarily indicated, for example, “shoe” or “rubber”.
- Before repairing rubber boots, it is imperative to read the instructions from the adhesive manufacturer in order to do everything correctly.
- It is best to smear the patch and the place of gluing with special glue several times, after waiting until the first layer dries a little.
- When gluing the surfaces, it is necessary to press very strongly against each other or tap on the place of gluing with a hammer.
- The patch on the boot can be easily disguised with sandpaper.

4 ways to seal rubber boots

Method 1. Can glue boots special glue. It can be purchased in shops for hunters and fishermen. But in order to get the right glue, you need to know what exactly the shoes are made of. The fact is that for shoes made of EVA or polyurethane, different adhesives are needed.

The seller can help you purchase the necessary glue by giving advice. Further, everything is simple - you need to sand and degrease part of the boot and stick a patch. If the shoes are made of porous material, then you can glue it without using a patch. The edges at the site of the cut should simply be turned out, generously smeared with glue and pressed against each other.

Method 2. For this method, you need the usual bicycle repair kit. It contains patches on special protective films, sandpaper and, of course, glue. Clean the desired place on the shoes with sandpaper and thoroughly degrease. Further, having previously removed the film from the bookmark, it is necessary to apply glue to it and press the patch to the hole. You can use shoes almost immediately, but it is better to wait at least 12 hours.

The only drawback of the method is the unaesthetic appearance of the shoes after the repair. If the hole appeared not on the top, but on the sole, the gluing technology does not change. You just need to make the surface smooth and even, because usually the sole on such shoes is quite embossed. This is possible with a sharpening machine. And then stick a patch on this place.

But it is important to know that such a patch will not last long, especially if the sole of the boots comes into contact with a rough and hard surface very often. Therefore, it is better to wear such boots, for example, for fishing. Well, if the sole breaks again, the gluing procedure will need to be repeated.

Method 3. In order to glue women's boots, without using a patch, you must purchase adhesive sealant. You can do this at any auto shop. First you need to degrease the place of gluing, and then grease the torn edges with glue and press them together. If you do everything carefully, then the boots will look like new.

Method 4. This method of repairing rubber shoes is also called "hot" method. It is not difficult, but requires certain skills and, most importantly, a vulcanizer. As a patch, rubber pre-soaked in gasoline is used. It is placed on the hole in the boot and clamped with a vulcanizer. The device must be turned on for 20-30 minutes, then turned off and cool. Only after it has cooled down, you can remove the press.

Do not despair if your favorite rubber boots are suddenly torn. It is enough to make a little effort and the repaired boots will be no different from new shoes. You can use sealed boots a day after the patch has been applied. But if there is no time to wait, then you can walk in them in an hour.

How to care for boots

Rubber boots need to be properly cared for. And then you don't have to resort to them. frequent repairs. After all, even the high quality that the manufacturer guarantees does not always mean the safety of shoes.

Rubber boots need to be cleaned properly. They are best washed with a solution of glycerin and water. In this case, the boots should be wiped with a soft cloth and dried frequently so that the fungus does not appear.

Wet rubber boots should not be dried with a hair dryer or battery. Shoes need to dry naturally.

If your favorite hunting or fishing boots have been damaged, do not rush to throw them away.

They can still be repaired using improvised means and detailed guide to action.

What to prepare to seal wading or fishing boots

For boots made of EVA material, it is necessary to prepare a repair kit, which consists of two patches and glue.

You will also need:

  • sandpaper;
  • degreaser;
  • protective gloves (you can use ordinary non-sterile ones from a pharmacy);
  • piece of fabric;
  • two plastic bags.

The patch can be cut from any durable, waterproof material. Glue should be used special, in extreme cases, the universal "Moment" is suitable.

It is best to use "EVA Shoe Glue" in a white tube from the supplier "KAYUR" LLC. Its cost varies within 120 rubles.

For PVC boots you will need a repair kit consisting of two patches and glue.

We repair PVC boots

You will also need:

  • "fine" sandpaper;
  • surface degreaser;
  • protective gloves;
  • wipes to remove excess glue along the edges of the patch;
  • hair dryer (mounting or regular).

Any glue that is created specifically for PVC materials is suitable. For quick repair shoes during a hike, fishing and hunting, special repair kits are sold.

For example, KU-3105, consisting of glue and a transparent patch film. An hour after application, the adhesive dries completely. The cost of such a set is about 100 rubles.

We seal the hole in the boot in stages

Before you get started, check out some tips and tricks:

  • do all work with glue only with gloves;
  • carefully read the instructions that are indicated on the tube with glue;
  • do not arbitrarily change the time intervals specified in the instructions;
  • do not use as a patch, materials for which the selected adhesive is not suitable.

How to seal boots made of EVA material

  1. Thoroughly clean and degrease the damaged area on the boot. Using sandpaper to roughen the surface to which the adhesive will be applied, sand the patches as well. This condition must be observed, as the glue does not adhere to glossy surfaces!
  2. Put your hand into the boot and squeeze out the torn part of the boot. Apply glue to the sides of the torn piece. From the outside, gently push this part inward, joining the edges.
  3. Apply glue to the patch and attach to the damaged area from the outside.
  4. Attach the patch in the same way with inside and push it. To do this, place a piece of fabric wrapped in a bag in the boot.
  5. On top of the boot, placed in the bag, put the load. A day after the repair, the boots can be used.


How to glue pvc boots

  1. Thoroughly clean and degrease the damaged area on the boot. Using sandpaper to roughen the surface to which the adhesive will be applied.
  2. Apply a thin layer of adhesive to the damaged area and patch. It should dry out, so stop working for 15 minutes.
  3. Apply a second coat of adhesive to previously treated surfaces. Leave for half an hour.
  4. Using a hair dryer, carefully heat the glue and connect the torn parts of the boot fabric. Then, immediately, apply patches outside and inside.
  5. With your fingers, gently, but firmly, squeeze the bonding area for 1-2 minutes or roll it. Boots can be put on after the period of time indicated on the tube with glue.
  6. If there is not a cut on the boot, but a hole, place a piece of paper under the glued surface so that the tops do not stick together.


Can a rubber boot be repaired if the sole is torn?

Depends on the nature of the damage. If a crack appears, there are several repair options.

  • Buy elastic adhesive and fill the space in the crack with it. After it is completely dry, use sandpaper to clean the repaired part of the sole. Is it long enough? One or two exits.
  • For this method, you will need a small piece of nylon the size of a crack in the sole and a soldering iron. The capron is inserted into the crack and carefully heated with a soldering iron. Then it pushes through a crack in the sole. Is it long enough? For two or three exits.

If the damage is more serious, you should not waste time repairing the boots. It will be easier and more reliable to buy a new pair!