Marked child. Knowing about the devil, marked by god

  • 21.09.2019

“The true life of a man is that
that he doesn't even know about."
S. Butler

"Since ancient times, places of power have been known - special areas of our planet with unusual energy that have a strong impact on the human psyche, these are peculiar acupuncture points of the Earth that regulate the processes of planetary homeostasis."

Gifts of the Gods.

Plentiful, probably, lived in those ancient times to the gods and people. The gods came to people, helped with the housework, they gathered together in sacred groves, praised the best, danced round dances, sang beautiful wild songs, burned bonfires. The gods spoke about the Laws of Truth. Years passed, there were more and more people on Earth, quarrels and wars began to arise ... The Gods became uncomfortable, they began to come to people less and less ... The Gods became more and more severe ... But people themselves chose their fate ...

The gods created people and gave them powerful energy (Spirit), a spark of God (Soul), reason and conscience. And people also received as a gift from the Gods their bodies - temples of the Soul.

Facade of the Temple of the Soul.

Human skin is the heaviest organ; it weighs from 2.5 to 4.5 kg. 1 square centimeter of skin contains about 1000 sweat glands, 3 blood vessels, 9300 melanocytes (skin pigment cells) and more than 1000 nerve endings. Skin cells gradually die off and are replaced by new ones; over 70 years of life, a person changes his skin 1000 times, “losing” about 48 kg. dead cells.

black cells.

Melanocytes (melanos - Greek "black") - pigment skin cells containing melanin - a substance that protects the body from excessive ultraviolet (solar) radiation. Under the influence of sunlight, the production of melanin increases and a tan appears on the skin. melanin most powerful weapon on the planet in the fight against the consequences radiation. It can save not only a person, but also preserve his offspring, his genetic code. Most of the natural melanin is found in the "ink cloud" of the cuttlefish. This cloud is 90% melanin. Getting melanin is quite expensive - 1 gram of melanin costs 120 dollars, and gold - no more than 20 dollars.


There are two types of melanins in human skin. Eumelanins (dark) and pheomelanins (light). Feo-melanins, in the skin of a person are "carried" by fairies - small charming creatures. These creatures have many other names, they are also called: “guardian spirits”, “ancestral spirits”, “descendants of the ancient gods”, “defeated gods of ancient religions”, “spirits of nature”, “spirits of the air”. Pheomelanins are found in the skin of white people, providing light skin color, blond hair color and blue, gray or greenish eye color. Eu-melanins - spread by angels, messengers of Eve, giving people dark skin, dark hair and brown or black eyes. When something doesn't work in this process of melanin transfer, a condition occurs, which in medicine is called - piebaldism or "piebald skin".


Another very interesting substance that is produced in the human body is melatonin. At first it was believed that it was produced by the pituitary gland, then by the pineal gland (pineal gland), and now it turned out that many tissues of the body can produce it. So, its difference from melanin is that melatonin is actively produced in complete darkness, at night. Its production at night increases 50 times. Melatonin gives us a full sleep, cheerfulness and youth. It contributes to the regulation of biorhythms in the body.

Soul Temple Energy.

The spirit (energy) moves in the depths of our body, resembling streams, rivers and lakes with its movement, in those places where these energy flows “break through” to the surface of the skin, fontanels are formed, the keys of divine energy are biologically active points (BAP). I wrote about these “keys” in detail in a previous article. These BATs on the human body are “places of power”. The most important "places of power" for each person, the Gods marked with moles, generic signs, keys of fate. If in the depths of our body energy begins to "stagnate", forming "muddy ponds" and "rotten swamps", then conditions are created for the development of diseases and immediately, in certain areas on the skin, any changes begin to appear. For example, the appearance of bright red moles indicates trouble in the liver and gallbladder, the appearance of papillomas on the lateral surfaces of the neck and trunk - about problems in the large intestine, the appearance of white spots on the skin (vitiligo) - about problems in the autonomic nervous system, the appearance of diathesis in children - problems with the immune system. Whitish, rounded spots on the neck - with secondary syphilis, these spots are also called the "necklace of Venus", and similar spots on the face and trunk can be one of the symptoms of Hansen's disease (leprosy). Ordinary, banal freckles are a warning from the Gods that such a person needs to protect himself from being addicted to tanning. The appearance of brownish spots on the face and armpits indicates hormonal disorders during pregnancy or very serious liver problems. All our mistakes and blunders Gods bring to the skin for all to see. If a person does not draw certain conclusions and does not change the "usual" way of life, then the Gods change the "colors" and "paint" a new picture. Our Gods love us, they help us become wiser, they teach us to take care of ourselves.

The Queen of Crayfish.

Melanoma (“black tumor”) oncologists is also called the “queen of cancers”. This tumor is malignant and very dangerous. This tumor is dangerous because the cancer cells in it are “linked” to each other very weakly and even a slight touch can cause these cells to detach and they, getting into the blood or lymph, spread throughout the body, forming new foci (metastases). Surgeons-oncologists try not to touch this tumor even during the operation. Melanoma can, in principle, form in any tissue containing melanin, but there are moles that cause particular attention of oncodermatologists. Melanoma, usually brown, often with shades of blue, gray, pink, red. In short, beauty! She is also called the "superstar of oncology." One of the main causes of melanoma, oncologists believe, is the rather free and familiar treatment of some people with the solar Gods. The Solar Gods are fair, they shine for everyone, but if one of their descendants wants to “snatch” an excess of sunlight, the Gods can get angry. This is especially true for people with white skin (according to US statistics, skin cancer in white people occurs 20 times more often than in blacks). In the vast majority of cases, melanoma develops in men more often on the trunk, and in women - on the shins. Oncodermatologists recommend that each of their patients draw up a “map of their starry sky”And periodically study it with a telescope (loupe), and even better, carry out all these surveys together with a specialist, at least once a year. Especially in those areas where the doctor will advise.

Black Widow.

Amazing data can be obtained by examining the birthmarks of a person, these marks of the Gods. It seems to be an ordinary black mole, up to 1 cm in size with yellowish or reddish patches, with a glossy, shiny surface, located along the midline of the woman's body, in front or behind. What can she tell about her mistress? Only one thing - this woman is deadly for men, especially if several husbands have already died from "incomprehensible" diseases. Women with such moles are called “black widows”. These moles of a specific type produce allomelanin, which is not normally produced in humans (it is formed in nature only in certain species of plants and fungi). This substance is released into the blood and enters the body of a man during intimacy. If a man, having married, begins to “fail” for no reason, or his baldness (alopecia) quickly progresses, you need to carefully study the marks of the gods on the body of your chosen one and draw some conclusions for yourself. And women need to be especially careful when using newfangled tanning creams containing allomelanin, so that later it would not be “excruciatingly painful” for prematurely thinning hair.


The meaning of this word goes back to ancient times. The word "tan" comes from the word "burn". Simply put, a tan is a “firebrand”. In the old days, white people took care of their bodies from excessive exposure to sunlight, even then people perfectly understood how dangerous excess ultraviolet radiation. This was especially true for small children. Ultraviolet rays are able to penetrate the human body even through light clothing. Water droplets on the human body, like small lenses, focus ultraviolet rays on the human body, this is especially dangerous if this droplet is located on a mole. Doctors do not recommend sunbathing between 10 am and 4 pm. A reasonable person should heed this advice. When bathing during the day, the body should be immediately wiped with a towel. Hindus are surprised to see white sunbathing tourists. They see white people as messengers of the Gods and believe that touching the skin of a white person promises happiness and good luck. They themselves bathe in clothes, practically do not sunbathe, believing that the lighter the skin, the closer a person is to God Vishnu. By the way, did you know that there is also a moon tan? This tan is a very beautiful bronze color, it develops a little slower than a sun tan, but also lasts much longer. One more advice, from oncodermatologists, to blondes and redheads. Think a thousand times whether you need to meet the "queen of crayfish" in your favorite solarium or on some luxurious beach in a distant exotic country.


As one classic said - "a melancholic is a slowly fading candle", he is echoed by another - "a melancholic is a painful ghost of the night." Among these people there are many talented writers and poets, philosophers and musicians. Who are they, these melancholics? Melancholic (from Greek melanos - black, chole - bile) - a type of person with low level mental activity, slowness of movements, sluggish motor skills and speech, fatigue. Negative emotions predominate in him, he is vulnerable, withdrawn, anxious, fearful - this is a “man in a case”. Such people usually have pale, thin and flabby skin, a weakened nervous system. Suppressed negative emotions and resentment of these people, on the skin are manifested by such diseases as eczema (Greek ekzeo - boiling) and psoriasis (Greek psora - itching, scabies). The gods put these marks on the body to people living with an insoluble contradiction between ideal life and that life real life which they live. In their "such" life, they usually blame the people around them or God, complain that he did not give them something. Gods don't like this! These people carry very heavy karma (karma is retribution, action), it is impossible for them to change themselves, such people need very serious support from a psychotherapist or psychoanalyst - they will help heal the Soul, and for the body, the old folk remedy obtained from the bark of our people's most beloved solar tree - the Russian birch. This tool is called birch tar.

Marks of God.

The Gods mark their descendants with moles, small fontanelles, these are “places of power”. Through them, they help people choose the right life path, someone is awarded with lucky marks and these people become favorites of the gods, someone is warned and directed on the right path, someone is punished, hoping that it will help, someone is simply “crossed out”, seeing the futility of their efforts.

Human labels.

In addition to the Spirit, Soul and Body, the Gods also gave people Mind and Conscience. I’ll tell you about Conscience sometime next time, but about Mind, now is the time. Do you know what RFID is? These are my dears, not just four Latin letters. This is our death! I translate into Russian: RFID is a device for automatic identification of objects in which, by means of radio signals, data is read or written stored in so-called transponders (RFID tags). I explain that such labels - barcodes - are now located on various goods, products, bank and social cards, documents and travel tickets, in listening devices - "bugs", in mobile phones, in personal computers, in on-board computers of nuclear ballistic missiles. Remembered? So, these "tags" can be passive, active and semi-passive. Remember everything, very carefully! Passive this is when the "tag" does not have its own power source - information can only be read. Such "tags" can be embedded in a sticker, a plain sheet of paper, implanted under the skin. Their size is 0.05 - 0.05 mm. Information is read from a distance of several meters. active, this is when the "tag" has its own power source - information can not only be read, but also written, as well as repeatedly overwritten and erased. Such "tags" can accumulate and store a large amount of information about the object for subsequent transmission. The range of their action is already measured in hundreds of kilometers. Is it really interesting? semi-passive, this is when the "tags" have their own batteries, but turn on only when the information receiver "wants" it. I just wrote about these active, passive and semi-passive ones with “marks”, and I remembered the words of our unforgettable Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev: “Here, pi ... sy, what have you thought up!”.

Gods and people.

They are strange, these Gods, alone create people in their own image and likeness, give them the Spirit. Soul, Body, Mind and Conscience are settled on Earth and go to sleep, others “continue” the work they have begun and mold clay men in the gardens and, blowing the Soul into them, for some reason dress them like dolls in leather clothes. And then they send them to people and watch with interest what will come of it.
They are strange, these people. Everything they come up with is used to their own detriment. I will not touch on the distant antiquity - so many things were turned up on the planet, and then they also distorted everything, calling their libels history. Digging into this is very disgusting! The scientist Tesla came up with how to “control” lightning - they received the Tunguska meteorite from the Gods. They figured out how to control the splitting of the atom - they got Hiroshima and Semipalatinsk. They came up with a large hadron collider - the Gods sent floods, snowfalls and tsunamis. The Americans "touched" Hussein - they received from the Gods the "flaming East". The Japanese came up with how to introduce “bugs” into the bodies of babies with a syringe, in the form of liquid colloids (I recently read in a magazine), and as a “battery”, use human energy (the power of the Holy Spirit). The main thing is that it is completely trouble-free and free "battery". How long a person lives, so much the "battery" serves. And information can be recorded and transmitted over ultra-long distances. The gods were offended again - now every day we watch and watch about Japan on TV ... And who will like it when they climb into his monastery with their charter, and even so brazenly. The gods, apparently, considered that those mole marks that they put on people, to control humanity, are quite enough. But no, "reasonable" people have their own arguments! The discovery of the Japanese, very "reasonable" Americans and ours liked it. Already, they jumped with happiness! As the men say: “Leave me alone, Dusya, such a suit has flooded !!!”. Imagine what a thrill you are sitting in the Kremlin, the White House or the Vatican, pressing the buttons, and all over the world people are running, bowing, happy, happy ... You just don’t understand right away: either the ants are hardworking, or they are idiots. And then, he pressed the button, like ants again. Why do we need Gods, now there is someone to rule! Naive! They forgot that the word "apocalypse" is translated into Russian as "retribution from above!". Now let's wait to see who will be hit next by the Gods, or the Americans on their Silicon Lawn, or us on Faberge, in Skolkovo. But it seems to me that this time, the Americans will overtake us. It is not clear why they now let the Japanese go ahead. Either the satirist Mikhail Zadornov is really right about the Americans, or they are very cunning.


It is very difficult in an article about "labels" to pass by the now very fashionable word "tolerance". “This term was introduced in 1953 by the English immunologist P. Madavar to denote the “tolerance” of the body’s immune system to transplanted foreign tissues (marks). One form of tolerance is "immunological paralysis". In adults, tolerance can be created with a general suppression of the immune (protective) system ionizing radiation(massive propaganda) or immunosuppressants (police)". Great Soviet Encyclopedia.


Warts are benign skin growths. Caused by a virus, i.e. they are contagious. More common in people with weakened immune systems. Warts are solitary, but sometimes they multiply rapidly, forming entire colonies of warts, diaspores. Warts can sometimes disappear on their own, but it’s better to cure one than to fight with dozens of its relatives that have multiplied, which can “spread” over a large area for quite a while. a short time. Warts are also called "a disease dirty hands”, so when extending your hand for a handshake, you need to be careful enough. Sometimes a "wide" smile on the face is not a sign of friendliness, but a way of transmitting warts. The most harmful warts are urogenital, sexually transmitted when communicating with a "warthog". They can be the cause of such a serious disease as cervical cancer. The uterus is the "cradle" of the human race. And cancer is already very serious and dangerous for the whole organism! Ways to get rid of warts are divided into - folk (not official) methods and medical (official). Folk ways treatment: to persuade (conspiracies, prayers); caress (corn oil, rowan juice); poison (celandine, garlic); burn (acid); strangle (thread). Medical treatments: kill (antivirals); kill (cryolysis, electrocoagulation, laser destruction); kill (surgical excision); drive away, activating the body's defenses (immunization). Here are some ways to deal with warts. Only two of them: to persuade and caress - can, with a big stretch, be called "tolerance", in the immunological sense of the word. But as practice shows, these two methods are the least effective.

It is interesting.

In newborn children of colored races, in the region of the lower back and sacrum, bluish rounded spots are very often detected, they are also called “slap of Allah”, “Mongolian spot”, “Genghis Khan spot”. By four or five years, this spot usually disappears on its own. Another mystery of nature, another mark.

God marks the rogue.

A very interesting proverb. In a previous article, I talked about "witch spots" and "devil marks." And how does God mark the rogue? In the book of Grigory Klimov "Red Kabbalah", the third chapter is called so. He writes that God, marking the rogue, in his family grows the “Tree of Evil”, which has three main branches intertwined with each other, three stages of degeneration: 1) sexual perversions; 2) mental illness; 3) congenital deformities. And then, a whole book of illustrative examples from world history.

Composition "Rus". Use Nicola Emelin.

“We live on our father's land, the grandchildren of Svarog are glorious children!
And flies on a winged horse, Russia, into distant millennia!
And flies on a winged horse, Russia, into distant millennia!

Greta Ionkis (Cologne)

What kind of German is this?!

In Essen, in the cozy, warm German-Russian house of the Donkovs, whose owners come from Ukraine, I again hear familiar names: Cherkasy, Fastov, Zolotonosha ... This is Father Erwin telling his odyssey.

Rumors about Father Erwin have reached me for a long time. An amazing German, seemingly a Catholic, but leads a service in the Orthodox Church of Boris and Gleb in Essen. Speaks Russian. He rushes to meet everyone who needs help. All in labors and worries. Ascetic and unmercenary.

And so I happened to meet. In front of me is a person about whom they say: if you pass, you won’t notice. Skinny, awkward, in a beat-up jacket, hides his face in a gray beard. What kind of German is this?! A typical resident of the Russian hinterland, and obviously from the needy, but at the same time - delicate, somehow even stewed.

The conversation does not go at first; guests are invited to dine, and a small company (there are six of us at the table) pays tribute to the culinary art of the hospitable hostess.

I gradually look at Father Erwin and catch the attentive look of his gray eyes, hidden under bushy eyebrows. I notice that my story about the meeting with the Pope in the Cologne synagogue did not leave him indifferent. I share my plans to publish a book about Jews and Germans, I name those who will be discussed in it. Father Erwin perks up. Finally, he manages to "talk". He begins his story in a low voice.

Everyone could be captured

As an eighteen-year-old youth, he ended up at the beginning of 1943 on the Eastern Front, where his fate was determined.

His military unit was surrounded, ten German divisions ended up in the Cherkasy pocket (Korsun-Shevchenko operation). Few survived. “We were ordered to get out of the encirclement on our own. Where to go? Deep snow muffled the sounds, we did not hear the cannonade, we walked at random. Stuck in a deep ravine. The night has come. In the dark, they stumbled either on corpses or on abandoned equipment.

After two sleepless nights, he fell asleep, leaning on the drawbar of the cart, where the wounded lay. I woke up and there was no one around.

It is not known where the young SS man came from, he offered to fight to the last bullet. He had no other choice. To all SS men inside the hands were tattooed to indicate the blood type, they took care of the elite troops, not admitting that they might be captured. Or maybe they were deliberately stigmatized in such a way that the idea of ​​captivity as a way of salvation did not arise among these “marked” guys.

There was no need to fight, since three Russian soldiers were already standing next to the usual demands: weapons on the ground and Hände hoch! Erwin obeyed, completely forgetting about the "lemon" in his pocket. A Russian found a grenade, but the fact of "hiding" had no consequences. The officer they were led to asked for a cigarette. Erwin was a non-smoker from a young age, but this did not cause rage. Erwin, however, was soon able to see the fury of his superiors. They, about ten prisoners, were locked in a barn, they were terribly thirsty. The young soldier took pity on the prisoners, left his post and brought them a bucket of water. For absenteeism, the officer beat the soldier in the face until he bled. Erwin was amazed. A German officer could shoot on the spot, but to beat him was unheard of.

It was stolen by grandmothers in "hustochki"

Erwin is now over eighty, but his memory tenaciously retains many details. He remembers how they were driven through the cold to the sugar factory in Uman. He dragged with all his might, was afraid to fall, but it was not he who fell, but the boy walking next to him: “That's it! I can not anymore".

Two Russian soldiers approached, but did not dare to shoot the fallen one. Erwin continued to stand beside him. When asked by the officer if he was his brother, he answered in the negative, for which he reproached himself for a long time, but did not leave. The officer ordered the guy to be picked up, and he dragged himself to the factory. “I later met him in Germany after the war!”

A few days later, when they arrived in Zolotonosha, Erwin lost his legs. The hospital decided to amputate. But in the evening something inexplicable happened. Two grandmothers appeared in “hustochkas” (Erwin sometimes inserts a Ukrainian word into his speech) and stole Erwin's real estate. Old women in white handkerchiefs under their arms dragged him out of the ward on some row. He looked younger than his nineteen, his face was tender, beautiful, pure angel, only without wings and plump cheeks, weighed no more than forty kilograms. Having dragged the German into the hut, they began to cover his legs with steamed horse dung. They treated him like this for ten days and left.

Father Erwin considers a Jewish doctor to be his savior

After that, he was sent to the mines in Donetsk, but there he was recognized as disabled and sent to Uman, to a hospital. The first floor was occupied by the Soviet wounded, and the second by the Germans.

Erwin claims that they were fed from the same pot and the diet was the same. He remembered it: 600 grams of bread, millet porridge and a spoonful of sugar in the morning, soup and a piece of American stew in the afternoon. Even shag was given, but paper (newspapers) for rolling cigarettes was in short supply. He believes that he has no right to be offended by the Soviet people, by the Soviet army.

kind word Father Erwin commemorates the captain of the medical service, a Jew, the head of the hospital, who forced the German wounded to work in the yard.

Young Erwin also managed to work at a logging site in the Cherkasy region. The norm was fulfilled daily, sometimes even before the end of the working day. Apparently, the standards were not very high. The guards came across compassionate, sometimes allowed to dig up and bake potatoes, local women gave some bread.

Father Erwin considers his savior a Jewish doctor, so short that they called him a dwarf. “Thanks to him, I was recognized as disabled, I was commissioned, I ended up in the Second Transport in August 1945 and was sent home.”

While still in captivity, Erwin decided to become a pastor.

Erwin crossed the border between the Soviet and American occupation zones on September 8, on his birthday. He turned 21 that day.

Erwin's home was considered missing. Moreover, a fellow soldier who returned earlier told his father that his son had died. And here is the joy of meeting! While still in captivity, Erwin decided that he would become a pastor. After graduating from high school in 1947, he entered the theological academy near Koblenz. He continued his studies here for six years, and then he spent another six years in Rome at the Vatican.

Erwin studied at Rusikum, where the Oriental Institute was located (Jews were hidden here during the war years). Russia "did not let him go." Here he wrote and defended his dissertation on the topic "A rural parish at the beginning of the century according to the opinions of Orthodox bishops." Based on the dissertation materials, a book has been published that reads like a fascinating historical novel. It is written in German, but the author has pored over piles of reviews in Russian, and I testify that his Russian is simply superb.

Becoming a pastor, he traditionally received a Latin name - Pater Imikus. No one then suspected that soon Pater Imikus would turn into Erwin's father.

Orthodox bishop awards Catholic with golden cross

In 1958, the Eastern Congregation of the Vatican became interested in the position of Russian Catholics in Germany. Erwin traveled all five dioceses on the Ruhr in search of Russian people. In four months, he found a lot of Russians living in the Ruhr basin, but there were few Catholics among them, most of them turned out to be Orthodox. In the Vatican, he was asked if he wanted to work with these people, and he agreed without much thought. He created Orthodox Church in Essen, he himself gave her the name of Boris and Gleb (these brother martyrs were close to his soul).

Erwin became the rector of this church, while remaining a Catholic. “Bishop Longin of Dusseldorf recognizes my work, he served mass in my church, he awarded me a golden cross. The Orthodox bishop rewarded me, a Catholic!” Father Erwin says not without pride.

AT Soviet Union he began to ride in 1966. It is known that Father Erwin travels to Russia, Ukraine and Belarus not as a tourist, not only for the sake of communicating with friends, acquaintances and relatives of his parishioners (and he has many parishioners, they come to him from all over Germany), but every time he brings humanitarian aid: things, medicines, money.

Frau Schmidt of Mülheim

In turn, I dare to tell about my friend, a German woman from Mülheim, who also lives in charitable work.

I met her about 15 years ago in Chisinau in the house of Elli Karlovna Pilarino, from whom I took German lessons.

Frau Schmidt has been coming every year for many years now with a cargo van, or even two, delivering humanitarian aid to Moldova (up to special beds, medical equipment, wheelchairs, computers) for the republican oncological hospital and orphanages.

This little middle-aged woman runs a small warehouse in Mülheim an der Ruhr, where she collects humanitarian aid. Once it was defeated and they tried to set it on fire: apparently, not all compatriots approve of her activities.

And then in the heat, then in the cold, it makes its way with its cargo across the borders to Moldova. Anyone who has passed through the Romanian-Moldovan or Ukrainian-Moldovan border customs understands that the word “breaks through” is very accurate. Delivering humanitarian aid to the former Soviet Union is perhaps even more difficult than collecting it.

Once she was stuck for three days on a snow-covered pass in Romania, and her husband and disabled son remained at home. The German government highly appreciated the selfless work of Frau Schmidt, awarding her with an order.

The Moldovan government did not even bother to thank this woman, thank you, even though it stopped putting up obstacles. It was unbearable for some of those in power to know that the flow of humanitarian aid flows past them, nothing sticks to their hands, and therefore there were instructions to the border customs “hold and not let go”.

How many times did Frau Schmidt appeal to the help of the German embassy in Moldavia to transport the cargo! How many times she said in her hearts that her leg would not be here anymore! But six months pass, and in the apartment of Elli Karlovna the bell rings: “Elli, wait! I'm going!"

Such people are "piece goods"

"So I'm not alone!' Father Erwin rejoices. Fortunately, this is true, he is not alone, but people like him and Frau Schmidt are the only ones of their kind, this is “God's piece goods”, if such an expression does not offend them.

Father Erwin's routes, as already mentioned, are different. His van is well known at all Polish-Belarusian, Polish-Ukrainian customs, he is given the green light.

Yes, there were attacks on Polish roads. Father Erwin is not a timid ten. There was a case, he went to ram, dumped the car of the attackers into a ditch and left the chase. Once, at a gas station, he was cleaned like sticky: they stole a bag with all the documents and money. Well, at least they were allowed to call Germany to call for help. Anything happened

Father Erwin introduced his brother, a Catholic prison pastor, to charitable activities. He now flies every year to Tver and helps the prisoners there. “And I once took two more priests with me, and they also fell in love with Russia, now they help me collect help.”

My friend, Katinka Dietrich van Vering, Doctor of Film Studies, who founded the first Goethe Institute in Moscow and led it with her husband for several years, published a book of letters that she wrote from Moscow to Germany to her old mother, and she called this volume - “From Russia - with love.

And the mission of people like Father Erwin can be called - "To Russia - with love." And how important it is that there is such a page in the history of such difficult German-Russian relations.

Yes, whatever you say, but the Germans are so different that it is time to reflect and write not only about the traditionally mysterious Russian, but also about the mysterious German soul.

... From time to time, indignant voices of ufologists break through the press, proving how unethical and immoral it is to hide information about visits to the Earth by "aliens". But it seems that the protesters themselves have little faith in the power of their own exhortations...

But what happened in this particular case? We have sketched several possible explanations. So, the first version is a fragment of a feature film. Connoisseurs of film science fiction do not remember a film with such a plot.

Version two - the working moment of shooting an unfinished film. It is more difficult to say anything here, but the three leading film studios of the country (Mosfilm, Gorky and Lenfilm) did not recall that something like this was filmed.

Version three - the mysterious film was still made by an army cameraman, but he did not shoot a real meeting of "aliens", but a training film, where such a turn of events could be considered as a clear example of actions in a similar situation. I will not describe in detail how this version was tested, but on this occasion I had to listen to sharp rebuttals.

A certain Air Force captain from the Moscow region got through to me and "secretly" told me that in 1985-1987 they allegedly began to shoot a film in Hollywood, the plot of which boiled down to how "the insidious Russians colluded with aliens and what came of it." The working moments of these filming were either stolen or bought through nominees and sent for analysis to Moscow. The goal is to find out how well the United States is aware of the principles of conducting special events in the USSR and the methodology for working with personnel in extreme or unpredictable situations. The fate of the film is unknown: either the shooting failed (as a result of the "disappearance" of part of the filmed material), or the relevance of the film disappeared due to the growing friendship between the USSR and the USA. Disappeared for the same reasons and the need to analyze the videotape.

The stated version turned out to be perhaps the most plausible, although it is possible that real truth about the film is still behind the scenes.

Of course, in addition to absolutely reliable data on UFO sightings and persecution, a lot of stories about the contacts of the military and authorities with "aliens" went and go around the country. There is information that in the United States, in the hangar 18-A (the prototype of the film "Angar-18"), fragments of flying saucers are allegedly stored, and American ufologists have proven in court that the authorities are harboring at least ninety such objects and debris. There are also closed military bases "Area-51", "C-4", "Nellix" in the United States, where UFO take-offs and landings have been repeatedly recorded. In Russia, according to some reports, there are also similar hangars. They say that fragments and fragments of UFOs from near Dalnegorsk, Arkhangelsk, Tula and other places have long fallen into the hands of Russian scientists; some addresses of the current location of these "material evidence" are also known.

Dozens of cases of combat contacts with UFOs of the Soviet armed forces are described, when anti-aircraft, naval artillery, missiles or aircraft guns tried to shoot down unidentified flying objects, but in the second half of the 80s a strict order was suddenly issued to prohibit any shooting at UFOs. Suddenly? According to one of the versions, the reason for such a humane attitude towards the "saucers" was not at all that when trying to shoot them down, in most cases it was our interceptors who died, but quite the opposite - that for the first time they managed to shoot down a UFO!

On May 5, 1983 (again, allegedly), the air defense of the Transcaucasian District managed to catch a cone-shaped UFO, which, however, did not collapse, but made an emergency landing on a patch in the mountains near Nalchik. The "newcomers" then made contact with some of the local residents, one of whom, imagining himself an plenipotentiary, rushed to Moscow, where he told reporters about everything. In addition, a group of tourists returned to the capital, having accidentally visited the empty UFO they found at that moment. It would seem that there was no point in hiding the incident, I went to the Caucasus large group ufologists and ... found nothing. Some time later, at the place they had already examined, they nevertheless found a UFO! However, it turned out to be just a fake, a full-scale copy, and denials appeared in the press with photographs.

It even seemed to turn out that the metal model was made by Polish filmmakers and, having filmed the scenes with the model in the Caucasus, they abandoned it as unnecessary. Moscow tourists were outraged, claiming that what they saw was a product of ultra-high technology, and not a hack with crooked welds. However, when the Muscovites hurried to the mountains for rehabilitation, they found only dents from the "hacky" UFO in the same place. The most multi-ton layout was not found even at the bottom of the nearest gorge ...

The story was almost forgotten, even ardent opponents of the existence of UFOs tried not to remember it. And suddenly, in 1994, some details of the evacuation of this very unit from the mountains surfaced. It was carried out by the military, and according to a certain L.Ch., only officers were even in the cordon. After that, the original "movie props" were allegedly seen at a base near Moscow, and this base, as you might guess, did not belong to Mosfilm at all.

However, the mention of the Nalchik incident may turn out to be in vain - you never know where else the footage that I happened to see could have been filmed? They say that there are other videos, after watching which the unprepared part of the population, according to one cheerful staff officer from military unit 67947, "will make their hair stand on end and fall out to one and all along with the last doubts." But only for the unprepared ...


The collection of such reports was started by V. Potekhin's message from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. For 15 years, scars 10-15 cm long have been preserved on his chest and arms, which suddenly appeared in his youth.

Together with his friend I. Makarenko, Potekhin was preparing for the final school exams. We decided to take a break around midnight. Thoughts flowed more freely, started talking about the universe, extraterrestrial civilizations. And then Potekhin take it and say: "I am ready to believe that a super-civilization exists, if, for example, morning comes now." At this moment, the wall clock with a pendulum made a sound of a breaking spring. Judging by the length of the conversation, it should be at most half past one. But the hand showed 5 o'clock. 30 min. Half an hour later, the switched on radio came to life, starting its transmissions at 6 o'clock in the morning. And the next day, the one who challenged the daring super-civilization appeared scars.

On August 14, 1982, Antonina I., a resident of Tambov, was resting by the river. The day was overcast but warm. After being on the beach for about 40 minutes, I suddenly felt a vague anxiety. For some reason it got hot. And then I noticed redness in the form of a leaf imprint on my left hand. Automatically looking up, she saw at a considerable height a pale pink disk with short white rays. It soon shrunk and disappeared. By evening, the redness had gone, but the white outline of the leaf remained - and for a long time! Only by 1988 half of it seemed to have melted, but the second was still noticeable. Moreover, for all five years, the hand was as if electrified, sparks flew out of the fingers in bunches.

And in June 1990, several similar reports were received from Riga at once about mysterious burns in people of different ages: bright scarlet prints on the skin in the form of leaves and whole branches, filigree traced, with clearly visible teeth and even veins. Mostly women and children were labeled.

Anna S., 53, a worker in the electroplating shop of one of the Riga factories, felt a burning sensation on her right shoulder blade on June 22, 1990, a day after a rest on the Lielupe River. Using the mirrors, I saw an imprint in the form of a shamrock branch. She sunbathed in an open place, away from trees and shrubs.

Approximately the same shamrock - and also on the right shoulder blade! – was found by Tamara D. from Riga, who had visited the same beach the day before. Her burning sensation began in the evening. A branch-imprint stretched from the middle vertebrae to the right shoulder. Moreover, the accuracy of drawing details remained the same on open areas skin, and under a bathing suit.


The collection of such reports was started by V. Potekhin's message from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. For 15 years, scars 10-15 cm long have been preserved on his chest and arms, which suddenly appeared in his youth.

Together with his friend I. Makarenko, Potekhin was preparing for the final school exams. We decided to take a break around midnight. Thoughts flowed more freely, started talking about the universe, extraterrestrial civilizations. And then Potekhin take it and say: "I am ready to believe that a super-civilization exists, if, for example, morning comes now." At this moment, the wall clock with a pendulum made a sound of a breaking spring. Judging by the length of the conversation, it should be at most half past one. But the hand showed 5 o'clock. 30 min. Half an hour later, the switched on radio came to life, starting its transmissions at 6 o'clock in the morning. And the next day, the one who challenged the daring super-civilization appeared scars.

On August 14, 1982, Antonina I., a resident of Tambov, was resting by the river. The day was overcast but warm. After being on the beach for about 40 minutes, I suddenly felt a vague anxiety. For some reason it got hot. And then I noticed redness in the form of a leaf imprint on my left hand. Automatically looking up, she saw at a considerable height a pale pink disk with short white rays. It soon shrunk and disappeared. By evening, the redness had gone, but the white outline of the leaf remained - and for a long time! Only by 1988 half of it seemed to have melted, but the second was still noticeable. Moreover, for all five years, the hand was as if electrified, sparks flew out of the fingers in bunches.

And in June 1990, several similar reports were received from Riga at once about mysterious burns in people of different ages: bright scarlet prints on the skin in the form of leaves and whole branches, filigree traced, with clearly visible teeth and even veins. Mostly women and children were labeled.

Anna S., 53, a worker in the electroplating shop of one of the Riga factories, felt a burning sensation on her right shoulder blade on June 22, 1990, a day after a rest on the Lielupe River. Using the mirrors, I saw an imprint in the form of a shamrock branch. She sunbathed in an open place, away from trees and shrubs.

Approximately the same shamrock - and also on the right shoulder blade! – was found by Tamara D. from Riga, who had visited the same beach the day before. Her burning sensation began in the evening. A branch-imprint stretched from the middle vertebrae to the right shoulder. Moreover, the accuracy of drawing details remained the same both in open areas of the skin and under the swimsuit.

Alla S., a twig already familiar to doctors, appeared without any connection with a tan at all, after visiting the Riga Zoo; the day was cool, and she did not take off her jacket. In just a month, about 30 people addressed Latvian hospitals with similar complaints.

Radiologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences Inna Kogan, having looked through the materials she had on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, found eyewitness references to similar thermal burns in the form of leaves and branches in some victims of nuclear explosions ...

However, a month later, patients with "Burn" prints of a different type came to her - in the form of regular geometric shapes. In addition, the large geographical spread of the emergencies themselves (not only in Riga and its environs, but throughout Latvia), the diversity of the accompanying circumstances, excluded the impact of some local factors - for example, the same radiation injury.

Two dozen purple rings the size of a two-kopeck coin appeared in August 1990 on the shoulder blades of Lyudmila T., a resident of the village of Masani, Koryukovsky district, Chernihiv region. Corresponding pictures - although of poor quality - were placed by the newspaper "Chernigov Vestnik". Inside one of the rings, a sign in the form of an arrow is clearly visible, inside the other - like the letter "tau".

The appearance of the drawings was preceded by three evening meetings with anomalous phenomena. First, four strange dots spun on the sideboard wall. After some time, Lyudmila saw from the open window a bright ball the size of a soccer ball, suspended above the roof of the opposite house. A few days later, a similar object again hovered in the same place, but this time a darker core was distinguished in it. The 5-year-old son slept exceptionally restlessly that night. After midnight, he suddenly jumped up in his bed, was very excited, and when he fell asleep again, he constantly cried out: "I don't want to! I don't want to!" And he dreamed, as he said in the morning, of two creatures hovering near the crowns of trees in some kind of apparatus. It was then that the 28-year-old woman discovered rings with signs on her back.

And here is the information about the night incident in the city of Rudny, Kustanai region. At about 4 o'clock in the morning, Irina R. suddenly woke up from an inexplicable anxiety and hurried to the bedside of her little daughter. Glancing around, she noticed a luminous ball the size of an apple in the upper corner of the balcony door. A bright yellow beam with a greenish tinge went from it into the room. Instinctively covering her daughter with a blanket from this beam, the woman immediately heard a strong tinnitus, felt a sharp headache- and lost consciousness. About an hour later, when I came to my senses and got up, I felt pain, as if from a burn. In the lower part of the abdomen, there was a mark about 2 centimeters wide and slightly less than a palm long. The dermatologist described the burn as "penetrating", excluding touching a hot object or impact as possible causes.

On May 28, 1990, an indelible drawing appeared on the thigh of a Tajik schoolgirl Dina Shakirova from the village of Shakrinau: something similar to a nesting doll with empty eye sockets, and a little higher - a conventional image of the Sun in the form of a circle with divergent rays. And this was preceded by the appearance of a UFO at the window of the apartment.

The mysterious lady in white caused a lot of trouble for Tatyana R., a telephone operator on duty in the city of Otradnoy, Krasnodar Territory. An uninvited guest suddenly appeared in the premises of an intercity exchange, also suddenly disappeared - and immediately the front door swung open, previously locked with two turns of the key (which, by the way, is typical of a poltergeist). Tatyana only had time to tell the telephone operator who was in touch with her in another city: “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. My hands hurt a lot,” and she lost consciousness. It was at night, and my partner managed to call a police department of the Internal Affairs Directorate via long-distance communication. The arrivals found Tatyana lying with burns on her hands.

Since we're talking about the police, amazing case happened to G. Kozyreva, an employee of the Khabarovsk police department.

In March 1990, at 10 p.m., someone very tall, in silver clothes, with a disproportionately large head, huge bright eyes, without a nose and with a cheek instead of a mouth, entered her apartment (and she lives on the eighth floor) through the balcony door. The stranger passed his hand through the air twice, the hostess fainted. I woke up in the morning, lying on the couch. On one hand, two fingers were cut and ... wrapped with a bandage.

Andrey R., school teacher from the city of Kogalym, Tyumen region, on March 3, 1991, after the usual morning exercises, he went to the bathroom. And in front of the mirror I found on the chest an image similar to a whale, and on the right forearm - figures that vaguely resembled the emblem of the Adidas company.

At about the same time, a creature 140 cm tall with large light eyes and straw-colored hair, dressed in a brown hoodie, visited one of the inhabitants of the village of Novopokrovskaya in the Krasnodar Territory. The owner of the apartment woke up, feeling the touch of his hands on his forehead. He jumped up and in the early morning light clearly saw a condescending smile on the stranger's face. The creature "floated" back to the half-open door, and once at the threshold, it began to flatten vertically and stretch horizontally and turned into a brown stripe, which then transformed into a kind of cometary tail. In the end, the "tail" slipped through the gap into the hallway. Alas, unpleasant traces of the meeting were soon discovered. appeared on the back White spot, on which horny growths were formed. And after a while they spread all over the back.

In general, in 1990, in the Krasnodar Territory, many simply could not live from UFOs. Flights, demonstrations of all sorts of miracles in the sky, and even visits directly to the house. So Peter M., a resident of the regional center, just arrived in the spring to the country, and the aliens are right there. They arrived in a balloon, a man and a woman of ordinary height came out of it, the third was a short man and invited to fly with them. M. refused, but asked to leave something as a keepsake. Then the woman put her fingers into his hand. They said goodbye, returned to the balloon and flew away, and since then M.'s hand has been marked with a sign in the form of a month, as it happens on damage.

A 12-year-old schoolboy from Krasnodar, Sapgi A., had strange, hieroglyphic-like signs that at one time appeared in the morning. Now on the forehead, then on the torso, then on the legs. The hieroglyphs did not last long, but disappeared gradually, one at a time.

The phenomenon was observed not only by relatives, but also by specially arrived ufologists. Sasha says that several times he saw a bluish-transparent creature in the apartment, its head almost touching the ceiling. Maybe it seemed? However, before that, for three months the whole family was not allowed to live by a poltergeist: a closet fell, a bed moved into the middle of the room, water spontaneously appeared, dousing Sasha more than once. And only then did the writing on the body.

(V. Orlov. Mysterious and mysterious. Mn., 1994)

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