A truly beautiful woman. The terrible truth about beautiful women

  • 02.07.2020

A woman is a constant mystery, impossible to fully understand and very difficult to unravel. For centuries, men have tried to woo women by throwing the whole world under their feet, and women just wanted more attention. She remains a mystery to this world...

Here is what famous and famous people say about this mystery. famous men and women...

Audrey Hepburn

Beautiful girls and women are rarely alone, but often they are lonely.
Henryk Jagodzinsky

The perfect couple from my point of view is damn beautiful woman and a devilishly smart man.
Baurzhan Toyshibekov

A beautiful woman can be kissed endlessly and never fall into the same place.
Janusz Makarchik

I also like how beautiful and proud women leave, arrogantly and swiftly tapping their heels and slamming the door. Maybe they then slide down her reverse side and weep bitterly, but they leave wonderfully ...

Elizabeth Taylor

It is a sin if a woman looks less beautiful than she could be.

Being a man is a lot, but being a woman is even more.
M. Larney

The later the girl comes on a date, the more smiling she is.
Gomez de la Serna

A woman's guess is more accurate than a man's certainty.
R. Kipling

Sophia Loren

A woman is your shadow: when you follow her, she runs away from you; when you leave her, she runs after you.
Alfred de Musset

A smart woman is one in whose society you can behave as stupidly as you like.
P. Valerie

At loving woman the heart is always full of hope; to kill them, you need more than one blow with a dagger, she loves to the last drop of blood.
Honore de Balzac

Without a woman, the dawn and evening of life would be helpless, and her noon without joy.
Pierre Buast

Marilyn Monroe

If you want to know what a woman really thinks, look at her, but don't listen.
Oscar Wilde

Women's hatred, in fact, the same love, only changed direction.
Heinrich Heine

A woman is both an apple and a snake.
Heinrich Heine

I don't know why women demand everything that men have. After all, women, among other things, have men.
Coco Chanel

Vivien Leigh

If I am part of your destiny, then someday you will return to me ...
P. Coelho

“If a woman loves you, then, in essence, the one she loves is not you. But the one she no longer loves is you!”
Paul Geraldi

When the actress was asked what she puts on when she goes to bed, she replied: "Only Chanel number five."

Only a woman can temporarily stop time.
Yuzef Bulatovich

Grace Kelly

A woman knows the meaning of love, and a man knows its price.

If you love, let go. will return - it is yours, will not return - it has never been yours.

A man wants to be first with a woman, while a woman wants to be last with a man.
jennifer wilkinson

A smart woman is like Semiramide.
K. Prutkov

Catherine Deneuve

The night suits every girl and woman.
S. Flesharova-Muscat

Whoever has not seen a woman in love cannot say what a woman is.
T. Gauthier

A woman's right is to say more than a man, and a man's duty is to do more than a woman.
Baurzhan Toyshibekov

A man who reads morality is usually a hypocrite, and a woman who reads morality is certainly an ugly woman.
Oscar Wilde

Brigitte Bardot

Night gives shine to the stars and women.

Even the most beautiful legs end somewhere.
Julian Tuwim.

Do not burst into your wife shouting “I know everything!” Otherwise she will ask you kindly what year the Battle of Trafalgar was.

Nymphomaniac: A woman who wants to make love in the evening despite having her hair done in the morning.
Maureen Limpan.

Gina Lollobrigida

And she will only laugh, throwing a predatory look in response, she, as no one knows, has no rules in the life of a cat ...

If a woman is wrong, go and apologize...

Women, like cats, secretly despising their owners, again and again return to the hateful hearth ...

Without women, the beginning of our life would be devoid of support, the middle of pleasure, and the end of consolation.
Chamfort Nikola

Claudia Cardinale

The expression on a woman's face is much more important than her clothes.
Dale Carnegie

If a woman answers your question, don't believe her; if she is silent - do not believe her all the more.
K. Makushinsky

If women are given under the supervision of men, then they are not out of danger, only those out of danger who protect themselves of their own free will.
(Indian saying)

There are two ways to command a woman, but no one knows them.
Hubbard Frank

Marlene Dietrich

Women must be accepted with all our shortcomings.
Arkady Davidovich

For centuries, a woman has played the role of a mirror, endowed with a magical and deceptive property: the figure of a man reflected in it was twice its natural size.
Virginia Woolf

A woman is more likely to love a man whom she hates than one to whom she is indifferent.

Woman reigns but does not rule
Delphine Girardin

Sara Montiel

A woman must manage to look so wise that her “accidental” stupidity turns out to be a real gift for a man.
Karl Kraus

In life, there are cases when a woman does her best to hide the passion she feels for a man, while he just as diligently plays out the love that he does not feel for her at all.
J. La Bruyère

Michel Mercier

A man should beware of a woman when she loves: for then she is ready for any sacrifice, and everything else has no value in her eyes.
Nietzsche F.

If God had appointed a woman to be the mistress of a man, he would have created her from the head; if he had been a slave, he would have created her from the foot; but since he appointed her to be a friend and equal to a man, he created from a rib.
Aurelius Augustine

A woman is not only able to understand self-sacrifice: she herself knows how to sacrifice herself.

Most men demand virtues from their wives, which they themselves are not worth.
L. Tolstoy

Greta Garbo

Even the severity of the beloved woman is full of endless charm, which we do not find in the happiest moments for us in other women.

What is a mistress? A woman near whom you forget what you knew by heart, in other words, all the shortcomings of her sex.
N. Chamfort

For some women, it is enough to walk down the street once to remain in the memory of a man forever.
Kipling R.

Juliette Binoche

A woman in love is more likely to forgive a greater indiscretion than a small infidelity.
François de La Rochefoucauld

There are men who are more eloquent than women, but no man has the eloquence of a woman's eyes.
M. Weber

To understand women, one must become a woman, and if it is impossible to become one, then it remains only to accept women as they are - full of mysteries and sweet charm in their individuality.

It happens that a beautiful woman is objectively charming, but behaves in such a way that you will not immediately notice her beauty. If you notice at all. This happens when the behavior of a beautiful woman does not match her appearance. If a beautiful woman behaves like all the other women, she automatically replenishes their flock. Let's discuss how a truly beautiful woman should and should not behave.

Rule 1. A beautiful woman should not be loud

Loud women are trying to attract the attention of others. A beautiful woman does not need to be loud to turn heads after herself. She just needs to be. When a beautiful woman neighs like lieutenant Rzhevsky, simpering, talking loudly, those around her subconsciously perceive her as desperately seeking attention. The logic works: “Beautiful women are not looking for attention. They have it anyway. So this particular woman is not that beautiful after all.”

Rule 2. A beautiful woman should not be obsequious

Compliance is a quality inherent in insecure women. Beauties are used to the fact that they are trying to please them, and not vice versa. Beauties don't flicker.

Rule 3. A beautiful woman is surrounded by beautiful women.

If a beauty has scarecrows in her friends, this indicates that she is afraid of competition. What kind of beauty is this, who pisses other women? A beautiful woman is friends with beautiful women, because being friends with them is psychologically comfortable: they do not complex against your background. This is a friendship of equals, not a lioness with a chicken.

Rule 4. A beautiful woman is not jealous

Forgive the banality, but jealousy is a direct consequence of self-doubt. Beauty knows the fullness of the power of her beauty. What other women when there is me? What are you talking about?

Rule 5. A beautiful woman does not have cheap manners.

Cheap manners are echoes of a childhood spent in material need. Do not leave the waiter a decent tip, but buy at mall a bunch of junk and cosmetics - this is cheap behavior. Love for a freebie, the desire to fall on someone's tail so as not to incur expenses - this is cheap behavior. Extravagance and stinginess rolled into one is cheap behavior. Ponty, like patches on complexes, is the lot of maids and prostitutes, not beauties. Remember this.

Meet the new Legalbet expert! MMA fighter, Russian Thai boxing champion, kickboxer, model, designer and just a beauty. What can you say about it briefly? In mixed martial arts, she had 6 fights, 5 of which she won. In the media, she is called herself beautiful girl Russian MMA or Russian Gina Carano. In ratings like "The sexiest female fighters from Russia" invariably takes a place among the leaders. He loves and knows how to draw. on Instagram- more than 230 thousand subscribers. Anastasia has never played betting, so our welcome conversation is about different things: about women in MMA, about idols and inspiration, about betting as a phenomenon, about beauty and strength.

- Two main characteristics: a female fighter and a model. Which one would you like to be more associated with? Who do you like to be?

- I don’t want everything to be sorted in the minds of people: this shelf is for fighters, this one is for models, this one is for bloggers, this one is for designers, and so on. As Vera Polozkova wrote, “by default, any niche that is assigned to me will be close to me” - I agree with this and do not want to be driven into any kind of framework.

- Which of the athletes can you call your idol?

- I do not like the word "idol", it smacks of fanaticism and the desire to imitate, and this is initially fatal. But there are people who inspire me, and if we talk about athletes, then this is, firstly, Gina Carano. It was she who was the first woman who began to pave the way for others who would like to do this.

It is also Ronda Rousey, who continued this path and broke a lot of stereotypes in the minds of people about the compatibility of women and martial arts. I remember that before the advent of women's fights in the UFC, this seemed unrealistic. I remember an interview with Dana White (the presidentUFC- ed.) who said: “Women? No never". And Ronda Rousey proved, including to him, that this is possible: her fights sold better than the fights of many men.

Misha Tate is madly in love - she is not like Ronda Rousey, but she is beautiful in her own way. If we talk specifically about athletes, then yes, these women inspire me.

Some people think that sports betting is evil. Do you agree with them?

- No, I definitely don’t consider it evil, otherwise I wouldn’t be here. Many times refused cooperation related to alcoholic products. If some conditional meat processing plant offered to cooperate, I would also refuse, because I do not support this. But sports betting is different.

I think like this: if you really understand what it is about, if you know some kind of sport and understand it - why not? If you know how to control yourself and know how to stop in time, then this great way quench the thirst for excitement, and for someone, a way to earn money. Evil is not gambling, evil is ignorance of the measure, and this applies not only to bets, but to everything else. If everything is within reason, then it is interesting, and there is nothing wrong with that.

- Which fights in MMA and boxing seem more interesting to you - men's or women's? What do you watch more often?

- It's hard to say that I watch women's fights more, because in principle there are fewer of them. But if you take into account the total number, then I look more women, yes. Often these are fights in my weight: it is useful to observe and notice some punches or techniques that girls use in this weight category. Well, on top of that, I just understand women better.

I also follow men's fights, but these are usually some top fights, the loudest, the most interesting or the most expected for me personally. For women, it can be a “quieter” fight and a lower level, but I will still watch it.

How easy is it to predict results in boxing and MMA? Maybe there are some especially “predictable” athletes?

- Boxing and MMA are very unpredictable sports, it is difficult to predict them, especially MMA. Judge for yourself: the gloves are small, you can kick, you can do almost everything! That is, from the first seconds of the battle, everything can end absolutely at any moment. In boxing, big gloves, more rounds - I think that makes it easier. Very little.

Whose fights are easier to predict? Probably, these are knockouts who, according to statistics, finish everything ahead of schedule. Or wrestlers who do not wait try not to be in the stance, but immediately go down and there they already try to finish as quickly as possible. But in any case, of course, you need to study the statistics, watch the fights on both sides, and only then draw conclusions.

Have you ever placed a bet?

- No never. But if I am sure of the outcome of the battle, I can easily bet money with one of my friends. The amounts in such disputes are not cosmic, and the result of the dispute may be different. But it was not necessary to place bets at some more serious level.

- And among the athletes with whom you communicate, are there those who play on bets?

— Yes, I have many acquaintances who constantly place bets. It turns out, it seems, with varying degrees of success, but it happens that they post some checks on Instagram or say, they say, they raised money.

- What do you plan to rely on when preparing forecasts for our site, what will you base your choice on?

- All in all. I will remember the fights that I watched, I will watch and remember the statistics, and based on this information, as well as my experience, I will draw conclusions.

- The question is not about sports - about intuition. Do you think it is well developed for you?

“My intuition is often right. And I'm already so used to it that I don't even argue. If I feel, for example, that today I do not need to go to some place or along some road, then most likely this is true. It happened that you would take a different road, and then you would find out that a terrible accident happened on the one you didn’t take… This is not the only example, this often happens.

That is, yes, I am on good terms with intuition. However, I do not know if this will help in the forecasts;)

What does intuition say? There are doubts that the forecasts will be successful?

“I can't promise anything here, frankly. I promise only to honestly share my opinion and my knowledge. Let's see what happens: in any case, for me it is interesting experience.

- Well, in conclusion. What is better: to be beautiful or to be strong? Naturally, if only one could be chosen.

- Beauty is not the shape of the nose, the shape of the eyes, or something like that. This is the impression that a person (in this case, a woman) makes. This is a certain emotional charge that it carries, energy. I met very simple women in terms of appearance, but at the same time everyone considered them incredible beauties, because they have this charge and this energy.

For me, martial arts is what made me me, made me confident, changed my outlook, even changed my attitude towards life. That is, in this case it is very interconnected, I cannot separate beauty and strength here.

And you know ... I've never met a truly attractively beautiful women who, at the same time, would be weak. It's impossible. You can look perfect and not carry anything else in yourself, but this is no longer beauty. All women who are for me the standard of beauty and attractiveness are strong.

This is how she is - beautiful and strong Anastasia Yankova. From that moment on, he has been a real gem of the Legalbet male expert team. Anyone can subscribe to Anastasia's new predictions and find out if she will be as good in them as in many other things: to do this, you just need to click "Add to friends" under the profile picture.

The first forecasts of the new Legalbet expert Anastasia Yankova have already been published.

The beauty of a woman is a triad of qualities that has the boundless power of a woman over the opposite sex.

Female beauty amazes, inspires, makes a man tremble, even conquers. But why then are dazzling beauties so often lonely?

What feminine qualities attract men and why do they meet with some and marry others?

The first quality is aesthetic appeal: pleasant facial features, a proportional figure, healthy hair and teeth, delicate skin.

The second quality is sex appeal. This is an innate property that cannot be bought or increased for any money, because it is based on a lot of biological factors: hormonal background, temperament, attitude to life.

She either is from birth, or not. It can be attempted to simulate with varying degrees of success, and many women today are preoccupied with building their own sex appeal from copied gestures, revealing clothing, borrowed demeanor.

But the artificial one is just a fake. And men easily recognize artificial and natural.

The third quality is the maternal instinct in a broad sense: the personal maturity of a woman, her willingness and ability to take care of a loved one.

Even Superman will always need care and tenderness to be stroked on the head and brought him a cup of hot milk.

This third quality is very important for a long-term relationship between a man and a woman. After all, at first you can admire external data, lose your head from powerful femininity, spend several wonderful weeks together, and then understand: a woman is an infantile, capricious, self-centered Barbie.

Sometimes men, seeing that their beloved is just a beautiful toy, break off relations and pay attention to the "gray mice" who will take care of them, be interested in their problems.

And some convert their Barbies into the category of prestigious things like the new Audi model. Beautiful, but personally immature women are an object that you can brag to other men, but build loved ones, trusting relationship with such a lady is not interesting.

Why are men afraid of beautiful women?

The fate of every truly beautiful woman is tragic.

In addition to the stress that awaits her from realizing the fragility of her power, men are also afraid of her. And all because we tend to endow beautiful people with superpowers, superqualities, and men, looking at a beauty, are afraid to blunder, not to meet her requirements.

Female beauty amazes, inspires, makes a man tremble, even conquers, but the desire to possess is extremely rare.

The very fact that you can’t hold this beauty in your hands is frightening. Therefore, the stronger sex admires a beautiful woman like a statue on a pedestal, and the idea that she can be seen at home in the kitchen with a ladle in her hands seems seditious to both men and beautiful women.

However, there is another reaction of men to female beauty: the desire to humiliate, destroy, devalue, so that it becomes accessible. That's why dazzling beauties are so often lonely.

What is the beauty of a mature woman for men

Men really appreciate the well-groomedness of a mature woman, however, they are far from always able to figure out that this is well-groomedness, and not, for example, a genetic predisposition.

In order to determine how old a woman is, a man will not count wrinkles and analyze skin turgor. All these small details are the lot of female attention.

The man grasps the female image in its entirety. He pays attention to the expression of the face, not to its color.

A woman who has not lost interest in life, in particular, in the opposite sex, is desirable until ... well, let's say, advanced years. Of course, provided that she cares about her appearance.

Do not forget that in addition to the definition of "beautiful woman", there is also the definition of "prominent, interesting woman." And here on foreground content appears.

Of course, no one is against the harmony of the hips and the elasticity of the chest - in the end, these parameters can be achieved today in the nearest gym. However, if at the same time a woman has no content, what kind of attractiveness can we talk about?

Also, don't think of men as males. By the way, men are people too. And sometimes that tenderness, care, cordiality that a mature woman can bestow cannot be compared with the egocentrism of a young, albeit resilient, girl.

The manners, tact and high culture of a woman also elevate the man who is next to her. And the man appreciates it.

Women who know their worth are beautiful. If you feel like a self-sufficient and whole person, you are by definition beautiful, because you have a meaningful inner "I" and do everything to preserve the attractiveness of the "I" of the outer.

A beautiful woman is a profession
Everything else is pure amateurism.
R. Rozhdestvensky

Each of us wants to be beautiful: always or on an important date, for everyone or for a single person.

Who can determine the criteria, if beauty is a subjective and indefinite concept and it depends more on perception. Two representatives of the stronger sex see the same woman in completely different ways: one is a goddess and an ideal, the second is an unremarkable feminine unit.

And yet - what does a beautiful woman mean from a male point of view?

As you know, everything in a person should be perfect. But, no matter what is said about the soul, it is the appearance that makes the first impression. To summarize the most popular opinions, women are perceived as beautiful who have:

Well-groomed appearance

Perhaps a man will never be able to determine in detail what type of skin you have, whether your hairstyle is fashionable and the percentage of split ends (unless this man, of course, is the shocked star Serezha Zverev). But at the level of perception, they will always note matte and elastic skin, shiny and beautifully styled (or “naturally” tousled) hair, light natural makeup and neat clothes. And the foundation, applied in spots on flaky skin, chapped lips and red inflamed eyes, will certainly take you away from the image of a beautiful woman. It is impossible to describe exactly what well-groomed means. The main thing is to constantly take care of yourself and take care of your skin, hands, hair and body according to your skin and hair type. The final touch is given by light, unobtrusive perfumes.

Proportional facial features and expressive eyes.

Of course, not everyone is naturally given complete harmony of features: large eyes, well-defined eyebrows, a neat nose, chin and their relationship to each other. But all this can be slightly corrected with the help of decorative cosmetics. And all this does not mean cheating. After all, if a person likes you, then the more serious your relationship becomes, the more he will appreciate the inner spiritual qualities, or rather, the harmony between inner and outer virtues. And if it's only about visual perception, what difference does it make how you look without makeup? And by the way, Sophia Loren's nose is far from ideal, and who would dare to call her ugly? And the expressiveness of the eyes is evaluated different people differently.

proportional figure

And here we are not talking about thin or full - after all, men love different and, certainly, not a faceless standard. Did Marilyn Monroe look skinny? The main thing is that the figure is toned, and the ass is elastic. Breast size is also not an indicator of beauty, someone likes lush breasts, and someone considers a small one to be a standard. And men began to understand the word "cellulite" only thanks to the number of articles on this topic and our groans.

Stylish and well-chosen clothes.

Figure-hugging, flowing clothing in soothing tones, high heels, long hair and a beautiful manicure is one of the attractive images. The second is sporty, and these are: short haircuts, jeans, comfortable but elegant shoes. The third attractive image, surprisingly, is a business woman. Business, but not boring suit, neat: hair, manicure and make-up. The main thing is to wear what suits you, hides flaws and emphasizes dignity. Whether a skirt is fashionable on you or not, few men will pay attention to it. But accuracy is one of the components. Twisted pantyhose gathered in folds, a messy blouse and a stretched skirt with stains automatically reduce your chances of getting into the top of the most beautiful ladies.

Posture and self-control.

Good posture already visually tightens the figure, emphasizes the chest, makes the stomach retract and makes the gait smooth. In addition, she shows how a woman treats herself.

And here we come to another component of beauty - the confidence of a woman that she is beautiful. And this feeling is transmitted - whether at the level of the subconscious, fluids or other subtle matters, but if you consider yourself beautiful, then there is a high probability that others, including men, will think so too.

But this is not the main thing, as the secretary Verochka said, creating the same beauty from her nondescript female boss.

External beauty is never without internal, it is the latter that makes the eyes expressive, and the woman interesting.

Kindness and interest in other people, the ability to empathize and communicate, intelligence and charm, cheerfulness and the desire for development - these and many other inner virtues distinguish a beautiful woman from a beautiful doll in the eyes of men.

And yet - a beautiful woman always has some mysterious sparkle in her eyes, elusive sexuality, attention and promise. As the same Robert Rozhdestvensky wrote (another male look into the piggy bank of knowledge):

And in rare profession The fabulous woman has skills, secrets and strict principles.

Each has her own skills and secrets, but any woman is adorned with a smile - sincere and friendly. They do not paint - lowered corners of the lips, universal longing in the eyes and the desire to tell the world one hundred and one problems.

A beloved woman always seems beautiful, no matter what she really is. And the fact that a woman in love is beautiful meets all the above principles: she is happy, smiles and rejoices in the world and is in complete harmony with it. Here is one of the secrets: to be beautiful - love. For loved ones and relatives, children and animals, just people and life, create a feeling of happiness in yourself - and beauty will shine from within.
Beauty is a magnet that attracts looks, thoughts, emotions and men. The main thing is that men are beautiful - with a soul.