How is the restoration of the chair with your own hands? Do-it-yourself office chair upholstery: features, instructions and recommendations How to update an old chair with your own hands.

  • 29.08.2019

An armchair is an integral attribute of the interior, which is found in almost every home. A person uses this furniture almost every day, which leads to a deterioration in its condition. Will help restore technical specifications construction such an operation as the repair of chairs.

Features of furniture restoration

Furniture repair is a complex operation, which depends on the type of product and the breakdown itself. Today, such operations are rarely carried out independently. It is advisable to entrust the solution of such tasks to experienced specialists who will perform them much faster and better.

Restoration of furniture is the restoration of not only its functionality, but also its appearance. A feature of upholstered furniture is that it uses fabric upholstery. To repair the internal structure, the fabric will need to be dismantled or replaced. This operation also requires certain skills and efforts.

What can be done with your own hands?

Breaking the chair is not always a problem, as you can try to restore its condition yourself. There are several types of operations that are easily performed at home:

  1. Padding. This process involves replacing the old fabric with a new one. This also includes changing the filler (foam rubber, etc.) and restoring the internal structure of the chair. If necessary, the wooden surface itself can be restored.
  2. Upholstery. This approach involves upholstering fabric on the surface of the chair in order to update its appearance. Often such operations are performed with old rigid structures, the surface of which is not so easy to restore with paint.
  3. Repair. This general concept, which includes the previously discussed operations. But often this word is understood as all repair work related to the restoration of the state of the chair frame. This includes strengthening the structure with metal corners, replacement of legs or seat, as well as restoration of the surface of the material with paint and sanding.

To carry out all the previously described operations, you should not only have experience, but also stock up on a lot of special tools.


Modern armchairs are made from various materials. The design of such modifications consists of many elements that can be replaced if necessary. Often, such chairs include office models that are equipped with a gas-lift mechanism. For the restoration of such products, several types of components may be needed:

  1. Videos. This mechanism is made from various kinds plastic. When choosing this product, it is important to consider its purpose, connector type and method of fixation.
  2. Gaslift. Almost all office chairs are equipped with this element, which allows you to hold the chair at a certain height. There are several types of these structures on the market today. It is important to pay attention to the type of mechanism that was previously used in the damaged chair.
  3. Cross. Plays the role of a support element. Performed in the form of a 5-ray star, to which the rollers are attached. When buying, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the material and the way the parts are connected.

There are many other accessories that will be needed when repairing such furniture. This includes everything from small knobs and bolts to specialized fabrics.

How to drag and drop: step by step guide

One way to restore an old leather chair is to reupholster it. This process is quite lengthy and laborious. First of all, new fabric is bought. Padding can be done with leather and other popular materials. Some experts also recommend purchasing stuffing materials (foam rubber, batting). To simplify the hauling operation, you must also have a stapler, nails, hammer, etc.

The algorithm for solving this problem can be described in several successive steps:

  1. At the first stage, the fabric is dismantled from the bottom of the chair. IN simple models this part is fixed only from below. But there are complex models, so it is important to initially free this part, and then proceed to the rest of the operations.
  2. After that, the fabric is completely removed from the surface of the structure. It is important to do this consistently to avoid any damage to the elements. Please note that each element of the chair is covered with one piece of fabric. Therefore, it must be released sequentially, layer by layer. These elements should not be torn, as they will then need to be used as blanks for cutting.
  3. The next step is to remove the old foam upholstery. To remove it, you should carefully unbend and remove all the metal staples with which it was fixed. Also try not to tear the material, which will later be used as blanks when replacing foam rubber.
  4. Cut out the material. This operation involves the formation of new upholstery elements. To do this, use old pieces of fabric that were attached to the armrests, back and seat. The size of the new elements should be slightly larger than the old ones. This is due to the fact that it is not always possible to predict how accurately the fabric will lie. Therefore, it is better to take it with a margin.
  5. This step involves fixing the foam rubber. Previously prepared pieces are sequentially placed on a specific part of the chair. If the foam protrudes in certain places, then it should be cut off. Thus formed appearance each element. Then a synthetic winterizer is placed on top of the foam rubber. After that, both substances are fixed on the frame with a stapler. It is important to glue them so that they follow the contours separate parts designs.
  6. The process is completed by attaching the fabric. This operation is very similar to the previous one. But it is important to properly position the pieces on the surface. Before fixing, carefully align the fabric and stretch it. Initially, the middle part of the workpiece is nailed with staples. This is necessary in order to avoid distortions. Then each of the corners is sequentially stretched and fastened with a stapler.

How to sew yourself?

The chair upholstery process is slightly different from the upholstery, although in many ways it is very similar. This operation involves covering the chair with a cloth. For such purposes, only furniture is used that was not originally equipped with fabric upholstery.

Upholstery technology involves several sequential operations:

  1. Before you cover a chair at home, you should stock up on some tools and materials. To perform such operations, you need fabric. As this substance, you can use products made from bamboo, cotton and other natural materials. It is important that the fabric withstand constant loads and retain its properties. long time. Also you will need construction stapler, scissors, etc.
  2. At this stage, you need to disassemble the chair into separate parts. This will greatly speed up the plating process. At the same time, try to remember in what order the elements were dismantled so that in the future it is easy to assemble the structure back.
  3. After that, fabric blanks are made. They are cut out in accordance with the dimensions of a separate element of the chair. Try to use substances with a small margin in order to be able to correct the location of the material on the surface. If you are planning to do easy chair, foam rubber is placed inside it. This substance also occupies a certain volume, which should be taken into account when forming a tissue blank.
  4. The final step is plating. Start it with small details, such as an armrest. The skinning algorithm is quite simple. Initially, the fabric is placed on the surface of the product and pulled a little so that it evens out. It is advisable to do this with an assistant, which will greatly speed up the process. When everything is in place, the material is nailed to the frame with inside. It is important to constantly control the tension in order to avoid distortion.

All other elements are sheathed in the same way. If necessary, the material can be cut.

How to update old furniture: ideas

Old chairs are often very strong and durable. But after a long period of operation, they lose their attractive appearance. Do not rush to throw away such furniture, as it can be easily restored.

The technology for updating the chair depends, first of all, on its design. This can be done using several approaches:

  1. Products from the 60s can be restored simply by changing the upholstery. This process is relatively simple. The main thing is to choose the right style of fabric. Some designers recommend using multiple color shades that fit into the overall interior.
  2. Restoration of the outer covering. This approach involves changing the paint layer on wooden or metal surfaces. It is used for armchairs made of rattan, wood, wicker and other natural products. This also includes the restoration of natural or artificial leather (painting, cleaning, etc.).
  3. Replacing certain items. An old chair will look original if you change the armrest in it for a product of a different shape. Similarly, you can do with the legs or back. It all depends on your imagination and possibilities.

How to repair yourself?

Armchairs today have different design, on which the algorithm depends repair work. If it's common wooden product then fixing it is pretty easy. A problem should be identified, which is often poor-quality fasteners or a violation of the structure of the material. You can fix this by replacing wooden element(backrest elements, frame base, etc.) with a new one or simply by tightening the bolt.

It is more difficult to repair shell chairs, which often have outer fabric upholstery. To get to the breakdown, you first need to dismantle the fabric. The process of repairing such chairs is much more complicated, therefore it is not always possible at home.

Office chairs are mechanisms that consist of several parts. There are many reasons why this design loses its characteristics:

  1. Dropout of rollers. Often this can only be corrected by replacing the cross or these moving elements. It is important to first check what the cause of the breakdown is (broken hole, missing retaining ring on the roller, etc.).
  2. Disruption of the gas lift. There are also several reasons here, including improper fastening of the piastres or malfunction of the control lever mechanism. Therefore, these attributes should be checked first.
  3. Cross breaks. You can restore the health of this element only by replacing it with a new one.
  4. The back does not bounce. The root cause of this problem is a violation of the integrity metal parts inside. Sometimes the spring mechanism also fails. You can restore the work only by replacing parts with new ones.

Chair restoration can be global or fragmentary. Sometimes it includes not only upholstery with new fabric, but also the replacement of springs and soft parts - the back and seat. What actions and in what sequence to perform, we will consider.

You will need: an old armchair, jute cords, foam rubber, synthetic winterizer, burlap, batting, any coarse fabric for a pattern, soft fabric for upholstery (for example, velvet), furniture buttons, staples for hidden trim, scissors, needle, thread, furniture gun, electric knife, tailor's chalk, spray glue.

1. Not only the soft seat helps to enjoy the comfort in the chair, but also the correct base, which is hidden under the skin. Worn-out springs can be replaced with jute bundles - a fiber that is similar in characteristics to a rope.

2. We twist the jute strips in a checkerboard pattern and sew them with a furniture gun to the back of the chair frame.

3. Next in line is the soft seat padding. Let's make it three-layer: from foam rubber, burlap and synthetic winterizer.

4. Before cutting out the seat from the foam rubber, we will make a fabric template: we apply the fabric to the seat frame, outline the edges with tailor's chalk.

5. According to this template, we cut out two more layers - from burlap and synthetic winterizer. In this case, the cut from the synthetic winterizer should exceed the size of the template by 5-10 cm.

For cutting, it is better to use an electric knife. The usual tears and spoils the material, especially in the hands of beginners.

6. We fasten the “soft pie” of the seat in the following order: burlap (covers the jute from below and above), on the burlap - synthetic winterizer; then foam rubber (it is the soft part of the “pie”) and again a synthetic winterizer - while its edges cover the entire “pie” and are sewn to the frame.

For greater reliability, we fasten all layers of the “pie” to each other using aerosol glue.

7. Let's move on to seat upholstery. We place a piece of fabric cut according to the template in the center of the seat. Allowances on the edges should cover the entire "soft cake".

8. We shoot the fabric from the underside of the chair frame. First with large intervals, then reducing them. We methodically align the folds of the fabric on the seat.

If you are upholstering a chair for the first time, practice on pieces of old fabric: make a pattern, attach, try to feel the fabric. For both trial and final upholstery, it is better to choose soft textiles. At home, velvet is perfect. It stretches a little, which successfully hides the shortcomings of amateur furniture upholstery.

9. The most difficult thing is to beautifully sew the corners of the chair and the attachment points of the armrests. We use the so-called nesting method. If possible, it is advisable to remove the armrests before the upholstery of the chair.

10. Let's move on to the back cover. We chose the most decorative type of upholstery - capitonné stitch, with deeply seated furniture buttons covered with fabric. It is this technique that will help beginners in hauling mask all the shortcomings of the work. Smooth smooth upholstery, on the contrary, is much more difficult to perform.

11. As in the case of the restoration of the seat, we sew jute bundles to the frame. We cover them with burlap, which we also attach to the frame of the chair.

12. With an electric knife, we cut out the filling for the seat from the foam rubber. Here, remarkable efforts and an excellent eye gauge will come in handy, because even having made the back according to the template, it is important to cut it on the spot to a perfect match with the outlines of the frame.

13. Having carefully calculated the proportions, we cut holes in the foam rubber for the legs of furniture buttons - screws.

14. We cover the foam rubber with batting, in which we also cut holes.

15. We cover the “soft cake” of the back and wrap it around with a thin padding polyester. We shoot the edges with a pistol. We fix all layers with aerosol glue.

16. Cut out the fabric (with a margin at the edges) for the front of the back. On the wrong side of the fabric, mark and cut out holes for the legs of furniture buttons.

17. We cover the front of the back with a cloth, insert the buttons, shoot them with a furniture gun with reverse side. Cut off excess fabric.

Please note: the “legs” of the screws must be long enough so as not to overtighten the stitch, i.e. do not deepen the hats very much into the upholstery of the back.

18. To sew the fabric to the back without showing a single stitch, we use a special fastener, which is called a “grip-grip” * (English ply grip, flex grip, curve grip, pli grip). They have only one drawback - the complexity of the purchase: brackets (slats) for hidden sheathing are sold in specialized stores selling furniture fittings.

If you failed to purchase a bracket, you can sew the fabric on the back of the back by hand - as furniture restorers did hundreds of years ago. Another option is to shoot it with a pistol, and manually close the staples with a decorative edging. Or sew on the fabric with furniture studs with decorative hats - you must admit, a very original and practical decor, accessible even to beginners!

One of the easiest and most unexpected ways to update an old chair is to repaint its upholstery. This option will help if the upholstery is not damaged, but, for example, you need to hide stains or just want to change its color. You can repaint the upholstery using paint from a spray can or from a can. Choose a universal paint or acrylic for fabric, and before painting, you can put a layer of a special primer. You can find paint and primer in construction, art and craft stores. The bonus of such an alteration is that the upholstery treated with paint acquires not only a new color, but also water-repellent properties, and stains from it can most often simply be removed with a damp cloth.

You will need:

Fabric paint;

A large brush for covering wide surfaces and a small brush that is more convenient to paint over the edges;

- a container for mixing paint;

Spray bottle with water;

If desired, masking tape can be used to protect the wooden parts of the chair from getting paint on them, and the primer can be dispensed with without it).

1. First, remove the cushions from the chair. Remove all dust, wipe the upholstery with a damp cloth if there are significant greasy spots, it is better to treat them with a stain remover so that they do not prevent the paint from lying flat.

2. If you want, prime the surface of the chair. You can do without it. In this case, first soak the upholstery with water by spraying it with a spray bottle. Don't forget the seat cushion(s). Before the upholstery is dry, dilute some paint with water in a 1:1 ratio and saturate the upholstery with this mixture. This step is especially important if your chair is upholstered in thick fabric. Can be protected before painting wooden details chairs with masking tape.

3. When the first layer is completely dry, you can proceed to the second. This time paint the chair undiluted. Carefully go over the brush in all corners, painting over all the necessary areas of the upholstery.

5. If you wish, you can decorate the finished chair with decor by putting it on glue. Ready!

More upholstery chair ideas:

2. How to drag a chair: a master class

This method is, of course, more difficult than repainting. However, by reupholstering, you can almost completely update the old chair, getting rid of holes and scuffs and getting an almost new item for your interior.

You will need:

Hauling fabric (choose a strong, dense fabric);


Sewing machine and thread;

Furniture stapler and staples to it;

Glue gun;

Braid for decoration;

Screwdriver to remove the staples from the upholstery of the old chair.

1. Using a screwdriver, carefully remove the staples holding the upholstery to the chair. The removed parts will serve as patterns for new upholstery parts of the same type. You can remove not all the upholstery or, if desired, not remove it at all. Then you will have to take measurements from the chair and build patterns for new upholstery parts.


2. Cut out new fabric upholstery details, not forgetting at least 2 cm allowances. Start shooting them to the chair furniture stapler as shown in the photo.


3. The piece for the back of the chair back may need to be constructed from several pieces to fit well on the chair. After sewing it, attach the part with a stapler to the back, bending the edges of the fabric.


4. Tape and a glue gun will help to hide the attachment points of the part of the back of the back.


5. Finish off by sewing a new chair cushion cover.


More upholstered chair ideas:



3. How to restore an old "grandmother's" chair: a master class

Such chairs a few decades ago were in almost every Soviet apartment, and in some houses and dachas they have survived to this day. By the way, today such "grandmother's" chairs, like other items of Soviet design, are back in fashion. No wonder: the design of such a chair is simple and durable, it is comfortable, elegant and concise. In order for an old piece of furniture to decorate your interior, the chair needs to be restored.

Work technology:

1. Remove the wooden parts of the legs and armrests, clean them of the old varnish, if necessary, glue and cover with several layers of new varnish.

2. Carefully remove the old upholstery fabric. If necessary, replace the foam by attaching it with a furniture stapler.

3. Using the old upholstery pieces, cut out new ones and attach them to the chair with a furniture stapler.

4. Screw the details of the legs and armrests.

Ideas for reworking the "grandmother's" chair:

Unfortunately, sooner or later any chair loses its appearance. After all, the more convenient it is, the more often it is used, and, accordingly, the upholstery of the chair wears out faster. In addition, a solid chair may not fit into the updated interior after the next repair. All these problems will be solved by reupholstering the chair with a new fabric.

Another reason to resort to is to buy an inexpensive, faceless “semi-finished product” that requires a beautiful cover or upholstery replacement to give it personality. This chair will be used as an example. The upholstery of the chair is made of linen, which is usually used for the upholstery of the bottoms of armchairs and the backs of sofas facing the wall. Such material does not have increased wear resistance and is not treated with dirt and water-repellent impregnations, like special furniture fabrics. Therefore, it quickly loses its appearance and requires replacement.

Tools and materials:

  • pliers
  • furniture stapler and staples
  • screwdriver
  • ripper
  • tailor's scissors
  • safety pins
  • marker
  • blended fabric for interior parts
  • decorative furniture fabric
  • padding polyester 25 mm thick
  • strong threads 45 - 70 LL (lavsan-lavsan reinforced threads commonly used in the manufacture of upholstered furniture)
  • sewing machine and needle for heavy fabrics (No. 100)
  • confident sewing skills

1. Take the camera and remove the chair from all sides, paying special attention to the knots - the junctions of several fabrics. These photos will come in handy when you need to assemble a new case from patterns. Don't trust your memory.
2. Unscrew the legs. Use a screwdriver to pry up the furniture staples and remove them with pliers.
3. Remove the old fabric from the chair. Open the seams that interfere with this, and then use the ripper to separate the cover into parts. It is not necessary to cut the fabric with scissors, because all the details must remain exactly in the form in which they were made by the manufacturer of the chair.
4. Iron the details and sign them.
5. If it occurred to you to wash the details, and after washing they sat down significantly, then you have to do the following: take a piece of cheap fabric, use safety pins to fasten it to the chair so that it duplicates the decorative upholstery. Cut off the darts with pins and draw with a marker. After you remove the fabric from the chair, the details should be drawn on it. Add seam allowances, make sure the symmetrical pieces are really symmetrical. This pattern building method is also used when old upholstery is not removed, and an additional removable cover is made to update the chair.

6. Calculate how long the piece of decorative furniture fabric you need. To do this, you need to prepare a cutting plan. Lay out the parts so that they fit in a width of 1.4 meters. This is the standard width of special upholstery fabrics. Arrange the parts so that the longitudinal thread of the canvas runs along the seat and along the backrest, and across the armrests of the chair. The sample chair does not have armrests, so only the general direction of the threads is observed in the cutting (all parts lie across the longitudinal warp thread).

7. If the fabric you have chosen has a graphic pattern that will need to be joined, the cutting plan must be done directly on the canvas, purchased with a decent margin. You should also take into account the direction of the pile, if you have chosen a pile material. Usually cutting is done in such a way that the pile is directed down.
8. Open the parts with a little margin in case the new cover does not fit perfectly. Baste the details with a temporary hand stitch.
9. Examine the chair. Reinforce loose knots, tighten screws and nuts. Replace the compressed synthetic winterizer. Try on the cover by temporarily securing it with a few staples where the fabric is hidden from view. If the fabric is wavy, adjust the pattern by removing excess in the seams or, conversely, adding where the fabric is too stretched. Patterns may not sit down immediately, because during operation the old upholstery, most likely, was deformed. Make as many fittings as needed to eliminate all defects. A hand needle will not leave marks, while a ripped machine stitch will leave punctures that will ruin the look of the fabric.

10. Prepare sewing machine to work with heavy fabrics according to. Check the quality of the seam on unnecessary fabric remnants. Stitch all the details. Make cuts on the allowances in those places where one piece is sewn to another along a curved line or at a right angle so that these allowances do not pull the material from the inside.

11. Put the new seat cover on. It is better to fix the fabric with staples together in order to be able to evenly stretch the cover. On the sample chair, the inner contour is first fixed, then the outer canvas is attached to the bottom. Excess fabric goes into folds that are invisible on the visible part of the back of the chair.

Then, using a stapler, the inner part of the seat is fixed.

12. In those places where the holes for the legs are located, it is necessary to make holes in the fabric and screw the legs.
13. Line the removable part of the seat (in our case, a piece of foam rubber) with synthetic winterizer and insert it into a new cover.

At first glance, reupholstering a chair may seem like a simple and enjoyable experience. This is true if you have enough sewing skills, patience and free time. The first time is better to choose office chair or simple shapes tending to a rectangle. It is better to entrust the upholstery of a magnificent chair with a complex three-dimensional structure to professionals.

No matter how good the quality cushioned furniture, sooner or later the moment comes when you need to think about what to do next: buy a new one or restore the old one. It is not always possible to painlessly allocate an amount from the budget for the purchase of new furniture, but restoration will not cost you so much. And if you are a creative person, then you will get, in addition to updated furniture, also the pleasure of the work done. Who knows, maybe your hobby will also bring you income. Let's look at how to drag a chair with your own hands step by step.

We select the material

First of all, we have to choose what kind of fabric we will upholster our chair. Upholstery material must have the following properties:

  • be strong and dense;
  • keep in shape;
  • easy to maintain and easy to clean.

Important! It would be nice if it also had water-repellent properties.

Most often, the upholstery material is leather, nubuck, chenille, jacquard, etc.

When the fabric is selected, we proceed to the choice of pattern, color and texture. For a chair with armrests, you can use several different materials at once.

Important! The presence of a pattern on the fabric increases its consumption.

Together with the fabric, you must also purchase strong threads for working with furniture of the corresponding color.

Step 1. Dismantle the chair

The first thing you have to do is disassemble the chair into its component parts. You will need the following tools:

  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • furniture stapler;
  • pliers.

Disassembly of the bottom

Disassembly of the chair usually starts from the bottom. For this you need:

  1. Turn the chair over and remove the legs.
  2. Loosen screws or remove brackets.
  3. If the chair has armrests, they must be removed - this can be done with a screwdriver and a hammer.

Important! Work better with gloves, as nails or staples can be rusty.

Bottom disassembly

To remove the fabric, you need to disassemble the bottom completely. The staples must be carefully bent, the fabric removed and the plywood bottom removed.

Important! Remove the fabric carefully, it will come in handy for making patterns for new parts.

Upholstery fabric attached to wooden frame with help furniture staples which are very difficult to shoot. You can use a knife.

Important! If the staples are not damaged, they can be reused to reduce upholstery costs.

When all fasteners are removed, the entire upholstery fabric can be removed.


If the filler is worn out, you can add a new layer. Usually, batting or foam rubber is used as a filler. If it is completely damaged, then you will have to replace it completely.

Important! If you do not think over the fastening system, then over time the edges of the filler break off. To avoid this, clamps must be used. This will extend the life of the chair.

Removing old parts

All unnecessary fasteners are removed. Metal fasteners, which will be useful to us in the future, need to be treated with an anti-corrosion compound. In the same way, all the upholstery and filler are removed from the rest of the chair. In the end, we are left with a wooden frame.

It must be processed before hauling:

  • remove the old layer of paint or varnish;
  • glue loose parts;
  • paint with a new layer of varnish or paint all wooden structures.

Important! Armrests, legs and other wooden parts also need to be stained and varnished.

Step 2. Cutting the fabric

Now you can start making new upholstery. For this:

  1. Laying out the old fragments on new fabric. If there is a drawing, you need to consider how the parts will fit together.
  2. After all the details are cut out, you need to process the cut points so that they do not crumble. Or hem them with a hem method, or singe them on fire.

Important! Cutting should be done with a margin. Before you sew them together, you need to try on.

When all the details are ready, you can start assembling the chair.

Step 3. Upholstery and chair assembly

Consider the process of reupholstering the chair with your own hands step by step. You need to drag the chair in stages in disassembled form, for example, first drag the seat, then the back, then small parts.

So let's get started:

  • Lay the frame of the part and place the foam rubber on it. If the foam rubber is thick and dense, then the corners can be cut off by making the transitions rounded.

Important! To protect the foam from displacement and simplify installation, you can put a layer of padding polyester on top and secure with a stapler.

  • Let's move on to the upholstery. We straighten the fabric part and put it on the base. We fasten the fabric with staples, trying to proportionally stretch the fabric.

Important! The material should not sag or stretch too much - constantly monitor this process if you want the tension to be of high quality.

  • In the same way we drag all the details.
  • The back part can be closed with lining fabric, securing it with staples.
  • When all the parts are tightened, you can start assembling.
  • Remember how you disassembled the chair, and repeat all the steps in reverse order.
  • All screws and fasteners must be tightened.