Dream interpretation interpretation of picking porcini mushrooms. Why dream of white mushrooms

  • 30.09.2019

It can be difficult to figure out what mushrooms dream of for the fair sex. This can be both a consequence of the recent "quiet hunt", and an important warning to the sleeping woman about imminent changes. Therefore, it is so important in the morning to try to remember as many details of the plot as possible.

Why do mushrooms dream of a woman - interpretation from dream books

According to Miller's dream book, mushrooms symbolize the maternal qualities of a woman. If the dreamer carefully collects them in a box one by one, pregnancy may soon await her. Those young ladies who do not plan to become mothers should choose more reliable methods of contraception, since the probability of fertilization will be surprisingly high.

If a woman who already has children in reality admires the collected gifts of the forest, it means that she loves her offspring very much and is proud of them. The dreamer managed to experience real female and maternal happiness.

But there are dream books in which mushrooms have a slightly different meaning for girls. So in Vanga's work it is noted that a fly agaric or other poisonous mushroom suggests that you need to take a closer look at your young man. You should study it well before entering into marriage.

Tsvetkov's book states that eating freshly harvested toadstools warns a woman that she will soon meet a man who is dangerous to her. If you enter into a close relationship with him, the girl's reputation will be damaged.

Collect mushrooms in a dream - meaning

The forest in night visions personifies the inner world of a person. If a sleeping woman picks mushrooms in a dream among mighty trees, this means that she is in harmony with herself. This interpretation is especially relevant if a woman feels easy and comfortable during the collection process.

If, during a “silent hunt”, the fair sex suddenly finds a particularly large mushroom and takes it with her, she has every chance to get acquainted with interesting man. To do this, in the near future it is worth trying to leave the house more often and easily make contact with different people. The new man will be able to become the dreamer's companion for the rest of his life.

People have long been acquiring magical properties different kind mushrooms, but why dream of picking porcini mushrooms - large, large and dense? Dream Interpretations will allow you to choose the most correct interpretation of the dreamed plot, if you remember all the nuances and little things of sleep.

Initially, after such a dream it is acceptable to expect great luck from where it is difficult to expect prosperity. Your perseverance and timely support of allies will bypass difficulties, you will accept a big bonus.

Strong mushrooms - all about business and fortune

The time of year can make an explanation for the interpretation. Dreams in autumn period time - fortunately, which is compared with the previous explanation, in spring time - expect unfavorable news and a commemoration. In the case when you happened to see mushrooms in a dream that you never collected, take on a large wash.

It is not indifferent where and how you acted. Dream Interpretations explain what dreams of picking porcini mushrooms in the forest more often. Find big fat burly men there - expect financial profit and along the road - poverty. If you are looking for mushrooms with your family members - the right way to happiness.

Collect porcini mushrooms for an outsider - soon fortune will be on your side, expect good luck in everything. If you were lucky enough to collect a full basket of forest fruits - to implement long-term plans, if you wanted to collect more mushrooms - all efforts will not be useful.

If you saw the bare legs of mushrooms, from which the hats were cut off, the dream books promise: you will begin to observe extraneous successes, and you yourself will follow your own preferences. What does another mushroom picker see with a large collection in the basket? Be strict with yourself, follow the statements, so as not to inadvertently harm an innocent stranger.

If you collected only small mushrooms, troubles and problems will be insignificant, you should not focus on them. However, ripe buttercups promise excellent well-being, wormy ones - an addition to the family.

Big dabak, according to the dream book of Nostradamus, means life experience, and when, after the cut mushrooms, fresh ones grow in plain sight, you will know the secret data that helps put your own business into circulation.

Picking porcini mushrooms - intimate overtones

According to Freud's dream book, mushrooms are considered to be a sign manhood with all available results. Picking strong mushrooms in a dream means that the dreamer will have a rich and active one. This dream book recommends rethinking own desires, and be more delicate in the selection of intimate partners, their number is greatly increased.

Often, Freud interprets dream visions as a reflection of an inner desire, which the sleeping person is just trying to guess. According to his version, what is seen in the hands is a sign of a tendency to their manifestations of caresses. Everything that was collected had to be thrown away - you have unusual ones.

Why dream of picking white mushrooms

White mushrooms are fine and thick-sided. The dream book exhorts, if you dream, expect great success where you could not even expect profit. Seeing mushroom hunting with the whole family is a sign that you are on the path to well-being. But if you collected a basket of mushrooms, and there were fly agarics, this portends that you will not be paid for your work.

The dream book will be able to more accurately interpret the vision in a dream if you are lucky enough to remember all the details of the action.

Dreaming strong and great boletus

Collection of white mushrooms

Collecting huge porcini mushrooms means gaining experience and becoming wiser. Well, if new ones grow in front of your eyes in place of the cut ones, you will learn the secrets that will help you ruin your business.

Small but notable

Collect small mushrooms in a dream - your luck will be insignificant, but your troubles will be weightless. However, overripe and old - to abundance and prosperity, and in the case of worms - wait for replenishment in the family.

Not for myself

The dream interpretation claims that if you collect boletus mushrooms for someone, know that the hour is not long when you are very lucky, the bird will be hot in your hands. To see how in a dream you scored a full basket - an old dream will come true, but if this was not enough for you, then in reality all efforts will turn into nothing.

To whom the tops, to whom the roots

Other mushroom pickers - warning sign

To see in your vision another mushroom picker with a full basket, be more careful in your actions and words, so as not to offend and slander a good person.
She dreams that they have come, and the clearing is empty and there are only cut legs on it - the dream book says that you will learn about other people's successes, but you yourself will remain with "tambourine interests."

Erotic color

Mushrooms as a symbol male power, imply all the ensuing consequences. Collect porcini mushrooms in sleepy dreams, in reality, have chaotic and excessive intimate relationships. The dream book says that to see a boletus in your hands means to have a tendency to caress yourself. If you threw away everything collected in a dream, you are fond of unconventional lusts. Why collect a lot of mushrooms with dark brown hats in dreams? Experience burning passion. But why does a woman dream that she eats butterflies? In reality, she will not resist the temptation, her shameful relationship will captivate. I wonder why a barren woman dreams of a boletus? Yes to the long-awaited conception. And if you dream of a lot of mushrooms, then expect twins or triplets.
Why do mushrooms dream that an unmarried woman happened to collect? Looking forward to meeting your soul mate. However, marriage does not always promise to be happy, probably humiliation.

Good sign

Seeing porcini mushrooms in a dream is a sign that promises longevity. Do you know why the basket is dreaming, in which a large number of mushrooms over the edge? It promises health and well-being. And white butterflies mean the help of strangers in a deal.

Lots of white mushrooms

Why dream of old boletus with a red hat? Joy awaits you - protracted problems will be solved. And if in a daydream a clearing with large mushrooms was dreamed up, a magnificent surprise awaits you, all issues will be resolved, unexpectedly and reliably. This also suggests that stormy and serious passions are boiling around you. If the boletus stands alone apart from everyone else, clearly standing out against the background of a dream, then this predicts that a kind and reliable friend will give the sleeping person the right advice that will help him get out of a difficult and seemingly insoluble situation.
In dreams, mushrooms can grow interspersed with inedible ones. This is very good sign, that is, in reality, by a lucky chance, you will save yourself from a dangerous situation.

Rarely, however, you may see a collection of mushrooms at night. This prophesies the possibility of implementing a long-standing project.

An unexpected place for the growth of boletus

If a boletus grows in an unusual place for it, which is familiar to the sleeping person, then you need to be more careful about matters related to this place. And if the sleeper cuts off the boletus, then it’s worth considering whether events are developing in the right direction, maybe it’s worth making some amendments. This is especially necessary if the plant was rotten or wormy.

Let's destroy the legend

White mushrooms - a symbol of well-being and success

It is believed that mushrooms dream of coffins, but whites do not belong here. After all, it is the boletus in the legends, which are not few, that is the symbol of the keeper of the forest, called his good spirit. Therefore, having met him, you are doomed to good luck, success and prosperity. However, if a lonely boletus dreams of a woman, then the dream book warns of an unwanted conception.

And size plays a role and quantity

If in your dreams you dreamed of a huge clearing in the middle of a forest, on which an uncountable number of mushrooms is so huge that there is nowhere to step, then the hour is near when you will become the owner of a huge amount of money. This is likely from the sale of hereditary real estate, possibly securities or a big win. But, if, in addition, you decide to cut off all mushrooms under a clean one, then this portends a successful investment of your capital, without any risks. Sometimes in dreams you can see mushrooms of gigantic size, taller than a bus or a building. Believe that your efforts will be worthily appreciated. And even if you do not hear the rustle of crisp banknotes, then the reward in terms of recognition and excellent reputation is guaranteed.


If the sleeper dreamed that during cutting the boletus crumbles or a hat flies off it, then this warns against unreasonable haste in the desire to increase capital, which does not exclude the possibility of a lawsuit and false, false pleasures. In case when

warning signs

the sleeper intends to eat a raw mushroom, this promises humiliation, insincerity love relationship. For a young girl, such a dream reveals the truth of the neglect of property and the falsity of pleasure.

But it may also seem that you are trampling mushrooms. Then this indicates that you are aware of your inertia and are trying to fight it, strive to become more proactive. In your daydreams, you may dream of a situation where another mushroom picker gives you a whole basket of mushrooms. Be careful in reality, this may be a signal for a false accusation.

If, when collecting mushrooms, you do not put them in a container, but immediately throw them away, then you, because of your stubbornness and unreasonable self-will, do not take into account the good advice of older people. And in vain.

If you gathered mushrooms and immediately had a picnic, cooked them and eat them with sour cream, then caution is desirable. You are overcome by temptations bordering on sin, which will lead to the loss of an excellent reputation.

If you find mushrooms on the road and are trying to cut them off, then this can be regarded as a warning about financial problems.

When a person in reality finds a clearing with a large number of mushrooms, this is a joyful event for any mushroom picker, promising at least a delicious dinner. Clients of astrologers often want to know why they dream of picking porcini mushrooms, whether such a dream portends an improvement in their financial situation or interesting adventures.

What if you dream of picking porcini mushrooms?

Dream interpreters say that picking porcini mushrooms portends the dreamer great luck, which will come quite unexpectedly soon. It is known that in order to create an accurate prediction, an astrologer needs to know all the details of a dream, so a person who has seen mushroom picking should write down all the details immediately after waking up. In a few minutes, the vision will be forgotten, at best, only some episodes will be remembered, according to which it is impossible to correctly predict the future.

If you remember only that a person cuts off a single mushroom and puts it in a basket, it can be assumed that he will receive a one-time bonus from the boss. Such a dream does not promise a significant improvement in the financial situation, most likely, the money will be spent on paying off a debt or acquiring a specific thing, but will not change the dreamer's life.

The dreamer should pay attention to his mood after sleep: if he is satisfied with forest prey, then Additional income will benefit, but if it seemed to him that he had collected too few mushrooms, you can be advised to buy pills for greed.

A bright forest clearing, where the dreamer happily picks porcini mushrooms, promises him a good change in life, perhaps there will be a significant promotion with a corresponding reward. The military interpreter predicts the receipt of an extraordinary title, but first the person has to take part in a dangerous business and stay alive. If the dreamer found one boletus, but very large, then he has to do important choice on which his whole future life depends.

Prediction is good enough, but also somewhat dangerous, if in a dream a lot of small mushrooms grow right there in the place of already collected mushrooms. Such a dream means that a person will receive secret knowledge that can serve as a start to enrichment, but can also bring significant harm if used imprudently.

What portends?

A girl who collects mushrooms in a dream can hope to meet an interesting man soon, who, however, should be treated with some caution. This person behaves frivolously and is not in the mood for a long and serious relationship, especially for marriage. married woman such a dream will bring great joy, because it promises an early pregnancy, which will be resolved by the birth of a strong and healthy baby.

Some psychologists consider the dream mushroom a symbol of male libido and advise you to put your relationship with the opposite sex in order. Too frequent change of partners can lead to unpleasant diseases, and a man is threatened with impotence. If a woman in a dream not only collects mushrooms, but also eats them, she is advised not to succumb to emotions and not to get in touch with strangers.

In reality, every mushroom picker dreams of finding a lot of mushrooms, picking porcini mushrooms in a dream also promises many joys, which most often relate to the dreamer's financial situation and his marital status, a dream promises to receive a large amount of money or the birth of an heir.

Why do porcini mushrooms dream? According to esotericists, the presence of white mushrooms in a dream is considered a bad sign. But is it always like this? Ceps can dream against the background of a completely different situations. Let's take a closer look at the meaning of sleep.

Wangi's dream book - porcini mushroom in a dream

If in a dream you see a whole clearing consisting of porcini mushrooms, then soon you should expect a surprise, a gift. The presence of worms or rot in mushrooms portends betrayal.

It is believed that to see toadstools white color- a sign that you need to look at your friends: infidelity, hypocrisy, deceit are not excluded. Receive porcini as a gift - evidence of a false accusation against you.

What is the dream of white mushroom - Miller's dream book

A dream about how you pick porcini mushrooms indicates strong desire achieve wealth by any means and as quickly as possible. The dream warns that this can lead to the opposite result: the destruction of plans, litigation. No need to hurry. Everything has its time.

If you dream that you are eating a white mushroom, this is a sign of unrequited love that you are ashamed of. Eating toadstools, rotten mushrooms is an occasion to think about health: it's time to put things aside and relax.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

And why do porcini mushrooms dream of Nostradamus' dream book? The appearance of a white mushroom in a dream, especially of a huge size, is a sign of wisdom. Mushrooms suggest that the older generation or someone from your inner circle gives you wise advice. For some reason, you do not notice or do not take wise hints.

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov - porcini mushrooms in a dream

Domestic esotericists are more optimistic: picking mushrooms in a dream is a sign that your work is real life will be appreciated and rewarded.

Seeing porcini mushrooms mixed with rotten ones - luck in life will help you avoid danger. If in a dream it seems to you that you are picking only good porcini mushrooms, and only grebes are in the basket, this dream warns that you may not be paid for your work.

Seeing a lot of porcini mushrooms in a pickled, dried, fried form in a dream is a sign of longevity. Eat mushrooms in sour cream - live your life in pleasure.

Freud's dream book

Freud relates the fungus to the male reproductive organ. In his opinion, picking porcini mushrooms in a dream means that a rich sex life awaits you in the near future.

Cleaning mushrooms is a sign of cleanliness, orderliness in life. Processing mushrooms is a sign of hidden diseases in the genital area. Numerous worms in porcini mushrooms - expect the birth of children or grandchildren.

Interpretations of sleep are very different. The main thing to remember is whether the porcini mushroom in a dream was beautiful, large and without worms, or, conversely, small and rotten. Based on this, the interpretation of sleep will be more correct.