New Russian manufacturers of spunbond. Covering material spunbond: description, characteristics, application, reviews

  • 23.09.2019

Spunbond nonwoven fabric obtained from molten polymer raw materials by the spunbond method. The increase in annual demand for this material is up to 40%, which is determined by its growing popularity. The propylene used for the manufacture of spunbond makes it possible to obtain an ultra-dense distribution of the fibrous component in the web, due to which it has high strength, resistance to moisture and any media of organic content.

Spunbond types:

  • textiles for use in the agricultural sector;
  • colored canvas;
  • laminated canvas.

Laminated spunbond does not allow air and water to pass through, because laminate is a transparent, soft, but dense material. The polyethylene coating (lamination) is reliably adhered to the surface of the fibers, without peeling. At the same time, various draperies can be made on such a laminated canvas.

Our business valuation:

Initial investment - 100,000,000 rubles.

Market saturation is medium.

Difficulty starting a business - 8/10.

To open a business in the production of spunbond at the present time means to occupy a niche that has not yet been completely filled. commodity market and receive a consistently high income. Even taking into account the fact that the production of nonwoven material is possible only in the factory, one should not be afraid of significant start-up costs. With such a popularity of the product, investments will pay off in the planned time frame, and the company will begin to give high profits.

We list specifications spanbond:

  • high transparency;
  • water and air permeability;
  • poor wettability with water;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • high breaking strength;
  • operating temperature range from -60 to +90 degrees Celsius;
  • long service life (up to 3 seasons for covering material)

The main qualities of the canvas:

  • high strength and durability;
  • lightness in weight;
  • non-toxicity;
  • the ability to paint in any colors.

These properties have allowed the non-woven, thermally bonded synthetic material to be widely used. In addition to being used in agriculture it is used in the sewing of disposable overalls, sheets and capes, shoe covers, caps and hats to protect the head. Spunbond products are used in medical facilities, in the service sector, in furniture production and in construction. It is impossible to even list all the applications of this rapidly expanding field of use.

Technological features of the manufacture of spunbond

Spunbond production technology by the spunbond method is divided into several stages. At the first stage, preparatory work with polymer material before sending it to the melter. This is unpacking bales with raw materials, high cleaning them from any foreign objects and impurities, loosening the fibrous structure and thorough preparation of the mixture at a given dosage.

Selected technological processes with the required parameters are tied into a continuous production line in order to optimize the fabric production process.

The second stage is the melting of polymer raw materials and their filtration. The formation of fibers takes place in a spinning set, where the molten mixture is fed after filtration. The die is a strip of heat-resistant steel with small holes that form filaments when the melt is forced through them. The diameter of the fibers is determined by the size of the holes and their shape. It usually ranges from 240 to 1100 microns.

In the next stage, the fibers are drawn and laid on a conveyor belt. There are two ways to draw fibers - mechanical and aerodynamic. The aerodynamic method is more widespread. In this case, the stretching of the fibers occurs under the influence of the air flow created by the ejection. At the same time, the air flow rate is very high. The drawn threads are simultaneously cooled and gain strength. Immediately after leaving the ejector, the fibers are laid out on the conveyor.

It is necessary that the fibers in the nonwoven structure do not intertwine with each other, they are simply held together.

Fibers are bonded in various ways:

  • thermal on kolandra;
  • water jet;
  • needle punching;
  • chemical;
  • heated air.

The most common method of making spunbond is by needling or thermal fusing them on a colander. The chosen method of bonding the fibers in the fabric determines and essential properties the finished product, on which both the properties of the canvas depend, and that and its further use.

The density of the material obtained by fusing fibers on a colander usually does not exceed 140 grams. per sq. meter. When obtaining high densities of fabric, the needle-punched method of bonding the fibers is used. In this case, the density of the material can reach 500 grams. sq. meter.

Manufacturers are constantly looking for improvements in the manufacture of nonwoven fabrics using bicomponent polymeric materials with new properties. These compounds include CMC compositions based on three new components. This technology already differs from the classical one in that it uses the method of forming a fibrous structure by blowing the melt with high temperature air directly on the conveyor belt.

A significant place in production is occupied by the method of obtaining nonwoven fabric from recycled fibers.

To organize the production of this material, you will need equipment of high manufacturability and very expensive. It is possible to buy equipment for the production of spunbond without any problems, the only question is to finance this project. On the Russian market there are many manufacturers of both individual machines for the production of spunbond and technical equipment of entire technological lines.

The core of the spunbond plant is made up of machines for warping, carding and needle-punching fabric fibers. This group also includes quilting and pinching devices. When using the spandbod method in production, a special machine line with dimensions of 12 × 15 × 12 meters will be required. These are the dimensions of the equipment complex in width, length and height. The diameter of the bobbins for winding the threads is 1200 millimeters, and the power consumed from the power line is 700 kWh per ton of fabric made.

The most acceptable option for opening a mini spunbond production in Russia is the purchase of equipment in China. Taiwan is also a profitable equipment supplier now. A medium-sized company should have at least one nonwoven fabrication facility. The capacity of this plant is up to 3000 tons of products per year of operation. The width of the web is 320 centimeters. You will also need an extrusion laminator with an annual capacity of up to 900 tons, a two-color printing machine and two unwinder of commercial rolls. Three-ton loaders and other devices can be mentioned as additional equipment.

Requirements for the premises

To place technological equipment, you must have a room with an area of ​​at least 2 thousand. square meters... It should be equipped with road and rail vehicle entrances. The building should also be provided with crane equipment and all elements of the industrial facility infrastructure - electricity, water supply, gas pipeline.

Non-woven synthetic fabrics

In addition to construction and agricultural purposes, spunbond is widely used for sewing various products. Properties allow you to use it for sewing clothes or bedding, applying the most simple models sewing machines... The second common method of making spunbond products is thermal bonding.

Spunbond bags production

Non-woven bags polymer material get drunk on special device and represent a very economical product option. The environmentally friendly material of the canvas also allows the product to keep the given shape and have an attractive appearance... Such cheap and durable bags are used in the retail chain for various events. These are buyer's conferences and promotions, distribution of presentations at exhibitions and packaging of goods upon sale.

Spunbond sheets

Disposable sheets made of non-woven polymer are used in medicine and cosmetology for various procedures. They are available in a variety of sizes and colors from 100% Spunbond. These bedding materials are very cheap, hypoallergenic and durable. Disposable sheets do not get wet, do not accumulate static electricity, and allow you to make any draperies.

Spunbond bags

These products are environmentally friendly, since in the sunlight, unlike polyethylene, the spunbond material decomposes after a year. But ordinary packages can lie for many decades without decomposition. Non-woven bag material is used different colors, it has high strength. Single runs of packages from it usually do not exceed 1,000 copies.

Disposable Spunbond Clothing

Recently, disposable nonwoven clothing has found wide application. First of all, it is used in medicine, because it prevents the penetration of infection, unlike conventional cotton fabrics. Due to these properties, spunbond overalls are used for anti-epidemiological measures in infected zones. Considering that this is the cheapest material, its use in various fields of human activity is only expanding.

Spunbond shoe covers

Shoe covers made of non-woven fabric reliably protect shoes from water and dirt. They also prevent contamination of the room with dirty shoes. The high strength of the material is very important in this. They are manufactured for clients of various institutions where sterile cleanliness is required. Disposable shoe covers can be easily put on shoes of any size and then disposed of without problems. The weight of a pair of shoe covers is only 42 grams. In the manufacture of shoe covers, usually blue material is used.

For other purposes, the industry produces white spunbond and black spunbond. The black material is very good for mulching the soil on berry beds. It does not allow light to pass through and prevents weeds from developing between berry bushes and vegetable crops... Spunbond covering material white able to protect early thermophilic crops from the effects of cold weather. Also on hot sunny days, it protects the green leaves of plants from burns and temperature fluctuations.

Financial return on investment plan

There are two options for entering this business - to open a new plant yourself or to buy an already operating enterprise. The purchase of the plant will cost 130 million rubles. The price of equipment for the manufacture of spunbond on the scale of a mini-workshop, together with the premises and infrastructure, can reach 100 million rubles.

With large production volumes and a stable market for product sales, these costs are paid off in four years of work. Indeed, as consumers of nonwoven fabrics are large companies agricultural and construction profile. A significant part of the goods is bought up by wholesale companies, and the enterprise itself sells spunbond in bulk on the wholesale materials markets.

At least one hundred factories for the production of spunbond are now operating in Russia. On average, a plant with the specified equipment can have a volume of annual product sales of at least 200 million rubles. At the same time, the share of net profit is 20% of income, which is 40 million rubles.

Spunbond price does not remain at the same level. It changes, remaining the result of competition in the product market. Most often, the cost of the canvas is given depending on its weight. It is quite another matter if various products are sewn from the fabric in the form of disposable clothing or bed linen. In this case, the manufacturer sets a price depending on his costs and demand for the product.

It is most convenient to quote the price for spunbond in rolls, which are sold for agricultural or construction purposes. The table above shows the cost data for rolled fabric for February 2015.

This Wholesale prices which are nowhere near the retail cost of the material. The trade margin of an intermediary and a seller on the market can be up to 100%.

It is characteristic of spunbond that its sales do not have seasonal fluctuations. This material, due to its versatility, is constantly in demand, unlike any other proposals on the commodity market. Raising such production is hardly within the power of one average businessman. But for a reliable and profitable business rich sponsors are almost always found.

Strictly speaking, "spunbond" (from the English. Spunbond) is the general name for the technology of production of nonwoven fabric from a polymer melt by the spunbond method. But in a professional environment, this term also denotes the material itself, produced in this way.

According to experts, the constant growth in demand for spunbond is about 40% per year, which is not surprising. For the production of nonwovens using spandbond technology are used different kinds fiber-forming polymers with a wide molecular weight distribution, including polypropylene (PP), polyamide (PA), polyester, polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polyethylene and their various combinations, the most common of which is the combination of polypropylene and polyethylene. The popularity of polypropylene for the production of spunbond is explained by the fact that thanks to it, a denser distribution of fibers in the fabric is obtained, which, in turn, ensures a high processing of fibers per kilogram of raw materials.

Since polypropylene threads are very strong, the material based on them has high wear-resistant qualities, resistance to various organic media, moisture, and decay. It is light in weight, easy to use (it can be cut into canvases of any shape and size), does not require special storage conditions, and is non-toxic (and, therefore, its production does not harm the environment). Spunbond nonwoven fabric has different surface density - from 14 to 600 grams per square meter. meter. In addition, it can be dyed in different colors and shades with special dyes.

Non-woven terra-bonded fabric has the widest application. Disposable clothes, disposable bedding, disposable slippers and shoe covers, medical masks, protective caps and caps, disposable underwear, shirts, etc. are sewn from it. These products are widely used in medical institutions, hairdressing salons, beauty salons, massage rooms and tanning salons. ... Spunbond has also found application in the production of furniture, leather goods, workwear, in the clothing industry, in agriculture (as a covering material to accelerate plant growth), in the construction industry (as an insulating material for wind, hydro, vapor barrier walls, facades and roofs). ). When using various additives at the production stage, it is given additional useful characteristics - antistatic, moisture-absorbing or, conversely, moisture-repellent, antibacterial, etc., which significantly expands the scope of its application.

Spunbond nonwoven fabric production technology involves several stages. First, the preparation of polymer raw materials is carried out, followed by its supply to the smelting plant. Preparation involves unpacking the bales, complete cleaning from impurities and objects, loosening the fibers, weighing when compiling a mixture of fibers in compliance with the prescribed dosage, thorough mixing. Depending on the technological process and the parameters of the equipment, it is completed in continuous production lines, which allows to optimize the production process.

At the next stage, the polymer melts and the melt is filtered, after which the melt is fed to the spinneret assembly, where the fibers are formed. A die is a metal plate made of heat-resistant steel with holes through which molten polymer is forced to form filaments. These plates differ in the number of holes, their diameter and even shape. The diameter can be from 250 to 1200 microns.

In the next step, the fibers are drawn and stacked on a moving conveyor belt, forming a solid web. The drawing procedure can be carried out in two ways - aerodynamic or mechanical. The aerodynamic method has become more widespread in modern production. It consists in stretching the filaments under the action of high-speed air coming from the ejector. When drawn, the threads are cooled and become strong. The threads coming out of the ejector are laid on the conveyor.

Since the threads in nonwoven fabric do not intertwine with each other, they must be fastened to each other. This can be done in several ways: by needling, thermal bonding on a calender, chemical impregnation of the thread with binders, water-jet bonding, thermal bonding with hot air. Most often, spunbond production uses needle punching and thermal bonding on a calender. Many important characteristics of the finished canvas depend on the chosen method of fastening the threads in the canvas, which determines the scope of its further application. For example, thermal bonding on a calender is used for canvases with a density of no more than 150 grams per square meter. meter, and for denser fabrics (with a density of up to 600 grams per square meter), a needle-punched method of bonding is used.

One of the main people in such a production is a technologist, although it will not be easy to find such a specialist. Large manufacturers are trying to constantly improve the technologies used for the production of spunbond nonwovens by obtaining bicomponent materials that have the properties of both initial polymers. These include, for example, SMS materials (spandbond - meltblown - spunbond). Unlike spunbond technology, meltblown (spunblown technology) involves the formation of fibers by blowing molten polymer with hot air immediately on the conveyor table. The direction for the production of nonwovens from recycled fibers deserves special attention.

The organization of such an enterprise will require sophisticated high-tech and expensive equipment. The main equipment includes a line for the production of nonwovens, warping machines, carding and nipping machines, quilting machines, needle punching machines. A special line is required for the production of spunbond nonwoven fabric. Its dimensions are 12 by 15 by 12 meters (length / width / height), the maximum winding diameter is 1200 mm, the power consumption is 700 kWh / ton of fabric.

Most of the equipment is purchased from China and Taiwan. The complete set of a medium-sized plant includes at least one installation for the production of nonwovens using spunbond methods with a capacity of 3000 tons per year (with a material width of 3.2 meters), an extrusion laminator with an irrigation capacity of 850-1000 tons per year, a two-color frexographic a printing machine, unwinders into commercial rolls (at least two pieces), loaders for 1.5 and 3 tons, other production and auxiliary equipment.

To accommodate this equipment, you will need a room for a workshop with an area of ​​2000 sq. meters with road and rail sidings and crane girder. To open such a plant will require at least 100 million rubles. The payback period of the project with the specified production volumes and the availability of sales markets is about four years. Nonwovens are sold to large construction, agricultural and various wholesale companies, sold through wholesale markets.

The number of counterparties of a large manufacturing enterprise- more than a hundred. The annual sales volume of the large plant exceeds 200 million rubles, and the net annual profit is 40 million rubles (20% of the proceeds). You can start production from scratch or purchase an already functioning enterprise. The cost of such a business is about 140 million rubles. Since non-woven material is one of the universal, its sales practically do not depend on the seasonality factor, as is the case with others, specialized materials(for example, construction or finishing).

If you need buy spunbond in Moscow, consider the proposals of our company. The assortment includes quality material at an affordable price. You can purchase spunbond from the manufacturer applying in practice modern technologies, and other special fabrics, including wholesale of felt.

Spunbond features

Before buy wholesale spunbond, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with its main features. So, this material is non-woven and is mainly used for technical purposes. It is made using the method of melting a polymer substance and its further bonding by exposure to high temperatures.

The range of our company includes nonwoven fabric with the following characteristics:

You can choose the option that suits you depending on the real practical need.

Spunbond scope

This material is in consistently high demand due to its versatility. The scope of its application is quite wide, but most often customers make a decision buy spunbond for furniture... In addition, it is of interest to owners of companies operating in industries such as:

  • the manufacture of leather goods (used as a material that ensures proper reinforcement of the seams);
  • medicine (creation of disposable clothing - dressing gowns, hats, masks, shoe covers);
  • garment industry (production of mattresses, covers for spring blocks, pillow coverings);
  • agriculture (protection of young or fastidious plants from possible negative impact environment).

Versatility? not the only reason for the popularity of spunbond. The high demand for it is also explained by a number of advantages of the material.

Pros of spunbond

The main advantages of spunbond include:

  • Combination of low density and high strength. Thanks to this, the material ensures proper air exchange, which is especially important when sewing medical products, sleeping accessories, as well as caring for plants, and is able to withstand significant tensile loads, so that the service life of a spunbond is calculated for years.
  • Ease of processing. Special fabric does not weigh so much, and this greatly facilitates the process of sewing a variety of products from it. The material is non-woven, so its fibers do not crumble, edges and cuts do not require complex processing. The cut out parts can be sewn or welded, any pattern can be obtained on the surface.
  • Resistance to negative influences. Spunbond is not very susceptible to temperature extremes, does not lose its characteristics even in contact with acids and alkalis.
  • Environmental friendliness. No substances potentially hazardous to human health or the environment are released from the surface of the material (as in normal conditions and in the case of heating). This makes it possible to use it in almost all areas, without exception.
  • Affordable Spunbond price for wholesale and retail. The cost of this special fabric is lower than for analogs that were used earlier, which makes it possible to reduce production costs.

If you are interested in spunbond, felt or

Currently, spunbond is widely used in various fields of construction, in agriculture, in production area etc. This material (non-woven) is made by a spunbond method (the base is obtained from a polymer melt). According to statistics, the demand for it is increasing by almost 40% annually. In its manufacture, manufacturers use several types of polymers that form fibers. These include: polyamide, polypropylene, polyethylene terephthalate, polyethylene, polyester, and combinations thereof. The optimal arrangement of fibers in the material is characterized by polypropylene. In addition, it provides the greatest "yield" finished products per unit of raw materials.

Polypropylene spunbond is characterized by the most high rates... It is resistant to impact organic matter, has high strength, is not afraid of moisture, lightweight, unpretentious in transportation and storage, environmentally friendly. Materials made using this technology vary in density - from 15 to 600 g / m2. The color range of the canvases is also huge. Depending on the type of product, in the manufacture of products, manufacturers add substances that give a certain color. So, for the needs of medicine, multi-colored masks, light hats, dressing gowns, bed linen, sanitary napkins, etc. are produced. Compared to other synthetic materials, spunbond is well ventilated, preventing diaper rash and discomfort in patients.

Spunbond production is a rather complex process that requires special equipment and qualified personnel at the enterprise. Now, not only foreign manufacturers, but also domestic companies have been able to successfully master the production of such products. High-quality products at an affordable cost are offered to the attention of the consumer.

In everyday life, clothes covers made of practical material are very popular among consumers. Spandbond is used in the clothing and furniture industries. It is used to make lining for clothes, upholstery for upholstered furniture, sheets for receptions in medical institutions. In horticulture, it is used as an ideal covering material. It promotes ventilation, allows moisture to pass through and at the same time protects the roots from the sun's rays, prevents moisture from escaping from the soil. This promotes better crop maturation, but makes it difficult for weeds to grow. In the cold season, the canvas serves as a greenhouse and protects the crop from frost.

In the construction industry, spunbond is used as steam, hydro and wind insulation for roofs, walls and other structures. Special ingredients can be added to the raw materials, then the material additionally acquires special properties, such as antistatic or antibacterial. Spunbond production has its own stages, each of which implies its own technological processes. There are two methods of bonding fibers: thermal bonding and needle-punching technology. Each of these methods has its own advantages.