How to plant a sprouted mango seed. How to grow a mango tree from a stone at home: planting and care

  • 13.06.2019

We need a fresh fruit bone. If you cannot plant a seed right now, place it in a container with damp earth or wet sawdust... Even a polyethylene bag with a dampened cotton wool or material will do. However, long-term storage is contraindicated here - the seed may not germinate.

Ingredients for planting mango seeds

  • Small pot or container with drain hole and a lid (a lid is needed to create conditions close to tropical);
  • Soil (for this purpose, a universal mixture for planting plants is suitable);
  • Bone cutter;
  • Irrigation water;
  • Fungicide for disinfecting bones from pests.

By creating greenhouse conditions, we protect the sprout and the still fragile rhizome from possible pests... So, first you need to open the bone with a knife. This is done to increase the germination rate. We do this carefully so as not to harm the content. After opening, the core should be treated with a fungicide. This drug is intended for the treatment and prevention of plant diseases (from the Latin caedo - kill, fungus - mushroom). The action of fungicides is aimed at destroying the development of the mycelium of pathogenic fungi and dangerous bacteria.

Slightly deepen the soil in the containers and place a third of the bone core. We direct it with the spine down, and leave the fourth part on the surface. Now pour plenty of water over the ground and cover with a lid to create a favorable microclimate. We put the pot in the sunniest place in the room and, as soon as the sprout hatches, remove the lid. Like all tropical plants, mangoes love light. Therefore, if necessary, you can create artificial lighting for the plant.

Plant care

It is necessary to transplant a strengthened tree as it grows in order to provide free space for the growing roots. The plant does not tolerate a lack of water and air humidity, so do not forget to water it and irrigate the foliage from a spray bottle in time. The plant blooms at the age of six to ten years, but fruiting even in the southern regions is very rare. The reason lies in the impossibility of pollination of a huge number of flowers in a paniculate inflorescence, which does not happen so often on plantations, and on the windowsill this probability is practically reduced to zero. But lovers of tropical plants will have another green pet at home - a beautiful tree with slightly wavy lanceolate leaves around the edges! Successful shoots!

Watch a video with expert advice on how to grow a mango from a seed:

Mango - very sweet exotic fruit which tastes like peach. It is believed that it grows only in hot countries and tropics. But each housewife, cutting a juicy fruit in the kitchen, thinks about how good it would be to grow it at home. And this is real. Growing a mango tree from a seed is absolutely easy if you care for it correctly. Another issue is getting fruit. There may be problems associated with the vegetative characteristics of this plant.

Preparing for landing

Planting and growing mangoes at home is easy. But first you have to sprout a seed. To do this, you will need the following items:

  • ripe fruit;
  • dull knife;
  • paper towel;
  • zip-fastened plastic bag;
  • plastic container with a lid.

Preparing for landing:

  1. 1. First of all, you need to pick up a ripe fruit that has the correct shape. It should be free of damage and wormholes. Ideally, a fruit brought from a tropical country, and not bought in a store.
  2. 2. Next, you need to cut off all the pulp and rinse the bone with water.
  3. 3. Place clean bone in a sunny place where it will dry for 1-2 days. It is necessary to turn it over when one side is dry.
  4. 4. Use a blunt knife to open the bone from the sharp tip. This should be done as carefully as possible, trying not to hurt the seed, and break the rest of the seed with your hands.
  5. 5. Detach the seed from the shell; it is not necessary to remove the skin. The seed is shaped like a bean or bean.
  6. 6. Wrap it in a piece paper towel, slightly moisturize. There should not be a lot of moisture, it will simply rot from an overabundance.
  7. 7. Place the seed, wrapped in a towel, in a plastic bag, then in a container and close the lid. It will serve as a mini-greenhouse in which the grain will germinate.
  8. 8. Remove the container to a dark place.
  9. 9. Check it periodically so that the seed does not dry out and always remains moist.

Mango seeds before germination

Mango seed

On the early stages Growth, mango trees are very vulnerable, so it is recommended to immediately plant the seed in a permanent place and avoid multiple transplants.

Planting and growing

After the mango seed sprouts, it must be planted in a pot. This is done in the following way.

We will need:

  • high-quality, light and loose soil;
  • drainage;
  • large flower pot;
  • scoop;
  • water.

Planting and growing step by step:

1 Pour drainage into the bottom of the pot. It is necessary, since mango does not tolerate stagnant water, and excess moisture will harm the roots.
2 Fill the pot 2/3 full with soil, moisten it and let the water drain. Drainage will help remove excess moisture.
3 Place the seed sprouted in a container with the smooth side down, cover it with soil on top and press down slightly, taking care not to damage the seed.
4 Cover the pot with a plastic bag, put it in a sunny place.
5 Ventilate regularly, if necessary, moisten the soil, preventing it from drying out. If the surface is dry, it's time to water.
6 The first leaves begin to appear within 2-4 weeks. Their color ranges from light green to purple. You should not be afraid, this is due to the peculiarity of the culture of this plant.
7 2 months after germination, you can gradually accustom the plant to environment, slightly opening a plastic bag, and leave in the sun.

Mango tree care

Planting and growing a mango tree is easy. But in order for it to grow healthy and beautiful, full care is needed. You need to plant it in a bright place, in direct sunlight, and in summer you can take it out on a balcony or outside. But in unstable weather conditions, it is better not to do this. A sudden cold snap or long-term rains will harm the plant. In winter, it is advisable to illuminate it with a fluorescent lamp.

  • The optimum temperature is + 21-26 degrees. Any sudden changes can damage the tree, stop the process of its growth.
  • Dry soil is absolutely unacceptable for a whimsical tree, so you need to water it often.
  • Dry air is also harmful. It is necessary to regularly spray it from a spray bottle or install a humidifier nearby.
  • You need to regularly feed the plant with natural organic fertilizers. Trees grow well if humus is added to the pot. To do this, you can make a small depression around the tree, place fertilizer there and sprinkle it with soil on top.
  • In wildlife, mango growth reaches 22-25 meters in height. Home tree will not yield to him in this, therefore, it is necessary to correctly shape the crown and trim in time. You need to start in the spring, when the plant reaches a height of 1.5 meters, leaving the 5 strongest branches. The pruning site is processed with garden varnish.

Is it realistic to get the fruits?

Is it possible to get home grown mango fruits? Some gardeners argue that sprouting this prolific tree is unrealistic. Others think it is possible.

Pampering yourself with homemade mango fruits is not easy. After all, the mango tree has special vegetative properties and it is quite difficult to create conditions for its pollination at home. Therefore, a plant grown from a seed will not bear fruit. In order for this to happen, you need to purchase a mango seedling from the nursery and graft it onto your home tree. If you do this, then in 2-3 years after grafting, flowers will appear on the mango tree, and in 3-4 months the first tasty and juicy fruit will ripen.

Home-grown mango fruits

It is not difficult to grow a mango tree at home, the main thing is to comply with all conditions and fertilize it on time. An obligatory rule for obtaining fruit is to inoculate the plant with a seedling grown in a nursery. You can also buy and plant an already grafted plant, so you can save a lot of time and effort.

She recently returned from hot Thailand and of course brought with her an exotic mango.

Mang It is often called the king of fruits because of its sweet and juicy taste, as well as its enormous health benefits.

Mangoes of several colors can be seen on sale: yellow (many believe that they are the most ripe), green and red-green (most often found on sale, in large stores / shopping centers (for example, in Auchan)).

The average size of a mango is about 15-20 cm and a weight of ~ 300-350 grams.

Mango was eaten instantly, and of course the bone remained of an impressive size (about 10 cm).

Once I already had the practice of growing mangoes at home, but the experience was sad, the bone rotted.

To avoid my mistakes, in this review I will tell you in detail how to successfully germinate a mango seed and grow a healthy plant.

➤➤ What to do with a mango bone?

The first time I wanted to sprout a seed, out of ignorance, I immediately planted it in the ground. This was my mistake, the stone did not germinate for a very long time and subsequently rotted.

This time it was decided to put the bone in the water and postpone contact with the ground for an unknown period.

Unfortunately, there was no photo, so I will schematically depict in what proportion it is necessary to pour water.
The bone should partially protrude from the water.

The total period that the seed was in the water was about 2 months.

After 1.5 months, the shell at the knuckle cracked and either growths or roots began to appear.

It is necessary to pull out the inner "nut" with roots and growths and put it in the water for some time until the direction of growth is determined and a sprout appears.

The stone must be carefully washed in running water for the entire period until it has germinated and the water in which it is standing must be changed regularly.

➤➤ What to do with a sprouted mango bone?

So, the sprout appeared. which means it's time to put him in a permanent house.

Needed good layer drainage, as the mango loves moisture. But more attentively, there should not be a swamp.

For planting, we use the most common garden soil.

We bury the bone in the ground, do not crush it, since several more growths may appear at the knuckle.

Young growth grows well, very quickly, the plant reached a height of 10 cm in 1 week !!!
The first young leaves are brownish in color and very shiny. As they grow older, the leaves turn bright green, very similar to an avocado.

Mango is the recognized king of fruits. Mango (Mangifera indica) is especially popular in Southeast Asia. In mid-latitudes, grow this plant in open ground impossible. But you can certainly do it at home. Such a gorgeous tree can certainly become an exquisite decoration for any interior.

Under natural conditions, mango is the most powerful evergreen tree, which reaches forty meters in height. The mango has a wide and spreading crown, up to 15 meters in diameter.

The mango comes from the rainforests of Southeast Asia. The plant is most widespread in India, Vietnam, Thailand. But there are already huge mango plantations in the southern United States, Mexico, central America and even Australia.

Mango fruits have been known to mankind for over 4 thousand years. "Fruit of the gods", "great fruit", "Asian apple" - such associations are evoked by this fruit in its homeland. There is a beautiful Indian legend according to which the mango was a wedding gift from God Shiva himself for his bride Sati.

In the wild, a mango tree can grow up to 40 m in height, and it grows quite quickly, but the fruit will have to wait up to 15 years. But mangoes can bear fruit for 250-300 years.

The tree has long, shiny, lanceolate leaves that front side have a bright green color. WITH inside leaves are lighter and more opaque.

Young foliage is lighter, with a yellow or pink-red tint. They appear at first sluggish and lifeless. But for a plant this is a normal phenomenon, and not at all an exotic disease. They were even nicknamed "shawl leaves" because they bear some resemblance to the laundry that was hung out to dry.

Mango leaves have a poisonous juice that can cause allergic reactions... This may cause a rash and redness on the skin. Therefore, it is necessary to work with the leaves of this tree only with gloves. And in the house for him you need to determine a place that is inaccessible to children and pets.

The plant begins to bloom with an early vein, spreading around a pleasant aroma, somewhat reminiscent of the smell of lilies. Flowers make up inflorescences, consisting of a large number small flowers, similar in shape to a long panicle. Their color is pink or pale red. These oddly long clusters reach 40 centimeters, and the number of flowers sometimes reaches a thousand.

It takes 4 to 6 months for the fruit to ripen. Outwardly, they differ in varieties. The sizes can be very small, similar to a plum, and can reach two kilograms of weight. Also depends on the variety and color of the mango fruit. The skin can be yellow, lime green, all shades of red. You can often see fruits colored in several shades. Their peel is thick, matte and smooth, with a waxy coating.

The size and type of fruit differs depending on the type of mango. The flesh of this king of fruits is bright saffron in color, and the taste is a mixture of peaches, melon, pineapple and apricot with a spicy aroma of rose and citrus. Inside each fruit there is one large bone, hard and ribbed.

But wild mango fruits in nature have a not very pleasant aroma, reminiscent of the smell of mold, rot and rotting meat. This is due to the fact that in wild forests, these plants are pollinated by bats. These same mice carry mango seeds. Fortunately, most modern hybrids have completely different flavor characteristics.

Mango fruits are not only very tasty, but also very healthy. They contain a huge amount of essential amino acids, various vitamins, in addition, 100 grams of mango fruit contains only 66 kcal.

The fruits of this tree are widely used in folk medicine especially in Thailand and India. With the help of mango fruits, they fight depression and raise immunity, are used as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Regular consumption of mango fruits is the prevention of the development of various tumors in the body. The leaves of this plant have strong antibacterial properties. An infusion of these leaves is used for diabetes of any type, to normalize blood pressure.

If you are prone to allergies, you should try this fruit with caution in order to avoid various reactions.

How to grow mango seeds

It is not difficult to grow a new tree. This is usually done with seeds. However, there is no need to expect a harvest from such plants. But you can subsequently graft such a stalk or a bud from a tree that bears fruit.

For planting, you must choose large and even slightly overripe fruits. The best fruit is a piece of fruit plucked from a tree, rather than bought at the supermarket.

The seed is carefully peeled from the pulp and checked for integrity. If there are no cracks or damage in the seed, then you need to start planting for two to three days until the seed is dry. If this is not possible, then the seeds should be placed in a jar with a moist substrate of peat, sand or sawdust. So you can maintain seed germination for two months.

It is best to plant seeds in early summer.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

First, the seeds are disinfected. To do this, prepare a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate or another fungicide of biological origin and soak the mango seeds in it for several hours.

After that, it is necessary to very carefully open the flaps of the bone with a sharp knife and remove the core from there. If the fruit is ripe enough, then this is a fairly simple operation.

Be sure to make sure that the seed itself is white and smooth! Only under this condition there is hope that it is possible to wait for the shoots.

The kernels are placed in a moist sphagnum or coconut fiber substrate and allowed to germinate. For this purpose, you can take water at room temperature, but it will need to be changed three times a day.

It usually takes 15-25 days for seeds to germinate. Some experts are sure that it is impossible to remove the outer shell of the seed. However, in practice, it turned out that seed germination does not depend on this.

After germination, the seeds are determined in small, but sufficiently deep containers with soil, made up of fertile turf with pitch and humus, in a ratio of 2: 2: 1.

Be sure to take care of drainage.

The seeds are carefully sprinkled with soil.

For plants, you need to create temperature regime at 22-25 degrees and long daylight hours, not shorter than 12-14 hours.

For further growth, a greenhouse should be made by covering the container with film or glass. Airing should be carried out every day for 5-10 minutes.

Seedlings usually need to wait 6-8 weeks. During the first half of the year, the seedling grows very slowly, but then quickly increases in growth.

In the future, caring for the plant requires regular watering and timely feeding, mainly nitrogenous.

In the future, the growing tree is transplanted annually, using the soil of the same composition.

How to transplant a tree

Under natural conditions, mangoes grow in hot and humid climates, at temperatures that are almost constant throughout the year.

These conditions must be taken into account when choosing a place for this plant. In addition, the plant simply needs long-term illumination, which implies additional illumination in mid-latitudes up to 14 hours daily.

It has no special complaints about mango soil. The main condition is that the substrate must be acidified. To do this, you can add peat to the soil every year, and when watering, acidify the water with a few drops of vinegar.

The roots of this tree are powerful and well developed, in nature extending to a depth of 10 meters. Therefore, you should purchase a large container or even a tub. Best fit natural material- wood or ceramics, solid and resistant. It is important that the bottom is thick, because a powerful root system can simply break through it.

Planting and transplanting

It is best to plant or replant this tree in late spring or early summer. The plant is transplanted as it grows once every three to four years, and when its size is too large, you can simply remove it. upper layer soil and replace it with fresh.

Care and watering

The main thing for a mango is to provide vital the necessary conditions... The most important thing is adequate lighting. With a lack of light, the plant withers, loses its immunity, begins to hurt.

Mango loves water, but if you overdo it when watering, the root system can rot. Therefore, it is best to keep the soil slightly moist at all times. Young plants are especially sensitive to drought; they can even shed their foliage when there is a lack of moisture.

Watering and spraying the plant is carried out every two to three days, and in hot weather - daily.

If the young mango tree begins to dry and the leaves begin to fall off, the number of waterings should be increased

Top dressing

For growth and development, the tree needs fertilizers, but their excess amount threatens soil salinization. And this hinders the development of the plant.
Mineral and organic fertilizers are used.

From the beginning of spring, before the arrival of flowering, once every two weeks, irrigate with a solution of fertilizer for palms or vermicompost containing a sufficient amount of nitrogen. This stimulates the growth of green mass.

In addition, foliage is sprayed two to three times during the summer using a solution. boric acid, copper sulfate and zinc sulfide (1-2 grams per liter of water).

Find the parent mango tree. In the best way making sure your seed grows well in your area is to find a parent tree nearby. A tree growing nearby that bears fruit good fruit, will give you seeds, suitable grade for your climate. If you live in warm climates with mild winters, you can probably find healthy mango trees in your area.

  • If you cannot find the mango tree, you can order the seeds or purchase them from the store. Make sure to choose a known cultivar that does well in your area.
  • You can also try planting seeds from store-bought mangoes. However, it will be much more difficult to make sure that the seeds have a chance of surviving in your climate, especially if the fruit was delivered to your grocery store from another state or state. Still worth a try!

Check seeds for germination. Cut off the flesh of the mango to reveal the outer shell of the seed. Carefully cut the hull and uncover the seeds. Healthy mango seed looks fresh and has a brownish color. Sometimes the seeds dry out and turn gray if they are exposed to cold, and if this happens, then they are not suitable for use.

  • Cut the pulp on both sides as close to the seed as possible: place the pulp in the palm of your hand, carefully chop the pulp on both sides, about 2 cm apart. Then turn the pulp upward to reveal the delicious cubes of mango pulp. Eat it as it is from the rind, or spoon it straight into the cup.
  • You should wear gloves when handling seeds. Mango seeds secrete a sap that can cause skin irritation.
  • Choose a seed preparation method. You can use either the drying method or the soaking method as described below.

    Drying the seeds

    1. Dry the seeds thoroughly with a paper towel. Place them in a sunny and ventilated place for about 3 weeks. After that, with one hand, try to open the seed slightly, trying not to miss it; you just need to separate the two halves slightly and leave for another week.

      Pour fertile, well-drained soil into the container. Dig a small hole about 20 cm deep. Push the seed inward with the navel down.

      Water well and continue watering daily, or every other day, depending on the soil. In about 4-6 weeks, you will have a mango tree / sprout about 10-20 cm tall. Depending on the type of mango you eat, it can be deep purple, almost black, or a spectacular bright green.

      Grow the seedling to a size that will develop a strong, healthy root system. Then he is ready to plant in the garden.

    Soaking the seeds

    You can use this method instead of the drying method if you like.

      Loosen the seed. To "loosen" means to slightly scrape the outside of the seed to make it easier for it to germinate. Gently make a small cut or rub the mango seed sandpaper or with a metal brush so that it breaks through the outer shell of the seed.

      Soak the seed. Place the seed in a small jar of water and put it in a warm place like a closet or shelf. Soak the seed for 24 hours.