A movie that decent women shouldn't watch. Italian classic: Tiramisu

  • 29.06.2020

Well, what is a month of Italian cuisine without tiramisu? The glory of this dessert has long stepped over the borders of the "Italian boot", and today tiramisu can be found in various cities of the world.

For the first time I made this dessert a couple of months ago, and it didn’t work out for me at all - the savoiardi turned into porridge, the cream was probably thinner than water. Since then, I had no desire to repeat this experience, but the project “forced” me to change my desires. And I must say not in vain.

I will tell about my mistakes and insidiousness of this delicacy later, but for now a few words about history.

The name of the dessert consists of three words "tira mi su", which translates as "take me upstairs". Today, it is not known for certain what exactly the meaning of this name was originally. According to one version, tiramisu got its name due to the fact that this dessert perfectly cheers up, according to another, because of the stimulating effect. With last option the version of the popularization of tiramisu is perfectly intertwined, according to which it was actively used by courtesans in order to properly prepare their guests for communication, and the local nobility before love dates. Be that as it may, most of these versions agree on the point of origin of tiramisu, according to which it was first prepared for the Grand Duke Cosimo III de Medici. But it probably looked completely different then, since its name was much more prosaic "zuppa del duca" - "the duke's soup."

Of course, tiramisu, like any other legendary dish, has less interesting versions of its origin, intended for skeptics (for example, about the disposal of leftovers and accidents), but I don’t want to describe them at all.

As many legends about tiramisu have been invented, so many variations on the theme of its preparation have been created. And find one today classic recipe just impossible. Recipes vary even in Italy. So, some cooks prefer to make it on the basis of zaballone, others - just on yolks. In Rome, whipped cream becomes an obligatory component of tiramisu, and in the south of the country - proteins. Savoyardi biscuits, dessert wine Marsala, quality coffee and mascarpone always remain unchanged.

The first thing to do is to stock up on fresh and proper foods.

1. The number one problem for many is Savoyadri biscuit cookies. I personally bought them in "Azbuka Vkusa", "Stockmann" and "Crossroads". The first two were precisely the Italian Savoyardi, and the last one was the cheaper ladies' fingers. I didn't feel any difference in taste.

2. The second important component of the dessert is coffee. It must be of high quality and freshly prepared. I strongly advise you to refuse granular options.

3. Dessert wine, or rather Sicilian port wine Marsala becomes problem number two. Unfortunately, I could only find it in online stores at a price of 2000 rubles per bottle. And since I am basically indifferent to alcohol, I could not make such material sacrifices. You can replace Marsala with another white dessert wine. But I didn’t even manage to find it, since in the supermarkets closest to the house there were only berry options from dessert wines. Therefore, I was faced with a very far from ideal choice of what is at home - cognac or baileys. I settled on the last one.

4. Now let's talk about eggs. They must certainly be very fresh, because in the dessert they are used raw. And this moment scared me very much, so I made my choice in favor of tiramisu based on zaballone, where the eggs are pasteurized in a water bath. Whether or not to use protein in cooking is up to you. But my experience with them was sad - the proteins whipped into a lush strong foam, having got into the cream, lost their airiness, and the cream turned into a liquid.

I stop the tiresome story about theory. Let's get to the heart of the matter - the recipe. And I'll have three of them.

To prepare tiramisu (basic recipe) we need:
2 yolks;
50 g of sugar;
40 ml of Baileys;
250 g mascarpone;
1 pack of Savoiardi cookies (24 pieces);
1 cup of coffee;
cocoa for sprinkling

For the Roman version of tiramisu, add to the basic composition:
50 g of powdered sugar;
250 ml heavy cream (35%).

For tiramisu with a thicker cream, add to the base composition:
250 g mascarpone.

Which tiramisu is tastier, you can only decide by trying different variants because opinions differ. Some of my friends liked the basic version more, since the cream here has a more interesting taste with notes of baileys, others liked the Roman one, because the cream becomes much more tender because of the cream.

1. Beat the yolks with sugar until the mixture brightens. Add Baileys and beat again.

2. Put the mixture on water bath, warm up well, whisking constantly. Remove the pan from the bath and put in a bowl with ice or cold water, cool the mixture, whisking constantly. We get Zabaglione cream.

3. For the Roman version, whip the cream with powdered sugar.

4. Add mascarpone in Zabaglione (250 g for the base version or 500 g for thick cream) and beat until smooth. For the Roman version, add whipped cream and beat again.

5. Pour chilled coffee from a flat plate. We take Savoyardi cookies and for 2-3 seconds we lower them one by one into a plate of coffee for 1/5-1/4 of the cookie volume. Repeat with reverse side. The main thing here is not to overdo it, because otherwise the cookies, having soaked, turn into porridge. Lay the cookies close to each other in one layer. Pour half of the cream on top. In the first lower photo, the cream basic recipe(it is thinner), on the second - according to Roman (it is thicker).

6. Soak the cookies again, spread it in a second layer, pour the second half of the cream on top. Sprinkle with cocoa (I recommend spreading under the form paper towel or napkins), cover with a lid or cling film and clean overnight or just 12 hours in the refrigerator.

7. Enjoy tiramisu.

Other Macarpone Desserts

There is one topic that makes our men squirm. One has only to hint ... and away we go, they will call you names so that you forget your name. Men are our everything, do not dare to encroach on their crown of alpha males! After all, to admit the truth is weak, it is weak to say - yes, without you, dear, I can’t even find my socks! But the heroine of Olga Pogodina can safely say: “I carry myself hard, stop eating tiramisu!”

photo th.tvblog.it

Imagine a typical family morning. Dear husband is going to work. And where do these fees begin? “Darling, the socks are there, the shirts are in place, and the jacket is hanging on that chair.”

Cheekbones reduces in all women from these fees. I'm sure a lot of people are tempted to say, "Honey, put on my bra! Take it, I don't mind at all. And take the weights, you obviously need it more! And then your chest is already larger than mine, it’s already enviable, and without tightening you have such a severe attack of “mirror disease”, not only to see your process, you can’t fasten your trousers without a mirror. And be sure to take the cream, it’s on the shelf, it says “to control oily skin”. Shall we go to the beautician together? Just don't forget, dear!"

Are you still laughing at this monologue? And why? For about six months after the divorce, he called one of my friends and asked: where did he have what was and what to buy for dinner in the store and how to cook. Six months, comrades! And she also paid for housing and communal services for him, because he could not figure out which receipt and where to pay ...

A man is not an independent being at all, without a woman, well, nowhere. Will die. If he can’t find socks on his own, then what can we say about more global actions about marriage and the birth of children? Therefore, a normal woman is simply obliged to “wrap” this one, get married and drag her into a mink, where she will torment her with home comfort and pickle with cutlets. And then fattened with pies and porridge, rubbing his hairy belly, such a missus will scribble “yabnevdul” on the Internet.

Let's put aside the romance, girls, and be honest, what tactics and strategic decisions were used to drag the object into the registry office?

For example. Imagine a certain overgrown kid who grew up in greenhouse conditions, by the presence of education, villas on the Mediterranean coast, a millionaire dad and other tribal performance characteristics, you recognized him as suitable for further cohabitation and reproduction. Where will you start? An ordinary Russian girl, even a successful business woman, and an Italian playboy - people are not just from different planets, they are from parallel realities. How do we start the process of "hilling up in marriage"?

I would start with a game of contrasts: I am not like everyone else. All around are silicone-filled chicks that fall into the arms of a sultry handsome man in piles, hoping to snatch millions, of course. And I'm all natural with an academic education, a Russian girl - modesty itself, but I have an iron character, no-no in bed. And not a word about marriage. What other ideas do you have?

You can come up with a cunning plan on how to marry a millionaire, but here's the thing: already thought of! The recipe - how to marry a handsome man with excellent performance characteristics was invented and filmed.

Yesterday, with the whole family, we were at the pre-premiere screening of the film "Pret-a-porter Love", I really wanted to see how the Russian beauty broke off the horns of the Italian macho, fell in love with herself and made him a normal person.

The film was a complete delight for everyone.
Firstly, this is an absolutely amazing romantic comedy starring Andrea Preti (the world-famous Dolce & Gabbana and Louis Vuitton model) and our beloved actress Olga Pogodina, which looks like one breath. I am sure that many phrases from this film will quickly become catchphrases. For example, only one remark of Larisa Udovichenko “it’s easy to lose your head, it’s hard to find a husband!” what is it worth.

Secondly, while watching, I realized that I incredibly missed a good classic comedy. Without humor in the style of "comedy club" and "the best films." When it’s really funny, and you don’t have to constantly worry about the fact that the child next to you needs to plug your ears or close your eyes.

Personally, I have not heard such subtle banter, excellent language play and unexpected plot moves for a long time. One spanked crucian alone is worth something! How? Have you tried this best Italian dish yet? And don’t you know that crucians in Italy are slapped hard before serving? Oh, you ... And you should definitely hear about the unfinished penguin.

And Olga Pogodina. Crazy beautiful, both in real life and in movies. She is also the producer of this film. At the premiere, the sound on the stage was accidentally turned off, but it was perfectly audible to the entire large hall. Olga showed a real stand-up to the audience: easily, naturally.

After watching “Love ready-to-wear”, I was once again convinced that men can’t do anything without us: they don’t know how to do business, be creative, or solve problems. They have nothing on their mind but free sex! After all, the easiest way is to put on a bra, wag your hips and make eyes (the shortest path to success) - yes, yes, I'm talking about men. In general, it is difficult for a girl in the world of such supposedly alpha males, all by herself. But there would be no happy ending in the film, if not for one impudent male who confused all the cards.

So, girls, I recommend this movie to watch. Be sure to go with a notebook to write down the technique of a smart Russian woman to drag rich overseas handsome men into the registry office! Plus, you will understand that wearing bras for men can be useful.
In general, the film "Love ready-to-wear" is a "must have" thing for any woman.

Do not be born beautiful, but be born smart, witty and moderately resourceful! This should be the motto of a modern Russian woman. I was wrong?
Or maybe you have your own win-win recipes - how to make a decent person out of a man?

An interesting quote has been circulating on Facebook since yesterday. You, too, may have already seen it, just some kind of disease.

“It’s hard to carry myself - stop eating tiramisu!”

I decided to find out where it came from. I wrote to a friend on Skype, which brought him into a state of extreme excitement. It turned out that yesterday people went to the premiere of one funny film, "Love ready-to-wear" is called. And this phrase is from there.

With full awareness of his correctness, the comrade added that in no case should a decent woman go to the film. Although he went with his wife.

It became strange and incomprehensible to me what they were showing there. Maybe some porn?

It turned out not. The reason for his discontent was the very fact of love between a Russian lady and a young handsome Italian. My friend explained to me very reasonably that this is a uniform disgrace - they say, this should not be in any way, that it is vulgar and unnaturalistic, there is nothing to hope for! And even the cover of the film is shocking, well, you have to put a naked man, also with a bouquet in a causal place.

By the way, about the cover and poster. This poster is banned in three Russian cities. Maybe I'm behind the times, and I don't understand something in current trends but tell me why? Beautiful bright picture, that's all I see. However, those who banned it seemed too sexy. It seems to be due to the fact that the girl has a bra on her leg. No, you think what a disgrace!

I understood where the legs grow from, because we never had a beautiful sexy movie, and what was, was everything else. Funny, sad, documentary - never sexual. Maybe that's why the film caused such conflicting feelings among the audience.

Another hard-nosed activist was horrified by the film's reference to gays. Well, they are mentioned. In fact, everything is decent there, the actors are all straight, and they have four children. And the gay theme there is more for a farce, and for it to be funny. I didn’t even think that in 2017 you can scare someone with gays. The rest just neighed, said - a light, beautiful love comedy. This one got excited. It's all for nothing.

I'm watching the trailer - it seems nothing indecent

And one journalist, who got through his official position directly to the premiere with the stars, victoriously waved this photograph of Bledans, who made her chest. Or didn't?

It is necessary to compare with what was in the film, it was shot before. True, even if she did, what difference does it make. Now half of the actresses corrected something for themselves, and the other half also corrected, but hides this fact.

Now I’m sitting here, not touching anyone, the first comrade writes again: they say, our women don’t need to watch this. And then give them Italians. And there won't be enough Italians for everyone, especially young ones, and boo-boo-boo like that. That is the fact that it's just a romantic comedy for Have a good mood and in order to spend a pleasant evening, he, as it were, does not care.

At first I wanted to go to Logan, but now I’m thinking - maybe I’ll drive to Love Pret-a-Porter, look at this Russian-Italian creation. Judging by the trailer, it was done on a grand scale, and even these protesters ...

As they said there, when the boots were scolded by the vulgar ones? ... So good boots, you have to take them.

I suggest you cook today Tiramisu) is a very airy, delicate Italian dessert, with an amazing contrast of sweet butter cream and the bitter taste of strong coffee. However, it is useless to explain what it tastes like, it's just worth a try. The recipe classic tiramisu Must include: Mascarpone cream cheese chicken eggs, espresso coffee, sugar and Savoiardi biscuit cookies, the dessert is usually sprinkled with cocoa powder on top.

Now it is very popular all over the world, but its homeland is Italy. Translated from Italian, Tiramisu means "Lift me up" or "Take me up" (tira - pull, mi - me, su - up). This strange name is interpreted in different ways, for example, that the dessert is so tender and airy that you just have to try - you find yourself in the clouds. There is also a version that it means “lift me up”, but most often the name “Pick me up” is associated with the version that Tiramisu has some kind of invigorating, exciting effect and that Italian nobles ate this dessert before love dates.


  • chicken eggs 6 pcs.
  • Mascarpone cream cheese 500 g
  • sugar 150 g
  • savoiardi cookies 250 g
  • espresso coffee 300 ml
  • cocoa powder 1-2 tbsp. spoons
  • cognac (optional) 30-50 g

The key to success in making Tiramisu is quality ingredients, so first let's deal with them. I think the most important question that may arise is what to replace Mascarpone cheese with? The answer is nothing! Of course, you can use Philadelphia-type curd cheeses, but then you will not get Tiramisu, but some other dessert with curd cream. The difference is that the main (and usually the only) ingredient in Mascarpone is cream and it tastes creamy rather than cottage cheese.

The next ingredient that can be problematic is the Savoiardi biscuit, an elongated, flat-shaped biscuit biscuit topped with sugar, also sold under the name Savoyardi Sticks or Lady Fingers. If you can't find Savoyardi in stores, you can make your own, I'll try to post the recipe later.

More important point, because dessert does not work heat treatment don't forget to wash the chicken eggs in warm water with soap.

As you can see, cognac is not a required ingredient in our recipe. I cooked without cognac and I really like this Tiramisu, but it turns out great with cognac, cognac is in perfect harmony with coffee, so it's up to you to decide.


We prepare all the ingredients. Brew strong espresso and leave it to cool.

Wash eggs thoroughly in warm soapy water. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks. It is important that not a drop of the yolk gets into the protein, otherwise the proteins will not whip. We put the proteins in the refrigerator for now, we will need them later.

Add sugar to the yolks.

Beat the yolks with sugar until the mass turns white, this may take a few minutes. You may have some undissolved sugar left, if not too much, then don't worry, it will dissolve later. If there is a lot of sugar left, beat the mass more.

We spread the beaten yolks with sugar in a large container, add the mascarpone there.

Mix the yolks with sugar and mascarpone until smooth, you can use a mixer at low speed.

Beat egg whites with a pinch of salt until stiff peaks form, this may take about 3-7 minutes, depending on the power of the mixer.

If you have any doubts whether the proteins have whipped to the desired state or not, just carefully try to turn the container of proteins upside down. If the squirrels are whipped, then even if you turn the container upside down, the whipped squirrels will remain in the bowl.

We spread the whipped proteins in a mass with yolks and mascarpone. Now the mixer cannot be used, you need to work carefully, otherwise the cream may lose airiness. Using a spatula, mix the cream in a circular motion from the bottom up, i.e. lift the cream from the bottom of the dish to the top. There is no need to rush, do everything very carefully, we need to keep the message of the air in the whipped whites.

We get a very airy and delicate Tiramisu cream.

Pour the cooled coffee into a bowl with a flat bottom, in which the Savoyardi stick is placed. A small plastic container works very well here. If you are making Tiramisu with cognac, then add cognac to coffee.

We dip each Savoyardi stick in coffee and immediately pull it out. I held for about 2 seconds, even if at first it seems that the cookies are left dry, then they will be completely soaked and become soft. If you leave the cookies in coffee longer, then in the dessert they turn out to be quite wet.

Put the soaked coffee sticks on the bottom of the mold. Here you can use a large mold, like mine, or you can take small molds or glasses and make desserts in them for one serving at once. I like the second option less, because then the whole refrigerator will be filled with a bunch of molds, but serving them, of course, is easier. By the way, my form is 17x26 cm in size, 5.5 cm high.

Spread about half of the cream on top of the Savoiardi layer, level it.

Place a second layer of coffee-soaked biscuits on top of the cream.

Spread the remaining cream on top, level and put in the refrigerator for several hours, and preferably at night. The longer you keep the Tiramisu in the refrigerator, the better the cream will hold its shape. After a few hours, you still won’t be able to get a neat piece of dessert out of the mold, you can only eat it with a spoon, although this will not affect the taste in any way. After 8-10 hours, Tiramisu will keep its shape much better and you will already be able to cut a beautiful piece. My Tiramisu waited in the fridge for over 12 hours.

Sprinkle with cocoa powder before serving. You can replace it with grated chocolate, but I prefer cocoa.

And finally, ours is ready. Try it, it's great! Bon appetit!

Also (by the way, there is an update with interesting links in the post). Is it time for tiramisu? :) Although, probably, everyone already knows how to do it - but what if someone else doesn't? Moreover, I promised several friends :)

In general, tiramisu is perhaps our favorite dessert. And for the first time I cooked it (eaten in cafes and restaurants does not count) Vitalik, back in the period of courtship - and I, in turn, overate tiramisu from the belly :)) Since then - no matter what I cook, no matter what I try new - anyway, we return to this wonderful dessert. And not because we have romantic memories associated with it, but because it is really incredibly tasty :)

By classic tiramisu, I mean cooking with zabaione cream (do not be alarmed, cooking is much simpler than the name) - it is sometimes neglected, but in vain. Whipped cream alone will not give the cream that heavenly airiness that comes from zabaione. Yes, I cook according to this recipe by Anna Maria Volpi. Since the dessert is Italian, then you need to cook according to the words of the Italian :)


350 ml ( large mug) espresso coffee
2 tablespoons of sugar

Zabaione cream:

4 egg yolks, room temperature
100 g sugar
120 ml. marsala (madeira or just any strong dessert wine)

450 g mascarpone
350 ml. fat (35%) cream

285 g (40 pieces) savoiardi cookies (in original recipe the numbers are exactly the same, but it usually takes me much less)
cocoa for sprinkling

Yield: approximately 8 servings


1. We brew very strong and concentrated coffee (I take 7-8 tablespoons for the specified amount of water ground coffee). By no means weak or soluble.

2. We begin to prepare the zabaione cream. Pour the yolks into a fairly spacious bowl (you can first pour boiling water over it - this will make whipping the yolks easier). We add sugar. And we start beating. Whip for a long time and persistently - until white and the state when the whisk leaves a fairly clear mark that does not blur for 2-3 seconds.

3. Pour the brewed coffee into a bowl and set aside - let it cool. In the beaten yolks, without stopping whisking, pour the wine in a thin stream (For some reason, in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet, I constantly come across the opinion that wine must be white - otherwise the color of the cream will deteriorate, it will turn gray. Personally, I have not observed anything like this - on the contrary, when using red wine, the cream acquires a very light and pleasant pinkish tint. maybe , it depends on the quality of the wine, I don't know) The mass will immediately become liquid - it's okay, it should be so.

4. Put the cream in a water bath, continuing to beat. We monitor the consistency of the mass. At first, nothing happens - bubbling itself and bubbling. But gradually the cream will begin to increase in volume, and the bubbles become smaller. We continue to beat. At some point, the cream will begin to thicken (so much so that you can leave such traces with a whisk) and at the same time slightly lose in volume - it's time to remove it! And beat for another minute. Properly cooked zabaione stands in a spoon in a slide - like this. We lower the dishes with the zabaione into a container with cold water - to stop the process of brewing the yolks and cool a little.

5. Mix the mascarpone (you can beat with a mixer - at the lowest speed, just a few seconds. Mascarpone is a delicate product and you need to handle it accordingly :) otherwise you can beat it) until smooth and creamy. Add zabaionne and beat until smooth.

6. Whip the cream. In order for the cream to whip, they must be chilled (i.e. immediately from the refrigerator), as well as the dishes - you can simply hold them under cold water. It is necessary to start whipping at the lowest speed, gradually increasing it. It is also important to stop in time - otherwise, instead of cloudy cream, we will get a stratified mass of oil and water :) I use President Whipping Cream for whipping. There will definitely be no surprises with them.

7. Add whipped cream to the mascarpone and zabaione mixture. Mix very gently and carefully with a spatula or any non-metallic spatula - so as not to "crumple" the whipped cream. To homogeneity.

8. We begin the assembly of tiramisu. You can do this in a large wide bowl, then cut into pieces. This time I did it in portions - in ordinary glasses. The first layer of tiramisu is made from coffee-soaked savoiardi.

Pour coffee into a plate, quickly dip savoiardi in coffee (only dip, you don’t need to keep them there - they instantly absorb moisture, like a sponge. I myself like the savoiardi layer to be well saturated - but actually this is not according to the canon :) and place them in a bowl one by one. In order to certainly not overdo it with impregnation, coffee can be poured in a thin layer into a small plate and, as it were, "roll" cookies in liquid - then only upper layer, as it should be.

Spread half of the cream on top. We level. Another layer of savoiardi. And the second half of the cream.

9. Sift cocoa on top with a thin layer.

10. And send it to the refrigerator for at least 4 hours. And better at night.

I cooked separately twice - the first tiramisu was completely from purchased products (store-bought savoiardi and mascarpone), the second - from home.

I tried to capture the angle in the photo, but I'm not sure what happened. Cream from homemade mascarpone turned out to be even more airy than from a purchased one. As for the savoiardi, I didn’t notice the difference between homemade and purchased at all - even in terms of consistency.

And, yes, we again conducted a blind test - this time with the participation of a girlfriend :) Vitalik said that he did not feel the difference at all. A friend - that there seems to be some difference (neither for better nor for worse), but only because she specifically tried to find it :)) Well, I will summarize and say that both options are equally tasty and, in general, identical - in the end, I myself got confused and could no longer determine which one was which.

For a long time? One hour
Expensive? If it is completely from home products, then, perhaps, it is simply expensive (you need a lot of cream). If purchased - very expensive :)