Karma color by date of birth. The number of karmic debt by the date of your birth

  • 16.10.2019

By the date of birth of a person and the name, one can determine whether he has karmic debts, in connection with which they appeared and how to get rid of them. The science of numerology helps to study not only these issues, but also the philosophical meaning of numbers, their impact on the surrounding reality. Numerologists are trying to establish how the magic of numbers affects the fate of a person, whether it can be used for good. Let's try to figure out how numerology explains karmic debt.

The meaning of karmic influence

Some people believe in God, others in fate, and some think about karma. It means philosophy, according to which a person creates his own destiny by righteous and sinful actions. According to the law of karma, people have the opportunity to live several times, thus developing their spirituality, correcting personality defects, and reaching the ideal. The ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras claimed that a person returns to Earth 15 times. The bad or good deeds of a person in the past will return to him in the future. To avoid retribution, you need to realize your dark "I" and try to correct it in the next lives. Karma can be called the synthesis of all good and bad deeds of a person.

Depending on the actions of a person, his retribution can be dark or light, heavy or light. The owner of karma can choose his life path himself. Good deeds make life better, while bad deeds ruin it. Karma governs cause and effect. This is a kind of key to the knowledge of its essence. It is by it that you can determine how the past life affects the present. This is not a punishment for a person, but only a reflection of what he deserved by his actions. Difficulties that arise along the way are the result of previous mistakes.

Self-development - an assistant in improving karma

Man creates his destiny himself. How? The methods are as follows:

  • their statements, sayings (words);
  • order of thought;
  • deeds and deeds.

Each case in our life can be found an explanation, any events have their own pattern. This leads to the conclusion that a person must develop spiritually. Such self-development will help clear karma and avoid unpleasant trials and surprises.

Karmic debt by date of birth

If a person spent his past lives irresponsibly, then he may accumulate debts. You can calculate karmic debt by date of birth. This will be discussed further in the article. Karmic debt is an obstacle due to which an individual cannot fulfill his dreams, acquire the desired profession, and arrange his personal life. By fixing this debt, you can get rid of the burden of trouble.

The number of karmic debt by date of birth is very easy to calculate. Knowing this number, you can understand how to reduce or even get rid of the negative influence. To do this, you will need to properly treat your loved ones, reconsider your behavior.

Possible sins

It is no secret that a person needs energy for his activity. He consumes it from outside world and must return, otherwise it strengthens its karmic debt. Not fulfilling obligations to relatives, acting against conscience, the individual becomes a sinner, and this leads to the temptations of karma. Here are some sins that lead to karmic debt:

Sources of debts

It is impossible to enumerate all the specific causes of karmic debt. If everything is summarized and divided into groups, then the following violations can be distinguished:

  • non-observance of God's commandments;
  • departures from the Zoroastrian religion;
  • trampling on the Sermon on the Mount of Christ;
  • violations of the life rules of Existence;
  • destruction of the memory of important shrines;
  • underestimation of the power of prayers;
  • neglect of parents;
  • poor child care.

Types of karmic debt

Many people want to know how to calculate karmic debts by date of birth. But first you need to familiarize yourself with the types of these debts. They are a kind of barrier that prevents a person from reaching the heights. There are three types of debt:

  • personal debt earned in the current life;
  • your debt earned in previous existences;
  • acquired debt, which was inherited by pedigree.

The debt of karma can haunt a person all his life and cause a lot of anxiety. These may be obstacles that are difficult to overcome. Therefore, it is worth getting acquainted with how to find out karmic debt by date of birth.

Do you have karmic debt?

What character traits karmic debt? Luck can completely leave a person, misfortunes constantly happen to him, he constantly quarrels with others and gets sick. These signs indicate an unworked debt of karma. Soothsayers calculate in this case the number of the name, life path, soul, numerology by date of birth. Karmic debt can be seen already by the number of births.

According to numerology, the numbers of karmic debt are 13, 14, 16, 19. Those who were born on such days definitely have karmic debt. It is also worth checking the entire date of birth. Those born in 2014, 2016 also have a debt number, because the numbers 14 and 16 are present in the date of birth. The main calculations are carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Take the date of birth. For example, May 28, 1985.
  • Then, in turn, add up the numbers of the birthday: 2 + 8 = 10.
  • Add the digits of the month: 0+5=5.
  • Add up the digits of the year: 1+9+8+5=23. If the result is a two-digit number, then the digits of this number are summed up again. In this case it is 23: 2+3=5.
  • All the resulting numbers are summed up: 10+5+5=20. This result is not related to the number of karmic debt.

If the numbers 13, 14, 16, 19 appear in the results, then you need to reconsider your life positions and try to correct the karma.

How to find out karmic debt by date of birth and name?

How to find out the debt of karma by date is already clear, but what to do with the name? For such a miscalculation, you need to know the numerical designation of the letters. It is the following:

  • 1 - a, k, y;
  • 2 - b, l, f;
  • 3 - in, m, x;
  • 4 - g, n, c;
  • 5 - d, o, h;
  • 6 - e, p, w, e, e;
  • 7 - f, p, w;
  • 8 - h, s, s;
  • 9 - and, t, i, s.

For calculus, only the results of vowels are summed up. Let the person's name be Kravtsov Ivan Viktorovich. From the surname, the values ​​of the vowels a and o are summarized: 1 + 5 = 6. From the name only and, but: 9+1=10; 1+0=1. There are 4 vowels in the patronymic - and, o, o, and: 9 + 5 + 5 + 9 \u003d 28; 2+8=10, 1+0=1. After that, all the results are summed up: 6+1+1=8. The number of the soul is 8, which means there are no karmic debts for this person.

Numbers of karmic debt

Knowing the birth number, karmic debt is easy to calculate. This method already described above. Now you need to figure out what provokes the appearance of the numbers 13, 14, 16, 19 in the code. Let's characterize each number of karma debt:

Is it possible to work out duties and ease karma?

Karmic debt is not only possible, but also very necessary to return. Do it in your current life. To do this, you need to do the following:

  • comprehend the root of evil;
  • do work on yourself, apologize, try to improve;
  • ask a spiritual mentor for help in releasing debt.

The first step to success is understanding the essence of the debt of karma. For this, there is no need to go far into past lives, because all the sins of a person are awake now. The first step to repaying debt is repentance and service to God, the second is suffering. It is important to remember that it is not worth responding to an insult with an insult, perhaps in past life you offended. To comprehend and repent means to be cleansed from sin.

The Christian religion provides its believers with the opportunity to confess and get rid of sins. But some do it in front of the clergy for show, and then again they take it for their own. That is, they did not realize their mistakes. Conscious misdeeds a person will never repeat again.

Measures to get rid of karmic debts

What exactly can be done to work off karmic debts? Those who are associated with the number 13 must work hard in the sweat of their brows. A person should work with pleasure and receive satisfaction. This problem can be solved, it just takes effort and perseverance. This path is not easy, but do not give up. In this case, concentration on the most basic is important, you need to try to put everything in order. Mess and chaos are not helpers and interfere with the achievement of the goal. It is very important to properly distribute energy in order to successfully overcome obstacles.

Working out the number 14 is a constant self-control that does not accept any weaknesses. Goal setting is the main assistant here. After gaining inner harmony, one can hope for spiritual healing. A person needs to learn to be restrained, not to humiliate others. Love for goodness and justice is a faithful companion of the owner of this number.

Representatives of the number 16 need to eradicate selfishness. The feelings of other people for them should become important, you need to show modesty and humility. It is important to find contact with people, make friends, not look down on everyone.

Favor towards others will help the representatives of the number 19 to work off karmic debts. The motto of such people should be the call: "Treat your neighbor the way you want him to treat you." It is very easy to start sharing with others and consider their opinions. Helping your neighbor without expecting gratitude is the way to forgiveness of debts. You have to be generous and noble.

Numerology establishes karmic debt by date of birth very clearly. Any person who has felt gaps in his karma needs to perform certain actions in order to receive a reward and have a bright fate in a future life. In this case, the following tips will not interfere:

  • do not take revenge on vile people;
  • do not offend loved ones who believe in you;
  • not cause suffering to others;
  • provide assistance;
  • blame only yourself for all problems;
  • do an analysis of their actions;
  • advise useful things;
  • do not curse anyone and do not wish evil;
  • do good deeds for free;
  • show justice;
  • do at least one good deed a day.

Lucky by birth number

Luck is favorable to a person who was born on the 10th or has this figure in his date of birth. The number 10 is distinguished by good karma. The number 1 in it is the desire for a new one, and 0 is activity and vigor. Such a person has no debts and can start living with clean slate. It is important for all people to realize, accept and understand everything that the numbers say.

Numerology attaches great importance to the karmic number of a person, which directly depends on the date of birth of a person.

At the third level of the karmic lesson (numbers from 30 to 39), the individual faces the task of teaching and even prophecy, his mission is to transmit wisdom to others. Knowing the number of fate is necessary in order, for example, to know how to live with the karmic number 36, which is considered bad.

Karmic number 30

These are people of high intelligence and cultural level, who know their worth and do not hesitate to demonstrate their superiority in these matters. True, it is very easy to lose harmony with such behavior, so there is no need to hunt for wealth or celebrity.

Under the guidance of individuals with the number 30, workshops and departments of enterprises work smoothly and efficiently, startups and business ideas are successfully implemented. A distraction from the rat race, even for a short time, gives spiritual satisfaction. To find happiness, you need to create as many of these moments as possible.

Karmic code 30 speaks of a rich writing or poetic career in a previous reincarnation. It is also possible that the person was a drinking housewife who brought herself to a state of complete abandonment towards the end of her life.

In the magical activity of the owners of the number 30, success awaits, but only in cases where a strong desire is manifested.

Karmic number 31: what does it mean

Karmic number 31 is a symbol of deep loneliness and isolation. At the same time, alienation from society and the opposite sex does not burden or upset a person at all. A conversation with a like-minded person or a good conversationalist, as well as a addictive book, are a more valuable gift of fate than companionship.

The lack of money, a partner, household or social disorder does not bother a person with this number at all, because he has other values. What's more, this lifestyle helps him stay focused to solve problems and generate ideas.

The value of the karmic number 31 says that in the previous reincarnation it was a popular person like an actor, musician or comedian. He did not seek family happiness. Many superficial love affairs led to the birth of several illegitimate children.

Success in magic is possible, but only with the strongest motivation. Routine and small goals do not impress the individual, and once he starts, he quickly loses interest in them.

Karmic number 32

The owner of this karmic code is an example of harmony and mutual understanding in relations with other people, although there are quite a few true friends. True, such a character requires openness with loved ones regarding their own plans, otherwise great difficulties will arise on the way to their implementation. In a life perspective, this is a very good number. It bestows unbending life optimism.

Previous life was full of movement, research, travel. The man was extremely immersed in his favorite business, so he did not start a family and children. In his wanderings, he was repeatedly injured, abused alcohol and even smoking drugs. Carriers of code 32 are good at wrecking and predictive magical practices.

Karmic number 33: meaning

Those who received this code are very lucky. It portends success in any kind of activity. Literally everything in the world will take shape to support and motivate this person to do more and more important things. Karmic number 33 is one of the best predictions for life. People with this code have an innate talent for teaching and mentoring. They are interested in history and historical scientific directions.

A person with such karma either confidently rebuilds the world, making it comfortable for himself, or lives in own world woven with illusions. The owners of this code often become the strongest magicians, for which their colleagues treat them unfriendly. The karma of the number 33 promises its owner the ability to develop their own magical rituals and currents. This ingenuity is also evident in everyday life.

In a previous reincarnation, carrier 33 was a court mage, one of the best in the business. He knew how to competently and profitably communicate with the best people in the world, thanks to which he gained wealth and wide respect, influenced the fate of countries and peoples. His wife was an excellent fortune teller.

Karma number 34

The karmic number 34 promises its bearer a difficult fate in the first half of life, but an easy and enviable old age. Personal life begins to improve from about 35 years. Despite the trials that haunted her in her youth, the financial situation is good, the children grow up in abundance and give all their love.

You need to be interested in magic in the second half of life and only in the presence of a mentor and like-minded people. Karmic code 34 says that its carrier was killed on the battlefield in a past life. IT was a young and handsome knight who had not had time to know the joys of fatherhood.

Karmic number 35

This person is destined by karma to face a deadly test. In general, life will consist of disappointments and a complex web of deceit. It is possible to avoid serious consequences and mistakes only while maintaining calmness and prudence.

The family partner of the owners of the karmic code 35 often deceives them, and in relations with children there is an extremely difficult situation related to drugs. Carriers of this number face health problems, and sometimes find themselves in financial distress.

The owner of karma 35 should not lend money to people, especially after crossing the age limit of 30 years. Magic is available to these individuals, but mainly for self-defense. In the past, this is a famous diva, perhaps a singer who had many favorites. The lovers for whom she had real feelings, unfortunately, died in duels. She herself died in solitude and oblivion.

Karmic number 36

Individuals with such a number of Destiny are forced to face misunderstanding and rejection all their lives. The karmic number 36 is very bad in the sense that all achievements are earned with great work, in which there is no one to wait for help from. Often it becomes the cause of marriages in which the partner maintains a relationship only for the sake of money and constantly deceives. A meeting with true and pure love is possible in the second half of life.

You may be interested magic rituals, but only those associated with entrepreneurship will be effective. It is better to lean towards runic practices. A hard fate befell a person in a previous reincarnation. He served as a warden in the prison, the prisoners of which took his life. A past life can also be associated with experiments and torture on other people: a doctor, an evil scientist, a sadistic maniac.

Karmic number 37

This numerological indicator promises good life filled with mutual friendship, kindness and happy love relationships. Luck haunts a person not only on the personal front, but also in matters that are conducted collectively. Karma promises a cloudless and easy future without strong upheavals and unpleasant “surprises”.

In magic, it makes sense to turn to rituals and rituals associated with Slavic traditions and the creation of talismans. Most likely, a person with a karma number of 37 was a woman in a previous life. She had a plump body, worked as a cook and was surrounded by happy children. It is possible that this was an abandoned hermit without a family, but with a strong faith.

Karma Number 38

A person with this number of Destiny is doomed to endure betrayal, meanness, hypocrisy, lies, coming from both the distant and near environment. Often fate prepares such individuals with a betrayal of the second half. But about him, fortunately or not, is not always known. Failures await almost everywhere: in investment campaigns, on the roads, in career achievements.

Having a karmic number of 38, magic is not so much possible as it should be practiced. But you should focus on those practices that will allow you to become more insightful in relationships with people, to better understand them. Most likely, in a previous earthly incarnation, the person was a Chinese woman. She never left her native village and until the end of her days worked on a rice plantation. It may also be that in a past life, a person made a living trading his body.

Karmic number 39

An intellectual, a person with highly developed mental and moral qualities. Unfortunately, from an early age until old age, he is forced to fight diseases of varying severity. There is another scourge - a person often experiences envy from the environment. This is manifested even in relation to those who are in an unenviable position. There is a craving for alcohol and drugs. The body often encounters poisoning and infectious diseases.

Magical practice rarely captivates these individuals, but those who are interested in it have every chance of succeeding. A previous reincarnation made a person drawn into the gambling industry. And even though he won more often, it was because of the money that he was killed.

When acquiring the number of a karmic lesson, one should not fully rely on its characteristics. So, for example, the karma of number 33 can easily be spoiled by bad deeds, anger and meanness towards people around. The absence of karmic debts and the teacher's destiny should not be the cause of self-confidence. Self-improvement must remain life purpose at any level of development.

The desire not only to know one's destiny, but also to correct it, if necessary, is present in any person. And if a few decades ago, although it existed, it was carefully hidden by people out of fear of being ridiculed or hearing reproach from others, now many are turning to knowledgeable grandmothers or astrologers for help of this kind. Their services are becoming more and more popular every day.

Is it really possible to change your own destiny?

It is not at all necessary to look for "experts" for such purposes, most of which are actually ordinary people, who know little, but offer help in this delicate matter for the sake of profit, and also because of the desire to earn easy money on human problems and misfortunes.

It will not be difficult at all and independently obtain all the information that interests you, you just need to pay your attention to such a science as numerology and learn how to do it. correct calculations. Thanks to her, you can find out what the number of karmic debt means. Calculate it, too, will not be a problem.

Numerology - what kind of science?

This long-recognised esoteric science can give a lot of information about a particular person. Just enough to do necessary calculations by date of birth, and you can easily get literally about any individual such information as the abilities and talents programmed in him by nature, the advantages and disadvantages present in the character.

Yes, and such a thing as karmic debt is very easy to calculate by date of birth. And this, according to a very large number of knowledgeable people, will help correct all the shortcomings that a person inherited from birth. But it should be understood that in this case we are not talking about the physical handicap that a person receives as past lives, but about moral deviations that bring big problems not only to a certain person, but also to most of the people around him.

It is not for nothing that any person is born on a certain number, often completely different from the predictions of doctors. This happens because of the plans from above, designed to let you experience all the consequences of your negative actions, thoughts and feelings of the past incarnation. Feeling all this for yourself, you can not only repent, but also correct them, opening your way to new incarnations that will not be burdened by anything.

Karma and its role in human life

So what is karma and how to find out your karmic debt? This question is of interest to many, so it is worthwhile to find out before starting any calculations. The very concept of "karma" means the sins of past incarnations, which are destined to be corrected by fate at the present birth.

Any person is believed to live several lives, each of which is given to him in order to correct the shortcomings of the personality and bring his soul to perfection. But sinful temptations always lie in wait on the path of life, and it is often impossible to avoid them. The numbers of karmic debt will tell you that you have done something reprehensible in the past.

Why and how should these debts be paid?

Having succumbed to some momentary desire that can cause even a little harm to another person, a person burdens his karma. In the event that she cannot correct her mistake in the current incarnation, she will be destined to suffer the punishment for this in her next life in order to purify her soul. In order to find out, you should calculate the karmic debt.

That is, if in this life you did not deny any ways, even dishonorable, for your enrichment, in the next incarnation you will be given poverty, which is designed to free you from the sin called greed. And you will bear this karmic (coming from the previous incarnation) punishment until you realize it. This is the answer to questions about what karmic debt means and how to fix it.

Arithmetic of fate, or Karmic numerology - an accessible secret of numbers

This process has absolutely nothing to do with mathematics, which we have studied since childhood. Here we are talking about the fact that if a person has a karmic debt, by date of birth, calculate the cause of its occurrence, and also determine the ways of correction by anyone. And from that here you only need the ability to add

Thanks to such simple arithmetic operations, anyone has a great opportunity not only to find out how to determine the karmic debt, or rather its type, which accompanies a person throughout the current incarnation, but also, knowing how this debt obligation to the universe arose, make every effort to its eradication. And also not to create such situations in the current incarnation, so that the subsequent ones do not drag the "tail" of unpaid debts.

What types of karmic debts are there and how do they arise?

All debts acquired by a person to the universe can be divided into 3 main types:

  1. Own, which a person managed to accumulate already in this life.
  2. Own, but earned in past incarnations.
  3. Inherited, that is, a generic "gift".

How and in what cases can karmic debts arise? This happens when a person consciously or unconsciously violates Genesis, the values ​​of holy monuments and prayers, as well as the memory of parents and children.

So it turns out that karmic debts are not so difficult to calculate and understand. And thanks to this, there is a chance to contribute necessary adjustments into your destiny, as well as build your life in such a way that in your next incarnations this problem does not touch you, and there is an opportunity to start a new existence from scratch.

Numbers indicating the presence of a debt to the universe by karma

The debts that appeared due to the mistakes of past lives are indicated by 4 numbers - these are 13, 14, 16, 19. But they are not a sentence for a person, but, most likely, a pointer to what should be done to correct the mistakes of the past and prevent their repetition.

In order to understand this more precisely, one should consider the meanings of these numbers. Then you will not only answer the question “How to work off a karmic debt?”, But you will also gain the opportunity to painlessly solve many of the problems that accompany your current existence. In addition, correcting past mistakes will help not to commit such a thing in this incarnation.

How are numerological calculations made?

It is very easy to calculate karmic debt by date of birth. All that is needed for this is to write out the digital code of your date of birth on a piece of paper. For example, for a person born on March 4, 1972, it will look like this: 431972. Discharged? Now add all the numbers together and write down the resulting number. In our example, it turned out to be 26.

We don’t reduce anything else, but we look to see if the resulting number fell under the karmic one. As we already know, there are 4 of them in this section of numerology - 13, 14, 16 and 19. And in the case when one of these numbers turned out during the calculations made or is the date of birth, we can talk about a debt to karma that should be corrected .

In the described example, a person does not have unresolved sins of the past. But this does not mean that he, with an unburdened past fate, will be able to live the current incarnation without sin, insuring himself against the appearance of the number of karmic debt in his next life.

Thirteen - laziness is punishable

Having figured out what karmic numerology is, you can take a closer look at the meaning of each number from this warning list. They are necessary for everyone who decides to correct their destiny with the help of karmic debt, you need to know in order to correct their destiny in the right way.

The first number is 13. The one who has it in his numerical code should pay for the selfishness and ineffectiveness of the past incarnation, when he preferred to shift all the hardest work onto the shoulders of others. In his current existence, he will meet many obstacles in those situations that go smoothly for everyone else.

Such punishment should help a person to learn concentration and the ability to bring the chosen matter to the end, not only accepting help from others, but also without shifting the blame for what happened to someone else in case of an error.

Burying talents in the ground is also a sin

Another debt obligation to the universe bears the number 14 to a person. The karmic debt by date of birth that it gives is that once, in his past incarnations, a person, instead of using the talents given to him from birth for the benefit of himself and to those around him, preferred rest with escape from reality.

Now it's time to pay your debts. To eradicate Negative influence this number, it is necessary to exclude such ways of avoiding the surrounding reality as alcohol and drugs, all kinds of excesses both in food and in feelings.

In this incarnation, a person is required to become restrained and not to postpone it until tomorrow, but to abstain today. It is worth moderation to put things in order in your life and maintain clarity of mind.

Low passions in the past - problems in the present

The number 16 also means a lot. Its owner is given a karmic debt by date of birth for indulging in sensual pleasures and abusing love in past lives. The negativity of this number is also due to the fact that in past incarnations he found himself, and quite often, involved in adventures unacceptable by society, and this brought suffering to other people.

In the same life, a person who has a karmic debt number of 16 very often has to find himself in situations where he needs to be completely focused on his beloved, his personal interests, as a result of which he loses a lot in relations with people around him.

The keys to success with this number are humility and modesty. A person should avoid all manifestations of his own egoism, learn to put the interests of people close to him above his own.

Loneliness among people - what is the punishment for?

The number 19 is also not sugar. People who have it in their numerical debt by date of birth are given for abuse in past incarnations of their strength and power. Therefore, in their present life, because of past sins, they have to lead a lonely existence, when there is no one to rely on and rely on.

In order for the negative of this number to completely go away, a person needs to learn how to take care of others. The life lesson of the number 19 is to provide selfless help to people in cases where it is really required.

Wheel of Fortune, or Good Karma

But in such a fascinating and useful esoteric science as numerology, karmic debt is not only a punishment. It also contains a number that good view karma. A person born with him has already paid all his debts and can begin to build his destiny from scratch.

This opportunity gives the number 10, otherwise called the Wheel of Fortune. You can decipher the numbers included in its composition as follows: one is the beginning of everything new, and zero in numerology not only carries energy, but also speaks of something promising that awaits in the new cycle.

The lucky ones who have the number 10 in their numerical birth code may not think about how to determine karmic debts, but direct all their efforts to prevent their occurrence in the future.

And those who are not the happy owner of the number 10 in their numerical code should make every effort and, using the information obtained when calculating debt obligations to the universe by the date of their birth, recover from the karmic disease given to them from above.

To do this, you need very little. Just realize, understand and accept everything that the numbers tell him. Only in this case you will not have to bear your debt in subsequent lives.

Numerology makes it possible to determine karma by date of birth. With the help of simple calculations, you can more accurately find out which karmic debts a person needs to work out, get acquainted with the causes of their occurrence and ways to get rid of them. It is the presence of karmic debts, which can be committed both in this and a previous life, that is the cause of most troubles and failures. Each person has the opportunity to work them out throughout life and make existence happier.

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    The meaning of karmic influence

    Karma is a philosophical doctrine, according to which a person creates his own destiny by righteous and sinful deeds. According to its laws, people can live several times, developing their spirituality and correcting vices, until they reach the ideal.

    The ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras was sure that a person returns to Earth 15 times. All the deeds that he did in past lives will definitely return to him in a subsequent incarnation. In order to avoid punishment, you need to realize your dark sides and correct them. Otherwise, the next life will be even more difficult.

    Depending on the deeds, karma can be light and dark, light and heavy. Everyone chooses the path of life, doing good and bad deeds. Karma helps a person to realize and understand his life path. With its help, you can determine what effect the past incarnation has on the present life. Karma is not a punishment, but only reflects what a person has earned by perfect deeds.

    Types of debts and sources of their occurrence

    Karmic debt is unfulfilled promises to the Higher powers, God, and other people. To restore justice, a person receives punishment and, only by changing and correcting his mistakes, will he be able to “cleanse” karma. The most important karmic debts are:

    • Data and broken promises. Even insignificant promises must be fulfilled, otherwise an energy debt will form.
    • Failure to fulfill earthly purpose. Everyone has a different Supreme Duty and you can determine it by listening to your heart.
    • Unwillingness to listen to the Soul. A person ignores the needs of the heart, which leads to a lack of spiritual growth. To draw the attention of the individual, unpleasant people and negative situations appear in life, which bring only discomfort and suffering.
    • Theft. When appropriating what belongs to another, karmic knots are formed. You can appropriate not only material goods, but also time, health, energy and life. The retribution for such thefts is similar - a person will lose what he took, but in a larger volume.
    • Irresponsible attitude towards family, work and people. A person refuses to provide for the family and bear responsibility for it, does not fulfill obligations in the workplace and does not participate in the upbringing of children.

    Karmic debts are of several types. These include:

    • Own, which a person managed to receive in this life.
    • Own, earned in past lives.
    • Inherited through the family.

    Numerology allows you to determine karmic debt, but before proceeding with the calculations, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with their main features:

    • With one of the people for no apparent reason, there is a persistent misunderstanding, aggression and conflict.
    • Followed by failure. At such time intervals, it is time for a person to repay debts and pay them off according to the laws of the Universe.
    • Performing any business, there is a loss of energy and strength, even though before that everything was fine. This may indicate that Higher power thus giving an opportunity to work out karma.
    • Having made great efforts and spending a lot of time, a person does not get a positive result, and his work turns out to be useless.

    All karmic debts must be worked out in a certain period of time. They are given not to cause pain and suffering, but to set the individual on the path of self-development. They indicate that a person makes many mistakes and it is necessary to change his life. Pain and suffering are a signal for action, to which you need to respond in time.

    Calculations by date of birth

    To check the absence or presence of karmic debt, it is necessary to calculate the number of the Soul, Fate and Name. According to Western numerology of Pythagoras, the numbers of debt include:

    People who were born on the dates listed are likely to have past life debts. If a person was born on other days, the date of birth must be checked in full. So, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2019 testify to bad karma, which is the result of mistakes made in past lives. To determine karma by year, it is important to pay attention not only to “bad” numbers, but also to the total amount of numbers, which can be unfavorable. To do this, you need to carry out the following calculations:

    • Take the date of birth, for example, 11/22/1991.
    • Add the numbers of the day of birth: 2 + 2 = 4.
    • Sum the digits of the month: 1+1=2.
    • Add the digits of the year: 1+9+9+1=20=2+0=2.
    • All received data should be summarized: 4+2+2 = 8.

    If the numbers 13, 14, 16 and 19 appear in the results, you need to reconsider your life priorities. To determine the number of the name, surname and patronymic, you need to know the numerical designation of the letters. You can get acquainted with it using the table:

    When calculating, you need to take full name. For example, the number of the Name Catherine is the following - 6+1+1+9+6+7+9+4+1=44=4+4=8. The calculation of the number of Patronymic and Surname is carried out in a similar way.


    The karmic number 13 means that the person was lazy, did not work enough, manipulated other people. He lived a selfish life and did only what gave him pleasure. In this incarnation, hard work and overcoming obstacles await him. It is difficult for him to achieve success, and he will have few opportunities to enjoy life.

    The main task of people with the number 13 is the development of discipline and spirituality. You need to learn how to do work responsibly, take on many responsibilities and assignments. A person will meet a large number of obstacles that other people in similar situations do not come across.

    In order to achieve success and avoid problems, you need to learn to concentrate, not to disperse all your strength and give yourself to one thing. The family needs to maintain order, as confusion will reduce the effectiveness of any effort. Working off such a debt is difficult, but you should not take easy paths, as they will only lead to a dead end.


    Karmic number 14 indicates the abuse of pleasure. Man misused his freedom and preferred to indulge in physical pleasures. The life of people with the number 14 is chaotic - there are unexpected events, changing circumstances and drastic changes in the conditions of existence. They are prone to alcoholism, drug addiction, gluttony and other physical pleasures.

    People with the number 14 often have a beautiful and bright appearance and are the soul of the company. They have a sweet energy, and a trail of pleasure stretches for them in this incarnation. Communicating with them, people are inspired by new ideas and get closer to their dreams. Karmic debt 14 is often seen in show business among singers and actors.

    In order to achieve success, you will need to get rid of bad habits and find a higher meaning in life. It is necessary to choose activities related to and dedicated to the energy of inspiration. You need to control yourself and achieve emotional stability. When problems arise, you need to abandon impulsive actions and continue on your own path.


    People with a karmic number of 16 were careless about the love side of life, engaged in adultery, betraying partners. Such a person bears the burden of other people's grievances and often suffers from loneliness. In order to get rid of debt, a person must overcome the following negative traits:

    • Inaccessibility.
    • Alienation.
    • Irresponsibility.
    • Indifference.
    • Disregard for the feelings of others.

    It is necessary to engage in spiritual development and abandon love vices. Starting and maintaining a relationship will be difficult and will constantly have to deal with difficulties. Friends and connections will be lost due to strange and sudden circumstances. A person will often be in complete alienation and loneliness. The key to success is complete humility and building life according to the laws of higher nature.


    Karmic debt 19 indicates abuse of power. Man was turned away from everything holy and spiritually correct. He was endowed with great power, but used it exclusively for selfish purposes. He was not interested in anything but own desires. In real life, one has to face situations where no one will help such people.

    If a person copes alone, this is good, but usually he simply reproaches others and waits for selfless help. He is characterized by some aggressiveness, unfriendliness and irritability, which makes him unpleasant for others. In order to find happiness and work off karmic debt, you need to learn how to interact with people, not only to take, but also to give. We need to share our abilities and help others. It is important to abandon such negative character traits as:

    • Selfishness.
    • Laziness.
    • Aggression.
    • Addiction.
    • Narcissism.

    "Difficult" numbers

    Worthy of special attention karmic numbers 4, 6, 7 and 8, which do not always bring happiness and prosperity into people's lives. The number 4 in Vedic numerology indicates a great karmic debt. It may consist in a huge number of unfulfilled obligations. In this life, the owners of this figure also often lead a wrong lifestyle, which only aggravates their karma.

    Karmic number 6 indicates the presence of problems, the root of which is an incorrect attitude towards the world around. In a person's life, unforeseen difficulties and circumstances can arise that help him "work off" karma. It is important not to make rash actions and give up such negative qualities as selfishness, anger and irresponsibility, and regularly engage in self-development.

    With a karmic number of 7, a person can live a happy life and achieve their goals. He does not have karmic debts, but he has every chance of getting them, as he is subject to various temptations. It is important to choose the right path, to devote yourself to work and family, to give up the forbidden fruit, which can change your life overnight.

    Karmic number 8 portends a hard life. In past lives, a person did something bad and now he needs to pay for it. He will be able to achieve happiness only by fully working off his debts, and when this happens is not known. You need to accept yourself and your problems as they are, and continue to live, observing the laws of the universe. If a person chooses a sinful path, troubles cannot be avoided.

    Additional characters

    In order to better understand fate, you need to familiarize yourself with other numbers, which are divided into 4 groups corresponding to levels. The higher the level, the more lives a person has lived. The first group includes numbers from 10 to 19 and their characteristics, not including the numbers of karmic debts described above:

    The second group includes numbers from 20 to 29. People who have a total sum of digits of their date of birth in the indicated range are usually happy and lucky, although there are some exceptions. A more detailed description of the numbers:



    Constantly solves unexpected difficulties, which allows him to develop spirituality

    Can succeed in anything

    Too kind and trusting person

    Has every chance to succeed in building a career

    Lucky throughout life

    Lots of tests to go through

    Great intuition that avoids many problems

    Has developed intellectual abilities

    Abandoned his talents and abandoned morality

    Facing deceit, lies and betrayal

    The third level includes numbers from 30 to 39. Their description is indicated in the table:



    The karmic number 30 has endowed people with excellent intelligence, which they use to make money, which plays a decisive role in their lives.

    Has a tendency to loneliness and usually does not have a permanent soulmate

    Have a great family and a successful career

    Luck accompanies a person in everything and he can teach others

    Rarely is a happy life up to 35 years old, but then they will have a successful marriage and an increase in material wealth

    Dependencies are clearly expressed, there may be problems when communicating with children and the opposite sex

    The karmic number 36 indicates unhappiness in love, but everything is going well in their careers.

    Good luck accompanies in all endeavors

    Have false friends, face business failures, and have failures in love relationships

    The karmic number 39 indicates a developed intellect, health problems and a large number of addictions.

    The fourth group includes numbers from 40 to 49:



    Karmic number 40 indicates loneliness and financial problems

    A person is prone to deception, and he has a weak energy

    Success in everything except love relationships

    Problems with building relationships and in the professional field

    Life is filled with deceit, troubles and hardships

    In order to achieve success, it is necessary to develop mental abilities

    Have true friends and a loving soul mate

    Will have to face betrayal, insincerity

    Can easily build a career due to developed leadership qualities and high level intellect

    A lonely person who is not interested in anything personal life, nor finance

    Julie Poe Numerology

    You can find out the presence of karmic debts and identify possible ways to pay them off with the help of Julia Poe's numerology, which examines in more detail the connection between the numbers of days, months and years. So, the number of the day of birth carries information about the past life and the percentage of debt fulfilled:

    • From 1 to 9 - the karmic task is fully completed.
    • From 10 to 19 - the mission is completed by 80%.
    • From 20 to 29 - the percentage of debt completion is 60.
    • 30 and 31 - the task is completed by 40%.

    Each birthday number in Tarot numerology by Julia Poe has magical meaning and endows a person with special qualities:

    Number Designation Quality
    1, 23 I MageNatural Leaders
    2, 24 II High PriestessVirtue
    3, 25 III EmpressTalented personality
    4, 26 VI EmperorProfessionalism
    5, 27 V High Priestenlighteners
    6, 28 VI LoversAbility to build relationships
    7, 29 VII ChariotDedicated to science
    8, 30 VIII JusticeSpiritual practices
    9, 31 IX HermitDefender
    10 X Wheel of FortuneThe man was mercantile in finance, therefore, in real life he is entrusted with the monetary mission of providing for the family
    11 XI StrengthThe individual exceeded psychophysical strength and was aggressive
    12 XII The Hanged ManThe man was rude and trusted only himself
    13 XIII DeathThe individual tried to be the first in everything and achieve his goals in any way

    The karmic numbers in the Tarot, indicating the presence of debt, are - 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. Their decoding can be seen in the table:

    Number Meaning
    14 He was greedy, so in real life he is limited in many ways
    15 Indicates the occupation of the occult and black magic. Most often, oncological diseases are hidden precisely behind this number.
    16 Man destroyed the fate of people. Now he must learn to build harmonious relationships
    17 The man loved fame and honors, he achieved this dishonestly. It takes a lot of effort to become a famous person.
    18 A deceiver who is keenly sensitive to others. He loves to embellish and gossip. He has developed creative abilities and, in order to achieve success, he must put his energy in the right direction.
    19 Abuse of power. Don't pressure people, help them
    20 Traitor of tradition. He could start relationships outside of marriage, go into a foreign culture
    21 Sold talent, did not want to have descendants and take care of them
    22 Bad and rude attitude towards children. Perhaps abortions were performed, or the person simply abandoned the children and refused to raise them

    By the month of birth in the Tarot, you can find out why a person came to his family and what tasks are assigned to him in the future:



    The need to work off the karma of a brother or sister by helping them

    It is necessary to develop such qualities as kindness and mercy

    Those born in March were not very independent and they need to learn responsibility

    April people have a strong bond with their father. They came to this world to help their ancestors clear karma and avoid negative deeds.

    A person carries the mother's karma, which most often has an unfavorable character. It is important for them to forgive their mother, to establish relations with her

    The main task is to create a strong and friendly family

    The human race has stagnated in one place and it needs changes. It’s good if he can move to another city or chooses a job that involves frequent business trips

    The task is to hold the family together and reconcile the parents


    Talented people with a strong astral body. Their task is to glorify the family

    The duty is to increase the capital of the family. How more money they take from others, the less they earn

    The main task is to raise the status of a kind

    Young souls who need to learn to understand at least themselves

    Card Merging Technology

    In numerology, Julia Poe actively uses the technique of mapping. The most important of these is the birth chart of a person. It shows his character, positive and weak sides. The cells of the map carry information about the state of the energy channels, and the absence of numbers in them indicates problem areas. Numerological tarot square cards look like this:

    In this example, cells 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 are empty, and the energy channels they are responsible for need to be cleaned. The more numbers indicated, the more developed certain qualities in a person.

    Karmic encounters

    In life, there are karmic encounters that can be creative and destructive. With a creative connection, partners are connected due to positive karma. Previously, they were a happy couple, led a calm happy life no change. Each of them was a good man and their love helped others and was a great example for them. They deserved another life together, and their meeting was destined.

    With a destructive karmic connection, partners quickly “get to know” each other and feel an irresistible craving, as if they had known each other all their lives, but family life only brings disappointment. In such a relationship, constant misunderstanding, quarrels, deceit, and one of the partners may have bad habits, there are often problems with childbearing.

    With a negative karmic binding, partners both love and hate. It is hard for them together, and when they part, they are pulled back. In a previous life, these people could not fulfill their obligations, and life gave them the opportunity to meet again and go through a series of obstacles, atoning for karmic debts.

    Partners will not be able to disperse or start a happy life until they complete the karmic task. At the same time, they do not have to understand each other and achieve complete harmony - a complete break in relations can also be an option to solve the problem. If partners who are not suitable and only have a destructive effect on their soul mates continue their relationship, then in the next life they will meet again and will not be able to create a successful marriage, as they do not let each other go.

    You can determine the presence of love karma by the date of birth. You need to take the full dates of birth of a man and a woman and make a simple calculation, for example:

    • 22. 11. 1991 = 2+2+1+1+1+9+9+1=26
    • 28. 03. 1989= 2+8+3+1+9+8+9=40
    • Total amount: 26+40=66

    22 must be subtracted from the amount received. If the difference is less than 22, then the subtraction is repeated until the total is equal to or less than 22. In the given example, the calculations look like: 66 - 22 = 44, 44 - 22 = 22. After that, the resulting number must be compared with the decoding of the results:

    • 1. Complex karmic relationship, where partners will fight for the right to take a leadership position.
    • 3. Creative karmic relationships built on harmony, trust and love.
    • 4. In such a relationship, the dominant position is occupied by a man, which leads to a large number scandals.
    • 11. Negative karmic relationships where one of the partners suffers.
    • 12. A man will cheat on his wife, because in the last incarnation she betrayed him.
    • 13. Destructive karmic union, which long time can't end the relationship.
    • 14. The love affair will not last long, but the partners will remain friends.
    • 15. A negative union with a strong karmic connection, where both partners will change, lie.
    • 17. The union has a destructive effect on two partners who cannot part.
    • 20. Creative karmic relationships filled with love.
    • 22. Karmic union, where partners live in a constant change of relationships, constantly swear and reconcile.

    If the result was the numbers 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 18, 19, 21, then the partners are not bound by karma, but they have every chance for a favorable development of relations.

    How to fulfill duties

    Each person has the opportunity to work off the debts of karma and improve life. The first step is repentance and service to God, the second is suffering. It is important to follow these simple tips:

    • Don't take revenge.
    • Don't cause pain to others.
    • Do not offend loved ones.
    • Help those in need.
    • Take responsibility for your actions.
    • Analyze behavior.
    • Wish no harm to anyone.
    • Do good for free.
    • To be fair.

    Each person chooses independently how to repay his karmic debt - by repentance or suffering. You can realize your sins and change the situation or face the suffering and torment that is sent from above.

Karma is a unique law of the Universe, according to which each of us lives several incarnations, several lives that are given so that a person can correct the shortcomings of his personality and develop his spirituality to the highest perfection. Everything that a person has done in past incarnations - both bad and good - returns to him or to his relatives. Everything that happens to a person in the present is connected with what happened in the past. We can say that karma is a combination of bad and good deeds of a person that were committed by him in all his lives. All bad things should be recognized and corrected in next incarnations and all good things bring a person closer to the perfection of spiritual development.

If in his past incarnations a person did not fulfill his obligations, violated Spiritual laws, took something from others or illegally appropriated someone else's, ignored the needs of his Soul and its need for development, behaved irresponsibly, in this case Karmic Debts are formed. They will accompany a person all his life and cause him a lot of anxiety. Karmic Debts will manifest in the form of trials and barriers, difficulties and problems. That is why it is very important to find out if a person has his own Karmic Debt.

Karmic Debt, depending on the method of its appearance, there can be several types: own, - the one that a person has earned in his current life; own - earned by a person in previous lives; acquired - inherited by genus. Karmic debt is a kind of barrier that prevents a person from being what he could become.

How to find out if a person has a Karmic debt by name and date of birth?

Find out if a person has a Karmic debt, science will help . In numerology, the numbers of karmic debt are the numbers 13, 14, 16, 19. If a person was born on a day with one of these numbers, this indicates the presence of Karmic Debt, but even if there are none of these numbers in the date of birth, Karmic debt can manifest when calculating, in intermediate results (up to reducing the final figure to a single digit).

To find out does a person have a Karmic Debt by name or date of birth, you need to calculate the Heart Number, Destiny Number and Number Life Path, but do not reduce the final number to a single digit, but use an intermediate two-digit number to interpret the results. Deciphering the number of Karmic Debt makes it possible to take into account the previous not very successful experience, realize the results, draw conclusions and take measures that will correct the situation.

Using the online calculation presented on this page, you can find out if a person has a Karmic Debt by name and date of birth. If you want to know if there is a Karmic Birthday Debt, use.

Online calculation of Karmic Debt by name and date of birth

Surname Name Surname
Date of Birth
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 1913 1912 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 1901 1900