Karmic number 20. Karmic number by date of birth

  • 16.10.2019

Numerology suggests that the name and date of birth to some extent dictates the future and life tasks of a person.

So those who received the number of karmic lesson 10-19 are placed on the first stage of spiritual and ideological development, when you need to humbly accept the fate of a student. In this reincarnation, you need to make every effort to improve your personality, without trying to change the world around you.

Karmic number 10

Lovers of Destiny. They believe in themselves and have great potential for the future. They are lucky in professional development. They do not experience any difficulties in improving their health and building family relationships. Such karma was given for a sinless life in past incarnations. These people need to devote time to good deeds and not resort to magical rituals.

The owners of this number are the most successful carriers of karma, because they worked off all previous debts in their early incarnations. Their current goal on Earth is to prevent new mistakes. Distinctive feature of these personalities - the ability to competently analyze events and make the right decisions.

Karmic number 11

Carriers of a conflicting fate, who have to overcome many difficulties. In this regard, you should not particularly trust people. Such individuals are the founders of secure childbirth, since they do not have less than two children. At the same time, they have many partners, but they are not able to find the perfect soul mate.

Those with a karma number of 11 should be especially careful to engage in extrasensory perception and esotericism, since the karma of a criminal (robber, murderer, swindler) from past life.

Karmic number 12

An unfavorable sign that promises a person a lot of experiences and troubles. The main reason for a hard life lies in the defenselessness of the person being used. These people are a lot nervous because they are working off past karma when they were notorious and reckless leaders of revolutions, participants in love plots, and spies. You can conjure them only under someone else's guidance.

Such an individual should not be part of protest organizations. It is desirable that in the family of such a person they constantly take care of and reassure with kind words.

Karmic number 13: meaning

If a person has karma and the number 13, it is difficult to say that he is destined to live a boring life. They are constantly changing, because of which they are sad and happy. Usually such people quickly find admirers, but just as quickly make enemies. The past incarnation on Earth was also restless, and even gloomy, because a person played the role of a prisoner or a slave.

The number of karmic debt 13 is not the most dangerous. Obviously, in the last reincarnation, a person devoted too much time to himself and did not want to place responsibility on his own shoulders.

Such a person has been the cause of many troubles, so this time she will have to work out karma, humbly accepting difficulties in those matters that other people go through easily.

The debt will be worked out faster if the person begins to enjoy work, since other joys in his life will be rare.

Karmic number 13 by date of birth is not a sentence, but of all life difficulties a lesson will have to be learned: even the most difficult task can be brought to an end by keeping the initiative in it, but accepting a little help from the outside. With due dedication and a thorough approach to business, any obstacles will be easily overcome. Do not try to find easy and quick ways to succeed with such karma - vanity will bring misfortune.

Karmic number 14: meaning

These people should be careful in life. They should not give in to their thirst for extreme sports, especially in the air or on the water. Rest on the ocean or near the mountains is also not recommended for them, although the last reincarnation was associated with service on the water. Having a karmic number of 14, one can guess, get involved in the practice of Reiki, astrology, feng shui.

The number of karmic debt 14 is associated with the past incarnation of a person, when he did not want to benefit other people. Having both opportunities and abilities, the individual preferred to exalt himself from society and withdraw into himself.

Such a selfish strategy is considered by fate as a serious offense. The reverse situation is also possible with misapplication freedom - when an individual was destined to explore the world, and he stubbornly sat in one place, cherishing the little.

Any danger is fraught with bad habits for those who have a karmic number of 14. How to work off past debt in this life? Try not to escape from reality and do not waste time on alcohol or computer games. A person needs to cultivate moderation, critical mind, modesty. It is best to give up material excesses and not be overly emotional.

The bearers of this debt are simply obliged to build a certain order of their lives and not to postpone the process of self-improvement for the future. A lofty and noble goal for those with a karmic debt number of 14 is The best way his working out.

Karmic number 15

These are very attractive people with a bright temperament. They always attract people to themselves and can even manipulate them for selfish purposes. It is sad that fraud and betrayal are frequent misdemeanors of carriers of such a number of Destiny.

Their main field of activity is music, acting and other areas of art. In the past incarnation, the career was not so bewitching, because the person was a representative of the oldest profession. But in this life, people with this number can become black sorcerers.

Karma: 16 - the number of Destiny

Unfortunately, the one who has such a meaning constantly receives unpleasant surprises from heaven. The unhappy life of such a person is accompanied by all sorts of catastrophes, and one has to seriously pay for every mistake. That is why you need to be careful in everything, not to touch magic, which can lead to a deterioration in well-being. The last reincarnation was associated with wearing royal status. Obviously, the person was financially secure and self-confident.

The number of karmic debt 16 is associated with immoral sexual relations of the individual in a previous life on the planet.

Excessive attention to sensual relationships to the detriment of the opinions and desires of other partners is regarded by fate as a very dangerous sin that must be worked out through harmonious relationships with people. In the current life, such a person often has a desire to go in cycles in himself. Living in the sea, his own worries, the individual refuses to build spiritual relationships. But there is another scenario: as a karmic punishment, fate separates a person from everyone who is dear to him.

Most frequently asked question one who has a karmic number of 16 - what to do in a relationship to work off a debt. First you need to remember what exactly you should not do. You should abandon excessive criticism of loved ones and constant teasing of them because of their shortcomings.

The karmic number 16 in numerology requires the individual to take into account other people's interests and abandon selfish goals. It is necessary to develop humility and modesty in yourself, learn to take care of your loved ones. In some cases, the karmic number 16 can be interpreted differently: the value, when the numbers are added, is converted to 7.

Number 17

These people are lucky in their personal lives because they literally attract partners of the opposite sex. Ahead of the carriers of this number of fate is a certain success both in their favorite profession and in family relationships. Such a gift of fate is a compensation for the past reincarnation, when a person suffered from loneliness, being poor and sick.

Such people, as a rule, are not interested in witchcraft.

Karmic number 18

This value causes aggression and even some cruelty. Such qualities of character help such people in the criminal business, but death will be sudden and, most likely, criminal. Death due to water or fire is also possible.

In the last incarnation on the planet, a person was a European magician, but this time he does not have supernatural abilities.

Karmic number 19

The purpose of such people is the cultivation of the future generation. At the same time, success will come to them in other areas, so they will be surrounded by love and respect. The former life was connected with travel and research, and possibly with grazing. Druid magic is recommended for such people.

The number of karmic debt 19 indicates the authoritarian behavior of the individual in the past incarnation. One who has used his power too often and behaved arbitrarily, in this life is forced to do without the help of society.

As a result, a person is doomed to loneliness and does not find support even from the closest circle of people. Most often, the individual himself is to blame for such a situation, since he does not want to listen to the advice of outsiders and literally sits in emotional captivity. The problem of this person is that she expects disinterested help from the outside, without showing any interest in the people themselves.

The karmic number 19, the meaning of which can be regarded as negative, fortunately, does not manifest itself throughout a person’s entire life. In other words, the sooner the individual works out the karmic debt, the sooner friendships and love relationships will begin with him. To do this, it is necessary to take care of people without a second thought and not ask for anything in return.

One should not be afraid of one's manifestations of affection, one should, if necessary, give wise advice and be able to share power.

A person must realize that no one encroaches on his integrity and independence in the process of equal energy and emotional exchange.

Do not worry that the number of first order fate requires a constant cognitive process. Being an eternal student means discovering the joys of the world and learning from your mistakes, becoming a more benevolent and merciful person. If the information given by the Universe is accepted and processed correctly, in the next incarnation the number of the karmic lesson will certainly be an order of magnitude higher.

When they talk about karma, most often they mean the purpose of a person in life. But in addition to the mission, each person has a kind of "account" on which debts accumulate. Karmic debt is a load of unfulfilled obligations that haunt the soul throughout all its incarnations. To find out what is the purpose of a person in life and his karmic debt, one should turn to numerology.

What is destiny

To understand what fate means, one should study the philosophical teachings, according to which the human soul is embodied in a material body more than once. During its reincarnations, the soul works on lessons and mistakes, forming a chain of events.

A similar phenomenon can be compared with a school report card. If a student finishes the semester with twos, he will have to work off bad grades in the next semester. So the soul of a person, having not fulfilled its destiny, passes into the next life with debts.

According to karma, the soul itself chooses its next incarnation. Her current life is a lesson to be learned. Good deeds and a righteous life purify karma. Life becomes easier for a person. Bad deeds, on the contrary, burden the soul. She goes through life with a load of sins.

At the same time, past actions that seemed to get away with it can suddenly turn into failure in the future. Human consciousness will not connect these events, but such a turn will be evidence of retribution.

But the ease of karma is affected not only by good and evil deeds. Each soul comes into this world with its own mission. That is why destructive events often occur in people's lives, turning life upside down - this karma returns a person to his destiny. Fate pushes the traveler back to the path he left.

That is why it is extremely important to understand your mission. Following fate, a person not only makes his own life easier, but also makes his subsequent incarnation better.

Where do debts come from

Thus, failures in life may well be the result of accumulated debt in past lives. Unfulfilled debt prevents the individual from arranging his personal life, getting the desired profession, or simply developing. Having corrected the existing debt, the person opens the way for himself to new tasks. They, too, will either have to be fulfilled or transferred to the next life.

Stained karma complicates existence. There are some factors that lead to karmic debts:

  • Promises that were not kept;
  • Unwillingness to develop and follow one's destiny;
  • Desire to get rich at the expense of others, dishonest life;
  • Violation of elementary moral laws and rules.

There are also events that not only complicate karma, but also lead to almost tangible debts. It is rather difficult to list all the errors, but they can be generalized into several groups:

  • Violation of the commandments of God;
  • Apostasy from religion or atheism;
  • Denial of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount;
  • Unwillingness to recognize shrines;
  • Questioning the power of prayers;
  • Disrespect for parents
  • Failure to fulfill one's own parental duty.

Debt Analysis

Before proceeding to the analysis of karmic debt, its type should be determined. There are several types of debt:

  • Failure to fulfill the mission in the current life;
  • Duty, passed with the soul into a new incarnation;
  • Lineage debts, or the so-called acquired karma.

If everything is more or less clear with the first two points, then the last one is often puzzling. Having calculated the karmic destiny according to the date of birth, a person turns out to be “rewarded” with other people's sins.

Some religions develop such a concept as succession. In simple words The debts of parents go to their children. By the way, such an inheritance can pass to the younger generation only after his consent. Such humility can be traced back to religious traditions. For example, the phrase "about the dead is either good or nothing" carries a hidden consent to the fulfillment of someone else's duty. At the same time, the soul, which has been forgiven of sins, is freed from its debt. It goes to the one who sincerely forgave the deceased. The same principle is inherent in the tradition of fulfilling the last will of the dying.

But present generations are far from the fate of Christ. Not every soul is able to cope with its own debts, so the burden of other people's sins follows the soul from life to life. At the same time, the accumulated sins in each of the subsequent incarnations will manifest themselves more and more aggressively. Such injustice of karma can be compared to bank interest. This explains the injustice that people often cry about. “One is everything, and the other is nothing.” Or terrible events that fall to the lot of people. To the question "why me?" karma will answer.

Calculations by date of birth

Finding out if a particular soul has debts is very simple. Some people feel the invisible pressure of karma without counting. Personal life is destroyed, it is difficult to communicate with others, diseases do not recede.

To understand where the troubles that fell on your head came from, you should calculate your karmic debts. To do this, it is enough to know the exact day and year of birth.

According to numerology, there are numbers indicating karmic debts. These are 13, 14, 16, 19. Those whose birth number fell on these dates definitely carry a “trail” of past mistakes. This also includes those who were born in 2014 or 2016. This is the karmic significance of the date of birth.

To carry out a more detailed calculation, you should use the formula:

  • Date of birth, for example, May 27, 1986.
  • Add up the numbers of the birthday: 2 + 7 = 9.
  • The same is done with the month: 0+5=5.
  • Numbers of the year: 1+9+8+6=24. A two-digit number should be added: 2+4=6.
  • All the results obtained are summarized: 9+5+6=20. The result indicates the absence karmic debts.

In the case when, as a result of the calculation, 13, 14 or other numbers of debtors were received, you should reconsider your life rules and try to work on karma.

Some services on the Internet allow you to automatically determine karmic debt by date of birth. You can calculate your code online by entering your date of birth in the appropriate fields.

To understand what the debt is, you should analyze the number indicating the debt. Each of them points to certain sins, which you can get rid of only by understanding their true essence:

Working methods

By date of birth, you can calculate not only karmic debts, but also your destiny. Knowing what is the fault of the soul and what is its mission, a person discovers the true path for himself.

The first step in the fight against debt is the realization of wrongdoing. Religion also offers reflection and repentance. This can be done through confession.

Also philosophy advises to ask for forgiveness from those offended by a person and get rid of all sorts of debts. This is not about financial debts, but about given promises. It should be remembered that broken oaths follow the soul from life to life.

Ways to cleanse karma:

  • Rejection of revenge;
  • Favor for loved ones and loved ones;
  • Feeling of compassion and mercy to others;
  • Ability and willingness to help those in need;
  • Take responsibility for your own failures;
  • Analyze your actions
  • Do not wish evil to people and do not harm them;
  • Do not expect reward for good deeds;
  • Do good deeds more often.

Knowing your mistakes and starting to work on them, it is important to know your own purpose. Each person comes into this world with a specific purpose. Not following its mission, the soul acquires a burden that will follow it in the next incarnations. It is not excluded that the current life will be unsweetened if the person leaves the path prescribed for him.

To find out your karmic destiny, you should write down the date of birth starting from the year, month and ending with the day.

For example, 1964, 06 month and 25 day. 19640625. The last number (5) indicates the main mission of a person. This is the code for the main karmic task. The remaining codes are determined by those numbers that are not in the series. In this case, it's 3.7 and 8.

By the way, the numbers already available are the tasks that the soul successfully completed in a past life. The missing numbers are task codes that, in addition to the main one, the individual will have to work on.

Karmic debts - interesting feature human destiny. Knowing your purpose will be very useful for those who think about the meaning of life. The science of numerology answers these questions.

Adherents of numerology claim that the fate of a person and his destiny can be found out if you calculate his karmic number by date of birth. To do this is quite simple, for this you only need to know the full date of birth of a person and have the ability to add prime numbers.

In the article:

How to determine the number of karma by date of birth

Why do you need to know your karmic number? Each person is born at a certain time, and often this happens regardless of the predictions of doctors. It is believed that birth occurs at a time chosen by someone from above. Its purpose is to give a person to experience the consequences of the actions that were committed by him in a past life. With this, you can not only understand your mistakes and correct them, but also open the way to the next incarnations.

In other words, karma is a combination of bad and good deeds of a person that were committed by him during all his incarnations. Bad deeds must be recognized and corrected in the next incarnations, while the good deeds bring each person closer to liberation from the endless cycle of rebirths.

In order to calculate the karmic number by date of birth, you should sequentially add up all the numbers that are present in it, and then look into the interpreter, which is a little lower. For example, you were born on October 10, 1995. The calculation of the karmic number in your case will look like this:


Only tens should look exactly like tens, and not like a unit to which zero is added. But this only applies to the day and month of birth. All other numbers will be single digits. The result does not need to be reduced to a single digit, as in many others. The resulting number has a significant impact on your life, and below you can find out what it is. In addition, it is also the number of the karmic period. In this case, this means that every 44 years there will be major changes in fate.

In general, this ancient practice of calculating the karmic number gives much more truthful data than. Below you can find interpretations of the obtained results, as well as detailed descriptions"special" numbers that indicate karmic debts made in the past incarnation.

Karmic numbers in the date of birth

Thanks to simple calculations, you can find out the cause and ways to eliminate the karmic debt that you have. With this, you can also avoid a repetition of the situation in the current incarnation. At the same time, one should distinguish between one's own debts from the present or previous incarnations and generic karmic debts. Only four numbers indicate those that were received in a past life. These are 13, 14, 16 and 19. The rest are connected with the karma of the family and the actions of the person himself.

You can consider that you have unworked karmic debts if these numbers are found precisely as a result of numerological calculations. If they are repeated only at their intermediate stages, this does not mean at all that you have bad karma. But signs of karmic debts can appear not only when calculating the karmic number, but also during any numerological operations that imply a two-digit result.

In the calculation example proposed above, there is no karmic debt. But this does not mean that the life of a person born on this date will be sinless and will not cause karmic debts in the next incarnation. In general, always interconnected.

What does karmic number 13 mean?

If you got the karmic number 13, this means retribution for selfishness and laziness. Your previous incarnation was fruitless. You preferred to shift all the duties that were difficult in your understanding to others. In addition, there was an obsession with oneself and one's desires, an inability to take care of others, as well as the use of other people to achieve goals.

Such karma manifests itself in the fact that a situation that goes smoothly for most people, in your case will always be associated with many problems and obstacles.

You can correct the situation if you learn the ability to complete any business, not paying attention to obstacles. You should not only accept help, but also offer it to other people. And in case of a mistake, you will have to admit your guilt, if you are really to blame for something, and not try to blame the other person.

What does the number 14 mean?

If during the calculations you got the number 14, this indicates that in a past life you were not engaged in the development of your talent, which was given to you from above. Instead of using this gift to do good to people and earn a living, you were lounging or trying to escape from reality, placing a lot of importance only on physical pleasure. Perhaps the point is also in the failure to fulfill promises and the oppression of someone else's freedom.

Most likely, among the problems of your current incarnation there are many bad habits and addictions that you cannot get rid of. You like to make grandiose plans, but it doesn’t come to their realization, because you cannot boast of patience. The very first obstacle makes you retreat or completely change your mind about achieving your goal, while you are not looking for the reasons for this in yourself.

Another option is also possible - this is pathological workaholism. If such a person achieves a high position, not only he, but all his subordinates will work beyond measure. Another typical statement for such a person: why does everyone have everything, but I don’t, because I’m no worse?

In order to correct your karma, you must adhere to moderation. This applies as much to giving up alcohol and drug habits as it does to food and feelings. Moderate also the desire to achieve everything at once, choose goals that you can really achieve. Do not indulge in laziness and do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

Your number is 16

The number 16 speaks of an excessive propensity for sensual passion and a wrong attitude towards love. Perhaps you betrayed a loved one in a past incarnation. Most likely, through your fault, other people have suffered more than once - both physically and mentally. There is a good chance that you have been addicted to things that were condemned by society.

Such actions in past lives threaten loneliness and the inability to establish close relationships even with relatives. This can be provoked both by the constant appearance of situations that do not allow maintaining relationships, and by the presence of such qualities as selfishness and narcissism.

This punishment can be mitigated by cultivating such qualities as humility and modesty. Put the interests of your loved ones above your own and get rid of selfishness. Passion for esotericism can cause your madness.

What does the number 19 mean?

In past lives, you abused your power or other opportunities that you had. You preferred to subordinate people to yourself, instead of winning their trust and favor. In achieving goals, they were guided only by their desires, had high ambitions.

The problem of the current incarnation is the inability to expect someone's help. You have no one to rely on difficult situation you are in danger of being alone.

In order to eliminate such problems, you need to learn to take care of someone other than yourself. You should selflessly help people without demanding anything in return. Obsessive help can only do harm, help when it is really needed. Learn not only to take, but also to give.

If the number of karma is 10

Ten is another special number in the case of karmic numbers. She has exclusively positive value and talks about good karma.

If you got the karmic number 10, you did not commit bad deeds in a past life, did not harm people, did not commit crimes, or have already paid off all your debts in a past incarnation. Most likely, you were a farmer.

In this incarnation, you need to think about how to no longer allow the appearance of karmic debts. Rather, you can be called a happy person. If you do not allow the deterioration of your karma, happiness will not leave you until old age. Your life will be a series of successes in all areas. However, it is better to avoid practicing magic, this is not your destiny.

First level

You are on it if your karmic number is in between 10 to 19. You are waiting for earthly affairs, not high matters. It is worth devoting maximum time to the development of the body and spirit. Avoid soul-searching and trying to change the world, it won't work anyway.

Along with this article read:

11 - many trials await you, betrayal by the second half and danger are possible. Excessive idealism in choosing a life partner and trust are inherent in you. You will probably be married more than once, leaving behind numerous descendants. In a past life, you committed a serious crime or distinguished yourself by betrayal. Passion for the occult can bring problems, be careful.

12 - this number threatens with anxiety and suffering due to other people's intrigues, disrespect for family members and the role of the victim in alterations. You should not join the ranks of those who go against the government, or any other organizations, in this you will not be lucky. In a past life, you skillfully weaved intrigues, acted against the rulers, perhaps participated in terrorist operations. If you are interested in learning magic, you need to choose a teacher with great care, self-study can be harmful. This karmic number sometimes goes to those who abused love magic.

15 - it is not difficult for you to achieve any goal with the help of magnetism and temperament, do not complain about the number of fans. There is an ability for music and art in general, an excellent speaker. Luck favors you, but there is also a tendency to lie and dishonest ways to earn money. In a past life, they were a prostitute who died in a brothel, tavern or hospital.

If you are interested in magic, only a black magician can turn out of you, because this number will encourage you to use knowledge only for self-interest and not shun any ways to achieve your goal.

17 - happiness and freedom. Lucky literally in everything, but most of all - in his personal life. You can be sure that you will not be left alone. marriage and any other relationship will work out just fine, as will your career. In a past life, you were a poor man with many bad habits, had a wife and children, but died in poverty and loneliness from illness or hunger.

In the past incarnation, you could not be called a happy person. People with the number of karma 17 are rarely fond of magic, without feeling the need for it.

18 - a number associated with cruelty. Perhaps you are a family tyrant, a lover of a fight, or a supporter of an anti-social organization. From other people for yourself, you should expect only deception and betrayal. There is a serious danger from fire, water and weapons, early death will be associated with an accident or will be the result of an attempt. You can succeed in crime, your best skill is mischief.

In a past life, they were a childless fortune teller or a black witch. You will achieve success in the occult if you practice black magic, but not a fact.

Second level

It includes people whose karmic number is between 20 and 29. They must be responsible for the development of intuition and subconsciousness, respect the experience of their ancestors and work to become better in all respects.

20 - you will have a goal, the achievement of which is possible only after overcoming all obstacles, you will have to fight against circumstances. They are given by higher powers as a means of developing your spirituality and philanthropy, and you must overcome all difficulties. In a past life, they were a dishonest rich man, perhaps they were fond of collecting and cheated on their spouse. You will either be forced to learn magic, or you will have to turn to specialists in this field for help.

21 - you will find good luck and success in all areas. Inaction can ruin, you are bored without your favorite thing, but laziness is not inherent. In a past life, you were a man, engaged in physical labor, had only one beloved woman and children from marriage with her, enjoyed universal respect. You have good karma, but esoteric studies are possible only in a team or with a mentor.

22 - this number speaks of delusions, excessive gullibility and kindness. Only in times of danger do you forget your illusions. You need to be careful in all your actions. In a past life, you were a woman of worker-peasant origin, cheated on your husband and were not happy in family life. Most likely, they traded in theft. In magic, you can achieve good results with perseverance, especially in finding a teacher.

23 - waiting for success in your career, always get help in your endeavors, good luck accompanies you. In a past life, they were a beautiful, but childless woman, most likely a skilled needlewoman. You may have been sewing. In this incarnation, luck will not leave you in the study of esotericism.

24 - the new incarnation will be happy, good luck awaits you in all areas of life. The whole life path will be easy and successful if you do not bring harm to anyone. In the past, they were engaged in either art, or icon painting, or predictions, the family was strong and happy. You can successfully study any field of esotericism.

25 - tests are sent to you because of character. You can understand this only from your own personal experience. But thanks to the accumulated knowledge, your future will be happy, because you will never go the wrong way twice and correct all mistakes. In a past life, they were a woman of royal blood, cheated on her husband with a loved one, had a penchant for travel. In magic, you can achieve great success if you study the esoteric traditions of your country.

26 - in your life there will be many disappointments and deceptions, caution is needed. You know how to anticipate disasters, so you will never become a victim of an accident. The development of intuition can save you from many problems. In a past life, you were a doctor who made many mistakes in his work, but otherwise this incarnation was calm. It is better to engage in love and business magic, in these areas you can succeed.

27 - developed intellect and propensity for productive work and creation. A rather auspicious number that promises a reward for kindness and mercy. In the past incarnation, you were an employee of a city or village administration, an astrologer or a scientist. The marriage was happy, but they did not achieve much success in their careers. In magic, success awaits if you engage in purification, attracting good luck and money witchcraft.

28 - you have a real talent, but you are in opposition to the law and morality. Your fate cannot be called calm, as you have a tendency to protest against rules that are not to your liking. In a past life, they were suicidal, most likely due to the betrayal of a loved one, they were an engineer or a factory worker. You can achieve success in black magic.

29 - insincerity, deceit, betrayal by the people around you awaits you. You will face cheating spouses, lying friends and constant trials. If you can't find your soul mate you are in danger of being alone. In a past life, they were a rich but dishonest person, possibly a merchant. Special success in magic is not expected.

Third level

It is related to people whose karmic number is within from 30 to 39. They are born to teach something to other people, so they should pay maximum attention to their own learning.

30 - your happiness or troubles depend only on actions. You are distinguished by high intelligence and the desire for material wealth. You can achieve serious success if you notice not only the opportunity to earn money, but also the people around you. In a past life, were a person suffering from alcohol or drug addiction perhaps a poet or writer. In the study of esotericism, excellent results await.

31 - people with this karmic number most often become public figures. They are distinguished by disorder in their personal lives, good luck in money, self-absorption, a tendency to loneliness. In a past life - an actor or musician, they got married more than once and had several children. In magic, people with this number are usually disappointed, having no incentive to study, but have good abilities.

32 - you have many friends and acquaintances, but if you tell them about your plans, none of your plans will come true. Otherwise, everything should turn out favorably - as family well-being well as a career. In the past, they were a traveler who had bad habits and did not want to start a family. Has the ability to predict.

33 - Most likely, you are a teacher or educator. Have a talent for teaching other people. You don't care about history. Good luck in everything you wish. In a past life, they were a magician who knew how to find an approach to any person and had no problems with money. In the present, your gift for the study of magic can be called the greatest, most likely, you will be known among other magicians and will cause their envy.

34 - Until the age of 35, difficulties will haunt, but after reaching this age, arrange your personal life and achieve a high financial position. In a past life, they were a warrior who died in battle without having time to have children. It is better to do magic after 35 years, then you will succeed in this.

35 - fate will not be easy. Disappointment, betrayal by partners, problems with children, alcohol and drug addiction await you. It is undesirable to lend due to the high probability of default, especially if you have reached adulthood. In a past life, they were a very popular singer or actress among men, but they failed to arrange their personal lives, old age was lonely. Magic you need at least in order to protect yourself from adversity.

36 - do not expect help from others, in this incarnation you will have to achieve everything on your own. Your personal life will not be happy, betrayal and unhappy love await you, a marriage of convenience is also possible. Most likely, you will be able to build a career. In a past life, they were a jailer, killed by prisoners or a convict. It is recommended to study money magic.

37 You must have good friends love sphere you are also lucky. In a past life you were excellent hostess and a mother of good repute or a monk. You don't have any karmic debts. In magic, you can achieve good results.

38 - A lot of problems await you, which include business failures, betrayal of a loved one, betrayal and deceit, false friends and travel failures. In a past life, they were born in a remote village, were engaged in agriculture and never left far from their home. You need magic in order to learn to understand people.

39 - you are given a developed intellect, but poor health. Diseases literally haunt at any age. There is a tendency to alcohol or drugs. Lots of problems because of envy. In a past life, they were a successful gambler or a swindler. Most likely, you do not have much interest in magic, but you have the ability to do so.

Fourth level

If your karma number is between 40 and 49, you are at the fourth stage of your development. Your goal is to comprehend the foundations of the universe and the meaning of life, become a teacher and reach a new level of consciousness.

40 - love loneliness and most often you are not understood by others. No luck with money. In family life, you behave selfishly. In a past life, they were engaged in literary activities, were extremely lucky in love. As a rule, people with this number of karma are interested in magic, but do not achieve outstanding results.

41 - you need to hide your plans and avoid boasting, are prone to the evil eye. There are no problems in communicating with people and in your personal life, you are considered an attractive person. You have a tendency to selfishness and deceit for the sake of profit. In a past life, they were a very interesting woman and broke the heart of more than one fan. Possibly related to poetry. In this incarnation, serious advances in magic are not expected.

42 - you will be successful in everything except relationships with the opposite sex. Organizing a personal life can be difficult. In a past life, they were a big lover of booze and women, for which they were beaten by their spouse. They were most likely engaged in brewing or animal husbandry. Witchcraft abilities are rather mediocre, and there is usually no interest in this.

43 - waiting for a lot of tests that will manifest themselves both in work and in personal life. In the last incarnation, you were executed for treason to your husband or other betrayal. Esoteric studies can only lead to problems.

44 You have been gifted with exceptional intuition. You are most likely cheating on your partner. On the way, there are many disappointments and deceptions, problems and troubles. In a past life, they were prone to excesses, which caused death, and also abused power and were a murderer. Your wife cheated on you, and this explains such tendencies in this incarnation. Practicing magic threatens with mental problems.

45 - at the beginning of life you will have to endure a lot of disappointments. But further success depends on the desire to work and develop intellectual abilities. In a past life, you contributed to someone else's happiness or health, but in love you were unhappy. There are no extraordinary abilities for magic.

46 - a favorable number for friendship and personal life. But if you are thinking of entering into an arranged marriage, you are unlikely to be happy. In a past life, they enjoyed universal respect, had power, your death was heroic. You have no interest in magic, as well as special abilities for it.

47 - love communication and noisy parties. But you will have to constantly face insincerity and betrayal. In personal relationships, betrayals will be frequent. In a past life, you were a monk, a hermit, or the head of a sect, most likely a malicious one. Usually people with this number do not try to do magic, this can negatively affect health.

48 - you are distinguished by high intelligence and craving for material values. Your life depends only on the actions you take. Do not have a tendency to change. Most likely, you are a leader by nature, are interested in sports, politics and have a chance to build a corresponding career. Past life was associated with weapons. There is not enough patience and faith to study esotericism.

49 - you are always alone, in whose company you would not be. You will not achieve success in your career, but neither money nor personal life will not. In a past life, they performed in public and did a lot of unpleasant things. Practicing magic can negatively affect health.

In general, knowing your karmic number will not only help you understand why certain events happen to you, but also find out what exactly needs to be done in this life in order to get rid of negativity.

Karma is the fate that we create for ourselves during the reincarnations of our soul. These are some scales that outweigh either in the direction of good or in the direction of evil. According to esotericists, each of us has a karma that determines our future destiny. Numerology by date of birth can tell you what you could have done wrong in a past life, how to fix everything in your current life, and what your fate is.

After all, people lived before us, and in the most ancient times they made discoveries. And no technical means and had no assistants - only inquisitive human brains. It is we, the current generation, who are convinced that without a computer the world will collapse, and without the World Wide Web there can be no life at all.

In a word, computers and the Internet did not exist, books too, but global knowledge was already developing. Many centuries ago, wise men - astrologers and numerologists - created lists called Heavenly. We will talk about them in this article. True, in fact, these lists are not authentic. They were constantly expanded and recalculated, because they included more and more new years. But we will consider only that small segment of the Heavenly lists that concerns our times. After all, they are of interest to us.

The sages-numerologists carried through the centuries observations of numbers and people and, having processed their relationships, came to the conclusion that all people are not only different, but in many ways they are similar. And it is this similarity that makes it possible to correlate them, compare them by type and create 24 groups of people.

Today we have the opportunity to briefly characterize these groups. When you look at them, several sayings pop up in your head: “Everything in the world is predetermined, and the fate of every person too”, “When a person is born, his fate is born with him”, and so on. The concept of karma, known from Eastern philosophies, also pops up in my head.

Of course, today many people do not want to agree to some kind of “karma”. Now other statements are in vogue: “Everyone is the master of his own destiny”, “We will not wait for mercy from nature, it is our task to take them from her”, and so on.

But maybe the truth is somewhere in the middle? And it will still be interesting for you to look at the ancient knowledge of numerologists - what if something coincides and the old knowledge comes in handy?

What's more, you don't have to calculate anything. You just need to know your date of birth. After all, the ancient sages believed that this date is the very magic ticket that a person receives from the Higher powers when he goes to our sinful earth.

Heavenly Lists. Fate and karma by date of birth in numerology

We hope you know the day, month and year of your birth? Then look for your date of birth in the Heavenly lists and find out what fate Heaven prepared for you when you were sent to earth.

People of the Highest Purpose

The fate and karma of the "People of the Highest Goal" by date of birth in numerology.

Those who were born in the periods listed above should set the highest goals for themselves and, having set them, achieve them at all costs. The ancient sages believed that even one such person is able to atone for the past mistakes of an entire country or people. At the same time, having seen the desire of a person, the Higher powers will release him as much time as it takes to achieve the goal. Therefore, for self-preservation, a person should, having barely reached one goal, immediately set himself another.

Please note: if you go too far in achieving your Higher goals, then from a fighter for justice you will become a person of a false goal (see the next group).

decoy people

The fate and karma of "People of false goals" by date of birth in numerology.

These people are sent to Earth to correct their past negative karma. In past lives, they followed the motto "the end justifies the means." Alas, in their example, the end did not justify the means. And now people of heavy karma are trying again and again to achieve a righteous goal in the most negative ways. In their dreams of a “great” goal, they also involve others, seducing them and distorting reality. Such people should remember: if they do not want to make their karma completely black, they must reconsider their life positions, stop pushing others to negative actions in the name of a illusory future.

Note that if you can keep from your false goals and understand that no best goal justifies the negative means to achieve it, you will be able to gain true freedom of life and activity (see the next group).

People of true freedom

The fate and karma of the "People of True Freedom" by date of birth in numerology.

The karma of these people is pure, they are not burdened by any sins of past lives. Even in a past life, they made their final choice in favor of Good. And therefore absolutely free in this life. They can do whatever they want, the Higher powers will help them in everything - they will send help, true friends, caring relatives and good work, in a word, success.

Please note: if you perceive your freedom as permissiveness and step over the barrier of morality and honesty, then your freedom will lead you to the most negative consequences - see the next group.

Permissive people

The fate and karma of "People of permissiveness" by date of birth in numerology.

These are people burdened with evil. In a past life, they stood close to power or to wealth, and this affected them in the most terrible way. They began to mock faith, violate the laws of morality and morality. They thought that they were free in everything and therefore everything was permitted to them. Therefore, fate tries to re-educate them, destroying false freedoms - it breaks plans, deprives them of free time, in extreme cases it can even deprive them of freedom itself. Therefore, such people should not make plans for the distant future, but need to live and work in the segment of the present and achieve the best result.

Please note: if you stop being a cynic, indifferent, mocking human values, engage in your own spiritual development, you can finally find harmony and peace in life, understand and feel its unchanging beauty and move on to the next group.

People of supreme harmony

The fate and karma of the "People of Higher Harmony" by date of birth in numerology.

They are space people. They are so bright that they can merge with nature, to fully feel the beauty and harmony of all things. For them, the world is one - plants and animals, lands and waters, near and far, magic and reality, one person and all of humanity form a single whole, and the loss of one threatens everyone with pain. Everyone loves people of light harmony, for them they are ready to sacrifice a lot. But the “harmonics” themselves selflessly help others, heal, instruct. Existing in a single noosphere, they see prophetic dreams receive and can utter prophecies and predictions themselves.

However, if they suddenly become proud or, even worse, begin to engage in unlawful witchcraft practices, then they will lose their bright gift and in the next life (and possibly this one) they will have to pretend, dress up in other people's clothes, hide their true essence under a guise - and people will hate them (see next group).

Mummers - enemies under the guise of friends

The fate and karma of "mummers, enemies under the guise of friends" by date of birth in numerology.

These people in their past life betrayed friends, pretended to be faithful people (servants, friends, relatives), but in fact they were their worst enemies. Under the guise of a smile and sympathy, they elicited the most painful secrets and mysteries, and then used them.

Therefore, now these people should try not to collide with secret organizations, sects and other things, not to extort secrets from those around them, so as not to fall into temptation again. If they are still haunted by nightmares (echoes of their former life), if they are prone to sleepwalking, they should put a piece of white marble at the head of the bed, which will remove the negative. Once a month, the stone should be washed under running water (at least six minutes). Under no circumstances should they be associated with any seduction (magical rites, occult literature, hypnosis, spiritualism, alcohol, drugs).

If they manage to resist and not succumb to temptations, gossip, deceit, and so on, they will be able to temper their will to special heights - they can become one of the Heavenly Warriors (see the next group).

Heavenly Warriors

The fate and karma of the "Heavenly Warriors" by date of birth in numerology.

Heavenly warriors are born under the influence of white karma. They are invulnerable, they say about such that a saber does not cut him, and a bullet does not take him. But these courageous people are not only defenders in battles, but also champions of justice. In a word, they are always warriors of Good. They are courageous, courageous and ready to sacrifice themselves to protect others.

But if, believing in their invulnerability, they turn to hired killers, become boors or rapists, tyrants and aggressors, they will be transferred to a group of Quiet people who are commanded by everyone and who are reproached by everyone (see the next group).

quiet people

The fate and karma of the "Quiet people" by date of birth in numerology.

These people with polluted karma in a past life were boors, rapists, bandits, aggressors, petty tyrants. Now fate teaches them - others feel a completely unmotivated desire to be rude to them, call them names, push them around and "ride them" with might and main. And oddly enough, Quiet people usually do not dare to fight back - they probably feel that if they do not show counter aggression, they will work out their negative karma.

It must be said that if such a Quiet person moves away from Evil and becomes an active conductor of Good, then after the first twelve years his life will change. No, he will not become a courageous lover of extreme sports, but he will feel harmony in his quiet life and will be able to fully enjoy it.

In the future, such a person will move to a new stage of development - he will become a generous rich man, a person who experiences happiness from the well-being of his own and those around him (see the next group).

Generous rich

The fate and karma of the "Generous Rich" by date of birth in numerology.

These lucky ones of fate are born in happiness, which gives them material and energy wealth. Such people will never run out of livelihood and their energy will not run out. They have excellent health and an optimistic outlook on life. Maybe that's why others, feeling it, are drawn to them. These people need to know that the more generosity they give to others, the more happiness, health and wealth they will receive.

However, it should be remembered: if these people cease to be generous and disinterested, if they begin to be greedy, envious and jealous, they lose their fateful luck and in their next life fall into the category of stingy and jealous people (see the next group).

Jealous and mean people

The fate and karma of "Jealous and stingy people" by date of birth in numerology.

However, if they sincerely and calmly love what they have, appreciate what they have, behave nobly towards others (and most importantly, relatives), take care of them, then they will be able to move to a new level. As people who have suffered their "passions", they can become the most knowledgeable people in this world (see next group).

Knowledgeable people

The fate and karma of "Knowing people" by date of birth in numerology.

These people can form a stable and truthful picture of the world from the most disparate information. They are the conductors of true, if not brilliant, but real and useful knowledge. They learn themselves and teach others, but often they teach those who did not ask them about it. Then their teachings become mere shaking of the air. In a word, before teaching, it is worthwhile to understand whether it should be done. Otherwise, knowledgeable people will become just talkers, moving to the next group.

Talkers and swear words (my tongue is my enemy)

The fate and karma of "Chatterboxes and foul-mouthed" by dates of birth in numerology.

These people believe that everything can be achieved by gossip, intrigue, washing the bones of one's neighbor. Even in the past they did not understand the value and purity of words, polluting them. They slandered, gloated, gossiped, although they knew that the word is the password of Eternity, a signal of communication. Now these people need to stop quarreling, conflicting, and even just “scratching their tongues”. They need to watch what, to whom and when they say. You need to stop pretending to be such an innocent baby who does not know what he said. They should actively resist gossip, stop various slander, especially never, under any circumstances, inform or blame others.

In the future, such a person can move to a new stage of development - to become a wise guardian of the family, if he can stop loading his tongue with slander and empty chatter, and will be able to extract wisdom from the highest gift that the Lord gave to the ladies - the word. After all, as you know, in the beginning it was just that. And a man who understood the value wise words, will become their guardian (see next group).

Kindred Guardians

The fate and karma of the "Keepers of the clan" by date of birth in numerology.

These people are some dedicated, holy sources from which ordinary people draw wisdom and hope. Keepers of a kind are people who know tribal secrets. Often they do not even suspect about it themselves, but at certain moments the tribal memory wakes up in them, helping to overcome this or that obstacle, to reach this or that height. It must be said that their ancestors once dreamed of this height, unable to reach it themselves. So the Keepers of the clan are a kind of arrows, fired back in ancient times by the efforts of the whole clan, but only now they have reached their goal.

Keepers should not only keep the memory of their kind, but also take care of their older relatives - grandparents, mothers and fathers. In addition, they must acquaint their own children with the history of their family, so that the experience of the family is not interrupted and history is not forgotten. In addition, the Keepers must live not just in their families, but in their homeland, in the land of their ancestors. If they end up in other countries, in other families, they lose the support of the clan and become "strangers among their own" (see the next group).

Strangers among their own

The fate and karma of "strangers among our own" by date of birth in numerology.

These people do not feel at home in any environment (even if it is their own family). Moreover, they are not able to relax, and therefore they cannot carelessly enjoy life or just laugh. They are always on the lookout. Probably, they intuitively remember that they were once guilty before By heavenly forces, desecrating tribal shrines, not respecting either their own family or blood relatives. Experiencing mental discomfort, such people often talk about birth curses, the crowns of celibacy, not thinking that their cure could be respect for their own relatives, for the shrines of their native land. well and the best medicine for such souls tormented by melancholy, travels, or rather, wanderings in holy places, can become.

But as soon as a person begins to comprehend the spiritual shrines of his family, his people, fate forgives him and gives him the opportunity to get carried away with "indigenous" ethnic arts - folk crafts, traditional crafts, the art of primitivism, finally. In a word, a person who is not recognized by anyone, "alien to everyone" can become creative (see the next group).

Creative people

The fate and karma of "Creative people" by date of birth in numerology.

Such people live for the happiness of creativity. At the same time, they can not only create themselves, but also inspire the creativity of others. These are people of unusually light energy, joyful activity, emotionality. Of course, creativity does not always bring one happiness, there is also a path through thorns, but creative people are ready to take risks.

But if they start burying their talents in the ground, imagining that no one understands them, they will become embittered and may well fall into the next group - offended proud people.


The fate and karma of the "Proud" by date of birth in numerology.

These people are passionately jealous of creative individuals. They think of themselves as even more talented. Their pride, vanity, lack of recognition corrode them from the inside. They imagine themselves to be proud eagles, soaring over the vain, vulgar and ridiculous reality, but in fact they crave recognition like no one else on earth. Pride complicates their relationships with family and friends. They themselves suffer, because deep down they are sensitive and vulnerable, because in fact they are in the recesses of their souls striving for universal justice and are ready to make efforts to achieve it. But circumstances constantly develop in such a way that these Black Eagles have to show the spirit of pride, and again they suffer from this.

But will their whole life be spent in such torment? No and no! These people just need to learn to trust the world around them, stop looking for one negative in everything, curb their own pride and look around. There they will find many worthy people with whom they want to communicate, who will help them, and they, in turn, will become helpers for these people. As soon as the Proud find sincere friends and become sincere themselves, they will move into the category of Heavenly helpers and receive a well-deserved reward and recognition.

Heavenly helpers

The fate and karma of the "Heavenly Helpers" by date of birth in numerology.

These people are chosen for the common cause of mankind. They live and act according to the principles: “If my loved ones are happy, I am happy”, “What you hide is lost, what you give is yours”. Caring and attentive, these people are usually happy among loved ones.

However, if they suddenly decide that they know better than anyone who needs what, that everyone should act according to their orders, that everyone is obliged to them, then even good Heavenly helpers can spoil their karma and become Bureaucrats (see the next group).


The fate and karma of the "Bureaucrats" by date of birth in numerology.

This is not a very large layer with burdened karma. Careerism, servility, servility, oppression of the humiliated and offended were in their past life a true delight, but (worst of all) remained so in this existence. If they have not yet climbed into the bureaucratic apparatus, then they passionately dream about it. Tyranny and humiliation of their neighbor is the only way for them to prove their own importance. However, deep down they constantly suffer, because there is always someone who has both a higher chair and more power. The higher authorities humiliate them, they take revenge on their subordinates, but petty officials - on the common people. Fines, bans, bureaucratic delays, scams and bribes - all this leads the Bureaucrats not to gain power, as they think, but to the hatred and contempt of others. But the worst thing is that these negative qualities, if they are not abandoned, not corrected, will lead the Bureaucrats to the only possible finale - the Higher Powers, no longer needing their services, will pulverize their souls as failed ones.

However, if the Bureaucrats realize that they can bring good to this world, helping in matters of justice, defending the true legality, these people can become real lawyers, upholding good and justice. Then their souls will go to the next group - Peacekeepers-legislators.


The fate and karma of the "Peacekeepers" by date of birth in numerology.

These people are creators. They stand guard over the true laws - earthly and heavenly. For the sake of peace and justice, they can sacrifice themselves and therefore have the right to judge others. So that these people do not lose strength and opportunities, they are always given an extremely courageous and powerful guardian angel, whom a peacemaker can ask for help. Creators-peacemakers seem to hear Heavenly laws from space, which they must embody on earth.

However, it is extremely important for these people to grasp the fine line between justice and violence, truth and error. If they cross the line of the Heavenly contract, they will become Violators - servants not of order, but of chaos (see the next group).

Contract breakers

The fate and karma of "Violators of the contract" by date of birth in numerology.

In a past life, these people betrayed others and violated all possible agreements. But even in this life, do not feed them bread, just let them gossip, slander, while they always sincerely believe that they have the right to judge and impose their decisions. They have a flexible and tenacious mind, the ability to instantly grasp the situation, but often they direct it to justify their bad deeds.

But are they really all such terrible violators of oaths and treaties, petty, and even major traitors and provocateurs? Of course not! It's just that life leaves such imprints on them. These people should avoid swearing, arguing, imposing their opinions. As soon as they start judging others, they will immediately get into litigation themselves.

However, if they use the gift of their tenacious, sneaky mind, the ability to analyze events and discuss them (for example, they begin to help the offended as lawyers), they will be able to achieve great success in life, and in the future and move to the rank of Teachers - who, if not they, who have learned in their own practice the line between many truths and the only Truth, can become Teachers who teach people.

white magicians

The fate and karma of the "White Magicians" by date of birth in numerology.

The fate of representatives of this category of people is predetermined from the very beginning. They are born with their own program and special mission. If you white mage, your goal is to fight Evil while restoring Good. You are an initiate, you have a higher path, you are on the border of Light and Darkness. God forbid you cross this border, taking the path of Evil. Then you simply do not have a future life. You cannot go anywhere - you will be pulverized as a soul that has not lived up to Bright hopes.

black magicians

The fate and karma of the "Black Magicians" by date of birth in numerology.

Alas, you were not a White Magician in a past life, you were born with the magic mark of Evil. However, with magical skill, you can still turn it for the benefit of people. Mankind does not always need "white and fluffy", someone has to do the dirty work. Remember: The black magician lives only once.

Only for cosmic-black Evil you can get new life, but White magicians are unlikely to allow such rampant black passions. Usually the soul of the Black Mage goes to spray. However, if you begin to use your witchcraft not for selfish purposes, if you understand that a black hole does not reward you with unprecedented power, but, on the contrary, only takes it away from you, if you use your talent to make life cleaner by ridding it of killers and rapists, you have a chance - you can become a White magician.

Remember, Evil is fruitless. It only promises to give, but in fact it takes everything to the last drop. Well, having taken it, it destroys it. He needs your power, which only a human can generate. He doesn't need the man himself. Evil will find another simpleton, whom it will be able to seduce, promising three baskets, but ultimately not fulfilling anything. For Evil cannot destroy Good: evil is only a small derivative of excessive good.


The fate and karma of "Teachers" by date of birth in numerology.

These people should teach, instruct, advise, show the way. They are born with the right to do so. However, if they suddenly decide in their pride that only they are right, then their Truth will turn into many false truths, and they will move into the category of False Prophets (see the next group).

false prophets

The fate and karma of the "False Prophets" by date of birth in numerology.

In the past, these people were active distributors of false teachings and false worldviews, they wanted power and glory at the expense of corrupting other people's souls. In this life, they also strive for glory and power, but wise fate puts many obstacles in their way. It is they who more often than others fall into the net of various sects, false teachings that deceive and rob them. Sometimes these people get into leadership positions, but end their activities in the most fatal way.
These people are extremely hardy, fanatical, steadfast. However, they need to give up their pernicious passions, stop fanatically proving their case. And if, having abandoned fanaticism and the desire to impose false teachings, they do not lose their strength and steadfastness in achieving the goal, they may well move to a new level - the People of the Highest goal (see the beginning of the Heavenly list). You just need to find the right target.

Attention! Dates of birth can carry the properties of two different groups - usually opposite.
If your dates of birth fall into two groups at once (for example, People of True Freedom and Proud), this means that your character includes the properties of both groups at once. You were sent to earth specifically so that you could decide which of the groups of the Heavenly list to prefer. The path of choice is open in your destiny, and therefore metamorphoses are possible: you started life as a representative of a negative group (Proud), but by adulthood you realized that Good must win, and joined the People of true freedom. This is the right path, and it will bring you true spiritual happiness. However, another way is also possible: from the positive group (People of true freedom) you have moved into the category of the Proud, that is, you have embarked on the path of sin. This is your right, but you are responsible for it before the Higher powers. They sent you here to improve, to cleanse your dark karma, but you did it your own way - and therefore the Higher powers are no longer responsible for the fact that you only worsened your karma.

Attention! Dates of birth may not appear in any list. This is the rarest case, but possible.
In this case, you are a clean slate. Perhaps you first came to this earth and therefore for the first time you are earning your karma. Try not to make it heavier, but, on the contrary, get light.

The concept of "karma" was given to the world by ancient Indian philosophy. The exact translation of this word: "action, duty." Karma does not necessarily mean something bad. This is the law according to which the fate of a person is determined by righteous or sinful actions.

The basis of the law is the ability to identify yourself with your actions. It all depends on what we do. A certain step in life retains its imprint, and every action has consequences. Both good and bad. If a person gets into trouble or commits unseemly deeds, they say about him with a sigh: “Such karma!” But the word "karma" means "fate".

Misdemeanors are committed due to weakness of character, hopelessness. And if your life is like a horror movie, then fate is calling you. Accept it, clear your karma until your drama life is like a romantic comedy. Open the door to happiness. And if in this life you have not done anything wrong, for whose sins do you have to pay? The concept of "karma" is closely related to "reincarnation" - rebirth, the transmigration of souls, when a person lives not one, but many lives.

Therefore, in this life, he is responsible not only for his faults, but also pays for the debts of previous incarnations. Even the ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras claimed that a person appears on Earth fifteen times. By its magic square, you can calculate how many times you come into this world. Your life is twelfth, there are three more left. You are obliged to fulfill the Karmic Debt.

Numerology karmic

The number of karmic debt can be found out thanks to the esoteric science - Numerology. Numerology does not refer to the magic of numbers. She is close to astrology. Numerology and numerological divination were popular with mathematicians in antiquity. Karmic numerology deals with the study of the relationship of numbers with surrounding objects. If you correctly interpret the date of birth, you can succeed by learning to make the right decisions.

Numerology shows the course you need to move. There is a movement of numbers in the individual map. This contributes to a change in the karma of a person, his fate. Karmic numbers are the basis for calculating karma. You can even predict fate by compiling a numerical table.

Karmic debt is an obstacle that does not allow you to realize your dreams, choose a profession. By giving it away, you will be able to correct not physical shortcomings, but moral ones that carry important problems. The number of Karmic Debt is easy to calculate by date of birth - this means determining the type, understanding where and when it arose and how to get rid of it, how to behave in everyday life, and treat loved ones.

Types of karmic debts

  • Earned by a person in this life.
  • Received in a past life.
  • Inherited, i.e. hereditary "gift".

Karmic Debts by date of birth

The numbers of Karmic Debt by date of birth are 13, 14, 16, 19.

  • One of these numbers may be in the birthday number. The number of Karmic Debt by date of birth is easy to parse.
  • As an example, let's take the date of birth of a child: 09/13/2015 The date contains the number 13. Karmic Debt is already there.
  • Let's calculate the number Life Path and determine the preliminary result, which corresponds to the number of Karmic Debt: 1+3=4; 0+9=9; 2+0+1+5=8; 4+9+8=21 There is no Karmic Debt by date of birth in this number. The incarnation in a previous life does not affect this person.

Now let's calculate the Soul Number

This is the second number of the five individual numbers of a person, indicating spiritual world, attitude towards oneself, towards people, towards marriage, desires and aspirations. To calculate the number of the soul, you need to add the numbers that indicate the vowels in the full name, patronymic and surname given at birth.

table numerical value letters in Soul Number

9 5
6 1 5 9

6+1+5+9=2; 2+1=3; Summing up: 6+5+3=14

The transitional result of calculating the Number of the Soul is 14. This is the same Number of Karmic Debt. A person born on September 13, 2015 has two such numbers of Karmic debt: 13 and 14. 13 - Birthday number; 14 - Number of the Soul.

Karmic numbers

Number 13

The number 13 has always had a negative meaning. The person in the previous incarnation lived his life in vain, was a superficial person. He was lazy or did not do certain work, worked little, wasted time in vain. He took on a lot, but did not bring a single thing to an end. Could lose heart, did not want to take responsibility. Worried about personal wealth, desires and hobbies.

In today's incarnation, debt needs to be paid off only by labor. Learn to overcome obstacles, not waste energy on several activities. Do not look for a detour, but push a little, and the obstacle will move away. Choose one goal and achieve it. Be purposeful when starting any business. Do not shy away from work, rejoice in any fruit of your labor, be spiritually developed person. Less fuss and be confident. Good luck will certainly come if you focus on one thing.

Number 14

In a previous life, a person with such a number did not know the measure. He set himself an impossible goal and strove for it, denying everything to himself and his loved ones, thereby suppressing someone else's freedom and abusing his own. Lived without benefit.

And in real life, he wants everything at once. Making big plans. Turns into a workaholic, ready to work for days. Bumping into obstacles, loses interest and finds other desires. Stubborn, unrestrained, brawler. Envious, loves money. Such behavior will lead to an increase in Karmic Debt.

To pay off debt, you need to restrain yourself. Set realistic, achievable goals. Do not force people to listen to their opinion, do not humiliate, do not make demands. Learn to adapt to different situations. Learn goodness and justice, find friends.

Number 16

The meaning of this number is that a person in the past was an egoist, did not pay attention to the feelings of people. He went ahead to satisfy his own interests.

In the present life, such a person is closed, selective, avoids communication, has few or no friends. Independent, learned to live with his own mind. He is prone to thinking alone, to go into his thoughts, not seeing anyone around. Outwardly restrained and aloof, but internally vulnerable, they can accumulate negativity and resentment. Without having worked off the Karmic debt, you can withdraw into yourself, move away from people. The task of such a person is to learn how to find contact with people, find real friends, stop looking down. Engage in spiritual development.

Number 19

A karmic debt is given for the abuse in a past life of one's strength and power. He demanded unconditional obedience from the people. He offended those around him with his ingratitude, did not return debts. An unattractive image of a tyrant, a petty tyrant.

Owners of the number 19 love to teach and instruct. They do not take into account the opinions of others, they impose their own. In caring for others, there is a desire to assert oneself at the expense of others, to keep everything under control. They often give advice on what to do, what to wear. It is quite difficult to communicate with such a person. People stay away from such a person. In the future, he will have no one to rely on, nowhere to wait for help.

To get around debt, you need to learn to cooperate with people, to strive for communication. Help others, don't wait for gratitude. Develop the ability to hear not only yourself, but also others. Listen to the advice. To cultivate such qualities as sensitivity, nobility, generosity, the ability to share success.

How to fix karma?

Do you feel the depravity of your karma? We need to make a decision without delay. If you calculate according to the Pythagorean table, this life is not the last for your soul. Advice will help you to correct the mistakes of the past, earn a satisfactory reward in the present life and come to the future with bright karma.

  • Never take revenge on low people. Try to be happy and know that life itself knows who to punish.
  • Don't hurt someone who believes in you.
  • Think about the consequences of your actions. Do not do them if it will cause suffering to another person.
  • Give a helping hand to those who do not ask. Don't do good just to prove to yourself how noble you are. It negatively affects your karma.
  • For the troubles that happen to you and for the unfavorable actions you have committed, no one but you is responsible.
  • Draw your own conclusions. Analyze your actions so that negative karma does not form.
  • Let's right advice, keep those around you from unseemly acts. Take care of their karma.
  • Do not forget about past karmic debts. Eliminate them.
  • Self-punishment can be used to improve karma. But don't be physically punished. Hindus for self-punishment took the most difficult poses. You don't do yoga, then do the deed. Do something good to the person who has suffered from your words, actions.
  • Do not wish harm to anyone, do not send curses. All thoughts are material, they can boomerang back.
  • Be fair. Love not only yourself, but also those around you. Someone else's grief does not happen. All this will help to get rid of an unnecessary, burdensome burden.
  • Ready for one good deed a day? That's not difficult. Start and you will not notice how it will become a habit. This does not mean to be Don Quixote, to perform a feat, fighting with a windmill. Look around, smile at people. Be sympathetic and courteous, sympathetic. And they will answer the same.

All your actions performed in this life should not be from a prudent mind, but from a pure heart. And then the next person after you will not have karmic debt numbers, and no one will pay for your sins.

The number 10 is responsible for good karma and is called the Wheel of Fortune.

Lucky number. Wheel of Fortune

Such a lucky person should be born on the 10th, or the number 10 should be present in the date of birth. The number is responsible for good karma, and they call it the Wheel of Fortune. It consists of two numbers 1 and 0. The value of the number 1 is everything new, and zero in numerology is the number of activity, energy, speaks of prospects, gives great promise. The person who was born with him has already paid his debts and can start life from scratch. Karmic debt is not a punishment for him. Such a person needs to do everything so that karmic debts do not arise in the future.

And if your numerical code does not contain the cherished one and zero, but there are numbers responsible for debt obligations, try to recover from a karmic disease given from above. The treatment is simple: be aware, accept and understand everything that the numbers say.