Painting discs: how to choose a color for a car. How to paint cast and stamped wheels with your own hands

  • 07.10.2018

Before deciding on the color of car wheels, you need to consider several factors:

  • The overall shade of the car - if the tone is muted, then it is better to make external components a kind of bright spot. And on bright cars, on the contrary, it is better not to overdo it with color and choose simple shades.
  • The purpose of using the machine is to work and business meetings, then the choice should be stopped on the attributes of classic shades. For people of solid status, golden models are suitable, for family purposes - muted ones.

Steel discs

When designing a car, it is very important to choose the right color for the wheels. Steel options are a great choice for many car models, because they look very harmonious and unified with a car body of any color, since steel color is neutral.

The main metal part of the steel-colored wheel makes the appearance of the car light, updated and elegant. The steel color is considered universal, and therefore if there is any doubt when choosing a shade for the wheel base, then you can safely choose this tone. Then the design of the wheels will be discreet and the dirt on them will not be very noticeable. Additional protection of this part can be provided by a reliable varnish coating.

If we talk about disks directly from steel, then in addition to their universal shade, they are reliable, under loads and impacts they can only bend, which is very easy to fix later.

black rims

Often, motorists choose a metal base for black wheels, considering the gray universal shade outdated. If the main spokes are black, then they seem thinner and neater, a lot depends on the style of the car itself. However, the most important thing is that the owner likes the chosen central part of the wheel, because trends change so quickly. The black finish always makes the car stand out.

If it is black that suits the car perfectly, then it is best to take care of high-quality factory-painted rims. Such a metal wheel base can be purchased in an online store, for this you only need to choose trusted and reliable sellers.

graphite discs

Each car owner is trying to one degree or another to show individuality, because together with the vehicle it is already purchased turnkey solution. Today, there are many methods by which it is not difficult to upgrade a car. Elegant graphite colored discs are one such modern method.

Graphite bases are essentially black with a matte finish. Due to the absence of shiny components and the effect of velvety, their surface acquires a classic restraint.

Colored discs

Brightly colored discs great way decorate your own car as well as modern fashion trend. A variety of shades will allow the vehicle not only to look effective on the road, but also make it completely individual, with easy-to-remember features. Moreover, these elements can be painted, both completely and partially - it all depends on the wishes of the customer.

Cheerful and cheerful women often strive for such transformations of a car, because such a fashion guarantees the owner vehicle not only popularity, but also attention.

In addition to the usual one-color color, wheel bases painted in two or more contrasting shades have come into fashion. All this is facilitated by many drivers who want to stand out from the crowd with atypical solutions for vehicle wheels. A modern incredibly wide color palette allows you to translate into reality any even the most extraordinary idea.

Other types

Fashion has had an impressive impact on car rims, and in stores you can find a rich assortment of the most different types and models. Long gone are the days when this part was considered just a standard spare part of a car. Today it is an important component of tuning any vehicle.

That's why modern manufacturers ready to please car owners with a huge variety of these elements - forged, chrome-plated, branded, made of durable steel, with a matte finish, polished and the like. From such a variety, even an experienced specialist can go around his head.

Today, when cars can move at breakneck speeds, there is a strict requirement for the wheel base - strength. With this in mind, in industrial conditions, these elements are made stamped, cast and forged. If you wish, you can take and simply paint the metal base or purchase special inserts and overlays. Recently, there have been plenty of such attributes on sale, the main thing is to choose the appropriate color palette to match the tone of the car.

Vladimir Maksimov

If desired, even boring stamped wheels can be made a car decoration. The right color will help them stand out from the background of the car. And painting discs in two different colors is even more effective method focus on wheels.

For painting you will need the following:

  • degreasing solvent or gasoline;
  • sandpaper of different grain sizes;
  • metal brush;
  • fiberglass putty (if there are chips and dents on the disc);
  • masking tape and old newspapers or plastic wrap;
  • primer and acrylic paint.

For greater durability of the paintwork, a colorless varnish is also recommended. Primer, varnish and paint must be purchased from the same brand.

Preparing wheels for painting

When the materials are purchased, you can start preparing the disk. Wash it thoroughly from dirt, and remove the remnants with a metal brush old paint(if any) and rust. Instead of a brush, you can use sandpaper. Periodically, dust should be removed from the disc with a damp cloth.

After that, you need to degrease all surfaces. If necessary, you need to fill the shells and flaws with putty, and after it dries, sand the entire disk with sandpaper. This is necessary for better adhesion of the paint to the metal, since the paint adheres much better on a matte surface. When the disc is sanded, degrease it again with solvent.


Depending on the chosen colors for painting the rims, you can choose the color of the primer. On sale there is a primer of different shades, and if you choose a substrate to match, then the color of the paint will be more saturated.

If the primer and paint are planned to be applied not from a spray can, but with an airbrush, then a little paint can be added to a regular gray primer before applying it. It should be primed in thin layers to prevent streaks. After applying and drying two or three layers of soil, you can proceed to painting.

The actual painting stage

It is better to paint rims without tires: the paint will lay down neater and protect the hidden part from corrosion. If you paint the disc without stripping, then the tires must be protected from soil and paint. As a rule, this is done with old newspapers or film, but there is an alternative option - a deck of plastic playing cards inserted between the disc and the tire with a slight overlap.

In two colors complicates the task a little, because you need to observe the color border. Therefore, first of all, the disk is painted with the color that should be less. Paint, like a primer, should be applied in two or three thin coats to avoid streaks.

After the first color has dried, use newspaper and masking tape to cover the painted areas with masking tape. The remaining surface must be matted again and degreased under the second color. After applying the second paint, let it dry and remove the masking tape.

At this stage, if any flaws in the painting appear, they can still be corrected - glue the rest of the surface, sand and repaint. If the first time it turned out well, it is desirable to cover the discs with a colorless varnish.

Painting discs in two colors is a creative and quite responsible process. If there is no confidence in their abilities and skills in painting works it is better to entrust this matter to professionals.

Choice of color combination

The concept of beautiful is subjective, but there are harmonious and inharmonious combinations of colors. Typically, designers use a color wheel to help find the perfect chromatic pairing. Of the classic pairs, first of all, we can name black and yellow, red and white, black and white, green and yellow.

It is easy to see that the above pairs of colors are contrasting with respect to each other. Such color combinations make the discs the most expressive. However, their design can be anything. Today concepts harmonious colors almost lost their borders.

Until recently, the combination of blue and green was considered unattractive. But now it's a trendy color pair. Increasingly, designers are experimenting with brown, although this color was not in high demand before. At the same time, classic couples are now considered commonplace.

On a note

Those who appreciate conciseness should use one of the colors when painting disks to assign the main color of the body. For example, for a red car, rims painted in red and black are well suited. Black can be replaced with white, and then the wheels will turn out to be more elegant.

If you replace black in a black and red combination with blue, then the car becomes extravagant and at the same time trendy. But red with green is a big question. Not everyone will like this combination on disks.

The distribution of colors when painting wheels

Any rims there are surfaces located at different angles to each other. The exception is discs with smooth lines, but these are not in fashion today. All disk faces can be divided into those that are in the main plane and outside it. On this basis, paint is most often distributed.

For clarity, let's assume that we decide to make the discs black and white. We have two main options. In the first case, the main plane (facing outward) is painted in White color, and all shaded edges are black. Thus, we get emphasized contrasting and aggressive features. Anything painted black becomes almost invisible.

In another case, we invert the colors: we make the front plane black, and everything else white. Now we highlight the faces that are in shadow. The disk becomes, as it were, turned inside out, and this attracts attention to a certain extent. Experimenting with different color pairs, you can find very interesting options.

Two-color airbrush

Transitions from one color to another may not be sharp, but smooth. They can be done with an airbrush. In this case, color pairs can differ only in tone. For example, red discs are shaded in places by burgundy and maroon spots.

On a note

With the help of airbrush techniques, discs can be given a very original look. Particularly attractive are smooth color transitions under a thick layer of varnish. By the way, you can add a little glitter to the varnish, and then the discs will become glamorous.

One of the most common subjects of wheeled airbrushing is a flame. Randomly darkening the main scarlet color, you can achieve the effect of burning wheels. True, on the go, such wheels will look like terracotta.

color fusion

picking up color combinations for rims, there are two things to keep in mind. The first is that when the wheels rotate, the colors that alternate along the way will merge. Moreover, the merging occurs according to the same principle as when mixing paints. For example, if the spokes are painted yellow and blue in a 1:1 ratio, then the disks will turn green when rotated.

Interesting video: red from under black (two-color wheels)

A car with shiny or unusually painted rims is always pleasing to the eye. However, these graceful design elements require relentless attention. And even regular thorough cleaning will not save discs from darkening and tarnishing after some time. Why do car owners have to think about restoring discs, is it possible to carry out this procedure on their own and how to paint it correctly - we will consider these and other questions in our material.

Reasons for painting rims

If you frequently use your car, keep an excellent appearance discs for a long time is almost impossible. Indeed, in the process of driving, they are attacked by small gravel, dirt or chemicals that are sprinkled on roads in winter time. In addition, temperature changes affect the coating. And inaccurate parking, as a result of which you seem to have “ground in” the discs a little, can lead to serious damage to their surface. As a result, scratches and chips appear on them, which cause the growth of foci of corrosion. As a result, after a certain time you have a problem - dull discs with scratches and traces of rust. However, knowing how to paint rims, you can handle it yourself, without the involvement of expensive specialists.

How to paint rims without removing tires

The first step is to determine the type of your disks. After all, the question of how to paint stamped wheels is easier to solve: it is not necessary to cover them with primer before painting. Cast ones require preliminary application of a special primer. Otherwise, the coloring technology does not differ.

What you need to paint wheels

Before proceeding with the restoration, you need to prepare the necessary materials:

  • Gloves for protection of hands.
  • Sandpaper of various grain sizes - from the roughest to the finest.
  • Masking paper or film, as well as masking tape.
  • Soft rag.
  • Degreaser.
  • Standard acrylic primer Motip.
  • Enamel for Motip discs.
  • Colorless Motip acrylic lacquer.

Wheel painting steps

Now let's figure out how to paint rims with your own hands:

1. Thoroughly clean and clean the surface of the discs.

First of all, we need to get rid of pollution. To do this, carefully wash the discs with a special cleaning agent using a brush. Then we remove the remnants of the old paintwork from the disks, cleaning them with sandpaper. We use grit with numbers from 200 to 600. From time to time we wash the surface with water. Sanding will remove all irregularities from the discs, as well as traces of corrosion.

2. Degrease the surface.

Before applying the primer, the discs must be degreased. After all, on a clean and fat-free surface, the paint will last much longer. This will allow us to qualitatively paint the wheels without removing the rubber.

3. We cover the tire.

Now, using masking paper or film, as well as masking tape, carefully cover the tire so that paint does not get on it.

4. We apply a primer.

Priming is one of the most important stages of restoration work, so it is important to choose a high-quality product for it. Motip Standard Acrylic Primer has excellent adhesion and provides an ideal base for further paint application. Due to the presence of anti-corrosion components, this composition will protect the surface from rust. The primer should be applied with inside disc, spraying the composition from a distance of about 25 cm and shaking the can from time to time. We need to apply 2-3 layers of primer, giving each of them time to dry. Now we need to figure out how to paint the rims with our own hands using paint in an aerosol can.

5. We paint car rims.

For this purpose, we use Motip Disk Enamel. It is characterized by excellent adhesion and hiding power, and also contains anti-corrosion components. After application, a durable smooth coating is formed, resistant to aggressive external factors. We shake the can vigorously for two minutes, after which we spray the paint from a distance of 25 cm. The main thing here is not to overdo it - it is better to apply several thin layers instead of one thick one. Enamel for Motip rims is different short time drying, so each new layer can be applied after 2-3 minutes!

6. We varnish the coating.

The final step will be the varnishing of the painted surface - we use Motip Clear Acrylic Varnish. It will enhance the protective properties of the coating, as well as give the discs a long-awaited shining shine! We apply several layers of the composition from a distance of about 25-30 cm, waiting for each of them to dry. After the completion of the restoration work, we admire the result!

We've learned how to paint your own wheel rims, save money, and get them to shine!

Inspirational painting ideas

1. How to paint an alloy wheel.

Most often the rims are painted steel color, or you can paint the rims black. However, the scope for your imagination is limitless! Motip rim enamel allows you to choose any shade - from white to gold or silver. When painting alloy wheels, it is not necessary to be limited to only one color. Combine contrasting shades for spectacular combinations!

2. How to paint stamped wheels.

Contrasting edging looks beautiful on stamped disks. To do this, first you need to apply the first shade of paint and let it dry. Then cover the middle with masking paper and apply the second color. Wait for it to dry, then remove the paper and enjoy the result!

3. What color to paint the wheels on a silver car.

Light green or purple wheels look great against the background of a silver body! In this case, you can choose both a glossy and matte shade.

4. What color to paint the wheels on a blue car.

You can get creative and paint the rims on the wheels of the blue car yellow, light green or even pink color. Coloring in white or black shade will become a classic. Well, you can achieve a spectacular look of the disks by painting them in two colors: the outer part is a light blue tint, and the inner part is blue in body color!

If for you a car is not just a means of transportation, but an important component of your image or a passion in life in general, then you probably want everything to be perfect in it, so that every detail is in harmony with the rest of the elements and distinguishes your four-wheeled friend from the flow of cars.

This applies to all appearance elements, including disks. We will talk about them in detail. Professional will allow you to give them exactly the look that the owner of the car wants. But how to decide on the color of the disks?

Which wheels fit your car?

It is important to think about the combination of wheels with the color of the car body, otherwise the car may look awkward. So, if a four-wheeled friend is made in white, then the same or silver components will suit him. You can also try to play in contrast and choose a matte plain black disc, individual elements of the product may have a groove.

A good solution for a silver car would be wheels of the same color with a milling groove. For dark red and dark blue cars, products with a decorative strip along the rim, the color of which will match the paint of the car, are suitable. If you are looking for a universal option, then you should pay attention to silver wheels, which will fit almost every car.

Owners of black cars are the luckiest of all - wheels of almost any color will look good on them, only it is better not to install white products. quality will help not only to get the product of the desired color, but also ensure their magnificent appearance throughout the entire service life.

Other important points when choosing discs

Color is not the only parameter by which you should choose wheels for a car. Among experts there is such a simple rule: with an increase in the height of the tire that is used in the wheel, the thickness of the spoke increases. In this case, you can achieve an amazing harmony between the wheel and the tire, as well as the entire product and the car. On the other hand, with a lower tire profile, it is better to give preference to thin spokes.

Thin-spoke multi-spoke wheels are the perfect solution for those who want to emphasize the sportiness of their four-wheeled friend. But for lovers of the classics, discs with the number of spokes from five to seven are suitable.

Car decoration can become a real art. And your four-wheeled pet will become not just a means of transportation, but will also be able to attract the enthusiastic glances of passers-by and drivers.