What you need to register a personal account of the taxpayer. Tax personal account

  • 20.10.2019

An individual, an individual entrepreneur and legal entities - enterprises and organizations can open a personal account of a taxpayer today different shapes property. This is necessary in order to reduce the time spent on filing declarations, obtaining the necessary extracts in tax office, for which previously had to stand idle in long queues. By registering in the system and having the opportunity to use all the features of the LC, the accountant of the enterprise can check information about the debt to the tax authority, obtain extracts from the registers and establish direct communication with the specialists of the Federal Tax Service.

What opportunities opens up a personal account

As already said, Personal Area in the tax office can open both physical and entity, while the functionality of offices for enterprises and individuals is somewhat different. If for individuals such functions as checking tax accruals, paying taxes directly through the site and the ability to correspond with tax officials are available, for enterprises this list is wider. Managers and employees of the enterprise, including LLC, having registered a personal account, have the opportunity to:

  • receive extracts about your own company from the USRN;
  • issue certificates on the status of settlements with the tax authority, including information on penalties and fines;
  • receive information regarding the execution of submitted requests and applications, and the decisions taken on them;
  • get acquainted with the act of joint reconciliation of accounts;
  • receive up-to-date information on debts to the budget, the presence of overpayments, learn information about possible measures for the enforcement of debt;
  • send tax information about the company's participation in Russian organizations (form С-09-6);
  • send information about the state registration of legal entities or changes to the information contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • receive timely notifications regarding registration or deregistration, separate subdivisions enterprises.

In addition to these opportunities, the company's accountant with limited liability and the head of the enterprise can control the terms during which the tax inspectorate specialists must provide this or that service. This is convenient, of course, but to start using the cabinet, you must complete a series of specifications and purchase, first of all, a qualified electronic key verification certificate. It is necessary to verify the electronic signature, and you can get it from any of the operators accredited in the network of trusted certification centers.

If you already have a qualified signature for reporting (tax and accounting), you can use it. In this case, there is no need to obtain a separate signature.

Practice shows that it is not difficult to make a personal account of an LLC in the tax office if you have modern computer equipment, installed an operating Windows system XP SP3 or later, or Mac OS X 10.9 or later. To ensure security, you must use a browser that supports secure connections. After obtaining a qualified e-signature verification key certificate, you must install it on your computer.

Simultaneously with the receipt of the KSKPEP, you will receive the electronic signature carrier itself in the form of a floppy disk or flash drive. You will have to insert this media into the device every time you enter your personal account.

The process of connecting to your personal account takes place on the official website of the Federal Tax Service, and this function is available in the "Electronic Services" section. Making sure that specifications computer match established requirements, and, having installed additional utilities, you can proceed to register in the system. To do this, the head or authorized person, endowed with such a right without a power of attorney, must go through the standard procedure: enter the PSRN and agree to the terms of the agreement. You will also be asked to enter an address Email and fill in the captcha (security code). After these simple steps, you must confirm the registration operation by clicking on the "Next" button.

After registration, it remains to confirm your desire to register a personal account, for which you should go to mailbox and confirm registration by clicking on the appropriate link. After that, you get full access to the personal account, which, in addition to the head of the company, can be used by an unlimited number of employees. The head of each employee who has access to the system can set access rights, and this can be done in the "Administration" section. You can also enter information about the divisions of the company, and you can work both in the mode of a separate division and the company as a whole. It is not difficult to understand the functionality of the office, since everything is clear here and made “for people”.

At the moment, Russian taxpayers have the opportunity to exercise their rights and obligations through the personal account (LC) of the Federal Tax Service (Federal Tax Service). The use of a personal account or account is carried out for the purpose of sending data and documents to the Federal Tax Service, as well as receiving them from the tax authority.

Receipt will be possible only after sending a notice to the Federal Tax Service about the use of a personal account.

If you already have a registration on the website of the Federal Tax Service, you can enter the personal account of the taxpayer of individuals using a direct link:

The FTS system provides two other options for entering your personal account:

Registration of a personal account of the Federal Tax Service for individuals

Registration on the web resource of the tax service takes several minutes (to fully use all the features of your personal account, you will have to visit the tax service to verify your identity).

To connect online opportunities, go to the registration page for a new user of the official website of the Federal Tax Service and fill out the form.

Other options for accessing the taxpayer's personal account

There are two ways to get access to an account on the nalog.ru portal:

1. By means of a universal electronic card. The issuance of electronic signatures is carried out by the Certification Center, which was accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications Russian Federation. The resulting signature can be written to a flash or smart card, hard drive, to the Universal Electronic Card.

2. Using the login and password specified in the registration card. Having visited the branch of the Federal Tax Service, it is possible to acquire this card. It can be issued in any inspectorate operating on the territory of the state, both in its own city and in a neighboring one.

A registration card in the tax authority at the place of residence is issued only if you have a passport. Other identification documents may be used. Their list should be specified in the Federal Tax Service. It is possible to obtain this card at any other inspection of the country by providing not only a passport, but also a TIN certificate. Moreover, it is necessary to have both the original and a copy of the Identification Number certificate.

Possibilities of a personal account (LC) of a taxpayer

1. Manage budget payments:

  • tax on land, car, house or apartment. By opening the office, you can see the current information about the objects of taxation on the balance sheet, as well as the accrued amounts, fines and penalties. Thanks to this information, in a short time it is possible to identify an inaccuracy and report it to the Federal Tax Service;

  • on personal income tax. It is possible that over the past year, the employees of the Federal Tax Service did not withhold the calculated amounts of personal income tax from the income of an individual. Information about this must be submitted before March 1 following the reporting tax period to the Federal Tax Service. The presence of a personal account makes it possible to see whether it is registered for individual personal income tax debt. The amount of this debt and penalties for late payment are also indicated.

2. Use the program to fill out the 3-NDFL declaration

Each cabinet owner has the opportunity to receive a 3-personal income tax declaration by downloading it to the computer's memory. It is also proposed to fill it out directly on the computer and certify it using an electronic card. Signed documents can be immediately sent to the Federal Tax Service.

3. Monitoring the status of a desk audit of 3-NDFL tax returns

If the 3-NDFL tax is overpaid, you can contact the Federal Tax Service for a recalculation.

4. Applying to the tax authorities without visiting the Federal Tax Service

Each appeal to the tax authority is located in the "Documents of the taxpayer" menu. The responses sent by the Federal Tax Service are also stored in this place.

5. Formation of payment documents and payment of taxes

The personal account is synchronized with the electronic service "Pay taxes". Thanks to him, as well as the service "Payment of taxes for individuals" it is possible to:

  • create documents for the introduction of various taxes in advance. That is, until the moment when an envelope with a tax receipt is sent;
  • create documents for the payment of personal income tax, as well as other documents for the payment of a fine, if a tax return was not submitted on time;
  • print receipt documents for payment at the nearest bank branch. It is also possible to pay taxes online;
  • formation of documents for making debts to the Federal Tax Service.

Login to the personal account (FTS) of a taxpayer - a legal entity

The personal account system also provides for all necessary tools for legal entities, through which the organization exchanges documents with the Federal Tax Service, sending them via the Internet. In addition, it keeps track of tax calculations.

How to register in a personal account for legal entities

Entrance to the Federal Tax Service personal account for legal entities is possible if:

  • acquire a qualified electronic signature (EDS);
  • register on the website of the Federal Tax Service;
  • sign an EDS Agreement on the creation of a personal account.

More details about all the details and technical points - on the page of the official website of the Federal Tax Service.

Having access to your personal account, you can send to the tax service:

  • an application for the return of the amount that was paid in excess of the required amount of tax;
  • information about the state of settlements with the budget;
  • requests for the issuance of a reconciliation act;
  • certificates of the absence of debts to the IFTS;
  • messages about the start of work or the liquidation of separate divisions.

IFTS, in turn, can send various documents directly to your personal account. Also make claims for payment of tax debts.

Documents sent to your personal account have the same legal force as paper documents.

If the company received a demand for payment of tax debt, then it must be executed in strict established by law terms.

The date of receipt of the document in your personal account is the day after the day when it was sent to the IFTS.

Each organization has the right to decide for itself about the need for a personal account. Its presence is not mandatory.

In order to communicate with the tax office directly, without visiting the offices of the Federal Tax Service in person, you need to know how to register in the taxpayer's personal account. On the website of the organization, the option "Personal account of the taxpayer" is available.

Using it, you can find out about debt, get tax receipts, and make tax payments without leaving your home.

No time to visit the tax office? Do not understand where the incomprehensible debt to the budget came from? No more worrying about sudden fines!

The Federal Tax Service has developed the Nalog.ru online service, which guarantees direct interaction between citizens and representatives of the fiscal service.

It provides the official website of the inspection www.nalog.ru with a personal account, registration in which provides access to a set of available data for each taxpayer. Suitable for both legal entities and the rest of the population.

Most citizens do not often turn to the services of tax authorities. As a rule, such a need arises when it is necessary to pay taxes, pay off debts. And this "happens" no more than once a year.

The personal account contains a set of information for each individual, provides information on accrued property taxes, provides information on the amounts of personal income tax transferred by tax agents (employers).

What are the benefits of LC to taxpayers

Registration in your personal account as a taxpayer opens up access to a number of options: from receiving information about debts to. Using the online service, the following options are available to registered persons:

  1. Obtaining information about taxable property owned by a citizen. The sold car is not deregistered? The personal account will tell you about the error.
  2. The state of settlements with the budget is available. After all, due to the presence of even a penny debt, problems can arise. In addition to the daily accrual of interest on taxes not paid on time, the Federal Tax Service is able to charge fines and even begin to collect debts over radical methods. A page in your personal account will help to avoid such troubles.
  3. Possibility to print receipts for payment. Payment forms are generated automatically already with the correct details. With these documents, the taxpayer will not get confused in the CCC, bank details and other codes. If the transfer goes according to incorrect data, the debt will grow despite the seemingly timely payment. In addition, the formation of a set-off or return of incorrectly paid amounts is a rather troublesome procedure.
  4. Pay debts to the budget directly on the site with the help of partner banks.
  5. Download software for reporting.
  6. Transfer electronically 3-NDFL declarations when buying / selling property (cars, housing), track the status of their verification on the website.
  7. Find out the amount income tax listed by the employer.
  8. Contact the tax authorities on other issues without a personal visit to the inspection.

In other words, registration provides many opportunities for direct communication with the Federal Tax Service online via the Internet without leaving home.

How to enter the personal account of the taxpayer

The online service provides personal information to the owners of a personal account related to budget settlements. After registration, the taxpayer has access to data on the state of debt and other information.

Creating a personal taxpayer account for individuals is not difficult at all. You can register on the website of the tax service in 3 ways:

  1. Using the login and password obtained from the tax office. You can log in with your TIN. How can I change the password then? Come up with a new one yourself by confirming the operation on the site (read more about this below).
  2. Entrance to the site is provided by the presence of a qualified electronic signature. Digital information is stored on any medium: flash drive, hard drive. You can get an individual key by contacting a special Certification Center. In addition, you will need to install the appropriate software on your computer.
  3. It is also possible to enter your personal account using the ESIA account ( unified system identification and authentication). In other words, the entrance is available to users who have previously registered on the public services portal.

The easiest way to get into the personal account of the tax inspection website is to log in using your username and password. However, for visitors to public services, too, there are no difficulties.

How to register

We can say that a personal tax office is a personal account of an individual, the entrance to which is carried out by identification. Registration in your personal account will not take much time. But this will require a personal visit to the IFTS. This, of course, is a big minus.

But there are also pluses. First, it can be yours last visit tax office. And, secondly, you can go to any Federal Tax Service in any city. It doesn't matter which department you choose, the inspectors will provide all the information, regardless of registration.

Can't get into the tax office in person? Looking for options on how to open an account on the website of the Federal Tax Service? All issues can be resolved through a representative in the presence of a issued power of attorney.

How to get a password from the taxpayer's personal account? You must have a passport and a certificate of registration (TIN form) with you. Based on personal data, inspectors will issue a registration card, which will have certain access codes to your personal account.

This data is possible only for the initial login to the personal account. And you need to have time to complete this procedure within 1 month. Otherwise, the data will “burn out” (be blocked) and they will have to be received again from the tax inspector.

After the first login to your personal account, in order to further ensure security, you will definitely need to change the primary password issued to you. How to change the password? You can do this yourself directly on the site.

By clicking on it, a page will open where you can set a new login password. To change it, you will need to click on the checkmark next to the phrase "Change password".

Data in the personal account does not appear immediately. It may take several days to form. Therefore, do not worry if you do not find inside your property. Well, you don’t need to be very happy when you notice that you don’t have any tax debt. 😀

Forgot your password

What to do if you forgot your password? The personal account of the taxpayer by TIN is not available without a password. However, on home page site www.nalog.ru it is possible to recover the password. To do this, follow the link "Forgot your password?", which is located under the authorization form (top and right).

Here you can specify additional information that you filled out during registration: TIN, email address and control word.

Therefore, it is important to carefully enter all personal data when setting up a taxpayer's personal account, so that in the future there will be no difficulties with entering the personal account and problems with password recovery!

If you were able to correctly fill in all these fields, then you can receive a new password from the personal account by mail. Also keep in mind that you will only have three attempts to enter your details. If you didn’t “guess” three times, then access to the site will be blocked for you for a day. After that, you can repeat the procedure.

However, if you can’t recover the password from your account online, you will have to go to the tax office again with an identity document. At the same time, you can go to any branch of the IFTS.

There is no other way. New codes when applying are issued only by the tax office. The question of how to recover the password is decided personally in the department of the Federal Tax Service if you have a passport.

Is it possible to get to the LC through the State Services

How else to get access to the personal account of the taxpayer? Not so long ago, there was only one way to register on the website of the Federal Tax Service - this is to come to the tax office in person. Now it is enough to go to the portal of public services under a previously registered account. Login to your personal account is available under the same login and password that allow you to get to the public services website.

But there is a small caveat here. Not everyone will be able to enter the taxpayer's personal account through public services. The matter is that earlier the access code to state services was sent by mail. Authorization is available only for those citizens who received the codes personally by visiting the MFC or post offices.

How to register a child

Despite their young age, children often own some kind of property, such as a share in an apartment. Accordingly, minor citizens are also considered as taxpayers.

Can I register my child on the IRS website to receive payment receipts and accrual information online? Oh sure. How to make access to the LC available? The operation duplicates the process of registering an adult.

The legal representatives of the child, which include parents, guardians and adoptive parents, have the right to obtain access codes to the site by providing additional document for children - birth certificate.

Payment of tax arrears for a child is allowed. Parents and other representatives can pay off the receipt in any way available.

29.11.2017 0

Russian taxpayers are offered comfortable conditions in order to fulfill their duties and rights. For these purposes, the Federal Tax Service created a personal account for individuals and legal entities. Login (registration) in the panel of your account is a wide range of tools necessary to receive all documents and information, as well as to send them to the tax authority.

Using an account on the official website of the Federal Tax Service, you can use the information necessary to interact with government agencies. In advance, you will need to inform the tax service about the need to create a personal account of the taxpayer.

FTS personal account of the taxpayer for individuals - entrance

If the registration procedure was previously completed on the web resource of the Federal Tax Service, then private users will have the fastest access to enter the office using a special link:

You can enter your personal account using:

Contains an information resource called the Taxpayer's Personal Account. Its purpose is the implementation by taxpayers and bodies of the Federal Tax Service of the duties, norms and rights established by tax code RF. The convenience and information content of the resource made it possible to actively use the taxpayer's personal account for individual entrepreneurs, legal entities and individuals, and the site also has the ability to search for a TIN by name or surname, or vice versa - search for a taxpayer by TIN.

Personal account of an individual

Every citizen can use the functions of the resource, it is enough to have access. How to get access to the personal account of the taxpayer? You can do this in any of the three available ways:

  1. Having a login and password issued by the tax authority and reflected in a special registration card. It is a document that contains personal data of a citizen. Those. to obtain it, you must contact the tax service in person and present an identity card (passport), a TIN certificate. If the previously received login and password are lost, you should contact the tax office again with the same documents in order to restore access to your personal account. After receiving a login and password from the inspector, you must log into your personal account within a month and change the temporary password from the registration card to a convenient and memorable one for the user.
  2. Using account portal of public services (ESIA). At the same time, it should be borne in mind that in order to enter and use the personal account of the Federal Tax Service, the ESIA account must have the status "Confirmed". You can only confirm the entry in person at the multifunctional centers "My Documents" or at the customer service pension fund Russia, presenting a passport and an insurance certificate. This method is most convenient for most citizens, as it requires only one login and password to access all public services and services.
  3. Having a qualified electronic signature. A certificate of such a signature is issued by a Certification Authority accredited by the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation. Signature key files are stored on a removable media (for example, a flash drive), on a personal computer where documents are signed, a special cryptographic provider program must be installed.

A number of opportunities are available for registered users, it is enough to open a taxpayer's personal account for individuals at the link lkfl.nalog.ru/lk:

— Most often they apply for information about objects of taxation (transport, real estate, land plots), so you can know how relevant this information is in the databases of the tax authority. There you can also see what taxes you have been charged, their payment, whether there is a debt for any of them or whether there is an overpayment. In the personal account of an individual, it is possible to print receipts for paying taxes, as well as receive notifications.

- The next popular item is to provide tax return in the form of 3-NDFL and tracking the progress of its verification. On the Internet resource of the Federal Tax Service, you can download a program to fill it out, and then send it to in electronic format with an electronic signature, and fill out online. If you wish to receive tax deduction through the taxpayer's personal account, then after the completion of the desk audit, it will be possible to generate an application for a refund. It can also be completed and submitted online, indicating the account number for crediting the amount of the deduction.

- You can contact the tax authority without leaving your home, get a certificate, make an appointment, send a complaint. In the section Typical questions there are answers to questions that citizens have already asked and they are the most popular. If the required information is not found there, you can create an appeal in electronic form.

Personal account of an individual entrepreneur

This service allows entrepreneurs registered with the Federal Tax Service to resolve a number of issues related to their activities. The taxpayer's personal account for individual entrepreneurs is available at lkip.nalog.ru and provides the following options:

  • Choice of taxation system. The service allows you to choose not only the best option, but also independently calculate all taxes for it, payable to all extra-budgetary funds. If an entrepreneur is on a simplified taxation system, he can adjust the tax rate within the framework of tax legislation. "Tax Calculator" allows you to detail each amount, clearly reflecting the dependence of all values.
  • tax calendar. The entrepreneur will know exactly when he needs to submit reports to the tax authority and the dates for paying taxes. This is convenient, since it is not always possible to follow changes in the legislation, and ignorance of the laws does not exempt from responsibility.
  • Extracts from USRIP. You can get an extract through your personal account without contacting the tax office in person. This option is provided by the online service.
  • Information about overpayments or arrears in paying taxes, the presence of unexplained payments.
  • Information about tax audits. If an entrepreneur is on the inspection schedule, he can find out when to wait for the inspector, prepare all the documents, and put them in order.
  • Appeals to the Federal Tax Service. Here you can apply for a set-off or refund of amounts that have been overpaid.

It is possible to get into the personal account of an entrepreneur with a login and password received from the tax authority to enter the resource as an individual, or using a key carrier containing an electronic signature.

Personal account of a legal entity

For legal entities, a special service (lkul.nalog.ru) has been created on the website of the tax service, which allows organizations to carry out electronic document management with the Federal Tax Service, as well as control tax calculations.

To take advantage of all the opportunities, you need to know how to access the personal account of a taxpayer - a legal entity. First, you need to obtain a qualified electronic signature (ES) issued by the Certification Authority, then register on the website of the Federal Tax Service in the "Personal account of a legal entity" section, and sign the Agreement on electronic document management. Only after passing these stages, the organization will be able to use the service fully.

All documents sent through the Internet resource will be signed by the electronic signature of the head and will be equivalent to the paper version signed by the head and certified by the seal of the organization. Therefore, the requirements received from the inspection, for example, on the payment of taxes, are mandatory.

How to get a tax deduction through the personal account of the taxpayer

In a simple and convenient way, a citizen who has the right to a refund of funds spent on education, treatment or the purchase of real estate can receive a deduction through his personal account. This does not require a personal presence at the tax office, waiting in lines and a pack of printed and copied documents. Let's talk about this in more detail.

After receiving the login and password in the INFS or using the ESIA account (by registering on the public services website), you need to open the taxpayer's personal account for individuals and receive an online electronic signature, which will subsequently be used to sign the documents sent. To do this, go to the "Profile" and "Obtaining a certificate of the ES verification key". Processing is usually fast.

Now you can start filling out the declaration directly in your personal account or send an already uploaded file from the filling program in the "Income Tax" section.

Filling out the declaration on the site usually does not cause difficulties, the interface on the resource of the tax authority is intuitive.

Then you need to attach all scanned documents confirming the right to a tax deduction. After downloading the necessary scanned copies, the system will offer to sign a package of documents with an electronic signature.

As soon as the whole procedure is done correctly and consistently, you can send the declaration for verification to the IFTS. It remains only to track the passage of a desk audit and wait for the return of the amount to the account.

Search for a taxpayer by TIN

Another convenient service located on the website of the tax service is a search by TIN (taxpayer identification number) (egrul.nalog.ru). With it, you can find by TIN and check information about any organization, individual or individual entrepreneur registered with the tax authority. Search parameters are TIN, OGRN, name of a legal entity or first and last name of an individual. After entering the code confirming that you are not a robot, we press the search button and information about the requested counterparty is displayed on the screen.

What can you find out by TIN?

In the case of an individual, information is disclosed about the place and date of registration with the tax authority, whether the citizen is an individual entrepreneur.

If you are checking a legal entity, you can find out the following information.