Description and photo of rat fleas. What does a rat flea look like and how to get rid of them

  • 12.06.2019

If you have any doubts, you noticed that your rodent itches often and for a long time, you found some insects on its fur (they may look like black dots), and scratches are observed on the pet’s skin (find out) - in order to dispel doubts - show your pet to a veterinarian specializing in skin diseases of small rodents.

And, nevertheless, how could fleas appear in a domestic hamster that does not leave the limits of its cage? This question often haunts rodent owners who are faced with such a problem and continue to deny the veterinarian's diagnosis.

The cleanliness of hamsters and other small living creatures played a cruel joke on them. Often, due to the fact that they devote so much attention and time to the condition of their coat, it can be difficult to determine whether their concern is false, or whether the rodent is bothered by fleas. But, there are a number of characteristic symptoms that should alert you.

If you find one of these symptoms - be on the lookout, it looks like you have to deal with skin parasites in your rodent. And the sooner you start fighting them, the better.

The flea is a blood-sucking insect and belongs to the order of arthropods. The length of her body is only 1-5 mm, but there are some rare species that reach 1 cm. Fleas do not have wings, but have strong and long limbs, thanks to which they move. Some individuals can make long jumps to considerable heights.

If environment contributes, the flea lives on average from several months to 2-3 years, and can go without food for a long time. The color of the insect varies from yellow to black, depending on its species and habitat.

The main reasons for the appearance of fleas in apartments:

  • insect migration from neighbors;
  • from public corridors and entrances;
  • from pets;
  • dust (for example, after repair);
  • living in the lower floors or basements;
  • unsanitary conditions and lack of hygiene;
  • from clothes and shoes of people;
  • from rodents (rat fleas).

How to get rid of fleas

Not only is it unpleasant to live next door to fleas, it can also be dangerous. Arthropods feed on the blood of humans and animals, and their bite causes pain, irritation, itching, and redness of the skin. In addition, they can be carriers of contagious diseases such as hepatitis, tuberculosis, typhoid, plague, malaria and other infections.

Penetrating into the dwelling, they settle in their favorite places:

  • in carpets, bedspreads, linen boxes, upholstered furniture;
  • in the bed;
  • in places of rest for pets;
  • under skirting boards, window sills and wallpaper;
  • in other secluded places, grooves and crevices.

Fleas multiply quickly, so when you detect their presence in the house, you must immediately take measures to eliminate them. Different kinds This gnat is removed by different methods.

Cat and dog fleas

If a pet suddenly began to itch and behave restlessly, then, most likely, fleas were wound up in its fur. They can be easily detected by examining the areas behind the ears and the abdomen of the animal. It is there that they most often lay their larvae, and if, for example, a dog is lowered into the water, the fleas will begin to actively jump on the pet's head.

There are several ways to get rid of insects in cats and dogs:

  • special detergents and shampoos for animals;
  • drops on wool;
  • collars (more often as a preventive measure);
  • sprays and aerosols.

The greatest effect can be observed from sprays and aerosols. When using them, one must take into account the fact that animals often lick wool, and the products contain toxic substances that can cause poisoning. Therefore, before choosing a method for eliminating fleas from the hair of an animal, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian.

Bed and linen fleas

Most often, fleas do not constantly live in linen. They are forced to move in search of food, but they can lay eggs in linen. It is unpleasant when fleas start in bed. It is in this place that they are most comfortable, since in a dream a person often does not feel bites and bloodsuckers can safely eat and breed.

If, after sleeping, red itchy bites appeared on the body, mainly on the legs, and small black spots or dots appeared on the bedding, then this indicates the appearance of fleas.

Then the following steps should be taken immediately:

  • wash linen drawers and cabinets with laundry soap or vinegar;
  • vacuum upholstered furniture;
  • wash all linen in hot water;
  • thoroughly iron things;
  • take out blankets, pillows, mattresses for a while in the cold or warm them up well in the sun.

Grass and earth fleas

Grass and earth fleas bite painfully and disturb people and animals. But they are easier to remove than insects of other species. It is enough to eliminate the factors that contribute to their reproduction and carry out disinfection.

Professional pest control

Calling a special service is expensive, but the result of pest control will remain for a long time. The specialist will first conduct a survey of the territory to assess the situation. After deciding on the processing method, the time is set for which the room needs to be prepared.

Professional pest control is carried out by three methods:

  • hot mist;
  • cold mist;
  • fine spraying.

The principle of operation of cold and hot fog treatment is identical. The surfaces are irrigated with a working solution by means of a generator. When sprayed, small particles of liquid scatter like fog, and the death of insects and their larvae occurs almost instantly.

The difference between cold and hot processing is the temperature of the composition. Hot mist irrigation is considered the most effective, but its use can adversely affect furniture, wallpaper and interior items.

The fine-drop method of processing is the most budgetary. Disinfection liquid is sprayed using a mechanical or electric sprayer.

Flea sprays

If there is a possibility of being in any other place, then it is advisable not to wash the floor for 2-3 days so that all the larvae die and there is no reappearance fleas.

New generation chemicals are safe for humans and animals and have virtually no odor. The most effective substances in the fight against midges are permethrin, pyrethrum, fipronil, which are part of well-known flea solutions such as Zifox, Tetrix, Get, Zone, Executioner. The drug "Kukaracha" is popular, but it has a strong smell, you need to handle it carefully, observing all safety measures.

Folk remedies for removing fleas

Important! All these methods will be useless if you do not carry out regular cleaning and do not maintain cleanliness in the home.

  • vacuum the carpets well;
  • carry out wet cleaning;
  • clean up detergent sofas, armchairs and other upholstered furniture;
  • wash and clean bed linen;
  • hide food in the refrigerator or in tightly closed cabinets;
  • cover flowers and household appliances with foil;
  • temporarily remove pets and birds from the premises;
  • Boil or discard all pet supplies.

After cleaning, it is better to throw away the dust bag from the vacuum cleaner, as larvae and flea eggs can remain in it.

Elimination of fleas in the basement

In the basement and basement of private houses, you can try to get rid of fleas on your own using the same methods as in living rooms. To exterminate arthropods in cellars apartment buildings it is better to resort to the help of specialists.

Often, for these purposes, professional services use dust powders, which are sprayed with special equipment. This is guaranteed to get rid of bloodsuckers for a long time.

After processing, it is necessary to ventilate the apartment for 1-2 hours. Wash with soapy water doorknobs, countertops, window sills, tables. Within 10 days after professional disinfestation, it is not advisable to wash floors and walls.

If flea bites could not be avoided, then you should wipe the place of redness with a solution of soda in water to relieve irritation. You can lubricate the bite site with brilliant green or a special cream.

Rat fleas are nasty insects that suck blood from small mammals. Before you get a small pet, you need to know information about the correct maintenance of the animal and how to monitor its health. Most people prefer to have decorative rats in the house as a pet.

Such love for these wonderful rodents is explained by the fact that they are unpretentious in food, quite cute and energetic. Despite this, they are also subject to various diseases, among which the most important place is occupied by flea infestation. Therefore, the owners of animals often turn to the veterinarian with the question of how to remove fleas from a rat.

Rat fleas reproduce quite actively and lay their offspring in an animal cage or directly in the fur of a rodent. After a short time, offspring are born and join their parents.

How to get rid of rat fleas (bring out)

When fleas are found in decorative rat steps should be taken to remove them. Consider all the steps in stages.

One way or another, it is better to carry out preventive measures in order not to treat the consequences of your inaction. In view of this, you should constantly keep your pet clean, bathe him and regularly clean the cage. Thanks to correct content a decorative rat can not be afraid of the appearance of fleas in it.

Video: How to get rid of fleas

Fighting rat fleas at home

What means can be used to fight and really get rid of these insects in a house or apartment forever?

Destroy them different ways, but the most effective way to get rid of it is with the help of aerosol insecticides. The battalion commander and the Raptor help a person in this matter best of all.

Remedies for rat fleas

Most effective means to get rid of rat fleas - this is Kombat and Raptor. They need to process the entire apartment. If at one time it was not possible to get rid of fleas, then you may have to carry out the procedure again. The main thing is to avoid a bite from a bloodsucker. The pest may need both human blood and dog blood. To get rid of such a risk in the house, a microencapsulated Get or Dust preparation is used.

Folk remedy for rat fleas

In the house, you can fight insects, including through folk remedies. They cannot guarantee a good result, but you can try to get rid of pests with their help. Here are some recipes:

  • 20 g of naphthalene is mixed with 100 ml of kerosene and 100 ml of turpentine;
  • 5 g of camphor are mixed with 100 ml of ethyl alcohol and 100 ml of turpentine;
  • 30 g of green soap is dissolved in 100 ml of water, 10 ml of turpentine and 15 ml of kerosene are added there.

All these means treat problematic surfaces in the house.

What are rat fleas afraid of?

  • aerosols - Combat, Raptor, Raid, Midilis Tsiper, Karbofos, Tertrix;
  • dusty - Fas, Feverfew, Clean House;
  • shampoos for bathing pets (often used by owners) - Mr. Kiss, Celandine, Frontline;
  • drops for animals - Stronghold, Barsik, Hartz.