Hammer hydraulic forging. Blacksmith hammer. Videos forging hammer

  • 07.07.2018

It is almost impossible to completely copy the scheme of a double-action forging hammer at home. But the drawings of a mechanical hammer of a simple action, even with el. driven, are simple, and therefore quite accessible for practical implementation by a home master.

Choosing a Hot Metal Deformation Method

Free forging of small-sized products can be implemented on the following forging machines:

Unique items - dear Pesnekov believes that calving items are really expensive, and not every buyer bites. It is often a matter of working for the money a person can pay. Martin says that family budgets falling faster, but the quality is never there.

Who wants to mow Marta Stanke? Both museums and people need authentic, not mass-produced. Let's say the splitter caught fire. Many sculptors sell their products at various fairs, receive orders from abroad, and then make gates for a church or manor, as well as another authentic rarity. It also uses renovation projects.

  • pneumatic hammer with el. driven;
  • manual mechanical hammer (with a solid / flexible rod or spring version);
  • screw hammer.

The latter option is characterized by the lowest speed of movement of moving parts, and therefore can only be used for forging highly ductile metals. It remains to make either a pneumatic hammer or a mechanical hammer of simple action.

Could you return to the province? Martinas is raging because the word "province" today has a negative connotation. It shouldn't be like this. And in these small cities and towns there are many bright and interesting people. And when you get in the car a few hours later, you can go to any Big city. Today's distance is not an obstacle to attending an event or an exhibition, emphasizes Martinas.

Doesn't the wife mind that Martinas is often not at home, and the blacksmith is wearing sweaty, dusty metal? The speaker is glad that his other side is "art". The wife is a textile worker. Therefore, she perfectly understands her husband. "And don't think that the blacksmith is dirty," the man says. - It's more fruitless than work. After all, the blacksmith's tools heat up a thousand degrees, and surgical instruments- just a hundred. In the past, women were born in the blacksmith's workshop.

Comparing the technological indicators of deformation, it is easy to conclude that the impact energy for a spring hammer is significantly lower than for a pneumatic hammer. In addition, the presence of e. management in the latter case will significantly reduce physical activity.

Will the descendants of Martin Stankus become the seventh generation of blacksmiths? My oldest is only four years old. Life will show! - the famous Lithuanian Calvi laughs.

Doesn't the wife mind that Martinas is often not at home, and the blacksmith is wearing sweaty, dusty metal? The speaker is glad that his other side is "art". The wife is a textile worker. Therefore, she perfectly understands her husband. "And don't think that the blacksmith is dirty," the man says. - It's more fruitless than work. After all, a blacksmith's tools heat up a thousand degrees, but surgical instruments only a hundred. In the past, women were born in the blacksmith's workshop.

In contrast to the pneumatic hammer, the spring version does not require significant initial costs, and is also safer to use. For such a unit does not require email. motor, and this will make it possible to subsequently save on energy resources.

The main questions on how to make a homemade blacksmith hammer are discussed below.

Making a pneumatic hammer

The capabilities of this equipment will be determined by the design of the compressor, which will supply the air distribution mechanism with energy.

A set of drawings in this case should be developed regarding the following nodes:

  1. beds (it is better to design a do-it-yourself blacksmith hammer with a welded bed);
  2. working cylinder, selected according to the desired impact energy;
  3. stock;
  4. pipelines;
  5. control systems;
  6. Saturday.

On the Internet, you can find suitable drawings of an air hammer with el. drive. If they are not, then the design is carried out in the following sequence:

We select a compressor: the compressed air consumption should be approximately 5 ... 6 times the volume of the working cylinder. That, in turn, depends on the required pressure on the metal. For example, for steel, it must be at least 30 MPa, therefore, minimum diameter the rod is 120…150 mm, with a stroke of 150…200 mm (a further increase in the stroke, of course, will increase the kinetic energy, but along the way will also cause a significant increase in the height of the equipment). Therefore, the pressure of compressed air must be at least 6 atm; it will increase if the compressor is located at a distance from the forging unit, since in this case there will be losses of compressed air in the pipelines.

Email the compressor motor must provide it long work, since piston jamming will cause the unit to fail, and blows to the cooled forging will not be effective.

The assembly process will consist in welding the working cylinder to the welded frame of the pneumatic hammer. It must be done very high quality, because under constant shock loads, the seams can disperse.

The main difficulty in manufacturing lies in the preparation and manufacture of the stem itself. It can be made from a power rod from decommissioned crane equipment: they are made from the same types of steels and have approximately the same overall dimensions.

Making a mechanical hammer

The most affordable design is a spring-type mechanical hammer: it is compact and can be quite productive: el. the drive can provide up to 200 ... 300 strokes per minute.

Homemade blacksmith hammer spring type with electric drive consists of:

  1. Email engine that controls the rotation of the crankshaft.
  2. Actuating mechanism for generating vibrations.
  3. Springs (use automotive, not having cracks and delaminations of metal).
  4. Striker with a system of guide elements.
  5. Beds of T-shaped type.
  6. Chabot or lower plate, where the actual forging is performed.

Download spring hammer drawings


How to make a Forging Hammer - DIY

In small or individual forges that accept orders for a variety of products - products artistic forging, a small tool such as axes, etc. - often there is a need to use not manual labor, and related forging equipment. How to do equipment, as well as some structures blacksmith hammers available for self-manufacturing, are discussed below.

A hammer is a percussion machine that deforms a heated workpiece not by force, but by deformation energy. Much less frequently they are used in cold forging where it is more expedient to use the press.

The most successful designs use two types of energy - potential and kinetic. Potential

is determined by the mass of the striker m, the acceleration of free fall g and the height h with which the striker moves down. The implementation of only this component would lead to an exorbitant increase in the height of the lift.

In turn, the realized kinetic energy

depends not so much on the mass as on the velocity v of the collision with the deformable metal. Thus, the initial parameters should be:

  • Weight;
  • Movement speed.

In addition, from the point of view of forging productivity, the number of blows per unit time and the closed plan height are also of great importance (the parameter is important for determining the maximum dimensions of the workpiece that can be placed in the forging space).

Compressed air, steam, and various mechanical devices are used as energy carriers. Not all of the above are suitable for homemade development. For example, steam is definitely not suitable, since for this you will have to specially build a boiler station. A number of mechanical systems - a belt, a chain, a board - are also unacceptable due to their high complexity, as well as the need to use scarce and expensive components. In particular, high-quality beech, cedar or ash wood will be required for the drive board (and these species will not withstand more than 40 ... 50 hours of operation). Forging hammers with a belt or chain have even greater structural complexity.

Thus, the most suitable schemes for manufacturing are options using compressed air as an energy carrier, as well as mechanisms based on a very fast reciprocating oscillatory movement of parts such as springs or levers.

Pneumatic constructions

Figure-1 Pneumatic version.

Machines can be single or double acting. In the second case, the tool is additionally accelerated due to the increased pressure that is created by the compressor, using a special switchgear - a spool. The spool controls the unit, providing the supply of energy to the cavity above the striker.

For homemade more suitable options with a single cylinder, where the movement occurs in one cavity. The equipment turns out to be quite simple from a constructive point of view, and if there is a workshop, it may well be made by hand.

The cylinder can be opened either from above or from below. (according to the location of the compressor piston). The equipment operates as follows.

With the cylinder open at the top, the movement from the electric motor is transmitted to the crank shaft, which is rigidly connected to the compressor piston. The piston, which is connected to the tool with the help of a rod, is at this time below, on the anvil. When the compressor piston moves up, a vacuum is created under it, which captures the rod and forces it to be carried along the guides upwards.

When the crankshaft passes through its upper position, the compressor piston begins to move downward, and compresses the air that is in the space between the pistons. Energy and stroke are determined by the size of this space, the mass of moving parts and the pressure that the air blower creates.

Scheme with a cylinder

open at the top, somewhat more difficult. It includes:

  1. working piston.
  2. Compressor piston.
  3. Stock.
  4. Boyok.
  5. Control lever.
  6. Connecting rod.
  7. Crank.
How does it work

With the cylinder open from above, the compressor piston can freely slide along the rod, working out the trajectory that is given to it by the lever through the crank mechanism. Thus, the stroke will depend not only on the vacuum in the cavity, but also on the weight of the moving parts. This technique has a significant drawback - increased wear of the levers, which operate in conditions of constant vibration, with sharply changing loads.

The control system for single-cylinder structures is as follows. The control system has two handles. One is designed to reverse the drive of the crank mechanism (however, a control stroke sensor can be installed here). By moving the compressed air supply handle, you can control the intensity of the impact, because at a certain position of the handle, the volume of the working space - and, consequently, the impact power - is different.

A common drawback of this type of equipment is the impossibility of its operation in the idle swing mode: until the drive is turned off, the striker will inflict continuous blows on the workpiece. Manufacturing will require a compressor unit, as well as a pneumatic cylinder suitable in size and performance.

Power Drive Designs

Of all the varieties, the easiest to make for the forge hammer with lever drive. V mechanical settings, the tool can move both along the arc of a circle and reciprocating.

In its simplest version (without guides, the presence of which for forging not always required) the aggregate will include:

How does it work

The scheme functions as follows. The thorax has the ability to rotate around its axis. A lever system is also mounted there, which controls the movements of the hammer.

This system, in turn, is connected by means of hinges to the connecting rod and - through it - to the crank mechanism, which converts the rotational movement of the electric motor into reciprocating movement of the connecting rod.

At the opposite end of the system, rubber buffers are installed, which, on the one hand, soften the impact of the hammer on the forging, but. on the other hand, they contribute to the appearance of vibrations that increase the supply of kinetic energy. Thus, the efficiency during continuous operation is somewhat higher than with single strokes.

A rubber bumper is fixedly fixed on the bed, which is necessary to dampen ever-increasing vibrations and keep their amplitude in an acceptable range of values.

When you press the pedal, the tension roller pulls the pulley drive belt, after which, when the connecting rod is raised up, the hammer will repel from the buffer devices and compress the impact buffer. He accumulates kinetic energy, and gives it to the hammer. When the connecting rod is lowered, the hammer goes down and hits the workpiece. The force of impact and the speed of movement of the hammer depend on the energy parameters accumulated by the chipper. The stroke of the hammer can be changed by shifting the axis in the required direction, for which the guides are intended.

There are several ways to change the number of moves.

  • Adjustment of the pressing force of the pressure roller to the motor pulley;
  • Changing the gear ratio of the motor pulley;
  • The use of a variator;
  • Installation on a DC motor drive.

Spring hammers are considered to be a constructive variety of lever designs. In contrast to the above design, here the role of a device that accumulates vibrations is performed by a conventional automobile spring.

The operational advantage of the considered mechanisms is the small stroke of the hammer, due to which the contact time of the tool with the workpiece is small, and its cooling during forging is less intensive.

Assembly drawings and guides

For the manufacture of homemade equipment will require quite a lot of components: a bed, a compressor, a V-belt drive, a crank mechanism. You can pick up a frame from a small open crank press in the warehouses of Vtorchermet (for the manufacture of such parts, castings from quality steel type 40GL or 45L according to GOST 977, which have a sufficient margin of safety for alternating loads).

When selecting a compressor unit, one should focus on models that are capable of creating pressures of at least 4 atm, otherwise the developed energy will not be enough to successfully deform the forgings. From the same considerations, choose the power of the electric motor and the parameters of the V-belt transmission.

To obtain parts, reinforced metal profiles are taken mainly from medium-carbon structural steels - pipes with thick walls, thick-plate rolling. Castings should be avoided as it is difficult to check the quality of a cast billet at home. Impact loads are well perceived by tool steels of the 7XV2C type, which have enhanced impact toughness characteristics with high strength after heat treatment.

Blueprints, Photo, as well as guidance materials on how to assemble the required equipment, there are:

Slap-foot hammers
Photos, drawings and description

Friction hammers
drawing, description

Spring-spring hammers
drawings and description

All presented designs are quite affordable for DIY, with a minimum of required metalworking operations. .

Videos forging hammer

Illustration of the work of the considered technique

Homemade blacksmith hammer