Moisture separator KAMAZ principle of operation. Making a moisture separator with your own hands. Homemade adsorption type dehumidifier

  • 12.07.2018

This is a copy of my blog entry. In order not to produce links and not to engage in, as some here think, PR, I post it in its entirety.
Thank you all, enjoy watching))

Hello everyone.
As you already understood from the name, it will not be about the Volga, not about the Volga at all.
Since I am a person, still young and still inquisitive, I decided, together with a friend, to help my relative, namely, to treat his VAZ 2113 cosmetically, at the same time to fill my hand before painting the Volga.
Promised to do it! But work and the constant need for Seryoga's car, plus my work and the work of my friend, combined with the personal affairs of each of us, did not give us the opportunity to start.
But somehow I don’t remember in the afternoon, Seryoga sends me a photo:

Modern compressors are delivered in the form of a ready-made unit, consisting of a compressor and a motor engine. There are also many additional unified devices that facilitate the operation and installation of the device. The industry cannot exist without compressors, thanks to which the drinking water and air in large industrial cities.

The huge variety of structures used does not distinguish many types of compressors. There are two main types, each of which has its own distinctive features. These are displacement and turbochargers, and both of them are known to many. There is a lot of information available on the Internet that anyone can read.

On which it is clearly visible that the moment of the beginning of work has come.
By the way, Seregina is not to blame for this accident. He drove up to work, and a 200 Kruzak drove up in front of him and stood in front of the gate, sat there, thought about something, turned on the back and drove to Seregin before 2113.
Fortunately, the guy got adequate (not in terms of driving in reverse))) and did not deny his guilt.
In general, work began in 2113:

In the case of volume, a certain amount of gas is enclosed in a working chamber, the movements of which are rectilinear or rotational. As the volume of the chamber is mechanically reduced, this causes an increase in pressure. Moving it from the entrance to the exit of the machine is also the result of a mechanical reduction in volume. The gas moves at a variable speed and the output flow is pulsating.

In turbochargers, there is a dynamic interaction between the transported gas and the blades of the working clothes. The movement of the wheel is rotating, the speed is high and constant. In this way, energy is transferred to the gas, resulting in an increase in pressure in the impeller.

Here's what happened in the end:

And there would be nothing for my first and Zhenya’s third time, but as it turned out, we had nothing to fight with water in the air, although there were two Chinese “moisture separators” that successfully began to let water through at the stage of completion of the repair, that is, at the stage of applying varnish . It's very disappointing when you try, you try, and you seem to really try, and in the end, for technical reasons, such a disaster.
But they didn’t leave 2113 in trouble and went through a couple of times with polishing compounds, if you don’t know where and what was, then you can only see it if you carefully examine it.
And now the epic with the 13th is over, it is given to Seryoga, Seryoga, in turn, is happy and grateful for the free repair, he even promised to feed him a barbecue, but now he has his own problems through the roof, so we will not rush him.
But the problem with moisture separation remained hanging out in my head, I climbed on YouTube and found experienced painters there, who, as it turned out later, gave very practical advice.
Basically, there are 2 types of do-it-yourself dehumidifiers made:
1st is a pipe sealed on both sides and standing vertically (the length is different for each master)
From the bottom on the side it has an entrance, and from the top on the opposite side there is an exit and from the bottom end there is a drain cock,
Air entering the pipe under pressure breaks against the opposite wall and rises through the pipe, leaving condensate on its walls, and the air comes out from above, already less humid, almost dry.
2nd is a modified water filter (specifically, you can find it on YouTube without any problems)
filled with cat litter containing silica gel (like mine) or pure silica gel, I don’t know where it is specifically used, but people find it somewhere.
After thinking about which one to do, I decided not to think for a long time and do both)))
The first of them will serve as a coarse filter, the second as a fine filter.
Below is a photo, everything will be clear from them:

Meanwhile, the kinetic energy increases, and part of it is transformed into a further increase in pressure in the products after wear. The absence of pulsations is due to the continuous flow of gas from the inlet to the outlet. Axial and centrifugal compressors are turbochargers, which are the second main type.

Video: making a do-it-yourself dehumidifier

Both types of compressors are widely used in industry. Today, the number of factories and enterprises is huge, which naturally leads to the need for compressors. Compressed air is also very important, especially for large treatment facilities. With its help, people's health safety is growing tremendously.

When he did it, his father was interested in what the bullshit was for and how it worked, already at that moment a plan had matured in his head.
He saw the same 2113 after repair, and decided that since such a booze, then we will also paint his field, bought for walking with a dog in the forest, traveling along the route village-forest forest-village))
He decided - we are bonded people, we paint.
I convinced my father of the irresistibility of the khaki color, it was on this particular Vase model that it started, plus by the time the fields were painted, the dehumidifiers were already ready for battle, but not ennobled.
After a successful, extremely successful test, I can state that the field is painted, and the dehumidifier - dehumidifies)))

In addition to accessing a wide range of undercoats, top coats and high quality bases, modern body shops have modern equipment from sprayers to complex structures for automatics. It would seem that nothing prevents you from getting the perfect varnish. Why then "red eyes", craters, round holes, incorrect inclusions, water spots or loss of traction? The reason is the poor quality of compressed air. Many varnishers, absorbed in choosing high quality varnish and installing modern varnishing devices, do not remember that the main factor that has a great effect on the final effect in the process of painting and surface preparation is compressed air.

In front of the spray gun hangs a small transparent (similar to a carburetor gasoline filter) Chinese separator, with a drain valve, which, when painting without moisture separators, had to be lowered almost once every half a minute, turned out to be generally dry.
The whole process of painting, I did not take my eyes off him, the water did not appear in it, although the weather was wet, after the rain.
In short, if someone decides to make a dehumidifier for himself and doubts whether such a handmade will be of any use, relying on own experience I can say yes. TOTAL IS.
And finally, a photo of the same dehumidifier painted, tested in battle (by the way, painted according to all the canons of car paint, reactive primer-acrylic primer-acrylic, how is it different now, because now it’s just painters)))))
Good luck and good luck to everyone))

Its poor quality may show up as water, oil or solids in the pneumatic system and finished products. The occurrence of these factors is a natural side effect of the air compression process, however, it can be aggravated by the use of a poor quality compressor, lack of adequate quality filters and drying equipment. It should be clearly stated that it is not enough to install a "settler" to get rid of moisture in the compressed air, just as it is not enough to install a "filter reducer" to completely remove oil or particulate matter.

The task of the moisture separator as an important device that helps car painters work is to perform the role of a dehumidifier for excessively humid air passing through the spray gun or compressor. Why do you need to do this? Without oil and moisture separator applied to the elements of the car body the paint will peel off quickly, and the body itself to rust. The use of this device is a guarantee that the paintwork (LCP) of your car will last long enough.

The air sucked in by the compressor always contains moisture, the amount of which depends on the current weather conditions. Thus, we do not influence the humidity sucked in by the compressor, but we influence its amount in the compressed air. All compressors emit more or less oil for compressed air installations, as well as solid impurities, the amount of which depends on the degree of efficiency of the suction filter compressor.

How to get rid of water from the installation?

Depending on the type of compressor, you must adjust the location of the compressed air handling equipment accordingly. The choice of such equipment is even more on the market than compressors. However, not every device is able to provide the air of the desired quality. Let's start with dehumidifiers.

Factory or homemade moisture-oil separator?

Unless you're a professional car painter, you probably don't feel the need to purchase a water separator designed and built by any major manufacturer. The power of the device and the amount of paint that it is able to pass through itself on an industrial scale greatly affect the price that not every car owner is willing to pay.

Compressor air dryer: do-it-yourself budget model

The principle of operation of the refrigeration dryer is to cool the compressed air in the evaporator of the refrigeration circuit with the help of a coolant. Water condenses from the cooled air, which is removed by an automatic drain valve. The advantage of the refrigerant dryer is relatively low price, no replacement, and fast wear parts. The disadvantage is the relatively high humidity of the compressed air, which threatens to cause water droplets and freezing as a result of expansion at the gun nozzle.

What then to do if you urgently need to paint, for example, a car fender or repaint it completely, and I don't have the money to go to a car dealership right now.? You can try to make a dehumidifier with your own hands, as suggested in the video.

In addition, the compressed air installation must run inside the building, otherwise water will fall out of the building in winter due to cooling below the dew point. For this reason, it is not recommended for drawing. The second type of dehumidifier - adsorption dryer is made of two columns filled with moisture absorbing adsorbent. While one column is running into another, the bed is being regenerated. Regeneration of the deposit is cyclical and is controlled in time or depends on the degree of saturation of the deposit.

Adsorption dryers are divided into two types: cold regenerated, where regenerated compressed air is used to regenerate the bed and heat reclaimed, which regenerates the bed using an independent heated air blower. The main advantage of adsorption dryers is to obtain air with very low relative humidity, which effectively prevents condensation and freezing of water due to air expansion. The disadvantage of this type of dryers is their relatively high price, the need for periodic replacement of the adsorbent and the loss of approximately 15% of the dried compressed air absorbed in the bed regeneration.

Below we will tell you how to assemble an efficient, working, reliable dehumidifier.

There are three ways by which excess moisture is removed from the air entering the paint compressor:

  1. special filters;
  2. application of centrifugal force;
  3. exposure to low temperatures.

Varieties of do-it-yourself dehumidifiers

In connection with the methods indicated above, which are used to remove excess moisture from the air dehumidifier, qualified painters distinguish between the following types of these devices:

Adsorption dryers meet all requirements for painting. The efficiency of all dryers depends on the mass of the air flow, so it is extremely important to choose the right dryer for the compressor operating conditions. You can't expect any savings because a poorly chosen desiccant will at best not maintain the dew point and at worst flood the bed and have to replace all the desiccant in the dryer.

How to get clean air?

Drying is one step in the treatment of compressed air, the other is its filtration. Properly carried out filtration process allows you to get air virtually free of oil and solid impurities. Air filters are used to remove oil and particulate matter. Proper filtering is to use an appropriate combination of initial and fine filters. Depending on the location of the dryer, it is necessary to use a cyclone separator in front of the filter system, the function of which is to mechanically separate impurities by introducing air into a vortex motion on inside cyclone.

  • with a refrigeration method for separating moisture;
  • with silica gel that absorbs excess moisture;
  • with a cyclone.

None of the described types of dehumidifiers has no undeniable advantages in front of others. Each has certain disadvantages. To do right choice, before starting to manufacture an oil-moisture separator with your own hands, you should carefully consider and analyze the diagrams of the types of devices and clearly know your goals for which this device is needed.

Large particles are ejected by centrifugal force and travel down the inner wall to the bottom of the filter, from where they are removed through a drain valve. The job of this type of filter is to pass air through several filter layers. In the inner layer of the filter cartridges, the aerosols are pre-cleaned. The particles are deposited on the fibers, which coagulate and form larger and larger droplets. Droplets, along with other impurities, are pushed into the outer layer of the filter cartridge, from where they drip to the bottom of the filter housing, and then through the drain valve they are removed to the outside.

Before you start assembling the device, you will need small tool kit, which will greatly facilitate your work process:

  • Screwdriver Set;
  • a set of keys;
  • insulation material;
  • welding machine;
  • hammer;
  • drill;
  • glue.

Homemade apparatus with a cyclone cleaning method

The principle by which such dehumidifiers operate is that as soon as air enters the chamber of the device, it begins to rotate rapidly under the action of centrifugal force. Heavy particles (oil, condensate or sand), which are currently in the air, are influenced by centrifugal force, and they are thrown onto the walls of the chamber. At the same time, the air, purified from impurities and excess moisture, passes through the hole located in the lower part of the chamber and is sent to the compressor.

The air filters use standard steam traps as well as automatic drain valves. A treatment system with an adsorption dryer must contain original and accurate filters for deaeration at the inlet and a dust filter at the outlet. Since oil can destroy the desiccant layer, high quality filters should be used.

An important feature of the choice of filter systems is the exact determination of the amount of compressed air required for the painting process. This fully complies with the recommendations of the International Organization for Standardization Technical Committee regarding the quality of compressed air for painting.

To make such a device, you need to find:

  • a gas cylinder that was previously used to store propane;
  • welding machine;
  • Union;
  • 2 metal tubes small size and length.

Work procedure

You need to perform work in the following sequence:

  1. the cylinder must be installed with the crane down;
  2. one of the fittings is attached to the top of the cylinder by welding, air will be supplied through it to the inlet;
  3. we measure 2/3 of the height of the cylinder body and attach the second fitting with a welding machine, which will work for the exit;
  4. if you want to achieve better efficiency from a do-it-yourself dehumidifier, cut the cylinder body in half, pour wood sawdust or shavings inside, and put a grid at the bottom of the device that will act as a filter. After that, gently weld the two halves of the future apparatus to each other and check it for leaks.

The cyclone oil and moisture separator is now ready for use.

Factory or homemade moisture-oil separator?

last but very important issue related to the use of compressed air is the proper use of "residues" after the compression process, namely the water-oil condensate removed by air dryers and drain valves under tanks and filters. Water oil condensate is always created regardless of the type of compressors used. In case of oil lubricated reciprocating compressors it takes on a highly emulsified form with a thick creamy consistency. When screw compressors oil lubricated is a mixture of water containing approximately 5% oil.

To make this type of dryer, you will need a used water filter, preferably an oil filter, and silica gel. The main difficulty in creating this device with your own hands is to correctly place the layer of silica gel.

The most common types of homemade dehumidifiers

From oil-free compressors, acidic aggressive condensate is obtained due to the lack of a neutralizing agent, which is oil. Under no circumstances should condensate containing oil be discharged into the sewer without treatment. The conditions under which condensation occurs should clearly define environmental regulations.

If you want to live in harmony with the rules and not destroy natural environment to treat condensate, you must use devices called water oil separators. The principle of operation of these devices is to use the difference in the specific gravity of water and oil, which accumulates on the surface of the water in the upper part of the distribution tank and is transferred by transfer to a separate tank. This pre-cleaned condensate flows through an easily absorbing oil pre-filter and then through an adsorption filter.

Operating procedure:

  1. disassemble the used car oil filter into its component parts;
  2. Check the condition of the pipe through which oil was previously supplied to the filter. If it is in a satisfactory condition, it is quite possible to make it the place of entry of air into the chamber of the dehumidifier;
  3. inspect the filter for additional holes that may compromise the tightness of the product, and remove them with silicone sealant or bolts with gaskets;
  4. repeat steps 1 in reverse order;
  5. pour silica gel into empty spaces to completely fill them;
  6. fix the top cover of the filter with a bolt;
  7. if you need it, weld on the brackets to mount your dehumidifier in a convenient location.

Homemade device with a refrigeration cleaning method

The principle of operation of such a moisture separator is based on the knowledge that moisture has the ability to condense due to exposure to low temperatures. Due to the high-quality removal of excess moisture from the air supplied to the compressor, such devices are very popular among professional car painters. You can make a similar moisture-oil separator with your own hands: you just need to pass the air mixture through refrigeration equipment or a freezer.

The pre-filter binds the remaining oil droplets together while the adsorption filter retains the last minute particles. Separate oil collected in a separate container and used adsorption filter cartridges must be disposed of. clean water can be directed to the sewer through the outlet.

It should be noted that the process of proper preparation of compressed air has key value for the quality of the resulting varnish coating. To select the right equipment, it is best to contact companies that sell and install pneumatic devices on a daily basis. The company provides its customers with a professional and efficient service. The company's technical and commercial consultants provide essential assistance in the correct configuration of the device layout, and round-the-clock service is a guarantee of safe operation.

Difficulties in the manufacture of this type of unit are as follows:

  1. it is necessary to decide how the condensate will be discharged from the dehumidifier. To do this, a special fitting can be welded to the freezer chamber;
  2. you need to take care of the complete sealing of your device.

Important recommendations to help you make a homemade compressor dehumidifier

Based on the above, you can assume that making a reliable oil and moisture separator with your own hands is a simple matter that does not take much time and effort. This is true. At the same time, you should try very hard to ensure that the device turns out to be of high quality and performs the functions assigned to it, otherwise the paintwork of your car will not last long. To do this, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • check your unit for compliance technical specifications compressor. It may turn out that your homemade apparatus will not be able to withstand the power of the spray gun;
  • use quality materials for welding;
  • check the fittings and pipes for trouble-free passage of the air mixture through them;
  • use high-quality sealants and test the tightness of your product.