Fortune telling on the magic mirror of love online. Fortune telling on the mirror: varieties and features of preparation for the ritual

  • 26.09.2019

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Divination - Mirror of the World

Divination on mirrors has always been considered the most mysterious and fabulous, because the main attribute at all times was endowed with a variety of magical properties, and for good reason. On our site you can use a very interesting and useful application fortune telling "Mirror of the World" online mode. All that is required of you is a little concentration on the mirror and the formulation of the question to which you wish to receive an answer through fortune-telling.
Fortune telling "Mirror of the world" was very popular in Russia, but now the opportunity to read fortunes on the mirror online is no less popular. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, being girls, used to guess at Christmas time, for which they took a round or oval mirror with a silver coating in a wooden frame, which was kept wrapped in a silk scarf in between fortune-telling. Three days before the fortune-telling, they prepared magnetic water and charged the mirror. For this 15 minutes the hands were kept under the stream. cold water... Three glasses were filled with the same water, placed on a porcelain or marble surface in a triangle, at a distance of 15 cm from each other. After that, the hands were rubbed against each other until the skin was completely dry. Holding above the glass to the left left hand, mentally “charged” the water in it, transferring their positive energy to it. The same was done with water from the right glass, holding over it right hand... After this procedure, the water in each of the three glasses acquired its own taste: the water from the glass in the middle did not change, but in the left glass it became almost tasteless, acquiring a slightly stagnant shade. The water from the right glass, magnetic, had a pleasant refreshing, slightly metallic taste.
Then, putting a mirror in front of you, they put up a white candle on the left, a red one on the right. The candles were lit, and the hands were held above the mirror at a distance of 5 cm, breathing calmly for 15 minutes. After this session, the mirror was wrapped in a silk scarf and kept in a dark place for 3 days. On the day of fortune-telling, they washed their hands in magnetic water, took out a mirror and lit right side from it a blue candle, and on the left - a yellow one. Then they gazed into the reflection of their eyes, and after a while the mirror went into flashes and circles. After that, the surface of the mirror darkened, then brightened, and various pictures from the past, present and future were observed in it, which were then given an interpretation.
On our website, the online version of the "Mirror of the World" divination is at your service 20 hours out of 24.

Representatives of the fair sex have been spellbound on mirrors since ancient times, since objects were endowed with magical properties that could blur the line between the real and the other worlds. The technique is very popular in modern world.

Divination using mirrors is unpredictable. If you do not complete the process on time and correctly, you can face a lot of unpleasant consequences.

Preparing for the ritual

Fortune telling is dangerous, so serious preparation is required. Performing a magical action, learn the rules of the ritual:

  • Spell in a place where no one will disturb. Choose an area where the spirits may be living: a barn, an attic, or an abandoned building.
  • Do your mirror practice at midnight, preferably on a full moon.
  • Do not guess on church holidays, this terrible sin.
  • At the time of the ritual, there should be no clothes or jewelry on the body. Unwind your braids. Loosen your hair.
  • As soon as you feel a threat, stop fortune-telling, say loudly three times: "Chur, me!" and cross yourself.
  • Do not guess if you are suspicious or suffer from heart disease. Events can develop rapidly and hostilely. Faced with negativity, the heart can not stand it.

Fortune-telling stages using one or more mirrors

In magic, it is important that a person remains alone in a room. Wait until midnight and sit down at the table, before that, strip naked. Place a mirror on the table with two burning candles on either side of it. white.

You can take two mirrors and put them opposite each other so that a spatial corridor is formed. In it, perhaps you will see your future or the image of your betrothed. After preparation, turn off the light and begin the ritual.

Divination by the betrothed

After waiting for midnight and focusing on fortune-telling, say:

"My betrothed, disguised, show yourself to me in this mirror!"

Be patient, you will have to wait several hours in a row. When the image appears in the reflection, try to make out the image before it gets close.

If you are afraid, end the fortune-telling with the phrase: "Chur, me!". After these words, the vision will disappear. If you do not have time to pronounce the final phrase, otherworldly forces will penetrate into the human world. At the end of the fortune-telling, blow out the candles, cover and remove the mirror so as not to allow evil spirits to move into the real world.

Divination with candles

Place a cup of water and a pinch of salt. Draw thirteen small crosses with wax candles on the reflective side of the mirror. Place it on an unmade table, and light two candles on both sides.

Sit opposite and say thirteen times in a row:

“A mirror is a lake, fire is a mighty force, salt is bitter tears. Tell me what lies ahead for me? "

Eat a pinch of salt and wash it down with water. Keep looking closely at the reflection. Images from the future will come within 15 minutes.

If the action does not occur, turn the mirror over the reflective surface to the table and, silently, go to bed. In a dream, future events will be dreamed.

Rite of passage with a small mirror

Write on the reflective surface of the pocket accessory what you want to dream about. If relationships with a young man are important, write the word "love", you are interested in the financial situation - "money."

Wrap the mirror in a cotton scarf and hide it under the pillow. In a dream, the answer to the question will appear in the form of signs and hints.

Fortune telling at a street crossroads

Walk out into the clear moonlit night at the intersection with a mirror in your hands. Stand so that it reflects the month and say:

"The betrothed-mummer, show yourself in my mirror."

After these words, the appearance of the future husband will appear in the reflection. Seeing him, quickly say a charm-spell: "Chur, me!" and it will disappear. If the fortune-telling was successful, return home without looking back.

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  • Divination using mirrors is magic for strong-willed people. Perhaps a strong influence on the psyche. If you are afraid, stop the process without waiting for the phenomenon.
  • Take a new fortune-telling mirror, without cracks or stains. Don't provoke an accident.
  • Do not turn around during divination. Don't leave the room without completing the ritual.
  • Keep a handkerchief nearby so that you can cover the mirror at any time.
  • Turn off everything that interferes with divination: TV, mobile phone, computer, etc. The pet should not be present.

If you are brave, reckless, or a hint from higher powers is vital, try the divination method using mirrors! And for fearful girls, the option with the use of cards or candles is suitable, something simple and safe.

The mirror occupies a special place among the objects that are used in ritual and ceremonial actions. In the mirror, they have always seen not only a reflection, but also a kind of door behind which the unknown is hidden. The English writer-mathematician L. Carroll sent a little girl Alice to the Looking Glass, apparently hoping to learn the world “on the other side of the mirror”.

The ancient Chinese believed that with the help of two bronze mirrors, then bringing them together, then spreading them apart, the goddess Dian-mu carves lightning. It was believed that the goddess Dian-mu illuminates the hearts of sinners with her mirror lightning, who should be punished by the god of thunder. The ancient Greek hero Perseus managed to defeat the gorgon Medusa, from whose gaze all living things turned to stone, looking at her reflection in his polished to mirror shine copper shield.

In the old days, not only girls, but also men and women of all ages used to read mirrors on almost any day of the year. The most real fortune-telling in the mirror is performed under open air in the moonlight. If necessary, you can guess in the house ( best time for this it is considered midnight) in silence, twilight and loneliness. In the distant past, girls wondered in attics, in sheds, with loose hair and an untied belt.

Once upon a time, fortune-telling on mirrors was considered quite dangerous, and in our times there is still a warning: fortune-telling with mirrors is suitable for persons with a rich imagination, but it is categorically contraindicated for those who are too nervous and impressionable. Divination mirrors should not be used for any other purpose. Therefore, they are stored separately from household items, wrapped in a dark cloth (silk or velvet), and laid with a mirror surface down. Never use cracked mirrors for fortune telling. A mirror, on which a crack appeared during divination, is unsuitable for further use for whatever purpose. It is recommended that the new mirror be fumigated with incense before being used for predictive purposes. Saffron and violet root are considered the most suitable.

Divination by the mirror

Take a small mirror, stand by the window and direct the mirror so that it reflects the month. Look closely.

After a while, it should appear in the mirror for several months. Count them. How many months you count in the mirror, how many children you will have.

Fortune telling in the mirror about upcoming events

After midnight, pour water into a glass, place lighted candles on three sides of it, and a mirror behind the glass.

Look closely into the mirror through the glass. Different visions regarding your future destiny should appear in the mirror.

Guessing is best at night, in dark room... Prepare three mirrors and two church candles in advance.

Place two identical mirrors one against the other, in front of them are burning candles, set the third mirror so that it is behind you.

Draw a circle around you with chalk.

Look carefully in the mirror - the betrothed should appear behind you, looking over your shoulder in the mirror.

Do not turn around under any circumstances!

Divination in the mirror about the future

Refrain from salty foods before fortune-telling.

Cook big round mirror, a saucer of salt, a glass of water and two church candles.

After midnight, place the mirror on an uncloth table and draw 13 crosses on it with chalk. Install and light candles on either side of it.

Sit down at the table and repeat thirteen times: "Mirror is a lake, salt is tears, fire is strength, tell me what the future holds." Then eat some salt and drink a glass of water.

After that, gaze intently into the mirror surface - there you will see your future.

Divination by reflection in the mirror

Shortly before fortune-telling, it is advisable to light aromatic substances (dry herbs or fragrant resin) in front of a vessel with water.

Lower the mirror suspended on a metal chain into a wide flat vessel with water so that it only touches the surface of the water with its base. Lean over the mirror and carefully examine your reflection.

If in the mirror:

- the reflection of the face has acquired a greenish color - you will soon get sick;

- pink complexion - keep your health, vigor and vitality for a long time;

- the face seemed dull, almost black - to death;

- the eyes seem cloudy - the future is hazy, everything depends only on you;

- the eyes seem shiny and light - to great changes in life;

- the lips seem blue - to failures in matters of the heart;

- lips seem pink - for an imminent wedding or for a pleasant date with an interesting person;

-Lips appear greenish - soon you will have to say unpleasant things about yourself.

Divination by a mirror and a candle.

Take an oval mirror and place it in front of you. Light a candle. On a piece of paper, write the name of the betrothed and light it over the candle. Watch the burning paper in the mirror.

If paper:

- it will quickly flare up and just as quickly burn out - your relationship can be described as passionate, but most likely quickly transient;

- smoldering slowly - your union will be harmonious for many years.

Fortune telling by candle, mirror and salt.

Sprinkle salt on a flat plate, place a mirror next to it.

Light a candle and drip the wax onto the salt for about three minutes. After that, look at the shadow of the formed figure, which will be reflected in the mirror.

If you see an image in the mirror:

- boats - a journey ahead;

- flower - you will be presented with a gift;

- ring - you will soon get married or get married;

-Beds - you will get sick soon;

- a tree - a child will be born;

—Clouds - to dreams that are not destined to come true;

- a person - to a meeting with a stranger who will greatly influence you.

Fortune telling "Tunnel"

Prepare three mirrors different sizes and twelve candles. Each mirror should be an order of magnitude larger than the next.

The most small mirror Place it opposite the middle, and the largest behind the small. Place six candles on either side of the mirrors.

Look closely into the distance of the formed tunnel. If you see at the end of the tunnel:

- light - in the near future fate will present an unexpected gift;

- a woman's face - some woman weaves intrigues against you;

- a man's face - some man is plotting evil against you;

- home - to the long-awaited guests;

- a tree - to big money;

—Square - to long-term financial stability;

—Triangle - to minor problems;

- a circle - to a long period of instability, financial failures;

- a cat - to loneliness, divorce, quarrel;

- a dog - to find a new friend, acquaintance;

- boy - to luck in the monetary sphere;

- a girl - to success in her personal life;

- an old man - to big debts and poverty;

- an old woman - to failures in his personal life;

- crow - to trouble at work and gossip;

- dove - to new love;

- yourself - to very good news;

—Nothing to see - to death.

Fortune telling "Castle"

Before fortune-telling, prepare seven candles and a mirror.

Sit at a table covered with a thick, dark tablecloth. The room should be quiet and dark. Place a large oval mirror in front of you. Arrange the candles in the following order: put three candles in a row on both sides of the mirror, but so that the candles are reflected in the mirror. The seventh candlestick must form an angle with six candlesticks. Sit so that both you and the seven castle-shaped candles are reflected in the mirror.

Light candles and look in the mirror.

If you see:

- your face with a cheerful expression - prosperity and success await you;

- your face with a sad expression - there are troubles ahead;

- your face with an indifferent expression - nothing in life will change, everything will remain as it was;

- someone else's face with a joyful expression - someone will make you an amazing gift, a very significant increase in salary is also possible;

- someone else's face with a sad expression - someone is gossiping about you and weaving intrigues against you;

- an alien face with an indifferent expression - all your attempts to change your life for the better are doomed to failure due to the constant interference of someone;

- you will not see anything - death awaits you in the near future.

Divination by desire

Sit at the big long table... Place two candles around the edges of the table. Take two mirrors - a large and a small one. back side the small mirror should be matte.

On the back of a small mirror, draw the head of a horned devil and say: "Damn, damn, help - what to do, tell me." Then say a wish to yourself.

Place the mirror under the pillow and fall asleep immediately.

If you dream:

- Conceived means that the wish will come true;

—Something else (not conceived) - the wish will not come true.

Divination by the mirror and water

At midnight, sit down at a table and place a glass of water in front of you. Take two small mirrors. The reverse side of one mirror must be black. Write your wish on it in white chalk, put it under your pillow and go to bed.

If the next morning there is water in a glass:

- decreases - the wish will come true;

- does not decrease - the wish will not come true.

Divination by the mirror for a desire

Take a small mirror. Make a wish and look at the mirror surface for a long time. Then wrap the mirror in a handkerchief and throw it against the wall.

If the mirror:

-Will be broken - the desire is unrealizable;

- will remain whole - the wish will certainly come true.

Divination by the mirror for the betrothed

Write the name of the betrothed on the mirror. On a full moon night, place a mirror under your pillow. Before going to bed, repeat three times: "Dream, betrothed, come, disguised."

At night, your betrothed will definitely come to you.

Fortune telling on the mirror is one of the most ancient and terrible methods of fortune telling. This divination for love, well-known from literature, is now popular with courageous girls. The duration of this fortune-telling is difficult to determine: you can sit in front of the mirror far past midnight and see nothing, or you can take a nap and see a lot in a quick dream. And you will definitely meet the groom, if not in the mirror, then in real life, you can't escape fate.

Basically, there are two methods of divination on mirrors: fortune-telling on one mirror and one candle and fortune-telling on two mirrors and two candles. Nowadays, fortune telling on the mirror is popular online.

You can go to the choice of another method of fortune telling on the page

Virtual version of fortune telling

Divination on the mirror for the betrothed and fate

Fortune-telling on one mirror would be more correct to call “Mirror of Fate” or “Mirror of the Future”. This method of fortune telling with a mirror and a candle was used not only by girls, but also by representatives of the stronger sex for fortune telling for the future and fate. The ideal time for divination on the mirror on Christmastide is around midnight. It is necessary to sit in front of a mirror, put a candle in front of you, ask a question of interest and peer into the mirror. What you see is what awaits you in the near future. But after any fortune-telling, it is still necessary to remember that we ourselves create our own destiny.

The main goal of the girls of fortune telling in the mirror was to see their love, or, as they used to say, their betrothed, who was the fate of girls at all times. For fortune-telling on the mirror, a candle is lit on the narrowed one to the left of the mirror, and the fortune-telling girl carefully peers into the dusk in the mirror, while in the waving of the candle flame, one can recognize the silhouette of a person or his face.

Let's tell you more about how to read the mirror. In order to read fortunes on the mirror, you need at midnight in complete silence and loneliness, in one nightgown, without any belts and ties, loose your hair, take a mirror, a candle and a towel with you, come to the kitchen, or to the bathhouse, so, so that no one knows about your intention to tell fortunes in the mirror. There should be no one or any sounds. Place the mirror on the table, sit in front of the mirror, light the candles and concentrate fully. The candle should be the only light source. And, peering into the mirror smooth surface, say: "My betrothed, mummer, come to drink tea", "My betrothed-mummer, come to me for supper", "My betrothed, mummer, show me" - according to belief, a devil should appear in the mirror constricted. Shortly before the arrival of the betrothed, the candle begins to shine less brightly or the flame sways slightly, the mirror dims or darkens, you need to immediately wipe it with a towel.

If you look closely at the left shoulder of his reflection, then the groom comes and looks over the girl's shoulder in the mirror. Consider the face that has appeared, cross yourself and cast a charm spell three times: "Out of this place!". After these words, the image of a man will disappear, and you will be out of danger. If you don't say these words, then, according to eyewitnesses, the groom who appears sits down at the table and puts some thing on it. If a girl says the word "chur", then this thing will be presented to her. In this method of divination for love, there is an indication that if suddenly the phantom of the betrothed came out of the mirror, do not forget why you called him and give him tea, otherwise the devil will cling to you. As soon as the fortune-telling on the mirror is over, it is necessary to blow out the candles and remove the mirror so that the evil spirits do not have the opportunity to leave the mirror.

Divination on mirrors for the betrothed

In the more common method of fortune-telling on mirrors, the betrothed can be fortune-telling with two mirrors and two candles. In the evening, they take two mirrors and set one against the other so that in one of the mirrors a mirrored corridor of their reflections, illuminated by candles, appears. At midnight, in complete silence and loneliness, the girl lights candles on both sides of the mirrors and says: "My betrothed, mummer, come drink tea", "My betrothed-mummer, come to me to have supper", "My betrothed, mummer, show me ”And begins to gaze intently at the end of the gallery of the mirrored corridor, hoping to see his fiancé.

According to beliefs, this corridor can call the devil himself, since by creating such a corridor, you create a door to another dimension. As soon as the betrothed appeared in the corridor, you need to consider the appeared groom, cross yourself, say the amulet three times: "Out of this place!" and lower the mirrors with a mirrored surface down to close the door between measurements.

Divination by the betrothed with a mirror in Russia

In Russia, in the old days, fortune-telling for the betrothed with a mirror was carried out in a remote village in old bath... This method of fortune telling was considered one of the most terrible, since the fortuneteller must necessarily be alone, at night on the "terrible" Christmas days. They began to guess at midnight, the girl was alone in the room and from fear she often fainted. I had to close myself in the bathhouse, strip naked, sit in front of the mirror by the heater on a wooden bench. On both sides of the mirror, there should have been two lighted candles, necessarily consecrated in the church. Another mirror was installed between the fortune-telling girl and the mirror, "facing" the first one. Thus, the girl saw in the mirrors a whole gallery of reflected mirrors. At midnight, she mentally summoned all the forces of earth, fire, water and sky and asked them to show the future betrothed. Then she watched very carefully so as not to miss the moment of the appearance of the figure. She looked at the groom who appeared, crossed herself and uttered the words of the amulet: “Keep away from this place!”, Lowered the mirrors down. After the fortune-telling, which lasted from an hour to three, the girl always read a prayer with gratitude higher powers... The face and hands were washed with spring water and dried with a new towel. She dressed in clean, new clothes and went into the house. You couldn't talk to anyone and you had to go to bed right away for the prediction to come true. After the fortune-telling, the mirrors were carefully wrapped in a new towel and hid in a secret place.

Divination on mirrors and consequences

Fortune telling on the mirror is considered one of the most creepy and dangerous ways of Russians. Christmas divination on the betrothed. It didn't matter if the girl was wondering alone or with her friends. Fortunetellers in Russia warned girls about the danger and warned them. The girls were told that if the groomsman saw a woman and called her after him, but she did not have time to cross herself and say “Stop me!” Three times, folding the mirrors, he would take her spirit into the secret world of the Looking Glass, and the fortuneteller would fall to the floor dead.

There is a legend that Alexander the Great before the decisive battle, peering into the mirror for a long time, saw himself. A golden helmet was put on his head, although the greatest Macedonian commander wore no helmet. The ghost disappeared after a while. The wise old man explained to Alexander what he saw as a good sign and a harbinger of victories.

Once looking into the rotating mirror brought by Nostradamus, Catherine de Medici was able to see pictures of some festivities, streams of blood and fires - it was the night of St. Bartholomew. She clearly saw the man on the deathbed, and recognized him as her son Henry III.

The famous writer V. Safonov, who studies all the inexplicable, during fortune-telling on the mirror saw his bride in the looking glass, which, nevertheless, he met after many years of waiting. He owns the book "Untold Reality", in which he talks about the Looking Glass.

Through the looking glass are worlds that are in an otherworldly connection with reality. The worlds through the looking glass become spirit-guiding transitions that manipulate the energies of time and life. These energies in these worlds become "fetishes" of spirits, for which any realization of life is subject.

Looking through the looking glass

Since ancient times, people have treated the mirror with great caution and apprehension, as a mystical attribute, they believed that the mirror is a kind of magical feature that separates our real world from the world of otherworldly spirits. In those days, mirrors had a convex shape and a dark surface. This object caused superstitious fear in people, and was called the mirror of sorcerers. Each sorceress had a small mirror in addition to a large cauldron for making potions. It had to be fed with light from the full moon, and hidden from the sun during the day. With the help of a magic mirror, the sorceress could keep evil spirits and demons locked up, summon the devil, induce the evil eye and damage. She looked suspiciously at the mirrors and the Inquisition. It is known that in 1321, the maiden Beatrice de Planissol was accused of heresy and sentenced to life imprisonment just because a mirror was found among her belongings. Only the fact of owning such a thing could bring a woman to the stake.

What caused these things to happen? It was believed that a stellar passage was formed in the mirror, and during fortune-telling on the mirror, a fortune-telling woman observes an astral copy of the future. Assumed existence parallel world, where any thing or person has a reflection - an astral body, so in the Looking Glass you can see not only your future groom, but also your destiny. However, when, in the process of fortune-telling, a person fails to timely terminate communication with the looking-glass world, then either the looking-glass entity penetrates into our world, feeling great in it, or it will carry the fortuneteller's soul into the looking-glass, who will instantly perish.

Mirrors in the old days were attributed magical properties... The custom of covering mirrors when there is a deceased in the house also reflects this attitude of our ancestors to the magic of mirrors. Why did they close the mirrors if there was a deceased in the house? It is believed that the soul of the deceased through the "open window" of the mirror can drag a person into another world. Or, on the contrary, restless souls from the Looking Glass can enter the house. In ancient times, people took glass surfaces that reflect their appearance much more seriously. The men tried not to look in the mirrors at all. Women did this only when urgently needed. For an hour no one stared at their reflection, because it was considered very dangerous. According to Greek myth, Narcissus, who could not tear himself away from his reflection in the pond, turned into a flower. Looking into her eyes, reflected from the shining shield, Medusa Gorgon turned to stone. The appearance of a person, his energy attracted from the looking glass a mysterious intangible creature. It was located on the other side of the transparent surface and exactly scanned the image of a person looking in the mirror.

The man stopped admiring himself and left the room with a mirror. But the creature from another dimension in the Looking Glass remained in place. Having taken in living energy, it could no longer return to its world. There was only one way left - to the world of living people. It happened that the essence left the mirror, for example, breaking the mirror, which, by the way, was also always considered a bad omen, or came out during the ritual of inept fortune-telling, when the portal to the other world did not close in time. The essence killed the person, the image of which she took and settled among people, it is not for nothing that they say that the person “seemed to have been replaced”. Likewise, a deceased, but not yet buried person keeps his energy in himself. This is an information matrix. It contains the thoughts, feelings of the deceased, his character and habits. It is not at all difficult for a creature from another world to scan the matrix, to absorb all the necessary information. A person is buried, and an alien from the mirror appears on Earth in his guise. In this case, the problem for uninvited guest is greatly simplified. He does not need to kill a double, but you can immediately start living his life.

There are many testimonies when people saw their acquaintances who had died long ago. They met on the streets, at airports, at train stations. Naturally, the person was immediately visited by the thought that he had identified himself - you never know similar people in the world. This can be tolerated, but not in all cases. Gait, gestures, habits are individual for everyone. If they also coincide, then what kind of error can we talk about at all.

In life, the transition of the spirit into the world of the Looking Glass is often observed, since in reality he cannot realize himself, this is not "his" world, but in the Looking Glass it can, but this spiritual "freedom" for him is illusory, since the Looking Glass has its own limitations on organization of the world order, and then the spirit falls into the trap of its own illusions. In this case, he has two ways out of changing the situation: the first is a return to reality in which he is incapable and the search for ways of other transitions to other worlds; the second - the so-called "game of cats and mice", or moving back and forth - from reality to the Looking Glass, or, if you fell into a trap - look for a way out while fortune-telling on the mirror through the endless labyrinths of the Looking Glass.

Spirits may not return from the Looking Glass, as the mirror spheres have a qualitative difference from ordinary environments. In them there is a quantum leap in the structural filling of the spirit, or their kind of "design", the acquisition of a certain illusory form. When leaving the Mirror World, this shell liquefies or bursts, and the spirit “spreads, spreads” over the environment, losing its structural form. In such a state, the transition to another world becomes difficult, therefore, interaction with ordinary reality is rather short-lived. In order not to lose shape, you need to jump back. Therefore, spirits from the past are most often manifested in the Looking Glass, those who return back.

It is believed that a flat reflective surface of a mirror is the world without crossroads, but in the human mind the visual paths intersect, and the vision observes straight and crossed images at once. Man is watching in the mirror subtle body another person. An even mirror works as a device for getting into even layers of reality, due to which it is used in magic rituals... There is a way to target damage from a mortuary mirror, when a mirror presented as a gift draws out the health of the person looking into it. This is mainly done when they want to get rid of a person, for example, the wife of a lover. This is the name of a mirror that was applied to the lips of a dying person, on the surface of which the last breath of the deceased remained, and into which his soul could move.

The mystics attribute the mirror to the invention of the devil, who seeks to stop the development of the mental essence of a person, endowed with the ability to leave the boundaries of the material body and follow it. For a very long time, people thought that such contacts were dangerous, and the energy of the astral body could even kill a person. At the same time, mirrors are able to retain in themselves a huge amount of subtle energies, which give a person the opportunity to see the world invisible under normal conditions.

But the erroneousness of these judgments and the harmlessness of the mirror as a tool is proved by Dr. R. Moody, who wrote the book "Life After Death", working on his other book. He talks about numerous experiments with a mirror, in which people took part, eager to see their dead relatives as soon as possible. The experiments have been carried out for over 20 years. As a result of these experiments, amazing results were obtained. People looking in the mirror of a dark room not only communicated with their relatives, but also saw completely extraneous dead people. After the experiments, the subjects met the ghosts of the past on the way home and immediately upon leaving the room where the experiment was conducted.

The same mysterious cases of communication with the Looking Glass were collected by the writer of the nineteenth century Odoevsky. Some of the documentary evidence and stories he found were published in the journal Otechestvennye zapiski.

In many cases, such meetings with the dead kept people alive, making their fate more serene and happier. Through the looking glass will not soon reveal its secrets to the general public, despite the diligence of many researchers and scientists. But the time will come when the mysterious Through the Looking Glass will open its edges, letting a person into its mysterious and amazing subtle world.

This is probably the most common fortune-telling. And we must remember that it is considered the most dangerous, since the mirror is a guide to the other world. Only the most courageous and fearless decide on this fortune-telling.

It is intended for those girls whose desire to know their betrothed overpowers fear.

Corridor of mirrors.

Only when the clock strikes midnight can one find out who will be the groom. Or after midnight, but not earlier than the due time. We must prepare for the fact that you may have to spend the whole night in front of the mirror, trying to see in it the desired appearance of a stranger.

It is best to carry out the fortune-telling procedure all alone. But if it's still scary, you can take your friends to help, but they should not utter a sound and in no case look into the mirror of the fortuneteller. For fortune-telling you need:

Two mirrors;

Two candles;

Matches or a lighter.

Now in order. First you need to lock yourself in the room, be sure to remove all pets from it: dogs, birds, hamsters - only the cat can be left, it will not be a hindrance. Turn off the sound on the phone, in the intercom, TV, music - complete silence should be maintained.

Mirrors must be clean, without cracks or scratches, as even the slightest defects can distort the results of fortune-telling. The mirror should be placed on the table, and candles should be placed on the sides of it and light them.

Place the second in front of this mirror so that you get a mirrored corridor of reflections, illuminated by candle lights. It is there, at the very beginning of the corridor, that the groom should appear. Sometimes you have to wait for it long enough, so you need to be patient.

When his appearance is clearly visible, be sure to say loudly: "Out of this place!" - and then the image in the mirror will disappear. If this is not said, then a lot of troubles and troubles can fall on the fortuneteller.

For extreme and desperate girls, there is another way, more strict. It is necessary to conduct fortune-telling completely naked and alone. According to rumors, this option is the most truthful ...

Fortune telling with fir branches and a mirror

After waking up, see if there is a record left on your divination tool. If it is not there, wonderful, desire materializes, if there is an inscription, then the dream will remain a dream.

Divination with a mirror

Use a wax candle to draw 13 crosses on the mirror, then place it on the table. Place candles on both sides (wax is also desirable). Place a bowl in front of the mirror, in which add a pinch of salt and water. Cast the spell 13 times:

"Mirror - lake, salt - tears, fire - power, tell me what awaits me in the future."

Drink water and salt and contemplate the pictures in the mirror. Sometimes it may happen that you do not see anything, then put the tool for predictions on the table with the mirror surface down and go to sleep. In the arms of Morpheus, you can discern your destiny.

Dinner invitation.

This fortune-telling is also not suitable for gentle young ladies. With the onset of pitch-black night, you have to close yourself in a dark room all alone. Prepare in advance:



Napkin or tablecloth

Two cutlery

Here you can do without the rules of etiquette and do not take knives and forks, it will be better that way.

So, a tablecloth or napkin should be laid in front of a mirror, cutlery, salt, spoons and bread should be placed around the edges, and a candle should be placed in the center. Outline yourself with chalk, and say out loud the phrase: "The bridegroom-mummer, come to me to have supper." And gaze intently in the mirror.

If the mirror becomes cloudy, and the candle does not burn as brightly as at the beginning, then the groom is already on the way. Experienced people say that it appears bad smell burn. Until three o'clock in the morning, you can freely look at your betrothed, but in no case later. As soon as the time runs out, you need to quickly grab a towel.

Wipe the mirror surface with them and say: "Out of this place!". In order not to be late the right decision will set an alarm that will notify you of the end of the permitted time. Previously, when there were no alarms at all, a rooster was taken for fortune-telling.

After this phrase, the image in the mirror should dissolve. But anything can happen, so it is best to learn the prayer "Our Father" before fortune-telling so that it bounces off the teeth. To be able to read it even in an agitated state. But this happens in extreme cases, usually everything goes without excesses and leaves only pleasant emotions.

Fortune telling at the crossroads for love

At night, go to the intersection with a mirror.) On the spot, concentrate on the question. Think about the things that worry you. Then draw a circle around you and send your focus of attention to the mirror. Look into it. Tell the conspiracy:

"The betrothed-mummer, come to me along the path, but on a white snowball."

Then you can contemplate varied images hearing sounds. With negative visions, for example, if you see a coffin, be sure to say "Our Father"

Checking the chosen one

There is another option for fortune telling with a mirror, but not on the future groom, but on the present. You can check how serious his feelings and intentions are and how long the relationship will be. You need to sit in front of the mirror, and put a saucer on the table in front of it. Take paper, crumple it well, put it on a saucer and light it with a candle.

Now look at the behavior of the paper - how it burns will characterize the feelings of the chosen one. The leaf lit up immediately brightly, without hesitation - it means that the groom loves ardently and his feelings are sincere and ardent. Of course, you should not expect that a man will soon make a marriage proposal, this is just the case when you can wait, not rush.

If the paper flares up slowly, slowly, then the development of relations will be gradual, thorough. Perhaps the young man does not want to force events and prefers to think it over carefully. A marriage with such a person will be strong, solid and lasting.

If the paper does not want to burn in any way, but only smolders, then we must conclude that most likely the desired object does not experience mutual feelings... So do not get upset and waste time on dreams, because you will not be cute forcibly. And it is better to switch your attention - what if fate is walking very close?