Home theater and other entertainment. Outdoor games for two children at home

  • 22.09.2019

Or just a pleasant pastime - there is something that each of the couple in love wants to organize for their loved one. Some resort to joint travel, others to unusual walks, the third invent something else.

It is an example of “something else” that can be games for couples in love. Haven't heard of this? Then be sure to read the article below. We promise - there will be no vulgarity.

Games for couples will refresh the senses

To begin with, let's pay attention to those games for lovers, where you have to "be active". Best Options such activities are described below.


Moderately mobile game, suitable for lovers who are already at a solid stage of communication. The essence of this entertainment is as follows:

  • The lovers determine among themselves which items they wear, they will consider clothing. For example, are socks two items or one?
  • After that, the playing couple tosses a coin or otherwise determines which of them will start the game.
  • Then each of them, of course, taking into account the previous lot, takes off things one by one and puts them somewhere. Whoever stops first or completely undresses, loses.

Duelists are exactly the kind of game that, perhaps, will not only entertain lovers, but also develop into something more ...

Fancy dances

The main thing is not to quarrel when determining the winner

In order to play this game, you will have to do some preparation. More precisely, you need to get four records (for playing music).

After that, already in the appropriate environment, you can start having fun. The rules of the game are as follows:

  1. Slow music starts first.
  2. Then the lovers place 2 or 4 plates between themselves and press against each other (it is advisable to place the plates without placing them one on top of the other, but place them separately).
  3. After that, the dance begins.
  4. By the middle of the game, you can speed up the tempo of the music. The one who loses is the one whose fault the last record falls.

The main thing in "unusual dances" is not to quarrel when determining the winner. If you succeed, consider that the entertainment was successful.

Reverse stripping

Such entertainment does not have any particular difficulties and is fun enough to spend. In the process of such a game, one "beloved" dressing up in the clothes of another "beloved" takes place. At will, the rules of the game can be modified and modernized.

Entertainment of this kind is valuable because it has no winner and is aimed only at making a couple in love fool around, cheer up and just have a good time.


Perhaps a familiar game to many. Regarding the couple in love, this game can be upgraded. Most good example will put the twister card on the bed and already there play it with his beloved.

If desired, the rules of such entertainment, again, can be modified. For example, playing naked or partially naked. In general, it all depends on the imagination and desires of the couple.

love hide and seek

Games for couples in love - not only for young people, but also suitable for couples

The essence of this game has little in common with the usual hide and seek, because it is as follows:

  1. First, by drawing lots, the couple determines the "seeker".
  2. Secondly, the one who will be searched for takes two glasses and pours champagne into them.
  3. Thirdly, the "seeker" blindfolds his eyes with a non-translucent cloth.
  4. Fourthly, with his “equipment”, the “desired” couple finds a secluded place in an apartment or a separate room (of course, you should not climb into the closet).
  5. And fifthly, the search begins. The one they are looking for may well tell the “detective” by tapping glasses or whistling.

If the "love hide and seek" is completed successfully, you can drink champagne for brotherhood and continue spending time together.

As you can see, in active games for lovers there is where to “roam around”. The main thing is the desire to have fun and an initiative approach to business.

Mind Games

Romantic feelings need to be nourished with the appropriate emotions and mood!

Let's say you have a couple of intellectuals. In that case it will ideal option arrange entertainment for quick wits. Fortunately, for couples in love, there are many. Let's take a look at the top three.

Guess the word

Quite interesting entertainment associated with the organs of touch and directly with the ability to think. The essence of the game "Guess the word" is that on an open torso (preferably on the back), one of the couple in love makes a massage to the other.

In the intervals between the corresponding movements, the “masseur” must clearly write with a finger 2-3 times specific word on the back of your loved one. Each of the couple does similar manipulations several times. Who guessed the most words or was close to it - won.


A game familiar to everyone without exception. Its essence is as follows:

  • One of the couple thinks of a word and writes it down on a piece of paper, after which he hides it nearby.
  • Then the same person tries to explain the conceived word to his beloved with the help of gestures.
  • 5 minutes are given for the explanation, and the leaf is used so that no one deceives each other.
  • Making "Pantonyms" even more interesting will help inventing punishments for those who did not guess the words. For example, to make coffee or massage to the winner. In general, if you wish, you can give free rein to your imagination.

Lottery of lovers

The essence of this game is that, before the start of the game, each of the couple writes down 10-15 questions regarding the life of lovers together (date of meeting, first kiss, etc.). After that, all questions from both lovers are placed in some container and mixed.

Then each of them in turn takes out a question from the container and, accordingly, answers. The game is on to the last sheet. The winner is determined by the number of given answers: whoever answered better and more correctly, then won.

To increase the interest of entertainment, you can also come up with a punishment for the loser or something like that.

Romantic entertainment options

At the end of the article, let's talk about, perhaps, the most important thing for any couple in love -. As for romantic entertainment, there are a lot of them, but the most interesting ones are represented by the following list:

clockwork cubes

So, for this entertainment, take two leaves and two dice. On each sheet, make a numbered list, on one of them write six actions (kiss, squeeze, bite, lick, etc.), and on the other six parts of the body (lips, forehead, cheek, nose, etc.).

Then, alternately throwing the dice, do what you get. Perhaps you will play too much, and the entertainment will grow into something more ...

Magic word

The game is extremely simple, requiring only two actions:

  • Secretly with your loved one, think of words from everyday life (one word each).
  • During a date, keep track of whether your soul mate pronounces the word you have guessed or not.
  • If so, feel free to kiss without warning.

Drawing and kissing

Also, everything is very simple. One of the couple draws 5 imprints of lips on his body, and the other must kiss them directly on the drawn imprint. Whoever does it faster wins.


Entertainment great for couples who love together. To play “movie buffs”, it is enough for lovers to think of one or two actions, during which they will kiss by the characters of the films. Thus, it is very easy to add variety to your favorite movies, making your vacation even more relaxing.

small bottle

The game takes place according to the familiar principle. At the same time, in order to improve it, it is necessary to write any intimate actions on 10 leaves, after hitting them with a bottle, the person twisting it must perform those regarding his beloved.

Perhaps that's all for the most interesting games for couples in love. We hope the above information was helpful to you. Love and happiness!

Board game In Love - game review:

In contact with

Many parents often ask themselves: what to do with the child in the evening? What can you play? And it seems that there are not so many games or they have already played everything. In fact, there is always something to do. The main thing is to turn on the fantasy and have fun.

Children are very fond of active games, I suggest them, and top the list:

  • hide and seek . Children love to play this game. But it is better to play it if you have big house or an apartment. Although, if desired, it is possible in a small one. Children often hide in plain sight, your task is to look for them as long as possible, preferably with comments. Everyone will laugh: both children and parents. This is always very funny.
  • Playing with balloons . Place a chair at the end of the room (if there are many children, then two chairs). The child should squeeze a medium-sized balloon between the knees, reach the chair, go around it and return to the starting position. If there are several children, then you can arrange a competition: who will complete the task faster. On the children's holiday, break the children into teams and let them compete. If adults take part in such a game, children will simply be delighted.
  • Save your friends . Favorite toys are suitable for this game. My boys have a set of PAW Patrol puppies and Paulie, Amber, Roy and Helly robocars. I hide them in different places, and the task of the children is to find and save them. Dolls, robots, cars are also suitable. In general, anything, the main thing is to hide more. If there are several children, you can arrange a competition: whoever found more, he won.
  • pig toy (turtle, lion cub, dog, etc.). We take any soft toy, turn on cheerful music and throw the toy to each other. Then we suddenly turn off the music, whoever has a toy left in his hands, he must reproduce the natural sound of this little animal. This game is good to play in a large company of children, especially on birthdays. You can also connect adults - it will be doubly interesting for children.
  • home bowling . If you don't have a bowling set, you can make your own. For this you will need plastic bottles, preferably the same capacity and medium-sized ball. The ball, I think, is definitely found in a house where there are children. The game is mobile and interesting, besides it helps to develop accuracy.
  • Fashion show . Not only girls like to play this game, but also boys. Organize a high fashion day without leaving your home. You can invite friends or neighbors with children to visit so that there are more people and “models”, this will be much more fun.
  • obstacle course . Create an obstacle course with the help of improvised means. For example, “swamp bumps”, “narrow bridge” can be cut out of paper or cardboard. Pull the rope, and the children must walk along it without stumbling. Set up pillows for them to climb over. In general, be smart and use the items available in the house, but do not forget about safety.
  • “The sea is worried…” Fun game from my childhood. There should be many children in such a game. The host says the following phrase: “The sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three sea (sports, fabulous, construction, any, etc.) figure freeze in place.” Children should freeze in a certain position, depicting some kind of profession. The leader must guess who is in front of him. If someone portrayed the wrong figure or a non-existent profession, then this child becomes the leader, and the leader takes his place.
  • guess who . Everyone sits on chairs or on a sofa, and one child goes to the center of the room and begins to imitate someone with gestures. Children must guess who is in front of them. Who guessed it - goes to the center of the room and thinks of the next task. For children up to school age you can write in advance on the sheet who to show, so that it is easier for them, and they can show characters known to their age. Older kids can do it on their own.
  • pirate treasure . This game requires a little preparation. You need to draw a map on a sheet, marking the place of the treasure on it (leave sweets or fruits for the children at the place of the treasure), cut it into several parts and hide it around the apartment. Then, with the help of riddles or contests (better than both), the children must collect the entire map from the pieces and find the treasure. My six year old boys are ready to play this every day.
  • hike . You can play camping without leaving your home. Pitch a tent in the center of the room, climb into the tent with the children and talk interesting stories. You can turn off the lights in the room and use a flashlight. Do not forget to bring food with you: fruit, cookies, a drink or tea in a thermos. Children will simply be delighted with such a trip.
  • Edible - not edible . For this game, you only need a ball. Take turns throwing the ball to the children and name something edible or not edible. And the child should catch the edible, and not beat off the edible or simply not catch it.
  • Tasting . Arrange a tasting of drinks or foods for the children. Pour into four or five glasses of different liquids: tea, kefir, juice, milk, compote, just water. Blindfold the child, and let him guess what he drank. Or cut the fruit into small pieces, chop on skewers and let the child (blind his eyes) try, and he should name what it is.
  • Cooking . You can cook dinner with your children. For example, stick dumplings or dumplings. The main thing is that children take an active part in modeling. My children (all of them!) love to help me in the kitchen, especially with dough modeling. Together we make not only dumplings and dumplings, but also pies, pizza, even cakes.
  • Disco . If you don’t want to invent anything or don’t have enough time to organize something interesting, offer the children a disco. My children love to dance and we often have dances. But not just dancing, but, for example, with balloons or soap bubbles. Believe me, you will get an unforgettable evening by arranging a children's disco and recharge your batteries with positive energy for several days ahead.

Educational and intellectual games

Active games are good, but it is necessary to develop not only physically.

And the best way to do this is in the form of a game:

  1. We sculpt figures from plasticine or special dough for modeling . By the way, it is quite possible to make it yourself: half a glass of salt, half a glass of water and flour. It is necessary to knead until such a state that the resulting mass does not stick. Dough figures can be left to dry completely, and then painted the next evening.
  2. Drawing with paints, pencils, felt-tip pens . You can invite the child to draw a specific something, for example, a forest or a river. My children make their own postcards. From white or colored cardboard, they first fold and cut out the shape of a postcard, and then paint it as you like.
  3. Give the kids coloring pages . Many children love to draw. You can participate in this by discussing with your child what to color and with what color.
  4. A game of shadows . Take a flashlight and turn off the light, use your hands to draw different shapes. Ask the child to repeat something you have shown. If it doesn’t work, let him try to portray someone himself.
  5. Puzzles . Great game for the whole family. The bigger the puzzle, the more interesting. We recently bought a jigsaw puzzle with 1500 elements, and the whole family assembled it all evening. Then the children had already gone to bed, and my husband and I could not calm down until we had completely collected them.
  6. Children's crosswords.
  7. Find differences . Mindfulness game. Buy a difference book appropriate for your child's age and have fun playing.
  8. Mosaic, constructors, wooden cubes - everything is suitable for the realization of fantasy. You can build a city or a farm from the constructor, set up many different buildings. There is not enough designer - cubes and other building toys will help.
  9. twenty sticks . Lay out 20 pencils or markers on the table. Two players take turns taking one, two or three sticks. The one who has to take the last pencil or felt-tip pen loses.
  10. Suitable for school age children : choose a long phrase, any. For example, "building structure" or "sports". From these words, children should make short words. The bigger, the better. Then they read the words one by one. If any words match, they are crossed out and no points are awarded. For each non-repeating word - 2 points. The one who earns the most points wins.
  11. Field of Dreams . There are several options for the game here: you can play on the principle of the gallows, that is, we guess the word and write dashes or squares instead, and the children guess. The winner gets a prize (candy, apple, etc.). You can make an impromptu drum, as in the "Field of Miracles". But for this you will need: a top, cardboard, paper, scissors, in general, a lot of things. You can't play this game without prior preparation. By the same principle, you can play the game “What? Where? When? ”, Having prepared questions in advance.
  12. Shop or library . Lay out books or toys, write “prices” on the slips and let the child sell or buy goods. If he sells, then let him tell what the book is about, count the money. If he buys, then you tell the child what the book is about. Perhaps after such a game, the child will want to read. If you are playing in the library, then let the child “advise” what you should take to read in the library and why, what this particular book is interesting for. It will be nice if the child also names the author (for older children).
  13. Play in the hospital Kindergarten, school . Let the child be the teacher or the doctor, and you be the student or the patient. In such a game, you will show your child an example of how to be a diligent student and an obedient patient who is not afraid of the doctor. Of course, it’s good if there are several children, but it’s also possible together. Or add dad, grandma, grandpa to the game.
  14. Great if you know the art of origami . If not, then you can simply cut out different figures from paper (let the child cut it out, and you only help), make applications.
  15. Board games . We have a great board game that we play with the whole family. It's called Erudite. 120 questions on various topics. For each correct answer (answers attached) - the player receives a letter. The first person to collect the word "Scrabble" wins.

In addition to all of the above, there is still a huge number of different games: tic-tac-toe, sea ​​battle, cities, children's dominoes and others. In any children's store Lots of board games for every taste. There are really a lot of them. I offered you the most popular ones in our family. I hope that they will help you to spend more interesting time with your children. You can invent games yourself, just turn on your imagination and connect your children to inventing . They are great inventors!

All people love entertainment. However, not everyone has enough imagination to compose contests and compose entertainment programs. In this case, women and men are accustomed to using the services of specialists - animators and presenters. It is these characters who are invited to many festive events. But what if the celebration is rather modest, or if guests just unexpectedly came to you? This article will tell you about what games you can play at home. You will learn the most common options for a fun evening, as well as get acquainted with popular children's games.

Home Entertainment

Why are such programs needed? They help not to get bored and stir up a modest campaign. If you have a solemn event planned, it is better to think in advance about what games you can play at home. In the event that guests appeared unexpectedly, you can be saved desktop entertainment. It is also worth taking care in advance about what to play with children at home. Otherwise, kids may get bored while adults are having fun. There are many fun entertainment. Consider the most popular and simple options, which can be played at home by adults and children.

Board games

Surely everyone is familiar with the popular board games. What can you play at home with three or more people?

You can offer guests entertainment such as bingo. Perhaps someone does not want to play such games. However, be sure that after a few games all the guests will be involved. To play, you need to prepare a trifle. In this case, a home piggy bank will be very useful.

Currently, in addition to loto, there are many more games for the home. You can buy them in almost every supermarket or specialty store. Just go to the seller and ask what three of us can play at home (four, five, and so on).


If you are a gambler, then this option will be the most suitable. Most often, this entertainment is preferred by male representatives.

What can you play at home (gambling entertainment)? This type includes the game of "Monopoly", cards, and so on. For the first option, you will need a special card, chips and toy money. You can make them yourself, but this is quite difficult to do. Monopoly can be purchased at any entertainment or book store. For card leisure, there is no need to purchase additional funds at all. All you need is a deck. There is a mass card games However, recently poker has become increasingly popular.

Active games

What to play at home with three or with a large number of participants? In this case, gambling will be an excellent option for entertainment. You can choose the most suitable one for your company.

In recent years, a game called "Twister" has become very popular. For it, you need to purchase a special card, which is placed on the floor. A lot of circles are drawn on paper, in which the participants put their feet and hands. So, by throwing a special die, you will receive new tasks, after which you will take the appropriate positions.

Also interesting option becomes karaoke. If you have special equipment, then you can sing with your friends, then calculate your points and choose the winner.

Mind games

What can you play at home in a big company? You can choose educational and intellectual entertainment.

A game called Guess Who has been very popular in recent years. For such entertainment, you will need small leaves that have an adhesive strip. On each of them the name of one or another object is written, after which a piece of paper is glued to the forehead of a person. The participant must guess what is written on his piece of paper.

There are also very interesting game, the purpose of which is to create a parody. You are given the name of one of the participants. After that, you need to come up with and show a small scene, parody this person. Each participant is given a score and at the end a winner is selected.

Intellectual entertainment can be attributed to all forgotten game to the cities. The first participant names any city, next person must continue - pronounce the settlement on the last letter of the previous word. This continues until most of the participants leave the game. The person who cannot come up with the next name of the city always leaves.

Also among intellectual games you can select crosswords or puzzles. Currently, there are a lot of printed publications with similar tasks on sale. You only need to purchase a similar book and offer your friends this option, which you can play at home. Surely all guests will like this entertainment.

Entertainment for two

If a friend or girlfriend is going to visit you, then you should think about what to play at home together. It is worth noting that in this case, games such as Parody, Twister or Guess Who will not work. However, there are still plenty of ideas on how to spend time with two people.

What to play at home together? You can give preference to chess, checkers or backgammon. These entertainments are quite exciting. Spending your leisure time playing such games, you will not notice how time flies.

To play chess you will need: a special time counter, a board and pieces. Checkers also need these elements. Backgammon, on the other hand, will require additional attributes - dice. By throwing them, you will move the checkers by the received number of spaces.

In addition to these games for two, you can choose from Lotto or Monopoly. It is worth noting that with a smaller number of participants, the game may not seem as interesting, but it will be no less exciting.

Prepackaged Entertainment

If you think over the scenario of the entertainment program in advance, then everyone will have much more fun. All games described above can be chosen spontaneously. Pre-prepared games include a lottery or active contests for participants.

It will be even more fun if you prepare prizes for all guests in advance. They don't have to be expensive or original. Among the presents, you can put ordinary soap or a toothbrush, a comb or any other small things.

Many hosts of solemn events use this method. They come up with all the contests in advance and thus create a fun environment.

Children's games

What should girls (or boys) play at home? If you are preparing a solemn event for the kids, then you should think about entertainment in advance. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the age of the children. What is interesting to kids may not be to the liking of schoolchildren. You need to organize everything in such a way that all the children are involved.

Toddler games

If the kids are very small, then you can offer everyone a developing musical toy. Also, children can be given a place to draw or sculpt. Be sure to stock up on props: pencils, paints, paper and plasticine.

Among the active games, you can choose to ride down the hill (if you have a children's sports corner) or catch up. In this case, you should take care of security in advance. Remove all breakable objects and cover sharp corners. The freer the room, the better.

Fun for older kids

Boys may want to play with cars or have some kind of competition. Girls do love doll houses, sewing and dressing.

School-age children most often find something to do on their own. However, at a party, some children may be shy and behave modestly. You need to do everything to emancipate such children. Play an active game with the children, such as hide and seek, and then quietly leave.

What can you play together at home (with a child)?

If you are at home with a baby, then you need to come up with daily games and entertainment. If the baby is still very small, then he will surely like the learning game. In the process, you and your child should study all the items that are at home. Toddlers are always interested in the things of adults. Show the baby some of the objects on which he stopped his eyes. At the same time, tell what this or that device is for. Such a game will be not only interesting, but also very informative.

With a toddler of two or three years old, you can play catch-up or hide-and-seek, you can also organize dances or sing a song. Reading books, drawing or helping mom around the house will be a very exciting activity for the baby.

With older children, you can organize leisure as follows. If you have a daughter, then teach her to knit or sew. Such a game, perhaps in the future, will grow into an exciting and interesting hobby. Boys can be taught to work with some devices in an entertaining way. For example, to be controlled with a hammer or a vacuum cleaner. Such help in the future will be very useful to you, and now the child will spend interesting time with you.

Summing up and a small conclusion

So, now you know what you can play at home in a large or small company. When choosing a game, always consider the wishes of your guests. Only in this case will an opinion be formed about you as a hospitable hostess and a cheerful person.

Organize your time properly and have fun. Good evening to you!

A lot of interesting entertainment awaits the child at home. If the baby is smart, likes to move a lot, then his energy needs to be directed in the right direction. In addition to the well-known Hide-and-seek, Zhmurok, you can play Twister at home.

It does not matter if you have not yet acquired the necessary attribute for this entertainment. It's easy to make it yourself. Take an ordinary white sheet, which is not a pity to donate to a good cause. Cut or sew an extra piece onto it to make a 160x140 cm canvas.

Attach to it in 4 rows of 6 circles cut out of fabric different color, in this order:

- blue;
- yellow;
- green.

Which limb to stand on a circle of a particular color, the roulette will decide. It's also easy to make. To prevent the sheet from wrinkling under the vigorous children's arms and legs, sew a solid base from the inside out of an old rug or durable fabric to it from the inside.

For playing "Clothespins" attributes are also easy to find at home. Have the child turn away and count to thirty. Attach clothespins in the room during this time. If the child is small, then you do not need to place them at a height, and amuse older children by attaching clothespins, for example, on a chandelier or wall carpet.

Several kids can play at once. The one who collected the most clothespins wins.

Balls is also fun to play at home big company. Blow up some balloons. They must be two colors. Give one view to one team, the second to another. Turn on fun music. While it sounds, the children throw balls of their color to the opposing team. Those are trying to beat them back and give opponents balls of their own colors. Turn off the music and count the number of balls each team has. Whoever has fewer of them wins.

Don't forget to give prizes to the losers as well, having figured out for which nomination the gift is awarded to whom. If the child is alone, then the company will be an adult.

Quiet games

If the children need to rest, then put them at the table, offer a quiet game. Place several items on the surface (pen, small toys, key chain). The younger the girls and boys, the fewer attributes, but they are larger. Let the driver remember the location of the objects, and then turn away.

During this time, the children will remove some of the things, and some of them will be turned over so that they are in a different position. The driver must say that she has changed. This calm home game perfectly trains memory.

To stretch the fingers of the kids, and at the same time develop fine motor skills, give them sheets of cardboard and the same set, consisting of large buttons, dry pasta, ribbons, glue, brushes.

Let young artists create original paintings with glued pasta and buttons. Framed designer thing can be ribbons or tinsel.

Collecting puzzles, painting with paints, sculpting from dough, clay at home is also interesting.

At this age, children already consciously learn the world, show independence, initiative and are able to bear some responsibility for their actions.


Let the child, with your help, assemble his own backpack, which will accommodate his favorite toys, books, and other necessary and interesting things for him. Let your baby know that he will have to carry his own luggage and take care of it on the road.

Take snacks with you on the road. It can be dryers, bread rolls, bread sticks, homemade crackers or cookies. If there is a treat that you very rarely allow a child, take it too, but use it only for the most emergency cases, when, for example, you need to quickly calm down a fussy little traveler.

If your trip involves being in crowded places, it's a good idea to get a baby walkie-talkie, baby monitor, or GPS device. The latter is convenient in that it is attached in the form of a clip to the child’s belt, and parents can always find their child, even if it suddenly “absented” somewhere. In addition, the device has a "panic button". Teach your baby how to use it, and then he will be able to press it if he loses sight of you.

Don't forget to take your games with you. It is best to give preference to games on magnets, drawing, cardboard or finger portable theater. And, of course, you can take your favorite books on the road.

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The role of pets in the lives of children is very important. They are real friends for the baby: they relieve loneliness, help to survive childhood insults and bring joy and positiveness by their very existence.


If the parents, having succumbed to the persuasion of the baby, decided to purchase an animal, then they face the question of choice. Which animal is suitable for their baby, from the current variety. Psychologists advise in this matter to focus on the temperament and personality of the child. Phlegmatic and introverts are more fond of small animals. Hamsters, guinea pigs or cats are suitable for them. More active and playful children will be happy with a dog or a bird. And for nervous, restless children, an aquarium will be a good sedative.

Having made friends with the baby, the animal begins to feel his condition, his change of mood, trying to support him in difficult times. Often pets even adopt. It is much more fun with a four-legged friend, because without his participation, not a single child’s activity will be complete. It doesn't matter if it's games or a dream - a true friend will always be with the baby.

Scientists have long proven that animals in the house are the source of happiness. They have a beneficial effect on the atmosphere in the house, as well as on those who live in this house. People get sick less often, their immunity is higher than others, and children are more calm and resistant to stress. Psychologists are sure that children who have animals next to them develop faster than their peers. They are more sociable and easily converge with their peers, they have more developed leadership inclinations. In addition, caring for an animal helps to develop kindness and attentiveness to the needs of others in children, teaches them to love and compassion.

Usually children like kittens and puppies more, because they are more playful and mobile. Together they can mess around and play for hours. Such games help the development of children's motor skills, tactile perception, the baby actively explores the world, grows stronger and more dexterous. Older children begin to appreciate adult animals, because you can walk and talk with them, and any business with them argues faster.

Parents often worry about animal dander allergies. But pediatricians say that in children who come into contact with pets, the risk of allergies is significantly reduced. Moreover, these children suffer less from diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Why do we all love so much Online Games? First of all, for the opportunity to play together. After all, it is here that we can gather a team of friends - or strangers - and go beat up some particularly powerful boss. Or vice versa, go to PvP and take your soul there on the characters of other players. Or maybe you want to arrange a duel with someone? This is also possible. There are many different MMOs, and there are a lot of options for interacting with other players.

But if you need a game that can be played by two (three, four) on one computer? What to play for all lovers of hotseat? Here it is already more difficult, and the choice, at first glance, is not so great. But nonetheless, games that can be played together on the same PC, not so little. And we are ready to provide you with our top 10 such toys.

10. FIFA 15

This game can definitely be advised to all fans of sports simulators. And to recommend it to football fans ... Perhaps it's just pointless - they are already familiar with it, and very well. It has everything - realistic physics, beautiful graphics, an interesting career mode. And there is also a hotsit mode - that is, you can play together at the same keyboard, or using joysticks. In general, I highly, highly recommend.

9. Grid 2

The magnificent race from Codemasters could not be left out of this top. It has everything that a good racing simulator needs - really high-quality graphics, excellent physics of movement (which is especially felt when you take off the track again), easy-to-learn controls, which, however, are not simplified beyond the necessary. And, as a bonus, the opportunity to smash a beautiful sports car almost into spare parts. And besides, there is a split-screen mode, so you can just play the game just fine together. In general, play to your health.

8 Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

Recommended, first of all, to all fans of the Warhammer universe. Well, or those who like dynamic action games in which the screen is constantly splashed with something red. Here we have four classes to choose from - two melee specialists, and two marksmen. And we also have a task - to clear the huge ship on which the orcs fly to the Empire, from everything, at least theoretically alive. We play in third person mode. The campaign can be played together, and in addition, you can try the survival mode (also for two). It is available on those maps that you have already opened during the passage of the storyline, and is designed to test your strength. In general - no special frills, but the game is addictive.

7. Galacide

A very funny thing. To be honest, it was very difficult to determine the genre of this creation. Looks like we're in control spaceship- but there is no smell of simulators here. Everything happens in 2D. And the gameplay resembles some strange hybrid of Tetris and Arkanoid, and even with an admixture of classic Lines. And at the end of each level, a boss awaits us. Basically, I don't know what to call it. There are several different ships, there is a cooperative. For one PC only, but up to 4 people can play. And despite the oddly vague genre (or maybe because of it), Galacide is fun to play.

6. Magicka 2

It was impossible to ignore this fun arcade game. It cannot boast of some incredible graphics, but this is not its main advantage. Here we have a good plot based on Scandinavian myths and flavored with a good dose of humor. There is an interesting system of magic that can give odds to many other fantasy projects. And there is a great co-op that will allow you to pass the evening with friends. Although, I'm understating - you'll spend much more than one evening playing this game. Magicka 2 is one of the few games designed specifically for team play. Enemies here are too many for a loner. Yes, and all the delights of "friendly fire" (friendly fire, if in English) can only be learned in a cooperative. Have fun playing together!

5. Lara Croft and the temple of Osiris

Another game from the Tomb Rider series, which, however, is done very well. The plot does not shine with special originality - after all, only the lazy did not trample on the topic of Egyptian myths. And in the series about the tomb raider, our heroine goes to Egypt in almost every part of the game. Speaking of plot, this time Lara joins forces with another adventurer, Carter Bell, and two Egyptian gods- Horus and Isis. Together they must assemble Osiris piece by piece and defeat the evil god Set. Many references to Egyptian mythology (the developers clearly did not neglect the study of this topic) and excellent multiplayer gameplay - all this is Lara Croft and the temple of Osiris.

4Resident Evil 6

Should I introduce this game? After all, Resident Evil is almost the standard of games about zombies. Here we have the most beautiful graphics, for which I would like to thank the designers separately, and excellent gameplay, both dynamic and frightening, and a good plot. I must say that the developers clearly liked the idea from the fifth part of the game (you could also play together there, if that), and they decided to go further. Now we have even more interaction with partners, there are also more partners themselves, and in general, Resident Evil has become not so much about lone heroes, but about well-coordinated teamwork. And then ... then I will simply recommend that you go through this wonderful toy with your friends.

3. Eador: Lords of the Worlds and Eador: Creation

That's right, two games. True, they differ not so much. To be honest, the Lords of the Worlds are the same Eador: Creation, but with more beautiful graphics (in the first part it was somewhere on the level of the second Heroes of Might and Magic, and even without animation), with a shorter campaign and with some additions to the gameplay. The game should appeal to all lovers of thoughtful turn-based strategies. I must say that Eador has one drawback - it is difficult to master. The huge tree of buildings in the castle (to be honest, here even titans like Civilization nervously smoke on the sidelines), a very interesting combat system (with which only King's Bounty can compete) - all this has to be mastered long and hard. But an interesting campaign and a well-made hotsit fully atone for this shortcoming. So go ahead, conquerors!

2 Mortal Combat X

So the tenth part of the cult fighting game appeared on the PC. As always - no censorship, only blood and cruelty on the screen. And therefore - it is better to remove small children and impressionable women from the monitor. And do not try to repeat all this in reality! But seriously, this game is suitable for co-op with friends like no other. There will be no co-op - only PvP. And emotions when your friend crushes your favorite fighter with his fatality. However, maybe everything will be different, and you yourself will wipe the nose of your bosom rivals. In general, I will not paint Mortal Kombat for a long time, it’s better just to wish you good luck in the upcoming fights!

1. Heroes of Might and Magic III-V

Well, we got to the first game in our top. To be honest, I could not choose one part of the seven released at the moment. On September 29, Heroes of Might and Magic VII came out, I have not played it yet. As a result, I decided to stop at three parts - the third, fourth and fifth. Briefly describe the gameplay? Well, if you're not familiar with Heroes... Choose a castle, rebuild it, assemble an army, and develop a hero. Heroes develop in battles. You also need to collect resources along the way, capture the sources of these resources and the castles of opponents. And do not forget about artifacts - they also need to be collected. Well, that's all. In all parts of the series there is a superbly implemented hotsit, which is why it was simply impossible not to mention it. Oh yes, one more thing - when you gain some experience in the game - tell me which castle is still the best, right?