Business selling children's shoes. Advertisement for a children's shoe store

  • 23.09.2019

Children's shoes are a very popular commodity. Small feet grow quickly, but neat socks are out of the question. Despite the crisis, Russians continue to buy their beloved children an average of two pairs of shoes every season. Therefore, many enterprising people tend to open a children's shoe store from scratch.

Planning stage

Shoe business implies an easy start:

  • small investment,
  • non-perishable goods
  • minimum permits.

This is its temptation and disadvantage at the same time. The competition in the market is very high. It is important to think about how to lure the buyer.

Exist different ways organization of trade in children's shoes. Examples:

  • sales area - 30 sq. m, the number of models - from 100, the trade margin is about 70%;
  • area - 300 sq. m, from 500 to 900 models, surcharge 30%, income from turnover.

A small volume of trade will not allow you to work with a low margin. Given the volume of seasonal balances, the entrepreneur runs the risk of being without profit.

If you have start-up capital

When there are no own ideas, it is worth thinking about. The partnership is offered by a number of well-known companies, for example, Fun to Walk, Kotofey. The advantage of this way of organizing a business:


  • significant investments (for example, the franchise of the Kotofey company costs 3 million rubles);
  • strict requirements of the parent company regarding retail space, terms of trade, hall design;
  • the inability to purchase goods from third-party brands.

If there is little money

The key expense item is the rent and renovation of the premises. It is very risky to open a small children's shoe store in a residential area. Children's shoes are regarded by parents as a significant purchase, so the factor of proximity to home does not play a role for sales.

Even in conditions of limited means, one must strive to the center, to a crowded and passable place.

The cheapest in this sense will be the local market. The problem is that, having subsequently changed the location, the entrepreneur will certainly lose the clientele.

It is worth considering such an opportunity as renting part of the trading floor of an adult shoe store. The crisis has forced many entrepreneurs to reduce sales, shoe stores with half-empty shelves are commonplace. The benefits of such an arrangement:

  • you can rent not only part of the premises, but also equipment;
  • there is no need to make repairs, obtain permits from the SES and firefighters.

It is necessary to approach the registration of relations with the landlord with all responsibility:

  • draw up a long-term contract (a deal for a period of one year must be formalized in the USRN);
  • indicate the procedure for dividing the costs of utilities or the absence of such an obligation of the tenant;
  • provide for the right to use not only part of the hall, but also a trading warehouse, utility rooms;
  • secure the right of the tenant to place outdoor advertising.


The price segment must be determined based on your ideas about the potential clientele. Both branded foreign and low-quality Chinese shoes are in demand. The choice of goods of the middle price category of a domestic manufacturer is considered optimal - Top-top, Antelope, Kotofey.

The assortment is based on footwear for children aged 0 to 12 years. Its safety and quality are controlled by the state. Such goods must have a certificate of conformity, while shoes for adults in the Russian Federation may be provided with a declaration of conformity.

Shoes are seasonal. The unsold balances of the "summer" and "winter" categories will have to be kept in stock for almost a year. True, it will not be a problem to implement them later: there is practically no fashion for children's shoes.


Before you open a children's shoe store, you must. IP can be opened quickly and inexpensively (- 800 rubles). It is important to choose a sufficient number of codes

In previous articles, we have talked about various topics related to opening a children's shoe store. It remains to answer the question - a Is it profitable to sell children's shoes?

Almost any type of activity can be called profitable if you correctly draw up a business plan and strictly follow it. But for small businesses, it’s better to answer the question “Is it profitable to sell children’s shoes?” before learning business planning.

If viewed from the point of view of the inhabitants- the prices for children's shoes are gradually catching up with the prices for adult shoes, and in some places they even surpass them, so the answer to the question of profit lies on the surface - "of course, it's profitable to do this!"

With expert point of view- trade in children's goods is a highly profitable business, and with proper management, the payback period is 9-12 months. Children's shoes, like other goods for children, are constantly in demand - after all, the foot is constantly growing, and it happens that you have to buy several pairs of shoes in one season. Also, the fact that it is impossible to buy children's shoes for the future speaks in favor of a clear benefit - after all, you can never accurately predict how the size of the foot will change.

Babies grow up fast, so they need to be dressed up all the time.

However, very often we see how stores open and close before even a year has worked. This happens for various reasons: the place of sale was chosen incorrectly, the assortment does not meet the expectations of customers, etc. Therefore, it is worthwhile to think over everything first, and then start a business. To do this, I recommend reading the following articles:,.

What difficulties may arise?

  • sharp fluctuations in the dollar/euro exchange rate -> this will inevitably affect purchase prices;
  • filling the warehouse with slow-moving sizes -> a significant reduction in working capital;
  • unpredictable weather conditions - snow in September, etc. -> refusal to buy models of the current season;
  • the emergence of large chain stores in the neighborhood;
  • delay in shipments by suppliers;
  • detection of marriage after the return period regulated by the supplier.

The difficulties described above may lead to the closure of the store

What actions can be taken?

  • during periods of currency instability, it is more careful to control the process of replenishing the warehouse - this way you can reduce the risks of purchasing goods at too high a cost;
  • conduct promotions and promotional events for the sale of balances;
  • promptly respond to weather changes, track the change of season;
  • improve the professionalism of sellers, create comfortable conditions for buyers;
  • choose a reliable supplier;
  • check the entire batch of shoes after arrival for visible manufacturing defects.

Based on the foregoing, I work with the site company - this supplier has no delays in shipments, convenient conditions work with marriage, fast delivery, everything is always done on time. There are a large number of models, the choice is huge.

Company website is a reliable supplier

Is it profitable to sell children's shoes when opening a franchise store - pros / cons

When conducting a market analysis, studying competitors and potential buyers, you will probably come across the question, which store to open - multi-brand or mono-brand, under the franchise of one of the manufacturers?

Pros and cons of a store opened under the franchise of one shoe brand

At the stage of business planning, it is necessary to consider all options and take into account the pros / cons of the chosen one. In the case of franchising, there is already experience and history, it remains only to adapt them to your business and draw conclusions. If the only negative is the brand restriction, there are franchise outlets representing several shoe manufacturers at once.

A point in a shopping center or a convenience store?

Many are well aware of the differences in these two options, let's dwell on the details:

high rent in the shopping center

Yes, this is one of the most powerful stop factors for start-up entrepreneurs, because in a shopping center it is quite difficult to estimate the volume of sales - and calculate the payback of high rent. The location of the shopping center itself and your point of sale in it, as well as the presence of competitors, is very important here. However, recently, the cost of renting a room on the first line with good traffic in a residential area is almost comparable to the price of renting in a shopping center. The only question that remains is the capacity of the market - how many potential customers of the sleeping area are included in that very traffic.

The shopping center has a high rent

incoming flow of the shopping center and customers of the convenience store

The term “traffic” is becoming more and more popular, they are trying to estimate the amount of traffic within retail outlets. If we consider this term within the shopping center, then it will be radically different on weekdays and weekends, while the rental rate is the same throughout the entire time. Whether it will pay off with an influx of customers only on weekends or not, and remains to be calculated. At the same time, we understand that the increase in customers on weekends in the shopping center is directly proportional to their decrease in the residential areas of the city. Convenience stores have to work until 8-9 pm on weekdays in order to be accessible to customers who have come home from the center after work.

Attendance at the mall on weekends is higher than on weekdays

influence of weather conditions

In one of the articles, we already talked about the spontaneous nature of shopping for children's shoes - for example, rubber boots in rainy times, or felt boots during a sharp cold snap (in this article:). However, these factors also affect reverse side- in bad weather, customers tend to hide in the shopping center and spend time with benefit, and the number of customers of the retail point of sale "at home" is sharply reduced.

Because of a large number tenants in the shopping center, opportunities for marketing and promotions are regulated by the administration of the shopping center and do not always work in full. A store in a residential area, on the contrary, has many options with which you can experiment almost daily. And also use non-standard areas for advertising (banners on residential buildings, stretch marks on the roads, drawings on the asphalt, etc.)

My name is Rodionova Daria. I am one of the authors of the blog site

After graduating from the institute, I came to work in the most demanded area of ​​recent decades - sales. I gradually increased my professional level and rose through the ranks. Gradually, I had a department of professional salesmen, which I managed for several years.

Today I own a retail store for children's goods - clothes, shoes, toys, vehicles - and two online stores. Ten years of experience in sales gave me strength at the start of my business, but there were many difficulties that I did not even suspect.

There are three fields of activity that are win-win for opening own business- food, clothing and other everyday goods. When it comes to children's shoes, it can be noted that parents often buy for their babies as they grow, and in fact, a new pair is required for each season for the first 10-12 years of the child's life (while the leg is being formed).

But the problem is that finding quality shoes at an affordable price, despite the existence of many stores, is very problematic, so the issue of opening your own store is relevant. If you've been thinking about starting your own business from scratch, this might be the way to go. Consider how to open a children's shoe store from scratch, what you need for this - what documents, costs.

Any business project starts with three things:

  • with the desire to create their own business;
  • collecting start-up capital;
  • creating a business plan.

If the first two points are purely individual, then the third one can somehow be generalized and get a general picture of the current situation. If you are not confident in your abilities and think that such routine work as drawing up a business plan is only within the competence of experienced specialists, then you can turn to them, eventually receiving detailed calculations. However, a detailed consideration of the process will be required to understand the picture.

Registration of papers and documents is one of the most important stages in starting a business. The first thing you should pay attention to when starting your own business is the organizational and economic form of the enterprise. It could be a face individual entrepreneur or Society. In the first case, it is worth opening a small store with one or more employees, in the second, it will be possible to create authorized capital with other persons and organize the case.

Where to open a store

In principle, this is the first step in starting a shoe business. The level of your income largely depends on the choice of the place where the boutique will be located, so you need to approach it correctly. Consider some of the most convenient options for places that may be suitable for starting a business.

If this is a large shopping and entertainment center, in this case, you should take care of creating beautiful and high-quality advertising so that it is bright, attractive and informative. A room on the ground floor of a residential building that has been converted for commercial use is also suitable. Such a building may be located in a residential area with a large number of inhabitants.

Note: you will get an advantage if you consider an institution in a new building, since it is there that apartments are most often purchased by young families.

The advantage will be the presence of parking in the territory adjacent to the store, and it is also important to provide for the availability of access routes so that it is convenient to get to you. The area depends on how you plan to locate the shop windows, as well as on how much money you are willing to invest in business development. This aspect is difficult for many entrepreneurs.

Read also: Business on the resale of goods: how to make money

Usually the desire to open their own business covers people completely, but the lack of money makes itself felt. In this case, you can open a mid-level store for people with an average income. A small area of ​​​​50 square meters will suffice. m with one or two sellers. In this area, you will place shelves with racks, and as a result, the buyer will be able to feel free in the room. If you use additional wall shelves and do not apply the island layout, it will be possible to meet 30 square meters. meters. In general, the cost of a medium-sized room will be about 100,000 rubles per month, and this amount refers to the initial costs.

Sleeping areas are ideal for trading these goods


What you need in a children's shoe store to be able to fit all types of shoes and still provide customers with comfort:

  1. Racks, showcases and shelves. In fact, the choice of commercial equipment is currently huge, so the acquisition will depend on the imagination and financial capabilities. You can buy used equipment: this will save money, but limit your choice.
  2. An important role is given to the choice of lighting equipment, which should look good and show all your products from the most favorable side.
  3. You will need to purchase a cash register and other attributes for the sale of goods.
  4. Think over to the smallest detail the choice of air conditioners, ottomans for trying on shoes, spoons for ease of putting on. You can place children's toys around the trading floor.

Thus, the total cost of purchasing equipment will be about 100,000 rubles (for a store of 30 sq. M), for a retail facility with an estimated area of ​​50 sq. m. m. will need more financial costs, up to 200,000 rubles.

Expand your range as much as possible.

Work with suppliers and purchase of goods

The success of your business depends on the reliability of your supplier, so you should also pay attention to his choice. Due to the fact that children's shoes are produced in huge volumes, there are currently no problems with the supply of goods in bulk, so ordering shoes directly from the manufacturer will not be a problem. On average, to load a small store with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bup to 50 square meters. m will need to purchase shoes for 200,000 rubles.

Note: foreign brands offer a huge number of products that freely fit into all key aspects in terms of price / quality.


He can be anyone. It is important to decide on the specialization - will it be all children's shoes from the smallest to 13-14 years old, or will it be exclusively shoes for preschoolers. Consider specialization: winter shoes, summer shoes or off-season models.

How to open a children's shoe store and become the market leader in this area? Trade in children's goods, including footwear, has its own specifics. What recommendations will help create an attractive and profitable store, loved by children and their parents - read in our article.

Are there any prospects for trade in children's shoes?

It seems to many that it is not difficult to open any store from scratch, especially for children. However, more experienced businessmen will not agree with this point of view. Organizing a successful trade in children's goods is much more difficult than it seems. The children's store requires a special approach.

To stay on the market in conditions of ultra-high competition, you need to come up with something that compares favorably with competitors.

There are departments with children's shoes in almost every "adult" shoe store and, of course, in huge children's hypermarkets. However, this does not mean that this direction of trade is unpromising. Vice versa, narrow specialization can help achieve high quality goods and trade, present an extremely wide range and individual approach.

Demand for children's shoes is high. In addition, for several years, when children grow especially quickly, they have to buy shoes two or three times a year. The children's footwear trade has very good prospects if the entrepreneur is willing to put in the effort and be creative.

Narrow specialization can help achieve high quality goods and trade

How much money to invest

An approximate business plan for a shoe store with calculations can be found on the Internet, but in any case, it will have to be adapted to your situation. The main items of expenditure will be:

  • rental of premises (from 60 to 100 thousand rubles, the cost depends very much on the region);
  • repair and decoration of the premises (if necessary, 50-100 thousand rubles);
  • trade software(showcases, a table with a cash register, sofas for fitting, mirrors (50-100 thousand rubles);
  • purchase of the first batches of goods (about 200 thousand rubles);
  • working capital for the first months of work (50 thousand rubles);
  • security system (about 10 thousand rubles);
  • remuneration of employees (3-4 employees with a salary of 15-20 thousand rubles).

Thus, to open, an amount in the region of 700 thousand - 1 million rubles is required. This is relatively small investment, which will pay off in about 8-12 months of work and possibly faster.

What to expect profit

Due to the high competition in the children's goods market, do not expect high profits in the first months of work. Practice shows that it takes 4-5 seasons (a year and a half) for most entrepreneurs to recoup their investments and prove themselves. During this period, you need to constantly adjust the approach to sales, update the range, and collect feedback.

How to choose the right store location

There are several good options location of a children's shoe store.

  1. New microdistrict, where young families buy apartments . Children's shoes in walking distance from home will be very appealing to young mothers. It is important to correctly assess the number of young families in the microdistrict and its size.
  2. Near nurseries, kindergartens and schools. The idea of ​​buying a new pair of shoes on the way home from kindergarten or school is also a great idea for many parents, as it saves them a lot of time. In addition, unlike microdistricts, children's institutions will not run out of potential customers in a few years.
  3. In the mall where there is a zone of children's attractions and entertainment. Many families go to shopping malls on weekends where they can buy the necessary goods, play games and have a bite to eat. A specialized children's shoe store fits in well with this pastime, and the popularity shopping centers ensure a steady stream of customers.

You should not expect high profits in the first months of work

Requirements for the premises

The premises of the future children's shoe store should have several characteristics. First, its area must be at least 70 square meters. Secondly, need for zoning: trading floor and places for fittings, cash desk, warehouses, room for staff. Thirdly, the store should be bright, cozy, possibly decorated for children.

The area of ​​the premises should allow three or four families to be and choose goods at the same time. It is necessary to organize several places for fitting that do not interfere with each other: comfortable sofas with shoe spoons and mirrors.

Formation of the assortment

It is not easy to open a shoe store from scratch: reviews show that For good sales, you need to form a rich assortment. For a specialized shoe store for children, this is the main thing competitive advantage. The number of goods should significantly exceed the range of hypermarkets. It is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Hypermarkets sell literally everything from shoes to strollers, which allows them to offer only a limited number of models. A specialized store should exceed this figure by at least 2-3 times.

It is necessary to purchase goods from several manufacturers: domestic, foreign, well-known and only beginners. Models in most sizes should always be in stock. All goods can be conditionally divided into two varieties: seasonal and off-season.

Seasonal items are associated with the season: warm boots in winter, rubber boots for autumn and winter, light sandals in summer. At the end of the season, it is imperative to carry out a sale of all old models. During the season, on the contrary, prices should be kept higher.

Off-season shoes - this is what the child needs all year round. These are sports sneakers, sneakers, shoes, ballet flats (for replacement shoes in the kindergarten), slippers. For the little ones, a variety of booties is a must. The newest and most popular models should be placed closer to the entrance, the least relevant - deep into the hall.

It is enough to replenish the product range once a month. After a few seasons of work, it will become apparent that some categories or firms are selling better. They will need to be emphasized: expand the range, duplicate the size range. Conversely, models that sell worse should be ordered in smaller volumes or removed from sale altogether.

At the end of the season, it is necessary to carry out a sale of all old models.

How the right atmosphere will help increase sales

One of the features of a shoe store for children is the need to maintain a comfortable environment inside. Most children really dislike long shopping trips. This means that you need to create an environment that will be pleasant for them. For example, pick up a special playlist with children's songs.

Maybe, it is worth installing a TV and broadcasting cartoons and children's movies. Trying on shoes should be fun, perhaps with special baby shoe spoons. It will be very useful to have toys, coloring books, puzzles in the store.

The main goal is to make the stay and shopping in the store a pleasant and memorable event for children and parents. A trip for shoes to you should be associated in a child with a holiday and a game, and not with endless trying on different pairs of shoes, stuffiness and boredom.

Employee Requirements

Usually women sell children's shoes. The main requirement for sellers in this industry is not experience in trading, but the ability to find mutual language with adults and children. A good employee should be friendly, be able to please the child, captivate him and at the same time know the assortment perfectly, quickly select the right models and convince parents of the need to buy from you.

The success of the entire enterprise depends on how well the sellers work. Children do not like strict, gloomy and serious people. The seller should please them at first sight and captivate them with purchases. It is advisable to remember regular customers, to be interested in the quality of previously purchased shoes.

Salespeople are usually paid based on sales success. The salary consists of a minimum fixed part and a percentage of completed sales. Practice shows that such a principle of wage formation increases the interest of employees and, as a result, helps to achieve sales growth.

The seller should like them at first sight and captivate them with purchases

Franchise work

Currently, several children's shoe stores of the All-Russian level sell franchises. How profitable is it to work under someone else's brand? At first glance, it seems that it is easier to buy the right to use a popular name, get professional advice and rules for the formation of an assortment. It is likely that the franchisor will take over the purchase and supply of goods. This is very profitable: along with the franchise, the entrepreneur will receive a full set of instructions for opening a store, working with staff, and so on.

On the other hand, the cost of opening a store will increase. In addition to all funds for premises, equipment and the purchase of the first batches of goods, an initial (lump) fee will be required. In addition, monthly you will need to pay a percentage of your profits and report to the copyright holder.

On the Russian market while there is no children's shoe store that would be known to all parents and would guarantee high profits in the first months of operation. So it is more logical to invest in the development of your own brand, independently arrange supplies and service.

Is selling children's shoes online profitable?

An online store allows you to significantly reduce the number of costs: rent, utilities, employee salaries. However the specificity of children's shoes is such that few parents decide to buy them without trying them on. Therefore, a "real" store is needed.

On the other hand, it will be useful to make a website in addition to physical trading. There you can also organize the sale of goods, for example, at reduced prices. It is useful to tell customers about the rules for choosing children's shoes, products that are presented in your assortment, different models shoes and other useful information. Place a forum on your site where customers can ask questions about products and communicate with each other.


The trade in children's shoes is a specific line of business that requires a combination of pedagogical and marketing talent. A narrow specialization in the sale of only one type of product allows you to significantly improve the quality within your direction, thoroughly study the market, and cooperate with a variety of suppliers. When organizing a children's store, you need creativity and a sincere desire to provide children and parents with the best choice.