What is a good shoe glue to glue at home? What is the best glue for shoe repair? How to glue the soles of autumn or winter shoes? What kind of glue can be used to glue the soles of shoes.

  • 15.06.2019

Unfortunately, any footwear is not eternal: either the heels of the boots will be erased, or the sneakers will tear, or the sole will burst. Many in such cases immediately go to the repair shop, but you can fix these problems yourself at home. To do this, you need to know some tricks with which you can restore your favorite shoes or boots.

How to properly seal a broken sole?

Even if it burst across the entire width, it can be fixed. There are several ways to do this.

Method number 1.

Step back from the crack about 5 cm towards the heel and draw a line parallel to it with a marker. From the drawn line to the toe of the boot, clean the sole sandpaper. If there is a protector, it is necessary to clean it off “to zero”. Attention: if you have berets or shoes with a tread greater than 5 mm, then try the second option, this method It won't help you.

After cleaning and degreasing the crack itself with gasoline or acetone, glue it with a good second glue. After that, draw the markings for future thread grooves, as is done in the figure.

Using a shoe knife, cut small grooves along this marking. Remove the insoles from the boot and sew the sole along the cut grooves with strong threads. Apply an adhesive over the threads, and when it dries, cover the cleaned and degreased sole with micropore or other sole material, the thickness of which should be equal to the thickness of the tread and rubber, which was removed with sandpaper.

Method #2.

Clean the inner surface of the crack and degrease it. With a shoe knife, cut the edges of the sole to a depth of 1 mm, retreating approximately 5 mm in both directions. Measure the depth of the cracked rubber with a ruler and add another 1.5 cm to this value. Cut out a rectangle from the bicycle chamber, the length of which corresponds to the length of the crack itself, and the width is the resulting value in millimeters.

Clean this strip and degrease, coat with glue on all sides so that the entire surface is covered on one side, and on the other, leave the edges dry - about 5 mm. Bend the cracked sole so that the defect opens up. Treat it with glue and let it dry a little, preventing the edges of the crack from sticking together.

Glue the smeared rubber strip into the bursting place, straighten it.

In these ways, you can easily repair cracked boots, shoes or boots yourself.

How to glue sneakers on the toe?

If the sneakers are a little "leaky" - they are worn out on the socks, you can try to glue them too. It is necessary to act according to simple instructions:

  1. Treat the place of thinning with sandpaper and another 2 cm away from the defect.
  2. Degrease with any solvent.
  3. From polyurethane or ordinary rubber, cut a piece that will be identical in shape to the damaged area. It should have a different thickness: it should be maximum at the site of the largest damage, and its thin part should be adjacent to the sole with a normal thickness.
  4. Treat its cut with sandpaper from the side where it will seal the problem area.
  5. Treat the patch and the damaged area with glue.
  6. With great force, press them and leave the sneakers under pressure for 24 hours.

After simple manipulations, you can repair your favorite sneakers and continue to enjoy their convenience.

How to fix a hole in the sole of a shoe?

If the hole in the sole is small, then it can be effectively sealed with ordinary glue-sealant. For these purposes better fit silicone. Cut off its nose so that it fits perfectly into the hole of boots, shoes or any other shoe that needs repair.

From the inside (under the insole), press the area of ​​the hole with a piece of leather, plastic or other material. Fix up with the sole part. Squeeze sealant into the hole so that it completely fills it. After drying, it firmly merges with rubber, due to which the hole is reliably eliminated and you can not be afraid of wet feet.

If it is large enough (appeared as a result of wear), then it can be sealed with a special polyurethane shoe using thick super glue. Such parts are sold in shoe stores.

What's the best shoe glue?

Professional shoemakers agree that polyurethane glue is best suited for sealing broken, worn and other defective shoes. It has good elasticity, strength and provides a high degree of attachment, which allows you to restore any cracked shoes. In addition, adhesive and special shoe composition, which can be purchased in specialized stores, do an excellent job with such tasks.

If the boot is cracked, frayed, or another “misfortune” happened to it, you don’t need to rush to the shoe shop, but you can try to repair it yourself.

Even expensive high-quality shoes with normal wear and care can have problems with the sole, for example, in the event of a meeting with a dog - a big lover of shoes, or in the wet season. If the sole of your boot has started to come off, it makes a lot more sense to fix the shoe than it does to replace it. BUT The best way repairing a broken sole is a good, reliable adhesive and a competent repair scheme. Some adhesives are designed specifically for the specific materials that shoes are made from, so check the shoe label. Other adhesives are multi-purpose, working well with most various surfaces. Regular competent care of shoes after repair will also help to avoid new damage to the shoes.

Difficulty: moderately easy.

You will need:

- a clean rag;
- old newspapers;
- sandpaper of different grain sizes;
- adhesive;
- palette knife / spatula;
- citrus-based cleaner;
- plastic bag;
- a heavy stack of books / weights for arms and legs / suitable dumbbells.

1. If the sole has peeled off in the middle, separate it from the toe (if necessary, use a utility knife to cut the stitching on the sole or pry the sole from the toe).

Pull the sole away from the boot as far as you can - if it doesn't hold well even further, not only where it is obvious that the sole has come off, it will still soon move further after being repaired.

2. Lay out old newspapers at the place where you will work.

3. Clean both surfaces inside - on top of the bottom sole and on the bottom of the top of the sole, which is left with the boot. Take a white cloth, alcohol (from 70% and above) and properly wipe the “insides” of the sole. A clean old sock cut down the middle works great in place of a rag.
If the boot is wet - from alcohol or something else, let it dry after this procedure. If a inner part the soles were damp before cleaning, after drying, clean with alcohol again.

4. Sand both inside surfaces between the upper and lower soles of the boot with a medium grit sandpaper. Use a different grit if necessary.

5. Follow the instructions on the packaging of your chosen adhesive. Pay special attention to all precautions specified by the manufacturer. Some adhesives emit strong toxic fumes, so you will need to work with them in a well-ventilated area.

6. Spread the adhesive on!both! internal surfaces soles with a spatula or other flat device. Be sure to run adhesive into all cracks and crevices on both inside surfaces in the sole. If the glue has gone where it shouldn't, use a citrus-based cleaner to remove the excess glue.

7. Reattach the sole to the boot (then use the citrus cleaner again if necessary), place the boot on the newspaper.

8. Cover the boot with a plastic bag and place a heavy object on top, such as a good stack of books or dumbbells (when laying down the weight, make sure it doesn't leave an untidy dent or crease on the top of the boot). Also make sure the object you place on the boot is heavy enough to properly squeeze the boot and sole together. Add weight if necessary.

9. Let the glue dry for 48 hours.

Additions and warnings:

Check the description to make sure the adhesive you choose is the right one for shoe repair. If necessary, look at the extended information on the manufacturer's website;

To clean adhesive from used tools, use a citrus-based cleaner in the same way. Don't put off cleaning your instruments for too long;

Do not eat, drink or smoke when handling adhesive and other hazardous chemicals;

Do not inhale fumes from adhesive chemicals - if necessary, not only open the windows, but also use a mask;

Avoid prolonged contact between the strong adhesive and the skin - wash your hands thoroughly immediately after use.

Shoes should be of high quality and good quality. But over time, any, even the most wonderful shoes, tend to wear out or even tear. The hand does not rise to throw away the comfortable shoes that you love. BUT professional repair, as a rule, will cost a pretty penny.

My own shoemaker

Most people in this situation try to repair shoes or boots on their own. Sometimes this succeeds, and sometimes it leads to a disastrous result, and the shoes still have to be carried to the shoemaker to eliminate the consequences of inept repairs. So what to do?

Do not be upset and do not rush to throw away your favorite shoes that are "asking for porridge". Many troubles are quite possible to eliminate at home. You just need to get down to business and stock up on suitable materials.

The lion's share of all repairs falls on gluing a leaky pair of shoes. And here, a rash purchase of the wrong type of glue can nullify all efforts. Remember: you need to choose reliable and high-quality glue for shoe repair! And our article, we hope, will help you make the right choice.

What is shoe glue

Modern adhesive compositions are effectively used in the manufacture and repair of shoes. They have practically replaced the classic tools used for repairs earlier - nails and threads. At least 80% of modern shoe products are produced using the adhesive method using various compositions.

The new generation of adhesives provides effective and reliable bonding, as evidenced by professional reviews. The blanks of the upper parts of shoe products are tightened using polyurethane or polychloroprene agents, compositions from aqueous dispersions of emulsions, polymers, rubber latexes.

What are their main benefits? Firstly, the strength of the joint depends little on the thickness of the parts to be glued. Secondly, the materials treated with such a composition are highly durable and reliable. Thirdly, the seams are elastic (that is, not rigid) and have good frost and water resistance.

Glue for shoe repair: which one is better to choose

We list the most popular and popular with the means that exist today. Say which one is the best best glue for shoes, it’s difficult, because it all depends on the specific type of work and type of product.

It is with such ill-considered actions (deciding to save on the services of a professional and not having the necessary information), i.e., purchasing a cheap tube of absolutely inappropriate glue, that you can completely ruin the thing. After such a home intervention, the shoemaker will have to tinker to correct the situation. Of course, the master will explain what kind of good shoe glue you should take, but, as they say, a spoon for dinner is expensive.

Therefore, be prepared that in the workshop you will be asked for a repair amount that is much larger than usual. Well, this is the very case when the only thing left to console yourself with is that the miser always pays twice.

A crack in the sole of a shoe is not uncommon. This situation is especially unpleasant when the warranty for the product has already ended. And although it will not be possible to carry out high-quality repairs at home, it is possible to partially reanimate shoes. Sometimes repaired shoes or boots can be carried for several more months.

Method 1

To repair a broken sole, prepare:

  • shoe knife;
  • sandpaper;
  • a degreasing agent such as acetone;
  • instant glue that sets quickly;
  • hook;
  • threads.

Repair technology:

  1. Clean the surface of the sole with sandpaper.
  2. Bend the sole to open up the crack. From there, you will need to remove all the dirt, the remnants of the old factory glue, using a shoe knife.
  3. Degrease the fracture site with acetone or gasoline, apply instant glue and press the walls together. Note: shoemakers advise using Desmacol or Nairit glue. To repair the sole, you can also take Moment rubber glue, Crazy Hands epoxy sealant.
  4. The crack was sealed, but the repair was not completed. In order for the shoes to be worn, the bursting sole must also be stitched. With a pencil, draw zigzag lines across the entire crack. With a hand grinder or a shoe knife, make shallow furrows along the entire marking, about 2.5 mm. Now, using your crochet hook, sew up the break, placing the stitches in the grooves you have made. It is advisable to perform several rows of stitches: it will be more reliable, besides upper layer protect the lower threads from abrasion.

Method 2

For work you will need the following materials:

  • shoe knife;
  • sandpaper;
  • acetone or gasoline;
  • a piece of a camera from a bicycle;
  • rubber glue.

What should be done:

  1. As in the first case, the bursting sole must be cleaned and degreased. With a shoe knife, remove part of the sole: cut off 5 mm along each edge of the crack. Maintain a cutting depth of approximately 1 mm.
  2. The next step is to measure the depth of the fault on the sole. Add 15 mm to the resulting value - this will be the width of the strip that needs to be cut out of the camera.
  3. Clean the cut strip, degrease it well, apply rubber glue to it. Coat one side completely with glue, on the other, leave 5 mm of the edge of the dry surface.
  4. Take the damaged shoes, bend them so as to open the crack as much as possible. Holding in this position and not closing for 10 minutes, glue the damaged area with glue.
  5. Bend the prepared strip from the chamber in half and insert it into the crack. Now the sole can be straightened. With pressure, press the edges of the strip protruding from the crack to the surface of the sole. Place your shoes under something heavy for a day.

Method 3

To restore the sole, you will need a soldering iron and a piece of nylon.

  1. First of all, remove the dirt from the shoes, clean and degrease the cracked surface.
  2. Run a hot soldering iron inside the damaged area. The sole material will begin to bubble, become sticky.
  3. Next, you will need to rub the melted nylon into the damaged surface. To do this, place a piece of nylon on the bursting place and press it down with a soldering iron. The capron will melt, but you just have to fill the crack with it until it completely disappears.

On a note: to straighten the melted nylon, during operation, use not the hot tip of the soldering iron, but the handle.

Method 4

In winter shoes, a thick bursting sole can be repaired as follows:

  1. Clean and dry your shoes well. Clean and degrease the crack itself.
  2. On the inside apply a layer of Desmokol glue, hold the product for 10 minutes.
  3. Re-lubricate the crack, as usually the material from which the sole is made is porous and easily absorbent. various substances. Wait 10 minutes, during which time a glossy film will form on the surface.
  4. Heat up the adhesive using a hot air blower from a hair dryer and press firmly on the sides to be glued.

Note: when using Desmokol glue, the quality of gluing depends on the pressure on the surface.

Method 5

Repair of winter shoes with a one-component, rubber-based polyurethane adhesive. You can take the "Monument, PVC" glue. It is also often used to repair PVC boats.

  1. Clean and dry the surfaces to be bonded well.
  2. Bend the sole and go through the large sandpaper inside the crack, degrease.
  3. Spread glue on both sides of the defective area. Wait 15 minutes and apply another layer of adhesive. Note: all the time the glue is applied and dries, the crack should be open.
  4. After 5 minutes, straighten the sole, dock the surface to be repaired.
  5. Next, to fix the sole, take a round stick, place it along and secure with a string. Lay the shoes on the table with the soles towards you, heat with a hair dryer for 30 minutes. The heating temperature should be 60 °C.

If you repair shoes in the evening, then in the morning you can already go outside in it.


You will need

  • - Glue;
  • - Acetone;
  • - Rags or cotton wool;
  • - Press;
  • - Sealant (MS polymer), silicone sealant;
  • - Porous rubber;
  • - Cardboard;
  • - Insoles;
  • - Rubber outsole;
  • - A piece of cotton fabric;
  • - Knife and scissors.


Repair sole using durable rubber glue - this is the most familiar way to lead. As a rule, this is a temporary measure. If the front edge of the sole is a little unstuck (“asking for porridge”), clean the surfaces to be glued from dirt and, after drying, treat them with acetone. Usually super glue and "Moment" are used. Well proven in practice self repair soles epoxy glue (EPD), Crazy Hands sealant and Desmokol polyurethane agent.

Use glue according to package instructions. Usually it is applied in a not very thick layer (2-3 mm), kept for 10 minutes and the shoes are strongly squeezed with a load from night to morning. Ideally, this will be done in a shoe workshop using a special press. In the same use improvised means, trying not to deform the shoes. It is ideal to use an “g”-shaped block with an additional load.

If the leaky sole has a honeycomb structure, when worn, voids form in it - the heel falls through, the shoes become thinner in this place. Tear off the insole and carefully clean the honeycomb from dirt, glue residue and torn cardboard. After that, they can be filled with a sealant (for example, MS polymer) and allowed to dry properly. Cut out cardboard templates in the shape of an old insole, soak them with the same agent and glue them on sole, then install new insoles.

Sometimes honeycomb outsole due to a small puncture. In this case, the insole is also disconnected (if it is in order, then this can only be done at the puncture site). Fill the honeycombs with silicone sealant, fill them with porous rubber scraps (micropores) and apply silicone again. Place the insole on top and press firmly until the repaired sole is dry.

To correct sole, cracked across, the conditions are almost impossible. To do this, you need to contact the shoemakers and make rubber ("prevention"). The same should be done for abrasion of the heels and toes.

If you managed to get a thin rubber sole according to your shoe size, try it yourself. Use strong shoe glue. In order for the rubber part to stick to the base of or nylon, first weld a precisely cut cotton lining on it with a hot iron. When sticking the rubber outsole on the skin, it is recommended to make a 45-degree edge. However, only experienced craftsmen can more reliably repair a fracture or abrasion of shoes.

Helpful advice

If you plan to wear shoes for a long time, take them to the workshop right away and ask them to make polyurethane stickers. Then you will not soon have to think about how to seal the sole. Such prophylaxis is inexpensive, and it is easily replaceable. In winter, stickers will save you from ice. At this time of the year, artisanal methods of repairing shoes are only a short-term measure, as boots and boots quickly fail from frost.


boots usually used by us only a few times a year, for example, to go fishing or to the forest for mushrooms. But they often leak, because we walk around in them not through Canadian greenery, but through forests and slums. So a dilemma arises - it’s a pity for money to buy boots, and you don’t want to go to a specialized workshop, since repairing boots there can cost, if not more expensive, then on a par with the cost of a new product. In this case, it is more rational to glue boots himself.


Carefully cut out a patch from the old rubber along the puncture or cut on the boots requiring repair. Clean the sides to be glued, both on the boot and on the prepared patch, with a large file, and then with sandpaper or sandpaper.

Spread with a brush or a piece of foam rubber on both degreased surfaces with a thin layer of glue suitable for working with rubber products. Leave the glue to partially dry for 15-20 minutes. Apply the second layer of glue in the same way through the marked one.

Press the patch to the damaged one, supporting it with the fingers of one hand, and outside with the fingers of the other. Try to do this with maximum effort to ensure optimally strong contact between the parts to be glued. Do not use glued shoes within a day after the manipulations.


  • how to seal pvc boots in 2018

Many thrifty housewives and landlords are unwilling or unable to afford to give away a significant portion of family budget for repairing several pairs of shoes a year. Of course, there are types of work that cannot be done at home due to the fact that special equipment is required. However, with the help of some simple tricks, you will save a significant part of the budget, and perhaps acquire a new hobby or even a new profession.


Remove worn buckles, buttons, straps and bows, as well as sewing threads or staples that have come out with a knife or scissors. Remove the straps in those places where they fasten the buckles when replacing with new ones, completely, and partially.

New straps in shape, color, size and method of processing the edges must match those that were previously. Glue the new straps well, and then attach with a two-row bartack stitch. Attach buttons with a regular needle, at least 5 stitches with a distance between punctures of 4-5 mm.

Changing the “slider” with a zipper is also not difficult. From below, spread the threads under the “zipper” a few centimeters so as to pull out the edge of the fastener, remove the old “slider”, put on a new one, strengthen the end of the fastener with a metal bracket, threads, superglue and carefully, with frequent stitches, sew. The “runner” can be bent a little with pliers and squeezed a little. If you press too hard, then its internal parts will begin to scratch the links of the fastener, and then you will have to replace it completely.

The strength margin of the lock can be significantly increased if the lock and clasp are lubricated, for example, with silicone grease in cylinders. It is best to apply it on a cotton pad and gently wipe only the clasp and lock. After that, it will become easier to fasten and unfasten, it will not freeze, and sand and dirt will not stick to it.

If your shoes have plastic heels and need to be replaced, but suitable color no scratched, then buy spray paint in cylinders, (car paint is also suitable). Wash your heels before painting warm water with a couple of drops of "FAIRY" The surface will be degreased (acetone will corrode, so it is better to refrain from using it). Dry the surface of the heel and spray the paint evenly from a distance of 15-20 cm. A can of car paint is worth it, but it will last for a long time. This method not suitable for leather-covered heels.

Most often, for self-repair of sneakers, shoes, sandals and other shoes, second glue is used. Household adhesives are divided into liquid, contact, reaction and thermal. They allow you to solve almost any problem related to home repair.

contact adhesive

If it is intended to bond non-porous surfaces such as rubber, porcelain, plastic, or items that need to retain their elasticity (soles or straps), it is best to use contact adhesive in tubes or spray form. Unlike liquid glue, contact must be applied to both parts to be glued. In addition, it is necessary to allow the adhesive to dry slightly for 10-15 minutes before joining the surfaces. The glue seizes instantly, but it takes a lot of effort to hold the two parts together. When repairing shoe soles, it is best to use a weight, such as an old iron. In order not to disturb the shape of the shoe, you can lay a layer of thick cardboard between the shoe and oppression.

reaction glue

When it comes to bonding highly loaded, non-porous items or where heat resistance is required, professionals recommend the use of reactive adhesives, also known as instant adhesives. They work instantly as soon as the active component reacts with another component of the adhesive or with a certain element of the external environment. When choosing a reaction adhesive, pay attention to the requirements for operating conditions. While air oxidation is sufficient for a conventional one-component adhesive to work, more specialized products may require special environments and factors to effective work. Second glue is suitable for repairing heels, straps, as well as quick repair of soles on leaking winter boots and boots. Under the Moment brand, many varieties of reaction glue are produced, including one specialized for repairing shoes.

hot glue

Universal in everyday life and hot melt, widely used for repair and creativity. It does not need to be dosed or mixed and is solvent free, making it suitable for bonding all materials, including solvent resistant plastics. The glue is heated up to 110°C and applied to the surface with a special gun. With it, you can not only glue the sole or insole, but also fix the detached decorative elements or decorate a pair of shoes with rhinestones, sequins and other embellishments.

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