How to make plum sauce for the winter. Classic and modern recipes for sweet and sour plum tkemali sauce

  • 19.10.2019

Wash plums, remove pits and chop finely. We shift the chopped plums into a saucepan or a saucepan with a thick bottom.

Cook plums over low heat after boiling for 20-25 minutes, removing the foam formed during boiling. My plums were quite juicy and gave a lot of juice. But if necessary, you can also add half a glass of water.

Wash greens and chop. We also need garlic and a few rings of red hot pepper.

Mince garlic and pepper as well.

After 20-25 minutes after boiling, add greens, garlic and pepper to the plums.

Season the plum sauce with a teaspoon of Khmeli-suneli.

As for salt and sugar, it all depends on how sour your plums are. Mine turned out to be very sour, and it’s even scary to say how much sugar it took me! I needed 4 teaspoons of salt for this amount of plums. I recommend adding salt and sugar a little at a time and tasting each time until the taste of the sauce suits you.

To prepare plum sauce for the winter, we sterilize jars or bottles and lids for them in advance. Pour the prepared sauce hot into containers and cork.

Bon Appetit!

We take plums, they need to be washed well under running water and the seeds removed. Most the best way- These are Hungarian plums. They are fleshy and have a sweet and sour taste. If there are no such drains, do not worry, we will take any others.

Prepared pitted plums are loaded into a blender bowl or a deep container, grind to a puree state. It is not necessary to remove the peel from the plums, it will be perfectly frayed. If there are houses food processor- it can also chop our plums. Next comes the greens: onion feathers, parsley and dill. We wash them well with water and also grind them, you can use a knife, blender or in a food processor.

We clean the garlic, if the cloves are very large, then we simply cut them for convenience and chop them with garlic and transfer them to the rest of the ingredients. Although, in principle, it is possible to chop garlic with a blender in the total mass of plums, but then it may not be gruel, and this is exactly what we need.

Pour the liquid mixture from the plums that we got into suitable dishes, add chopped greens. Now add salt to taste and spices that you like the most. For example, I add ground red pepper, as I like the sauce to be a little hot, and black ground pepper for smell. You can add spices such as coriander, cilantro, basil, saffron. It all depends on your preferences.

We mix the mass thoroughly, and now - our fresh plum sauce with vitamins is ready! From rubbing with a blender, it is still in a whipped state, you just need to let it stand for a bit so that all air bubbles come out.

You need to store this plum in the refrigerator. It is not made for the future, but just to the table, and everything is made from fresh and natural products. Plums almost certainly grow in everyone's garden, and if there is no garden, then they are inexpensive, and you do not need to buy a lot of them. It is better when the plum has a sweet and sour taste, and not completely sweet. If the plums got sour, for example, cherry plum, then you need to add a little sugar to the recipe for sweetness. You don't need to add vinegar at all.

Someone might say that the sauce needs to be boiled down for a richer taste. Maybe, I don’t argue, only part of the vitamins will be lost in this case. For longer storage, of course, the meat must be boiled and cooled.

This plum sauce is good because it is done quickly, it is very tasty, it goes well with many dishes. My family, initially skeptical about this recipe, now loves it. In general, you can simply anoint it on bread and eat it. Try it, make this quick sauce too, and I assure you, you will love it!

Bon appetit and good recipes Anyuta wishes you!

The most affordable of sauces is ketchup, which can be purchased at any store at a very economical price. For this reason tomato sauce are used in almost every family, without even thinking about the fact that there are many seasonings that harmonize with meat dishes no worse, and sometimes even better than ketchup. Plum sauce for meat is no worse than tomato, and many gourmets prefer to eat meat dishes right with him. True, most often you have to cook such a sauce yourself. It is inexpensive during the plum harvest season, and if you are a connoisseur of plum sauce, you can prepare it for future use in any quantity: cooked according to the rules, it is well worth it and goes well with any dishes, especially meat.

Cooking features

Great culinary experience in order to prepare a delicious plum sauce for serving with meat or for the winter is not required from the hostess. However, some features of the preparation of plum sauce will not hurt her to know.

  • Ripe, but not overripe plums are more suitable for the sauce. Do not pick unripe fruits or use overripe ones - in both cases, the taste of the sauce will not be good enough. And if you can find recipes that still make a good green plum sauce, carrion certainly can not be used.
  • The most time-consuming work in the process of preparing plum sauce is the peeling of the fruit from the stones. To do this, the plum, already washed and dried, is cut in a circle, disconnected into 2 halves, then the stone is removed. If the sauce is prepared in a small amount, then the plums will take a little and any housewife will be able to clean them quickly, but to prepare plum sauce for the winter in a significant amount, time, patience and skill will be required.
  • In order for the plum sauce to acquire a uniform consistency, you will need to use kitchen appliances: the finished sauce is crushed with a blender, boiled again and only then cooled to serve, or poured hot into sterilized jars to prepare the product for the winter.
  • Sauce can be stored for a long time only if it has been exposed to heat treatment required duration, was poured into sterilized jars, which are hermetically sealed. Storage conditions are usually indicated in the recipe. As a rule, the sauce, which has not been sufficiently prepared with sugar, salt and vinegar, is stored in the refrigerator, but if the composition includes the proper amount of the above natural preservatives, plum sauce can be stored at room temperature.

Tkemali sauce is usually served cold with meat. However, if you wish, you can add it to dishes during their preparation.

Classic plum sauce recipe

Composition (per 1 liter):

  • plums - 1 kg (the weight of fruits already pitted is indicated);
  • garlic - 1.5–2 heads;
  • hot capsicum - 1 pc.;
  • dried basil - 5 g;
  • ground cardamom - 5 g;
  • coriander - 10 g;
  • sweet mustard (ground into powder) - 5 g;
  • a mixture of ground peppers - 5 g;
  • cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • dried ginger (optional) - a pinch;
  • sugar - 160-180 g (depending on how sweet the plums are);
  • fresh cilantro - 50 g;
  • salt - 10 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash with soda, sterilize glass jars or bottles with a total capacity of 1 liter. If using bottles, prepare the funnel by washing it thoroughly and boiling it for 5 minutes, in extreme cases, pour boiling water over the funnel before use. Boil metal lids together with a funnel or separately, allowing you to close jars and bottles hermetically.
  • Sort, rinse the plums. Dip them for 15 minutes in boiling water, remove with a slotted spoon. Peel off the skin: after the manipulation, it can be easily removed. Of course, you can leave the skin of the plums, but in this case the sauce will not have such a delicate and smooth texture, which is characteristic of the classic plum sauce.
  • Cut the fruit in half and remove the seeds from them.
  • Grind plum pulp with a blender.
  • Place the plum puree in an enamel bowl or large bowl, place on the stove and cook, stirring, for 10 minutes. It is necessary to cook on low heat, otherwise the mashed potatoes may start to burn.
  • Peel the garlic. Remove the seeds from the pepper. Wear gloves as these products can burn your skin, especially if handled in large quantities.
  • Chop with special device garlic. Pepper or cut very finely with a knife, or chop with a blender.
  • Add salt and sugar. Continuing to cook the sauce for another 10 minutes, achieve their complete dissolution.
  • Add cilantro finely chopped with a knife, pepper, garlic passed through a special press, dry spices into the sauce. Stir and cook for another 5 minutes.
  • Pour the sauce into prepared containers, tightly close with boiled lids.
  • Turn the jars upside down (bottles do not need to be turned over). Wrap with a blanket and leave to cool completely. Store in a cool place.

If you are making a sauce in small quantities and plan to eat it within a week, the cooking time can be reduced by 2-3 times. In this case, the sauce will be just as tasty and at the same time more useful.

Easy Plum Sauce Recipe for Meat

  • plum - 1 kg;
  • brown sugar - 25 g (or 20 g of regular beetroot);
  • hops-suneli - 10 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • water - 20 ml;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the plums well, dry with paper towels. Cut in a circle, break, remove the bones. Puree the pulp with a blender.
  • Mix plum puree with sugar and garlic passed through a press, add seasoning, salt, a little water.
  • Place over low heat and simmer, stirring, until the sauce turns brown.

The sauce prepared according to this recipe is not intended for long-term storage. You can refrigerate it and serve it with meat for up to a week. If you do not have time to eat the sauce within the specified time, it is better to throw it away, otherwise it will still become too sour and tasteless.

Plum sauce with apples for the winter

Composition (per 5 l):

  • plums (peeled) - 1.5 kg;
  • tomatoes - 3 kg;
  • onions - 0.3 kg;
  • apples - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.2 kg;
  • table vinegar (9 percent) - 50 ml;
  • salt - 20 g;
  • ground black pepper - 5 g;
  • ground cinnamon - 2-3 g;
  • red ground pepper - 2 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash plums, dry. Remove the bones from them. Grind the pulp with a blender.
  • Wash the apples, peel them and cut out the core. Cut into large pieces. Puree.
  • Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, peel, cut into small cubes, put in a saucepan with a thick bottom.
  • Stir plum and apple puree, mixing with sugar. Transfer to a bowl with tomatoes.
  • Peel the onion, chop with a blender, put to the rest of the ingredients.
  • Put the pot on a slow fire. Boil fruits and vegetables for 2 hours, stirring often.
  • 10 minutes before readiness, add salt, spices, vinegar, mix.
  • Pour the sauce into sterilized jars small size, roll them up or seal them with screw caps.
  • Turn over, wrap with a blanket.

After cooling, the sauce can be stored in the pantry, as it is excellent even at room temperature.

Plum sauce, prepared according to any of the above recipes, will be an excellent addition to meat. It goes especially well with lamb, pork, poultry meat.

The harvesting and harvesting of the seasonal harvest is in full swing. Here the plum has arrived, from which you can prepare an extraordinary spicy sauce. There are a lot of varieties of cooking such a fragrant seasoning. The well-known Georgian tkemali and satsebeli, but there are even more complex sauces, for example, Chinese, to which rice vinegar and a large number of seasonings
Plum sauce is perfect for any meat. Especially unusually tasty is shish kebab made from pork, beef or chicken, poured on top with a bright fragrant seasoning of plums and sprinkled with herbs. There are more complex variations when tomatoes, apples, carrots or walnuts.
I would like to share with you the recipe delicious sauce from this sweet and sour fruit. For its preparation, plum "Hungarian" or cherry plum is suitable. It is desirable that the fruit be with a sour taste, dense to the touch, you can take a little unripe. This is the plum I used in this recipe. The finished seasoning turns out to be thick, with a sweet and sour taste and a little spicy, since I added hot pepper. If you do not like spicy sauces, then pepper can be omitted. From this amount of plums, two small jars of plum blanks are obtained.
For your convenience, I have provided the entire recipe for plum sauce for meat step by step description and added photos.

Taste Info Sauces for the winter


  • plum - 1 kg;
  • garlic - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • hops-suneli - 0.5 tbsp. l.;
  • ground coriander - 1 tsp;
  • water - 70 ml;
  • hot pepper - to taste.

How to cook plum sauce for meat for the winter

First, prepare the plums. We wash them well under water, let them dry a little. Cut into two halves and remove the bone.

We put the prepared fruits in a thick-walled pan, add filtered water according to the recipe. We put on medium heat, stirring occasionally, we wait for the plum mass to boil. Remove the foam, reduce the temperature to a minimum, cover the pan with a lid and cook for 30 minutes. Stir from time to time so that the plums do not stick to the bottom.

While the fruits are being prepared, we peel the garlic, cut it into small pieces. We wash the hot pepper, remove the seeds from it, randomly cut.

After thirty minutes of boiling, grind the plums with an immersion blender or rub through a fine sieve. The consistency should be a homogeneous puree. Put the pan back on a low heat and cook the chopped plums under the lid for another 30 minutes. Don't forget to stir occasionally with a wooden spatula.

Add the rest of the ingredients: salt, sugar, suneli hops, ground coriander, chopped garlic and hot pepper. Mix well and boil for 20 minutes over low heat, without covering with a lid. Grind the plum sauce with a blender until a homogeneous mass is formed and cook for another 10 minutes after boiling.
At this point, let's try the sauce. If necessary, you can also add salt, pepper, garlic to taste, lemon juice is suitable for acid, and a slight use of apple or wine vinegar is also allowed in the recipe.

While the sauce is being prepared, we wash small jars, lids, and sterilize them for 5-10 minutes over steam or in another way convenient for you. Pour the hot sauce into sterile, dry jars, cover them with a clean lid (do not twist).

We cover the bottom of the pan with a towel or cotton fabric folded in several layers, put a jar of sauce. pouring hot water and sterilize 10 minutes after boiling.

Close the lids tightly and turn the jars upside down. Wrap well until they cool completely. Delicious preparations for you!

To give a piquant taste to plum sauce, instead of suneli hops, you can pour 1 teaspoon of dry ginger and the same amount of dried mint. If you add curry seasoning (20 g) to garlic, you get an unusual delicate aroma.
Whatever spices you put in in any case will come out magical sweet and sour sauce from plums, which is suitable not only for meat, but also for any dish.

I noticed that recently it has become customary to call any plum sauce tkemali. Today we will prepare a simple plum sauce for the winter. The recipe is very simple, the sauce does not require long boiling. And one more "plus": the recipe can be safely attributed to the "natural canning" series. After all, the composition of the sauce includes only products of plant origin, it does not contain salt and vinegar. This preparation uses seemingly completely incompatible products: sweet plums, garlic and bell pepper. After trying the finished sauce, you will be surprised how harmoniously the ingredients are combined, without any of them the sauce will lose its delicious aroma and amazing fresh taste. Complements the composition a small amount vegetable oil, which is also a link.

This plum sauce is a wonderful addition to meat and poultry dishes, boiled potatoes and rice.


  • plums - 500 g
  • sweet pepper - 1 pod
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • black peppercorns - 5 pieces
  • sunflower oil - 1.5 tbsp. l.

How to make a simple plum sauce for the winter

Wash the plums well and free from the stalks. Cut each plum in half and carefully remove the pits.

Rinse sweet pepper, cut in half lengthwise, remove the seed box and remove the stalk. Cut the flesh randomly.

Peel the garlic cloves and wash.

Pass the prepared plums, peppers and garlic through a meat grinder with a large grate.

Transfer the resulting mass to an enameled or glass container for cooking the sauce.

Add vegetable oil.

Put the saucepan with the future sauce on the fire. If you have a fire spreader on the farm, install it under the pan. It's tricky kitchen fixture keep the sauce from burning.

Let it boil, then lower the heat and simmer the sauce for 15 minutes.

Add black peppercorns and cook for another 5 minutes.

Pack hot sauce in sterilized jars, seal tightly with lids and cool at room temperature.

Plum sauce with sweet pepper and garlic is ready. Keep it in a cool place.

The season for preparing the sauce is August - September.

Note to the owner:

Plums for making sauce, choose yellow or red. The fruits should be firm, not quite ripe, without damage and rotten places.

Peppers, in turn, choose fleshy, dense, ripe and sweet in taste. Coloring doesn't matter.