The spiritual father of the three patriarchs, the famous elder Archimandrite Kirill Pavlov, has died. Kirill pavlov

  • 14.10.2019

Kirill Pavlov - archimandrite, confessor of Patriarch Alexy II and the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Elder, revered by the Russian Orthodox Church and society.

During the golden autumn of 1919, namely on October 8, a boy was born in a simple peasant family, who was named Ivan. At the moment, this person is known as the elder Archimandrite Kirill Pavlov.

Childhood and youth

The family of a little boy lived in the Ryazan province, in a small village called Makovskiye Vyselki. Ivan's parents were deeply religious people. From a young age, they instilled in their son a love for God.

When the boy was 12 years old, he and his brother were sent to study in the city of Kasimov. In his native village it was impossible to get a seven-year education. There was no such school, but education had to be continued. Ivan Dmitrievich was accompanied by his brother, who had a very negative attitude towards religion. AT big cities at that time, godlessness was in vogue.

When the boy was 15 years old, Ivan Pavlov passed the entrance exams and was enrolled in the Kasimov Industrial College.

In 1938, the young man graduated from an educational institution and received a diploma. Then he went to work at a metallurgical plant in Katav-Ivanovsk. He got a job as a technologist. Soon Ivan Dmitrievich was called up for military service.

A simple peasant boy was sent to serve in the Far East. It was not very easy for a young guy to serve in the army. Subsequently, Ivan went through the entire Great Patriotic War, defending Stalingrad in the person of a platoon commander. Participated in tough battles near the Hungarian Lake Balaton.

A big holiday, Victory Day, Ivan met in Austria. The dismissal from the army was formalized in 1946.

A new turn in life

life path Ivan (Kirill) Pavlov can be divided into two periods: before and after the war. Once, during the war, in a destroyed house, he accidentally found the Gospel, which was burned, the leaves were all torn off. Reading this book changed his life, turned his soul upside down. From that moment, a new round began in the biography of Archimandrite Kirill Pavlov.

Batiushka said that he received a life-giving balm: “Everything became clear to me then. The war was a consequence of our apostasy.” He experienced great pleasure when reading this sacred book during breaks, during rest. One day, while on a sermon in the church of Tambov, he firmly decided to become a priest.

The young man again turned to faith in God. After returning to his native land, Ivan Pavlov took monastic vows. The young man loved his family very much, always remembered and prayed for them. He regularly visited his family living in his native village. And later he visited the village of Makovo, where there were graves of loved ones.

After leaving the ranks Soviet army Ivan Pavlov headed to the seminary. In the capital of our country, in Moscow, he turned to the ministers of the Elokhov Cathedral in order to clarify the address spiritual institution. It turns out that the object that was located closest of all was in the Novodevichy Convent.

Ivan Pavlov entered the seminary in military uniform. With great pleasure and great joy, Father Sergei Savinskikh received the newly minted minister. After graduating from the Moscow Theological Seminary, educational process at the Moscow Theological Academy. According to official sources, Archimandrite Kirill Pavlov graduated in 1954.

Then there was the tonsure, which Pavlov received in August of the same 1954 at the Trinity-Sergius Lavra and served as a sacristan.

After sixteen years of service, he accepted the post of treasurer. A year later (in 1956) he became the confessor of the monastic brethren. In the same period he was elevated to the rank of archimandrite.

Confessor of the Patriarch

He moved to Peredelkino. Despite such changes, the elder still visited the Lavra for the spiritual instructions of the monks.

This was followed by the awarding of the orders of St. Prince Vladimir and St. Sergius of Radonezh. Cyril devoted any free minute of his personal time to writing sermons and teachings. He taught the love of God to young monks.

A little about personal

Archimandrite Kirill Pavlov never concluded marriage, in accordance with Orthodox laws, elders should not start a family. Consciously, Kirill's entire life was dedicated to the service of the Russian Church.

Dying is not scary

At the end of 2003, in the month of December, a great tragedy occurred: Archimandrite Kirill Pavlov had a stroke. His body was paralyzed. The elder was deprived of the opportunity to move and even talk a little. But Kirill Pavlov continued to pray. Barely moving his lips, slurring words, he prayed.

The fight against the disease dragged on for fourteen years. And yet she won: on February 20, 2017, the elder died at the age of 97.

All this happened in Peredelkino. The funeral took place in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

Prophecies of the Elder

The conversations of the believing parishioners with the elder boiled down to asking him about the future. And they perceived the answers of Archimandrite Kirill Pavlov as prophecies. The elder took such dialogues very seriously. The nuns kept records, some things were passed from one to another.

The nun Theophylacta was very worried about the fate of the Urals. That the Chinese will be able to take possession of it. She shared her experiences with Elder Kirill. To this, he replied that the Chinese would receive a boot, like the Germans in their time in Russia. The Ural land will never belong to another state.

Many questions were asked to Father Kirill about the new war and hard times. To which they received the answer that hostilities could arise at any time. Famine is possible and supplies should be, they will not interfere.

The elder blessed to have a house and land for a difficult time.

The Elder strongly advised one parishioner to be sober. It means realistically assessing the situation. Perhaps tribulations are coming, and they must be accepted meekly. These are the answers people considered prophetic.

Elder's books

Three excellent printed editions were published - books by Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov) in 2012-2017:

  • "Time of Repentance" - the author's deep reflections on life and eternity.
  • "Sermons" is a collection of sermons presented in two volumes.
  • "Praise Mother of God"- the wise preaching writings of the archimandrite.

On February 20, in the patriarchal residence in Peredelkino, at the age of 98, one of the most revered elders of the Russian Orthodox Church late XX - early. XXI centuries, called by his contemporaries the "All-Russian confessor", the spiritual father of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra - Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov).

Father Kirill grew up in the family of an unbelieving older brother in the village of Makovsky Vyselki, Ryazan Region. In 1939 he was drafted into the Red Army, served in the Far East, commanded a platoon during the defense of Stalingrad in the Great Patriotic War. During the war, Ivan (the worldly name of the elder) Pavlov converted to faith. As he himself recalled, while on guard duty in the destroyed Stalingrad in April 1943, among the ruins of the house, he found the Gospel.

Kirill Pavlov took monastic vows at the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in 1954, after graduating from the Moscow Theological Seminary and Theological Academy. Thanks to his piety and spiritual life, he quickly gained authority among the brethren. According to contemporaries, Patriarchs Alexy I and Pimen confessed to Father Cyril. Then he became the confessor of Patriarch Alexy II, in connection with which he moved to the patriarchal residence in Peredelkino. At the same time, the archimandrite continued to spiritually minister to the monks of the Lavra, received numerous believers, and had an innumerable number of spiritual children.

Elder Kirill wrote an introductory speech to Maria Zhukova's book "Marshal Zhukov is my father." In his opening speech, characterizing the Marshal of Victory, Cyril, in particular, noted: "His soul is Christian, the seal of God's chosenness is felt throughout his life."

It is worth noting that among the revered elders of our time, Archimandrite Kirill was at the forefront of anti-globalism. He reacted extremely negatively to the introduction of TIN, which worried a significant part of the Orthodox community, as an integral part of dangerous for Orthodox faith globalization processes. The elder called on the people to be vigilant, believing that the renunciation of Christ would begin imperceptibly, in the routine of everyday and habitual sins, which the person himself tends to consider petty and insignificant. TIN and everything connected with it, according to Fr. Cyril is the "beginning of the end." At the same time, he refrained from harsh speeches against the introduction of the TIN, not wanting to stimulate a church schism. “It is necessary to resist the introduction of TIN in such a way that no schismatic moods arise among the flock, and pastors should not condemn each other, and even more so archpastors, so that the unity of the Church does not suffer. Those who can must press the Government, the Duma, for a law to be passed freeing the Orthodox from assigning numbers,” Fr. Kirill.

"The Bell of Russia" quotes from the famous sermon of Fr. Kirill Pavlov, said back in 2001 and, based on what is happening in last years, months and days, which is without a doubt prophetic.

“You need to know how the Apostle says that the Lord has not determined us to be angry, but to receive salvation in Christ Jesus, who died for us,” as the Apostle writes to Thessalonica. He says that you do not need to know about times and dates, brethren, you yourselves know for certain that the coming of Christ will be like a thief in the night. For when they say "peace and security," then sudden destruction will come upon them. But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that the day finds you like a thief; you are sons of the day and light, but not sons of darkness. Therefore, let us not sleep as others sleep, but let us be sober and awake. For those who sleep sleep at night, and those who get drunk get drunk at night. Let us, being the sons of the day, be sober, putting on the armor of faith and love, waiting for the hope of salvation. Therefore, you need to be sober.

And most importantly - you need to keep love. There is no need for any enmity, no splits. The enemy gave this idea. We must keep love.

Do not allow the enemy to cause any splits. Remember how during the revolution in our Church [appeared] renovationists. From the midst of the Church came Renovation Bishops... And this plays into their hands... The enemy is afraid of the world. Enmity is his most tried and tested remedy.

Therefore, I wish you that the brotherhood be unanimous. Would condescend to each other, would forgive each other. And just as the Apostle Paul said: Beloved and chosen of God, put on mercy, goodness, humility, meekness, long-suffering, condescending to each other and forgiving mutual offenses and complaints. Put on especially love, which is the bond of perfection. May the peace of God rule, rule in all hearts. We are called in one body, and be friendly.

Of course, all these ominous signals ... Of course, I know how they reason. My personal conviction is that this is not a good thing to start, I don’t want to condemn anyone, but ... Christians are coming, trials are approaching ...

I think so, the first stage is numbers, then there will be an electronic card. Now (in the early 2000s!) It’s somehow easier, then it will be more difficult to get out, and then after these cards there will already be a mark. When you have to give up the mark, there will be obvious death, yes. Either change Christ, worship the Antichrist, or vice versa - accept death for Christ. As I understand it.

Then, in relation to these numbers here, this is a godless matter. First of all, the names of man were called by God Himself. The Lord Himself called the names - Adam and Eve. And so in the future this commandment was observed, kept, names were given. Christians also name, give a name, yes. And at baptism, the Guardian Angel is awarded, yes. And the Church gives the name of the saint. And then ... we renounce our name, and some number is assigned. So if it were necessary, the Lord would not have given the name Adam, but some “255” there would have said to Adam ... But he called the name ... And here from the devil, that is, they begin to introduce a new order, new Age. You see, - exclude the names, and everyone will be under the number.

Now the consciousness is being processed so subtly, indeed, so gradually, gradually the consciousness will be reborn... The devil is fighting with God. God-fighters... God-fighters... They already call the new century the “new century” [ new era]. New era, new life, new laws... This century will be the century of totalitarianism.

Fear not, little flock, God is with us!

I think that in fraternal unanimity and with faith, yes, with right faith in Christ the Lord God and with mutual love, if you have to meet some tests, [then] in this case they will be easily endured. I thank you from the bottom of my heart and wish such love to be between us.”

The entire Orthodox world mourns and prays for the repose of the soul of the newly-departed servant of God, Archimandrite Kirill.



1 Natalia Ivanova - Kharina

February 20 marks the one year anniversary of the death of Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov), fraternal confessor of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Let us recall the biography of Elder Kirill and his wise spiritual instructions.

Ivan Pavlov was born on September 8, 1919 in the village of Makovskie Vyselki, now the Mikhailovsky district of the Ryazan region, into a believing peasant family. From the age of 12 he lived with an unbelieving brother, under the influence of the environment he moved away from church life. After graduating from a technical school, he worked as a technologist at a metallurgical plant.

He was drafted into the Red Army and served in the Far East. Member of the Great Patriotic War in the rank of lieutenant, participated in the defense of Stalingrad (commanded a platoon), in battles near Lake Balaton in Hungary, ended the war in Austria. During the war, Ivan converted to faith. He recalled that, while on guard duty in the destroyed Stalingrad in April 1943, he found the Gospel among the ruins of the house ...

After demobilization in 1946, Ivan Pavlov entered the Moscow Theological Seminary, and after graduation, the Moscow Theological Academy, from which he graduated in 1954. On August 25, 1954, he was tonsured a monk at the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. In the beginning, he was a sexton. In 1970 he became treasurer, and since 1965 - the confessor of the monastic brethren. He was elevated to the rank of archimandrite.

Appointed confessor of Patriarch Alexy II, in connection with this he moved to Peredelkino (where the Patriarchal residence is located), continuing to spiritually minister to the monks of the Lavra. Awarded with church orders St. Sergius Radonezh and Holy Prince Vladimir. Author of numerous sermons and teachings. Mentor of young monks who took monastic vows in the Lavra.

Spiritual Instructions

Father Kirill specially clothed his instructions in the form of winged flying proverbs or advice in order not to burden the spiritual child.

  1. Keep your head low and your soul close to God.
  2. Turn around in business, but put up with people.
  3. How to be saved? Humble your heart and reproach yourself.
  4. The monk sleeps, but sin watches.
  5. You will not be a man-pleasing, you will become a God-pleasing.
  6. If you do not hear other people's groans, neither fasting nor bowing will help.
  7. Appearance is important to people, and truthfulness and honesty are important to God.
  8. Whoever prays to God will not be disgraced.
  9. Do not laugh at someone else's need, do not cry about your own misfortune.
  10. He who reproaches others forgets his own sins.
  11. A humble person is a priceless diamond.
  12. A pure heart, like a spring, is useful to everyone.
  13. Whom did the world deceive? who is attached to him. And who did God save? who relied on him.
  14. If you want to be saved - know how to humble yourself.
  15. Remember: fasting and vigil are good, but humility is best of all.
  16. Proud as a late dinner - no one needs.
  17. Do not neglect any person, good or bad, and God will direct your affairs.
  18. The essence of obedience is in one thing - the one who is obedient is with Christ.
  19. Whoever is faithful to the elder is tested by God.
  20. Endure the blessing of the spiritual father to the end.
  21. A novice has devotion, a confessor has a blessing, God has salvation.
  22. First sorrow, then grace.
  23. The Spirit loves courage, but not boldness.
  24. The soul must have nobility, for salvation is noble, because God gives it freely.
  25. The Church is always crucified, just like Christ.
  26. Love will be fought to the last breath.
  27. Poverty is the most best condition for spiritual practice.
  28. Salvation is only in the attack on sin. In retreat before sin - death.
  29. Sorrow is the path to the deification of the soul. This means - to go to free passion, to the cross.
  30. The best form of love from time immemorial is one - a prayer.
  31. To accept arbitrary suffering for the sake of Christ is beyond ordinary consolations.
  32. Fallen and risen - saved. Not getting up - perishes.
  33. If you want to be free in Christ, give up yourself.

Our hearts are filled with forgiveness, peace and love for each other

After Little Compline, Father Methodius said a short word and asked everyone on their knees for forgiveness:

“Beloved fathers, brothers and sisters, bless me on behalf of Vladyka Pankratii to ask for forgiveness. On this majestic day, the Lord gave us the opportunity to reconcile with God, with our guardian angel, our neighbors, especially with those people whom we really offend, seduce, and embarrass with our behavior. But the Lord gives us such days as the Holy Forty Day - the most beautiful time for the human soul, the golden time of repentance, which we can bring to our merciful and all-forgiving Lord.

Bless and forgive me, holy fathers, brothers, sisters, your most unworthy brother for sins, which I created in word, deed, thought and all my

In the Valaam Monastery, during this continuous Shrovetide week, a lot of pancakes are also baked to treat the brethren and numerous guests. Every day, the monastery cooks with joy and love prepare 450 large pancakes for a fraternal meal, and many more - for addition and distribution to everyone. Pancakes with condensed milk and sour cream are a consolation for all the inhabitants of the monastery, because it is so necessary to refresh yourself before a strict multi-day fast.

On February 16, 2019, Abbot Methodius, a resident of the Valaam Monastery, has a birthday. The brethren of the monastery and numerous guests came to congratulate their beloved spiritual father and friend, who arrived on the island despite the winter and not the most favorable weather conditions.

Hegumen Methodius, who arrived with Bishop Pankratius to the dilapidated Valaam Monastery in 1993, made a special contribution to the revival of the monastery. His obedience and labors brought abundant fruit in the field of the church. Father Methodius, thanks to his boundless love, managed to unite a huge number of people around him, managed to help them come to God, to the Church, to faith. Communication with Father Methodius radically changed their lives. Through his labors, many have found firm hope in the will of God and embarked on the right path of salvation, ascending the rungs of the ladder of life to the Kingdom of Heaven.

On February 15, 2019, on the day of the Feast of the Meeting of the Lord, Abbot of the Valaam Monastery, Bishop Pankraty visited monk Anthony, who had recently been ill, and presented him with a commemorative commemorative medal in honor of the "30th anniversary of the withdrawal Soviet troops from Afghanistan."

"About your path to God in thorns afghan war Monk Anthony also told me today, whom I came to visit today and present a jubilee medal in memory of the 30th anniversary of the completion of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. They commemorated all the leaders and warriors who laid down their lives. Monk Anthony (Sergei Machulin) was then the commander of a special forces unit and participated in dangerous operations behind enemy lines," writes Bishop Pankraty of Trinity, Abbot of the Monastery.

Recently, the so-called prophecies of Elder Cyril (Pavlov) have begun to appear on the Internet more and more often. Sometimes there are too many of them, and their authorship is in doubt, do they really belong to our beloved elder? In fact, the main sayings of the elder regarding the upcoming trials by our people and, in particular, by the Orthodox people, are collected in the book “OLDER. ARCHIMANDRITE KIRILL (PAVLOV) ”(compiled by priest Viktor Kuznetsov).The last edition was published in 2012. This book contains the memories of the spiritual children of Father Kirill, and it is noted that many of the notes were made either during conversations, or, as they say, “on fresh tracks”. Thus, the reliability of the published information seems to be quite high.

One Orthodox Internet user (togiya) studied this book and made a selection of the elder's sayings, believing that they can be considered as prophecies of Fr. Cyril (Pavlov). He suggests reading them in the same order in which they are recorded in the publication.

When meeting on the Internet with publications of other prophecies of Archimandrite Fr. Kirill (Pavlov) we will test the sources of their origin, fearing forgery. Why is there such a danger? Because with the help of false prophecies, Orthodox believers can be manipulated, and there are many of them in Russia, if we proceed from faith, and not from visiting the churches of the Moscow Patriarchate, which constantly discredits itself.


Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov)

1 . Nun Taisiya (Zhitineva)

Father Kirill always said about our times: “Pray, do not judge anyone, and keep your ears open.”
Somehow they started talking about the second coming.

I say to Father Cyril:

How terrible it is to live until the coming of the Antichrist...

Father friend confidently answers me:

You will live to see the second coming.

Mother Mary - she is eight years older than me, she also asks:

- Father, will I survive?

To which Father answered her:

Yes, if you don't get sick.

This conversation was in the 70s. We then took it as a joke. Now, what a year! And I'm 75 years old! So, soon already? .. "

2. L . P.

When I studied at a Soviet university, we were taught questions of electronic technology.

Back in those days, scientists and teachers who dealt with this topic told us in the learning process,What nothing good development this area will not give a person. Our teacher, who stood at the origins of these developments,He said that the time will come and this science will develop. It will not bring any benefit to people, but will make them dependent on this technique.

They have a lot to lose from this. This is a terrible process, it will be the enslavement of man. It started with pension cards.

One man brought father Kirill a pension card. Father Kirill said that there are no chips in it yet, but soon there will be documents in which they will be. And it will be much worse.

3 . Nun Veronica

We also talked about the future, persecution.

I don’t remember how our conversation came to this, but he started talking about the “last train”. He speaks:

“Mother, don’t be afraid. Try to get on this "last train". (Referring to that “last train” about which the elders wrote).

- Don't give up on anything. Be on that train, be on the first train!

To clarify if this is how I understand it, I ask:

- Father, how do you understand about this “train”? In a figurative or literal sense?

He says:

– The holy fathers said, in the most direct sense, understand.
- Will they take it somewhere?
- Yes. And don't be afraid to be in it."

4 . Nun Veronica

I often recall the words of Father Kirill about the “last train”:

– If you don’t get on the first train, cling to the second one. Run after the tail of the last train. Cling to him.

I'm careful not to miss them.

5. Nun Theophylacta

“I am crying for the people of the Urals, who remained in those parts, I sob uncontrollably. Father Kirill consoles:

- Mother, do not cry, the Urals will stand.
- Father, there are still Chinese.
- And the Urals will give them a boot. The Germans did not reach the Urals, and the Chinese will.

6. Nun Theophylacta

Batiushka prepared us for the coming tribulations.

Accept everything as from the hand of God . With humility, with meekness. Never grumble. Courageously, even when there is not enough strength, you will not be able to control your will, to when they forcibly put an electronic chip on you . Then a person will not be able to control his own will, stop his words and actions, sin.

Even then, “through I can’t”, pray! And then the Lord will be able to help you, as the first Christians, the first martyrs.

Father Kirill said to always have a backpack packed.

We must stand until the end for the truth , Do not be scared. Take care of your sisters. who will follow you. To the end we must stand for Christ!

7. Nun Theophylacta

- Father, but Father Nikolai said that Russia would still rise and flourish, and that the tsar was coming?
- It's not about you.
- What about me? Will there be a prison?
“You have to prepare for another cross, it doesn’t concern you. Who knows, maybe the Lord will soon take someone, but you are not ready, according to the main thing.

You still take this path, bear the cross of trials, suffering. What will the Lord give you, if martyrdom, then martyrdom!We do not swear off the bag and prison, but we must be ready for everything. And never lose heart, what joy is given to us! We walk with Christ and we will rise with Him!

8. Nun Theophylacta

Will we have a king? I pester Father with my questions.

He answered not immediately, with sadness:

- I doubt that there will be a King. So many generations have been without God.

9. Nun Theophylacta

Nasta rya I ask:

- Father, but Father Nikolai said about the dawn for Russia that the people would still have time for repentance.

Father Kirill also did not immediately answer, he was silent for a while, then said:

- It's not about you. You prepare the sisters for martyrdom. Stocks do not need to be stored. Reserves must be made divine, spiritual.

When they drive you - do not be afraid of Siberia - gardens will bloom there ... Russia will be saved. The Church will live until the end of time!

10. Nun Theophylacta

For the future, Father instructed as follows:

– The main thing is that the Holy Spirit dwells in your heart, so that you stay with Him. And The Spirit will reveal to you where to be, what kind of people will be around you, and through whom it will be possible to receive the Sacrament of Communion, confession. Such an opportunity would be very rare. Then each person will be afraid of the other and will be saved in secret.

Not everyone will know these people; near such rare elders, from whom you can receive Communion, not everyone will know them. Those. your heart must be prepared so that the Holy Spirit will dwell there, through whom you will be able to learn how to pray,so that unceasing prayer, despite great adversity, remains in the heart. Then only you will be saved.

11. Ludmila A.

So in life sometimes it turned out that I climbed somewhere and did not understand anything. There was no knowledge. Father, regretfully, told me:

- Lyudmila, read more.
– Theological books are difficult for me. It is easier for me to ask you, and you will explain everything to me.
- Learn, Lyudmila. There will be times when there will be no one to ask and no one to rely on. You will have to think for yourself.

12. Ludmila A.

I asked Father Kirill about the new war. He replied: " They can make war at any time , when they want, they have everything in their hands for this . There will be hunger.

It is necessary for people, especially with children, to make a small supply of food. The most important thing is that spiritual bins need to be prepared now.”

13.Ludmila A.

And about the predictions of the elders, the dispatch of "echelons" she asked that at least you need to jump into the last car. Father Cyril said that we must also keep this in mind.

Do not blink, do not lose heart, have time to be there.

14. Alexander Zhirov

I confessed. He asked me a question about passports that tormented me.

Father Kirill frowned a little, paused. Then he put his hand on my head. And then he is silent, says nothing.

I remind him of my question:

- Father, what should I do with my passport? Can I get a new one?

Father Kirill looked at me attentively, and then said:

– What do you think?

I answer:

- Father, my heart tells me that you can’t take all these electronic passports and cards. The Apocalypse says it all.

He looked at me again searchingly. He put his hand on my shoulder and said:

- If you, Alexander, can with an old passport, then it's better to stay.

That is, he strictly did not say: accept - do not accept. On my free will and decision determined.

And rightly so. So tight! There will be no one to blame in case of any malfunctions, chagrin. I decided myself.

15. Alexander Zhirov

I asked him many more questions...

He suddenly took my hand, squeezed it strongly and, lifting it, turned me around to the iconostasis.Then he led me to the Altar and said with a kind smile:

- Yes, Alexander, get ready for the tests.
- Father, to what?

He was silent for a long time, bowing his head, and then answered:

We will live to see the Antichrist.

I was very surprised by this answer, carefully asked him:

- Like us? Who are we? - I think it’s a sinful thing, they say, okay, I’m young, and Batiushka is old. He is over eighty. And will he survive? So close, then, our destroyer?! ..

Father Kirill, as if reading my thoughts, confirmed:

We will all live to see the Antichrist. Time goes very fast. And we must pass tests if we want to meet the Lord worthily. These trials will be allowed to us by God.

He smiled after these words of his, crossed me and again reminded me that one must be guided in everything, as the heart would prompt.

16. Larisa Prikhodko

We have an icon of the Royal Martyrs in our house… It was just on the eve of the canonization of the Royal Martyrs.

We thought, maybe it means that Russia will be reborn? We asked Father about this:

- Father, can Russia still rise?

Father Kirill was then very concerned, upset by the impending processes of globalization. He sadly replied:

- God bless! Although there is little hope for a revival now

17. George

Friends wanted to sell a house in Semkhoz and buy three-room apartment in Moscow. They had three children.

They came to Father Kirill, and he said to them: “But what about when the difficulties begin? There will be difficulties with products.

Electricity, gas, heating will start to work intermittently… Where will you be? How can you live? You have very small children.

You don't have to sell. A house with land is a must.”

As an edification to them, Father said that such a difficult time would come, which would have to be waited out.
To do this, it is desirable for everyone to have a house outside the city.

18. George

Thanks to Father Kirill, the whole history of Russia became clear to me. Much cleared up.
Father Kirill does not forget to remind at the end of almost every sermon:

“Times are now the last. Be sober, take care of yourself ... Like walking dangerously.

19. Father Kirill (Pavlov)

“Now it is necessary for believers to tune in and prepare themselves for all kinds of trials and tribulations. It goes to this.

We must not panic, do not lose heart and do not despair. And if the Lord allows some trials, you need to meekly,with joy and hope, with peace in the soul, to be worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Only the Orthodox can wait for the last echelon and place great hopes on it. Save, Christ, all those who are faithful to You. Amen