On approval of the regulation on the youth public chamber under the council of deputies of the Bibirevo municipal district. Deputies of municipal districts Council of Deputies of Bibirevo

  • 02.07.2020

Organizing committee

candidates for deputies of the Council of Deputies of the Bibirevo municipal district


About the formation of the lists of participants

for subsequent nomination from the UNITED RUSSIA Party

In accordance with the decisions of the Organizing Committee on the registration of participants in the preliminary voting and on the basis of clause 2.17 of the Regulations on the procedure for conducting preliminary voting on candidates for the subsequent nomination from the UNITED RUSSIA Party of candidates for deputies of representative bodies and for other elective positions in , the Organizing Committee DECIDED:

To form lists of participants in the preliminary voting on candidates for the subsequent nomination from the UNITED RUSSIA Party of candidates for deputies of the Council of Deputies of the Bibirevo municipal district.

in the multi-member constituency No. 1

09/05/1975, RF Armed Forces Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, serviceman

06/29/1980, Apparatus of the Regional Executive Committee of the Moscow City Regional Branch of the political party "United Russia" Head of the district executive committee, deputy of the Council of Deputies of the Bibirevo municipal district

05/16/1959, GOU Additional education"Center for Children's and Youth Creativity Bibirevo", teacher organizer

12/28/1954, GBUK Moscow "DK Smena" head of the structural formation, deputy of the Council of Deputies of the Bibirevo municipal district

08/02/1984, GBOU "School No. 000", social teacher

07/03/1967, Association of Homeowners "Bibirevo-1", Chairman of the Board

11/14/1963, GBOU "School No. 000", organizer of additional. education

07/15/1960, Moscow City Fund for the Support of Physical Culture and Sports, Deputy, Deputy of the Council of Deputies of the Bibirevo Municipal District

08/04/1960, HOA "Bibirevo-4", Chairman of the Board

09/25/1960 Head of the Bibirevo Municipal District, Deputy of the Council of Deputies of the Bibirevo Municipal District

01/26/1967, State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow "State Capital Gymnasium", Director

05/11/1945, pensioner

in multi-member constituency No. 2

09/13/1988, State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow "School Bibirevo Diversified Complex", Director

01/09/1970, GBOU MSHK Bibirevo, teacher

10/17/1937, pensioner

06/23/1972, State state-financed organization"City Clinical Hospital named after" Department of Health of Moscow, maternity ward No. 2, head

05/15/1944, Moscow State University. Lomonosov, Head of Civil Defense Staff

04/21/1972, Moscow State Budgetary Educational Institution "School No. 000", Director

01/30/1968, GBOU "School No. 000", deputy. directors

02/20/1992, GBOU School Bibirevo multidisciplinary complex, teacher

03/02/1986, GBOU ShMK Bibirevo, teacher of mathematics

07/13/1957, GBOU School Bibirevo multidisciplinary complex, methodologist

06/08/1946, pensioner

03/12/1961, pensioner

02/06/1996, Student

01/27/1984, GBOU School Bibirevo diversified complex, deputy director

04.11.1974, State Educational Institution of Additional Education "Center for Children's and Youth Creativity Bibirevo", teacher-psychologist

03/30/1961, GBOU School No. 000, organizer of educational activities, deputy of the Council of Deputies of the Bibirevo municipal district

07/13/1974, GBOU ShMK Bibirevo, methodologist

06/23/1969, Society with limited liability"POTOK SRB", General Director

01/02/1980, GBOU ShMK Bibirevo, teacher of physical culture

08/01/1948, GBUK Moscow "DK Smena", director

06/07/1982, SBEE ShMB Bibirevo, Head of Information Education Department

12/25/1976, GBOU ShMK Bibirevo, methodologist

04/12/1958, College of Communications No. 54 named after. teacher, deputy of the Council of Deputies of the Bibirevo municipal district

10/13/1965, GBOU "School No. 000", head structural unit UK №2

11/22/1966, GBOU ShMK Bibirevo, teacher organizer

12/19/1985, GBOU School Bibirevo multidisciplinary complex, head teacher

in multi-member constituency No. 3

12/10/1967, State Educational Institution of Additional Education "Center for Children's and Youth Creativity Bibirevo", head of the department

04/02/1985, State budgetary institution of the city of Moscow sports and leisure center "Kentavr", director, deputy of the Council of Deputies of the Bibirevo municipal district

01/25/1967, SEI Additional Education "Center for Children's and Youth Creativity Bibirevo", head of the department

07/19/1978, GBU TUSO "Bibirevo" deputy. director of social work

05/01/1988, State Educational Institution of Additional Education "Center for Children's and Youth Creativity Bibirevo", teacher add. education

08/16/1980, State Educational Institution of Additional Education "Center for Children's and Youth Creativity Bibirevo", accountant

01.12.1976, State Educational Institution of Additional Education "Center for Children's and Youth Creativity Bibirevo", teacher additional. education

09/15/1976, State Educational Institution of Additional Education "Center for Children's and Youth Creativity Bibirevo," deputy. director of educational work

01/25/1962, State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "School with in-depth study" No. 000, teacher

06/07/1976, State Educational Institution of Additional Education "Center for Children's and Youth Creativity Bibirevo", head of the department

01/25/1951, pensioner

05/21/1970, State Educational Institution of Additional Education "Center for Children's and Youth Creativity Bibirevo," methodologist

02/16/1977, SEI Additional Education "Center for Children's and Youth Creativity Bibirevo" head of the department

12/06/1956, SEI Additional Education "Center for Children's and Youth Creativity Bibirevo," Methodist

01/27/1974, SEI Additional Education "Center for Children's and Youth Creativity Bibirevo" head of the department

04/10/1974, SEI Additional Education "Center for Children's and Youth Creativity Bibirevo", teacher additional. education

08/08/1962, State Educational Institution of Additional Education "Center for Children's and Youth Creativity Bibirevo", methodologist

01/20/1987, State Educational Institution of Additional Education "Center for Children's and Youth Creativity Bibirevo", teacher additional. education

12/08/1951, SEI Additional Education "Center for Children's and Youth Creativity Bibirevo", methodologist

03/24/1986, State Educational Institution of Additional Education "Center for Children's and Youth Creativity Bibirevo", teacher additional. education

04/05/1981, State Educational Institution of Additional Education "Center for Children's and Youth Creativity Bibirevo", teacher additional. education

06/14/1959, Chairman of the Society of the Disabled MRO Bibirevo NVAO MGO VOI

09/21/1988, State budgetary institution of Moscow "Multifunctional centers for the provision of public services in the city of Moscow" head

06/05/1953, State Budgetary General Educational Institution of Additional Education "Center children's creativity"Bibirevo", and. about. directors

06/27/1986 SEI Additional Education "Center for Children's and Youth Creativity Bibirevo", teacher add. education

01/05/1978, State Educational Institution of Additional Education "Center for Children's and Youth Creativity Bibirevo", Human Resources Specialist

Yaraeva Fyaimya Kadusovna, 10/22/1954, pensioner

2. Place this decision on the Internet on the website of the Moscow city regional branch of the UNITED RUSSIA Party.

3. Entrust the control of the implementation of this decision to the Chairman of the organizing committee




In accordance with the Charter of the municipal district of Bibirevo, the Council of Deputies decided:

1. Approve the Regulations on the Youth Public Chamber under the Council of Deputies of the Bibirevo municipal district (appendix).

2. This decision comes into force from the date of its adoption.

3. Recognize as invalid the decision of the Municipal Assembly of the intracity municipality of Bibirevo in the city of Moscow of December 25, 2013 N 18/3 "Approval of the Regulations on the Youth Public Chamber at the Municipal Assembly of the intracity municipality of Bibirevo in the city of Moscow".

5. To impose control over the implementation of this decision on the acting head of the municipal district of Bibirevo Makarenkova O.E.

Acting Head
Bibirevo municipal district
O.E. Makarenkova

Appendix. REGULATIONS on the Youth Public Chamber under the Council of Deputies of the municipal district of Bibirevo

to the decision of the Council of Deputies
Bibirevo municipal district
dated June 19, 2014 N 9/1

1. General Provisions

1.1. The Youth Public Chamber under the Council of Deputies of the Bibirevo Municipal District (hereinafter referred to as the Youth Chamber) is a permanent consultative and advisory body with the right to an advisory vote, consisting of youth representatives. The Youth Chamber is being created to implement youth policy issues, as well as to take into account the opinion of young people when making various management decisions on the territory of the municipal district.

1.2. The Youth Chamber carries out its activities on a voluntary basis, guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation and the city of Moscow, the Charter of the municipal district, the Regulations of the Youth Chamber, as well as these Regulations.

1.3. The Youth Chamber is formed for the term of office of the next convocation of deputies of the Council of Deputies in the manner prescribed by this Regulation.

2. Main tasks and functions of the Youth Chamber

2.1. The tasks of the Youth Chamber are:

2.1.1. Informing the deputies of the Council of Deputies about the position of the youth of the municipal district on the activities of deputies;

2.1.2. Ensuring the possibility (conditions) for the implementation of the socio-political and socio-cultural needs of the youth of the municipal district;

2.1.3. Support for the social and social activity of young people by discussing youth initiatives and bringing them to the attention of the deputies of the Council of Deputies;

2.1.4. Organization of interaction between the youth of the municipal district with local governments and public authorities of the city of Moscow;

2.1.5. Development of initiatives to improve youth policy in the territory of the municipal district;

2.2. To implement the tasks set, the Youth Chamber performs the following functions:

2.2.1. Develops and submits for discussion by the deputies of the Council of Deputies proposals for improving the youth policy on the territory of the municipal district;

2.2.2. In cooperation with state authorities and local governments, associations of citizens, participates in the development of regulatory legal acts affecting the rights and legitimate interests of young people;

2.2.3. Develops measures that contribute to increasing the social activity of young people, coordinates them with the Council of Deputies and implements them;

2.2.4. On behalf of the Council of Deputies, with the help of surveys and monitoring studies the opinion of young citizens on the activities of state authorities and local self-government and sends the results to the Council of Deputies;

2.2.5. Prepares draft responses to citizens on issues related to the territory of the municipal district, received by the Internet reception of the Public Youth Chamber of the city of Moscow and sends it to the Council of Deputies for approval;

2.2.6. Based on the results of surveys, monitoring, citizens' appeals, conducts a public examination of the identified problems and submits its results for discussion by the deputies of the Council of Deputies;

2.2.7. Develops methodological, informational and other materials that contribute to the involvement of young people in social and socio-political life on the territory of the municipal district, and sends it to the Council of Deputies for approval;

2.2.8. In agreement with the Council of Deputies, it places information and other materials in the media that contribute to the implementation of youth policy in the territory of the municipal district.

3. Composition and procedure for the formation of the Youth Chamber

3.1. The Youth Chamber is formed on a voluntary basis. The quantitative composition of the Youth Chamber must correspond to the quantitative composition of the Council of Deputies and its composition is approved by the decision of the deputies of the Council of Deputies. The Youth Chamber is formed no later than two months after the formation of the next convocation of a representative body of local self-government.

3.2. The Youth Chamber may include citizens of the Russian Federation aged 14 to 30 years.

3.3. Membership in the Youth Chamber is terminated upon reaching the age of 30, upon a written application for withdrawal from the Youth Chamber for own will, in case of recall of a member of the Youth Chamber by decision of the organization that recommended him, in connection with the expression of no confidence in the Council of Deputies.

3.4. The membership of the Youth Chamber is approved by the decision of the representative body of local self-government on the basis of:

Representations of political parties;

Representations of higher and middle educational institutions the city of Moscow;

Representations of public organizations located on the territory of the municipal district;

Representations of the Public Youth Chamber of the city of Moscow;

Representations of residents of the municipal district (a group of persons of at least 5 people, under 30 years old);

Submissions of deputies of the Council of Deputies (each deputy has the right to present one candidate).

3.5. The chairman of the Youth Chamber may be a citizen of the Russian Federation, aged 18 to 30 years. The Chairman of the Youth Chamber is elected by a majority vote of the members of the Youth Chamber and is approved by the decision of the Council of Deputies. The term of office of the chairman is set for the term of office of the next convocation of deputies of the Council of Deputies.

3.5.1. The powers of the Chairman of the Youth Chamber may be terminated early in the cases specified in the first paragraph of clause 3.3. of this Regulation, as well as if at least half of its members voted for consideration of this issue at a meeting of the chamber, and the initiative was approved by at least 2/3 of the members of the chamber. In the event of termination of the powers of the Chairman of the Chamber, the members of the Youth Chamber must elect from their membership the acting Chairman of the Youth Chamber for a period of up to 30 days.

3.6. Chairman of the Youth Chamber:

3.6.1. Presides over meetings of the Youth Chamber;

3.6.2. Provides organization of work of the Youth Chamber;

3.6.3. Signs the decisions of the Youth Chamber and has the right to sign on the forms of the Youth Chamber;

3.6.4. Informs the deputies of the Council of Deputies about the issues considered at the meetings of the Youth Chamber and the decisions taken;

3.6.5. Informs members of the Youth Chamber about the decisions of state authorities regarding its activities, as well as about the work of the Youth Chamber and its bodies;

3.6.6. Coordinates internal order work of the Youth Chamber;

3.6.7. Coordinates the preparation of materials and draft documents for meetings of the Youth Chamber and publications in the media;

3.6.8. Represents the Youth Chamber in relations with state authorities, local governments, organizations and public associations;

3.6.9. Gives protocol instructions to the Vice-Chairmen of the Youth Chamber and members of the Youth Chamber;

3.6.10. Has the right to attend a meeting of deputies of the Council of Deputies as an invited person or delegate any member of the Youth Chamber;

3.6.11. Submits to the head of the municipal district questions for inclusion in the agenda of the meeting of deputies of the Council of Deputies, related to the competence of the Youth Chamber.

3.7. Deputy chairmen of the Youth Chamber are elected from among its members by a majority vote, for the term of office of the Chairman of the Chamber. The number of vice-presidents of the Youth Chamber is determined by the decision of the Youth Chamber.

3.8. Deputy Chairman of the Youth Chamber:

3.8.1. On behalf of the Chairman, performs the functions of the Chairman of the Youth Chamber in his absence;

3.8.1. On behalf of the Chairman, conducts a meeting of the Youth Chamber;

3.8.2. Carries out other instructions given by the Chairman of the Youth Chamber;

3.9. Secretary of the Youth Chamber:

3.9.1. Keeps minutes of meetings of the Youth Chamber;

3.9.2. The powers of the Secretary of the Youth Chamber to organize the activities of the Youth Chamber include:

Work with documents of the Youth Chamber;

Registration of members of the Youth Chamber;

Carrying out verification of documents on delegation to members of the Youth Chamber for compliance with these Regulations;

Preparation of draft documents for the meeting of the Youth Chamber;

Preparation of documents adopted at the meeting of the Youth Chamber, taking into account the changes made to these documents;

Other powers assigned to him by the decision of the Youth Chamber.

3.10. The powers of the Youth Chamber shall be terminated upon the expiration of the term of office of the deputies of the Council of Deputies of the next convocation, and may also be terminated ahead of schedule by decision of the Council of Deputies. If the Council of Deputies establishes that the Youth Chamber, formed in the competent composition, has not held a competent meeting for three months in a row, the highest official of the municipal district, within three months from the date of establishing this fact, submits to the Council of Deputies a draft decision on the dissolution of the Youth Chamber .

4. Organization of the work of the Youth Chamber

4.1. The main forms of work of the Youth Public Chamber are:


carrying out agreed with the Council of Deputies:

Events for youth in the territory of the municipal district,

Monitoring, surveys, public examinations,

· submission of proposals and appeals to the executive, legislative authorities and local self-government bodies (in agreement with the Council of Deputies);

Participation in activities for young people in the territory of the municipal district,

4.2. The work of the Youth Public Chamber is built in accordance with the work plans adopted quarterly at working meetings and approved by the Council of Deputies.

4.3. Regular meetings of the Youth Chamber are held at least once a month. Extraordinary meetings are convened on the initiative of at least one third of the established number of members of the chamber, or the Chairman of the chamber, or the Council of Deputies.

4.4. A meeting of the Youth Chamber is considered competent if more than half of the total number of approved members of the Chamber is present.

4.5. The procedure for holding a meeting of the Youth Chamber is determined by the Regulations of the Youth Chamber, approved at its meeting.

4.6. The Youth Chamber has the right to create commissions and working groups. The order of their formation and activity is established by the Regulations of the chamber.

4.7. The decision-making procedure of the Youth Chamber is determined by its Regulations.

4.8. Information, organizational and technical support for the work of the Youth Chamber is carried out by the Chamber together with the administration of the Bibirevo municipal district.

4.9. Deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, deputies of the Moscow City Duma, representatives of executive authorities of the city of Moscow, deputies of the Council of Deputies, representatives of the Public Youth Chamber of Moscow, public and other associations and organizations can take part in the meetings of the Chamber with the right of an advisory vote.

4.10. The Youth Chamber annually informs the deputies of the Council of Deputies about the work done.

five . Regulations of the work of the Youth Chamber

5.1. The work of the Youth Chamber is carried out in accordance with the work plans for the year and for the quarter, approved by the Council of Deputies.

5.2. Meetings of the Youth Chamber are held at least once a month, and also as necessary, at the initiative of the Chairman of the Youth Chamber, the Council of Deputies.

5.3. The date, time, place and agenda of the meeting are brought to the attention of the members of the Youth Chamber and invited persons by the secretary.

5.4. Decisions of the Youth Chamber are taken by a simple majority of votes and drawn up in a protocol signed by the chairman and secretary.

5.6. Summing up the work of the Youth Chamber is held annually in the fourth quarter.

6. Symbols and insignia

6.1. The Youth Chamber may have symbols of the established form, approved at a meeting of the Council of Deputies, on the proposal of the Youth Chamber.

6.2. Members of the Youth Chamber may have certificates and badges of distinction of the established form, approved at a meeting of the Council of Deputies, on the proposal of the Youth Chamber.

7. Amendments to the Regulations on the Youth Chamber

7.1. Amendments and additions to the Regulations on the Youth Chamber are carried out by the Decision of the Council of Deputies.