Fortune telling on the gender of the child: a working method. How to find out who will be born: fortune-telling on the gender of the child and signs

  • 13.10.2019

So the long awaited event happened. The couple found out that they will soon have a baby. The realization of what happened most often in future parents is followed by a desire to find out the gender of the baby. And if dad in this regard is quite capable of restraining his curiosity, then the expectant mother thinks about it very often. Questions about this are asked not only by close relatives, but also by friends and work colleagues. A woman begins to listen to the observations and judgments of others, based on popular beliefs and fortune-telling.

Such methods for determining the sex of an unborn child existed many centuries ago and are stored in people's memory to the present day. Medicine then was not yet able to answer this question. Now, fortunately, the expectant mother does not need to go to the bathhouse to meet the brownie and ask him to give her a hand, hoping that she will be shaggy (which meant the birth of a little helper) or naked (which meant the birth of a successor).

At present, fortune-telling on the gender of the unborn child can be perceived as an old folk rite, acquaintance with the traditions of the people, fun, but not as a reliable source.

The most popular divination by the sex of a child is divination with a ring or a needle.

1. It is better to take an engagement ring. Take a glass of water and drop the ring into it.

Then the ring must be taken out and hung on a thread, lowered slowly into the hands of the one to whom they are guessing. Wait for the girl, if the ring goes in a circle, if it moves according to the principle of the pendulum, there will be a boy.

If for some reason there is no ring, you can use a needle according to this principle, only before hanging it on a thread, you should pierce a piece of woolen fabric with it.

2. The next divination by the gender of the child is more likely to be available to a resident countryside. It is necessary to take grains of wheat and barley. A pregnant woman should wet them with her urine. A boy will be born if the grains of barley sprout first.

3. Sometimes it is possible to conduct fortune-telling on the gender of the child while eating. It happens that the expectant mother will choke. At this point, you should ask her to name any number. Count what letter in the alphabet it stands for. Now it remains to ask the woman to give a name starting with this letter. A female named name means that a daughter is to be expected.

With regard to food, there is such an observation: if a pregnant woman prefers crusts from bread, and not the middle - to be a boy.

4. You can try to verify the correctness of the third method with a piece of bread. The pregnant woman should go outside and put it in the yard in a conspicuous place. If the bread was eaten by a dog, a boy will be born, and if it was eaten by a bird, a girl will be born.

5. There was also divination on the gender of the child with the help of candles, candlesticks and vests. This was suitable for a woman if she already had one child.

The vest must be put on the table, placed next to it in candlesticks three candles. When lighting candles, you should say the following words:

the first candle - "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit!";
the second candle - "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Boy!";
the third candle - "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Girl!".

The first candle to go out indicates the gender of the baby. If the first candle goes out first, this woman will have no children.

6. The rite of divination with the help of stones is interesting. Names should be written on stones with ink. Throw rocks into the water. After a while, the inscriptions will begin to wash off. The stone on which the inscription with the name is best preserved will indicate the gender of the unborn child. In this way, you can find out the number of future children.

And finally, let's try to present you a collective image of expectant mothers.
The boy's mother: walks carelessly along the road, stumbles every now and then; her legs swell; most often resides in good location spirit; likes to eat bread rolls; the skin of her hands is dry and cracked; does not suffer from a lack of appetite, she almost does not feel sick; her stomach is sharp; complains of back pain.

The girl's mother: has a graceful gait; her legs do not know edema; her mood is capricious; hands are soft and beautiful; moderate appetite; she is often nauseous; the face is covered with pimples from time to time; sleeps preferably on the right side; the belly is rounded; sometimes there is pain in the abdomen.

Now you have all the knowledge to test some fortune-telling when the baby is born. You yourself can answer the question: old divination on the floor of the child - a rite or a way to find out the truth?

In this article:

Divination on the floor is not yet born child- an ancient divination that women have used for many years. Before the advent of technology to accurately determine the sex of an unborn baby, only with the help of fortune-telling it was possible to find out who to expect, a boy or a girl.

Today, not every mother goes for an ultrasound scan to find out about her future baby, people still trust folk omens and all sorts of ways to determine gender.

How to determine the gender of the baby

All nations have had various options fortune-telling, allowing you to find out the sex of the unborn baby. In ancient Egypt, for this they took the urine of a pregnant woman and poured it over grains of wheat and barley. It was believed that if wheat sprouted first, then the parents had to wait for the girl, but if barley sprouted first, then a boy would be born.

Some fortune-tellers determined the sex as follows - they asked the pregnant woman to show them her hands. If a woman stretched out her hands with palms up, this meant that she would soon have a girl, if her palms were pointing down, then a boy should be expected.

On the basis of some signs and ancient beliefs, it was possible to determine the sex of the unborn child according to the state of health of the pregnant woman. For example, if in the first three months a woman is very sick, then a boy should be born to her. The pigmentation that appears on the face is an omen that the girl is expecting a girl.

Among the people, there is even a definition of such a phenomenon on this occasion, it is believed that if during pregnancy a woman in any form becomes less attractive, then her unborn daughter takes her beauty. The most interesting thing is that even modern doctors are in no hurry to refute this ancient theory, in their opinion, a girl in the womb can really “take away” her hormones, which in turn negatively affects her appearance.

In some nations, the sex of the unborn child was able to determine the shape of the belly of the pregnant woman. The so-called "sharp" belly testified that a boy would be born soon. The rounded and wide shape of the abdomen predicts the birth of a girl.

Divination by wedding ring

This is ancient view divination, which was very popular among various peoples of Europe, including the Slavs. To determine the sex of the unborn baby, you need to pass a thick woolen thread through the ring and hang it in the form of a pendulum over the belly of a pregnant woman.

If the pendulum swings back and forth at the same time, then you will have a boy, the circular movements of the ring indicate that a girl is waiting for the birth in the stomach.

Another fortune-telling is carried out according to the same principle, in which the pendulum must be held over the palm of the woman in labor, the only difference is that in this case the readings are interpreted exactly the opposite - circular movements indicate a boy, and girls from side to side.

Divination by the gender of the child is a very interesting way to work with your own intuition.

Divination with a needle

For this divination, you will need a new needle, which has never been sewn before, and a long white thread. Thread the needle, thus making a kind of pendulum. Grab the thread right hand, a left hand lift and hold palm up.

Now bring the needle over your left hand and lower and raise it three times so that it passes between your palm and thumb. After that, bring it to the center of the palm and follow the behavior of the pendulum. Circular movements mean that you need to wait for a girl, movements from side to side - predict the birth of a boy.

This method should only be used if you have not yet given birth, are not pregnant or have had an abortion, as it shows the gender of your first child.
You can also repeat this procedure in order to find out the gender of the second, third, etc. children. If at some point the needle freezes and does not move over your hand, this means that the previous one was your last child.

How to find out the sex of the child by the date of conception

It's no secret that a woman is able to get pregnant only during a certain period of her own menstrual cycle. Based on knowledge of your physiology and your internal clock, you can easily predict the gender of your unborn baby. Moreover, you can calculate male and female days, with their help you will not only predict, but also be able to independently decide what gender your baby will be.

Modern science knows that male spermatozoa are carriers of XY chromosomes, and have a shorter activity time than female ones. That is why during ovulation the probability of conceiving a male child is maximum.

Moisten with the urine of a pregnant woman grains of barley and wheat. If wheat germinates first, it will be a girl; if barley, it will be a boy.

If a boy, already starting to walk, shows interest in a pregnant woman, she will have a girl, and if he does not pay attention to her, then a boy.

If you have older children, remember the first word of the previous child. If he first said "mom", then a girl will be born, and if "dad", then a boy.

If a pregnant woman is clumsy and constantly stumbles, then she will have a boy, and if she is more graceful, then let her expect a girl.

If your legs swell during pregnancy, a boy will be born, and if everything is in order with your legs, a girl will be born.

If a pregnant woman is irritable, then she will have a girl, and if she mostly good mood then a boy.

If a pregnant woman eats humpbacks, then she will have a boy, and if she takes pieces of bread from the middle, then a girl.

If the hands of a pregnant woman become dry and the skin on them cracks, then a boy will be born, and if the hands become softer, then a girl.

A pregnant woman expecting a boy eats more than a woman who is having a girl.

A pregnant woman is more sick with a girl.

If acne appears on the face and chest of a pregnant woman, then a girl will be born: the daughter “takes away” her mother’s beauty.

If a pregnant woman sleeps on her left side, then she will have a boy, and if on her right, then a girl.

A woman who is pregnant with a boy has a lower belly than one who is pregnant with a girl.

If the stomach is flat, it will be a girl; if it is sharp, then it will be a boy. If the stomach hurts, then the girl, if the back hurts, then the boy.

Let the pregnant woman take a separate ordinary lock key from the table. If she takes the round part, then she will have a boy, if the long narrow part, then a girl, and if in the middle, let her expect twins.

If the expectant mother choked while eating, ask her to name any number. Then calculate what letter of the alphabet this number corresponds to (A - 1, B - 2, C - 3, etc.) and ask her to name a name that begins with this letter. If she chooses the name of a girl, then she will have a girl, and if the name of a boy, then a boy.

Ask the pregnant woman to show you her hands: if she turns them palms up, then a girl will be born, if palms down, then a boy.

Ask the pregnant woman to sit on the floor. When he sits down, tell him to stand up. If she leans on her left hand, gets on her left knee, then buy everything pink - a girl will be born. If she is pulled to the right, the boy cannot be avoided.

Compare the year of conception and the age of the mother at the time of conception. If both numbers are even or both are odd, then a girl will be born, and if one is even and the other is odd, then a boy will be born.

If you want to conceive a girl, put a wooden spoon and scissors under the mattress, and a pink bow under the pillow.

The sex of the child will be opposite to the sex of the partner who was more active at the time of conception.

Pass a chain through the pregnant woman's wedding ring and hang it over her lying pregnant belly. If the ring swings back and forth, then a girl will be born, and if in a circle, then a boy.

There is another definition of the sex of the child by the ring: hang the ring not over the stomach, but over the palm of the pregnant woman, and the results are opposite: if the ring moves in a circle, then a girl, and if it sways from side to side, a boy.

Here there are different divination on the gender of the unborn child.

The birth of a child is a joyful event that all family members look forward to. For some, the gender of the newborn is not important, but someone will be happy if a son is born. Long before the advent of ultrasound technology in medicine, our ancestors were able to determine the sex of the unborn child. At present, guessing what gender a child will be born is most likely perceived as fun and entertainment. But why not try and guess what gender a child will be born?

Determination of the sex of the child by external signs

This method of determining the sex of a child has come down to us from ancient egypt. Local priestesses took two bowls. Barley was poured into one of them, wheat into the other. They took the urine of a pregnant woman and moistened the grains with it. If wheat grains were the first to germinate, then it was believed that a girl would be born, if barley - a boy.

Some fortune tellers ask the pregnant woman to show them her hands to determine the sex of the baby. If a woman shows her hands palms up, then a girl will be born. Outstretched palms with the back indicate that you can expect a boy.

Many try to determine the sex of a child by the appearance of his mother. It is believed that if a woman is expecting a girl, then her appearance worsens, age spots and pimples appear, hair begins to fall out and quickly becomes dirty. They say that all beauty passes from mother to daughter. And if a woman becomes more beautiful during pregnancy, her skin becomes smooth and silky, her hair becomes thick, then most likely it will be a boy.

This way to find out who will be born is not denied even by doctors. The whole point is the restructuring of the hormonal background of a pregnant woman. The opinion of doctors boils down to the fact that a girl in the womb "takes" certain hormones for herself and this affects the woman's appearance.

Many try to determine whether a boy or a girl will be born by the shape of the abdomen. If a woman's belly small size, sharp and if you look from the back, then the waist is visible - there will be a boy. If the belly is rounded and the waist line is not visible, then most likely the woman will give birth to a girl.

Also, about how a woman’s pregnancy proceeds, you can say a child, what gender will be born. Knowledgeable people claim that a woman who is expecting a boy suffers from toxicosis for the first three months. The rest of the pregnancy goes without any problems.

Wedding ring and gender of the unborn child

The gender of the baby can be determined using wedding ring. This type of divination on the gender of the unborn baby has been known since ancient times. It was used not only Slavic peoples but also by the peoples of European countries.

Its principle is quite simple. For divination, you need a wedding ring and a thick thread. The thread is threaded into the wedding ring and hung over the belly of the pregnant woman. If the ring moves back and forth, it is believed that there will be a boy, if the ring makes circular movements over the woman's belly, then it is worth waiting for the girl.

Approximately the same divination is with the use of a pendulum. It is also swung over the belly of a pregnant woman, only the results are interpreted the other way around. If the pendulum swings back and forth, then this is the appearance of a girl, and if it moves in a circle, wait for the boy.

Divination on a needle

Our ancestors knew how to determine the sex of an unborn child with a simple sewing needle. They took a new needle, which they had never used, and an ordinary white thread. A kind of pendulum was made from a needle and thread. The needle was held motionless by the tip of the thread above the palm. Then it was lowered three times and raised between the palm and thumb. After that, the pendulum was installed in the center of the palm and its movement was monitored.

The movement of the needle to the side meant that you need to prepare for the birth of a boy. If the needle makes circular motions, then there will be a girl. Only a woman who is expecting her first child, who has not had abortions and has not had pregnancies, can use this type of fortune-telling on the sex of the unborn child.

Divination by fish

Such divination was common in Russia in Siberia. The woman went into the river and tried to catch with her hands live fish. After she managed to do this, they looked at the brought catch on the shore. If the name of the fish was female, for example, trout or pike, then they were waiting for the birth of a girl. If a woman managed to catch a perch or a crucian, then they believed that a boy would be born.

Now, of course, radical methods determining the sex of the child is not used. But now they believe that before learning the news about pregnancy, a woman dreams that she is fishing. It is advisable to remember this dream. And already from the name of the fish caught in a dream, expect either a girl or a boy.

Fortune telling

The essence of this divination is as follows. A pregnant woman approaches the first passer-by and asks him to name any letter from the alphabet. If the letter in the alphabet is even, then it is possible to be born a girl, if it is odd - a boy. Another kind of such fortune-telling is that a pregnant woman is asked for a name. Will name man's name, then she is expecting a boy, if female - a girl.

Fortune telling by the blood type of parents

When it became possible to determine the blood type of a person, they began to notice that by what blood type the parents have, it is possible to determine the sex of the unborn child. But this theory has not been confirmed. After all, very often children of different sexes are born from the same parents in the family.

Another well-known theory is that female blood is renewed every three years, and male - every four. In order to find out the sex of the unborn child, you need to divide the woman's age by 3, and the man's age by 4. If the result of the division is less for a woman, then a girl will appear in the family, if a man has a boy.

Many parents use this method to determine the sex of the child even at conception. According to numerous reviews, this method of determining the sex of the unborn child has a high probability of coincidence.

Signs for determining the sex of a child

  • If a pregnant woman leans on meat food, sausage and pickles all the time, then she is expecting a boy, a pregnant woman is surrounded by cakes, sweets and pastries all the time - there will be a girl;
  • He starts eating bread from the crust - a boy will be born. Loves the crumb of bread - a girl should be born;
  • If the skin on the hands during pregnancy becomes rough and even cracks, then a male child is likely to appear, and if it becomes soft and tender, then it is likely to give birth to a girl;
  • By the mood of the pregnant woman, you can find out who she is expecting. If she is irritated and behaves nervously throughout the pregnancy, then it was believed that a girl would be born, and if all nine months the mood future mother excellent - to be born a girl;
  • A girl's heart beats much faster than a boy's;
  • A woman pregnant with a girl mostly sleeps on her right side, with a boy - on her left.

You can believe in divination and try to find out who will be born. But at the same time, I would like to advise you not to take their results too seriously. After all, if you expect a child of a certain gender and all fortune-telling confirms that it is a boy or a girl who will be born, and when a child of the wrong sex is born, emotional stress arises. It does not matter who is born, a boy or a girl, it is important to love the child with all your heart and wait for his appearance as a miracle.

Find out who will future child, boy or girl, want many parents. Rarely, they ask not to voice the gender of the fetus during an ultrasound examination with the words: “Let there be a surprise!”. Usually the desire to know this "secret" takes over. Pregnant women, driven by curiosity, sometimes resort to more ancient methods - fortune telling. This activity is very interesting and easy. And when “accomplices”, girlfriends or relatives appear, it turns into fun entertainment.

Important signs: appearance, shape of the abdomen and the physical condition of the expectant mother

A pregnant woman is mysterious and unusually sweet. It can be compared with a holy creation, with a divine sacrament. Many admire the view of the expectant mother. And this is no accident. It is believed that it can be used to determine who will be born, a boy or a girl. If the future woman in labor has become prettier and her appearance has practically not changed over the months of carrying a child, then she will have a male baby. If she has changed a lot (she has grown fat, grown ugly, swollen), then most likely a baby will be born.

There is also an opinion among the people that the sex of the baby can be determined by the shape of the pregnant belly. The boy is portended by a pointed tummy, and the girl is round, located high, almost under the chest.

Another sign in determining the sex of the child was the condition of his mother during the first three months of pregnancy. “Women suffering from toxicosis (nausea, dizziness, rejection of certain products by the body) give birth to boys,” reads popular belief. And, conversely, in the absence of symptoms of intoxication, girls are born.

The palm and elbow are also a way

Divination by the mother's hands on the baby's gender is very interesting. There are two similar methods.

  • First: a pregnant woman is asked to show her palms, without warning that divination will now take place on the gender of the future newborn. She shows them without hesitation. When the mother shows her palms directly, it is believed that she will have a girl. If she turned her palms with the outside, then - a boy.
  • Second: the pregnant woman is unexpectedly asked to look at her elbow. She looks at his external, sharp part - to be a boy; she looks at inner part elbow, to the place of the bend of the arm - to be a girl.

"A wedding ring is not just a piece of jewelry"

The symbol of family life, the wedding ring, helps mothers find out the gender of the baby. It is believed that this decoration has a special energy. How to guess with a ring? It is necessary to thread a thread into it, thus obtaining a pendulum. Then bring it to the belly of the pregnant woman - after the end of the first trimester - and hold for a while.

The ring itself will begin to swing. Here is the clue: if it makes circular movements above the stomach, then a girl is growing in the tummy; if the ring swings in a straight line from side to side, then there is a boy. This divination is magical! The spirit is captivating!

Needle with a secret

Sometimes an ordinary sewing needle becomes an analogue of a wedding ring. Some thread a thread through her ear, some - the hair of a pregnant woman. Then the needle is lowered three times into the hole between the thumb and forefinger. Next, place it over the palm. The needle begins to sway: in a circle - a girl, in a straight line - a boy.

If this kind of pendulum stops and then starts swinging again in a certain way, then this means that there will be several children. Only when the needle stops itself and no longer moves, the fortune-telling ends.

It happens that it remains motionless from the very beginning. This is a bad omen: there will be no children. Although, practice shows that often such a "terrible prediction" does not come true. For divination with a needle, you need a certain attitude - optimistic! The energy of a pregnant woman influences this process.

From the mouth of a baby

In determining the sex of the expected baby, children born before him (when available) can help. All parents remember the first word of their child. So, if this word is “mother”, then a sister will be born to the first-born, and if “dad” - a brother.

Surprisingly, but the back of the head of the eldest can also be considered a sign. They say that if the hair goes down it like a “tail” or “pigtail”, then the next child in the family will be a daughter.

Conception period

The menstrual cycle has its own specific periods. The most important of them for reproduction is ovulation. Modern women already well-read and informed as much as possible in this matter, so determining the date of ovulation is not difficult for them. It is also known that male chromosomes live less than female ones - only 96 hours. In order for the female cell to predominate in the process of fertilization, conception should occur as late as possible from the day of ovulation.

On the day of ovulation and in the nearest time (2-3 days) there is a high probability of conceiving a male representative. Therefore, drawing schedules for your cycle is not only necessary (for medical purposes), but also useful if there is a preference for the gender of the unborn child.

Nutrition as a sign

The foods consumed by a woman and a man during the period of conception and two months before it also play a role in planning the sex of the unborn child. It may seem strange, but still, 50% of the coincidences of fortune-telling results on this basis are already statistics! So, mom and dad, who want a little princess to be born, must “get hooked” on sweets, dairy and vegetables. Parents who are expecting a prince are advised to eat meat and salty foods!

And many more ways...

Blood renewal

In dads, blood is renewed every 4 years, in moms - 3 years. Whose blood is renewed closer to the period of conception, the baby will be born of that gender.

fetal movement

It is believed that girls behave calmly in the stomach, and the boys move more actively.

Age of parents

They say that if a husband is older than his wife, then a representative of his male sex will be born.


Mom loves to eat the pulp of bread - a girl will be born; she eats a bread crust more often - a boy.


Exist a large number of tables in which, by blood group, age of parents, month of conception, you can plan the sex of the baby. Especially popular is the Chinese table, which is more than a thousand years old. In it, the main criteria are the age of the mother and the month of conception.


Ultrasound examination of the fetus is by far the most accurate method for determining not only the parameters of its development, but also the sex. Gender identity modern equipment is able to accurately determine after 12 weeks of pregnancy. This characteristic is voiced at the request of the parents and is not included in the conclusion of the study, because, from the point of view of medicine, it does not affect the course of pregnancy and the health of the mother and baby.

To use fortune-telling or not, everyone decides for himself. Sometimes they encourage, sometimes they encourage, sometimes they disappoint. Of course, there are coincidences, but not in all 100%. The results of fortune-telling should not be taken at face value, and other options should not be excluded. The main thing for every parent is the health of the newborn.