A grass cross on Ivan bathed. Kupala herbs - collection of medicinal herbs on the eve of Ivan Kupala

  • 03.03.2020

Kupala night has always been endowed with special magic. On the night of July 6-7, it seems that even the spirit of magic and witchcraft is in the air. Herbalists have known about this for a long time and skillfully used it. After all, a special power permeates grass and roots on this day, gives them medicinal properties who are able to heal the most serious ailments.


Editorial "So simple!" will tell you about the magic of Kupala herbs: what plants need to be collected on this day and what ailments they treat.

Healing herbs

Collecting herbs for the healers was a special act in which many rules had to be observed. Most of them were sent to protect themselves from evil forces, because it was believed that they did not like it when healers collect healing herbs. What tricks the healers did not go so that the evil spirits would not touch them: from reading prayers to collecting herbs naked.

Another part of the rituals was related to thanksgiving. Plucking plants, you should definitely thank Mother Nature for allowing her to use her gifts. Modern man all this may seem like fairy tales, but many healers still believe in the magical power of Kupala herbs. The meadows are already covered with herbs, so it's time to collect them. Let's see what exactly you need to collect in your basket.

  • Ivan da Marya
    Of course, there are a great many herbs, but we will only talk about the most valuable ones. One of these plants has always been ivan da maria flower. It has a very tragic story. Brother Ivan and sister Marya fell in love with each other, not knowing about their relationship. When they learned the whole truth, life became not sweet for them. Ivan ( yellow flower) from despair rushed into the fire, and Marya (blue flower) drowned herself.

    From that, people on Ivan Kupala light fires, remembering Ivan, and bathe in the river in honor of Marya. This plant is inextricably linked with summer holiday. So you need to prepare it for the year on this very day. Experienced herbalists have always collected Ivan da Marya in the first place, and not the fern shrouded in legends.

    Freshly squeezed plant juice improves hearing and memory. Flowers protect the house from evil forces, and people from the evil eye. With a headache, they drink such a decoction: 20 g of grass is poured into 200 ml of water at room temperature, after which it is necessary to boil for 15 minutes and let it brew. Take one tablespoon 3-4 times a day. Or soak a cloth in the decoction and apply to the head.

    In addition, a decoction of the plant serves as a good prevention of atherosclerosis and arrhythmia. Used as a blood cleanser. Can be used externally as an antiseptic.

  • lovage
    This glorious plant will come to the rescue with gout and rheumatism: 5 g of dried roots boil for 10-15 minutes over low heat, then let it brew for 2-3 hours, strain. Take a tablespoon 30 minutes before meals.

    The roots of the plant are used as a seasoning for a variety of dishes. If you use it for cooking constantly, the metabolic and digestive processes in the body will improve. The lovage collected on the Kupala night has the ability to heal wounds.

  • Plakun-grass
    It is popularly considered one of the magical herbs and is endowed with many healing properties. She has several names: loosestrife, plakun-root, God's grass. Flowering time comes in early July. The herb is known for its hemostatic and sedative properties.

  • Sagebrush
    A plant with a bitter taste and a strong smell, used to neutralize evil spirits, as well as for treatment. Previously, girls collected wormwood from the very morning on Ivan Kupala and tied it to a belt or woven it into a braid to protect themselves from evil spirits. With its help, people also protected their homes by laying burdock leaves, wormwood and alder branches on the roof.

  • Nettle
    Another strong amulet from mermaids, sorcerers and other evil spirits. Nettles were laid out on the windows, on the thresholds of houses, hung on the doors to protect the house. And before bathing on Midsummer Day, nettles were thrown into the water to protect them from mermaids.

    Nettle helps with rheumatism: you need to press the sore spot with a burning plant. You can also make tooth powder from nettles, which will make your teeth strong and your smile shining.

  • All these plants are healing at other times, not only on the Kupala night. It is simply believed that the energy of the holiday nourishes them and gives them special strength. In this way they reach their full potential. If you like to collect herbs, then Ivan Kupala Day is the perfect time for this. Use the magic of this day to the fullest!

    Do you believe in magic Kupala night? Tell me in the comments.

    District moving - "Night of divination and sorcery", beginning at 18.00.

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    The days of June 21-22, according to the old style (July 6 and 7, according to the new style), were considered in ancient times the most magical time, when the veil of secrets was lifted by the dominant forces of nature, and they shared with people higher powers. Our ancestors tried to use them for the benefit of themselves and their families. It is believed that on this day it is worth starting those things and doing those things that should change not only your fate, but also the fate of those around you, since on this day a point of time power is born, that is, a person can have special power over time over the future. On Kupala night, a fire is lit, over which you need to jump over in order to be recharged with health and well-being for the whole year, in addition, you must definitely swim in the water, or better, alternately combine these procedures, since in this way you will combine the elements of Fire and Water , which will give you good health and longevity, as well as get rid of the negativity that has accumulated over the whole year.

    June 21-22 is a kind of peak, the middle of summer, because by this time all flowers, herbs, trees are at their peak, which automatically endows them with special magical powers. Kupala night is the night of the maximum power of herbs, therefore all herbalists, healers, etc. are waiting for this night, since the herbs collected on Kupala night really always have medicinal, healing properties.

    What herbs are best to collect on Kupala night?

    Duckweed (plakun-grass), balsam (gap-grass), elecampane, St. without a knife (!), that is - with bare hands, when collecting herbs, you need to constantly say: I tear (my name) flowers from grass, roots from the ground, for which they are useful, for that I tear them!

    properties of herbs.

    They used as a talisman (to search in damp places along the reservoirs to collect flowers and roots at dawn), capable of expelling evil spirits from everywhere, treating skin diseases and relieving a hangover, and in general an indispensable herb for food poisoning. Odolen-grass (water lily is a well-known plant), helps to overcome all obstacles. With him, you can go to various judicial institutions in order to win the lawsuit, and dry the girl's heart, and save the cattle. And if you are going on the road on business or to visit relatives, be sure to stock up on grass.

    The legend about gap-grass says that its fiery flowers have the ability to make a person invisible, but its main purpose is to destroy all barriers, even metal ones, to open any locks and constipation. To get this plant, you need to go to a remote wasteland at midnight on Ivan Kupala and mow the grass there until the metal part of the scythe breaks - this is a sure sign that the gap-grass has been mowed. All mowed grass from the place where the scythe was broken is thrown into the river and its behavior is carefully observed. Unlike other herbs, gap-grass does not sink and swims against the current.

    St. John's wort will protect your home from theft and loss, wild rose or nettle will protect from the machinations of evil spirits and the evil eye, and of course - what is Kupala Night without the legend of the fern flower? Everyone has heard about the fern flower, which promised its owner happiness, good luck, magical power.

    What else needs to be done on a Kupala night?

    • If you need career or spiritual growth: You should lie down in the tall grass on Kupala night and say exactly 7 times in a row the following words: "The grass is higher than the ground, and I (your name) are higher than the grass!". When you pronounce these words for the last, seventh time, you need to get up abruptly and leave without looking back. During the year, you will see that you have really achieved the successes that you expected in terms of career or spiritual development!
    • You know magic power Kupala dew, which you must use to your advantage! It is rightfully considered that Kupala dew helps to rejuvenate, be healthy. all year round etc. If you swim (in the literal sense) in this dew, you will be healthy and vigorous for a whole year, that's a fact! At dawn on June 22 (July 7), collect early dew and wash yourself saying: “Royal power, earthly power! Give me endless beauty. Eternal youth. Amen".
    • To get married this year, you need to collect a bouquet of 12 different herbs before going to bed (thistle and fern are a must) and put it under your pillow.
    • Cleansing bonfires belong to magical Kupala attributes. You need to dance well around them, it’s even better to jump over them: whoever jumps more successfully and higher will attract happiness.
    • Be sure to take a dip in a body of water. This will add to you for the whole year vitality, freshness and good health.
    • Previously, girls used to weave wreaths of flowers and herbs for themselves (as a sign of their beauty and charm), and guys - from oak leaves(as a token of his power). The wreath was floated on the water, let it go with the flow, and the fate was determined by how it floats. Sometimes a candle was attached to the wreath and lit. If the wreath sinks, this is a bad sign, portending deceit on the part of a loved one. If the wreath unwinds or becomes motionless on the water, there is little chance of a wedding in the coming year. When the wreath floats forward, downstream, the wedding will take place, and family life will be prosperous. The direction in which the wreath floats could tell in which direction the future husband lives.

    • The traditional Kupala action is jumping over the fire in pairs. If in the jump the hands of young people are separated and after a couple no small sparks fly out of the fire at all, there will be no wedding. If the hands did not separate and sparks flew from the fire - for an imminent wedding. If the hands did not separate, but there were no sparks, most likely the wedding will be scheduled, but for some reason it will not take place. If the hands are separated, but many sparks fly after the lovers, the couple will probably live happily together, but the wedding itself will not happen soon or not at all.
    • To every person who yearns happy life, health and, of course, mutual love, we strongly recommend stocking up with a magical bouquet collected from Kupala herbs at the end of the scorching sun on June 22 (July 6). It is required to compose it from the leaves of a fern, Ivan da Marya, thistle and plantain. In ancient times, they were sure that the fern - the lord of the festival - makes absolutely any dreams come true. Ivan da Marya - rewards with love. Plantain with thistle - protect against loneliness. On the eve of sleep, place the Kupala bouquet under the pillow and say: “Trip-traveller, you live near the path, you see the young and ancient, bring my betrothed for me.” Chernobyl grass (wormwood) should be hung over the sleeping place of those young ladies who assume that they have been damaged or conjured a crown of celibacy. After all evil forces: witches, demons - tremble in panic before the wormwood as before a fire.

    Publications in the Traditions section

    Ivan Kupala. Water, fire and herbs

    To the hair, Kres, Kupala. The ancient holiday of midsummer - the Solstice. On the night of Ivan Kupala, people bathed in Rys, jumped over bonfires and collected medicinal herbs, honoring the god of fertility. They believed that the sun in a chariot rides out to meet its spouse for the month. "On Kupala - the sun for the winter, and the summer for the heat." The traditions of the pagan holiday were studied by Natalya Letnikova.


    Ivan Kurylev. Night on Ivan Kupala (detail). 1920. Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve, Moscow

    On one of the most mystical holidays, rivers and lakes acquired unprecedented power. The Slavs believed that water is a symbol of spiritual rebirth, and immersed themselves in water bodies, leaving their prejudices behind. It was believed that until Ilyin's day, all evil spirits came out of the water, and the water itself on Ivan Kupala acquired magical properties. Popular rumor endowed dew on this day with special power. According to tradition, they washed themselves with dew, believing that this was moisture sent by Heaven. Inseparably, Ivan Kupala was associated with fire and water. The symbols of such unity are bonfires.


    With the last rays of the sun along the high banks and on the hills, cleansing fires were laid - next to the rye field. Boys and girls collected brushwood from all around and laid a giant pyramid, placing a pole with a wheel or a tar barrel in the center. The Kupala bonfire was lit from the "live fire" obtained in the old fashioned way - by friction. Round dances were performed around the pillar of fire, they sang, danced, and jumped over the flames. The higher - the happier you will be and you will receive protection from damage, conspiracies and mermaid misfortune. Well, if you jump over the fire in a couple and do not open your hands - a sure sign of an imminent wedding. And for fidelity - also put a wreath on the water.


    Ivan Golikov. Fortune-telling on wreaths (fragment). 1920s Handicraft Museum, St. Petersburg

    Wild herbs and flowers were woven into a girl's wreath for the holiday of Ivan Kupala in order to swim along the river at night and predict fate. Basil and periwinkle, geranium and fern, rose and blackberry, oak and birch branches. At least twelve herbs and flowers were collected in a wreath. Knowledgeable girls did not have random plants. And the wreath itself is also a symbol of the circle, perfection, and the ring is a continuous union. And the future, including the union, was predicted by a wreath thrown on the water. An ancient tradition is to throw a wreath on the water with a lit torch or candle. This is when “it’s unbearable to get married”, but sometimes they kept this symbol even after the holiday as protection of the fields from hail or the garden from worms.


    The main mystery of Ivan Kupala is the fern, which, according to legend, blooms only on this night. A ghostly flower to the one who picked it and saved it promises unprecedented abilities: to understand the language of animals and see treasures in the depths of the earth. He allegedly opens locks to all treasures, helps to become invisible or command land and water, and even take on any guise. On the night of Kupala, healers and witches went out for herbs. Find ararat - a grass that, according to Vyatka legends, gave power over evil spirits, or a gap-grass that, like a fern, made a person invisible. Collect herbs, according to legend, you need at midnight, secretly and removing pectoral cross.


    On the night of Ivan Kupala, they finished singing stoneflies, danced round dances and sang about love. But the practical side of the holiday was not forgotten either. The consecrated willow was brought to the pastures so that the witches would not take the milk from the cows. They guarded the milk by hanging nettles on the gates in the barn. Protecting themselves from the unclean, they stuck sharp objects into the table, windows and doors. Even firebrands from the Kupala fire were endowed with magical properties. It was believed that coals abandoned in the field would be able to protect the crop from evil spirits. Midsummer Night - it's time to bring the witch to clean water. The woman did not come to the fire on the night of Ivan Kupala - she turned out to be under suspicion.


    In the "silent water" Ivan Kupala was guessed at for love or luck. At sunset, they threw a pebble into a basin of water, contemplating a wish. If an even number of circles goes - it will be fulfilled, no - then do not wait. You could make a wish by throwing a wreath on the water. If the wreath floats away, then the wish will come true. In which direction the wreath swam, from there to wait for the groom, but it stands still - it’s not going to get married soon. If the wreath goes to the bottom - expect failure in love: "The wreath drowned - dear deceived." But which cute one to choose? Divination on a fern will help. How many applicants - so many branches. Make a guess on each and lower everything to the bottom. Whoever emerges faster - for that and marry.


    Kupala songs are known no less than the rites of the holiday themselves. They were sung until recently - at the end of the 20th century. For example, in the Smolensk region, on the Western Dvina. And the dialogue with the “kupalinka”, and the pasture of the witch, and the inspection of the fields - “Marya Yvana called to life” ... Ivan Kupala is also a museum one - like a fern festival in the Smidovichi estate near Tula, a library one - like in the Podborsk rural library near Kaluga, park - in the tract Kizil-Koba Dombrovskaya valley. Or festival, as in Perm region"Kupala nights". Modern look into the pagan past of Russia with indispensable attributes - bathing, a fire and lingering songs that are carried through the summer fields.

    Kupala herbs - herbs, flowers, tree branches, roots, the collection and use of which are included in the ritual complex of the celebration of Kupala. By folk beliefs, they differ in particular magic power and healing properties. Herbs were collected on the night of Kupala or at dawn due to dew, dried more often and used as a remedy for all misfortunes, in girlish fortune-telling, in the treatment of people and animals.

    Slavic traditions

    Herbs with magical properties include: thorn grass, fern, nodule grass, tirlich-lihoman, plakun-grass, dope, Adam's head, marsh dove, rhubarb, strawberry, sleep-grass, gap-grass, flight-grass, Ivan- yes-marya, budyag, thistle, plantain, burdock, kupalenka, bear's ear, rich man, Chernobyl, buttercup, calamus, ant oil, sucker and Peter's cross.

    They washed their hair with a decoction made from herbs collected on Kupala so that it would not get sick for a year. In Ukraine, there is a belief that medicinal herbs are grown by mermaids and mavkas, who know all their medicinal properties. According to Belarusian belief, Kupala herbs are the most healing if they are collected by "old and small", that is, old people and children.

    The girls always tore the wormwood, as they believed that witches and mermaids were afraid of it. Wormwood was worn on a belt, woven into wreaths, stuck into the walls of houses and gates to block the way for witches. Greenery was used as a universal amulet: it was believed that it protects against diseases and epidemics, the evil eye and damage; from sorcerers and witches, evil spirits, "walking" dead; from natural lightning, hurricane, fire; from snakes and predatory animals, insect pests.

    Along with this, contact with fresh herbs was also interpreted as a magical means that ensures fertility, productivity of cereals and horticultural crops. They tried to collect herbs early in the morning on Midsummer before sunrise, because, according to legend, healing properties they preserve only those plants that the sun does not have time to illuminate (Bulgarian, Bel., Ukr.). It was at this time that "each herb asks to pick it and reveals its healing power itself." They collected not only medicinal herbs, but also amulets (nettle, wormwood, branches of thorny bushes), as well as herbs and flowers intended for divination, for ritual wreaths.

    In the 16th and 17th centuries, herb gatherers were persecuted along with hardened criminals.

    “When a great holiday comes, the day of the Nativity of the Forerunner,” the chronicler wrote, “the husbands and wives of the enchantress go out through the meadows and through the swamps and into the deserts and into the oak forests, looking for mortal grass and windwomb, from the herbal potion to the destruction of man and cattle; they dig the same divya of koreniya for the indulgence of their husbands. All this is done by the action of the devil, with satanic sentences.

    In the "Discharge Books" there are records of a number of old judicial red tape about such herbalists. It was enough to find an unknown root or a bunch of unknown grass from someone for this to be given the meaning of malicious intent. The "witches" caught on the eve of Ivan's Day were tortured, beaten with batogs, so that "it would not be customary to carry and collect herbs and roots."


    The fern was especially distinguished from other plants, it was considered diabolical and at the same time a wonderful potion. In the Nizhny Novgorod region, when collecting "Kupala" plants, they did not dare to take the fern, calling it "witch" grass. In other places, on the contrary, it was the main one in a row of plants: large bunches of fern were hung in a barn against witches (Rechitsa Polesie. All Slavs know beliefs about the magical properties of its flower blooming at night.

    Ivan da Marya

    One of the main symbols of Ivan's Day was the flower Ivan da Marya, kupava da mavka or kupavka, as it is called by the people. Folk tales connect the origin of this flower with twins - brother and sister, according to folk legends, they, separated in childhood, walked around the world for a long time, and when they met, they did not recognize each other, and almost got married or were already married, but before their wedding night they learned about his kinship.

    This legend goes back to the archaic myth of twins, one of which - Ivan (Kupalo) - is associated with life and fire, and the other - Marya (Mavka) - with death and water. Their relationship in ritual songs correlates with the ancient motif of the marriage duel of fire and water, that is, precisely those natural elements opposing each other that were of paramount importance in Kupala rituals.

    Ivan da Marya very often appear in Kupala songs, for example:

    Ivan Maryu Called to the bath.

    Where Ivan swam - The shore swayed.

    Where Marya bathed - Grass spread.

    Ivan bathed, Yes, he fell into the water.

    Wormwood, Chernobyl, God's tree - plants with a bitter taste and strong odor, used to neutralize evil spirits, as well as for medicinal and magical purposes; a symbol of longing, grief, anger, as Russian proverbs say: “I didn’t plant wormwood-grass, the cursed one herself was born”; "Another's wife is a swan, and her own is bitter wormwood." According to folk beliefs, garlic, horseradish and wormwood serve as protection against mawks and mermaids. To protect themselves from evil spirits, on Thursday at Rusal Week, the girls wove wormwood into their braids. To protect "their" space from evil spirits, on the eve of Kupala, burdock leaves, wormwood, and alder branches were placed on the roof.

    Eastern Slavs on the eve of Kupala or Spiritual Day, as a talisman against mermaids, sorcerers and other evil spirits, laid out nettles on the windows, on the doorsteps of houses. In Pinsk Polissya, nettles were hung on the doors of the canopy on Kupala, near the stables - from mermaids. On Midsummer Day, before swimming in the river, nettles were thrown into the water to protect against mermaids; in the Czech Republic, it was believed that the merman would not harm a person who had nettles in his hands.

    Sowing flax, the owner threw the first handful of seeds into nettles, they were used in witchcraft and magic: nettles were burned to stop the hail, at the first thunder they stuck nettles into clothes, into the chain of the hearth so that lightning would not strike the house. In eastern Polissya, especially in the Chernihiv zone, the Kupala bonfire could often be replaced by an armful of herbs stuck in a sandy pile (most often nettles); they jumped over it just like they jumped over fire.


    Our ancestors believed that clover carries the great power of love, happiness, beauty and youth. His leaves were collected, dried and then always carried with him in a clean patch or in a handkerchief. And in the morning they went out to the clearing and collected dew from the clover. They poured it into a small vessel, then put three sprigs of clover in it for the whole day. At night, they washed themselves with this water, using it instead of anti-wrinkle cream.

    According to legends and legends, plakun-grass, which was called the mother of all herbs, also had enormous magical power: if, holding it in your hands, you collect other herbs, then magical and healing power automatically passes to these plants. She subdues the demons of evil spirits, destroys the spell of sorcerers and witches.

    In Russia Ivan Kupala was also called Ivan Travnik. In 1650, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich even ordered on the night of Ivan Kupala to send peasants to collect herbs, and then describe where which of them grow. The collected herbs were delivered to the healers carefully, according to special instructions: “Having pulled the grass, it was ordered to sort it out clean and dry it in the wind or in a hut in a light spirit so that that grass does not turn red from the heat, and that grass is sewn into canvases and put in bast boxes, sewn up firmly into the matting, so that the spirit does not come out of that grass.

    The people believed that all the miraculous and healing herbs bloom just on the night of Ivan Kupala. Therefore, knowledgeable and experienced people, and especially village healers and healers, under no circumstances missed Ivan's night and collected healing roots and herbs for the whole year. The following received the most attention:

    1. Petrov-cross - a grass similar to simple peas without pods(The cross is located at the root, at a depth of two arshins, and protects both from sorcerers and evil spirits.)

    Peter's cross grows in the forests. He looks strange, unusual. Thick shaggy "sprouts" of white and pink color rise from the ground. If you look closely, you will notice that the plant has a juicy whitish stem, and on it are numerous dark pink flowers, tightly pressed against each other. On the same stem sit and colored leaves - wide pink scales. The plant does not have true green leaves. When you meet Peter's cross in the forest, you always pay attention to it. And if you see it for the first time, you look with surprise, as if at some kind of curiosity.

    Few have seen the Petrov cross in nature, although it is not at all uncommon. The fact is that this plant is born only on a short time spring - just a few weeks. By summer, the entire above-ground part dies off, and living rhizomes remain only in the soil - thick, white, branched, going deep. The rhizomes are remarkable in that they are densely covered from the surface with modified leaves resembling small fleshy dippers.

    For medicinal purposes, grass and roots collected during flowering are used. This is a wonderful antitumor agent that gives good treatment results when combined with hemlock, aconite (wrestler), backache, Euphorbia Pallas, etc. medicines. Petrov cross is used for diseases of the kidneys, liver (hepatitis, cirrhosis, cancer), with swelling, dropsy and ascites, with gynecological diseases, to regulate ovulation of the egg, muscle tone uterus and stimulation of the fertilization of the egg, that is, with infertility.

    2. Chertogon (now - thistle, tartar, in the photo on the right)) - grass with the same properties: it is stuck in a crack above the gate and gate - from sorcerers, and under the roofs - to drive out devils. Hall-grass - drives demons, spoilage, heals all sorts of diseases and calms the girl's sweetheart.

    Curly thistle - Aster family - Asteraceae or Compositae.

    Folk names: infidel grass, red-headed bodyak, thistle, dedovnik, drapach, hedgehog, prickly arepeynik, prickly burr, prickly burdock, tatarnik, tsar-murat, hall, shishebarnik.

    In Russian folk medicine a decoction of the herb was used as a hemostatic agent, for nervous disorders, for gonorrhea, a decoction of inflorescences and leaves was used for scrofula. In folk medicine in many countries of the West and East, a decoction of the roots is used in the treatment of neurosis, insomnia, and epilepsy. In folk medicine of Belarus, as well as Nanai folk medicine, dry grass smoke is used to fumigate children when they are frightened, or nervous children are bathed in grass baths; a decoction of the tops of the plant is given to drink to children with convulsions. In bronchial asthma, it is recommended to smoke dried crushed thistle leaves or breathe smoke from its leaves laid on smoldering coals.

    In Chinese medicine, inflorescences are used for colds, coughs and rheumatism. In Tibetan medicine and traditional medicine of Transbaikalia, preparations from inflorescences or roots are prescribed for gastroenteritis, diarrhea, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, and also as an emetic. Fresh juice from the leaves of the plant is used to wash purulent wounds and ulcers for their fastest healing. For these purposes, it is recommended to apply gruel from freshly chopped grass to the wounds.

    3. Chernobyl-grass (common wormwood - in the photo on the left). This grass is plaited into lashes and placed "under Ivan's dew" with the verdict: "Mother Earth, Father Heaven, give your slaves health from this herb."

    Collection number 1. With kidney stone disease. Wormwood (Chernobyl, grass) - 10 g, bearberry (leaves) - 15 g, horsetail (grass) - 10 g, carrots (seeds) - 15 g, dill (fruits) - 10 g. Infuse 12 g of the mixture in melted oven for 12 hours in 2 cups of water. Boil 5 minutes, strain. Take 0.5 cup 4 times a day one hour after meals.

    4. Finch - helps with baby crying and insomnia, but for successful action it must be kept in milk. Other names: fodder, wild (Yaroslavl region), crane, mouse and sparrow peas, goose, pea plant, chaffinch or crane (Vicia sativa L.)

    Forage vetch - Vicia sativa L - forage/wild/crane/mouse/sparrow pea/ - goose / pea plant / finch / crane - in the photo on the left.

    The aerial part of the plant contains up to 30% protein, more than 3% fat, up to 300 mg% ascorbic acid, up to 15 mg% carotene.

    In folk medicine, it is used as an emollient, wound healing, hemostatic agent.

    As a plant whose fruits are edible, it has long been known. In the past, in lean years, the population of Poland, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Romania used the seeds of mouse peas for food. Flour was ground from mature seeds, which was used as an additive in baking, porridges and stews were cooked from this flour. The seeds taste like lentils. Before using them for food, they must be thoroughly washed and boiled or soaked in soda solution. In England, a decoction of the plant was given to infants as complementary foods.

    Herbs were also in great demand: “Divy Sil”, nettle for rheumatism, “Mary Magdalene” (for longing), “Bogorodskaya” grass (for fumigating calving cows), hare cabbage for burns, wild rosemary for colds and coughs.