1 lunar day June 24th.

  • 23.09.2019

The lunar calendar for June 24, 2018 promises the most energetic period that will be filled with events - this . Today, June 24, 2018, it is necessary to be careful and attentive in the implementation of all cases. Everything that is started must be brought to its logical end. However, it is not desirable to be strongly overloaded both emotionally and physically.

On the 11th Lunar day, you will watch how all your plans come true.

Moon Visibility: 87%.

The moon rises at 17:08, sets at 02:08 (Moscow time).

11 Lunar day gives strength and power, so moving mountains is a common thing for you. So do not lose your opportunity to improve the situation at work and in society in general. You will wake up enthusiasm and desire to realize dreams.

This period of time is devoted to spirituality in people. All hard work and household chores should be kept to a minimum. It is especially desirable to go to a prayerful place, to visit a temple. Take time to pray, meditate. Go somewhere in nature.

Is it possible to cut hair on June 24, 2018?

The lunar calendar for June 24, 2018 is suitable for haircuts. It will help to avoid various diseases and ailments. In addition, you will be bypassed conflict situations. New hairstyle will give you the gift of persuasion and attract the attention of others. In particular, you will become a charismatic person.

On the 11th Lunar day, it is worth taking care of your hair in every possible way, doing masks and head massage. So you will collect all the energy emanating from the moon.

The meaning of dreams June 24, 2018. What does the dream of 06/24/2018 mean?

Dreams on June 24, 2018 may well be prophetic. No need to ignore the incoming information. Moreover, it is desirable to remember it, as it will effectively affect the development of events in your future.

Dream 11 Lunar Day will reflect your life position at the current time. Suppose positive and vivid visions indicate order in your real life.

But boring and unremarkable dreams show you what needs to be improved. life situation. Bad and scary dreams tell you that you can become a participant in an unpleasant situation.

What can be planted on June 24, 2018?

11 Lunar day - the day of leaves with descending strength. Today it is permissible to plant medicinal herbs, various vegetable crops, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, as well as cabbage. In addition, any other plants that love moisture are suitable for planting. These include peppers, parsley, dill, and, of course, salads.

Next new moon: June 24, 2017 at 5:29 am. The nearest full moon is July 9th at 7:05 AM.

  • Moon phase June 24, 2017- new moon at 5:29.
  • Lunar day 06/24/2017- 29, 30, 1 lunar day.
  • What sign is the moon in 06/24/2017- Moon in Cancer
  • Moonrise June 24, 2017 - at 04:26.
  • Moonset 06/24/2017 at 20:08.
  • Moon without a course - June 23 21:45 - June 24 1:07.
  • Sunrise June 24, 2017- 3:45.
  • Sunset June 24, 2017- 21:19.

Horoscope for today 06/24/2017

What was not clear will become quite clear. You will understand the reason for someone's actions. Now rely only on yourself. And not because colleagues can let you down, you just need to be aware of all the affairs and events and not lose sight of even minor details.

You may have problems in love relationships. But do not try to change anything, as your efforts will be in vain, and you may become discouraged because of this. Try not to take what is happening to heart. Dealing with problems will require flexibility and compliance.

This day can be difficult professionally. When it seems to you that success is very close, new obstacles will grow in the way that prevent the implementation of plans. This will make you feel dissatisfied and disappointed.

This day will fly by quickly and imperceptibly. No emotional outbursts are expected. Unless, of course, you yourself begin to artificially create problems for yourself, and then involve loved ones in solving them. Try to be outdoors as often as possible and preferably in the company of pleasant people.

An unprecedented surge of energy awaits you. You will be able to turn any mountains on your way, if only you show endurance and purposefulness in everything. Now do not waste your time on trifles, but choose one direction and follow it clearly. Negotiations, agreements and signing of important papers must be held at a high level. On the love front - calm. But do not worry: soon everything will change.

It is better to devote this time not to production problems, but to home and family. Now you will acutely feel that your home is your fortress. If you have not yet met a life partner, then it is possible that this will happen right now. Just to do this, you need to take a closer look at the people around you.

Fate will offer you one or the other task. But do not rush to solve them. This day is conducive, first of all, to a romantic dinner by candlelight, to a pleasant pastime and to a harmonious relationship with a loved one. And you can return to professional questions a little later.

Try to plan things for the day that you have not reached your hands for a long time. Now you can do much more than you think. Moreover, the high workload will not allow you to sort things out with your loved ones. And the desire to argue, and maybe quarrel, can provoke you to rash acts.

This period is conducive to active pursuits and deeds. You will be determined to act and achieve your goal. Well, if you don’t find a use for your powers, the bubbling energy will make you feel uncomfortable. You should not go against yourself.

On this day, you need to be very careful when communicating with new acquaintances. There is a possibility that you will attract dishonorable people to you. Therefore, before opening your soul to strangers, think carefully. Try not to get into arguments with your loved one.

At this stage, it is contraindicated for you to engage in a showdown, especially with a loved one. Now you may be short-tempered, biased and unwilling to listen to anything. But in all other areas you can succeed. Now your body is weakened, so you need to make every effort to help it. If possible, avoid excessive physical activity, support your strength with vitamins and walks in the fresh air. But, being in the bosom of nature, do not get too carried away with alcohol.

On this day, you will have a lot of things to do, and you can handle almost everything. Try to take everything with full responsibility, because later it will count and bring additional points to the track record. In the near future, you may expect new romantic hobbies.

© Horoscope for today 06/24/2017 compiled by astrologer Marina Aleksandrova especially for the site .

Data lunar calendar, sunrise, sunset and moon for June 24, 2017 are given for Moscow and the Moscow region.

Unfavorable, one of the most stressful days. During this period, when the Moon is not visible in the sky, energy is declining, the body's reserves are weakening. You need to take care of your protection, both astral and physical. Use amulets for home and personal today. It is better to avoid dark rooms. It is better not to believe the rumors and promises of these days, there is a possibility of deception, provocation. It is advisable to postpone the start of new projects .. In the 29th lunar day you need to protect your home and yourself with the help of amulets. If you have not prepared a charm in advance, use candles. At least two white (or church) candles should be lit in every room of the house, especially at night. Wear jewelry with mother-of-pearl - this iridescent stone will repel the attacks of negative energy from you, it is especially good to wear beads with mother-of-pearl. A day when you can do cleansing, but not attracting. The astral shield is the incense of the Pine, it thickens the energy and repels attacks from the outside. Fumigate their house, apartment, office.

Harmonious day. 30th lunar day, it happens extremely rarely, not everyone moon month And then, as a rule, it is very short. During this period, it is recommended to complete all previously started cases, to sum up the final line. One of better days for relaxation, contemplation of nature. On the 30th day, it is necessary to clear the mind, symbolically prepare for a new “start”, in a new lunar month. A great day to work with talismans. During this period, turmoil may arise in communication with management. The boss becomes overly demanding, gives difficult tasks. . On this day, you can make a talisman for yourself. Take a candle of the desired color ( personal life- pink candle, material success - green, spiritual growth - purple), write your desire on paper, put a candle on this paper, and put a piece of tourmaline or jewelry with this stone, light the candle and let it burn out to the end. This stone will be your talisman throughout the next lunar month. By fumigating an apartment with spruce incense, you can get rid of the energy tails of the outgoing month.

1 lunar day is one of the most powerful days of the month. On the new moon, it is useful to make plans for the future, to think over what you would like to receive from the upcoming lunar month. In order for your plans to come true, try to dream on 1 lunar day not abstractly, but concretely, laying the foundation important events. Experience the future as a reality that is already happening. . One of the best days to work with a candle. You can just do meditation, especially with a candle yellow color. You can make candle compositions aimed at achieving your goals. Use rhinestone when you dream. Hold it in your hand and try to imagine in as much detail as possible what you would like. This pure and light stone will help in the realization of dreams. A great day to study the horoscope and divination for future prospects.

Waning Moon in Gemini

What to wear?

It is good if orange-yellow and yellow-green shades are present in your clothes or additions to it.

Aroma of the day- Perfumes are best applied today in floral shades.

Talismans- heliodor, rock crystal, rhodonite, carnelian. The metal is mercury.

What are we eating?

Food today should be saturated with all kinds of fats. They give the cells and the whole body elasticity. In terms of drinks, it is better to give preference to tea with flower additives. Flower-based cosmetics are as good today as ever. Brew fresh flowers, drain the solution into a bowl, put the remaining gruel on your face and neck for 5 minutes. After that, wash with the prepared solution. Your skin will be very grateful to you.

beauty and health

These days there are often changes in the weather. But, despite this, it is very important to breathe properly. fresh air in order to saturate the body with oxygen as much as possible. This procedure will improve your well-being and add strength, health and energy. Particular care should be taken to the lungs and shoulder girdle.

intimate scenario

Moon in Gemini provokes experimental sex. If you have been thinking about some kind of sexual fantasy for a long time or planned to fulfill your partner's secret fantasy, today is the time to do it, since the days of the Moon in Gemini are the best for experiments in sex, intimate games. Nothing will shock you, courage and excitement will not take. But it may happen that the whole evening instead of sex, you just lie in bed with your loved one and chat heart to heart - this will also give you a lot of pleasure!

What to do at home?

Ventilate rooms and remove dust. Do not water houseplants but be sure to loosen the soil. It is good to fertilize under flowering plants.

The beginning of the lunar month is always a very important period for every person. Any undertaking today will be associated with high level responsibility. A new lunar cycle has begun. That is why you should be careful and careful.
The symbol of the day is a lamp, a candle or a lantern. This is an active, bright and strong day, which in no case can be spent in passivity and rest! Serious planning and organization of undertakings will be of great importance today. Build your future in your mind. Dreams become plans. They will certainly come true. The colors of the day are red, scarlet and other shades, plus black. Lucky talisman stone - diamond, also transparent rock crystal.
The element is water. Energy is active and efficient. Lucky number of this day - unit. The lucky day of the period is Monday. Meditation of the day - on a candle (trataka). The side of the world is north. Forms - waves, curved smooth lines, the predominance of asymmetry.
Plan and dream as actively as possible. People love to repeat the phrase "Dreaming is not harmful." So, today it is even useful to do this. Imagination can be your key to real life. Draw your goals in every detail and nuance. The energy of the day will help you realize all your ideas. The most important thing is not to rush. Planning should be measured and calm.
Do not rush to the realization of ideas. Believe me, you will still have time. The universe does not like haste. In such a state there can be no common sense and wisdom. Compare your plan to the tree. You cannot imagine that a tree will grow two meters the next day after planting. The same applies to the implementation of your ideas. They need time.
Today it is very important to achieve the right state of mind. Accept the world as it really is. Don't build any idealizations. Understand that everything around happens for a reason. Perceive all phenomena without resistance and conflict. Accept the world harmonious and whole.
It is important that your mood in relation to others be peaceful. Notice only the good and the beautiful. You can forget about some negative moments. All our thoughts today are a whole program, a “message” for the Universe. Everything you think about will grow. May your foundation for the upcoming lunar month be strong. Set yourself up for success. The Universe will definitely feel these vibrations filled with strength and joy.

The symbol is a golden swan.

These lunar days do not occur every lunar month and they must be used. This is a day of debriefing, a day of forgiveness and love, a time of great measure and complete harmony. A harmonious day when light, goodness and love triumph again on Earth. On this day, you need to carefully analyze your path and try to wash away all sins from yourself. It is necessary to cleanse oneself, to renew oneself for a new life - to wash off everything old, to give up everything unnecessary, superficial, to forgive everyone and stay in love and harmony with the world. The day of acceptance of spiritual initiation and transition to a new circle of development. Thank the outgoing month for the lessons and discoveries it has brought you. And with a pure heart, prepare to enter the new lunar month. It is especially important to take stock before solar eclipse. On this day, you should complete all the things you started this month, you don’t need to start new ones, even make plans early - wait until the first lunar day. Throw away the fuss, everything superfluous - enjoy life, contemplate, learn beauty, give people joy, distribute debts, while showing mercy. It is necessary to clean the house, in particular, by introducing talismans (horseshoe). Food should be light, not meaty, not coarse. It is recommended to work with stones.

Divination: For all.

Dreams: Dreams on these lunar days are true and prophetic. From them we can understand what mistakes we made during the month.

Health: Medically, these days are associated with the heart, as well as the pineal gland of the brain. Heart attacks on this day are dangerous. Other diseases that began at this time do not promise a quick recovery, but if you manage to defeat this disease, life extension awaits you, and rejuvenation processes can begin.

Conception: Life-rest awaits your future baby. He may be somewhat limited or seem so, because his wisdom will be such that he will be too lazy to talk about what is known in the whole Universe. Harmony in marriage and the attainment of an ideal, calmness and a sense of home are the best that can await a child conceived on this day. The main thing is mercy and love for everything and everyone. Raise him this way before birth.

Birth: Those born on this lunar day may have either physical disabilities or mental limitations - their health will have to be dealt with for a long time and seriously.

People of this day are beautiful, kind, wise, reveal themselves early, follow their ideal, monogamous. Gifted with the highest cosmic love, these people went through the whole circle of incarnations. This is one of their last incarnations at this level - they will most likely not be born on Earth again.

Moon phase: New moon.

V New moon body fluids are attracted to the human head. On this day, the body is at the decline of its vital activity, at the point of its minimum. Immunity is weakened, fears, depression, depression often visit a person. But on the other hand, at this time the body, as it were, was freed from the load accumulated in the previous lunar month. He's ready to start new life. Help him with this: carry out cleansing activities, go on a diet. If on this day you starve or have a fasting day, then you prevent many diseases, because the readiness of the body for cleansing (liberation from toxins) is the greatest on this day. Eating can slow down this process or interrupt it. It is the first days after the new moon that are very favorable for getting rid of bad habits and making plans for the future. Radical pruning of trees should be done on the new moon.