Why dream of losing one earring. Why dream of losing an earring

  • 30.09.2019

Losing an earring in a dream is an unpleasant sign. It may portend the onset of a gray streak in life, when luck moves away from you. A person who has seen such a dream can expect a break with a loved one, loneliness, depression and financial difficulties. However, if you dream that you lost an earring and then found it, then for a lonely person, the dream means that he / she will soon meet his fate. For someone who has a couple, a dream can mean strengthening an existing relationship after a major quarrel or a new serious romance.

The loss of one earring out of two predicts possible conflicts and even a break in relations. Sleep can also bring with it unpleasant changes in various areas of life. Try not to give envious people a reason to gossip.


Lose an earring. Sign of our grandmothers

To believe in signs or not to believe is a personal matter. Certainly, modern man it's kind of like it doesn't fit. But it turns out that subconsciously each of us at least a little, but believes in them. Take at least this one: lose an earring. The sign came to us from time immemorial. It is known that she promises a man trouble or bad news.

This is understandable. Once an earring in the ear of men meant a lot. For a noble warrior, it was a sign of wealth and power, for a sailor it was a talisman that kept him from danger at sea, among the Cossacks, the only son wears an earring in his ear - the hope of the family. Even their enemies respected this custom and in battle, it happened that the wearer of the earring was spared. Obviously, the sign arose in those distant times when such a loss could really bring changes for the worse. Accordingly, the sign of finding an earring promised, well, if not happiness, then at least a little, but joy. For example, for a Cossack - the opportunity to go to the tavern and sprinkle the find.

And what do such signs promise women? It turns out that for a girl it is downright lucky to lose an earring. A sign means nothing more than a quick marriage. In the villages they used to say: “If you lose your earring, you will find Alyoshka!” You can try to explain it from a rational point of view. How could you surely console the beauty upset by the loss? Of course, promising her a groom. That's what mothers and nannies did. The sign came true in most cases. This is understandable - before girls rarely sat up in girls.

The most interesting thing is that this sign with enviable constancy still comes true. If you don't believe me, read about it on the forums.

They also write there that, perhaps, the earring, as a talisman thing, was finally saturated with the negative energy that we receive from the outside world, and for this reason left its mistress. By the way, this often happens with beads from semi-precious stones- carnelian, jasper, turquoise. Well, here it is - believe it or not!

What does it mean for married woman lose an earring? The sign here promises pleasant changes, associated in this case with the appearance of a lover. Perhaps this is due to inertia from the previous value. Marriages in the old days were rarely dissolved, so there could be no talk of a new marriage. Well, a lover - why not?

Let's see what the dream book says about the loss of an earring? For Tsvetkov, this generally means a gift or the disclosure of a secret. Interestingly, in dreams, signs often appear as if in a mirror image. What promises a pleasant event in reality often has the opposite meaning in a dream.

For example, for a woman it is interpreted as meaning the loss of happiness or good luck to lose an earring. A sign turns into its opposite even if it is found. For a woman, finding a gold jewelry in reality promises trouble in the family or illness. In general, it is highly undesirable. Even if we are not talking about someone else's unkind energy, which you can take on yourself with this find, then something seems to be punishing for such unnecessary luck.

But in a dream, finding gold, including earrings, means a meeting with your destiny, a gift.

The signs contain both folk wisdom and folk superstitions. Obviously, they arose on the basis of some events that made such an impression on the witnesses that they lingered in their memory for a long time. Probably, once signs had real explanations. But so much time has passed since then! So they came to us in a distorted form, as when playing a damaged phone. But the share of the rational in them is still preserved, although the way of our life, and everything around is now completely different.

If there is a need to believe in them, then why not? Just don't take them too seriously. It is quite possible that the loss of your earring only means a quick purchase of a new piece of jewelry. Dont be upset! Everything that is not done is for the better! Good luck to you!


Dream Interpretation to Lose an Earring

Why dream of losing Earring in a dream from a dream book?

If in a dream you lost one of the earrings, expect a major quarrel with a person who cares about you. Perhaps the conflict that has flared up will put an end to your relationship with him.

If at first you lost, but then found an earring, the upcoming events will not overshadow your life, but rather, on the contrary, will bring a lot of positive emotions.


Lose an earring

Dream Interpretation Lose Earring dreamed of why in a dream to lose an earring? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Losing an earring by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Earrings

Buying earrings - to confusion, giving earrings - to chagrin, putting on earrings - to a quarrel with your loved one, selling earrings - do not keep this word.

Dream Interpretation - Earrings

Buying earrings - for a new thing, giving earrings - for separation, putting on earrings - for suffering, selling earrings - for the loss of love.

Dream Interpretation - Earring

it is the birth of a son, or the marriage of a daughter, or, a trade for one who sees her on the ear of his wife. If a pregnant woman sees gold earrings on her ears, then she carries a boy in her womb, if an unmarried girl sees this, then she will soon get married. Silver earrings portend the birth of a female child. Pearl earrings in a dream are a sign of a beautiful and comfortable life. For a man to wear earrings in a dream, indicates that he has committed obscene acts or that he has the talent to sing beautifully.

Dream Interpretation - Earrings

To see expensive earrings in a store window, to buy or receive as a gift, to put on - to experience happiness, joy, receive a gift or find out a secret, go to the job you are interested in.

Sometimes: to see earrings in a dream - in reality to get married or give birth to a child (for a married young woman).

Remove earrings - hear a declaration of love.

Broken earrings - to gossip.

Lose one or both - at a loss in everything.

Dream Interpretation - Earrings and number two

In a dream, trying on beautiful earrings in front of a mirror is favorable only for women; this dream promises them an early fulfillment of a love desire. If both earrings are the same, then the wish will come true in two weeks, if the earrings are different, then in two months, and if one of the two is immediately lost, then after 47 days.

A man wearing earrings in a dream is a sign that in 11 days you will be humiliated by your superiors or your spouse will leave you.

For students, such a dream guarantees easy study and quick passing of exams, with only two subjects there will be a hitch, but if students repeat difficult disciplines two days before passing, then they will succeed.

Dream Interpretation - Earrings

Seeing earrings in a dream is good news and pleasant chores around the house, if you had such a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, wait for the guests.

If in a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday or from Friday to Saturday you saw broken earrings or broke them through negligence, this warns you that gossip and rumors can harm you.

By the way, in the countries of the East, earrings characterize the social status of their owner. The more earrings, the more respected the wearer: in the nose, lips, eyelids, nails, navel. This is an unusual perforation. different parts body is gaining more and more popularity in the West and in our country, having received the name "piercing".

Dream Interpretation - Earrings

Putting on earrings - for love adventures, buying - for reconciliation with your loved one, giving earrings - for amazement, selling earrings - for treason.

Dream Interpretation - Earrings

Earrings in a dream are a sign of good news and interesting work. Broken earrings portend unpleasant rumors and gossip that can harm you if you do not show wisdom and prudence.

Dream Interpretation - Earrings

Earrings dream of good news and interesting work.

If you dreamed of broken earrings, try to show wisdom and discretion. Otherwise, bad rumors and gossip can harm you.

Dream Interpretation - Earrings

A pair of beautiful earrings in a dream: a sign of harmony and reciprocity of feelings.

Giving a loved one or accepting expensive earrings from him in a dream portends you a life of happiness and harmony.

Unpaired earring: a sign of a possible quarrel.

Lose one of the earrings: means that some kind of quarrel with a loved one can lead to a break in relations.


I saw in a dream that I found a long earring and what does it mean?



earring for love, relationships maybe

Rumburak Black

If two earrings for a wedding, one for divorce, loss

Oksana Kharitson

Earrings on someone's ears are a warning against false rumors.

Lose earrings - to separation.

To receive earrings as a gift is a deception.

To put on earrings is to become a victim of someone's gossip.
Eastern dream book

Earrings - dream of good news and interesting work. And for pregnant women, such a dream promises the birth of a girl.

I dreamed of broken earrings - beware of gossip spread by envious people.
Children's dream book

Earrings - soon your hearing will be attacked by unpleasant words or bad news. Only your prudence will allow you not to succumb to a panic mood and save your soul from negative emotions.
Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Earrings - for fun, wedding, gift / fuss, find out the secret.
Numerological dream book of Pythagoras

In a dream, trying on beautiful earrings in front of a mirror is only favorable for women, this dream promises them a speedy fulfillment of a love desire.

If both earrings are the same, the wish will come true in two weeks, if the earrings are different, then in two months, and if one of the two is immediately lost, then in 47 days.

A man wearing earrings in a dream is a sign that in 11 days you will be humiliated by your superiors or your spouse will leave you. For students, such a dream guarantees easy study and quick passing of exams, with only two subjects there will be a hitch, but if two days before passing the students repeat difficult disciplines, then they will succeed.
The latest dream book

Earrings - profit; put on - pure love; broken - gossip, envy.
Family dream book

Earrings dream - to good news and interesting work.

If you dreamed of broken earrings, try to show wisdom and prudence. Otherwise, bad rumors and gossip can harm you.
dream interpreter

To see earrings in a dream is a sign of vanity and vanity.
Modern dream book

Seeing earrings in a dream is a harbinger of good news and interesting work.

Broken earrings are a sign that your enemies will spread evil low gossip about you.
Dream Interpretation 2012

Earring - the need for feelings, sensuality. Reflection of the state (level) of feelings, sensuality.
Dream interpretation of the 21st century

Earrings in a dream -

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Earrings are a love adventure, you will like it.
Dream interpretation for the whole family

Seeing earrings in a dream is good news and pleasant chores around the house, if you had such a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, wait for the guests.

If in a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday or from Friday to Saturday you saw broken earrings or broke them through negligence, this warns you that gossip and rumors can harm you.
Dream interpretation for a bitch

Earrings - good news, interesting, profitable work, fun.

Break or lose - exercise caution and discretion to prevent bad gossip.
Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

A pair of beautiful earrings in a dream is a sign of harmony and reciprocity of feelings.

Giving a loved one or accepting expensive earrings from him in a dream portends you a life of happiness and harmony.

An unpaired earring is a sign of a possible quarrel.

Losing one of the earrings in a dream means that some kind of quarrel with a loved one can lead to a break in relations.
Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Wearing earrings - for love adventures; to buy - to reconciliation with a loved one; give earrings - to amazement; sell - to treason.
Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

Buying earrings - to confusion, giving - to chagrin, putting on - to a quarrel with your loved one, selling - do not keep this word.
Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Buying earrings - for a new thing, giving - for separation, putting on - for suffering, selling earrings - for the loss of love.
Dream Interpretation of Medium Miss Hasse

Find earrings - happiness and profit; lose - fear; wear - you will find out the secret; to buy - you will disappoint relatives and friends; break - treason.

Earring lost

Dream Interpretation Lost Earring had a dream about why in a dream she lost an earring? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Lost Earring in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Earrings

Dream Interpretation - Earrings

Dream Interpretation - Earrings

They mean a daughter and her fate, it is also a sign that you will have to learn and keep other people's secrets.

Wearing earrings - to trouble in love, low profits, gossip.

Dream Interpretation - Earrings

Find - happiness and profit; lose - fear; wear - you will find out the secret; to buy - you will disappoint relatives and friends; break - treason

Dream Interpretation - Earrings

For unmarried women, to see herself in earrings in a dream means that she will soon live in her home with her loved one. The more expensive your earrings are in a dream, the more secure your life will be. Seeing earrings on married ladies in a dream means that you are jealous of someone else's happiness. Pulling earrings out of the ears of a rival in a dream is a sign that you will be able to win the heart of a loved one and defeat your rival. If you dream that a rival asks you to put your earrings on her, then do not give them away in a dream, and you will be able to keep your loved one, and with him to maintain your happiness and well-being. Losing earrings in a dream means that happiness and good luck will leave you. After such a dream, expect bad changes in your destiny. Poverty, deprivation, loneliness and bitter experiences await you. Finding earrings in a dream is a sign that you will meet your destiny. If in a dream you receive earrings as a gift, then expect happy changes in your destiny, which will give you a real surprise. See interpretation: jewelry.

Dream Interpretation - Earrings

Wear one earring - you will be with the one you love.

Wear both - you will flirt with several people.

If there is only one earring, then you will flirt.

If there are two earrings, flirting will be with several people.

Dream Interpretation - Loss

Dream Interpretation - Loss of teeth

Dream Interpretation - Loss

Loss - if you dream: you lost something - separation, losses.

Dream Interpretation - Lose (drop)

An unexpected find // you will cry, failure, death (to the patient), trouble, separation, losses; lose and find - you will see the person you think about again; lose and not find - the person you think about will not return.


Lost a gold earring

Dream Interpretation Lost golden earring dreamed of why in a dream Lost a gold earring? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Lost a golden earring in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Earrings

Wearing earrings (for a woman) - happiness and profit await you. Buying earrings (for everyone) is good news.

Imagine that your earrings are adorned with precious stones (see Stone).

Dream Interpretation - Earrings

Wear earrings in a dream - you have to keep someone's secret.

Such nice little earrings, but better take them off: you still can't stand it.

Dream Interpretation - Earrings

They mean a daughter and her fate, it is also a sign that you will have to learn and keep other people's secrets.

Wearing earrings - to trouble in love, low profits, gossip.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

Seeing gold in a dream - to falsehood and delusions in any form. Holding gold in your hands - to prosperity and luck in everything. If you dream that you have discovered a gold mine, it means that in reality you will be entrusted with a difficult but honorable task.

To find a gold bar in a dream means to achieve complete success in your business in reality. Finding golden things means that your virtues will allow you to easily move on the path to honors and wealth. To lose gold in a dream - therefore, in life you risk losing it, perhaps. your happiest moment.

Seeing golden sand in a dream means that in reality you will have an idea to act dishonestly towards people you do not know. Gold in coins or jewelry portends a young girl's marriage to a rich but dishonest man. A gold chain means that you will spend your free time usefully, a gold medallion - you will receive a round sum for your services, a gold necklace - you will find happiness with your loved one.

Seeing in a dream the golden gold coins of the royal coinage - you will gain honor. To receive them as payment for your work - hopes will come true. Paying with gold coins - you will live to a ripe old age. Find a treasure with them - you will be happy. If in a dream you melt them, this is a loss of trust among the authorities. Hearing the sound of falling gold coins - to wealth.

A golden thread in a dream means that in reality you will receive good and timely advice. If in a dream you embroider with gold thread - in reality your work will bring big income some time later. If in a dream you see golden spiders, then in life you will make friends who will help you get a money place. Seeing a chest full of gold in a dream portends that if you do not pay attention to rumors addressed to you and continue to bend your line, this can lead to a bad end.

Seeing golden dishes in a dream and eating from it portends a promotion at work, changing it to silver dishes - to a headache from many troubles and worries. Swallowing gold in a dream - to success in science or art.

To see fake gold is to succumb to flattery and deceit. Buy gold - you will be left with nothing, sell - big changes await you. To receive gold as a gift - beware of losing your head in a love frenzy.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

(See interpretation: money)

Seeing golden dishes in a dream, eating or drinking from it - to honors and wealth. The dream means the same, where you will see a richly laid table and many expensive gold items. However, if you dream of jewelry made of gold, then See interpretation: jewelry and objects by name.

A dream to see about golden chains, icons, headdresses is a harbinger of deceit, flattery, a warning about possible betrayal or treason that will plunge you into poverty and deprive you of peace of mind. A woman receiving golden trinkets as a gift in a dream means that her life will be comfortable and prosperous. If gold items are lost or broken in a dream, then you will find a break in relationships, loss, humiliation, poverty. If you dream that some parts of your body are made of pure gold, then do not build castles in the air. Better to have a bird in a cage than a bird in the sky. Losing gold is a sign that you have missed a brilliant opportunity to improve your situation. Sometimes such a dream predicts a break in relations with a dear person. Finding gold in a dream is a warning that you should not miss your chance. Exchange gold for another - you can miss out on the benefits. See interpretation: statue, jewelry, dishes.

Holding gold in your hands is a sign of prosperity and well-being. To find a gold mine in a dream - to great opportunities and hard work. Working with gold in a dream yourself or seeing others doing such work is a sign of danger because of your excessive desire easy to get rich. This dream also warns you that you should be more careful in order to avoid shame. To see a golden crown on your head in a dream is a sign of poverty and ruin. For a patient, such a dream predicts death. See interpretation: crown.

Carrying gold on your hump or back is a sign of a heavy burden. goldfish to catch or hold in your hands in a dream - to extraordinary changes in life. If the fish dies or jumps out (do not hold), then you will miss your chance. See interpretation: fairy tale.

Buying gold in a dream is a hassle. To see a lot of gold metal in a dream - to poverty and lack in the family. Gilding in a dream is a sign of deceit, falsehood, betrayal, betrayal. See interpretation: money, buy.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

The appearance of gold in your dream may be associated with well-known phrases: “Not everything that glitters is gold” (the external impression can be deceptive), “The spool is small, but expensive”, “The word is silver, silence is gold.” There are also quite common words: “Golden hands”, “Golden heart”, “Golden character”, “Golden hair”.

If you dreamed that you lost a golden jewelry, then this warns you that an unpleasant event will happen soon if you have lost wedding ring, then this is especially unpleasant, because it can portend illness or separation from a loved one.

Seeing gold coins in a dream - such a dream indicates that you will be rewarded for the work you have done, only this reward may not necessarily be material.

If you dreamed that you were a gold seeker, then this means that you are trying to find profit in some business, but because of a frank self-interested desire, you will lose the respect of those around you, who will stop providing you with the help that they previously offered.

Finding a golden thing in a dream - such a dream predicts the appearance of deceptive hopes in you, you hope in vain for a chance, you need to actively act.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

Success in all matters. In the form of utensils, dishes - lofty hopes will become a reality. In the form of money, jewelry - you will be able to prevent deception. You melt gold - gossip cannot ruin your reputation. Embroider with gold - get news that will help you achieve what you want. Carry gold in a handful - to a profitable business. Buying gold is a new acquaintance that will save you from sadness and loneliness. Find gold - become the keeper of a secret that will turn your life upside down. There is gold - promotion. Meet a goldsmith - avoid scams. Golden rain - get an inheritance. Wear gold - avoid a dangerous disease. Give - you will be invited to the wedding. Opened a gold mine - the search for a new job will be completed advantageous offer. Wash the golden sand - your diligence and diligence will bring tangible success. You are working in a gold mine - glory and honor will fall on you.

Imagine gold as brightly as possible and as much as possible. This gold is everywhere: in your home, on yourself, on your family and friends.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

Gold is a universal symbol of purity and wealth. Acquire gold - demonstrate your power and wealth. It is important to determine the source of the gold and to know whether it was a gift, a conquest or a discovery.

It is very important to understand how significant a gold item is. What use does gold find in a dream, whose wealth and power does it represent? If you are presented with a golden helmet, as in Don Quixote, this is an example of the archetypal form of that sacred power that you are endowed with to complete a mission or a HEROIC campaign.

Have you found, lost, given or received a gold item as a gift from someone?

Did this item bring you joy or sadness?

Dream Interpretation - Gold

Gold - gold - unkind, danger. Gold - soon there will be separation from relatives, this is a bad omen. Gold wedding ring - wedding. To have gold on yourself is a warning, to steal gold - you will lose respect, to give - you will be at a wedding, to lose is a loss, to have a lot of gold and silver - there are a lot of parasites around you; fake gold is a benefit. To see goldfish - the expected will not come true.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

"All that glitters is not gold" deceit, falsehood. "Golden time" success, period of success, maturity. "Gold bottom" is an inexhaustible source of income.

"small spool and dear", "you are my golden (appeal). "Golden calf" passionate enrichment with demonic meaning. "Gilding the pen" reward, bribe.

"golden hands" about the craftsman.

"scrofulous" patient.

"golden rain" is a very large income.


Lost an earring in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols occur Lost an earring. By clicking on the link Interpretation of a dream under the text of a particular dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by the interpreters of dreams on our site. If you are interested in the interpretation of sleep according to the dream book, follow the link Dream Interpretation, and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, in the form in which they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream in the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what the dreams of Lost an earring mean, or what it means to see Lost an earring in a dream.

Lose earrings in a dream

For the 2nd day in a row I see that I am losing an earring. At first I accidentally sucked it into the vacuum cleaner.

In the second dream, I lost it, found it, then lost it again and finally hid it so as not to lose it again. The earrings were diamonds.

What could it mean to dream of losing earrings in a dream? By the way, it turns out that in her dream, my mother also lost the same earring.

Earrings and a ring in a dream

The dream was about a month ago. The man with whom I had a relationship then gives me earrings and a ring in this dream .. They are made of silver .. And I think: “Is he crazy or something .. I don’t wear silver at all .. Where do I put these jewelry? "then I see, but the ring is very small .. I think that, thank God, it won’t fit me and I don’t need to wear it .. And suddenly bam .. And the ring is already worn on the right hand on the ring finger ...

Losing hours in sleep

Or rather, I didn’t lose them, but exchanged them for some kind of trick. But this exchange was so disappointing. As if orphaned. I look at my hand, it's naked. Unusual without a watch. How I betrayed a friend. Here it is attachment to the material world. I’ll wake up and first of all I’ll look into the closet, I thought in a dream. This cannot be. Their husband found 11 years ago on the street, brand new Swiss. Or maybe a copy. I have not parted with them for so many years. My pride is on you too... Life has lost all meaning. I again look at the hand they are gone.

I open my eyes, it's a dream. Just a dream. I check myself and.... I look in the closet. My sun lies like for many years in the same place. Here it is attachment to the material world. Apparently, things also carry the information of their owner. I think so.

Losing a loved one in a dream

In a dream, I lose my mother (the feeling of complete loneliness did not leave me), my father was completely lost in a dream. We (dad and I) stand in the kitchen and look out the window. There is a truck in the street, and a man is walking towards it. To the question: Dad, what kind of truck is this!?

Dad replied: "And this truck takes people, like our mother, you see, someone will not have a dad!". After these words, my eyes were drawn to his hands, dad removed the watch from his wrist, and then I was horrified that he had watches on all his fingers (instead of rings), and the watch was exactly what we had before, it was and my watch that I now wear and the damaged one I used to wear and the watch that my brother wore and still wears and my dad's old watch that was thrown away a long time ago.

All these watches were on my dad's fingers (on each finger), and he unfastened them one by one and laid them next to him, when he took off the last watch, I woke up. Good thing it was just a dream. In reality, of course, everything is fine.

Loss of finding a child in a dream

1. 5 years ago, sleep, I lose a 3-year-old child on the street. After 2-3 months, I find a child in a dream, then after some time I lose again and finally my wife has a dream. She is losing a child. Please help interpret-interpret the dream, I am very tormented. This topic was not discussed with my wife, but she knew about my dreams.

We will be very grateful and grateful to everyone for the interpretation of sleep Loss of finding a child!

Losing a child in a dream

Please help me understand the dream of losing a child.

I was washing dishes, and my 2-year-old daughter left the house alone in her shorts. I heard the door slam, I ran after her, but she was no longer anywhere near. She began to yell, run in search. The next morning, passing by some entrance, I saw her there. She was standing in old things, next to two old grandfathers.

I ran up, hugged her .. One of the grandfathers explained that he saw her last night, in just panties, took her home, dressed her, fed her. I was very grateful to him, asked how to thank him. I woke up with very strong emotions, and in a little fear

Lost a child in a dream

A dream, some strange and confusing ...

I KNOW that I am pregnant, so I know that my girlfriend is pregnant. I'm walking down the street and I see that my friend is leaning out of the window and doing some strange gymnastic exercises (I remember exactly that she was doing the splits) Her husband is doing gymnastic exercises from the OUTSIDE of the balcony. Girlfriend and her husband rejoice.

Then, something is not clear ...

Then I felt something in my mouth, took it out, it turned out to be a (little finger-sized) figure. Like human, but broken. And then I realized that I had lost a child. I'm not pregnant anymore...

(Actually: I am raising a daughter, a widow)

Losing relationships in a dream

It was a dream that a girl with whom I have been talking on the Internet for a very long time and whom I really value, found a guy and didn’t want to see me anymore, that is, she completely interrupted communication.

Now it’s very scary, what if this dream was prophetic?

Threat. I love this girl.

Lost my memory in my sleep

I find myself in the unknown small town and seems to have lost her memory. The city is very clean and pleasant, but there are no residents, and I guess that there was some kind of disaster and everyone left it. A teddy bear was left at the bus stop. The shop sign does not say "Kitchens", but "Kitchens".

People began to appear on the street, I understand that no one left the city, just very early. I have no money, only a few coins in my pocket. I call somewhere on the phone, I ask - where am I? They answer me - go back, we are in the gray building at number 91, we will help you.

I'm kind of in the post office like in the 70s, remembered I have 2 bank cards, was delighted, gave them to the girl behind the glass window along with the phone. She types something on the phone, looks at the map, then returned everything silently, like, she won’t be able to help.

I remember my address and ask how can I get home? No one knows. I ask - what is the name of your city? Nobody answers me? I start to beg - well, at least name Big City nearby so I can get my bearings and drive home. Everyone is silent.

I see the sea through the window, some children frolic in the waves, I was delighted, I want to visit them. But I remember that I need to get home, because they are waiting at work. And I wake up. Thank you!

Earrings in a dream

I dreamed that I was trying on jewelry (as it seemed to me). These were large and bright earrings. Under than only in one ear. In a dream, I really liked them, although they did not at all correspond to my style. I had several holes in my ears and each had an earring (very beautiful) But! I thought it was jewelry, and without regret I threw a whole handful of jewelry into the trash, and then frantically searched for the second pair of earrings that I tried on. As it turned out, they were silver with precious stones.

I beg you to consider my dream, but from the point that it is simple prophetic dream and not lucid.

Yes, indeed, I see lucid dreams very often and I like, let's say, to take part in them, especially if the subconscious allows the possibility of flight. I can write a lot about this, but in this case it is a vivid type of symbolic dream, and I am confused in conjectures.

Help out :))

Loss theft of a wallet in a dream

Please interpret the dream about the loss, theft of the wallet!

In a dream, my son and I performed some actions, either moving, or searching for some address. While walking back and forth, I remembered that I didn’t have my bag with me. I usually buy backpack bags (women's, different colors, usually small). And in a dream, as soon as I thought about the bag, I immediately saw it. She lay on the pavement between some beams. Moreover, the bag-backpack was large, beige colour(feeling like the material was denim).

The bag was open, all things were in place, except for my wallet. I remember (in my dream) that my wallet was cute, flowered, but there was practically no cash in it, because I prefer bank cards. She began to tell her son why he left my bag and so on. We were surrounded by people who treated us kindly.

The panic from the loss was only in the first minutes of losing the wallet. Then she calmed down, others supported her. I remember that I was constantly worried about the need to block bank cards. Thank you very much in advance!

Loss of children and destruction of the house in a dream

I had a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, in fact, I don’t really believe in dreams! But this one made me think for some reason! The dream seemed to me very long: it all started with the fact that I left home, I don’t know why, but I felt guilty when I returned, because my house, from which I left, collapsed! More precisely, the whole roof broke!

There was a lot of debris! There were many children in the house (relatives for me), including my son! I could not find anyone in these ruined walls, then I found everyone except for one nephew! We all ran out into the street, since the house had to be demolished to the end, all the children fled, I lost everyone, I could not find people in the crowd! It was very frustrating, I never remembered what happened to my nephew, whom I couldn't find! The fact is that today I feel lost, very irritable, constantly crying! What is it for?

It was very frustrating, I never remembered what happened to my nephew, whom I couldn't find! The fact is that today I feel lost, very irritable, constantly crying!

Why dream of losing children and destroying a house in a dream?

There were many children in the house (relatives for me), including my son! I couldn't find anyone in these broken walls, then I found all but one

We all ran out into the street, since the house had to be demolished to the end, all the children fled, I lost everyone, I could not find people in the crowd!

Losing your wallet in a dream

I dreamed the following: summer, nature, was with friends, lost my wallet in which there were money and credit cards. Soon she remembered that the wallet was lost, went to the old places of the walk, but could no longer find it. I was very upset about the loss, I even woke up.

Please help me solve my wife's dream!!! This is very important for her!

Losing a ring in a dream

I dreamed that I was going up an escalator (in a large mall where I work now) and my friends (well, not very close ones) run up to me and say that they have lost my ring (I’m on my ring finger right hand I wear a silver ring "Save and Save" and never take it off), I was very upset...

Why this dream?

Lose shoes in a dream

I’ve lost my shoes and I’m looking for a sweat under the bed, but there are many, many different other shoes, not mine: some are paired, some are not, but mine are not.


earring in a dream what does it mean?


Lilac fairy

Losing jewelry by accident, especially if the earring is gold, is a dream of separation due to a quarrel. This is a warning against rash words that can hurt and lead to a complete break in relations.

katy katy

Losing an earring in a dream is a harbinger of losing a friend. Find earrings in a dream - you will find a new good friend. Your dream may mean that you may lose some good friend, but everything will work out)

Lose an earring

Dream Interpretation - Earrings

fun, wedding, for married - childbirth

Dream Interpretation - Earrings

For fun, wedding, gift // vanity, find out the secret.

Dream Interpretation - Earrings

Alien secret; daughter, her fate; acquaintance for a man. Dress up trouble in love.

Dream Interpretation - Earrings

They mean a daughter and her fate, it is also a sign that you will have to learn and keep other people's secrets.

Wearing earrings - to trouble in love, low profits, gossip.

Dream Interpretation - Earrings

For romantic relationships.

Love affair.

Dream Interpretation - Earrings

Seeing in a dream is a sign of vanity and vanity.

Dream Interpretation - Earrings

For married - childbirth.

Date with your loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Earrings, for married

Dream Interpretation - Loss

The dream in which you lost your luggage in the bustle of the station portends a failure in business. If you lost your companion in the crowd, a family quarrel awaits you in reality, and for unmarried people this means parting with a boyfriend who has found himself another.

Losing jewelry in a dream means that in reality you will deal with flatterers who will fool your head to the point that you simply send them away. If you lost your wedding ring, in reality such a dream can lead to shame and need. Lose a pearl necklace - to suffering and sadness, gold chain- due to your own short-sightedness, miss, perhaps, the only chance to get rich significantly.

The dream in which you lost small money means a dismissive attitude towards people below you on the social ladder, which will lead to unfortunate losses. Losing a significant amount means that an unexpected disaster will come to the house and the situation will be aggravated by troubles in the service.

If in a dream you lost and cannot find a needle or pin, it means that you will soon suffer minor damage or quarrel with a friend. To lose oars in a dream and be carried away far from the coast - do not try to realize your plans, because all your efforts in this direction will fail.

Lose a powder box in a dream or lipstick- good luck in business. Lost Keys portend the loss of freedom or separation due to jealousy. Losing a medallion is a sign of sad events in the circle of true friends.

Losing brand new fur gloves is unreasonable behavior with people who are favorable to you. The loss of a handkerchief means unfulfilled hopes, glasses - you will get a slight injury due to your own inattention and mouthwashing.

The loss at an unexpected moment and in a crowded place of some detail of the toilet portends interference in commercial affairs and obstacles in love. Losing a wig while being drunk and returning to a restaurant table without it portends that you will be rendered services, mistaking for another person.

The dream where you lost your coat portends that you will have to re-arrange your fate and you will bitterly repent, cursing yourself for your own short-sightedness and indiscretion. Losing shoes in a dream, fleeing persecution, means that you will be abandoned, but you will find the strength in yourself to maintain cheerfulness and faith in human decency.

Losing documents in a dream means that you will be involved in a business that is obviously doomed to failure. If in a dream you have lost the right to significant property such as a house or car, this portends the failure of important plans.

The dream in which you lost your teeth predicts a difficult time for you, humiliation and need. Lose your nose in a dream - in reality you will be ridiculed by unfriendly colleagues. Losing an arm or leg - such a dream promises wealth and prosperity.

Dream Interpretation - Loss of teeth

Loss of teeth is an unexpected love adventure, adultery / death of a relative / secret and hidden from consciousness the desire for death to one of your loved ones / a feeling of involution (reverse development, degradation), a feeling of “loss of the future”, a feeling that you fall into childhood.

The loss of a molar is a misfortune with an elderly person.

Loss of a front tooth is a misfortune with the young; with brothers, sisters, children.

To see a pulled out tooth in the blood is a misfortune with parents or people very dear to you.

Take out a tooth, examine it and put it back in your mouth - misfortune with your wife (husband) or their relatives.

To knock out a tooth (teeth) with your tongue - good luck.

Why dream of earrings, interpretation of sleep according to different dream books.

In dreams, you can see something unexpected, sometimes strange, something that makes you wonder what it would be like in a dream.

Important: Dreaming earrings can predict some events in life, and such a dream can also tell about your inner state. Earrings are an ambiguous symbol: they promise both good and not so good.

Expensive earrings with precious stones have always been an indicator of a high position in society. It is not surprising that a pleasant aftertaste remains after a dream.

  • An unmarried girl saw in a dream diamond earrings, in reality her husband will be a man with money.
    Jewelry jewelry with emeralds symbolize a bright streak in life, peace in the family, career success.
Dream Interpretation: earrings with diamonds or emeralds

Women's dream book

  • Seeing gold earrings in a dream is a lot of joy
  • Pick up - succeed in business
  • Trying on expensive earrings is a romantic adventure

Miller's dream book

  • Gold earrings - a grandiose success in business
  • To give gold earrings to someone is to please a person with your decision in important matters.
  • Broken earrings - trouble at work
  • step on gold earring- get ready for a pleasant adventure

Home dream book

  • Stealing earrings - lose the respect of friends
  • Lose earrings - to a break in relations
  • Precious earrings are in the box - the desire for a prosperous life

I dreamed of gold earrings: why?

Why dream of silver earrings with stones?

Esoteric dream book

  • Gave silver earrings - a disease of the giving person;
  • Other silver items (for example, dishes) - physical ailment.

Chinese dream book

  • Silver earrings with stones - success, luck, profit.

Dream interpretation of N. Grishina

  • A silver round earring in his son's ear dreams of his marriage.

Dream Interpretation of Felomen

  • Silver earrings dream of important events in life that will excite you, but you will emerge victorious from a difficult situation.

See silver earrings in a dream

Why dream of inexpensive earrings - jewelry?

Important: Jewelry in a dream - bad sign. In real life, jewelry is an imitation of expensive jewelry, a fake. As in life, in a dream, jewelry is a symbol of deception.

If an unmarried woman dreams that her beloved presents jewelry, do not rush to be fascinated by him. This is a sign that they are just playing with you in love, without serious intentions.

If a woman buys jewelry for herself in a dream, her partner in reality will appear in an impartial form, disappoint, show herself from the bad side.

If a woman gave jewelry to a woman - fight with a rival.

Jewelry in a dream - a symbol of falsity

Video: Why dream of earrings?

Why dream of earrings with red stones, rubies?

Important: Ruby in a dream - passion symbol. Earrings with rubies are a symbol of love, passion, passionate confessions.

Freud's dream book

  • Receive ruby ​​earrings as a gift - they will confess their feelings to you

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

  • A bright red ruby ​​dreams of the fulfillment of cherished desires
  • Lose ruby ​​jewelry - suffer from loneliness, break with your loved one
  • A woman to receive earrings with a ruby ​​\u200b\u200bis a successful marriage

Dream interpretation of D. Loff

  • Ruby - a symbol of power, wealth, success

Spring dream book

  • To see a ruby ​​in a dream is a long and passionate love affair.

Dream: Jewelry ruby

Dream interpretation: pearl earrings

Important: Pearl earrings symbolize discord in relationships. Perhaps a loved one will betray you, which will bring you a lot of pain and suffering.

Old Russian dream book

  • Lose pearl earrings - finish an unpleasant business

Freud's dream book

  • Pearls are tears. Could mean the end love relationship, breaking up with a loved one

Esoteric dream book

  • Pearl earrings - a quarrel with loved ones, your views will differ
  • Loose pearls - your efforts in an important matter will be in vain

Modern dream book

  • Pearls dream of separation from a good friend

Pearl earrings - collect tears

Why dream of one earring and many earrings?

Important: For good or for evil, I dreamed of a lot of earrings, you can understand the metal of the product.

  • See in a dream many silver earrings- get ready to hear a lot of flattery in your address.
  • Lots of pearl earrings means a sea of ​​tears, long disappointments.
  • If you saw many gold earrings- you stand firmly on your feet, get an interesting job or wait for a promotion at work.
  • A pregnant woman dreams of an earring for the birth of a girl.
  • Buy one earring- receive good news.

Why dream of losing and finding a lost gold earring?

  • Finding one of your lost earrings - get good news, be surprised by the news.
  • Losing an earring, on the contrary, is an unkind sign. A lost earring is a symbol of robbery, theft.

Why dream of finding gold earrings?

Important: When interpreting dreams, remember that it is not so much what you see that matters, but your actions.

  • Find Earrings- to the good news. The nobler the metal of the jewelry, the happier the news. That is, finding gold earrings in a dream means good things in your real life.
  • Finding your lost earring in a dream is unexpected good news.

Find earrings, what does this dream mean?

Why dream of broken gold earrings?

  • broken earrings- by no means a bad sign. Such a dream promises gossip, intrigues that your envious people will build.

If you dreamed of broken jewelry, you should be more careful when communicating with colleagues.

Why dream of beautiful new earrings?

If a woman tries on beautiful earrings in a dream, this means that events in her life are going well. A declaration of love is to be expected.

Why do you dream of gold earrings in your ears?

Gold earrings in the ears - good sign. Great luck awaits you, the realization of your plans.

Why dream of choosing and buying earrings?

Buying a pair of new beautiful earrings - your feelings are mutual, harmony and love reign in family and relationships.

Why dream of wearing earrings?

Important: According to the numerological dream book, wearing earrings in a dream is good only for women.

Such a dream promises the fulfillment of innermost female desires. If the earrings are paired, the desire will come true quickly, if different - after a while. If a man puts on earrings in a dream, this portends trouble at work.

Dream Interpretation XXI century claims that wearing earrings in a dream is gossip and envy. Spring dream book interprets such a dream as love affairs, novels.

Trying on earrings in a dream is good or bad?

Why dream of removing earrings from your ears?

Remove earrings - a declaration of love.

Why dream of big and long earrings?

If the earrings in a dream were long and massive, an acquaintance awaits you. But this acquaintance or relationship will not be the most pleasant, they will probably burden you.

Why dream when they give earrings?

  • You were presented with earrings in a dream, you should be wary, someone is preparing an unpleasant surprise for you.
  • If the donated earrings were from your chosen one, he will soon show himself from a bad side.

Why dream of trying on earrings in front of a mirror?

If in a dream you try on earrings and they are difficult to put on, the dream means difficulties in communicating at work or at home. You find it hard to find mutual language with loved ones, try to become more accommodating.

Why dream of stealing earrings?

  • If in a dream you stole earrings, you will make a big profit, there will be a benefit.
  • Also, stealing jewelry can mean that it's time to take revenge, which you have been waiting for.

Stealing earrings is a good dream

Dream interpretation: stolen earrings

  • Theft of earrings in a dream - beware of robbery. Wake up should be more careful, as they want to rob you.
  • If earrings were stolen in a dream, you will lose things.

Why dream of looking at gold earrings?

If a woman examines, chooses and cannot choose earrings in a dream, this means confusion in her personal life. The dream tells her that such a situation cannot continue for a long time and she should make her choice.

Listen to your dreams, they can provide answers to many of your questions.

Video: Dream Interpretation for Women: Why Do Earrings Dream?

Men's earrings protect their owners from diseases and ailments. Women's earrings are considered a talisman against damage and the evil eye. There are a number of popular observations of earrings: a sign to find an earring, a dream book to lose an earring an earring, a sign to give earrings to a wife, and even a sign not to wear earrings at all. Contents If you lose If you lose your earrings Earring Modern fashion trend on wearing earrings by men has deep roots. In ancient Rome, an earring in the ear marked the enemy. Pirates wore a precious earring to thank the one who would find and bury his body after the battle. For a noble warrior, an earring in his ear was a symbol of wealth and power. The sailor's earring-amulet kept sailing from danger. And the earring in the Cossack's ear meant that he was the only son in the family. An earring in a man's ear is a dream book about losing an earring. Most likely, the sign of losing an earring for a man originates at a time when earrings in men's ears symbolized nobility, power and wealth. For a man, the loss of an earring portends a deterioration in his financial situation. The logic of the sign is quite understandable: the symbol of well-being is lost, which means that well-being itself will be shaken. Earring from an ear, wait for a sweet friend There are, of course, girls in the world who sincerely do not understand how it is possible to pierce holes in their ears and carry foreign objects in them? But such young ladies are definitely a minority. Earrings - favorite dream book lose an earring is an ornament, as well as a traditional female amulet. The loss of an earring is a real tragedy for every girl. Moreover, it is not so much the loss of jewelry that upsets, but a memorable or beloved thing. After all, earrings are often presented to girls as a gift by parents or a loved one. Maybe the sign appeared as a consolation to tearful beauties, but it turns out that losing an earring for a young girl is just happiness. The loss of an earring promises a girl to find her other half. Moreover, depending on what material the decoration was lost from, the interpretation ...

Dreaming about the loss of jewelry is considered an unkind sign. Miller hints at an unfavorable period in reality, during which serious steps and adventurous deeds must be abandoned. Girls who lost one earring in a dream should in reality avoid rash acts in relationships with their lover. During this period, the likelihood of a complete break in relations is high.

To see that they have lost an earring in the dark predicts a strong shock in Longo's dream book, the result of which will be parting with the right people and familiar things. To lose and then find a product - to the need to obey someone else's will, which will cause you resentment.

Losing an earring is very easy. After all, she can catch on to anything and the woman will not even feel that the earring has fallen. Of course, the loss will not please, but only very upset. And if it was also gold and, moreover, with a diamond, then material loss will also be added to the mental disorder.

Well, for a man, this is rather an unpleasant omen, since he will have to face trouble or bad news. In the past, an earring in a man's ear indicated a representative of a wealthy family. Her loss meant material loss. The loss of an earring for a modern man means financial loss or an unsuccessful event related to the money issue.

Three days ago I lost a gold earring (a gift), I still can’t come to my senses ... It’s a pity it’s not a thing, but a memory ... Judging by the description, it’s accepted here, you shouldn’t be upset, and it’s still a pity, it was a beautiful little thing .. What now to make from another: a pendant or a ring? Oh, it wasn't! I went to a jewelry store and bought new earrings... Life goes on!

To believe in signs or not to believe is a personal matter. Of course, this seems to be somehow not to the face of a modern person. But it turns out that subconsciously each of us at least a little, but believes in them. Take at least this one: lose an earring. The sign came to us from time immemorial. It is known that she promises a man trouble or bad news.

For example, for a woman it is interpreted as meaning the loss of happiness or good luck to lose an earring. A sign turns into its opposite even if it is found. For a woman, finding a gold jewelry in reality promises trouble in the family or illness. In general, it is highly undesirable.

A lost earring... like a torn chain... only one thing can mean... break... betrayal... betrayal... for a woman it's a husband... for a girl a loved one... from above we are given a warning. .. you just need to pay attention to the little things ...

When a man has such a dream, this may indicate difficulties in relation to his wife or beloved. Perhaps they need additional energy and emotions. Also, the loss of an earring can dream of a headache.

Seeing earrings in a dream is good news and pleasant chores around the house, if you had such a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, wait for the guests.

If in a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday or from Friday to Saturday you saw broken earrings or broke them through negligence, this warns you that gossip and rumors can harm you.

Seeing earrings in a dream is a harbinger of good news and interesting work.

Broken earrings are a sign that your enemies will spread evil low gossip about you.

Earrings in a dream - mean a daughter and her fate, it is also a sign that you happen to learn and keep other people's secrets.

Wearing earrings - to trouble in love, low profits, gossip.

If you dreamed of beautiful earrings, then they will give you a gift, or maybe you will find out some secret.

If you dreamed of earrings in someone's ears, then you need to be wary of false rumors.

If in a dream you lost your earrings, then separation awaits you.

To receive earrings as a gift in a dream - someone will deceive you.

If you dreamed that you were wearing earrings, then you will become a victim of someone's gossip.

Also, the earrings you lost in a dream indicate the possibility of a robbery. You should be extremely careful with your things in the near future.

For a man, earrings in a dream can mean problems with a soulmate. As a rule, the spark disappears in a relationship, and, having seen such a dream, a man must do everything possible to return the lost romance and harmony.

By the way, in the countries of the East, earrings characterize the social status of their owner. The more earrings, the more respected the wearer: in the nose, lips, eyelids, nails, navel.

This unusual piercing of different parts of the body is becoming increasingly popular in the West and in our country, called "piercing".

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation for Women

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To the question of why one dreams of losing an earring, one cannot find one answer. A lot depends on the environment of the person who saw this dream, his gender, age, family, romantic ties and affections. Summarizing the interpretation for many dreams on this topic, we can say about the changes in the relationship between the sleeper and his immediate environment.

What if you dream of losing an earring?

If in a dream a person happened to lose an earring, it is necessary to remember the whole dream to the smallest detail. How many earrings did you have originally? How much has been lost? If a woman dreams that one of the two earrings is lost, she needs to pay attention to her relationship with her beloved.

If a divorced or unmarried woman has two children, it is recommended to pay attention to the health of each child. If a woman does not have children and a close man, she should visit her parents, perhaps one of them will need her help.

Earrings, as well as other paired accessories, symbolize relationships between people, family friendships or love relationships. Based on this, one can interpret dreams in which the sleeper happens to lose the earring in completely different ways.

Financial Interpretations of a dream about the loss of earrings

Sometimes, a dream of losing an earring can warn of careless handling of finances or expensive things. Such a dream warns of an imminent loss or robbery if the sleeper does not try to protect and hide valuables from envious eyes.

On the eve of a major purchase or sale, a dream about losing an earring portends possible problems during the transfer of money or the signing of an agreement. People working with money (cashiers, sellers, collectors, accountants) need to pay attention to their own safety at work.

What portends?

The loss of an earring may portend a deterioration in relations with a loved one. If at the end of a dream the sleeper finds a lost earring, then a short quarrel between lovers will end in reconciliation and improvement of past relationships.

men similar dreams portend an easy flirtation or an affair on the side. If a man dreams that his woman has lost an earring, he should pay more attention to his beloved.

If a girl dreams that she has lost her earring, the child's parents need to pay attention to their own health.

Psychoanalysts interpret this dream in his own way. According to experts, dreams about the loss of personal items, in particular earrings, may indicate obsessive fears in real life, a difficult stressful situation, which a person scrolls in his mind trying to fix what he did not have time to do.

No matter how pessimistic the dream of losing earrings may seem, it must be remembered that dreams come to people to remove nervous tension. Most scary dreams sometimes, they save the psyche of a person exhausted by stress and save them from an impending depression or a nervous breakdown.