Secrets of the Lubyanka Square.

  • 25.09.2019

In this article you can find out all the answers in the game "Who wants to be a millionaire?" for October 21, 2017 (10/21/2017). First, you can see the questions asked by the players by Dmitry Dibrov, and then all the correct answers in today's intellectual TV game "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" for 10/21/2017.

Questions to the first pair of players

Dmitry Ulyanov and Alexander Rappoport (200,000 - 200,000 rubles)

1. What is a person who does nothing called?
2. What do they say about a person with bad intentions: "Keep ..."?
3. What is sometimes said about the breakdown of a device?
4. How does the name of the song of the beat quartet "Secret" end - "Blues of the Stray..."?
5. In which former Soviet republic is the currency other than the euro?
6. What play did Lope de Vega write?
7. How did the students call the professor in the film "Operation Y and Shurik's Other Adventures"?
8. Who has a monument erected opposite the Theater of the Russian Army in Moscow?
9. What was the name of the gunboat that fought alongside the Varyag cruiser against the Japanese squadron?
10. What did Joseph Brodsky not advise doing in one of the poems?
11. What did the centurion constantly wear as a symbol of his power?
12. In which city in 1960 did the USSR national team become the European football champion?

Questions to the second pair of players

Vitaly Eliseev and Sergey Puskepalis (200,000 - 0 rubles)

1. How to finish the proverb: "The spool is small ..."?
2. What did Matthias Rust plant near the Kremlin?
3. What is the name of George Danelia's film?
4. Which of these is not pastry?
5. What was the most disrespectful nickname given to police officers in the past?
6. Who doesn't have horns?
7. What Moscow building is higher than a hundred meters?
8. Which country has never won the European Football Championship?
9. What name did Veniamin Kaverin come up with for the sailboat, and not Jules Verne?
10. What is the fort mentioned in the old expression "to walk the fert"?
11. What was the surname of the Russian general in the James Bond film A View to a Kill?

Questions to the third pair of players

Sati Casanova and Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov (400,000 - 0 rubles)

1. What, according to a well-known phraseological unit, can cause rabies?
2. What is the name of the railway line that branches off the main track?
3. What do people invited to a buffet table most often do without?
4. What is not intended for flight?
5. Who were the girlfriends from the poem "Tamara and I" by Agnia Barto?
6. Who competes in the "White Rook" tournament?
7. What is the programmer's slang for obscure characters that appear due to an encoding failure?
8. What is the name of the main assembly of the vacuum cleaner?
9. Which of the following marine life fish?
10. What was located in the middle of Lubyanka Square before the installation of a monument to Dzerzhinsky there?
11. What was different about the First Symphony Ensemble, created in Moscow in 1922?

Answers to the questions of the first pair of players

  1. idle
  2. stone in the bosom
  3. flew
  4. dogs
  5. Kazakhstan
  6. "Dance teacher"
  7. burdock
  8. Suvorov
  9. "Korean"
  10. leave the room
  11. vine stick
  12. in Paris

Answers to the questions of the second pair of players

  1. yes dear
  2. airplane
  3. "Autumn marathon"
  4. manti
  5. pharaohs
  6. at the ocelot
  7. Cathedral of Christ the Savior
  8. Belgium
  9. "Holy Mary"
  10. letter of the alphabet
  11. Gogol

Answers to the questions of the third pair of players

  1. branch
  2. no chairs
  3. omnibus
  4. nurses
  5. young chess players
  6. krakozyabry
  7. compressor
  8. sea ​​Horse
  9. fountain
  10. there was no conductor

Another series of the project "Moscow 200 years later" is dedicated to Lubyanka Square.
Fortunately, this square is known to us from the drawings of the "Russian Canaletto" Fyodor Alekseev and the paintings of his students from the very beginning of the 19th century.
In this picture of 1800, a view towards Lubyanka Square from Myasnitskaya Street:

Now nothing is recognizable here, but back in the early 1930s. almost all the antiquities stood in their places.
On the left in the picture we see the one-domed (!) Temple of Grebnevskaya Mother of God end of the 15th century (one of the oldest in Moscow). It was demolished in 1935 after 9 years of heroic struggle of believers and cultural figures for its preservation (the decision to demolish it was made back in 1926). In the 1980s, a huge building for the KGB Computing Center was built on that site, next to the Biblio-Globus bookstore.
In the perspective of the picture, the tower at the Vladimir Gates of Kitai-Gorod is visible and behind it, respectively, the Vladimir Church. All this was also demolished in the mid-30s.
By the way, the picture of the students of F. Alekseev is still not entirely reliable. In the original, in the exact drawing of Alekseev himself, the area looked like this:

Why did the disciples need to depict the Grebnevskaya church with five domes - we will probably never know. Well, we decided, most likely, that it would be so prettier.

Now let's look at a drawing of approximately the same 1800 by Alekseev's workshop, in which a part of the Kitai-Gorod wall overlooking the Lubyanka is shown close up:

Here we see the same ensemble of the Vladimirskaya Tower and the Vladimirskaya Church. On the foreground breaking gate with a bridge that led to Bolshoi Cherkassky Lane. The old fortress moat has not yet been filled in.
Now there is a wide expanse of asphalt in this place. The wall stood somewhere along the dividing line.

The same section of the wall from the other side:

higher resolution
It is interesting to note that from the inside the breach gates were two-arched.

Now let's compare the view of the Vladimir Gate from the inside in the drawing of 1852 with a modern snapshot of the area:

higher resolution
Perhaps the only landmark is the fountain in the perspective of the gate, the place of which approximately corresponds to the modern club in the center of the square (until 1991 it was crowned by the "iron Felix").

View of the Lubyanka from the other side in the 1830s and in 2012:


Lubyanka Square or simply Lubyanka is an indispensable participant in many tragic events, personal and collective dramas. It was bypassed by Muscovites and guests of the capital, and at the mere mention of this square among the Soviet people, “a chill ran out of the gate”, because no one wanted to be in a light yellow building with a bad reputation in order to become the owner of a free one-way tour with the destination - Siberia.

And the history of this corner of the capital began with the fact that it was chosen by Novgorodians, who were forced to move here from Veliky Novgorod devastated by Moscow Prince Ivan III. They called this place Lubyanitsy - perhaps in memory of one of the districts of their abandoned native city, or because in the surrounding forests, local residents have been tearing larch bark from time immemorial. One way or another, the settlers fell in love with one of the seven hills on which the capital stands, and soon on Lubyanka the church of St.

B XVIII century. Lubyanka was at the peak of luxury and glory - many Moscow aristocrats - Dolgoruky, Volkonsky, Golitsyn - made their family nests here. However, even then there was a dark spot on the reputation of the district, because it was here that the cruel landowner Saltychikha mocked her serfs.

Lubyanka was also chosen by foreigners, and most of all by the French. And Furkasovsky Lane, familiar to many, turns out to have been named after the once famous tailor Furcasse, a native of France - a trendsetter. In those distant times, there were chambers in this alley that belonged to Prince Dmitry Pozharsky, a Russian hero who led the people's militia.

Later, a magnificent palace was built on this site, which at the beginning of the 19th century housed Count Rostopchin, who was appointed commander-in-chief of Moscow in one of the most dramatic periods in the history of the Russian state - the war of 1812. Apparently, the place where Pozharsky's house once stood had a special aura, moving its owners to patriotic deeds. Before the French entered the city, Rostopchin showed an example of selfless love for the Motherland and personally set fire to his estate, stud farm and palace, along with movable property worth half a million rubles, so that nothing valuable would go to the enemy. However, Rostopchin's house on Lubyanka still survived and was even immortalized in the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".

At the end of the XIX century. Lubyanka is rapidly developing. Like mushrooms after the rain, the offices of insurance companies and companies are multiplying, the number of which reaches 20 here. Ivanov - an architect, known for another of his projects - the National Hotel. Trade in all kinds of products - from books to sewing machines- flourished, and the entire first floor of the building was rented out as shops. The remaining floors were given over to apartments. And their inhabitants did not even think that soon everything would change, black clouds would gather over Lubyanka Square, and the once lively corner would turn into a quiet, ominous place.

The move of the Soviet government from Petrograd to Moscow in 1918 changed the fate of the Lubyanka overnight. At first, the Cheka occupied building 11, dispersing the former owners - insurance companies, which were liquidated as remnants of capitalism by a Soviet decree, and their property was nationalized. The hydra of the fight against counter-revolution continued its victorious march along Lubyanka Square, moving into the famous house 2 and turning everything around into one large zone. Now, mostly new prison complexes are being built here, in which it is so crowded that there is not enough space even for arranging places for prisoners to walk. However, the solution is found quickly, and now the convicts are walking directly on the roof of the building in which they are serving their sentences.

In House No. 7, sentences were carried out against the enemies of the people, while turning on the engines of trucks at full power to drown out the screams of the victims. Later, all stages of the process - from the investigation of crimes "against the people" to the punishment of the guilty - took place in one building, so that the Chekists, headed by Dzerzhinsky himself, worked on the upper floors, and in the basements they physically eliminated people who fell into the millstones of the repressive machine.

But even this was not enough for the authorities. While one Iron Felix was sitting in his office, the second took a place in the center of Lubyanka Square on a pedestal. For the sake of such a thing, the famous Vitali fountain was even demolished, which had not only aesthetic, but also purely practical significance, because the capital's water carriers filled their barrels with water here.

The insatiable octopus of the Cheka demanded new victims - and now beautiful palaces and merchant houses are already collapsing under the blows of heavy construction equipment, giving way to more and more new buildings for the needs of the repressive apparatus.

A new round in the history of Lubyanka Square began in 1991, when the Union of Soviet Republics, which once seemed eternal, collapsed, taking with it into timelessness a monument to one of the idols of that era - Iron Felix. Opposite the building with a gloomy history, a huge stone was installed, brought from the village of Solovetsky, because it was in this place that a special-purpose prison and a concentration camp were located. The monument was opened on October 30, 1990, and since then every year people have come to Lubyanka to lay flowers and light candles to the stone, paying tribute to the memory of the innocent victims of the soulless regime.

The dark aura created around Lubyanka Square by the Stalinist regime was slightly diluted by the building, where children of all ages dreamed of entering. There was everything that a young inhabitant of the Land of Soviets could dream of - toys, books, sweets and new clothes for little dandies and fashionistas. Well, of course, we are talking about the famous "Children's World"!

Nikita Khrushchev stood at the origins of its creation, and the architect A. Dushkin, the author of the design of the Ploshchad Revolyutsii, Mayakovskaya and Kropotkinskaya metro stations, as well as interesting project high-rise building on the Red Gate. However, all these merits did not help Dushkin avoid prison dungeons for what seems today an absolutely innocent occupation - sketches of the church, which was planned for demolition. And only a happy accident in the face of high-ranking guests from the shores of foggy Albion helped the owner of Stalin's awards in the field of architecture to get out.

« Child's world” lived up to its name - if all the counters were lined up in one line, its length would exceed 2 km, and almost a thousand sellers served young buyers and their parents. For more than half a century, this amazing store delighted Soviet children, but in 2008 it was closed for reconstruction. Large-scale transformations are planned: from the usual decoration - marble columns, round panels and there will be no trace of the front stairs. The restoration is expected to be completed in 2014.

Another building, which we do not associate with Stalin's arbitrariness, faces the Lubyanka Square. The Polytechnic Museum is located there, where about 170 thousand interesting exhibits, 100 collections are presented, some of which are unique. Every year, almost half a million visitors pass through the 65 halls of the museum, they do not bypass the lecture hall and the library located here. Muscovites and guests of the capital are interested in informative lectures, exhibitions and festivals of scientific films held at the Center for Museum Studies of the country (this is the high status of the Polytechnic Museum).

Not far from Lubyanka there is another house with positive energy - it houses the Mayakovsky Museum. Its guests plunge into the atmosphere of the formation of the young Soviet state, learn a lot about Mayakovsky, a proletarian poet and rebel, the circumstances of his personal life, and his relationship with Lilya Brik. In addition to the exposition itself, visitors are greatly interested in the internal structure of the museum, which imitates the well-known Tatlin Tower - a symbol of avant-garde.

Text: Denis Romodin

Lubyanka Square and its environs have seen laughter and tears, blood and triumph for several centuries. She went from the symbol of the Novgorod opposition to the symbol of the "bloody gebni". Read the next issue of our project about the history of Moscow squares.

The modern territory of the Lubyanka has been known since the founding of Moscow. According to one version, in the 12th century it was called the Kuchkov field - after the name of the owner of these lands, the boyar Kuchka. Presumably, he owned Moscow lands before Yuri Dolgoruky.

There is no consensus on how the toponym Lubyanka appeared. One of the popular versions - the name comes from the region of Novgorod, Lyubyanitsa. Other options are associated with bast - a flexible tree bark, from which bast shoes, baskets, dishes, roofing and coarse fabric, matting were made.

A settlement history is connected with Novgorod near Lubyanka. After the weakening of Novgorod and its annexation to the Moscow principality, Ivan III moved the Novgorod nobility here in the last quarter of the 15th century. The first mention of Lubyanka in chronicles belongs to the same period.

In the 30s of the 16th century, the fortifications of Kitay-gorod were erected on the side of the Kremlin. So there was a gate overlooking the square. Their names changed over time: Vladimir, Nikolsky, Sretensky. From them, through Cannon Square (on the site of which Novaya Square is now located), it was possible to drive to another gate - Varvarsky (current Slavyanskaya Square).

The Neglinka River flowed in front of Kitay-Gorod, which was later removed into the sewer

Reconstruction of buildings in Kitay-Gorod. Vladimir gates - those from below

At the beginning of the troubled 17th century, in the Lubyanka region, the troops of Minin and Pozharsky stormed Kitai-Gorod to drive the Poles out of there. Fifty years later, in 1662, during the years of the Russian-Polish war, a crowd gathered here to protest against the increase in taxes and the issuance of rapidly depreciating copper coins. The protest became known as " copper riot". Bypassing the ditches that then lay along the Kitaigorod wall, people headed towards the Kremlin.

Assuming the invasion of the Swedish troops, during the time of Peter the Great, earthen bastions were erected on part of the square. They were dug up after the fire of 1812. The fire destroyed the old buildings in the area. The modern arrangement of streets and squares appeared just after him.

Under Catherine the Second, from Myasnitskaya Street, there was a branch of the Secret Expedition - the special services of the 18th century. During the demolition of buildings at the beginning of the 20th century, the remains of prisoners and torture in the basements were found here.

The square acquires its current features

The construction of the 19th century formed the modern configuration of the Lubyanka - up to the circle in the center of the square. Since 1835, there has been a fountain on the site of the current flower bed. It received water from the Mytishchi water supply system, which was used for domestic needs. The fountain was designed by the sculptor Ivan (Giovanni) Vitali, was called Nikolsky and consisted of four figures of boys holding a large bowl and personifying the Volga, Dnieper, Don and Neva rivers. The small bowl was supported by a group of three bronze eagles, which were lost. The fountain itself stood on the square for almost a hundred years, and during the reconstruction of the square in 1934 it was moved to the Alexandrinsky (Neskuchny) Palace, where it still stands.

Lubyanka Square, 1910–1917. In the foreground is the fountain of Giovanni Vitali, behind it is the Kitaygorod wall and the Vladimir Gates, behind which passes Nikolskaya Street. On the site of the Lubyansky passage (on the right) is now the Children's World Photo: K. Fischer /

Menageries were located on the site of the current Polytechnic Museum in the 18th-19th centuries - the townspeople could not only marvel at exotic animals such as the anaconda or puma in the Kreisberg menagerie, but also watch a show with trained animals. There is a story about an elephant that almost escaped. He escaped from the enclosure and moved into the crowd, only a company of soldiers could cope with him. After the closing of the menageries, the animals were traded on the square.

A huge whale 14 sazhens long and a panorama located in a large booth on Lubyanka Square can be seen at Shrovetide every day from 1 am to 7 pm; between the ribs of the whale is placed a choir of musicians playing different plays

"Russian word"

Yesterday, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, a wolf appeared from somewhere on Myasnitskaya Street. The wolf ran down the middle of the street from the Butcher's Gate to Lubyanka Square. The appearance of a wolf in the street caused confusion among the public and frightened many horses, who shied away. The policeman, together with the janitors, drove the wolf into the yard of Davydov's house, and then into a large box. After some time, the huntsman of the owner of the wolf, student N.P., came here. Pakhomov. According to the huntsman, the wolf is tame. He is only 6 months old. He fled from his kennel from the yard of Kabanov's house, on Chistye Prudy. The wolf was returned to the owner on receipt.

Vladimir Gilyarovsky


Somehow, back in serf times, a wooden booth with a menagerie and a huge elephant appeared on Lubyanka Square, which attracted mainly the public. Suddenly, in the spring, the elephant went berserk, tore out the logs to which he was chained from the wall, and began to sweep the booth, victoriously trumpeting and catching fear in the crowds of people surrounding the square. The elephant, annoyed by the cries of the crowd, tried to break free, but he was held back by the logs to which he was chained and which got stuck in the wreckage of the booth. The elephant had already managed to knock down one log and rushed into the crowd, but by this time the police had brought a company of soldiers, who killed the giant with several volleys. Now the Polytechnic Museum stands on this site.

The modern large building of the Polytechnic Museum was built in several stages over 30 years, and was completed in 1907. At the same time, the Big Auditorium appears - the city platform that has become famous for speeches by scientists and representatives of culture. The building was not always used for its intended purpose - during the First World War there was an infirmary there.

The first was built the central building of the Polytechnic Museum, 1881 Photo:

Polytechnic Museum, 1956-1957 Photo:

Between the Polytechnic University and the square was the so-called "Shipovskaya fortress", built in the first half of the 19th century on the site of the printing house of Nikolai Novikov. From the fortress there was only the name and essence. The fact is that the general established original rules: he did not take a fee for renting apartments, and he did not follow the number of tenants. The "fortress" settled rabble, hiding from the police. What and who only was not found in it. The stolen goods could be conveniently sold in the neighboring markets of the Old and New Squares.

"Shipovskaya Fortress" (left) was located between the Polytechnic Museum and Lubyanka Square

Kitaigorod wall near Lubyanka Square, 1920–1930 Photo:

At the turn of the 18th-19th centuries, Lubyanka was one of the aristocratic districts of the city: the Golitsyns, Volkonskys, Dolgorukies, and Khovanskys lived here. In the place where the main administrative building of the FSB now stands, there was a large courtyard of the Mingrelian princes Dadiani. In the middle of the 19th century, the square turned into an active business and trade space. The nobles sell their properties and business merchants take their place.

On the site of earthen bastions, in 1823, the house of Prince Dolgorukov was built, later rebuilt into the Lubyansky Passage (1882-1883). The passage stood until the 1950s, when it was demolished and the Children's World building was built here. Photo:

On Lubyanka Square, 1925 Photo:

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the Lubyansky passage of the merchants Alekseevs will appear between Teatralny Proyezd and Sofiyka (as Cannon Street was then called). The three-story buildings of the passage were rented out as shops and shops. He continued to work after the revolution.

The roadway of Lubyanka Square in the first half of the 20th century was very busy. There were cab stops, tram routes, and wandering pedestrians. In 1911, there was even a plan to create a tunnel under Kitay-gorod to unload the area. The tram junction was improved to increase the throughput, and an electrical substation was built nearby, near the Kitaigorod wall.

"Moscow life"

Yesterday, one of the representatives of the French colony sent a clipping from French newspapers to the mayor with a message about a new bill regarding the fight against pornography. On this occasion, a French citizen writes that Moscow no less needs to protect the population from sellers of pornographic cards. Now this trade is carried out openly. The author of the letter has to walk every day from Lubyanskaya Square to Teatralnaya Square, and in this area he is accompanied by booksellers who offer to buy cards of known content. Taking advantage of the general interest in the personality of the recently deceased Leo Tolstoy, these merchants offer the public his pamphlets, and between the pages of the books they keep pornographic cards. The mayor sent this letter to the discretion of the mayor.

In 1905, a whole wave of demonstrations and armed uprisings swept through Moscow. During the October demonstration, which took place on Nemetskaya Street, the revolutionary Nikolai Bauman, who was then head of the Moscow Bolshevik Organization, was killed. Farewell to the body of Bauman was organized in the building of the Imperial Moscow Technical School. Many people came to it, and on October 20, a procession of two hundred thousand workers with a coffin passed through Lubyanka Square to the burial place at the Vagankovsky cemetery. After the Bolsheviks came to power, Nemetskaya Street was renamed Bauman Street. In the spring of 1912, the square will again be filled with protesters - a demonstration will pass through the Lubyanka after the Lena massacre, then the workers who went on strike were killed.

In the autumn of 1914, patriots who opposed the German and Austrian subjects marched through the area: “The crowd moved to the Lubyansko-Ilyinsky trading premises, where the Einem shop was located,” wrote the newspaper Russkoye Slovo. - In an instant, the partnership store was destroyed. Nothing inside the store survived. Everything is crumpled, beaten, broken, torn. Then the windows were broken in the Dresden store and some others on Myasnitskaya Street, Harrakh and Ferman on Kuznetsky Most.

In the 19th century, gradually all buildings began to be rented out, and the area turned into a concentration of insurance companies. There were 15 branches of various insurance companies on Bolshaya Lubyanka alone. That is why the large insurance company "Russia" in 1894 bought land from the Tambov landowner Mosolov to the north-east of the area for the demolition of all the buildings that existed there.

Vladimir Gilyarovsky


Opposite Mosolov's house on Lubyanka Square was an exchange of hired carriages. When Mosolov sold his house to the Rossiya insurance company, he gave the carriage and horses to his coachman and Noodles went up on the stock exchange. An excellent harness gave him the opportunity to earn good money: driving with "Noodles" was considered chic. (...)

Next to Mosolov's house, on the land that belonged to the consistory, there was a common tavern "Uglich", the cabbie's tavern, although it did not have a yard where horses usually feed while their owners drink tea. But at that time there was "simplicity" in Moscow, which was brought out in the mid-nineties by the chief police chief Vlasovsky.

And before him, Lubyanskaya Square also replaced the cab yard: between Mosolov’s house and the fountain there was an exchange of cabs, between the fountain and Shilov’s house there was an exchange of draymen, and along the entire sidewalk from Myasnitskaya to Bolshaya Lubyanka there was a continuous line of cab drivers crowding around horses.

The new owners decided to build a large apartment building. It was designed by architects Nikolai Proskurin and Alexander Vasilyevich Ivanov (author of the National building). The first floors were rented out for commercial premises. And the upper ones are for housing and offices. In this building there was a firm "Scherer, Nabgolts and Co", which was engaged in photography. Many photographs of Lubyanka Square were taken from the window of this firm.

Turrets are located on the roof of the building. On the central one is a clock. They were crowned with two figurines of women - symbols of Justice and Consolation. It is not immediately possible to recognize the current building of the FSB in the facade of this house and the symbols of the figurines, but it is he who is destined to become a symbol of the Lubyanka of the Soviet period.

Headquarters of the Chekists

Only in the 20th century did Lubyanka become associated with the powerful department of the security forces. When the Bolshevik government moved from Petrograd to Moscow and nationalized several buildings on the Lubyanka in 1918, the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission got it.

A year and a half later, the department organizes the then-famous inner prison. One of her first prisoners were Olga and Sergei, surprisingly, the Lenins. According to one version, in 1900 they helped Vladimir Ulyanov with a foreign passport by borrowing a document from their father Nikolai. Two decades later, Vladimir Ilyich, who successfully returned from abroad, did not spare his assistants.

The prison was originally intended for special prisoners and detainees who were not allowed to communicate not only with the outside world, but also with each other. In the most difficult times, prisoners were “broken” here, in addition to torture during interrogations, by severely cramped conditions of detention or, conversely, by complete loneliness. For example, when escorting prisoners along the corridors and stairs, the guards had to hide them from each other's eyes, and there were gaps between the walls that prevented the prisoners from tapping.

Orientation in space for the prisoners was difficult not only because of the walls surrounding them. The elevator in the building rose so slowly that, after riding in it, the prisoners might think that they had risen from a deep basement, and not from the first floor of the prison to the upper sixth. Regarding the number of storeys of the KGB building in the city, an anecdote arose: “Which building is the tallest in Moscow? Answer: Lubyanskaya Square, building two. From its roof you can see Kolyma. Kolyma was not the worst option for prisoners.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago

Ivanov-Razumnik, in the Lubyanka foster "dog lover", calculated that for whole weeks they accounted for 1 square meter THREE people on the floor (estimate, accommodate!), there was no window or ventilation in the dog kennel, the temperature was 40-50 degrees from the bodies and breathing (!), everyone was sitting in the same underpants (putting winter clothes under themselves), their naked bodies were compressed, and from someone else's sweat, the skin fell ill with eczema. So they sat for WEEKS, they were not given any air or water (except for the gruel and tea in the morning).

The prisoners were walking in the courtyard-well. There were two places for a walk - on the lower floor and on the upper one, from where only the sky was visible. Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who was imprisoned during the investigation, described how soot fell from a stove chimney on walkers. The writer suggested that documents and investigation materials were burned in the oven. He also recalled that in the prison library it was possible to get forbidden literature - it was not seized from there. But the order was strict: for the slightest offense or at the whim of the guards, the conditions of detention could be worsened.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago:

We walked under the stove chimney - in a concrete box, on the roof of Bolshaya Lubyanka, at the level of the sixth floor. The walls also towered over the sixth floor by three human heights. With our ears we heard Moscow - the roll call of car sirens. And they saw - only this pipe, the sentry on the tower on the seventh floor, and that unfortunate piece of God's sky, which happened to stretch over the Lubyanka.

During the “big purge”, those who, in fact, previously led the prison, also ended up in prison. According to some reports, in 1937 alone, almost 30 thousand people passed through the internal prisons of the main complex of the NKVD. Only a few were released from it, the rest were sent to other Moscow prisons or to be shot. The inner prison of the main building is quite famous. But besides it, there are underground dungeons under the quarter behind the main building at a shallow depth, disguised as the basements of houses. In late Soviet times, under the complex of buildings of the special services, underground structures were dug at a great depth below the metro level in order to protect against a nuclear strike, spread over the entire block. The buildings are still in operation. There is also talk of a tunnel allegedly connecting the KGB headquarters with the Kremlin. In addition to other scary places, Lubyanka is known for its poison laboratory. In it, special services tested poisonous substances on prisoners. There is no single version of when the prisons were closed in the KGB buildings on Lubyanka. According to one version, this happened in the 1960s, when, by order of KGB chairman Vladimir Semichastny, the last persons under investigation under economic charges were transferred to Lefortovo. The main part of the prisoners from the “nutryanka” was transferred back in 1953. According to another, the last inhabitant was Viktor Ilyin, who made an attempt on Brezhnev's life, who shot at a car with astronauts near the Borovitsky Gates of the Kremlin in 1969 (he confused it with the General Secretary's car). He was released from here in 1988, but he allegedly sat there only for a few hours. In 1989, a museum with limited access was made out of the six chambers of the “interior”, and in the rest of the building there is a dining room, warehouses and offices.

Shortly before the revolution of 1917, buildings of the Rossiya Insurance Company (St. Petersburg) were built on the square Photo:

A monument to the founder of the Cheka, Felix Dzerzhinsky, was erected on the square on December 20, 1958. Photograph 1967 Photo: A. I. Merkulov /

On the corner between the KGB and Detsky Mir buildings, a new KGB building was built in 1979-1982. Photo:

Lubyanka Square, modern view of the FSB building, 1991 Photo:

It is curious that in the first two decades after the creation of the Cheka, the office of human rights activists - the Political Red Cross and Pompolit - was located very close to their building. They quite legally helped convicts until 1937. One of the key persons of the organizations was Ekaterina Peshkova, informally Gorky's ex-wife and Sergo Beria's relative by granddaughter.

In 1926, the Chekists appropriated the name of the square as well - Lubyanskaya became Dzerzhinsky Square, who died of cardiac arrest in the same year. This name will also be inherited by the metro station built under the square 9 years later. The former name of the square and the station will be returned in 1990.

In memory of Comrade Dzerzhinsky, the Presidium of the Moscow Soviet decided to rename Lubyanskaya Square and Bolshaya Lubyanka Street into the square and street named after. Comrade Dzerzhinsky.

"Latest news"

In Moscow, the question of the demolition of the Kitaygorod wall, erected in the 16th century, was raised. under Elena Glinskaya. After the restoration work, it was recognized that the Kitai-Gorod wall does not represent a museum value. They are demolishing it because it clutters up traffic, especially on Lubyanka Square and Varvarka

During the reconstruction from Dzerzhinskaya Square, as well as from other squares in Moscow, tram traffic was removed in 1934, and a metro was built under it.

A little earlier, the Kitaygorod wall and the Panteleimon Chapel, the architectural dominant of the square, were demolished. The chapel, made by Alexander Kaminsky at the end of the 19th century, looked like a real temple and had a height similar to the tower of the wall.

At the same time, Lubyanka was deprived of the ancient Temple of the Grebnevskaya Icon of the Mother of God, built in the middle of the 16th century. The land on which he stood was handed over for the construction of the subway. In place of the demolished small church with a bell tower, a booth-mine for ventilation will be installed.

Architectural changes hung over the square according to the Stalinist general plan of Moscow, which would never be implemented due to the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War. This will be especially noticeable at Lubyanka: according to the project of architect Alexei Shchusev, the NKVD building was to be built on and combined with a common facade with the neighboring building, but only the right half was reconstructed. In this form, it stood until 1983.

Demolition of the Kitai-Gorod wall next to Theater passage, 1934 Photo:

In the 1960s, the quarter between the square and the Polytechnic Museum was demolished, leaving behind an unnamed public garden. Opposite the headquarters of the Chekists in 1958, a monument was erected to their parent, Felix Dzerzhinsky. The monumental sculptural composition of Yevgeny Vuchetich and architect Grigory Zakharov visually connected the heterogeneous development of the square.

Monument to Felix Dzerzhinsky, 1959–1962 Photo:

View of Dzerzhinsky Square, August 22, 1966. On the left, it can be seen that the building of the Shipovskaya Fortress still stands on the site of the current square || Photo: Valery Shustov Photo:

It so happened that there were children next to the Chekists. This happened during the first years of Bolshevik power. The Lubyanka hosted a children's version of the May Day demonstration. Delegations from the districts marched, chanted slogans and sang songs.


Lubyanka Square was the site of a parade of proletarian children. By 2 o'clock, the first columned children of Krasnaya Presnya appear on the square. Banners unfurled wide. Children's faces glow with spring joy. Above the motley heads are inscriptions: “Walk, young hearts! You are the red army”, “Grow us up - we will support you”, etc.

In the 1950s, architect Alexei Dushkin designed a large complex of the Detsky Mir department store on the site of the block between Dzerzhinsky Square and Zhdanov Street (as Rozhdestvenka was then called). It is curious that Dushkin was chosen by the author of the project as a person admitted (since he worked on the construction of the metro) to state secrets due to the proximity of the department store building to secret objects. But at this time, a struggle began with architectural excesses, and the project underwent changes due to which the architect fell into a deep depression. Dushkin lived for another 20 years, but the Children's World building was his last completed project.

Construction of the Children's World, 1954-1956 Photo:

Children's world, 1957 Photo:

Children's World, 1957–1960 Photo:

Children's World, 1957–1960 Photo:

Children's World, 1980–1990 Photo:

Detsky Mir, decoration for the Moscow Olympics, 1980 Photo:

Children's World, 1986 Photo:

The department store opens on June 6, 1957. In times of scarcity, it seemed to be a realm of abundance of children's goods. The building with massive glazed arched windows became the main architectural dominant of the square until the 1980s. In the same year, the Knizhny Mir store was opened on Kirov Street in the former apartment building of Nikolai Stakheev, which later turned into Biblio-Globus.

The facades of this building will be preserved, although the inner structure will be destroyed in the 1980s and become part of the KGB Computing Center. The power department, by the way, will expand the bookstore to a huge size. It will become one of the largest in Europe. The KGB took up the work that the Moscow City Council refused and restored the trading floor on its own, doubling its area. The Mayakovsky Museum, which moved to the Lubyanka in 1968, remained in the same building.

At the same time, at the corner of the current Bolshaya Lubyanskaya and Pushechnaya streets, a new monumental building of the KGB with a gray facade was being built. It still houses the main offices of the reformed intelligence service, and not in the old building, as is commonly believed.

According to the representative of the then Glavmosarchitectura Boris Paluy, Dzerzhinsky Square at the time of the collapse Soviet Union the only one in Moscow that had a “finished look”.

Modern Russia

In modern times, politics changed the appearance of the square. In 1990, several people's deputies proposed to transfer part of the premises of the KGB buildings to the Memorial society. Seriously, this issue could hardly be discussed - the infrastructure of the buildings of the special services was too expensive. On the other hand, Memorial succeeded in installing a large stone, which was brought from the Solovetsky Islands, in an unnamed square adjacent to the Polytechnic Museum.

At about five in the evening, an attempt was made to overthrow the "iron Felix" from the pedestal with the help of metal cables and their own forces. The chairman of the Cheka resisted. The crowd was stopped by S. Stankevich and L. Ponomarev, explaining that if the monument falls, there may be casualties, and the square itself, under which the metro tunnels run, risks not being able to withstand the impact of a 15-ton statue. “The Moscow City Council today decided to dismantle all these idols. We'll do it..." "Now! Now!" - the crowd was chanting... Under the volleys of evening fireworks, three truck cranes and a platform-tractor approached. By midnight, with a huge crowd of people, the monument was loaded onto the platform and taken away. Three flags remained on the pedestal - Russian, Armenian and the parties of constitutional democrats.

Trolling, available to everyone.

Project "Museum of Time" by the student of Moscow Architectural Institute Yana Ostapchuk

Grigory Revzin


Lubyanka Square went through different periods, and it cannot be said that there was once a single peak of form and it was once passed. Obviously, the latter was when Dzerzhinsky was standing there, and behind him was the KGB building. This is due to the fact that at that time the KGB building was the main building of Moscow. And the square - it was such a courtyard with him (albeit very solemn).

We must consider a simple thing. "Children's World" was opened - as far as I remember, 15 million visitors a year, a third of them are children. That's 5 million children a year. The Polytechnic Museum is being reconstructed, which before closing had an attendance of one million children a year, and it is planned to reach two. This means that we will have up to 10 million children there every year, they will go here.

Obviously, this completely unfriendly space should be somehow rethought based on the fact that there will be a lot of children there. There already once stood the fountain of Giovanni Vitali. To make a cracker fountain, as on the Krymskaya embankment, would immediately remove the question of the politicization of the square and answer a very understandable city question. When children begin to get acquainted with the city center, Lubyanskaya Square is almost the first place they go to, and the fact that they see such an unfriendly space is bad. We teach Muscovites that the center is not for them. Let us, on the contrary, teach that this is our space.

Reorganization of the area is quite possible. Both Paris and Barcelona have reconstructed squares with similar traffic flow. You know, whatever you propose, they'll tell you it's impossible. This is the beginning of any urban project.

Lubyanka Square - old times

K. F. Yuon. Lubyanskaya Square. Winter. Painting 1916

Almost every, even not very large, private collection of postcards with views of old Moscow has postcards depicting Lubyanka Square. Apparently, they were published in large, in comparison with other plots, editions, and they were in demand. It must be admitted that these postcards are spectacular and beautiful.

The Kitai-Gorod wall and the arch of the Prolomny Nikolsky Gate with a gate icon above them, like a beautiful old frame, frame the view of the square. Through the gate you can see a piece of a guessable wide square, at the far end of which rises a huge building, similar to a castle, and this picture gives the impression that one has only to go outside the gate and another, spacious world opens up to the eye, so different from the cramped conditions inside Kitai-Gorod.

The views of the square itself are also beautiful: from the building of the Rossiya insurance company to the Nikolskaya tower of the Kitaigorodskaya wall with the domes of the Vladimir church rising above the wall and the majestic chapel of Panteleimon the Healer, as well as from the Nikolskaya tower - to Rossiya, to the fountain in the middle of the square, to the first - corner - buildings of the streets of Bolshaya and Malaya Lubyanka, Myasnitskaya and the ancient church of the Grebnevskaya Icon of the Mother of God extending from the square. (On one of the postcards of the 1910s on the first house of Myasnitskaya Street, which in 1934 was renamed in honor of S. M. Kirov, a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, into Kirov Street and was called so until 1991, you can read: “I. Kirov Instrument manufacturer.” Curious coincidence!)

On these postcards from the beginning of the century, the viewer is presented with a summer, bright, sunny square of a prosperous city in prosperous pre-war times, even before the First World War.

Another image of this square is in the painting by K. F. Yuon. Its space is just as wide, the Panteleimon Chapel is just as majestic, there are also a lot of people on the square, but it is not the summer sun that floods it, but the early winter pearl-gray pre-twilight envelops, snow lies on the ground, on the roofs, clouds of smoke and steam rise above the roofs . A lot of jackdaws fly across the sky, gathering in flocks, at this hour they usually fly away to their places of overnight stay: to the Alexander Garden, to the Sparrow Hills ...

Yuon painted the picture at the end of the second year of the First World War, in December 1916, from the window of the Rossiya Insurance Company. He managed to convey the anxious pre-revolutionary mood that prevailed then in Moscow. In addition to the general color of the picture, this mood is created by numerous figures of people running across the square in different directions, they seem to be rushing around, like ants in a disturbed anthill. (“Moscow during the war years was overflowing with visiting people,” the artist recalls, talking about working on this picture.) And the crowd of birds in the gray sky further enhances this impression of chaotic movement.

On modern Lubyanka Square, not much has survived from those times - only two or three houses, but nevertheless it is recognizable, because it has retained its layout: the Teatralny Proezd also goes down from it, to Theater Square, in the left corner the Bolshaya Lubyanka, and in the right - Myasnitskaya, and in the middle, as before by a fountain, now the center of the square is marked by a round flower bed.

Lubyanskaya Square is located in one of the oldest inhabited areas of Moscow. According to legend and documents, the vast Kuchkovo field began here - the possession of the legendary boyar Kuchka, on whose lands Prince Yuri Dolgoruky set up the “city of small drevyans” - the original Moscow.

View of the Nikolskaya Tower and the Prolomnye Gate from Lubyanka Square. Photo of the 2nd half of the 19th century.

In the XII-XIV centuries, Kuchkovo field, stretching from the current Lubyanskaya Square to the Sretensky Gates and from the Neglinnaya River to the Yauza, was a rural area with fields, copses, meadows, villages. Crowded gatherings of townspeople took place in the established places on the glades of Kuchkov field, elections of thousands, a noisy veche, a grand princely court was held ... But already in the 15th century, the Moscow settlement grew to Kuchkov field and occupied part of its territory. With the erection of the stone Kitaygorodskaya wall, which ran along the edge of the Kuchkov field, part of it became the square in front of one of its travel towers, called Nikolskaya.

As usual, a bazaar formed by itself on the square at the entrance gate, where the peasants, who brought their goods to the capital, traded from wagons. This product was seasonal, so among Muscovites the square in front of the Nikolsky Gates was known under different names, depending on what attracted someone to this market. In old memories, in addition to its most famous name - Lubyanka Square - there are others - Wood, Horse, Apple, Watermelon. Perhaps there were more.

About its main name, the author of the first, published in 1878, reference book on the origin of the names of Moscow streets and lanes A. A. Martynov writes: “The name Lubyanka has existed for a very long time, but we find an explanation for it no earlier than 1804, when from the city of a place for selling vegetables and fruits in bast huts. Martynov's explanation sounds convincing, but the name Lubyanka is found in documents and in the census of households a century earlier - in 1716. Yes, and Martynov's reservation that it "has existed for a very long time" makes us turn not to 1804, but to the time the square was formed - to the 15th century. In the last quarter of the 15th century, Prince Ivan III of Moscow, who became the Grand Duke of All Russia, gathered under his hand most of the Russian specific principalities and was preparing to completely overthrow Tatar yoke. But at that time, the Novgorod boyars and posadniks, who owned power in Veliky Novgorod - an ancient trading republic, fearing to lose it, betrayed the all-Russian cause and entered into secret negotiations with the Polish king Casimir on the transfer of the Novgorod regions under the dominion of the Polish crown. Ivan III's campaign against Novgorod ended with the defeat of the rebels.

The boyars, posadniks, the richest merchants with their families, that is, those who participated in the conspiracy, their relatives and friends were relocated from Novgorod to the cities of central Russia, including Moscow. In Moscow, Novgorodians were settled in a settlement outside the Nikolsky Gates of Kitay-gorod.

Novgorod settlers put ordinary, that is, in one day, working with the whole world, a wooden church in the name of Sophia the Wisdom of God - in memory of the main temple of Veliky Novgorod - Sophia. At the end of the 17th century, a stone temple was built in its place, which was rebuilt in the 19th century. In 1936, the church was closed, the building was adapted for a sportswear factory of the Dynamo society. So far, the church of Sofia has not been restored and services are not held in it. In 1990, the temple was occupied by the KGB, in 2002 the temple was returned to believers. The church has been put under state protection as an architectural monument. Her current address is Pushechnaya Street, 15.

Novgorodians called their settlement Lubyanskaya in memory of Lubyanitsy - one of the central streets of Novgorod. Moscow adopted the Novgorod name, over time transforming it in the Moscow fashion into Lubyanka. Since it was not the name of a street, not a square, but an area, or, speaking in Moscow, tracts, then over time it passed to the streets and alleys laid in this place. At the beginning of the 20th century, there were Bolshaya and Malaya Lubyanka streets, two Lubyansky passages - just Lubyansky and Small Lubyansky, Lubyansky dead end and Lubyanskaya Square.

At the end of the 16th - beginning of the 17th century, the estates of the nobility were located on Lubyanka and its environs, as documents of those times show. Among their owners are many well-known names in the history of Russia: princes Khovansky, Pozharsky, steward prince Yuri Sitsky, steward Mikifor Sobakin, steward Zyuzin, prince Kurakin, princes Pronsky, Zasekin, Mosalsky, Obolensky, Lvov, Golitsyn and others. Most of the princely possessions were located in the northern part of Lubyanka Square, along the Trinity Road.

In the 16th-17th centuries, a settlement of archers was usually placed at the city gates, who guarded the gates. At the Nikolsky gates of Kitay-gorod, the Strepy Regiment was settled, which guarded the royal palace and accompanied the king on his trips.

And in the distance from the gate, in the northern part of the square in the XV-XVI centuries there was a settlement of masters who made combat bows, and the area was called Archers. The memory of the archers is preserved in the name of the Church of St. George the Great Martyr, on Lubyanka, in Old Archers, as well as in the name of Luchnikov Lane. The works of Moscow gunsmiths were of high quality. But already in the 16th century, bows were no longer used as military weapons, and their production ceased, the Slobozhans were forced to change their profession. True, the church, known from the annals from the middle of the 15th century, in the middle of the 17th century still retained the indication “in Luchniki” in its name, then, after the construction of a prison nearby, another topographical explanation appeared: “what about the old prisons”, at the end of the 17th century the prison was closed, and the old definition was restored in the name of the church, acquiring a word that clarifies that we are talking about ancient times: "in the Old Archers."

The modern building of the Church of St. George, in Starye Luchniki, was built in 1692-1694. After its use in the post-revolutionary period, first as a women's hostel for the OGPU, then as a handicraft factory, only mutilated walls remained of it. In 1993 the church was returned to believers. The long extinction of the archery profession has led to the oblivion of the real meaning of the expression "in the Old Archers", and in the literature there is an idea that it comes from the "bow merchants" who lived here, although documents do not record any trade here either in the 17th century or later.

In 1709, during the war with the Swedes, Peter I, fearing that they would reach Moscow, ordered to strengthen the Kitaigorod wall with earthen fortifications - bolters, during which all the suburban buildings that stood on the square were demolished. Fortunately, the fears turned out to be in vain: the Swedes were defeated near Poltava and did not reach Moscow.

The wasteland, formed at the Nikolsky Gates as a result of the demolition of the settlement and the erection of Peter's bolter houses along the Kitaigorod wall, remained undeveloped for a century. It hosted seasonal bazaars and fairs. In 1797, during the coronation of Paul I, a feast was held on Lubyanka Square. “There was a dinner for the people,” recalls E. P. Yankova, “starting from the Nikolsky Gate, tables and lockers with roasted bulls were placed throughout Lubyanka Square; fountains gushed red and white wine…”

After the fire of 1812, the square was reconstructed: the ditch was filled up, the bolt-works were torn down. In terms of its size, Lubyanskaya Square became the largest Moscow square: it stretched from the Nikolsky Gates of Kitai-Gorod to the Ilyinsky Gates and received the official name - Bolshaya Nikolskaya Square. True, this name remained only in stationery papers: the people continued to call it Lubyanskaya.

Lubyanskaya Square got its modern size and configuration in the 1870s, when its closest part to Ilyinka (called by Muscovites Arbuznaya Square, after the cheerful autumn trade in watermelons) was given for the construction of the Polytechnic Museum. The distance from south to north - from the wall of Kitay-Gorod to the FSB building - has remained unchanged from the 18th century to the present.

One of the earliest depictions of Lubyanka Square is in F. Ya. Alekseev's watercolor of the 1800s “Moscow. View of the Vladimir Gates of Kitay-Gorod from Myasnitskaya Street. In the foreground is the Church of the Grebnevskaya Icon of the Mother of God. At the beginning of the 18th century, two boards with inscriptions were fixed on the gate posts of the church fence, telling about the history of the church. Initially, in this place in 1472, Ivan III, in memory of a successful campaign against Novgorod, erected a wooden church of the Assumption of the Mother of God. At the beginning of the 16th century, his son Vasily III replaced the wooden church with a stone church, into which the icon of the Grebnevskaya Mother of God was transferred from the Kremlin Assumption Cathedral, according to legend, presented in 1380 to Dmitry Donskoy by the Cossacks who lived between the rivers Donets and Kalitva, near the Grebnevskiye mountains. This icon was highly revered in Moscow.

Subsequently, the church was rebuilt and renovated, the last time - in 1901. In the 1920s, it was restored as an outstanding monument of history and architecture.

F. Ya. Alekseev. View of the Vladimir Gates from Myasnitskaya Street. Painting from 1800

At that time, inside the church, in the refectory, ancient tombstones of the 17th-18th centuries were still preserved, on which one could read the famous aristocratic names of the princes Shcherbatovs, Volynskys, Urusovs and others. There was also one headstone. common man- "arithmetic schools of the teacher" Leonty Filippovich Magnitsky.

L. F. Magnitsky died in 1739. Ten years before this, an imperial decree was issued "On the non-burial of dead bodies, except for noble persons, inside cities and on their transportation to monasteries and parish churches outside the city." Magnitsky cannot be attributed to the number of "noble people", so his burial in this church seems very unusual.

By origin, Magnitsky was a serf of the Ostashkov Patriarchal Sloboda, on Lake Seliger. He was born in 1669. After the death of Magnitsky, the priest of the local church wrote down the legends about his young years that were preserved in the memory of fellow countrymen. “In his early years, an inglorious and insufficient person,” they say, “who fed himself with the work of his hands, he became famous here only because, having learned to read and write himself, he was a passionate hunter to read in church and disassemble the intricate and difficult.”

V. A. Milashevsky. Church of the Grebnevskaya Icon of the Mother of God. Drawing 1930

Once the young man Magnitsky was sent with a fish convoy to the Joseph-Volokolamsk monastery, whose abbot, having learned that he was literate, left him with him. It is known that then for some time Magnitsky lived in the Moscow Simonov Monastery, it seems that the monastic authorities intended to prepare him for the priesthood. For some reason, perhaps because he was a taxable peasant, Magnitsky could not study at the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy, but independently mastered the Greek, Latin, German and Italian languages, studied the sciences taught at the academy from books, self-taught, then is, as his contemporary put it, "he learned the sciences in a marvelous and unbelievable way." In the late 1690s, Magnitsky worked as a home tutor in Moscow, teaching the children of wealthy people to read and write. Once, the legend tells, when he was giving another lesson in the boyar's house, Peter I visited the owner. and confident. Leonty, like all Russian peasants then, did not have a last name, and Peter, noticing that the children cling to the teacher, said: “Since you attract the youths to you like a magnet, I command you to continue to be called Magnitsky.”

A page from "Arithmetic" by L. F. Magnitsky. 1703 edition

When the Navigation School, the first mathematical school in Russia, was opened in 1701, it required a mathematics textbook, since then there was not a single such textbook in Russian. The clerk of the Armory Chamber Alexei Kurbatov pointed to Magnitsky as a person capable of "composing" him.

On this occasion, a nominal decree of Peter I followed on the enrollment of "Ostashkovite Leonty Magnitsky" as a teacher of the Navigation School with the assignment "through his work to publish him in the Slovenian dialect, choosing from arithmetic and geometry and navigation, as a book possible for embossing."

For a year and a half, Magnitsky "composed" a textbook. The book turned out to be voluminous - more than 600 pages, but on the other hand, it outlined the full course of mathematical sciences studied at school: arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry and navigation. Teachers and students called the textbook simply "Arithmetic". But the full title of the book, according to the custom of that time, was long, detailed and occupied the whole title page. It began with its own title: “Arithmetic, that is, the science of numerals”, then it was reported that it was published by order of Tsar Peter Alekseevich (his full title was given) in his reign in the God-saved reigning city of Moscow, then it was said to whom and for what the book was intended: “for the sake of teaching wise Russian youths and all ranks and ages of people.

These last words contained a secret and, perhaps, the main idea with which the book was written: Magnitsky created a textbook, according to which anyone could, without a teacher, self-taught, like himself, study the foundations of mathematical sciences. Magnitsky's "Arithmetic" was not like those manuals that contained only dry rules and bored the students. Magnitsky tried to arouse their interest and arouse curiosity.

On the back of the title page was placed a drawing depicting a luxuriantly flowering bush and two young men holding branches with flowers in their hands. Below the drawing is printed a poetic appeal to a young student, composed specially for Arithmetic by Magnitsky:

Accept, young woman, wisdom flowers ...

Kindly learn arithmetic,

In her different rules and hold on to the pieces

For in citizenship, there is a need for deeds ...

That path in the sky will decide on the sea,

It is also useful in the field in the war.

Even Magnitsky's definition of arithmetic is not dry, but poetic. “Arithmetic, or the numerator,” he writes, “is an art that is honest, unenviable (free), and comprehensible to everyone (easily digestible), most useful and much praised, invented and expounded from the most ancient and the latest, who at different times were the fairest arithmeticians” . After such a characterization, the student simply could not help being proud that he was studying such a glorious science.

The ignorant, who consider learning an empty business, usually justified their unwillingness to learn with what they considered a very persuasive question: “Why is this learning necessary? What good is it to me?" Therefore, Magnitsky on the pages of "Arithmetic" never misses the opportunity to answer this question. Explaining some rule, he, as it were, casually remarks: "If you want to be a marine navigator, then you need to know this." Most of Arithmetic's problems are based on real-life cases that students are sure to encounter in the future: in its problems, merchants buy and sell goods, officers distribute salaries to soldiers, a land surveyor settles a dispute between landowners who have argued about the boundaries of their fields, and so on.

There are also problems of a different kind in Arithmetic, the so-called intricate. These are stories and anecdotes with a mathematical plot. Here is one of them (since the language of the textbook is outdated and now obscure, here it is close to modern):

“A certain man sold a horse for 156 rubles. But the buyer, deciding that the purchase was not worth that kind of money, began to return the horse to the seller, saying:

It’s absurd for me to pay such a high price for such an unworthy horse.

Then the seller offered him another purchase:

If you think that my price for a horse is high, then buy the nails with which his horseshoes are nailed, and I will give the horse to you with them as a gift. And there are six nails in each horseshoe, but you will pay a single penny for the first nail (a penny - a quarter of a penny), for the second - two pennies, for the third - a penny, and so you will redeem all the nails.

The buyer was delighted, believing that he would have to pay no more than 10 rubles and that he would get a horse for nothing, and agreed to the seller's terms.

The question is: how much will this buyer have to pay for the horse?

Having calculated and learned that a slow-witted and not able to quickly calculate buyer will have to pay 41,787 rubles and another 3 kopecks with three pennies, the student is unlikely to forget the rule for which this task is given.

The clerk of the Armory Kurbatov, who was entrusted with supervising the work of Magnitsky, sent Arithmetic to the tsar in the manuscript. The manuscript was approved by Peter, and five hundred rubles were transferred to the Printing Yard “for embossing two thousand four hundred books of Arithmetic. The circulation, for those times, was assigned a huge one, because then books were published in dozens and rarely in hundreds of copies. But even this circulation was insufficient, three years later Arithmetika was printed again.

For almost the entire 18th century, despite the fact that new textbooks were published, all of Russia studied according to Magnitsky's Arithmetic. His expectation that not only the students of the Mathematical School would begin to learn from it was completely justified: people of “all rank and age” in various distant provinces learned mathematics from it by self-taught. Mikhail Lomonosov, a Pomeranian boy from the village of Kholmogory, mastered it exactly in this way, and until the end of his days he gratefully called Magnitsky's Arithmetic "the gates of his learning."

In the decree on the appointment of Magnitsky as a teacher of the Navigation School, he was simply called “Ostashkovite”, which meant that officially he remained a peasant who paid taxes in this county, and had neither a rank nor any public office. He did not have his own house, although he was already married and had children. After the release of "Arithmetic" and Peter I's favorable attitude towards it, Magnitsky got the opportunity to appeal to the emperor with a petition for a reward for his labors, which, one could hope, would not be rejected.

Magnitsky applied for the award of the “court”.

His request was granted, and “he, Leonty, and his wife and children for the sake of eternal possession” were granted “yard lands” in the White City on Lubyanka Square in the parish of the Church of the Great Martyr George in Starye Luchniki.

The decree says what the award follows, namely, for the composition of the Arithmetic and in connection with the lack of housing for the petitioner. The decree also contains a description of the granted plot: “A later place where the old prison yard used to be, and after that the singers Stepan Evlonsky and Fyodor Khvatsovsky lived, and the church of Nikolai Gostunsky Archpriest Sava. And the measure of that place: the length is fifteen, and the diameter is seventeen fathoms. After the fire time, the aforementioned residents do not live in that place, and the residential chamber collapsed from a fire accident and from no one (not) a builder because they have other yards. And so that Evo, the Great Sovereign, with a gracious command, give that place (...) to him, Leonty, and make a tent and other house mansion buildings from the Armory. Thus, Magnitsky received land and a house with outbuildings for "composing" a school textbook.

Apparently, the emperor’s words about the nationwide benefit that Magnitsky’s labors brought gave him a special status in society, and this was the reason that, after his death, he was buried not even in his parish church, but in a prestigious church founded by the tsar, which, of course, , was a sign of special respect and honor. For the information of future generations, on his tombstone was written about the great merits of a school teacher:

“In eternal memory (...) Leonty Filippovich Magnitsky, the first teacher of mathematics in Russia, here buried husband (...) unhypocritical love for one’s neighbor, zealous piety, pure living, deepest humility, constant generosity, quietest disposition, mature mind, honest treatment, honesty to the lover, in the servants of the fatherland, the most zealous trustee, subordinate to the kind father, insults from enemies, the most patient, to all the most pleasant and all insults, passions and evil deeds, alienated by forces, in instructions, in reasoning, the advice of friends to the most skillful, the truth about both spiritual and civil affairs the most dangerous guardian, a true imitator of a virtuous life, an assembly of all the virtues; who began the path of this temporary and regrettable life on June 9th, 1669, learned the sciences in a wondrous and unbelievable way. His Majesty Peter the Great "for wit in the sciences, we know in 1700 and from His Majesty, at the discretion of the disposition to all the most pleasant and attracting to oneself, he was granted, named Magnitsky and was appointed to the Russian noble youth as a teacher of mathematics, in which the title is zealous, true, honestly diligently and blamelessly serving and having lived in the world for 70 years 4 months and 10 days, 1739, October 19th, about midnight at 1 o'clock, leaving a virtuous life an example to those who remained after him, he died gracefully.

During the demolition of the Grebnevskaya church in the early 1930s (the temple was not demolished immediately, but in parts - from 1927 to 1935), a tombstone of Magnitsky was discovered (located in Historical Museum) and his burial: the ashes of the “first teacher in mathematics in Russia” rested in an old coffin - an oak block, an inkwell in the form of an icon lamp and a quill pen lay at the head ...

At the very beginning of Myasnitskaya, to the right of the underground passage, there is one of the FSB buildings, a powerful granite staircase leads to the main entrance to it from the side of the street. On the site of the stairs and the entrance was the Church of the Grebnevskaya Icon of the Mother of God. Passing by, remember that somewhere here, under the asphalt, lies the ashes of Russia's first "mathematics teacher"...

There is “no stone, no cross” above him, as the famous song says, the words of the song that he served “for the glory of the Russian flag” are also true. It would be fair to install his old tombstone or memorial sign on this place.

Let's return to F. Ya. Alekseev's watercolors. Along the street, near the gate on the territory of the Church of the Grebnevskaya Icon of the Mother of God, there is a one-story house of the clergy, then you can see the three-story building of the University Printing House. In the 1780s, N. I. Novikov rented it, he lived in the house opposite.

The 1780s were the most fruitful years of N. I. Novikov's educational and publishing activities. “A printer, publisher, bookseller, journalist, literary historian, school trustee, philanthropist, Novikov remained the same in all these fields - a sower of enlightenment,” this is how V. O. Klyuchevsky characterized N. I. Novikov and called the 1780s years in the history of public and scientific life of Moscow - the "Novikov decade". Meetings of the Friendly Scientific Society founded by him and meetings of the Masonic Lodge "Latona" took place in Novikov's house, one of the leaders of which he was. N. M. Karamzin visited N. I. Novikov here.

In front of the windows of the printing house and Novikov's house, as depicted in the painting by F. Ya. Alekseev, the wide Lubyanskaya Square is spread out: there is a striped sentry box on it, an officer teaches soldiers to build, the townspeople are walking. In the background, you can see the Kitaygorodskaya wall, the Nikolskaya tower, behind it is the dome of the Vladimirskaya church. In front of the wall, the swollen bastions, overgrown with grass, piled up under Peter I, are turning green ...

On the right side of the painting by F. Ya. Alekseev there is a high blind brick fence, behind it there is another house well known to Muscovites of the 18th century.

This house with a vast courtyard in the 17th century was the farmstead of the Ryazan archbishop. At the beginning of the XVIII century, after the abolition of the patriarchate by Peter I, the locum tenens of the patriarchal throne, Metropolitan Stefan Yavorsky of Ryazan, lived in it, here he wrote panegyrics to the emperor, in which learned monk with complex logical arguments, he refuted the opinion that had spread among the people that Peter I was none other than the Antichrist.

In the 18th century, the courtyard was evicted, and its premises were occupied by the Moscow Secret Expedition - political investigation, dungeons and prison.

The Special Secret Chancellery was founded by Peter I for the investigation and trial of political cases; it also existed under his successors. But in February 1762, Peter III issued a manifesto "On the destruction of the Secret Investigative Office." “Everyone knows,” the manifesto said, “that the establishment of secret detective offices, no matter how many different names they had, was prompted by our all-loving grandfather, the sovereign Emperor Peter the Great, the magnanimous and philanthropic monarch of those times, circumstances and uncorrected morals among the people. From that time on, the need for the aforementioned offices became less and less; but as the Secret Chancellery always remained in its power, then evil, vile and idle people were given a way either to stretch the executions and punishments they deserved with false ideas, or to insult their superiors or enemies with the most malicious slander.

Catherine II, having ascended the throne, in the very first year of her reign restored the Secret Chancellery under the name of the Secret Expedition. The empress delved into the process of conducting the investigation, in her decree to the Senate of January 15, 1763, it was ordered to persuade criminals to confess “mercy and exhortation”, but torture was also allowed: “When the investigation of any case inevitably comes to torture, in this case act with extreme caution and consideration, and most of all, to observe, so that sometimes with the guilty and innocent tortures they could not endure in vain.

Under Catherine II, the Secret Expedition was led by S. I. Sheshkovsky, about whom A. S. Pushkin wrote down the following story of a contemporary: “Potemkin, meeting with Sheshkovsky, usually used to say to him:“ What, Stepan Ivanovich, what is it like to whip? ”To which Sheshkovsky always answered with a low bow: “Little by little, your grace!”

The house on Lubyanskaya Square, which had previously housed the Ryazan Compound (of the Ryazan Archbishop), was occupied in 1774 by the highest command by a commission that was investigating "the traitor Pugachev", and then the house was designated as a building for the Moscow Secret Expedition.

The “New Guide to Moscow”, published in 1833, says about him: “The old-timers of Moscow will still remember the iron gates of this Mystery, facing Lubyanka Square; the guard stood in the courtyard. It was scary, they say, to walk past.

About what really happened iron gate, had to be content with only rumors and conjectures: from those who had been there and left there, they took a subscription that he would be silent about what he saw and heard, what he was asked about and what was done to him.

In 1792, N. I. Novikov was taken to the Moscow Secret Expedition. Speaking about the duplicity of Catherine II, “Tartuffe in a skirt and in a crown,” A. S. Pushkin wrote: “Catherine loved enlightenment, and Novikov, who spread the first rays of it, passed from the hands of Sheshkovsky into a dungeon, where he remained until her death” .

Paul I ordered the release of prisoners imprisoned by Catherine II in the prisons of the Secret Expedition. A contemporary told about the release of prisoners from the Moscow Secret Expedition: “When they were taken out into the yard, they didn’t even look like people: some scream, some rage, some fall dead ... In the yard they took off their chains and took some to a lunatic asylum ". Alexander I in 1801, again, like his grandfather, destroyed the Secret Expedition. The house on Lubyanka passed to the city, and then various institutions were placed in it.

Over the years, they began to forget about the dungeon on Lubyanka Square. Suddenly, he reminded of himself a hundred years later. V. A. Gilyarovsky in the essay “Lubyanka” says: “At the beginning of this century, I was returning home from a long trip along Myasnitskaya from the Kursk railway station - and suddenly I saw: there was no house, only a pile of stone and garbage. Masons are working, destroying the foundation. I jumped off the cab and straight to them. Turns out - new house want to build.

Now the underground prison began to break, - the foreman explained to me.

I saw her, I say.

No, you saw the basement, we had already broken it, and under it there was still the most terrible: in one of its compartments there were potatoes and firewood, and the other half was tightly walled up ... We ourselves did not know that there was a room there. We made a breach and we stumbled upon an oak, forged iron door. They broke it by force, and behind the door - a human skeleton ... How they tore off the door - how it rattles, how the chains rattled ... The bones were buried. The police came, and the bailiff took the chains somewhere.

We climbed through the gap, went down four steps to the stone floor; here the subterranean darkness still struggled with the light from the broken ceiling at the other end of the dungeon. It was hard to breathe... My guide took a stub of a candle out of his pocket and lit it... Vaults... rings... hooks...

And here was a skeleton on chains.

Upholstered with rusty iron, a blackened oak door, covered in mold, with a window, and behind it a low stone bag ... Upon further inspection, some other niches turned out to be in the walls, also, it must be, stone bags.

On the site of the former Secret Expedition, a building was built for the Spiritual Consistory - the Synodal Chancellery.

After the fire of 1812, “three philistine properties were added to Lubyanskaya Square, - as stated in the decision of the Commission for Buildings in Moscow, which was in charge of the restoration of the city, - now remaining without buildings” - apparently escheated plots; Peter's fortifications were demolished, the moat was filled in, the walls and towers of Kitay-Gorod were brought "in their form corresponding to antiquity", while other sections along the perimeter of the resulting area were sold to private individuals for development. The plot on the left side of the square (when viewed from the Nikolskaya Tower) from Teatralny Proezd to Pushechnaya Street (now occupied by the Detsky Mir department store) was purchased by Prince A. A. Dolgorukov and built a two-story long house, the first floor of which was adapted for benches and rented merchants. Traders of a variety of goods rented premises in these “Dolgorukovsky rows”: in the 1830s, among others, I. Datsiaro, the owner of a company specializing in the sale of prints, engravings and paintings, traded here; we present mainly for several series of "Views of Moscow", published by him. In the 1890s-1900s, Kolgushkin's tavern was located in one of the premises, which was visited by publishers and authors of "folk books".

Lubyanskaya Square. Lithograph after a drawing by S. Dietz. 1850

In the 1880s, behind the Dolgorukovsky shops, the Lubyansky Passage store was attached, equipped in a European manner, like other shopping arcades that appeared then in Moscow.

On the right side of Lubyanka Square, on the site of the dismantled building of the University Printing House, in 1823, a three-story large house was built by Pyotr Ivanovich Shipov - a very mysterious person. In some sources he is called a chamber junker, in others - a chamberlain. V. A. Gilyarovsky calls him a general, a well-known rich man, a man "who had power in Moscow," in front of whom "the police did not dare to utter a word." However, none of the contemporaries who wrote about Shipov provides any information about his origin and biography.

Shipov was known in Moscow for the fact that, having built a house on Lubyanskaya Square with commercial premises on the first floor and apartments on the second and third, he allowed everyone who needed housing to occupy apartments, did not charge his tenants, did not require registration in police, and no record of them was kept at all.

Shipov's house in Moscow was called "Shipov's fortress".

“The police did not dare to utter a word in front of the general,” says V. A. Gilyarovsky, “and soon the house was jam-packed with thieves and vagabonds who had fled from everywhere, who were operating with might and main in Moscow and carried the fruits of their nightly labors to the buyers of stolen goods, who also huddled in this house. It was risky to walk along Lubyanka Square at night.

The inhabitants of the Shipovskaya Fortress were divided into two categories: in one - runaway serfs, petty thieves, beggars, children who had run away from their parents and owners, students and those who had disappeared from the juvenile department of the prison castle, then Moscow bourgeoisie and passportless peasants from nearby villages. All this is a cheerful drunken people seeking refuge here from the police.

Category two - people are gloomy, silent. They do not get close to anyone, and in the midst of the widest revelry, the strongest intoxication, they will never say their name, they will not hint at anything of the past with a single word. Yes, no one around them dares to approach them with such a question. These are experienced robbers, deserters and fugitives from hard labor. They recognize each other at first sight and silently approach each other, like people who are connected by some secret link. People from the first category understand who they are, but silently, under overwhelming fear, do not violate their secrets with a word or a look ...

And so, when the police, after midnight, one day surrounded the house for a raid and occupied the entrances, at that time the “Ivans” returning from the nightly extraction noticed something was wrong, gathered in detachments and waited in ambush. When the police began to break into the house, they, armed, rushed at the police from behind, and a scuffle began. The police, who broke into the house, met resistance from inside the footcloths and a raid of "Ivans" from the outside. She shamefully fled, beaten and wounded, and for a long time forgot about the new raid.

In the 1850s, after Shipov's death, the "Humanitarian Society" acquired the house. With the help of a military team, all the inhabitants were expelled from it, who for the most part, having left, settled nearby on the Yauza, laying the foundation for the famous Khitrovka. "Humanitarian Society", having repaired the house, began to rent apartments for a fee. It was inhabited, according to Gilyarovsky, by “the same dud, only with passports” - horse dealers, dealers from hands, buyers of stolen goods, tailors and other artisans, whose craft was to remake stolen goods so that the owner would not recognize.

All this was sold nearby at the flea market along the Kitaigorod wall from its inner side from the Nikolsky Gate to the Ilyinsky Gate. Here, between the wall and the nearest buildings, there was a free undeveloped space, in former times reserved for military purposes. In the 1790s, the Moscow governor-general Chernyshev ordered the construction of "wooden shops for petty trade" from scratch. Soon hand-trading arose near the shops and a crowded market formed.

The space occupied by the market, in various documents and at different times, was called either New or Old Square, so you can find both names in memoirs. At present, the name Staraya Ploschad has been assigned to the passage along the former Kitaigorod wall from the Varvarsky Gate Square to the Ilyinsky Gates, and the New Square - from the Ilyinsky Gate to Nikolskaya Street, that is, where the market was located.

E. Lillier. Push market in Moscow. Lithograph 1855

In the people, this place was simply called the Square, without specifying epithets. This folk name left a reminder of itself in folklore expression "square scolding". The essayist of the second half of the 19th century, I. Skavronsky, in his “Essays on Moscow” (edition of 1862) notes that on the Square “it is not uncommon to hear such sharp answers to the jokes addressed to them (customers) that you involuntarily blush ... Noise and din, as they say, they stand with a groan. Soldier women were distinguished by especially skillful swearing. They, according to Skavronsky, "remarkably snarl, sometimes quite often from a whole row." It is this highest degree of the ability to swear that the expression "areal abuse" means.

The flea market in the Square was a field of commercial operations for every crook and at the same time the last hope of the poor.

Many memoirists have described this market, and genre artists have depicted it. The market of the middle of the 19th century is depicted in a lithograph by E. Lillier. This sheet shows the types of serf times. A different crowd in the painting by V. E. Makovsky, painted in 1879. But the eternal, unchanging spirit of the Russian flea market, which has been preserved in modern similar markets, also blows over those and other people.

In the crowded market, no one was immune from the most brazen and clever deception: they bought one thing, and brought another home, tried on a strong thing, but ended up in holes. N. Polyakov, a Moscow writer of the 1840s–1850s, compares the push market dealers with the then world-famous magician Pinetti and gives them the palm of primacy over a foreign celebrity. However, Polyakov offers to look at the market from the other, “bright” side: “However, for people who are not rich in means, the push market is a real treasure: here the poor and common people buy clothes and shoes for themselves at a very reasonable or cheap price, and in so-called common table arranged on benches and on the ground under open sky, get breakfast, lunch or dinner, consisting of cabbage soup, stew, fried potatoes, etc. for three, four and five kopecks in silver ... There is also a mobile barber, consisting in the person of an old retired soldier, a small bench on which they shave and cut their hair , with a fee: one kopeck in silver for a shave, and three kopecks for a haircut. All this is very simple, free, convenient, spacious, cheap and cheerful.

N. Polyakov's description refers to the 1850s, to the time that is depicted in the lithograph by E. Lillier. In the following decades, morals hardened, the crowded market became angrier. Gilyarovsky describes the end of a cheap purchase: “In the seventies, paper soles were still practiced, despite the fact that leather was relatively inexpensive, but these were the mottos of both the merchant and the master: “for a penny of nickels” and “if you don’t cheat, you won’t sell “.

Of course, poor people suffered the most from this, and it was easy to cheat the buyer thanks to the “barkers”. With the last money he will buy boots, put them on, walk two or three streets through puddles in rainy weather - look, the sole has fallen behind and instead of leather - the paper sticks out of the boot. He’s back to the shop… The “barkers” have already found out why, and they’ll bombard his complaints with words and expose him as a swindler: he came, they say, to pick a hack, bought boots at the market, and you climb to us…

Well, well, in which shop did you buy it?

The unfortunate buyer is standing, confused, looking - there are a lot of shops, all signs and exits are similar, and each crowd “barkers” ...

He will cry and leave under hooting and ridicule ... "

But if the market inside the Kitaygorod wall served to satisfy material needs, then outside, on Lubyanka Square, in 1850-1860, during Lent, a bargaining took place, gathering lovers and admirers of hunting, sacrificing their passion for any material benefits and experiencing spiritual satisfaction from it.

In the 1870s, the Hunting Market was moved to Trubnaya Square, and at the end of the 1880s, the flea market on the Square was liquidated and a new flea market was opened in Sadovniki near Ustyinsky Bridge. After that, as Gilyarovsky writes, "Shipov's house took on a relatively decent appearance." It was broken only in 1967, and a public garden was laid out in its place. They broke it long and hard, it was thick-walled and strong and, probably, could have stood for a hundred and fifty years - as much as it stood.

The land on the northern side of Lubyanskaya Square, opposite the Nikolskaya Tower, in the 1870s-1880s also belonged to one of the Moscow originals - the rich Tambov landowner Nikolai Semenovich Mosolov. A lonely man, he lived alone in a huge apartment in the main building, and the outbuildings and courtyard buildings were rented out to various establishments. One occupied the Warsaw Insurance Company, the other - a photograph of Mobius, there was also a tavern, a grocery store. On the upper floors there were furnished rooms occupied by permanent residents from the former Tambov landlords, who lived on the remnants of the "redemption" received during the liberation of the peasants. The old landlords and the same decrepit serf servants who did not leave them were strange and absolutely alien to modern times types. Gilyarovsky recalls the Tambov horse breeder Yazykova, a deep old woman, with her dogs and two decrepit "yard girls", a retired cavalry lieutenant colonel, who lay on the sofa for days with a pipe and sent letters to old friends asking for assistance ... Mosolov kept the old landowners who had completely lived out at his own expense .

Mosolov himself was a well-known collector and engraver-etcher. He studied at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, in Dresden and Paris, from 1871 he had the title of academician. A passionate admirer of Dutch art of the 17th century, he collected etchings and drawings by the Dutch masters of that time. His extensive collection included works by Rembrandt, Adrian van Ostade and many other artists, and was considered one of the first in Europe for its completeness and quality of sheets. Currently, most of the collection of N. S. Mosolov is in the Moscow Museum of Fine Arts. A. S. Pushkin.

Mosolov's own works as an etcher were highly valued by connoisseurs and were awarded at domestic and foreign exhibitions. He engraved paintings and drawings by Rubens, Raphael, Rembrandt, Murillo, Veronese, as well as Russian artists - his contemporaries - V.V. Vereshchagin, N.N. Ge, V.E. Makovsky and others.

In the 1890s, Mosolov sold his property to the Rossiya insurance company, which built a five-story apartment building in its place in 1897–1899, designed by architect A.V. Ivanov, who enjoyed well-deserved fame. The work of this architect was liked by the public. His project of an apartment house in St. Petersburg on the Admiralteyskaya embankment was even "highest" Tsar Alexander III noted as "an example of good taste."

The architecture of the house of the Rossiya insurance company on Lubyanskaya Square belongs to that vaguely indefinite style that is called eclecticism. But we can definitely say that the building turned out to be both fundamental, which, of course, should have inspired confidence in its owner - the insurance company, and beautiful, its roof was decorated with turrets, the central one - with a clock - was crowned by two stylized female figures, symbolizing, as he claims rumor, justice and comfort.

The main facade of the house overlooked Lubyanskaya Square, the side facades overlooked Bolshaya and Malaya Lubyanka, and in the courtyard there was another building, also owned by an insurance company, which was rented by Varvara Vasilievna Azbukina, the widow of a collegiate assessor, under the furnished rooms "Imperial".

The first floors of the Rossiya building were occupied by shops and offices, while the upper floors were inhabited.

Next to this house stood another house of the insurance company, built in the same style and actually being its outbuilding, only separated from it by a passage.

The buildings of the Rossiya insurance company occupied almost the entire northern part of Lubyanka Square, and only a two-story house with four windows had a different owner: it belonged to the clergy of the Church of the Grebnevskaya Icon of the Mother of God, but in 1907 it was bought by the insurance company.

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