Mass effect andromeda tasks for shock troops. Help scientists on Havarl

  • 22.09.2019

Before sending on the next mission, you will have to perform a number of simple actions, which we will write about right here, even though they are not directly related to the new plot task. First you need to complete a short quest that actually performs the function of a trainer: find Vladimir and Addison Breck, talk to them, and then turn on the control panel of the OPA.

So get information on what needs to be done so that new comrades in the new galaxy wake up from six hundred years of cryosleep, and they will also tell you why these actions are necessary. Useful information it will not be limited to this: you will be able to find out how specialists of a particular qualification can be useful. The next step is the direct choice of those whom you want to return to active life, awakening from cryocapsules right here and now.

Next, we go to the Tempest: on board the spaceship, go down and find the Shock Group system on the table, talk to Kandros when you visit the Nexus. After the dialogue, you will need to turn on the console, which is right there nearby, and then start exploring the possibilities of sending your own combat units that could perform all sorts of missions for you.

Again, this is not directly related to the plot task, but it is important to do it right here and now. And now the mission itself, which will continue our passage of Mass Effect: Andromeda.

In the course of the next story mission, we will move to the Onaon system on the Storm, where, after short cutscenes, it will be possible to chat with colleagues available for dialogue. Here you will be introduced to a new ally, representing a new race for the ME universe - the Angara. After all these procedures, proceed to the bridge of your ship and make a choice in favor of one of the available tasks.

You can choose (more precisely, you need to) one of two things: fly to Voeld or Havarl. By doing this, you will temporarily suspend the execution of the task "Ray of Hope", but we will certainly return to it. Let's start with the last one, Havarla.

So, we need to help scientists on Havarl: you will find the planet you need in the Faroang star system. How landing is carried out - you have already been trained, just in case, we recall that for such an action you need to hold down the right mouse button, and then select the place where exactly you need to land on the surface.

After landing, first you need to proceed to the research station, Dals is waiting for you there, with whom you need to talk. After the dialogue, move on, focusing on the marker and simultaneously exterminating the hostile life forms you encounter. Approaching the monolith, enter it and break the resistance of the relics, our task is to get to our own researchers, whom the adversaries are holding captive here. An attempt to open the control panel will fail: you simply do not have enough information to interact with it at this stage.

So let's continue the passage of Mass Effect: Andromeda by looking for glyphs again. If you don’t want to do this, and at the same time there is a special set, you can open the panel without collecting glyphs, but we will proceed from the fact that you still need them, so let’s go: you will find the first of them on the right side of the building, you will see the second on the contrary, already on the left side, he is on a large column. To recognize the necessary items, we traditionally use a scanner.

Now the hardest part at this stage for some players, though by no means for all, is solving the classic Sudoku puzzle to open the alien control panel. So, we have a grid, which is divided into separate areas. All together it works like one system. By looking at the rows, pillars, and shapes laid out on the grid, you'll see rows of glyphs (characters that have specific meanings for relics) and empty spaces.

To solve the puzzle, you need to fill in the voids with signs, and the missing glyphs will first have to be found (which we have already done by finding two pieces). The essence of the puzzle differs from the classic Sudoku only in that instead of numbers you will be offered pictures in rows and columns. But the location of these pictures should be classical principle so that there are no free spaces and that no characters are repeated in a row, column, or selected row.

It seems difficult only at first if you first encountered Sudoku, but after solving one such puzzle, you should not have any more difficulties. And there will be many more such decisions in the future. By the way, an incorrect solution to the puzzle leads to the fact that enemy units arrive here on alarm, which will have to be cleared before proceeding with another attempt.

There is an option to bypass the control panel without solving this kind of Sudoku modification: for this, you must have a decryption key at your disposal, however, it is difficult to find such ones due to their rarity, and it will be expensive to purchase, so it’s easier to deal with puzzles according to the standard principle without similar tricks.

So, you have solved the problem, now your new goal is to return to Kiiran and talk to another character, whom the game will kindly mark with a marker. Now let's go back to the temporarily interrupted "Ray of Hope".

On board the Tempest, speak to Ephra using the vidcon. Our next target is in the Nol system, or to be more precise, on the planet Voeld, located in this system. This is where you could have flown as a previous task instead of Havarl, where we have just been. But you still need to complete both tasks, it doesn’t matter just the sequence of how you do it.

Now directly to the task, which continues the passage of Mass Effect: Andromeda. Arriving on the desired planet, you will need to go forward, so you will get to the camp, which belongs to the resistance members. Since the surface of the planet is very cold, it is necessary to monitor Ryder's condition all the time, since the protagonist freezes inexorably under the influence of low temperatures.

You can counteract this by finding large lamps that will restore life support. Try to rush from one such lamp to another so as not to freeze. Our next target is a nearby hangar in front, come into it, then turn left, so you get to the command center, which is our actual goal. Another video will start.

At the end of the cut-scene, continue moving, guided by the marker, so you can leave this camp. On the way, find the fighters who are standing next to the mountain, you can talk to them, and our next task is to get to the place where we came from, on the way you will meet the resistance pilot, during the conversation with whom you will need to give the go-ahead to start the task. So we will find ourselves in front of a force field that blocks further progress.

Approaching the field, turn right, below you will find the console that you need to activate in order to start the hacking procedure. In case everything cannot be done quickly, the game will create a marker in the place where you need to get to. When you succeed in passing through the force field, deal with the enemies and run upstairs, there you need to destroy the grate next to the passage. Having made your way inside, you will again have to engage in battle against enemies - the passage of Mass Effect: Andromeda is not particularly original here.

When you reach the lower level, talk to Captain Hecht, now our task is to climb to the upper floor, and open the door on the spot, which is aimed towards the marker. Entering the next spacious room, once again be ready to repulse the enemies, and then stand next to the glass. We need to interact with the remote, then you will see a handful of aliens and the Cardinal. They are all engaged in some strange ritual. During the dialogue with Jaal, it is better to agree to help.

The next procedure is as follows: run through the door closest to you, traditionally guided by the marker, so you will reach the door that has a purely decorative function (you cannot open it), from there step back a bit and turn into left side by walking straight through the force field below you. Of course, no one will let you walk here just like that, but in all these battles by now you have certainly already managed to thoroughly harden, so simply repeat with new enemies the same thing that you did with brilliance with the old ones.

When you kill everyone, jump over the obstacle, break through the grate, then go through the resulting passage. Here it will be desirable to pull out the scanner and walk it through all the objects of interest, and then activate the control panel, which is located right in the center of the room. Through this action, you will receive valuable information regarding the destination of the shipped capsules. Having entered the battle once again, talk to the Angaran, then run further.

So you will enter a spacious room, where you will be resisted by the kett, led by the Cardinal. The latter will annoy you more, since it is very weakly vulnerable to your bullets, which here also tend to end very quickly in the form of an increased intensity of passions. Luckily, there are a lot of ammo boxes everywhere, don't forget to replenish them.

If with ordinary enemies everything is easy and familiar here, then with the Cardinal an individual approach is needed. First of all, you need to break the sphere that rotates around the adversary, and when it is destroyed, open fire on the Cardinal directly. The sphere has an unpleasant property to regenerate, so you will have to repeat the procedure several times. That is, the algorithm is the same: we broke the sphere - we shoot at the Cardinal, a new sphere, beat her again and then switch to her master. That way you can deal with it eventually. When you're done, talk to Moshae.

Here, the passage of Mass Effect: Andromeda prepares for you the right to choose: you can either save the hangar, or destroy this base to hell. True, the game will please with variability: if you wish, you can do one thing first, and then another. If you want to save a representative of the allied race, help him immediately, then for the final massacre of the Cardinal, press the right mouse button, as soon as you have such an opportunity. Now it will be necessary to clear the area, which is generally a fairly simple task due to the primitiveness of the idea itself.

We need to follow forward, destroying all enemies who dare to appear in your field of vision along the way. Hiding under the force field kindly created by Moshae, you will reach the opposite end of the current location, where you will have another skirmish with a bunch of enemies. At this stage, the main thing is not to let the opponents kill you, do not try to exterminate them all: the respawn of the villains will be endless until the shuttle arrives. You just need to wait for him to be alive.

When the shuttle arrives, immediately run to it without wasting time - this is the only way you can complete the mission, but attempts to fight the enemies further are doomed to failure - they will come and come. Once on the Tempest, run to your bridge and from there set a course for the planet Aya, which is located in the Onaon system. We use the shuttle, then we observe the next cut-scene. To complete the mission, you only need to get to Ephra's headquarters and talk to the mentioned character.

The new Mass Effect was noticeably larger than its predecessor - full walkthrough Mass Effect: Andromeda will take you an average of 50-55 hours of real time. In most story missions, you will have to make difficult decisions that entail various consequences. Naturally, many would like to choose the best option, and for this we advise you to read this guide, where we will describe the implementation of all the main tasks of the game.

Class selection

As in the previous parts, the first thing we have to do is create our own character. You will need to choose his gender (male or female), appearance(you can choose ready-made presets or plan your Pinocchio), training (ordinary classes are hidden behind this word), name and biography.

With most of the parameters, you will most likely be able to figure it out on your own, but we will dwell on the choice of classes in more detail:

  • A soldier is a typical warrior who has three basic skills related, of course, to weapons. It is worth choosing for players who prefer to act directly, without inventing ingenious tactics and strategies. Can carry a large number of various guns.
  • Biotic is a classic magician who has three offensive and defensive "spells". When playing for this class, you will have to rely more on your skills than on weapons. The biotic shield will allow you to stay in open areas for a long time without taking serious damage.
  • Engineer is a support class that hacks enemy vehicles, creates auxiliary drones and helps the group survive in a difficult battle. Not the most interesting character, however, and you can make candy out of him if something happens.
  • The leader is another character aimed at supporting the team. True, this class allows you to behave more aggressively on the battlefield thanks to Energy Absorption and Obliteration. In general, for an amateur.
  • Bully is a kind of berserk in the world of Mass Effect, which breaks into a group of enemies and scatters them in all directions. It does not live long, but it dies beautifully. But seriously, it's better to take a closer look at the Soldier if you like to be in the epicenter of the fight.
  • The operative is a standard killer (assassin), with which you can go behind enemy lines and destroy them on the sly. We note right away that on easy and medium difficulty levels, such tricks are useless, since most enemies are crushed by ordinary bursts from rifles, but on a difficult one they can come in handy.

Note: Let's add that the initial class in the game is just one of the directions in which you can go, that is, at any time you will be able to change the path of development of your hero, since the skills here are not tied to classes.

Prologue: Hyperion

The Ark Hyperion, on which there are representatives of our race, has finally reached the outskirts of its destination. Ryder wakes up from cryosleep in a noisy ship. Scientists and medical personnel are awakening the right personnel to prepare for their arrival at a given location. Your first action in Andromeda will be to determine the identity of Ryder. Choose between casual and professional response options when talking to Dr. Lexi T'Perro, and then decide what you will say during a dialogue with an artificial intelligence named SAM.

Soon after the impromptu exam, things go awry. The Hyperion collides with an unknown object, causing chaos on the ship. Cora Harper sneaks into cryo bay and restores gravity. Unfortunately, during the accident at the starship, many systems were damaged.

Next, you will have full control over Ryder and will be able to either check on the twins (your first optional task) with Dr. T'Perro, or leave the room. The information panel also contains data about your mission in Andromeda. Two datapads can be found near the beds. You can chat with the people in the cove before meeting Cora at the door.

One of the blocks on the left will explode. Take out your Scanner and scan the right side of the device to find the problem. Drop the power relay on the side of the device and you will be allowed to pass. Thus, you will save everyone who was in the cryo-bay. Follow Cora to the futuristic carriage. Most of the ship is still being restored after the crash. When you're ready to move on to the next zone, simply activate the tram.

In a couple of minutes, you will have to wedge yourself into a heated argument between Alec Ryder and Captain Dunn. You will need to decide which side you are on. The team members will then comment on your decision. No matter who you choose, Alex will still scold someone.

Finally, Hyperion gets to the supposed golden world - "Dwelling 7" (Habitat 7), but the graphs show that something is wrong with the planet. Resolved - Pathfinder needs to take his room and land on the planet to make sure it's safe to land on.

Return to the equipment room and talk to Cora about your family there. Take the helmet and explore the area to find some datapads and other objects that the protagonist can interact with. Let's note in advance that communication with other people and interaction with various objects sometimes leads to unique conversations later. When you're done exploring the room, exit through the door. Chat with Alec, who will cheer you up a little, and then, together with other members of the team, climb into the shuttle and go to a new mysterious world.

On the surface

Liam and Ryder end up on a mysterious rock after being thrown out of a shuttle. This false golden world is incredibly mysterious. In this location, you will encounter quite a few Andromeda Initiative technologies - we advise you to scan them to start getting Research points. Start by scanning the QEC communication relay, which you will see after turning away from the cliff. SAM is offline so you won't be able to get full information from these scans, however, you will not be given less points from this. You can also scan some interesting plants, for example, mushrooms and bushes with curls.

Follow the rubble road to your destination. You will find yourself near a static field covered with lightning. Get around this obstacle with your jetpack and keep moving forward. Liam will ask you about the gun and ask you to aim at the fuel cell. Scan it before destroying it to get extra points. After it is blown up, go further along the makeshift path, remembering to collect the ammunition lying on the ground.

Ryder manages to get to know Liam a little better while looking for the Pathfinder team. You will then be taught how to wall jump and climb ledges. On the nearest hill, by the way, you can see something interesting - a huge structure in the distance, emitting rays. You will also get the opportunity to choose the main character's reaction when Fisher and a new alien race appear. You can click on the following options: follow the protocol or expect the worst. Then talk to the aliens. Two soldiers will attack Fisher if you don't draw their attention to you. Your actions will be logged after completing the mission. Knock out two enemies, and then check on Fisher.

Fischer is alive, but he doesn't feel well. The team members who were with him went in search of help, now you need to find them. At this stage, you will also get a few additional tasks. The first of these is a body scan. The next assignment is related to the search for the remaining supplies. Be sure to search containers when exploring locations, as they may contain ammo, weapons, crafting materials, and other useful items.

Here you can choose several paths. If you choose to take the path to the right, you will find another member of the Pathfinder, Kirkland. He was captured by three opponents. Go forward and attack the enemies. Unfortunately, Kirkland won't make it out of this mess alive. Approach his body to view a short cutscene. If you get closer to the building, you can scan the door and the strange pillar with floating blocks.

Return to the main road and continue along the trail of burning leaves and ship parts. Don't forget to scan the elements of the shuttle for research points. At the end of the path, you will come across an atmospheric sensor. Interact with him to get more details about Dwelling 7 and keep moving forward. You will encounter three enemies patrolling the front of yet another strange structure. Take advantage of the fact that the opponents do not see you, and you are on a hill, sweeping them out of the way with a couple of powerful abilities. Then check the hole nearby - it contains a box and several scannable items.

After the destruction of all opponents, you will be taken to another road fork. Both paths lead to the wreckage. In one part of the shuttle you will find a container filled with useful items, a flight recorder and ammunition. In the north you will find an ambush of four aliens, including animals that can disguise themselves as the environment. Deal with the enemies and move on.

Now you should go in search of Greer. To do this, you need to go past the alien structure and under the large bridge located on the upper level. Then you will see some rocks. Go forward without stopping, and then look to the left - you will be able to spot a passage leading to a dark cave. Near the entrance to it, our heroes will hear the voice of Greer, who does not understand what the aliens need from him. Quickly enter the dungeon and attack the enemies, otherwise your comrade will die. After the firefight, you will learn that Greer was unable to get in touch with the rest of the group, as his receiver was broken.

Since the signal fire was launched from the same zone that your mini-map points to, we immediately go to this location. When you get closer to her, you will hear an SOS signal sent by Cora. You will have a new goal - to find the second shuttle. Move on without wasting time on trifles. Do not forget that any obstacles, if necessary, can be overcome with the help of a jetpack.

Having reached the new shuttle, complete a new task - protect the members of the Pathfinder group from hostile aliens. We advise you to take a position not far from your comrades, and then eliminate the enemies one by one. Some of them will throw grenades at you, which you can dodge by rolling or jumping with your backpack. The aliens will come in waves. When one of them stops, you can rest and prepare for the next attack.

The last wave will consist of a heavily armed enemy. He is able to take down your shield and health in the blink of an eye, so you should attack him carefully, being behind a reliable cover. When the battle is over, a cutscene will start.

Enemies have retreated, and communication has been established. The main characters immediately contact SAM, who gives them the opportunity to talk to Alec. You will learn that the Pathfinder is trapped. Now your main goal is to find him and save him. Head east to the next key point marked on the mini-map. Kill a couple more aliens, and then watch a new cut-scene.

Alec will inform you that you need to destroy the huge alien tower, otherwise the Hyperion will not be able to leave its current location. For this reason, the Pathfinder blows up the structure and lightning begins to strike all over the area. Now you should follow your father, eliminating all opponents in your path.

After you will be shown several screensavers, from which you will understand that from now on your hero is the Pathfinder, and not Alec.

Reunion with the Nexus

Head to the monorail and start it up. Talk to a member of the construction team. Watch a short cutscene and then chat with Tann and a few other key Nexus characters. When you finish the dialogue with the first of them, SAM will get in touch. There will be an additional quest for the development of the station.

From scratch

When a new mission appears, go to the monorail and get to the Hyperion. Talk to the AI ​​in the right room, and then go back to the transport system. Locate the docking bay point on the monorail map and click on it. Finally, you will be shown spaceship called "The Storm".

Participate in a few more dialogues, and then head to the bridge of the ship to continue the task. Set the route point - the planet Eos (Pytheas system). Land on a new world.

Go to the indicated marker. The door will be locked. You will need an access code lying in a building nearby. Enter it and examine the data block on the table.

Note: remember that it is worth activating the scanner from time to time to examine various objects. So you will significantly reduce the time for researching new technologies. You should also check each container for the presence of useful things in them.

Return to the locked door and open it. Next, you will again have to face a closed door that does not open due to a lack of power. Turn right and use the console in the back room. There you will be able to find out where the power antenna is located.

Follow the marker and get to the tower next to the Tempest. Go to the back door and click on the console. Ask Clancy to activate the power supply. Go to the generator located near the front door and try to activate it. You won't succeed. Scan the adjacent turret, jump up and interact with the generator panel.

Now you should activate another energy tower. To do this, repeat the previous steps. Then deal with the kett that attacked you and make your way to the station, where you will find Clancy. Chat with him. You can sell him the entire temple you have collected along the way and purchase useful resources needed for crafting things. You should not take the assault rifle Hoe, as you can find it a little later in the same building (it is in the container). Interact with the control panel to activate the power supply.

From the starship, head towards Object-1, where you previously opened the door using the access code. On the way to it on the right, find a large rectangular container. Scan it for information on the Ark rover. Interact with the side terminal. You will need a mobile station. Follow the marker and wait until she appears. You can change your equipment and replenish ammunition. Go to the terminal again, open the "box" and get into the transport.

Head to the marker. Having reached the object you need, explore the area using the scanner and examine the alien device to find the first glyph. At the top, you will notice a checkpoint located on a tower. Next to her are scaffolding. Thanks to them, you can climb up and check the glyph by starting the alien device again.

Talk to Peebee, and then engage in battle with relics - Monoliths, Collectors. Get back into the Nomad and head to the other checkpoints - alien devices that need to be turned on. Near the first of them is built a scientific laboratory belonging to the kett. Climb up and destroy all enemies.

On the way to the goal, use the generator to cut down the force barriers. The entrance to the station will be closed by the generator. Climb onto the roof and get to another entrance. There you will find the required object. Deactivate it and enter the building. Watch a short cut-scene and watch Drac appear.

Head towards the alien equipment. You need to find the glyphs. Activate the scanner to see the yellow outlines showing where the glyph turrets are. Climb up on them and scan the desired objects. Apply device.

Now it's time to head to the next alien technology. You should pass through the arch in the rock, go upstairs and destroy all the relics. Now find the glyphs with the scanner. Having found the necessary towers, go to the control panels of the remnants. Turn them on to have steps that you can use to get to the glyphs. Scan objects, and then turn on the device. You have to solve a simple puzzle to start the device. The answer is shown in the picture below:

Go to the central area of ​​the location, which is directed by the rays from the towers. Use the control panel of the relics and drive to the structure. Head down and then enter the building. Use the console and then follow the yellow outline that appears. Talk to the AI ​​and go through the door. Start another cutscene.

Follow the contour without stopping for nothing and destroying all opponents along the way. After chatting with Peebee, go to the nearest corridor - as a result, you find yourself in a spacious hall. Outlines will show on two devices. New enemies await you ahead. We advise you to first turn on the control panel of the relics on the right side, and only then attack the robots, since in this case the turret will be activated, which will help you destroy the cans. Then launch the second console and use the gravity well.

Once at the bottom, reach the locked door. Head to the panel opposite - you will notice a leak. Explore it until Peebee approaches you. Again interact with the hole to seal it up. Activate the console and go to the new room.

Here you will find several separate platforms with relic control panels. Turn on each of them in order to go further. After reaching the left platform where the relics are located, activate the far panel, and then get to the platform with the tree. Follow the marker by jumping on the platforms that appear. As a result, you will have to open the required door.

Go to desired point and watch the cutscene. Then you need to quickly get out of the vault - run to the marker. Drive to the highlighted point and turn on the module.

An important decision: you will need to choose which outpost to create - military or scientific. The first is aimed at improving weapons, and the second is aimed at accelerating research.

Board the ship and fly out of the system. Head to the Nexus and drop off at the docking bay. Some characters will thank you or scold you for your chosen outpost. Get on the monorail and get to the command compartment. Chat with Tann there to complete the mission.

OPA: cryostasis bonus system

Kind of a learning quest. You should talk to Vladimir and Addison Breka, and then activate the control panel of the OPA. You will learn how and why you need to wake up new members of the Andromeda initiative, as well as consider bonuses from certain categories of specialists. Next, you will need to choose who exactly to get from the cryocapsules this time.

First hit

Being on your spaceship, go down and look for a computer system on a round table with the inscription "Shock groups". Then it's worth talking to Kandros while visiting the Nexus. After talking to him, use the console nearby and explore the possibilities of sending shock troops to complete various missions.

Ray of hope

After that, a new story quest starts. You should return to your starship and head to the Onaon system. Watch a couple of cut-scenes and chat with all the active characters. You will also meet your new Angaran ally.

Then go up to the bridge of the ship and select a new task (go to Voeld or Havarl). This will need to be done to complete the Ray of Hope mission.

Help scientists Havarl

Point to a new star system called Faroang and land on the planet Havarl by holding down the right mouse button and selecting a landing site.

Go to the research station and talk to Kiiran Dals. Keep following the marker and take out all the enemies. Enter the monolith, deal with the relics and look for the researchers who were captured. Try interacting with the control panel, but you don't have enough information to do so - you need to find the glyphs. However, if you have a special set, then the console can be opened without solving the puzzle.

The first glyph is located on the right side of the building, and the second is on the left side on a large pillar. To recognize them, it is worth using a scanner. Solve the puzzle on the alien control panel. The solution to the puzzle looks like this:

Now it's worth returning to Kiiran and talking with another NPC, which is marked by a plot marker on the map. As a result, you will complete the task.

Ray of Hope (continued)

Board the Tempest again and engage in dialogue with Ephra using the vidcon. Head to the Nol system and land on the planet Voeld, which you could have landed on instead of Havarl.

Once in place, go forward until you reach a camp belonging to members of the resistance. Large lamps will keep you warm and restore life support, so don't stay away from these devices for long. Go to the hangar ahead, then turn left (you don't have to look at the marker, as it does not show the exact location of the target). This is the command center you should have entered. View the new splash screen.

Follow the marker and exit the camp. You will notice a couple of sentries standing near the rock. Chat with them. Then head to the outskirts of the base - in the direction where you came from earlier. Here you will be able to find a resistance pilot. Enter into a dialogue with him and agree to start the mission.

The main character will be in front of a force field. Walk towards it and then turn right. At the bottom you will see the console. Activate it to start hacking. If this process is delayed, a marker will appear in the required place.

Make your way through the energy shield, deal with two opponents and go upstairs. Approach the passage and destroy the grate. Go inside and deal with all enemies. On the lower level, chat with Captain Hecht. Next, get to the top floor and open the door towards the marker.

Once in the new hall, destroy all adversaries and stand near the glass. Interact with the remote. You will be shown several kett and a Cardinal performing some kind of ritual. Agree to assist in the conversation with Jaal.

Go through the nearest door and follow the marker. As a result, you will find yourself near an inactive door. You should go back a little and turn left, running through the force field located below. Destroy all opponents on your way, and then make a jump over a small obstacle. Shoot the grate and go through the passage.

Scan all interesting objects in the room and interact with the control panel located in the center of the room. You will be able to find out where the capsules are sent. Destroy all enemies, and then chat with the Angaran.

Walk forward until you reach a large hall where you will have to fight the Cardinal and the kett. First, deal with standard opponents, remembering to replenish your health and ammo using boxes located in the area. To destroy the Cardinal, you should first attack his sphere revolving around him. When it is blown up, you can shoot at the Cardinal himself. It will not work to send him to the next world at once, and therefore get ready to blow up the sphere 3-4 times.

Then talk to Moshae and make a choice: destroy the base or save the hangar. However, you can do two things at once. To do this, you must first provide assistance to the hangar, and then click on the right mouse button when it becomes possible to deal with the Cardinal.

Next, clean up the site. Go forward, destroying all adversaries. Hide under the force field that Moshae will create for you. Once at the other end, wait for the appearance of new enemies, among which there will be a terrible Demon. It is not necessary to kill everyone, as the enemies will attack you in endless waves - you just need to hold out until the shuttle arrives. As soon as he arrives, run to him to complete the task.

While on the ship, climb the bridge and head to the planet Ayu (Onaon system). Use the shuttle and view the splash screen. Now it's worth going to Ephra's headquarters and chatting with him. This will end the quest.

Hunt for the Archon

Return to the ship and fly to the Govorkam system. You will need to land on the planet Kadara. Then head to the bar called Kralla's Song and follow the marker. Chat with Shena (Reyes Vidal), exit the establishment and go to Sloan Cassie.

During a conversation with her, you should speak directly and without evasions. If you need her help (in the last mission she will help you in battle), then you will have to agree to kill Ven, and it is she who should send him to the next world. In case of refusal, you have to come to Shena with nothing.

Since we are knights without fear or reproach, we advise you to choose the second path, not agreeing to Sloan's terms. Then you will need to chat with Reyes again, and then follow the marker and use 2 control panels to get into the cell where Wen is being held. Enter into a dialogue with him and find out where the switch is located. Now you should go to the wasteland.

Follow the marker and interact with the control panel. Click on the first line, that is, go to the slums. Select companions, get into the "Nomad" and get to the right place. The road is long, but in the end you only have to take the Archon's transmitter. Return back and use the same terminal to head straight to your ship. Travel to the Tafeno system and fly to the Archon's flagship. There you will see one of the starships "Initiative" - ​​carry out docking with the ship.

Step forward a little and look at the information on the panel. Turn right and go through the door leading to the medical ward. Examine the two bodies belonging to the salarian race and lying on the bunks. On the left side of them is the console - use it. Then go to the opposite side of the room and activate the second control panel.

You will need to get to the capsules. Follow the marker, but do not rush to enter the room with the main information panel. Near the door that leads into it, on the left and right sides, you can see capsules hanging on the walls. Scan them for a Salarian Pathfinder. Then bring him out of cryosleep using the nearest console.

View the cutscene and deal with all the enemies in the first room. Using the control panel and terminal, open a passage for a group of salarians. Follow the other path and deal with opponents in a large room. After talking with the scientist, you will find yourself in another spacious hall.

You need to get to the door on the opposite side of the room. It will be quite difficult to do this, since a large number of adversaries will immediately attack you. Hide in the shelters next to the door and try to survive until the salarians arrive to your aid. However, with the Outcast, you still have to fight alone. The tactics of fighting with him are the same as with the Cardinal - destroy the spheres, and then beat the boss himself, and so on until the bitter end.

Run forward and you will end up in a trap. Watch the cutscene and talk to the Archon. Then you will need to get out of the trap. Head to the side room, where stands with representatives of various races are located - in front of them there is a console that controls the service hatch. Use it to open the hatch at the top of the main hall. Follow the marker.

Deal with several groups of enemies, and then go to the chambers of the Archon. Here you will be able to find a relic. Take it and watch another cut-scene. Then you will be attacked by a modified krogan named "Behemoth". Hit him with all the guns, trying not to let the monster get too close to you.

When the boss has about half of his life left, ordinary opponents will come to his aid. We advise you to deal with the kett first, and only then take on the Behemoth again, since at some point it can become invulnerable. At the end of the battle, the boss will begin to use dashes that deal high damage and stun the character. It is necessary to dodge these attacks using a flying pack or rolls.

After the battle is over, you have to decide who to save - Salarian Pathfinder or Drak's reconnaissance squad. The trailblazer plays a role in the story, but the scouts are your companion's comrades, so the choice is entirely up to you. Let's just say that the death of the salarian will not greatly affect the ending.

Get to the characters you decide to save, destroying all opponents in your path, and then leave the hostile territory. Mission completed successfully.

H-047c: new world

Pack your bags and fly to the Remave system, then select the planet H-047c on the map, or rather what is left of it. Head to the question mark on the left side of the map and enter the orange mining dome. Destroy all opponents, and then go inside the hall. Examine the data block to start the next task.

from the ashes

Inside you will be able to find one of the codes, but you need to find two more of the same. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a sweep in two more such halls and find all the necessary elements of the code. Then you can go to your base. Deal with enemies and find out about the place where helium-3 is mined. You can get into a small dome only if you have all three parts of the code.

How to get on the ship from the Nomad?

To return to your spaceship from an all-terrain vehicle, you should approach it, and then press the "T" (English) key. You won’t be able to get on the shuttle otherwise, since the level of radiation on the surface of the planet goes off scale.

Elaaden: the new world

Land on the planet Elaaden (Zobran system), where only side quests await you, since the main quest has already been completed. That is, you just need to visit this world once.

Path to Meridian

Return to the main story quest by flying into the Zheng He system and docking with the Nexus. Approach the monorail and select your destination - the command center. Here you have to talk with Tann. Next, return to the docking area.

Go to the upper level in the indicated room and talk to the other Pathfinders. Return to the Tempest and follow the marker. Use the terminal to install the Ghost Storm system, then gather your crew to discuss the situation. Now go to the bridge and point to the Tsivki system. You need to land on the planet Hi Taseera.

Move forward until you reach the control panel on the right side. Then go down to the lower level and cross the bridge. Behind the door you will have to use another console and a gravity well. Deal with several enemies, including Relics and Ketts, and then activate the remotes on both towers. First, head to the research tower (on the left side). After a few meters, you will have to fight a group of Relics. There is also a console that controls the Creator (a large robot) - use it so that the machine will help you in the battle.

Go to the research tower and get to the control panel. To activate it, it is necessary to supply the equipment with electricity. You should notice four more consoles nearby: you should activate them in the correct order. Each of your mistakes will lead to the appearance of hostile Relics.

Standing near the main control panel and facing the door through which you entered the room, turn on the four consoles in the following order: closest to the main one (on the right side), opposite it (on the left side), farthest on the right side, and farthest from left side. Then interact with the main panel and watch the cutscene.

Relics will attack you, and in addition to standard models, the Destroyer will also appear. We advise you to deal with ordinary opponents first, and only then take on the “big guy”. It has three points to fire on: the main body and turrets on the sides. Surely you have already guessed that you first need to blow up the turrets, and then shoot at the torso. He has very strong armor and from time to time carries out a powerful attack (opens his "mouth" and shoots several missiles). With the special attack of the boss, it is worth hiding behind cover. You should also run away from the Relic as far as possible when his life bar reaches zero, because when he dies, he will self-destruct.

After defeating the Destroyer, exit the hall and destroy a couple more enemies. On the way to the science complex, you will encounter kett. Deal with them and go to the desired console. Interact with her in order to find information about the appearance of the hangar and the possibilities of Meridian.

Follow the marker, destroying everyone in your path. Note that on the bridge you have to deal with the Demon and several ordinary enemies, and a little further you will have to fight the Destroyer. However, you can wait a bit and watch the fight between two big guys, and then kill the survivor.

After going through several rooms, you will be able to get to the gravity well. Use it to get to Meridian's control center. Here you have to use the terminal, and then watch the splash screen. Next, the battle with the Sword of the Archon and the kett will begin. Immediately attack the boss, and only then deal with his henchmen. Defending is easier on the upper level: order the satellites to protect the right and left flanks.

When activating invisibility with the Archon Sword, it can be seen using the scanner (click on the "G" key). Your job will become a little more difficult when the Demon appears, but if you do not climb to the front line, then you can easily deal with both enemies.

Meridian: way home

Enter into a dialogue with Suvi while on board the ship, and then start exploring any three systems that were noted earlier. When moving into the cluster, you will hear a message about a girl who will inform you that an anomaly has been found. Press the right mouse button and start moving the cursor towards the signal. After finding a strange object, interact with it by sending a probe to study it.

As a result, you will explore 3 anomalies. Examine the data obtained, and then fly to the planet Khi Taseera (Tsivki system). Confirm your decision. Don't worry, side quests can be completed after completing the main storyline (however, some of them may still be lost).

Get to the control panel, having dealt with the robots, and activate it. When the cutscene ends, you will be given control of the protagonist's twin. Take the cannon from the closet and follow the marker, destroying all the enemies you meet. Once in the corridor where larger opponents live, go immediately to the left door. Go through another corridor and use the terminal, thereby helping the protagonist.

Go back to the gravity well and use the door. Keep moving forward until the Archon himself appears before you.

Final battle

To destroy the last boss, it is worth cutting down the panels that feed it with energy. Go to the control points, near which you will have to stand a little to fill the scale located in the upper corner of the screen. Here you just need to fight off opponents.

The archon will start hitting you with energy blasts that can penetrate cover, so you have to constantly move from place to place. After turning off all the panels, the Archon will lose his power. Watch the long cutscene and celebrate the victory.

Epilogue: Home and Away

Speak with your comrades in arms and crew, then return to The Tempest and continue exploring the galaxy. It's also worth heading to the Nexus to make some more decisions and chat with a few story characters. Don't forget to check out our ending guide to find out which solutions are the best.

This completes the Mass Effect: Andromeda walkthrough. The main story may seem short, but secondary tasks complement it nicely.

Mass Effect: Andromeda. Passage.

You will have to spend a lot of time on the new part of Mass Effect (about 60 hours), and you need to be ready for this. There are much more adventures, the world is freer, decisions still influence the further development of events. If so, then it’s not shameful to ask what is in the game and what it affects in order to prevent stupid mistakes or miss something important. So, here's the walkthrough of the main story.

Mass Effect classes

Everything starts in best traditions Mass Effect - hero creations. We decide on the gender of the character, how it will look, its preparation. We give him a name and a biography. The choice of gender is classic (male/female), the view can be selected from templates or customized by yourself, and preparation is the same class. By the way, I would like to write about it in more detail.

We are given a choice:

Biotic is a standard wizard with defense and attack spells. There are six of them (three of each type). Want more game skill testing? It seems that any fool can shoot? Then this preparation is for you. With the ability of the biotic shield, it becomes possible to stay in the open for a long time without fear of being killed.

A soldier is an ordinary fighter, a lover of war. Of the skills - three basic and all for weapons. This preparation is perfect for players who do not want to bother too much. Those who want to go further in the story without unnecessary troubles will definitely appreciate this option. He can carry a lot of weapons with him.

Leader - shares a role with the engineer, but more of an aggressor. Such leadership abilities as "absorption of energy" and "extermination" allow you to show yourself from a militant side.

Engineer - more suitable for those who like to help. For it, you can break equipment and create drones. The task of an engineer is technical support. It may not seem so tempting, compared to the others, but if you try, then he can "play" too.

Bully - furious preparation. Will appeal to those who like to scatter enemies to the right and left. With this class of players, a quick death awaits, but a beautiful one. The class is strictly for lovers of bloody follies.

An operative is a silent death. We sneak up on the enemy, sabotage and win. If this is for you, then feel free to choose. It’s worth mentioning right away that at difficulty levels below “hard”, all these sneaks are not needed, since the enemies are too weak.

Attention: preparation in no way limits the development of your character. It only outlines the approximate framework for development, since in Mass Effect: Andromeda your skills are not tied to a class.


Our ark has finally reached its destination. You have just recovered from cryosleep, and life is already seething around. Specially trained personnel are engaged in awakening. Preparations for the arrival are in full swing. First, let's define personality. We talk with Dr. Lexi T'Perro. You can choose both casual and professional. Further, again, the dialogue is only with artificial intelligence, whose name is SAM.

So, all the necessary checks are passed, but it's still not right. The ark collides with an unidentified object. Panic on the ship. It would seem that Cora Harper manages to restore gravity, but the ship is so damaged that too many systems have been disabled.

Finally, Ryder is under your control. It's time to choose: are you and Dr. T'Perro dealing with the twins, or are you leaving the room? See the information panel - there is information about the mission to Andromeda. If you climb near the beds, you can find a couple of datapads. We are in the bay. We can chat with someone there, or we can go straight to Kora. She is near the door.

Block explosion! We take out the scanner and scan the first part of the device. That's how we find the problem. On the side of the device, turn off the power and go on. By the way, congratulations, you just saved everyone who was in the bay. We head for the bark to the transport. The ship is in a terrible state, it is being restored by the sweat of its brow. As soon as we are ready, we get on the tram and forward to a new location.

A couple of minutes later, you find an argument scene between Captain Dan and Alec Ryder. So who are you for? Once you choose, each

a team member will say something about your decision. Whom you choose is not so important, since Alex will still swear.

And now Hyperion is finally at the heavenly place. It's called "Dwelling 7". Of course, there is something wrong with her. Otherwise it wouldn't be interesting. After some deliberation, the team comes to the decision that a "pioneer" is needed, who, taking his room, would go to the planet to determine the level of landing safety.

We run into the room with the equipment. Cora is waiting for us there. We talk to her about the family. We pick up the helmet, look for everything useful and important. There are several datapads and objects to interact with in the room. Once everything is done, we go out the door. Further conversation with Alec. He will try to support you. We sit down with other team members in the apparatus and fly into a brave new world. Let's say upfront that talking to different characters and pulling different objects can affect how the story progresses, so think about what you're doing.

New world

We fall out of the shuttle. Liam finds himself with Ryder in an unknown location. Here we are waiting for a lot of mysteries. Do not forget to inspect everything, scan. This way you will get a lot of research points. After you turn away from the cliff, a QEC comms relay will show up. Let's start our research with him. Do not forget about plants, they can also tell you a lot.

Walk along the wreckage to the goal, to the very static field. It will be possible to bypass it with the help of a jetpack. Next, we use a gun, since Liam is interested in him and hints that it would be nice to shoot through the fuel tank. Before blowing it up, you can use the scanner. After the explosion, a passage will appear. We go along it and collect ammunition.

The plot brings Ryder closer to Liam. Learn to climb ledges and jump walls. We climb higher, admire the landscapes and find something radiating energy in the distance. Then another choice, as Fisher appears with an unknown race. What will you do? Will you follow protocol or expect the worst? Regardless of the choice, we chat with aliens. We observe an attack on Fisher, if the soldiers were not lured to themselves. Dealing with enemies. Checking out Fischer.

Fisher turns out to be alive, but not very healthy. Those who were with him went for help. Let's start looking for them. A couple more side tasks are attached: body scanning, searching for supplies. It is highly recommended not to miss the containers, because they can become your main source of ammunition and weapons. In addition, there is often material for creating useful items and just the right things.

Again we make a choice, only this time between paths. The right path will take you to the "pioneer" member. His name is Kirkland. He is in captivity. We attack enemies. Our new friend is dying. We approach the body and enjoy a small video. The path by the building will lead you to scan a door and a strange pillar with unstable blocks.

We run to the main path. We go along the scorched foliage mixed with the details of the ship. Be sure to keep scanning everything that comes to hand, as this is an excellent source of research points. At the end of the road, you will see an atmosphere sensor. Such a gift of fate will give you information about the planet. Without a doubt we interact with him. We run further. Enemies again, but that's okay. There are only three of them, so they still do not suspect that you are nearby. We easily deal with them, find a large hole and look for a box. There will be items to scan nearby.

So, all opponents are killed. We again have several paths to choose from. It's good that they all definitely lead to the wreckage. We examine the wreckage and find the container. It has a bunch of useful gizmos, ammunition and a recorder. A little to the north you will run into an ambush, so be prepared! In it, four aliens will be waiting for you, and a couple of creatures that can skillfully hide.

Let's go for Greer. We run under a large bridge, right next to the alien building. We see rocks. We move forward, but carefully monitor the left side, as there should be a small passage. He will lead you to the cave. Here is our unfortunate Greer, talking to the aliens and still can not understand what they need from him. We break into the cave. We quickly process the aliens, while they did not have time to explain anything to the poor fellow. Once everything is over, Greer will talk about the broken transmitter. Because of him, he was never able to contact the others.

We see that a signal was launched somewhere. Of course we run there. As we approach, we hear a call for help. Cora sends him. We accept a new task - we begin the search for the second shuttle. On the way to it there will be many obstacles, so do not forget about the jetpack. It can save you time.

At the shuttle, we will again have to defend our own from the aliens. It is best to do this among comrades. Shooting enemies one at a time is recommended. Grenades will fly at you, so do not lose face and use rolls and a satchel. The battle is expected to be quite intense, but between the waves of enemies you will be able to take a break and prepare.

By the end will come heavily armed machine. The enemy can very quickly remove the shield from you and also quickly all your health. We are not in a hurry to attack, we think everything will work out for you. Be sure to use cover. As soon as victory comes, watch the video.

Finally, the adversaries depart, communication is being established. We go out to SAM, the latter leads us to Alec. It turns out that the "Pioneer" is trapped. The task is clear - we find it and save it to the best of our ability. Direction is east. There is the desired location, indicated on the map. We spread more aliens and watch the scene.

We listen to Alec, and he broadcasts about the need to destroy the tower, which definitely does not allow newcomers to fly away. Therefore, the structure explodes, which leads to a colorful, but dangerous release of lightning discharges. We hold on to our father, while simultaneously fighting off enemies.

Again, we watch the scenes that tell about your becoming a "pioneer". Alec is no longer at the helm.

Back with the Nexus

Launching the monorail. We speak with the builder, which leads to the launch of the scene. We head to Tann, we speak with him and with several other characters. Upon completion of the dialogue with one of them, tasks for researching the station will appear.

We start everything from the beginning

Attention: in our opinion, Vetra will show herself better among partners, as she will assist in relations with Drak.

On the road again. A new mission will direct you to the monorail. We're going to Hyperion. We communicate with artificial intelligence and again to transport.

We open the map of the monorail and look for the point of the docking compartment. Click on it. Meet! You will be shown the "Storm" - this is your spaceship.

We need to go to the icon on the map. Doors do not work - need a code. He lies in a building that is not far from here. It has a data block. Lies on the table.

Attention: in no case do not forget to turn on the scanner! This helps a lot in saving scanning time. Containers shouldn't be skipped either. Nothing gets in the way.

We open the locked door, and again we run into an obstacle. Again the door, only it no longer works due to lack of power. We run into the far room a little to the right and use the console. Determine the location of the power antenna.

The marker will lead you to the tower. It is located near your ship. Clancy activates the power supply at your request. We run to the generator and try to start electricity. The generator is next to front door. Nothing will come of it, so we scan the tower nearby. Then jump up and dig into the generator panel.

Another energy tower requires activation. We do the same steps as with the first one. You will be attacked. Once you figure it out, run to the station to Clancy. He is a merchant, so take advantage of the moment and sell everything you don't need. You can also buy what you need, by the way. If the Hoe rifle attracts attention, then do not take it, as you will find it in the container a little later. Again we work with the control panel. We provide food again.

After we go to Object-1. It is located at the door that you opened with the access code. Next to the door, scan the huge container and get data on the Ark. We use the terminal on the side. We run on the map to the destination. You need to get to the mobile station, which will soon appear in the objectives. You can change clothes a little, load your weapons. When finished, go to the terminal, open the container and go.

Again to the goal. We reach the right place, we are engaged in the study of the area with a scanner. We examine the devices of aliens until we find the glyph. A little higher you can find a control point on the tower. She has scaffolding. We climb on them to the glyph and start the device.

Next comes a conversation with Peebee. We are preparing for battle, as Monoliths and Collectors will attack. We sit down again in the "Nomad", we go to the marked places. There we turn off alien devices. Next to the first one you will find a laboratory. It belongs to the Kets. We go upstairs and kill everyone.

On the way we turn off the barriers - on the way we use the generator. You won't be able to enter the station because the entrance is closed. The roof will help with this. We climb onto it and find another entrance. We find what we need. We turn off and get into the building. Here we are waiting for a video about the appearance of Drak.

Now our goal is alien equipment. Looking for glyphs. Activate the scanner. Thanks to this, we see the location of the towers with glyphs. We climb the towers, scan the necessary. We use the device.

Next on the plan is another technology from other worlds. We use the opening in the rock in order to get to the relics. We destroy them. We are looking for glyphs with a scanner. Once everything is found, we go to the Remnant control panel. With the help of it, we create steps along which we go to the glyphs. We scan, turn on the device. To turn it on, you need to solve a puzzle. This is not difficult.

Now we are interested in the place where the rays are directed. We use the control panel of aliens and go to the structure. We move to the building down. We go into it. Before us will be the console, which we will activate. We follow the contour and talk with artificial intelligence. Enjoy the cutscene.

We do not change the orientation and follow all the same. Don't focus too much on the little things. We do not lag behind and shoot enemies along the way. Chatting with Peebee. Then we go into the spacious hall through the corridor nearby. A couple of devices will be allocated for us. Then again the opponents. It is best to launch the relic control panel, which is located on the right side, before attacking the robots. So you can launch a weapon that can help you in a difficult fight. We launch console number two. We use a gravity well.

Once you're downstairs, find the closed door. If you find the panel opposite, then a leak will be found along with it. We are doing research and waiting for Peebee. close up the hole, activate the console. Here we have moved on.

The place is interesting. We see some separate platforms with relic control panels. If you click on each of them, you will advance further. Activate the furthest panel. First, go to the left platform, to the relics. There you will find a panel. Then go to the trees to the trees. We run to the mark, parallel jumping on the platforms. This will open the correct door.

We run to the goal, watch the video. Now we urgently run away from the storage to the target that has appeared. Again we go to the goal, turn on the module.

Solution: Think about which outpost you like better - scientific or military. Both have their pluses. The first speeds up research, and the second pumps your weapons.

We go on board the ship and fly away from the system. We land in the docking bay in the Nexus. Your choice of outpost will affect the opinions of the characters about you. Someone will thank you, and someone will scold you. We get to the command compartment on the monorail. There was a conversation with Thane, and the mission was completed.

Choose who to wake up. OPA.

Teaching task. We speak with Addison Brack and at the same time with Vladimir. Next, we start the OPA. This is how we get knowledge about cryonic sleepers. We learn how to select the right specialists. Once you learn and decide, start awakening those you need.

Start of strike missions

Once on the ship, find the "strike groups" digital system. She lies on a round table. We speak with Kandras in the Nexus. After the conversation, we learn how to manage shock troops. You can do this using the console. Shock troops are capable of performing certain missions.

Ray of hope

Let's move on to the next task. I'm going to the starship. It will fly to Onaon. We watch regular videos, we talk with all the heroes that are available. Here you will also meet the Angara race - your new brothers in arms.

On the captain's bridge, we make a choice of tasks. Two options will be given. We choose and that's it - the mission "Ray of Hope" is completed.

Havarl. Helping scientists

So, we go to the Pharaong system, namely to Havarl. Everything is extremely simple - select the desired place with the mouse, click and go!

We communicate with Kiiran Dals. It can be found at the science station nearby. We run to the goal, dealing with all the enemies along the way. We find ourselves in a monolith, scatter enemies. Now our goal is to find scientists. They were taken prisoner. We are trying to interact with the panel, but nothing happens - there is not enough information. We need glyphs again. A properly pumped character will be able to hack this panel. Others will still have to solve the puzzle.

On the right side of the building is the first glyph. On the left side is the second glyph, right on the large pillar. We recognize them, as expected, using a scanner. We solve vile tasks of aliens. Not difficult. Get it right.

We return to Kiiran. We speak with the character marked on the map and complete the mission.

Full and detailed description of the first mission "On the Surface" in the game Mass Effect: Andromeda - the first enemies, the use of weapons, additional objectives and new weapons

  • Walkthrough Mass Effect Andromeda: Prologue "Hyperion"
  • Walkthrough Mass Effect Andromeda: "On the Surface"
  • Passage of Mass Effect Andromeda: "From a clean slate"
  • Walkthrough Mass Effect Andromeda: "Ray of Hope"
  • Walkthrough Mass Effect Andromeda: "The Hunt for the Archon"
  • Walkthrough Mass Effect Andromeda: "The Path to Meridian"
  • Mass Effect Andromeda Walkthrough: Meridian Way Home and Final Boss

Video walkthrough

Walkthrough Mass Effect Andromeda (Part 2)

On the surface

After a long cut-scene, follow the marker. Run through the field with electric discharges. Immediately at the exit of the cave on the left is a fuel cell. If you wish, you can complete an additional task and shoot at her.

Climb up to the ledge and watch the cut-scene. Get closer to the aliens and then kill them.

The cut-scene will end. The first additional task will appear with a marker - an orange outline. You need to use the scanner on the corpse of an alien, and then empty the box nearby.

Follow the marker, kill three more enemies and examine Kirkland. Pick up the M-8 Avenger assault rifle. Use the wheel to change weapons.

At the fork, go left, kill the four-legged monster and get to the next part of the shuttle. Search the container and deal with the enemies. Follow the marker and look into the unknown ruins on the left.

They will turn out to be a complex of strangers. After the second marker on the right will be closed door. Go to the far left and look for an alien device at the top. This is a generator. Turn on the light and return to the door. Go through and kill the robot. Scan everything you see. Enemies will be waiting for you at the exit.

Next, you will reach the source of flares. Just destroy all opponents. There will also be a second shuttle. Optionally, pick up a new "Charger" pistol from the container near the shuttle. Fight off another enemy attack and watch the cut-scene.

Follow the marker to find the Pathfinder. Avoid green toxic puddles, move along the walls to hide from lightning bolts. Climb up and talk to Ryder Senior.

Follow him, killing the enemies. Along the way, you will find another killed partner (additional objective). Upstairs, you will need to wait while Ryder Sr. breaks open the door to the tower. Give orders to your companions to defend the flanks. You can send them together, or you can send them separately. Hold out until Ryder is ready to move on. To complete an additional quest, you need to send Cora and Liam separately to two flanks (marked with markers).

The scale in the upper right corner will gradually fill up. It indicates how much time you have left to fight off enemies. After approach Ryder, then - to the door. Watch the cut-scene.

A new BioWare project has brought an entire galaxy to explore, but to be ready to take on the duties of a trailblazer, check out our single player guide.

Despite the fact that the game did not live up to the expectations of ordinary gamers in many ways, thousands, tens of thousands of people still play it. Not even the highest quality animation and sometimes boring gameplay could not push the high-profile title, entitled the cult plate "Mass Effect".

So if you're about to sign up for the next Arkship heading towards the Andromeda galaxy, you'll certainly benefit from knowing what you'll encounter in this place, alien to humans and other Alliance races.

Forget about the side content on the planet Eos (for the time being)

From the very beginning, the planet Eos meets the player with a very radioactive environment: movement is possible only in relatively small spaces, and going beyond them quickly kills the character and his entire team. Therefore, if you do not want to spoil your impression of exploring the second planet in the game, then leave it as soon as you complete the main task of cleaning the atmosphere.

Do not be afraid that you will miss something: all interesting places will remain safe and sound and will be waiting for your return.

After completing the main mission, fly away from the planet and continue to follow the main story, and after a while, visit Eos again. Thanks to your actions, this planet is no longer trying to kill you. At least not as much as before. You can easily explore the entire location without radiation damage, and the game will no longer repel the strange decisions of the development team.

Take your time with research and crafting

If you're playing on Normal difficulty, you won't need to research new technologies or craft equipment at all, but on higher difficulties, especially Madness, Mass Effect: Andromeda can be quite difficult.

But even in this case, do not rush to spend research points and valuable resources, because they are quite limited in the game, and therefore it is worth considering carefully how to use them effectively. For example, some types of armor give bonuses to biotic skills, and it will be useless for you if you are, say, a technician. Of course, no one bothers to create a hybrid class, but at first "spreading through the tree" is not recommended if high complexity is set.

This is especially true for the technologies of the Milky Way. Research in this branch is the most valuable in the game due to the small amount of points available. At the same time, many very good items are concentrated in this branch. For example, the N7 armor, familiar to many from the original Captain Shepard trilogy.

The situation is similar with crafting. Most of the gear that can be crafted is actually purchased from the in-game merchants without much difficulty and found in containers scattered here and there. What you should really focus on when crafting items is weapon upgrades, since it’s far from always possible to quickly find the necessary “gadgets” from the nearest merchant, because there are plenty of weapon types in Mass Effect: Andromeda.

Another reason not to waste resources on crafting starter items is that you'll be swapping them for late stages. And since the difficulties will begin precisely on them, it is worth saving resources to meet them in full combat readiness.

Don't Waste Skill Points

An important feature of the Mass Effect: Andromeda role-playing system is that a character can only use 3 active abilities in combat. In game menus, they are marked with "circles", while passive abilities are marked with "triangles".

Due to the limit of three active skills, you need to think very carefully about spending the skill points that the character gains by gaining levels. The best option is to develop three active skills from the same branch to the maximum. As a rule, skills of the same type (combat, technique, biotics) are better combined with each other, it is easier to achieve synergy with them and perform combo attacks.

Put the rest of your points into passive abilities. They act always and under any circumstances.

Of course, no one bothers to “pump in” more active skills for different combat situations. In the later stages, the profile system can be very helpful. But at first, try not to spend skill points on everything.

Use the profile system wisely

To some extent, this advice is a continuation of the previous one. In Mass Effect: Andromeda, the player can create combat profiles, each of which can have a different set of active skills. Switching between them allows you to change the character build on the fly and adapt to changes on the battlefield.

The game does not limit you in any way in the selection of skills for creating profiles, but this does not negate the fact that the game has effective builds and not so good ones. The most useful are those skills that allow you to carry out the so-called combo links, and they, in turn, are most easily done using skills from the same branch.

This means that it is most logical to make one profile for each archetype: soldier, technician and biotic. In each of them, collect three of the most developed abilities, and invest the rest in passive skills.

If you rushed and "scattered" skill points randomly and now you do not have enough points to create really effective profiles, then return to your ship, the Tempest, and use the special redistribution station. It is located on the lower level, in the medical bay.

Always try new weapons before discarding old ones.

Mass Effect: Andromeda features a very extensive arsenal of various weapons. There are almost all samples from the past parts, as well as completely new types of weapons.

Each "barrel" has a unique set of characteristics, as well as reload animations in battle. And here there is a very “subtle” moment: far from always the numbers make it possible to understand exactly how the weapon will behave in battle.

For example, the Hoe carbine has impressive single-shot damage, but due to its low rate of fire, it is not suitable for every player. The fact is that you can find out only in battle.

At the same time, it’s usually impossible to change equipment in the middle of a mission, and because of this, you can end up in a very delicate situation: after two minutes, a difficult fight with the “boss”, and you have a stick in your hands, which is powerful according to the data sheet, but not its deed just inconvenient to use in this situation.

To avoid such incidents, always try out new weapons before discarding old ones. Of course, habit decides a lot here, but even a weaker, but familiar weapon can be more useful than an untested novelty.

It is often better to dismantle unwanted items than to sell them.

As noted above, in Mass Effect: Andromeda, the amount of resources for crafting is limited, which is why you should take the creation of items seriously. This is partly why you should also consider whether to sell weapons or armor that you don't need.

Since the player spends most of the time in little-explored places where there is no sensible infrastructure, the conditional value of game money, credits, is much lower than in the previous parts of the series. Merchants are not seen very often, and constantly returning to the Nexus station does not make much sense: the local “bigwigs” have a meager assortment.

Therefore, it is often better to dismantle unwanted items than to sell them. It's much faster - just press a single button, and as a reward you will receive not useless loans, but valuable resources that are almost always needed.

By the way, you can disassemble not only weapons or armor, but also improvements for weapons. In the game, they are divided by efficiency into classes from 1 to 5, so if you have just changed the upgrade on your favorite weapon to the same, but better, then you can safely disassemble the old one - you will no longer need it.

In addition, dismantling items allows you to free up space in your inventory, which is limited to 50 slots. Don't forget about it!

Remember the weight of the weapon, it affects the cooldown of abilities

When you upgrade your character by adding the ability to carry more weapons (up to four types), take your time to arm yourself to the teeth, because the weight of equipment plays a very important role in Mass Effect: Andromeda.

The fact is that the recovery time of activated skills is proportional to the “loading” of the character. This is not about the number of items in the global inventory, but only about equipped weapons. Therefore, if your character deals most of the damage with the help of active abilities, then the advantage when taking 3 or 4 "guns" will greatly reduce the effectiveness.

That is why biotics are usually equipped with a single pistol or, at worst, a shotgun. They don't need assault rifles, or massive machine guns, or snipers, since they deal the main damage with biotic skills and their combo bundles.

Don't Forget About Melee Combat and Consumables

In Mass Effect: Andromeda, melee weapons are separated into a separate item that can be changed during the game. Thanks to this, after a while, your pioneer can become a real "butcher", armed with dangerous weapon close combat and picking up a special set of abilities.

At first, you will only have a basic omni-tool, which will hardly allow you to effectively deal with enemies at close range. However, do not ignore the possibility of upgrading or replacing these weapons. For example, the Biotic's special weapon is great with the right skills, and the Soldier and Guardian branches have upgrades that increase melee damage by up to 140%!

Don't forget about consumable items as well. These can be ammo boosters with various effects such as fire or freeze, shield restorers, ammo boxes, and even the devastating Cobra charge - the ultimate solution to any problems in battle.

Well, the most delicious thing: consumables do not affect your weight, which means they do not limit the speed of your ability rollback in any way.

Always try to have something to take down enemy shields

Of course, the shield is your best friend in Mass Effect: Andromeda, but it is not only friendly to you, but also to some opponents. And then knocking down shields can cause a lot of problems, because they “absorb” damage well and can gradually recover if the enemy takes cover and does not take damage for some time.

In addition to this, the shield (the blue bar above health) allows enemies to avoid the effects of many abilities. For example, Biotic Push will not move an enemy if they are under a shield. In addition, many abilities deal only a fraction of their nominal damage against shields.

To avoid having to remove shields from the same enemy multiple times, always keep something in your arsenal that allows you to remove them in a very short time, so that you can then finish off the enemy with your main weapon or with the help of an ability.

Some of the latter are just designed to take down shields. For example, "Overload" for a technician. It does a lot of damage to shields, but hits health or armor weakly.

If the character build does not have these abilities, you can think of something else. For example, use a rapid-fire weapon or use special "electric" cartridges by using the appropriate "consumable".

If you have not been able to kill the enemy while he is without a shield, then try to at least delay their recovery. Incendiary weapons work best for this, but any tool that does damage over time will do, even if it's minimal.

Penetrate armor properly

Shields are far from the only obstacle to the "carcass" of the enemy. Some types of enemies have armor, their health is colored in yellow. There are not many of them, but fights with them can also be difficult due to the fact that the armor perfectly absorbs normal damage.

Unlike shields, armor holds up well against rapid-fire weapons, so for effective combat against armored targets, it is best to use heavy weapons that rarely shoot, but accurately. These are shotguns sniper rifles and various grenade launchers.

Also, abilities that deal fire damage are very effective against armor. And if they were not at hand, then you can use incendiary and cryo-cartridges.

Combat is faster than ever

One of major changes Mass Effect: Andromeda's combat system is a markedly increased dynamic. The character moves faster, and can also jump and make lightning leaps in any direction. Enemies have also become much more maneuverable and can sometimes close the distance with you in a matter of seconds.

Old tactical schemes are outdated, and therefore you will have to learn anew, using new opportunities. Try to always be higher than your opponent, for this, jump on high places. Remember that enemies rarely spawn above you, so height will often be your salvation.

Each of the hostile factions received special units that attack exclusively in close combat. These are the “dogs” of the ketts and robbers, and small drones of the relics. They can cause a lot of problems, and in order not to be in an uncomfortable position, look around more often. If you see an enemy using melee, jump in the opposite direction from him.

Blinking can also be very useful when, in the heat of a firefight, your shields are taken down and your health starts to drain. In this case, you need to retreat as quickly as possible in order to wait out the danger and restore the shields. Jumps help a lot with this, and an experienced trailblazer will be able to use them to move to cover almost instantly.

Return to The Tempest after each major mission

This tip is unlikely to be useful for those who have played past games in the Mass Effect series, but not every newcomer knows that many of the dialogues with the characters are tied to the progress of the main plot.

Therefore, after completing the next story mission, do not be too lazy to return to your ship, the Tempest, and chat with the team members. They will surely tell you a lot of interesting things and maybe, if you are courteous enough, they will offer you to have an affair.

Also remember to occasionally return to the Nexus Station. Its inhabitants also periodically receive new dialogue remarks and side tasks.

Upgrade the Nomad transport and use it

Locations in Mass Effect: Andromeda are much larger than in, and it is far from always effective to explore them on foot. On the planet Eos you will find a garage, and in it - the transport "Nomad". With it, travel will become much faster and more fun.

By the way, "Nomad" has very useful features. Firstly, by clicking on the right mouse button, you will activate the increased grip mode, which, in turn, will increase the cross-country ability of vehicles several times. Secondly, the Nomad can accelerate by pressing the Shift key and even jump using the Spacebar.

If you like this all-terrain vehicle, then you can upgrade it by using the research center on the Tempest. Appropriate technologies can be obtained by talking to an engineer from the Angara race. It is located at the rebel base, which you will definitely visit during the passage of the main storyline.

Use shock troops and get free loot

Arriving at the Nexus, you will meet with a lot of characters, and have time to talk enough with them. One of them, a turian in charge of the station's security, will tell you about the shock squad system and give you access to the interface for managing them.

Shock squads can be sent on special missions. You cannot participate in them yourself, unless they are special APEX missions for online play. Tasks are divided by rank into bronze, silver and gold. The higher the rank, the more difficult it is for the squad to complete the task, and the time required for this increases.

As a reward for completing a task, the player receives special points with which to upgrade the squad. But more importantly, each completed task gives you several containers with free equipment.

These containers are the only way to get endless items, resources and game currency. Therefore, if you can not go further in the game, then you can do "farm" missions for shock troops. Sooner or later, you will get enough items to buff yourself and still get through a difficult section.