What to do if the stomach hardens during pregnancy. Hard belly during pregnancy: norm or pathology, and what to do about it

  • 02.07.2020

A tight, elastic and slightly soft belly is natural during pregnancy. Starting from 20, and sometimes from 35 or 36 weeks, it can harden a little, which is also a variant of the norm if this does not happen so often and painlessly. If the walls of the abdominal cavity become stony, the woman feels discomfort in the lower back when walking, in a sitting position or lying down, and additional symptoms appear, and one cannot do without the help of doctors.

Causes of abdominal hardness in early and late pregnancy

During pregnancy, this often happens due to uterine hypertonicity. A similar symptom indicates violations in the female body that cannot be ignored.

Increased uterine tone is a spontaneous contraction of the genital organs, often occurring at 35-36 weeks of gestation, that is, about a month before childbirth. Much less often this phenomenon is observed in women a few weeks after conception.

The reasons for the increased tone of the uterus can be:

  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • malfunctions of the immune system;
  • somatic diseases;
  • previous surgeries, such as abortion;
  • maternal anxiety and depression.

With an increase in uterine tone, a woman may be disturbed not only by a hard stomach, but also by a feeling of tension in the lower back. Also often there are pains and itching in the pubic area and the sensations that the expectant mother experienced during menstruation.

In addition to uterine hypertonicity, there are many other reasons why the stomach can become stone. This is possible during false contractions, which are often observed in women after the 16th week of pregnancy, when wearing tight clothing, physical overexertion, etc.

Physiological causes

If during pregnancy the stomach becomes stony, then various provoking factors can be physiological causes such as excessive exercise. During pregnancy, a woman needs to protect herself from sports and other activities that require significant physical effort. The fact is that the load on the body causes not only discomfort in the abdomen, but also unforeseen complications, for example, spontaneous abortion.

Other physiological reasons:

  • rare change in body position (sitting or lying down);
  • bladder overflow;
  • overwork;
  • binge eating;
  • protective reaction of the body to adverse factors.

As a rule, if the lower abdomen has become tense due to the reasons mentioned, then no treatment is required. It is enough for a woman not to strain the body, and sometimes just to relax in order to eliminate an unpleasant symptom.

Pathological factors

It is a completely different matter if pathological changes in the body affect a hard stomach during pregnancy. In this case, a visit to a specialist is required to diagnose and prescribe a course of treatment.

Pathological reasons why the stomach tenses and stiffens:

  • infections of the organs of the reproductive and urinary system (chlamydia, urethritis, trichomoniasis);
  • benign tumors in the genital organs (polyp, myoma);
  • inflammation of the genitourinary system (colpitis, salpingo-oophoritis);
  • uterine malformations (retroflexia, uterine hypoplasia);
  • gastrointestinal diseases (constipation, colitis);
  • complications of pregnancy (polyhydramnios, fetoplacental insufficiency);
  • hormonal disorders associated mainly with a lack of the hormone progesterone.

Why is the sensation of a stone belly dangerous in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters?

The danger of the condition depends on the reasons that caused it. For example, increased uterine tone on early dates(up to 10-16 weeks) often leads to the threat of abortion and fetal death, in the second trimester causes miscarriage or premature birth.

Closer to the expected date of birth, at about 35-36 weeks, uterine hypertonicity is not always dangerous. The fact is that by this moment the baby grows significantly, and there is no longer enough space for him in the hollow organ. In this regard, the uterus reacts to the pressure of its walls with an increased tone.

Many pathological factors are dangerous at any time, and not so much for the child as for the expectant mother. Possible appearance:

  • severe complications of existing diseases;
  • conditions and diseases associated with pregnancy (early toxicosis, late gestosis, anemia, gestational diabetes mellitus);
  • intrauterine infection.

What to do if the stomach becomes hard?

If the wall of the abdominal cavity is tense, hard, as if made of stone, while the woman has alarming symptoms, then first of all you need to understand the cause of this condition. To do this, you need to undergo a diagnosis - a doctor's examination and ultrasound.

Additionally, you can take blood tests to check the level of sugar and hormones in the blood, as well as a smear for the presence of infection or inflammation of the genital organs.

Depending on the symptoms, the woman will be assigned:

  • drug therapy with antispasmodics, anxiolytics, sympathomimetics, sedative and estrogenic drugs, as well as suppositories, vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • preventive measures - bed rest, diet or special exercises to normalize the psychological state.

In minutes when the stomach begins to harden, but pain is not felt, you can do some manipulations that will help overcome discomfort:

  • sit in comfortable armchair and rest;
  • take a few deep breaths and exhalations, connecting the stomach to the process;
  • while sitting or standing, strain the muscles of the arms, legs and pelvis at the same time, and then relax sharply;
  • lie down with a hard roller or a small pillow under your feet;
  • in a supine position, turn to the other side.

Such simple actions help to calm down, relax and relieve muscle tension. Usually after this discomfort in the abdominal cavity leave the woman.

Symptoms that should be alarmed

Hard, like a stone, the belly of a future mother is not always a harbinger of danger. For example, the appearance of such discomfort in the third trimester, a few weeks before the expected birth, may indicate that real contractions begin. In this case, you need to urgently call an ambulance and go to the hospital.

Particular attention should be paid to the symptoms when the stomach is "petrified" in the early stages of pregnancy, up to 16 weeks. Urgent medical attention is required if the following symptoms are observed:

  • often the stomach becomes stony and as if it “gets up like a stake” (more than 2-3 times within an hour);
  • unnatural discharge appeared (brown, watery or mixed with blood);
  • there is tension in the abdomen;
  • body temperature rises;
  • worried about constant dizziness and migraine;
  • there are compressive, cramping pains in the abdominal cavity;
  • contractions become more frequent, which are combined with discomfort in the lower spine;
  • baby movements in the womb become rare or completely absent.

Is it possible to prevent abdominal tension during pregnancy?

In order not to go to the doctor once again, not to buy expensive medicines, it is enough to prevent the appearance of tension in the abdomen. For this it is recommended:

  • Healthy food;
  • do not burden the body both physically and emotionally;
  • organize a normal mode of work and rest;
  • refrain from sexual activity;
  • spend more time on fresh air;
  • sleep on the left or right side, not on the back;
  • perform any physical exercises only after consultation with the doctor;
  • use relaxation techniques to eliminate possible stresses (auto-training, breathing exercises, meditation);
  • timely treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system, to prevent complications.

If you follow such simple preventive measures and do everything that the doctor recommends, then you will not have to worry about your health and the condition of the child. More than 50% of women have a hard stomach during pregnancy, but in many cases, most of them successfully give birth to children.

A hard belly in a pregnant girl is associated with increasing tension in the muscles of the reproductive organ of the uterus. The fact is that a constant increase in the tone of the uterus affects the imbalance of the placental circulation. In addition, a hard abdomen indicates the beginning of detachment children's place. But the most serious diagnosis that doctors make is the threat of miscarriage.

Among the most common causes of the formation of a hard abdomen, there are pathological and physical factors that occur in the body of a pregnant woman. Due to the fact that specifically could provoke an improvement in the tone of the uterus, doctors select ways to relax it. In most cases, in order to finally become softer, a woman needs to relax and lie down, but sometimes she needs urgent medical attention.

Causes of a hard belly during pregnancy

Doctors say that the “hardening” of the abdomen is due to the filling of the bladder. The fact is that an uncontrolled volume of urine can put pressure on the uterus, which increases muscle tone. This natural process occurs due to the fact that the bubble does not go "beyond the boundaries" of the fetus. And in such a case, if you move around, you may feel pain in your stomach. However, after a few minutes, the uterus loses its tone and, as a result, becomes soft.

What causes abdominal hardness during pregnancy:

  • Pathology of the small pelvis.
  • Genital infections.
  • A sharp release of the hormone during the experienced stress or fright.
  • Reinforced physical activity. If your stomach suddenly becomes hard, then you need to stop exercising, and then take a horizontal position.
  • Smoking and frequent drinking.
  • Malignant tumors formed in the pelvis.
  • Pathologies in the genitals.
  • Colds (FLU, ARVI)

Should I be worried about a hard stomach?

In the event that the hard abdomen is chronic hypertonicity, then it is necessary to resort to special inpatient treatment. In some cases, in order to relieve signs of a symptom, doctors prescribe sedatives and hormonal drugs. In addition, the expectant mother should adhere to the pastel regimen.

Doctors are convinced that a hard stomach can cause training fights, because by the 2nd month the body begins to prepare for childbirth. In the event that you notice that the stomach began to hurt after the same intervals of time, then this indicates that premature birth is imminent.

Hard belly in the early stages

Very often, expectant mothers complain that in the early stages, the stomach and lower back begin to hurt. Such signs must be treated most carefully, because they are a signal for a miscarriage. If the pain is intense and intensified, then in this case you should immediately contact your doctor. Often the stomach becomes hard already in the first days of pregnancy. This is a symptom that indicates an ectopic pregnancy.

Hard stomach in the later stages

Most often, a hard stomach in the later stages means that you are not eating properly, which is accompanied by systematic spasms in the digestive system and pain in the lower abdomen. In addition, a hard stomach may be against the background of dysbacteriosis or colitis. The main reasons also include the intake of stale food or a heavy dinner, which is accompanied by excessive gas formation. The abdomen becomes soft immediately after the digestion process is completed, however, if the diet is not followed, a relapse is observed. In this case, you need to eat properly and fractionally.

With discomfort in the abdomen, you should immediately contact a specialist to avoid irreparable consequences.

The stomach hardens during pregnancy - why?

Many future mothers are faced with the fact that during pregnancy, the stomach hardens at different times, which naturally causes concern. What is this state of the body of a pregnant woman when her stomach hardens?

This state is called or. - This is a muscular organ, which in the normal state is relaxed, and when the muscles contract, for various reasons, it tenses.

What factors can cause this condition?

Can lead to increased tone stressful situations, physical activity, physiological processes in the body, as well as hormonal changes.

During what periods of pregnancy can hypertonicity occur, and what consequences will it entail?

The uterus can be in good shape at any stage of pregnancy - there is nothing wrong with this phenomenon, because any muscles of the body contract. In the first half of pregnancy, the uterus rarely comes into tone, tension occurs for a couple of minutes, and then releases. If there is no pain and no discharge (especially bloody), then there is no cause for great concern. In this case, you need to reconsider your daily routine, be less nervous, relax more.

There are sources that say that if you relax the facial and neck muscles, then the muscles of the uterus will return to normal. An exercise can also help to relax the uterus, in which you should get on all fours, then raise your head and bend your lower back for a few seconds, while maintaining even breathing, and then lower your head and bend your back up for 5 seconds. You also need to avoid postures or movements that will automatically cause contractions of the abdominal muscles. For example, you should not sleep on your back, or turn over on your back, bend your knees.

Please note that indigestion, and in particular constipation, long standing, sedentary work, can cause similar symptoms.

With increased tone, the doctor can prescribe "", it can be taken without fear, but only from 12 to 37 weeks of pregnancy.

If the stomach hardens during pregnancy, the pain is severe and there is a discharge, be sure to contact your gynecologist, as this may be a threat of miscarriage and emergency measures must be taken.

In the second half of pregnancy, the uterus can come into tone more often than in the first half of the term, up to 10 times a day, this condition is called Braxton Hicks contractions, or training contractions. They also should not cause you to panic, unless accompanied by pain or discharge.

If you have a hard stomach during pregnancy, and the doctor diagnoses uterine hypertonicity, then it is up to you to choose how to cope with this condition - yourself or with the help of doctors. The main thing is not to hang your nose and think about the beautiful.

Why does the stomach turn to stone in pregnant women?

Often, expectant mothers experience a painful sensation of petrification in the abdomen. Many are afraid of this phenomenon, because they do not know the reason for its occurrence. Others, on the contrary, do not attach much importance to it and do not seek the help of a doctor.

Why does the stomach stiffen during pregnancy and is it dangerous for the future of the baby, we will find out in our today's article.

Main reasons

Not a single pregnant woman is immune from the phenomenon of a “stone” belly, and you can encounter this at any time of an interesting situation.

At the same time, the reasons for this condition for each trimester will be different and may indicate an absolutely different processes occurring during this period with a woman. There are several causes of petrification in the lower abdomen, below we will list the most common ones.

Give birth soon!

As a rule, such a phenomenon is a sure harbinger of an approaching birth, it can be accompanied by a pulling sensation in the abdomen and cramping pains, which means that you need to actively prepare for the long-awaited meeting with the baby. And, most importantly, do not worry that something goes wrong, but focus on the birth process.

Usually, contractions of this nature are observed at 34 weeks of gestation and indicate that the child is gradually descending into the pelvis. The approach of childbirth is indicated by the disappearance of painful pressure on the walls of the stomach, and it also becomes much easier to breathe.


But petrification in the lower abdomen can also occur due to increased uterine tone. Since muscles predominate in the structure of the uterus, their sharp contraction is the cause of such tension. In this case, the symptoms appear within a few minutes, and then disappear.

The frequency of recurrence of symptoms is approximately 4 times per hour. To cope with an unpleasant phenomenon, you need to lie on your side and relax as much as possible. It is also worth drinking a glass of water and doing a couple breathing exercises which are also useful during childbirth.

Uterine hypertonicity usually occurs when:

  • Insufficient amount of the hormone progesterone;
  • Malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • The presence of polyhydramnios;
  • Opening of the cervix;
  • Conflict of Rh factors in the blood.

In addition, the lower abdomen stiffens and hypertonicity occurs during pregnancy due to severe stress, a constant state of mental stress, exposure to severe viral diseases, general physical overwork, or toxic chemicals entering the upper respiratory tract.

prenatal workout

Also in medical practice, there is the concept of "training contractions", which are also familiar to doctors under the name of Braxton Hicks contractions, who discovered this concept in medicine in the distant 19th century.

They are a kind of training before a large-scale event in the life of a pregnant woman and prepare the uterus for the upcoming process. As pregnant women notice, with such contractions, the lower abdomen stiffens for a few minutes, and then passes for a short time.

If a pregnant woman encounters training contractions, it is definitely worth notifying the doctor about this. The gynecologist will recommend how to act in case of recurrence of abdominal petrification during pregnancy, and, if necessary, prescribe medication support - drugs from the tocolytic group to prevent the onset of preterm labor and preventive measures to reduce uterine tone.

If, however, the moments at which the stomach hardens are worn enough rare character and appear after sudden movements, then you should not worry about it. This indicates the natural tension of the abdominal muscles, which is completely safe for the health of the baby.

The state of temporary muscle tone can also provoke an ultrasound scan. You can relieve spasms on your own with the help of No-shpa or a candle with papaverine.

special attention group

If a stone belly is observed during early pregnancy, then you should take this moment seriously and be sure to inform the leading gynecologist about this. And if symptoms of pain are added to this, then this issue should be in the category of special attention and requires examination by a specialist.

Symptoms to be concerned about:

  • Contractions are permanent and are accompanied by pain in the lower spine;
  • In addition to pain, there are discharges of a bloody or watery type;
  • Abdominal petrification occurs more than four times per hour;
  • Noticeably weak and rare stirring of the child;
  • Contractions appeared over 37 weeks.

The gynecologist will prescribe a specialized examination, the necessary tests, and also assess the current condition of the mother and fetus. If the cause of cramping conditions is any inflammatory processes or other abnormalities, the gynecologist conducts complex therapy and prescribes the necessary drugs.

The medication list may include not only tocolytics, but also anti-inflammatory drugs or agents to improve placental flow. If the cause is more serious, then the doctor may recommend treatment in a hospital setting.

Now, if during pregnancy you have a feeling of petrification in the lower abdomen, you will not panic and will be able to adequately assess the situation without unnecessary nerves. If a similar feeling has visited you on initial stage bearing a child, then you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

And if the stomach will turn to stone at the end of the last trimester, quickly pack your bags to the hospital, because most likely you will have a long-awaited meeting with your baby!


Why is the stomach hard during pregnancy?

The main reason why the stomach is hard during pregnancy is the threat of abortion. This condition is divided depending on the gestational age into 2 concepts - threatening miscarriage (risk of termination of pregnancy before 22 weeks) and threatening preterm birth (termination of pregnancy at a period of 22 to 37 weeks).

The reasons for which a hard stomach becomes during pregnancy can be very diverse. We list the main of these causal factors:

- infection (most often it is a urogenital infection);

- hormonal disorders (may cause miscarriage up to 30 weeks);

- isthmicocervical insufficiency, which is manifested by a certain opening of the cervix, which violates its obturator function;

- malformations of the uterus and others.

Regardless of the impact of one reason or another, the feeling of a hard abdomen during pregnancy is associated with an increased tone of the uterus, that is, the longitudinal muscle fibers are in a state of contraction, which leads to the disclosure of the circular fibers of the cervix. As a result, this leads to structural changes in the cervix, in which the preservation of pregnancy is not possible.

In some cases, the symptom of a hard abdomen during pregnancy may be accompanied by premature rupture of amniotic fluid, while the shorter the period, the less likely it is to keep the pregnancy. As a rule, this condition is associated with the influence of an infectious factor.

Another reason why the abdomen becomes hard during pregnancy is premature detachment of the placenta, which can occur in the second half of pregnancy. This is a condition in which placental abruption occurs earlier than the afterbirth period, as is normal. The main cause of premature placental abruption is vascular pathology. It can occur with gestosis (a complication of pregnancy, which is accompanied by arterial hypertension, edema and the appearance of protein in the urine), arterial hypertension, autoimmune pathology, etc.

Let's talk about how to confirm the diagnosis of a threatened miscarriage and premature detachment of a normally located placenta, which occurs in the second half of pregnancy.

Signs indicating detachment of a normally located placenta:

- spotting from the genital tract, but may be absent with the formation of a retroplacental hematoma;

- ultrasonic criteria for placental abruption.

Diagnostic signs of a threatened abortion:

- data from a vaginal examination, indicating shortening and opening of the cervix;

- ultrasound confirmation of the diagnosis (cervicometry, which also detects the presence of structural changes in the cervix).

The treatment of a hard belly during pregnancy depends on the specific diagnosis that has been made. Treatment of threatened miscarriage should be complex and depends on the duration of pregnancy. If possible, it is necessary to identify the cause that led to the development of this condition.

If you are 20 weeks pregnant and your stomach is hard, then the main groups of drugs that are used to treat a threatened late miscarriage are antispasmodics (no-shpa, papaverine), magnesium sulfate, indomethacin suppositories (from 16 weeks onwards). All these medicines from uterine hypertonicity are used for periods up to 22 weeks of pregnancy.

Treatment of threatened preterm labor (from 22 weeks to 37 weeks) - calcium channel blockers (nifedipine, verapamil), magnesium sulfate, adrenomimetic drugs (ginipral), antispasmodics. All these medicines stop the reasons why the lower abdomen becomes hard during pregnancy.

Also during these periods (22-34 weeks), the symptom of a hard abdomen during pregnancy is accompanied by the appointment of glucocorticoid drugs (prednisolone, dexamethasone, betamethasone), which accelerate the maturation of the fetal lungs.

For the treatment of premature detachment of a normally located placenta, it is necessary to use the following drugs if there are conditions for maintaining pregnancy - magnesium sulfate, antispasmodics, dicynone, tranexam, glucocorticoids for the birth of a viable child by accelerating the maturation of the fetal lungs.

In the event of signs of massive obstetric bleeding, operative delivery is indicated to save the life of the fetus and pregnant woman. With a mature birth canal, childbirth can be carried out through the natural birth canal using early opening of the fetal bladder (early amniotomy).

If you are 37, 38, 39, 40 weeks pregnant, a hard belly indicates an early birth. And in these cases, it is better to play it safe and consult a doctor as soon as possible. Obstetrician-gynecologist Marina Slavina

Attention! No medical services are provided by the Site Administration. All materials are for informational purposes only. The same applies to the advisory section. No online consultation will ever replace face-to-face medical care, which is provided only in specialized medical institutions. Self-medication can bring irreparable harm! For any diseases and ailments, contact the clinic to see a doctor!

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Hard belly during pregnancy

A hard belly during pregnancy is a common phenomenon that is associated with tension in the muscles of the uterus. A prolonged increase in uterine tone is fraught with impaired placental circulation, the onset of detachment of the child's place, as well as the threat of miscarriage.

The causes of a hard abdomen can be physiological and pathological processes in a woman's body. Depending on what provoked an increase in the tone of the uterus, there are methods for relaxing them. In order for the stomach to become soft, in some cases, a woman needs rest, and in other circumstances, medical assistance may be necessary.

Causes of a hard belly during pregnancy

Hardening of the abdomen as a result of a full bladder is considered normal. A large volume of urine can put pressure on the uterus, which provokes an increase in the tone of its muscles, so as not to infringe on the fetus in space, protecting its boundaries. In this case, when moving, pain in the hard abdomen can be felt. Usually, going to the toilet and emptying the bladder helps to cope with the situation, and after a few minutes the uterus becomes soft.

A hard belly during pregnancy can be caused by:

  • chronic inflammation of the small pelvis (for example, adnexitis, colpitis);
  • urinary tract infections (eg, chlamydia);
  • the release of the hormone oxytocin as a result of stress, orgasm, fear;
  • physical stress. If in this case the stomach has become hard, you should stop exercising and take a calm position;
  • bad habits of the mother (alcohol, smoking);
  • tumors in the pelvis;
  • malformations of the genital organs (bend of the uterus);
  • infections, viruses and colds (ARVI, FLU, rotavirus infection, etc.);
  • endocrine disorders in the mother's body (for example, the thyroid gland).

When is a hard stomach a warning sign?

If a hard belly during pregnancy is not an accidental phenomenon, but reflects pathological hypertonicity, then it may be necessary special treatment in the hospital. In some cases, to eliminate an unpleasant syndrome, hormonal and sedatives prescribed bed rest.

A hard lower abdomen during pregnancy in the first and second trimesters may indicate uterine hypertonicity. If at the same time a woman notes the presence of pulling pains, as during menstruation, and spotting, then most likely we are talking about the threat of termination of pregnancy. In this case, it is necessary to call an ambulance, take a horizontal position, and wait for the arrival of doctors.

Hardening of the abdomen after 35 weeks may be associated with Braxton-Hicks training contractions, so the uterus begins to prepare for the onset of labor in 1-1.5 months. If at the same time the hard abdomen contracts and hurts at regular intervals, which tend to shorten, and the periods of muscle tension become longer, then this clear sign start of preterm labor.

Hard belly before childbirth

From the 37th week of pregnancy, the fetus is considered full-term, and therefore you can expect the onset of labor at any time. A firm belly at 38-39 weeks and in close proximity to the expected due date is normal. Abundant bleeding should be alert, which may be a sign of placental abruption.

Prevention of hypertension and firm abdomen during pregnancy

To prevent this unpleasant symptom during pregnancy, it is necessary at the planning stage to undergo a comprehensive examination of both partners for infections, chronic diseases and other risk factors that can interfere with the proper development and bearing of the child.

Pregnancy is a special condition that brings many changes to a woman's life. During pregnancy, the system of work of the whole organism is rebuilt: the hormonal background changes, the organs of feelings become aggravated, the sensitivity of the emotional sphere increases. And all this happens because the main goal of the body is to protect the unborn child, and all these changes will allow you to signal in time that something has gone wrong.

Why does the stomach tense up during pregnancy, is it dangerous

Pregnant women (especially with their first child), due to their heightened sensitivity and increased anxiety, often experience any changes that occur in the body, which for the most part are normal for their condition. But there are things that cannot be ignored, as they can harm not only the expectant mother, but also her unborn child. Conditions that can cause anxiety include abdominal tension.

The feeling of a tense abdomen during pregnancy is due to the tension of the uterus. The uterus is a muscular organ, and like any muscular organ, it is characterized by constant tension. The point is that, according to anatomical features no muscle is completely relaxed - even at rest there is tension in it. When it starts to move, the tension rises.

The muscular layer of the uterus (myometrium) makes up about 80% of the body of the uterus

The tension of the muscular tissue of the uterus causes its contractions. The contractile activity of the uterus is observed during sexual intercourse, during menstruation, as well as in the presence of certain diseases that directly affect the uterus and its appendages. But in a non-pregnant state, due to the small size of the uterus, these contractions are practically not felt, and do not cause concern.

During pregnancy, thanks to the elastic walls, the uterus can grow up to 32 cm in height and 20 cm in width, supporting a fetus weighing up to 5 kg.

During pregnancy, the size of the uterus increases, which in itself causes its contraction. In fact, the constant contractile activity of the uterus accompanies the entire pregnancy, it's just that it is not always felt. When uterine contractions intensify, the tension in the muscle tissue of the uterus increases and becomes physically noticeable: the stomach tenses, becomes hard, “hardens”.

If the stomach suddenly becomes hard to the touch, as if made of stone, it is necessary to inform the doctor accompanying the pregnancy.

The feeling of a “stone” abdomen is due to muscle spasm, which is caused by uterine contractions. But if uterine contractions become strong or continue long time- this indicates an increased tone of the uterus (hypertonicity).

In late pregnancy, the stomach can become hard when a grown baby rests against it with some part of the body (back, booty, knees). But in this case, not the whole stomach will be hard, but only part of it.

Also in the third trimester of pregnancy, false contractions (training) may begin. They differ from hypertonicity in that during training bouts the stomach tenses up for a short time, infrequently and irregularly, and, as a rule, is not accompanied by pain or other unpleasant sensations, except for tension itself.

Muscular tone of the uterus

The muscular membrane (myometrium) of the uterus is the most powerful layer of the uterine wall, formed by a plexus of bundles of smooth muscles and blood vessels. All muscles are never completely relaxed, they retain some tension - muscle tone. And as a powerful muscular organ, the uterus is constantly in a state of tone.

Tonus (Greek tonos tension) is a constant (background) activity of certain tissues and organs, ensuring their readiness for action.

Big Medical Encyclopedia

With a low general tone, before contraction occurs, the walls of the uterus must come into a state of tension; with increased tone - the slightest irritation causes a contraction of her muscles.

Symptoms of increased uterine tone

The most basic symptom, by which it is determined whether the tone of the uterus of a pregnant woman is increased, is the stomach that is hard to the touch over the entire surface. But no one makes a diagnosis based on one symptom. Moreover, hypertonicity is accompanied not only by the "petrification" of the abdomen.

With uterine hypertonicity, the following may also be present:

  • heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • drawing pains, similar to menstrual;
  • back pain (sacrum, lumbar);
  • bursting sensations in the lower part of the chest (in the later stages).

Contractions with increased tone usually begin from the side of the bottom of the uterus (its upper part), gradually spreading downwards. Since all the muscular layers of the uterus contract as a single muscle, the spasm covers the entire abdomen, leading to its "petrification".

Causes of increased uterine tone during pregnancy

The reasons for the increase in the tone of the uterus, as well as the hard abdomen, are endocrine and hormonal disorders, infectious and inflammatory processes in the genitals of a woman, underdevelopment of the uterus, a malfunction in the immune system, and disturbances in the functioning of the digestive tract (flatulence, colitis, dysbacteriosis). Even at the wrong time, an empty bowel or a full bladder can cause uterine hypertonicity.

The occurrence of increased tone (hypertonicity) of the uterus is also facilitated by nervous stress, fear, overexcitation or overstrain of muscle fibers caused by excessive physical exertion. Also, hypertonicity can cause strong emotional experiences, including positive ones.

In the later stages, hypertonicity can develop against the background of polyhydramnios or due to a too large fetus inside the womb, multiple pregnancy. Heavy physical exertion, injuries during pregnancy also lead to increased uterine tone.

In addition, the tone of the uterus increases when a pregnant woman consumes alcohol, certain drugs, and in women who smoke.

Consequences: is the threat real?

During the development of pregnancy, as the uterus stretches, some fluctuations in its tone are possible, which are usually not accompanied by significant muscle contractions. A gradual increase in tone is considered normal, which becomes significant only shortly before childbirth.

If the stomach tenses infrequently, and there are no additional symptoms, then there is most likely nothing to worry about. This is just a signal that it would be desirable to reduce physical activity and minimize emotional experiences. But the doctor should still be informed at the next scheduled visit.

Increased contractile activity of the uterus in the first trimester of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks) can lead to detachment of the fetal egg (spontaneous abortion). In the second trimester, a sharp increase in tone can provoke placental abruption, and strong contractions (like contractions) cause the cervix to open, which can lead to miscarriage. In the third trimester, the danger of increased tone is that it can cause premature birth.

In addition, with hypertonicity, blood circulation in the placenta is impaired, which leads to insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus. Also, hypertonicity can provoke fetal growth retardation, its development both before and after childbirth.

However, in some cases it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately. Consultation with a specialist is necessary if:

  • the abdomen is very hard and it does not go away;
  • a hard stomach is accompanied by pain in its lower part, in the lower back, in the region of the sacrum, coccyx, rectum;
  • red or brown discharge from the vagina;
  • discomfort in the abdomen occurs regularly, often recurs, or pain and tension increase;
  • fainting, severe nausea, vomiting occur;
  • there are false urges to defecate.

All these signs can be harbingers of an incipient miscarriage, however, with timely medical care, in most cases, pregnancy can be saved.

An increase in the tone of the uterus is not a natural process. In some, it is elevated throughout pregnancy, and some even manage not to encounter this at all until the onset of childbirth. During my pregnancy, I also had to deal with hypertension. Only now it happened very unexpectedly, abruptly and in the eighth month of pregnancy. When many friends, relatives, and just acquaintances, being pregnant, starting from the 15th week, asked me about the tone of the uterus, I really did not understand what was being said. And the expression "stone belly" seemed strange to me at all. Yes, the stomach sometimes strained, sipped, as during menstruation, but it did not reach the “stone” stomach. In general, for a month before the 8th pregnancy, I ran and flew and was happy with life: everything went so smoothly. Until one day at the 35th week of pregnancy I did not want sweets. My husband bought custard cakes, and I ate them in the evening before going to bed in a very large amount. And the next morning I felt bad: I felt so sick that I could not even drink water. And this went on all day long. After vomiting, the stomach was very tense, pulling pains appeared. By evening, the nausea stopped, but the temperature rose and my back began to ache so much (in the lumbar region) that it seemed that the spine was being twisted. At first I thought it was from the temperature, but knowledgeable people suggested that this could be a symptom of incipient labor. The stomach did not let go - it really became like a stone: I literally felt how it was propping up the ribs, which made my chest hurt. And by 12 at night I called an ambulance. In the emergency room, during the examination, the gynecologist on duty added to the diagnosis of hypertonicity that there was practically no cervix. Although two weeks before that, the doctor leading the pregnancy said that the neck was good. In short, they put me in storage. I was in such a state that I agreed to everything, if only it would stop. Immediately I was injected with a drug that helps the baby's lungs to form faster in case a premature birth begins. They put four droppers, reducing the tone; dropped the temperature. Thanks to all the medical manipulations, by the morning I felt just wonderful. There was no trace of the tone, the temperature did not rise any more. The only consequence was a shortening of the cervix, so much so that they left me on preservation until the 37th week of pregnancy. The head of the department “reassured” that I could give birth as soon as I left the hospital, and since there is almost no cervix, I can give birth quickly. At 37 weeks, they were nevertheless discharged, since the ultrasound examination showed that the child was fully formed, full-term, and at this time the birth is no longer considered premature. I went back to the hospital after 4 days, as my back began to hurt again. The stomach this time did not particularly tense up and there were no signs of contractions or anything similar. She gave birth to a healthy baby 2 days later. She gave birth pretty quickly, especially considering that these were the first births: 7 hours after the water broke (for 6, if you count from the start of contractions). That's how just one single day of increased uterine tone led to almost complete smoothing of the cervix. And if not for timely medical care, who knows how it would have ended.

How to reduce the tone of the uterus during pregnancy

Since the increased tone of the uterus can lead to unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to take all possible actions to reduce it. If the increase in tone is short-lived and unstable, then simple tricks that can be used independently at home will suffice. If the tension rises rapidly and continues for a long time, most likely, medical attention will be needed.

How to help yourself at home

The increased tone of the uterus causes worries and fears in a pregnant woman, even if it is insignificant. But the fact is that the experiences themselves affect the general emotional state, which deteriorates sharply, and the woman finds herself in a situation of stress, which, in turn, provokes an even greater increase in tone. To break this vicious circle and avoid more serious problems, you can try.

  1. To relax. The simplest and effective way relieve tension in the muscles - relax them. It would seem elementary, but not every pregnant woman will remember this and even more so apply it. Therefore, first of all, you need to relax as much as possible: dim the lights, turn on calm music, take a comfortable position (it is not necessary to lie down). Aromatherapy also promotes relaxation. But aromatherapy requires an individual approach. Since the olfactory centers are closely connected with the subconscious memory, certain aromas can cause unpleasant sensations or feelings, even if these aromas have a calming and relaxing effect on others. It should also be borne in mind that during pregnancy, the sense of smell is aggravated and the very perception of smells changes, and therefore previously pleasant smells can cause disgust.
  2. Get rid of negativity. In order to get rid of negative thoughts and emotions, apply visualization techniques. For example, imagine yourself on the beach under the warm sun; or in a cool forest, where it breathes with freshness; or hovering on a cloud high in the sky. For clarity of sensations, you can turn on the appropriate music: the sound of the ocean, the sounds of the forest, or just a calm, pleasant melody.
  3. Talk to the baby. It has been scientifically proven that with the constant communication of a pregnant woman with her unborn child, he behaves calmer, and the pregnancy proceeds easier. And it's not that the child understands what his mother says to him. If a mother tells something pleasant, experiencing positive emotions, feeling confident that everything will be fine, the chemical composition of the blood changes: hormones of pleasure, calmness, and confidence are produced. And this "chemical" mood with the blood flow is transmitted to the child, transmitting the same emotions to his nervous system. In addition, the voice, depending on the intonation, causes vibrations of a certain frequency in the body, which the child perceives as pleasant (if the mother speaks calmly) or unpleasant (if the mother is angry or annoyed).

Many future mothers, at the slightest concern, reflexively pull their hands to the tummy to stroke it soothingly. But if the tone of the uterus is increased, then this will not only not help, but can also aggravate the situation.

With an increased tone, you can not stroke the stomach - this provokes an even greater increase in tone.

If the stomach seizes suddenly and very strongly, then you need to immediately call an ambulance, which should be waited in the supine position on your side.

How doctors can help

When treating symptoms of increased uterine tone in a medical facility, the pregnant woman is likely to be sent for conservation (if the gestational age is more than 12 weeks). This means that the doctor will give a referral for hospitalization in connection with the threat of termination of pregnancy. Even if there is no real threat, it is better to play it safe and be examined in a hospital under round-the-clock medical supervision.

All medical measures of doctors will be aimed at maintaining pregnancy. The first is bed rest. It is necessary to rest as much as possible and exclude physical activity. To relieve stress and provide psychological comfort, sedatives are prescribed. To relax the uterine muscles, antispasmodics and magnesium-containing drugs are used. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, they are administered intramuscularly (injections) or intravenously (droppers). If the reason for the increase in tone is in an insufficient amount of necessary hormones, prescribe hormone therapy. In the presence of bleeding, hemostatic drugs are used.

The length of stay in a medical institution depends on the condition of the pregnant woman and the consequences that the increased tone led to. If the increase in tone was prevented at the very beginning, then the pregnant woman is discharged after the symptoms disappear. If hypertonicity has led to placental abruption or cervical dilatation, then they can be kept in storage until the very birth.

Prevention of uterine tone

Prevention of increased uterine tone, as well as any other undesirable conditions for a pregnant woman, must be started already during pregnancy planning. First of all, it is necessary to be examined for the presence of infectious diseases, including latent ones. Avoid or minimize alcohol consumption. If a woman smokes, then it is better to quit before pregnancy, since even in the very early stages, smoking can lead to irreversible consequences.

During pregnancy, in order to avoid an increase in the tone of the uterus, it is necessary to establish a calm daily routine, good sleep, sufficient exposure to fresh air; ensure the stability of the psycho-emotional state, avoiding any possible sources stress. You should also reduce physical activity, especially for athletes, since during active sports, the hormone adrenaline is released, which negatively affects pregnancy at any time. It is advisable to minimize sexual contact.

However, no matter how you avoid conflicts and sources of stress, from time to time irritation will appear in a pregnant woman. This is due to hormonal changes in the body. In order to crush irritation at the root, you need to find a source positive emotions. Often, pregnant women surround themselves with beautiful things purely intuitively. It can be fresh flowers, paintings, figurines, interior items or clothes. Music and aromatherapy can also help here.

In addition, you should not deny yourself food desires. If a pregnant woman wants something, it means that something is missing in the body, and if the body does not get it, it will experience stress. Basically it concerns the satisfaction of taste momentary desires. Therefore, whatever you want, you can eat everything, only in small quantities.

With discomfort, whether it is an uncomfortable posture or clothing, the uterus can tighten more than usual. Therefore, clothing should be selected according to the size that does not restrict movement and, if possible, special clothes for pregnant women that support the tummy.

In the second half of pregnancy, in order to reduce the load on the uterus (especially with a large fetus or multiple pregnancies), doctors recommend wearing a bandage during long walks. A bandage for pregnant women can be bought at a pharmacy or specialized stores. They are different forms and sizes. Therefore, before buying it, be sure to consult your doctor. It is best to put on a bandage, at least for the first time, under the supervision of a doctor, since wearing it incorrectly can not only cause discomfort, but also cause harm.

Pregnancy is a special condition, and it is good if it proceeds without pathologies. But almost every pregnant woman complains about the feeling of discomfort that occurs in the lower abdomen.

During the conception of a baby, the body is completely rebuilt, and internal processes are reflected in the well-being of a woman. Most often, a pregnant woman feels how during pregnancy the stomach turns to stone or swells. Today we will talk about why the stomach becomes stony during pregnancy, what causes bloating, and how to eliminate these discomforts.

Why does the stomach stiffen during pregnancy

A hard stomach during pregnancy is a common phenomenon associated with tension in the muscles and ligaments of the uterus. With a prolonged increase in the tone of the uterus, placental circulation may be disturbed, the child's place may exfoliate, or the pregnancy may be terminated.

The causes of a hard abdomen during pregnancy can be pathological and physiological processes. Depending on the reasons that provoked the tone of the uterus, you need to select ways to relax it. Sometimes a short rest is enough for a pregnant woman, and under other circumstances, a pregnant woman may need medical attention.

Physiological processes

The abdomen can become stony with a fully filled bladder. The bladder compresses the uterus, causing an increase muscle tone. In this case, the pregnant woman may feel pain in the abdomen, which increases with movement. Usually, with the timely emptying of the bladder, the uterus becomes soft again.

Pathological processes

A hard stomach can be caused by pathological processes:

  • Inflammation of the small pelvis in a chronic form (colpitis, adnexitis).
  • Infectious processes in the genitourinary tract (for example, with chlamydia).
  • A sharp release of oxytocin into the blood during stress or fear.
  • Physical loads. If during pregnancy the stomach becomes stony, it is necessary to stop doing the exercises and lie down calmly.
  • Tumors in the pelvis.
  • Colds, viruses and infections (ARVI or rotavirus infection).
  • Endocrine disorders in the female body.

When there is cause for concern

If a woman’s stomach stiffens during pregnancy and this is not an accidental phenomenon, but a consequence of pathological hypertonicity of the uterus, then inpatient treatment may be required. Sometimes, to eliminate an unpleasant syndrome, doctors prescribe sedatives and hormonal drugs, prescribe bed rest.

If a pregnant woman feels pulling pains, as before the start of the menstrual cycle, and, in addition, spotting has appeared, then there is a high probability of a threat of termination of pregnancy. In this case, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

A hard belly beyond 35 weeks of gestation may be associated with Braxton Hicks training contractions. If the abdomen hurts and contracts at approximately the same time intervals, and the periods of muscle tension become very long, these are clear signs that preterm labor has begun.

A hard belly during pregnancy for a period of 38-39 weeks is quite normal, unless there is spotting.

Why does the belly swell during pregnancy?

Pregnant women often complain of bloating, which is sometimes accompanied by a feeling of pain and tingling in the intestinal area. Doctors explain this condition by the fact that a large amount of gases accumulate in the digestive tract of a pregnant woman. Bloating is dangerous because when the blood vessels of the uterus are squeezed, the supply of oxygen to the fetus is difficult.

With hormonal changes female body at the beginning of pregnancy, bloating is felt. Progesterone ensures the safety of pregnancy, relaxes the smooth muscles of the body. But since there are smooth muscles not only in the uterus, but also in other important organs, for example, in the digestive tract, relaxation starts everywhere. Since bloating bothers a pregnant woman already in the first trimester, some doctors call this phenomenon one of the symptoms of pregnancy. In fact, not all women experience swelling during pregnancy.


We list the key points that provoke bloating:

  • uncomfortable clothes;
  • nutrition;
  • insufficient motor activity of a pregnant woman;
  • bad habits;
  • non-compliance with the drinking regime;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive tract (gastritis, enzymatic disorders, duodenitis and dysbacteriosis).

How to eliminate bloating

To get rid of bloating during pregnancy, a woman should follow simple recommendations:

  • Power mode correction. Bloating may be related to the use a large number vegetables and fruits. If the stomach stiffens during pregnancy due to bloating, it is advisable to stew or bake fruits and vegetables. It is also necessary to exclude spicy foods, carbonated drinks, sweets and starchy foods from the diet. You need to eat in small portions five to seven times a day. Need to drink clean water(not less than one and a half liters per day).
  • Physical activity‒ the main point on the way to the elimination of bloating without medicines. Active walks in the air, yoga and special gymnastics for pregnant women will increase the tone of the digestive tract.
  • Wearing comfortable clothes for pregnant. When squeezing the abdominal area with rubber bands from tights and trousers, gases in the intestines stagnate, so clothing with inserts should be preferred.

If during pregnancy the stomach becomes stony, you need to give up bad habits, as they can also be the cause of increased organ tone. Take care of your well-being, take care of your future baby, be happy and healthy!