Mental and physical asthenia comes after. Functional asthenia

  • 14.02.2021
asthenia significantly reduces the quality of life of patients, leading to persistent and severe maladjustment.

Introduction. Asthenia, or asthenic syndrome, is one of the most common syndromes in the clinical practice of any doctor, since the proportion of complaints associated with it is up to 60%. Asthenia is observed in all categories of the population and is one of the disasters of our time, since it affects the physical and intellectual abilities of a person, disrupting everyday life and reducing its quality.

The symptoms of asthenia, even if not very threatening at first glance, really worsen the quality of life of patients. Asthenic disorders often lead to a significant decrease in the working capacity of patients, disrupt their habitual life, and sometimes act as a background against which other more severe mental and somatic disorders are formed. Therefore, it is extremely important to carry out a clear differential diagnosis of asthenia and select the appropriate treatment, considering the pathogenetic mechanisms of its development.

Functional asthenia(primary, reactive) is an independent clinical unit (not associated with specific organic diseases), the main manifestation of which is asthenic syndrome that occurs in initially healthy people under the influence of various factors and is characterized by fundamental reversibility, as it occurs as a result of or as a component of time-limited or curable pathological conditions.

for instance, asthenia after infectious diseases, somatic diseases (myocardial infarction, diabetes, etc.), major operations, childbirth (that is, asthenia that occurs during the recovery period after a somatic disease). Also, people with significant physical and mental (intellectual) stress, people whose professions require increased attention, associated with emotional stress, work in shifts, are also susceptible to the development of asthenia. Also, long journeys with a change in time zones and a violation of the function of the biological clock (biological rhythms) cause the development of asthenia. Functional asthenia can also be associated with mental disorders (depression, anxiety).

Thus, the classification of functional (reactive) asthenia is as follows: (1 ) acute functional asthenia - overload at work, stress, change of time zones; ( 2 ) chronic functional asthenia - postinfectious, postpartum, postoperative, weight loss; ( 3 ) psychiatric functional asthenia - depression, anxiety, insomnia.

The phenomenology of functional asthenia is characterized, first of all, emotional-hyperesthetic weakness, in which increased fatigue (the basic, leading symptom of asthenic syndrome) and affective lability (the main symptom) are combined with intolerance to minor emotional stress and hyperesthesia (an optional symptom reflecting the interest of the sphere of sensations). Hyperesthesia is so pronounced that even soft voices, ordinary light, etc. irritate and destabilize the patient. The dominance in the clinical picture of the interest of the sphere of sensations, manifested in the form of hyperesthesia, gives optional symptoms (within the asthenic syndrome) nosological specificity, which allows this disorder to be defined as functional asthenia.

The pivotal moment of the phenomenon of functional asthenia is a change in the sphere of motivation, because at the moment of change in motivation, an energy component is released, which allows the individual to dramatically change the type of behavior and direction in accordance with the goal. That is, motivation is an expression of readiness to mobilize the necessary energy resources aimed at achieving the goal.

At the cerebral level, the mechanisms of motivation are primarily associated with the activity of the limbic-reticular complex (the first functional block is the energy block, or the block for regulating brain activity levels), which regulates adaptive behavior in response to any kind of stress. It is the limbic system that is associated with the regulation of the autonomic nervous system, visceral activity, emotions, motivation, sleep and behavior. And the reticular formation of the brain stem ensures the maintenance of the level of attention, perception, wakefulness and sleep, general muscle activity, autonomic regulation, takes part in the regulation of motor and sensory functions.

Often with somatic diseases, physical and mental stress, overload and exhaustion of the first functional (energy) block occurs, that is, decompensation of the limbic-reticular complex. The manifestation of these processes is a secondary dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system, which is a key neurohormonal system involved in the implementation of adaptation to stress factors and preventing the development of the syndrome of atony (dystonia) of the reticular formation of the brain stem.

It is believed that asthenia is the equivalent of an "emergency brake" that prevents a complete loss of performance; otherwise, asthenia, apparently, forms a signal of an overload of the reticular activating system and poor management of the body's energy resources. In this context, asthenia is considered as a universal reaction of the body to any condition that threatens to deplete energy processes (whether asthenia caused by organic causes or functional ones), that is, asthenia is an alarm signal that informs the individual about the need for a temporary cessation of mental or physical activity.

Treatment. In asthenic conditions of any origin, it is advisable to start treatment with psychohygienic measures. General recommendations for patients should include: optimization of work and rest regimen (lifestyle changes); the introduction of tonic physical activity; stopping contact with possible toxic chemicals, avoiding alcohol; optimizing the diet: increasing the share of products - sources of proteins (meat, soybeans, legumes); foods rich in carbohydrates, B vitamins (eggs, liver) and tryptophan (wholemeal bread, cheese, bananas, turkey meat); the introduction of food products with pronounced vitamin properties (black currant, rose hips, sea buckthorn, chokeberry, citrus fruits, apples, kiwi, strawberries, various vegetable salads, fruit juices and vitamin teas).

Drug therapy of asthenic syndrome includes the use of anti-asthenic drugs, such as salbutiamine (enerion), adamantylphenylamine (ladasten) and, if necessary, nootropic drugs with anti-asthenic and / or psychostimulant effects: deanol aceglumate (demanol, nooklerin), idebenone (neuromet, noben), phenotropil (having a pronounced psychostimulating effect). Vitamin-mineral complexes, adaptogens of plant origin are also prescribed, in case of sleep disorders and irritability, sleeping pills or sedatives are prescribed.

Probably, each of us has to experience a state when there is absolutely no desire to do something, everything falls out of hand, exhaustion of the body sets in. This happens with long physical and psychological stress, disruption of the daily schedule, change of time zone.

If you experience such symptoms, constant fatigue, irritation, indifference, seek help from a specialist. It could be asthenic condition that requires treatment. You cannot overcome it on your own.

Asthenic condition in adults

It is known that many diseases are accompanied by weakness, general malaise, lethargy, indifference. But with recovery, these manifestations go away on their own.

Many patients complain only of irritability, weakness and fatigue. This makes it difficult to detect the disease and make an accurate diagnosis. Yes, it may appear asthenic syndrome.

It is typical for him:

  • increased fatigue;
  • fatigue with little physical exertion;
  • nervousness;
  • irritation;
  • frequent mood swings.

Often these symptoms increase in the evening. Good sleep and rest do not improve the condition.

Asthenia is a form of neurosis. At present, with the modern way of life, almost everyone can experience this. Such a reaction of the body is more common in schoolchildren, students, those who work hard mentally.

Asthenia classification

In order for the treatment to be correct, the disease is classified according to several criteria.

Cause of the disease

It is divided into organic and functional:

  1. organic- develops after infectious, somatic diseases, injuries. It occurs in almost 48% of all cases.
  2. functional- arises as a protective reaction of the body to stress, depression, strong physical and mental stress.

The duration of the course of the disease

Subdivided into:

  1. sharp- passes after the treatment course, but the development of a chronic course is possible
  2. chronic- for a long period a person cannot get out of this state

Clinical manifestations


  1. Hypersthenic form- characterized by increased excitability and irritation, a person does not tolerate loud sounds, bright light, sleep is disturbed.
  2. hyposthenic- reduced or absent reactions to external pathogens, sleep disorders, lethargy, tearfulness, poor memory.

Reasons for development

For reasons of development, asthenia is divided:

  1. the period after the birth of a child;
  2. post-infectious;
  3. somatogenic;
  4. after an injury

In any case, asthenia is characteristic decline social activity.

Experts classify the state of asthenia:

  • Exhaustion of the nervous system- occurs with severe overwork, constant lack of sleep, emotional stress, stress.
  • Astheno-depressive syndrome. Occurs with constant mental stress, is expressed by a violation of sleep and wakefulness. In the daytime, you always want to sleep, the night sleep is shallow, with disturbing visions.
  • Somatogenic asthenia. Develop due to some ailments.
  • organic asthenia. They are found with brain damage (injuries, impaired blood flow, infections).
  • Prostration in adolescence.
  • Asthenia, which occurs when taking other psychoactive drugs.

Condition Diagnostics

Based on clinical signs and a survey, a asthenic state scale which includes 30 questions.

  1. score - "no, wrong"
  2. points - "so"
  3. points - "correct"
  4. points - "absolutely correct."

Asthenic state scale:

Statement No, it's not true So Right Quite right
I work with a lot of pressure 1 2 3 4
I find it hard to concentrate 1 2 3 4
My sex life does not satisfy me 1 2 3 4
Waiting makes me nervous 1 2 3 4
I experience muscle weakness 1 2 3 4
I have no desire to go to the cinema or theater 1 2 3 4
I often forget 1 2 3 4
I feel very tired 1 2 3 4
If I read for a long time, my eyes get tired quickly. 1 2 3 4
I feel trembling in my hands 1 2 3 4
I don't feel like eating at all 1 2 3 4
I try to avoid noisy parties and companies 1 2 3 4
I don't read text well 1 2 3 4
My limbs are cold 1 2 3 4
I'm easily offended 1 2 3 4
I often suffer from headaches 1 2 3 4
I wake up tired and not rested 1 2 3 4
Often suffering from dizziness 1 2 3 4
I have muscle twitching 1 2 3 4
I'm worried about tinnitus 1 2 3 4
I'm concerned about sexual issues 1 2 3 4
I feel heaviness in my head 1 2 3 4
I feel pain in the crown 1 2 3 4
I have a general weakness 1 2 3 4
Life for me is about stress. 1 2 3 4
I feel like my head is wrapped in a hoop 1 2 3 4
The dream is sensitive, I wake up easily from the slightest noise 1 2 3 4
I get tired of people quickly 1 2 3 4
When I'm excited, I sweat a lot 1 2 3 4
Anxious thoughts keep me awake 1 2 3 4

Reasons for development

Many circumstances can cause neurosis and the development of the syndrome, especially if there is such a tendency of the human psyche.

Asthenia is promoted by:

  • unsatisfactory working conditions;
  • prolonged overvoltage(mental, physical, psychological);
  • sleep and rest disorders, regular sleep deprivation;
  • life change ways;
  • overweight body;
  • abuse alcohol, drinking large amounts of chocolate, coffee;
  • compliance with strict diets, insufficient fluid intake;
  • influence of toxic substances, taking medications;
  • the presence of a person infectious, somatic, endocrine disease;
  • immunodeficiency human viruses (herpes, Epstein, enteroviruses).


This condition has various symptoms. The main clinical signs of the disease include:

  • constant weakness;
  • fatigue even when the person was not physically working;
  • worsening memory, attention;
  • arises difficulty in making a decision;
  • difficult wake up in the morning, poor sleep;
  • drowsiness during the daytime;
  • head, muscle pain, joint pain.

A person understands that something is wrong with him. Therefore, there are attacks of aggression, frequent mood swings, there is a fear of new things. Depression and neurasthenia develop.

A hallmark of asthenia is the good condition of a person in the morning, and in the afternoon the signs of the disease increase. By evening, the disorder reaches its peak.

Treatment and therapy

If the disease is temporary, associated with any situation in life, the following treatment is prescribed:

  1. Physical exercise. In any case, you need to force yourself to start moving. Training should not be very hard, but, on the contrary, you should feel a surge of strength after it.
  2. call asthenic syndrome can be a problem with the spine. Therefore, you need to do exercises that will relieve the tension of the vertebrae.
  3. Properly organize your day, time of work and rest
  4. Dream. You don't need to sleep less 8 hours a day, in complete silence and a dark place. Nothing should stop you!
  5. Eat right. Include foods that contain treptophan protein in your diet - cheese, eggs, turkey, more berries and fruits.
  6. Exclude contact with harmful substances, stop drinking alcohol

Assign tinctures of ginseng, eleutherococcus, magnolia vine, vitamin complex with trace elements. Help folk remedies in the form of sedative tea. Some patients get rid of the condition after relaxing at sea or just in nature.


Antidepressants are used to treat:

  • If the syndrome is not pronounced, the doctor prescribes light drugs: Azafen, Gelarium
  • When there are fears, anxiety, poor sleep apply Lerivon, Valirana, Novo-Passit
  • If the ground state accompanied by tantrums, neuroleptics are connected to the treatment

Asthenic condition after pneumonia

Pneumonia is stressful for the body:

  • When sick n all protective forces are harnessed and the nervous system is exhausted.
  • sick becomes irritable, inactive, gets tired quickly.
  • mood often changes, the person is capricious, cries, there are complaints of headache, insomnia.

To get rid of this condition:

  • After taking antibacterial agents the patient takes vitamins.
  • Not recommended immediately go to work.
  • Stay some more some time at home, observing a sparing regimen.
  • Take more fruits and vegetables, protein foods.
  • visit more often outdoors.

Asthenic emotional state in children

Asthenia is dangerous for children:

  • She can provide impact on the child's health and development.
  • Condition may appear even in infancy.
  • Such children usually they cry for a long time and for no reason, if they are full and nothing hurts, the little one falls asleep better on his own, gets scared of any sounds.
  • When communicating with strangers people quickly gets tired, becomes capricious.
  • The kids are getting older nervous, uncommunicative, get tired quickly, can cry for any insignificant reason.
  • Students do poorly at school, become distracted, inattentive.

Do not ignore this state of the child. This can further lead to enuresis and stuttering.


Reading time: 3 min

Asthenia is an imperceptibly progressive psychopathological disorder. This pathology means impotence, a painful condition or chronic fatigue, manifesting itself in the exhaustion of the body with increased fatigue and with an extreme degree of mood instability, impatience, sleep disturbance, restlessness, weakening of self-control, loss of the ability to physical and prolonged mental stress, intolerance to bright light, strong odors and loud sounds.

In sick people, irritable weakness is noted, which is expressed in increased excitability and the onset of quickly exhaustion, a decrease in mood with displeasure, tearfulness and capriciousness.

The state of asthenia appears due to debilitating infections, diseases of internal organs, intoxication, mental, emotional and physical overstrain, with improperly organized nutrition, work, rest, as well as mental and nervous ailments.

The asthenic condition, which develops due to unrest, nervous strain, difficult, often protracted conflicts and experiences, is called. The correct classification of asthenic syndrome helps the doctor in determining the tactics of therapy.

Causes of asthenia

Often, severe asthenia occurs after previous diseases or against their background, after prolonged stress.

Experts consider asthenia a psychopathological condition and rank it as an initial stage in the development of serious neurological and mental diseases.

This disorder should be able to differentiate from the usual weakness or fatigue after illness. The main distinguishing criterion is the fact that after fatigue and illness, the body independently and gradually returns to normal after proper sleep and nutrition, good rest. And asthenia without complex therapy can last for months, and in some cases for years.

Common causes of asthenia include:

Overstrain of higher nervous activity;

Lack of nutrients and essential trace elements;

Pathological disorder of metabolic processes.

In most cases, all of these factors at different age periods occur in everyone's life, but they do not always provoke the development of asthenic disorders. Disturbances and injuries in the work of the nervous system, somatic diseases can push the development of asthenia. Moreover, the symptoms and signs of asthenia can be observed both in the midst of the disease, and before the disease itself or during the recovery period.

Among the diseases that lead to asthenia, experts distinguish several groups:

Gastrointestinal diseases - severe dyspeptic disorders, gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, enterocolitis;

Infections - food poisoning, SARS, viral hepatitis, tuberculosis;

Diseases of the cardiovascular system - arrhythmias, heart attack, hypertension;

neurological disorders;

Renal pathologies - chronic pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis;

Diseases of the bronchopulmonary system - chronic bronchitis, pneumonia;

Injuries, postoperative period.

This disorder often develops in individuals who cannot imagine their existence without work and for this reason do not sleep enough and deny themselves rest. This condition can develop in the initial period of the course of a disease of internal organs, for example, with coronary disease and accompany it, being one of its manifestations (for example, with tuberculosis, peptic ulcer and other chronic diseases), or manifest itself as a consequence of an acute disease that has ended ( influenza, pneumonia).

Signs of asthenia also reveal themselves when changing jobs, places of residence, after serious experiences and troubles.

Symptoms of asthenia

All manifestations of asthenia are directly dependent on the underlying disease that provoked it. For example, with hypertension, unpleasant sensations appear in the region of the heart, with atherosclerosis, memory is disturbed and tearfulness appears.

Clarification of the features of the asthenic condition often helps in recognizing the underlying disease.

This disorder has characteristic symptoms belonging to three main groups:

Manifestations of asthenia;

Loss of strength due to a condition that causes the basis of the disease;

The psychological reaction of the patient to asthenia itself.

The main symptoms of asthenia include fatigue, which does not disappear even after a long rest and does not allow the individual to concentrate on work, leads to a lack of desire in any kind of activity, absent-mindedness.

Even their own efforts and self-control do not help the sick person to return to the desired rhythm of life.

The development of an asthenic condition often leads to an increase / decrease in the pulse, jumps in blood pressure, a decrease in appetite, interruptions in the work of the heart, dizziness and headaches, a feeling of chills or heat throughout the body.

Disorders of intimate function and sleep disturbances are noted. With asthenic disorder, the individual does not fall asleep for a long time, wakes up early or wakes up in the middle of the night. Sleep is often restless, does not bring the desired rest. A patient experiencing the influence of asthenic symptoms understands that something is wrong with him and begins to react restlessly to his condition. He has sharp mood swings, flashes and rudeness occur, often lost.

Chronic asthenia leads to the development of neurasthenia and.

Signs of asthenia

In medical practice, asthenia is classified according to many criteria. This is done in order to choose the right therapy tactics.

Asthenia, what is it? So, the term asthenia in medicine refers to a complex of disorders in an individual, found in increased fatigue, loss of interest in life, sleep disturbance, mood instability, indifference to food.

Asthenia for reasons of origin is divided into the following types:

Organic, developing after somatic and infectious diseases, degenerative changes and injuries in the brain;

Functional, developing, as a protective reaction to excessive mental and physical stress.

According to the duration of the course, this disorder is classified as acute and chronic. Often, acute asthenia is functional.

The chronic course of the disease is due to organic disorders.

According to clinical signs, this disorder is divided into:

The hyposthenic form, which manifests itself in any external stimuli with a reduced reaction;

Hypersthenic form, which is characterized by increased excitability and irritability of the patient.

Asthenic syndrome, for reasons of occurrence, is divided into postpartum, post-infectious, post-traumatic, somatogenic. The correct classification of the syndrome helps the doctor determine the tactics of treatment.

A characteristic sign for asthenia will be the condition when the patient feels good in the morning, and in the afternoon all the signs and symptoms begin to increase. By evening, the asthenic state often reaches its maximum.

With this disorder, there is also an increased sensitivity to sharp sounds and bright light sources.

Asthenic condition often affects people of all ages, often signs of this disease are found in adolescents and children. Asthenic, chronic disorders lead to absent-mindedness and impaired concentration, so many people find it difficult to work with complex equipment. In modern youth, asthenia is often associated with the use of narcotic and psychogenic drugs.

Asthenia should be taken very seriously, because this is not a simple fatigue, but a disease that, if not properly treated, can lead to serious consequences.

The diagnosis of asthenia can be correctly established after a thorough questioning and examination of a person, then his treatment begins.

Asthenia treatment

To find out the underlying cause of the development of asthenia, it is required to find out the presence of pathological disorders in the body. Assessment of the psycho-emotional and neurological state is carried out by a neurologist, as well as a psychotherapist (psychiatrist). The patient is assigned consultations of a general practitioner, cardiologist, nephrologist, pulmonologist, gastroenterologist and, if necessary, other narrow specialists.

Assign gastroscopy, blood tests, MRI of the brain, X-ray of the lungs, according to the indications of ultrasound of the internal organs, gastroscopy. And only on the basis of all the data obtained during a comprehensive examination, the attending physician makes a decision on the choice of a therapy regimen. Often, with timely access to a medical institution, functional asthenia is eliminated in a few weeks.

Specialists prescribe general strengthening treatment - taking vitamin complexes, glucose, observing the correct organization of rest and work, proper and regular nutrition, walking, performing special physical exercises, restoring sleep, giving up bad habits, if necessary, changing the field of activity.

With asthenia, it is recommended to eat foods containing the protein tryptophan, contained in foods such as bananas, cheese, wholemeal bread, eggs, turkey, and more. It is also useful to consume constantly fresh fruits and berries.

In most cases, drug therapy for asthenia comes down to taking adaptogens - eleutherococcus, magnolia vine, ginseng. Vitamin complexes with such basic trace elements as magnesium, zinc, and potassium are often prescribed. The psychiatrist prescribes antidepressants based on the examination of the patient and the severity of his asthenic disorder. If necessary, nootropics, small doses of anabolic steroids, sedatives, and some other drugs are prescribed.

In the absence of proper treatment, asthenia can lead to the development of a depressive state, neurasthenia,. Success in the treatment of this disease depends on the mood of the patient to recover. The main thing to remember is that a timely trip to the doctor is able to return to the old life in a short period.

Doctor of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and cannot replace professional advice and qualified medical assistance. At the slightest suspicion of the presence of asthenia, be sure to consult a doctor!

Asthenia is a psychopathological disorder, the characteristic symptoms of which are fatigue, weakness, sleep disturbances, hyperesthesia. The danger of this pathology is that it is the initial stage in the development of mental disorders and more complex psychopathological processes. It is also important that asthenia is considered a very common pathology that occurs in diseases in psychiatric, neurological and general somatic practice.

Asthenia usually accompanies many infectious diseases (influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, tuberculosis, viral hepatitis), somatic pathologies (peptic ulcer, acute and chronic gastritis, pneumonia, hypertension, arrhythmia), post-traumatic, postpartum and postoperative periods. Therefore, it is found in the practice of various specialists: neurologists, gastroenterologists, cardiologists, surgeons, traumatologists, psychiatrists. Usually it is one of the early symptoms of a major disease that begins to develop in the body.

Asthenia should be distinguished from a feeling of fatigue caused by a change in time zones, non-compliance with the regime of work and rest, and mental overstrain. From the fatigue caused by these causes, asthenia differs in that it does not appear after the patient has rested.

Reasons for the development of asthenia

As a result of research, it was found that asthenia can be caused by many social factors. Namely, such factors include various life difficulties and circumstances, frequent stress, chronic diseases. All these problems affect not only the psychological health of a person, but sooner or later lead to asthenia.

It is worth noting that, on the one hand, asthenia is a trigger for the development of many diseases, and on the other, it can be one of their manifestations. In particular, the symptoms of asthenia are observed in traumatic brain injuries, degenerative and infectious processes in the brain, and circulatory disorders in the brain.

Asthenia is based on nervous exhaustion, which may appear due to a prolonged illness, strong feelings, depression. The trigger for the beginning of the development of pathology are nutritional deficiencies, metabolic disorders, excessive energy consumption.

Asthenia classification

According to the International Classification of Diseases, asthenia syndrome belongs to the class of neurotic diseases. In clinical practice, it is customary to distinguish the following variants of the disease:

  • asthenia, which is considered as a symptom of endocrine, somatic, mental, infectious and other diseases;
  • asthenia caused by mental and physical overload, which is considered a secondary pathology, since you can get rid of it after eliminating its cause;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome, which is accompanied by weakness and frequent fatigue.

In the classification of asthenia, the following clinical forms are also distinguished: somatogenic (organic, secondary or symptomatic) and psychogenic (primary, functional or nuclear). There are also reactive and chronic forms of the disease.

In most cases, the organic form of the disease is diagnosed after somatic and infectious diseases, degenerative changes that have occurred in the brain, and injuries. This type of disease develops in more than 45% of all cases.

Functional asthenia is a reversible condition that occurs as a protective reaction to depression, stress, excessive physical or mental stress. The psychiatric form of functional asthenia appears as a result of insomnia, anxiety or depression. The acute form is thought to be the result of stress and overwork at work. The chronic form of asthenia occurs due to a sharp decrease in weight, in the postpartum period, after suffering an infectious disease.

Clinical manifestations of asthenia

The clinical picture of asthenia is very diverse, due to several factors. The symptoms of asthenia depend on which disorder is easy to base it on. The mildest form of pathology is asthenia with hypersthenia, which is manifested by impatience, irascibility, a feeling of internal tension.

For asthenia with irritability syndrome, two main symptoms are characteristic - fatigue and a feeling of irritation. The most severe form of asthenia is hyposthenic, which is characterized by a feeling of impotence and severe fatigue. In patients, an increase in the depth of asthenic disorders is often observed, which ultimately leads to a change in the mild form of the disease to a more severe one.

In most cases, the symptoms of the pathology are completely absent or very mild in the morning. However, in the afternoon and even more so in the evening, they gradually increase and intensify. It is believed that one of the most characteristic signs of pathology is normal health in the morning and its deterioration in the late afternoon.

Doctors also pay attention to the fact that the symptoms of the disease depend not only on the depth of the accompanying disorders, but also on the etiological factor and the constitutional characteristics of the patient. Sometimes there is an opposite effect, when the gradual development of asthenia leads to an increase in the patient's characteristic traits. To a greater extent, this is characteristic of patients prone to asthenic response.

  1. Fatigue
  2. One of the most characteristic symptoms of asthenia is increased fatigue, which is always accompanied by a decrease in productivity (especially with excessive intellectual stress). At the same time, patients complain of forgetfulness, poor intelligence, weakening of concentration, and therefore it becomes quite difficult for them to concentrate on something. At such moments, patients try to force themselves to think about one thing, but completely different thoughts appear in their head completely involuntarily.

    During episodes of asthenia, it becomes difficult for patients to formulate their thoughts, they fail to find the right word for this, they complain of failure. Unfortunately, in such situations, a short rest can improve the general condition for a short time. Some, instead of rest, try to force themselves to do work with the help of willpower. Moreover, the work begins to seem incredibly difficult and even overwhelming. As a result, a feeling of tension and uncertainty about one's own intellectual abilities inevitably arises.

  3. Mental imbalance
  4. Patients with asthenia often lose their temper, which is accompanied by irascibility, irritability, grouchiness, quarrelsomeness and pickiness. In this case, the mood of patients very often changes. For the patient to feel depressed and anxious, a completely insignificant reason is enough. Sensitivity increases, both joyful and sad events in the patient cause tears. This condition is almost always accompanied by sensitivity to sounds and bright lights.

  5. Autonomic disorders
  6. Asthenia is almost always accompanied by severe vegetative disorders. Most often, patients are diagnosed with disorders of the cardiovascular system: tachycardia, pressure fluctuations, pulse lability, painful or unpleasant sensations in the heart area, a feeling of heat when the temperature rises, increased sweating, chilliness. In some cases, asthenia is accompanied by a decrease in appetite, spastic constipation and pain in the intestines. Many patients also complain of headaches and heaviness in the head.

  7. sleep disorder
  8. Early signs of asthenia include difficulty falling asleep, waking up in the middle of the night, disturbing dreams, early awakenings, and difficulty falling asleep again. Usually patients do not feel rested after waking up. If asthenia worsens over time, patients after mental or physical exertion feel severe drowsiness during the day.

Diagnosis of asthenia

Diagnosis of asthenia often does not cause any difficulties for the doctor, since it is accompanied by severe symptoms. The easiest way is to identify asthenia that has arisen due to an illness, injury or stress. However, if asthenia appears against the background of another disease, then its main symptoms usually fade into the background and it becomes more difficult to diagnose it.

During the interview of the patient, the doctor collects in detail information about his well-being, sleep status, episodes of fatigue and irritability, and attitude to work. However, it is worth remembering that sometimes patients can exaggerate the intensity of the symptoms of the disease. In such cases, the neurologist must, in addition to the neurological examination, assess the emotional state of the patient and conduct a study of his mnestic sphere.

In most cases, asthenia occurs due to the development of the underlying disease of the patient. It is extremely important to determine which disease was the trigger for the development of asthenia. To do this, a neurologist can prescribe consultations for a patient with a cardiologist, gastroenterologist, gynecologist, nephrologist, pulmonologist, infectious disease specialist, oncologist, traumatologist, endocrinologist.

Diagnosis of asthenia also involves laboratory tests:

  • analysis of urine and blood;
  • determination of blood sugar levels;
  • coprogram;
  • blood chemistry.

PCR diagnostics and bacteriological examination are also carried out. According to indications, a neurologist may also prescribe instrumental studies:

  • gastroscopy;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • duodenal sounding;
  • Ultrasound of the heart;
  • radiography or fluorography of the lungs;
  • brain MRI;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Asthenia treatment

The main goals of the treatment of asthenia will be to improve the quality of life of the patient, increase the level of his activity and productivity, reduce the manifestation of asthenia and its accompanying symptoms. Therapy depends on the clinical manifestations and etiology of the disease. If asthenia is secondary, the underlying disease should be treated initially. In the case of the reactive nature of asthenia, medical tactics should be aimed at correcting the factors that led to the breakdown.

If the causes of asthenia are stress, physical or psycho-emotional overwork, the doctor may advise you to normalize sleep and wakefulness, work and rest. Therapy of primary asthenia involves an integrated approach: psychotherapeutic techniques, physical training, drug therapy.

Non-drug therapy

One of the most priority methods of therapy for asthenia is physical activity. It has been proven that therapy with dosed physical training in combination with educational programs helps to improve the patient's well-being. Hydrotherapy has also proven its effectiveness: Charcot shower, swimming, contrast shower. According to the doctor's indications, massage, gymnastics, physiotherapy, acupuncture can also be prescribed.

In the treatment of asthenia, psychotherapeutic approaches are actively used. For example, symptomatic psychotherapy is aimed at improving the general health of the patient, eliminating feelings of fatigue and anxiety. This approach includes hypnosis, self-hypnosis, auto-training, suggestion. Person-oriented psychotherapy is also considered an effective method of treating asthenia.

Medical therapy

The question of the use of medications for the treatment of asthenia is still controversial. Studies have shown that at the moment doctors are actively using about 40 different means to eliminate the pathological condition. The list includes drugs from a variety of drug groups:

  • psychostimulants;
  • psychotropic (mainly antidepressants);
  • anti-infectious;
  • immunostimulating;
  • restorative;
  • nutritional supplements;
  • vitamin preparations.

The key drugs for the treatment of asthenia are antidepressants, the mechanism of action of which is aimed at increasing the metabolism of monoamines in the brain. For the treatment of asthenia, it is customary to use the following antidepressants: herbal derivatives, reversible MAO inhibitors, quadricyclic and atypical blood pressure, tricyclic blood pressure.

If asthenia is accompanied by panic disorders, sleep disturbances, anxiety, tension, tranquilizers or mild herbal sedatives may be prescribed to the patient. The combination of asthenia with phobic, hysterical, hypochondriacal manifestations requires the appointment of antidepressants with neuroleptics.

Many patients do not tolerate drugs that affect the central nervous system very well. That is why doctors recommend starting treatment with low doses. Non-specific drug therapy is also shown, which includes drugs that have an anti-stress effect, have antioxidant properties, and improve energy processes. It is also considered justified to prescribe vitamin complexes (especially B vitamins, vitamin C), macro- and microminerals (magnesium and calcium).

Almost everyone at least once in their life has experienced such a state in which everything falls out of hand, there is no desire to do anything, and general exhaustion of the body sets in. Such manifestations are possible after prolonged physical or mental overstrain, change of time zone, incorrect daily routine.

If signs such as constant fatigue, apathy, irritability are observed, then it is worth visiting a doctor, especially if the manifestations progress. This can manifest as an asthenic condition. If such a diagnosis is made, then special treatment will be required. More often than not, it is not possible to deal with the problem on your own.

Asthenic condition - what is it?

As a rule, many diseases begin with general malaise, lethargy and apathy. The disease passes, and the symptoms disappear. In many patients, excessive fatigue, weakness and irritability are the only complaints, so a detailed examination does not reveal any diseases.

All this can be a manifestation of the described malaise. Asthenic condition is a syndrome that is characterized by increased fatigue, irritability and nervous excitability, mood swings, severe fatigue, even when doing the usual work. As a rule, these signs increase, especially in the evening. Night sleep and rest do not bring relief to a person.

Asthenic syndrome is currently the most common form of neurosis. No one is immune from such a disease, especially considering the modern rhythm of life. Asthenic reactions and conditions are most often observed in schoolchildren, students, and mental workers.

Varieties of asthenic conditions

Asthenia can be classified according to various criteria. If we take into account the factor of its development, then the following types are distinguished:

  • Organic asthenia. This form usually accompanies many somatic diseases or organic pathologies that develop rapidly. These include: brain injury, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's.
  • Functional asthenic conditions. Such a reaction happens to stressful situations, an infectious disease, severe overwork. This phenomenon is temporary and passes quickly.

Asthenia also manifests itself in different ways, therefore, they distinguish:

  • Hypersthenic asthenia, which is manifested by increased excitability, intolerance to loud sounds, bright light. This form, gradually aggravated, can go to the next stage.
  • Hyposthenic asthenia. It is characterized by: drowsiness, lethargy, indifference to the outside world, problems with memory and attention.

The duration of the asthenic condition is not the same for everyone - for some it may be an acute form, which disappears after treatment, and there are cases of transition to the chronic stage. In this case, a person cannot get out of this state for a long time. As a rule, without the help of a doctor, it will not work.

An asthenic emotional state is not the same as ordinary fatigue, one must be able to distinguish between them. With asthenia, fatigue is observed without connection with physical labor and it is not possible to get rid of it even after a long rest.

Varieties of conditions that can manifest asthenia

Modern medicine identifies several conditions in which asthenic manifestations will occur:

  1. Exhaustion. This refers to the reaction of the psyche to the exhaustion of the nervous system. This can happen as a result of prolonged stress, emotional and physical overload, chronic lack of sleep.
  2. Astheno-depressive syndrome. The asthenic state may be the first step towards the formation of "depressions of exhaustion" (or "neurotic depressions"). This happens when exposed to psycho-traumatic factors against the background of nervous overstrain. One of the manifestations of this condition is a violation of the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness.
  3. Somatogenic asthenia. Such manifestations usually begin and end many infectious, cardiovascular, oncological, endocrine diseases.
  4. Organic asthenic conditions. Suprasegmental autonomic disorders lead to this. They are especially pronounced with brain damage, cerebrovascular accidents. Frequent companions of this condition: headache, problems with memory and attention, inability to concentrate on anything, dizziness.
  5. Endogenous vital asthenia. This is most often a youthful asthenic condition, which is more typical for boys. Manifested by severe fatigue in any kind of intellectual activity, headaches, sleep disturbances. The peak of exacerbation usually falls on 14-15 years.
  6. Asthenia with the use of psychoactive drugs. It is typical for people who are psychologically dependent on drugs. In this case, not only fatigue is observed, but also exhaustion, and pain throughout the body, the inability to fall asleep with an unbearable desire to sleep. The person becomes emotionally unbalanced, embittered.

Thus, the asthenic condition is a signal to establish the cause of its occurrence. First of all, it is necessary to exclude somatic and endocrine diseases, as well as organic brain lesions. Whatever the cause of this condition, treatment will still be required.

Causes of asthenic conditions

Many factors can provoke neurosis and asthenic conditions, especially if there is such a predisposition of the psyche. There are factors that can contribute to the development of asthenia:

  • Poor hygienic working conditions.
  • Prolonged stay in conditions of physical, mental or mental overstrain.
  • Failure to comply with the regime of sleep and rest, frequent lack of sleep.
  • Major lifestyle changes such as retirement, divorce, etc.
  • Excess weight.
  • Addiction to alcohol.
  • Drinking large quantities of strong coffee, chocolate.
  • Compliance with strict food restrictions.
  • Lack of fluid in the body.
  • Impact on the body of toxic and poisonous substances.
  • The use of drugs.

Any of these factors can provoke the development of asthenia, and if there are several of them in combination, then the risk increases.

Drugs that most often cause asthenic disorders

Sometimes, for a variety of reasons, we are forced to take drugs that affect the nervous and endocrine systems. Their reception can lead to the appearance of asthenic and anxiety-neurotic states. A great risk in this regard is the use of drugs from groups such as:

  • β-blockers;
  • sleeping pills;
  • antihypertensive agents;
  • sedatives;
  • tranquilizers;
  • antiallergic drugs;
  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • hormonal contraceptives.

Since asthenia often develops against the background of other diseases, it is very important to correctly identify the cause of such manifestations. This is especially necessary when a person finds himself in a difficult life situation. It is very important to get advice from a competent specialist in the following cases:

  • The onset of menopause in women.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Prolonged loss of appetite.
  • Sudden weight loss.
  • Severe mood swings.
  • Appearance of asthenic signs after injury.
  • If asthenia does not go away for a long time.

If a person is provided with appropriate assistance in time, then he will much faster enter his usual healthy track.

Manifestations of asthenia

It must be understood that this is a whole complex of signs, so it is not surprising that it has quite a variety:

  • Increased fatigue and general weakness.
  • Constant dissatisfaction with others.
  • Irritability.
  • The appearance of sexual disorders.
  • Inability to concentrate.
  • Tearfulness.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Intolerance to loud sounds and bright lights.
  • Frequent headaches.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Constant feeling of anxiety.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Trembling in the body and feeling short of breath.

In order to correctly and accurately diagnose, it is necessary to understand that such an asthenic condition in adults does not go away after a long rest and may be associated with certain psychophysical stresses. Everyone, in principle, can independently diagnose such a syndrome in himself, but making an accurate diagnosis is the doctor's prerogative.

Asthenia in children

If in adults the asthenic emotional state is most often a problem due to difficulties in everyday life and at work, mental and physical stress, then in children the disease is formed differently. Doctors distinguish two options for the development of asthenic conditions in babies.

  1. In the first case, children with asthenic conditions are highly excited. This is usually observed if the parents heavily load the child. After school, he immediately goes to the section or circles, in the evening you can observe overexcitation, which does not allow the child to fall asleep. There is an overexcitation of the nervous system, the help of a specialist is needed. If you reduce the load, adjust the daily routine and resort to the help of drugs to maintain the nervous system, then this condition passes quickly enough.
  2. In the second scenario, everything happens the other way around. The child becomes lethargic, apathetic, poorly learns school material, wants to sleep during the day. You also need to adjust the load and drink a course of medications that will support the nervous system.

The cause of asthenic conditions in children is often brain damage. Unfortunately, quite a lot of such children are being born at the present time. Everything happens as in the first case. Parents, grandparents expect too much from their child and try to give it to various sections. In addition, they also require good academic performance.

There comes a moment when the child simply ceases to be guided by what he has already done and what not. You should not demand high achievements from your children, each child is individual, he learns the material at his own pace. If you began to notice that the baby began to bite his nails, blinks often, tics appeared, then this is already a serious cause for concern.

Children are also very much experiencing various conflict situations in the family: divorce of parents, quarrels. They often do not show this, but inside there is constant nervous tension. In such situations, the help of a specialist is important to bring the child out of the asthenic state.

Diagnosis of asthenia

Most often, a competent specialist always accurately diagnoses "asthenic condition". Symptoms are manifested brightly against the background of overstrain, stress and general fatigue. But in the case when the signs of asthenia are slightly hidden behind the symptoms of the underlying disease, problems may arise with the diagnosis. Only a detailed conversation with the patient can clarify the situation.

Specialists are armed with a scale of asthenic condition, which was created by L. D. Malkova. It has already been adapted on the basis of clinical and psychological observations. There are 30 statements on the scale that characterize this state.

For the accuracy of the results, everyone must be responsible for himself, it is not allowed for someone to do this for you. After all answers, the scores are summed up, the whole scale can be divided into 4 ranges:

  • 1st - from 30 to 50 points - asthenia is absent.
  • 2nd - starts with 51 and ends with 75 points - a weak manifestation of asthenic conditions.
  • 3rd - from 76 to 100 points - moderately severe asthenia.
  • 4th - more than 101 points - a pronounced condition.

Thus, the asthenic state scale (ASS) gives true results that facilitate the diagnosis.

Therapy of asthenic syndrome

The treatment of asthenia must be approached comprehensively. Using only one method, it is impossible to achieve a positive result. If there is a diagnosis of "asthenic condition", treatment should include:

  1. Adjustment of the mode of work and rest.
  2. Making the right diet.
  3. Exclusion of bad habits.
  4. The introduction of dosed physical activity.
  5. Treatment with medications.
  6. The use of physiotherapy.
  7. Creation and maintenance of a normal psychological climate in the family.

Since the nervous system is depleted in patients, tranquilizers and sleeping pills are prescribed, first of all, to normalize sleep and relieve overstrain. It is best for these purposes to use drugs on medicinal herbs that have such effects. For example, a good result gives the reception of such funds.

  • The medicine "Valerian P". It has a positive effect on the work of the autonomic and central nervous systems.
  • Means "Motherwort P". Normalizes blood pressure, calms and normalizes sleep.
  • Complex "Nervo-Vit". Removes irritability, tearfulness, increases the protective functions of the body.
  • The complex "Leveton P" is made on the basis of leuzea and allows you to remove drowsiness during the day, reduces fatigue from mental and physical work.

For a speedy recovery, it is also important to take general strengthening complexes of vitamins and minerals. Which is better to choose, the doctor will advise, taking into account the patient's condition.

Only a whole range of drugs that are taken on the recommendation of a doctor can alleviate a person’s condition and bring his nervous system back to normal.

During treatment, you need to pay attention to your diet, include more foods rich in proteins, such as meat, legumes. It is useful to eat cheese, bananas, turkey meat (these products contain tryptophan), eating fresh fruits and vegetables, you can replenish the supply of vitamins and minerals in the body.

Therapeutic gymnastics, physiotherapeutic procedures, massage, outdoor walks will become indispensable helpers in the treatment of asthenic conditions.

Folk recipes for asthenic condition

To help in the fight against asthenia, you can call on traditional medicine, in its bins there are recipes to reduce the symptoms of the disease. You can use the following, they have already been tested in practice by more than one patient.

  1. Prepare a mixture of an equal number of hawthorn flowers, chamomile and St. John's wort. Take 1 tsp. mixture and pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Strain and drink in small sips before going to bed. The course should be continued for 2 months. This remedy increases vitality and returns interest in life.
  2. To invigorate a person, it is necessary to mix an equal amount of flowers of lavender, linden, hop cones and St. John's wort. Then 1 tsp. pour boiling water and you can drink like regular tea (2-3 times a day).
  3. If there is absolutely no strength, then such a tool will help. You need to take 1 tsp. hawthorn flowers, calendula, burdock, rosemary leaves and mix with a little ground coffee. Pour 0.5 liters of hot water and leave for a couple of hours. It is necessary to drink in the morning after meals and in the evening.

These simple recipes will help to cope with asthenia.

Features of the treatment of asthenia in children

The child's body is much more susceptible to various external influences, so therapy should only be prescribed by a doctor. Parents may be advised to:

  1. Bring the child's study and rest regimen back to normal. It is necessary to adjust the classes in circles, sections, maybe it is worth giving up something at least for a while.
  2. Do not take any medications without the advice of a doctor. In this situation, even completely harmless remedies can only aggravate the condition.
  3. After making a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes medications not only taking into account the symptoms, but also the age of the child.
  4. The main task of parents is to comply with all recommendations.

If all wishes are fulfilled, then, as a rule, the treatment is successful, and the baby's nervous system returns to normal.

After visiting the doctor, was the diagnosis "asthenic condition" diagnosed? That this is serious enough should become clear after talking with the doctor, so you need to take the treatment with all seriousness and responsibility. It is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Include feasible physical activity in your life - jogging in the evenings, swimming, cycling.
  • Optimize the mode of work and rest.
  • Avoid contact with hazardous chemicals whenever possible. If this is due to the nature of your activity, then you will have to change it.
  • Include protein-rich foods in your diet.
  • Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Pay attention to eggs and liver - these foods improve memory.
  • In winter, you should think about taking vitamin complexes.
  • Maintain a normal microclimate in the family and in the work team.

If all this is added to drug treatment, then it will be much faster to get rid of the asthenic condition.

Prevention of asthenic syndrome

Many people ask the question, is it possible to prevent the development of asthenia? This begs the answer: is it necessary? After all, the asthenic state is a kind of protective reaction of the body, which protects the nervous system from destruction. If the number and strength of external stimuli reaches a critical level, then protective reflexes of "marginal inhibition" are activated, which are manifested by asthenic states.

To prevent overstrain of your nervous system, it is recommended:

  • Sleep regularly. If there are problems with sleep, then they should be addressed immediately.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • Do not take on overwhelming physical and mental work.
  • Alternate any load with rest.
  • Maintain normal relationships in the family and in the team.

Even if it was not possible to avoid overvoltage, and asthenic syndrome overtook you, then a timely visit to the doctor will quickly return everything to its place. The initial stages of the disease respond very well to treatment. Do not self-medicate or hope that gradually everything will pass by itself.