Colca Canyon is the deepest canyon in the world. The most spectacular and deepest canyons in the world (12 photos)

  • 15.10.2019

There are many places on Earth that amaze not only with their beauty, but also with their grandeur. Canyons are one of the most amazing natural phenomena. For millions of years, river flows have eroded the earth, forming deep gorges. Over time, the rivers dried up, and canyons remained in their place. The deepest canyons in the world are not only places of amazing beauty, but also unique ecosystems with rare birds and animals living in them.

In Montenegro, it is one of the most majestic creations of nature. Its depth is 1300 meters. The gorge stretching along the Tara River is one of the main attractions of the country. Part of the canyon is part of the Durmitor National Park. The beauty of the canyon attracts many tourists. In the vicinity of the deepest gorge in Europe, there is the Dzhurdzhevich Tara Bridge - another interesting attraction of Montenegro.

The canyon is a favorite place for rafters. By the way, Tara is one of the cleanest rivers in Europe. In winter, the gorge attracts skiers with many slopes and good snow cover.

Located in South Africa, it is ranked 9th in the list of the deepest canyons in the world. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the banks of the Blyde River are covered with lush vegetation. This makes the canyon the largest green gorge in the world. The maximum depth of the canyon is 1372 meters. The majestic gorge is one of the most amazing sights in South Africa. Tourists enjoy visiting the canyon, where you can admire fantastic African landscapes.

- one of the most famous and largest canyons. Its depth is 1600 meters. It is located in the state of Colorado, USA, on the territory of the national park of the same name. There are also reservations of three Indian tribes. The canyon is formed by the Colorado River. The Grand Canyon is one of the most unusual and amazingly beautiful places.

Due to its unusualness, the Grand Canyon has been carefully studied. It is one of the most visited places by tourists - about 4 million people come to see the Grand Canyon every year.

Among the deepest canyons in the world is a complex of 6 gorges called Copper Canyon. It is located in Mexico, in the national park of the same name. The maximum depth of the canyon is 1879 meters.

The canyon got its name from the Spaniards, who mistook the rocks overgrown with moss and lichen for copper ore. The complex of gorges is a unique ecosystem. It is home to many rare animal species and more than 290 bird species.

Takes 6th place in the list of the deepest canyons in the world. Its depth is 1920 meters. It is located in Dagestan, between the Salatau and Gimrinsky mountain ranges. Sulak Canyon is one of the most beautiful places in Dagestan, which is visited by many tourists every year. The plateau offers a fantastic panorama of the Sulak River with a cascade of hydroelectric power plants located on it.

Sulak Canyon is not only one of the most beautiful sights of Dagestan. Due to the lack of an observation deck, barriers and railings, being at the very top of the canyon is extremely dangerous.

In China, one of the deepest canyons on Earth. The canyon owes its unusual name to a local legend, according to which a tiger running away from hunters jumped over a turbulent river at its narrowest point. The depth of the canyon is 3000 meters. Getting more accurate data about the canyon is hindered by its inaccessibility.

The fourth deepest canyon in the world -. It, like the Cotausi Canyon, is located in Peru. Its depth is 3400 meters. It is believed that the name of the canyon is translated as "grain barn". In ancient times, the Inca tribe cultivated crops in this area - this is evidenced by the terraces that exist here to this day.

The canyon was formed as a result of the activity of two volcanoes: Sabankaya and Walka.

The canyon attracts not only tourists, but also rafters, lovers of cycling through the mountains.

Colca Canyon is interesting not only for its beauty environment, but also the fact that here you can watch the condors.

One of the deepest canyons on Earth is the canyon. Its depth reaches 3535 meters. It is located in Peru between two mountain ranges: Soliman and Coropuna, and is formed by the Cotausi River. It is not so easy to see the canyon - it is located in places remote from civilization. Despite the inaccessibility, the canyon is very popular with tourists. In the vicinity of Kotausi there are underground hot springs and waterfalls. One of the largest waterfalls, Sipia, is 250 meters high. In the vicinity of the canyon there are several mountain villages, whose inhabitants are engaged in traditional types of crafts, such as the manufacture of carpets and clothes from alpaca wool.

Visiting the Kotausi canyon, you can not only admire the wonderful view from the observation deck, but also engage in active recreation: kayaking, paragliding, mountain climbing.

On the 2nd place among the deepest canyons on Earth is the canyon. It is located in Nepal. In ancient times, the Kali Gandak River, flowing through a grandiose gorge, was a path for transporting goods between Tibet and India. Today, the canyon is one of the sights of Tibet.

The exact depth of the canyon remains a matter of controversy. If we consider its depth from the highest mountain peaks, it will be at least 6 kilometers.

The deepest canyon on Earth is in Tibet, high in the Himalayas. The greatest depth of the canyon is 6009 meters. The Tsangpo River, flowing in a grandiose gorge, looks like a small stream from the height of the canyon. The river is popular with rafters, although rafting is considered extreme. The ecosystem of the canyon is unique - lush vegetation here is adjacent to the snow-capped mountain peaks. These places are difficult to access, so the flora and fauna have been preserved in their original form.

One more object.

Colca Canyon is located in the southern part of Peru, 160 km from Arequipa. Its length is over 100 km. This is the deepest canyon in the world, its depth from the bottom to the mountain peaks reaches 3400 m, it is twice the size of the Grand Canyon in the USA and unlike it is suitable for life and agriculture. Colca Canyon is located high in the Andes, at altitudes of 3260 meters above sea level.

Kolka Canyon was formed in the valley of the river of the same name. Throughout its length, traces of the activity of the ancient Peruvian peoples, who built numerous agricultural stepped terraces, are visible.

The Colca Canyon (Spanish: Cañon del Colca) is one of the most visited tourist destinations in all of Peru. As one of the deepest canyons in the world, with an altitude difference of 3400 meters, Colca has been inhabited for more than 1500 years by people, the first of which were ethnic tribes of the pre-Inca era. On the lands of the canyon, they managed to create a complex system of agricultural terraces, which occupied more than 10,000 hectares in area. Already after the capture of Peru by the Spaniards, the Collaguas and Cabanas tribes began to expand their cities along the canyon and build churches here. To date, the Andes still have large allotments of terraces that are cultivated by local residents, and the surviving Inca dwellings are even used to store crops.

But tourists visit the Colca Canyon not only for the stunning nature, unique landscapes and colorful settlements. On one of the most high points The canyon contains the Cruz del Condor observation deck, from where you can observe the condors, the world's largest bird, which is often called the master of the Andes, at the closest possible distance.

The Colca Valley, which captures the canyon itself and its surrounding areas, is located in the northeast of the Arequipa department, 151 km from the city of the same name. The highest point of the valley is the currently inactive volcano Ampato with a height of 6288 meters, and the lowest mark falls at the confluence of the Colca and Andamayo rivers (970 m). The valley stretches over 100 km in length and occupies part of the Kolka River basin. There are 16 settlements in this zone, where the way of life and clothes of the 18th-90th centuries are still preserved. The largest of these settlements is the city of Chivay, where tourists often stop for overnight stays during multi-day excursions through the Kolka Valley and the canyon of the same name.

The very name Colca in the Quechua Indian language means "grain barn", since this area, unlike the same Grand Canyon, is quite suitable for life and agriculture. The river of the same name flows along the bottom of the canyon, it was it that caused such a grandiose spectacle to appear and every year continues to increase the depth of the gorge.

Tourists are attracted here primarily by the stunning beauty of these places - from the observation deck of the Condor Cross ( Cruz del Condor), located on one of the highest points, you can watch the majestic flight of condors, being almost at the same height with them. Also from the observation decks of the canyon opens amazing view on the active volcanoes of Ampato, Valka-Valka and Sabancaya.

Colca Canyon is also famous for its hotels built near hot springs, so after a tiring walk in the mountains, travelers will find impeccable service and the opportunity to relax in a mineral water pool.

The canyon has other names - the Lost Valley of the Incas, the Valley of Fire, the Valley of Miracles or simply the Territory of the Eagles.

In the valley, in a place called Antahuilki, more than 5,000 hectares of agricultural land have been preserved, cultivated since ancient times. The presence or absence of water plays a crucial role here: the peasants sow the fields depending on the amount of snow that has fallen on the top of the mountain. If there is a lot of it, they sow all the terraces, if it is not enough, only those closest to the river.
The walls of these terraces were built at an angle so that the water flowing from the mountains would linger and irrigate the fields instead of washing them away. The volcanic stone at their base absorbs the heat of the sun during the day and releases it to the soil at night. It turns out a kind of natural heating ...

Below, in the center, is an ancient swamp, which is mentioned in Inca legends. From time to time, pets and children disappeared into it. It was believed that here mother earth takes sacrifices for herself ...

Nearby, 24 very interesting stones were found in the valley. Each of them is a map of the location of the terraces.

Recently, in the mountains above the valley, where summer residents swarm, ancient Inca burials were found. They are over 800 years old. These are caves carved in stone, painted in different colors. More than 30 mummies were found in them. Local residents are not going to rebury them, observing the traditions of their ancestors. However, the mountain in which the caves are hollowed out consists of rather soft rock. And during earthquakes, often its parts collapse onto the road along with ancient graves.

The canyon is translated from Spanish as "gorge, pipe." This is a rather deep river valley with steep, steep slopes and a narrow bottom. As a rule, the latter is completely occupied by the river channel. This is an amazingly beautiful miracle of nature, which has been created over millions of years.

Before we find out in which country the deepest canyon is located, we will present a brief overview of the six largest and most grandiose. Among them, the most famous are the Grand Canyon, Colca and Blyde.

The most impressive canyons in the world

  • The Charyn Canyon (Kazakhstan) stretches for 154 kilometers along the river of the same name. It is located 195 km east of Alma-Ata, not far from the Chinese border. The peculiarity of this natural miracle is that a relic species of Sogdian ash has been preserved in it. Here is a whole grove that survived the era of glaciation.
  • Waimea (USA) in the Hawaiian Islands is a large canyon located in the west of about. Kauai. It was formed as a result of downpours and the subsequent overflow of the Waimea River, which, by the power of its waters, washed the canyon through Mount Waialeale. Of all the gorges located in the Pacific, Waimea is the largest. Often it is called the Grand Canyon in miniature.

  • Colca Canyon (Peru) is located in the Andes mountain range. For a long time, the Colca Valley was one of the least explored areas in Peru. More information about this beautiful place can be found below.
  • Blyde River Canyon (Africa, South Africa, Mpubalanga) was formed thanks to the efforts of the river of the same name, which for millions of years broke through the red sandstone gorge. Its length was 26 kilometers, and its depth was approximately 1400 meters. Now the walls of this colorful canyon are huge sandy rocks with a conical roof, similar to giant traditional African huts.

Many people want to see the most in the world with their own eyes. Let's take a closer look at the most remarkable gorges.

Canyons of the USA

On the territory of this country there are many impressive creations of nature with their beauty and grandeur.

The amazingly beautiful Grand Canyon could rightly be described as the deepest canyon in the world. Since 1979 it has been on the UNESCO list. More than 4 million people visit the gorge every year.

Fascinating and attracting with its unusualness, it is also located in (USA). The gorge got its exotic name because of the reddish-red shades of the walls, strongly reminiscent of the color of the skin of an animal. The peculiarity of this place is that in the photo the colors of the landscapes of the canyon do not always correspond to the true picture. Moreover, photographs can look much more beautiful than the real picture. Only in the pictures you can see the blue tones of twilight shadows, and, in all likelihood, this is due to some properties of the human brain.

Kolka (the deepest canyon in the world): description

This gorge is 2 times deeper than the Grand Canyon (more on it below), but its slopes are less steep.

River valley Kolka long time was one of the most poorly explored areas of Peru. There are many interesting legends about this canyon. They called this place romantically: the Valley of Miracles and Fire, the Lost Valley of the Incas. Today this territory is known as the location of the deepest canyon in the world - Kolka. Views of picturesque natural landscapes with giant terraces of the great Andes mountains, descending in ledges to the river, are breathtaking and impress with their splendor and romance.

The deepest canyon in the world is more than twice as deep as the Grand Canyon. Its stunning depth is 4160 meters. There is another significant difference from the North American gorge - the walls of Kolka are more gentle, which does not detract from the merits of this wonderful splendor of nature.

It is worth noting that the condor hovering over this deep gorge, which is the national pride of the Peruvians, looks great against the backdrop of gloomy rocks. It is no coincidence that one of the most ancient names of the mysterious mountainous vast spaces is the Territory of the Condor.

The largest canyon: interesting facts from history

What are the largest canyons in the world? A grandiose gorge is considered a natural creation on the Colorado River (northern part of the center of Arizona) in the United States. Its length is 446 kilometers, width - 16 km, and depth - 1600 meters. It extends from the Grand Wash Cliffs to Marble Gorge.

It was first discovered by the Anasazi Indians who lived here thousands of years ago. Around the 20s of the 16th century, conquistadors from Spain came here in search of gold, but they bypassed this terrible gorge. Apparently, they gave the name to this natural structure. Translated from Spanish, "canyon" is translated as "chimney".

The Spanish missionary Garces entered the canyon in 1776 in order to convert the Havasupai Indians to Christianity. Despite the warm welcome of the guest, the locals were in no hurry to accept this faith, and they still believe in their gods. However, Father Garces managed to leave his mark here: he gave the name to the local river - Colorado (translated from Spanish means "painted").

Since 1919, when the Grand Canyon was declared a national park, approximately 100 million tourists have visited these places. In 1979, the deepest canyon in the world was included in the lists of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Sulak Canyon

The most beautiful and grandiose gorge in Russia can rightfully be considered the Sulak Canyon, located in the Republic of Dagestan. And the reservoir that arose here is a very popular place among researchers and tourists. This creation of nature is an unsurpassed proof of its beauty and grandeur.

This gorge takes its beginning where the river. Sulak cuts through the mountains in sandstones and limestones, separating Salatau from the Gimrinsky ridge. The length of the canyon is 53 kilometers. The majestic natural structure resembles the Kola Gorge - the deepest canyon in the world. In Dagestan, the depth of the Sulak Gorge is 1920 meters, and in length it is slightly inferior to the American one.

The peculiarity of the Dagestan canyon is that in fact it consists of 3 gorges, interconnected by small extensions alternating one after another. The main one is 18 km long, while the Miatly and Chirkey canyons are slightly smaller.

More about one of the deepest gorges

We found out which is the deepest canyon in the world. But there is another place on earth that claims such a title.

In Tibet, there is the Yarlung Tsangpo, the deepest part of which is 6009 meters. It is located high in the Himalayas, on a sacred territory. The Brahmaputra River of North India flows there with an average depth of 4876 m. Yarlung Tsangpo is often called the deepest canyon on the planet.

The length of the gorge is also impressive at 240 km. These places are attractive not only for their magnificent landscapes, but also for the river, which is popular with kayakers, who gave it its name for its extreme conditions - “Everest among the rivers”.


A huge number of beautiful canyons created by nature itself are located all over the world. All of them are unique in their uniqueness of landscapes, the history of their origin. Each of them, with its own peculiarities of picturesque nature, is breathtaking and attracts with mystery and unique beauty.

Canyons are considered one of the most amazing and attractive creations of nature. For millions of years, stormy river streams have flowed on the surface of the earth, neutralizing all obstacles in their path and gradually washing away deep valleys. Over time, the turbulent streams of water dried up, and only deep gorges remained in their place. These amazing creations of nature are distinguished not only by their spectacular appearance, but also by their unique ecosystem. Many of them are habitats for rare species of animals and birds; the rarest plant species grow in the canyons. The deepest canyons of the planet are incredibly beautiful and, at the same time, very dangerous. Steep cliffs ready to collapse at any moment, a swift river flowing along the bottom, predatory animals and insects - dangers only attract inspired tourists to these places.
Colca Canyon, Peru

Colca Canyon is one of the leaders of the planet in terms of depth, it is about 3,400 meters. Given that the length of the canyon is more than 100 kilometers, it can safely claim the title of one of the largest on the planet. The location of the canyon is also very unusual, it is located in the Andes, at an altitude of 3,260 meters above sea level. Main Feature of these places is a unique nature, the Colca Canyon has chosen the habitat of the largest bird of prey - the condor. Its wingspan can reach 3.3 meters. To admire these majestic birds and the surrounding natural beauties, several excellent viewing platforms are equipped in the canyon, including La Cruz del Condor.

Many travelers while visiting the canyon tend to get into the Sangaye area. On its territory there is a unique plateau with a tropical climate - a real tropical oasis with palm trees, surrounded by snow-capped mountain peaks. It is best to explore the picturesque places of the canyon accompanied by a guide, as the danger of collapses remains in the gorge. While walking through the most picturesque places of the canyon, you should definitely look into one of the colorful Andean villages, small mountain settlements can be found on both sides of the gorge.

Tsangpo Grand Canyon, China

Length: 500 km. Depth: more than 6000 m.

The depth of the Tsangpo canyon, located in Tibet, is more than 6,000 meters, according to this indicator it is the undisputed leader. The length of the gorge is about 500 kilometers, it has a very unusual horseshoe shape. The mountains surrounding the canyon are incredibly high, their snow-capped peaks merge with the sky and become barely distinguishable. It is they who attract climbing enthusiasts, the conquest of the mountain peaks surrounding the canyon is only possible for great professionals. Among distinctive features It is also worth highlighting the unique ecosystem of the Tsangpo Canyon. Depending on the altitude, the climate varies from arctic to subtropical.

On the southern slope of the canyon is Mount Namjagbarwa, the main peak of the Eastern Himalayas, rising up to 7,782 meters. At the bottom of the gorge, the swift Tsangpo River still flows, its minimum width is 80 meters, but from a bird's eye view it seems to be a subtle thread lost among the mighty mountains. The last large-scale study of the canyon, as a result of which it was recognized as the deepest on the planet, took place in 1994. The results of the study became one of the most significant geographical achievements of the 20th century.

Caperti Valley, Australia

Length: 450 km. Width: 30 km.

The largest in Australia is the Caperti Canyon. It is distinguished not only by its impressive scale, but also by its considerable age. The valley was formed millions of years ago, so today its slopes no longer seem so steep. At the same time, extreme sections of sheer cliffs are found here. Climbing fans are not recommended to conquer them alone, the rocks are very fragile and can collapse.

The length of the canyon is about 450 kilometers, while the width is about 30 kilometers. Since ancient times, the valley of the Caperti River has been used by local residents to develop mines. The slopes of the gorge are literally precious gifts of nature. The very first mines in which precious stones were mined were developed here more than 2,000 years ago. It is noteworthy that for thousands of years the deposits precious stones not exhausted at all. Most recently, one of the inquisitive travelers spent 6 days in the canyon, during which time he managed to find 77 gems. Walking through the old mines is also unsafe, any strong sound or awkward movement can lead to their collapse. Abandoned mines are far from the only attractive feature of the Caperti Valley, it remains an ideal place for exploring natural attractions and cycling.

Kali Gandaki Canyon, Nepal

Depth: more than 6000 m.

The Kali Gandaki Canyon and the river of the same name flowing along its bottom got their name in honor of the Hindu goddess Kali, who is the personification of the powerful forces of nature. The exact depth of the canyon remains unknown, but it is estimated to be over 6,000 meters. The majestic Annapurna and Dhaulagiri mountains, which are more than 8,000 meters high, frame the canyon. Thousands of travelers come to admire their snow-capped peaks every year. If for tourists these places are of interest, first of all, from a “natural” point of view, then for the indigenous people they have been considered sacred for a long time.

Kali Gandaki Canyon, Nepal The bravest of the locals regularly go to one gorge to find the sacred stones "saligrams" in the muddy waters of the river. The latter are indeed quite unusual, they are fossilized fragments of mollusks that lived in the river millions of years ago. These amazing stones in India are valued more than gold, because they have unique healing properties. Travelers will also have the opportunity to devote their leisure time to a dangerous and at the same time interesting event. You can go to the bottom of the gorge only accompanied by an experienced guide, only the locals know the shortest and relatively easy ways to the banks of the river. Saligrams is just one of the many mysteries of the Kali Gandaki canyon.

Grand Canyon Colorado, USA

Length: 446 km. Depth: 1800 m.

Without a doubt, we can say that the most famous in the world is the Grand Canyon of Colorado, it is located on the territory of a unique national park of the same name. The length of the canyon is 446 kilometers, and the depth is about 1,800 meters. Despite the fact that these modest parameters do not allow the canyon to claim the world championship, it does not cease to be a landmark of world importance and a center of attraction for millions of tourists. The age of the canyon is about 10 million years, it was carefully studied by scientists who discovered many amazing features.

One of the most ancient canyons on the planet is home to 355 species of rare birds and 150 animal species, and the Colorado River is home to over 15 rare fish species. In addition to natural values, archaeological artifacts were also found in the canyon - rock paintings, whose age is about 3,000 years. More than 5 million tourists visit the Grand Canyon every year, for whom excellent viewing platforms are equipped and interesting walking routes have been developed. The most popular observation decks are Cape Royal Point, Bright Angel Point and Imperial Point. Walking along the canyon alone is very dangerous, especially along its bottom. A hot desert climate has been established here, cacti grow and there are many dangerous inhabitants, including poisonous spiders and scorpions.

Fish River Canyon, Namibia

Length: 161 km. Depth: 550 m.

A canyon with such an unusual name is located in Namibia, among its distinctive features is an incredibly spectacular and harmonious appearance. The length of the canyon is 161 kilometers, and the depth is only 550 meters, which is very modest in comparison with the "world giants". At the same time, in terms of beauty, it can really claim one of the first places in the world. The name of the canyon was given by the longest river in Namibia - Fish River. The formation of the canyon is continuous, during the rainy season the river is a swift and seething stream. During the drought period, on the contrary, the river dries up a lot, so small lakes form at the bottom of the canyon.

Lovers of a relaxing holiday prefer to visit the canyon during the drought period, while it attracts adventurers in the midst of the rainy season. Walking along the sandy slopes of the canyon at this time is incredibly dangerous, and approaching the bottom of the gorge is completely prohibited - it can be flooded at any moment. Recently, the canyon has been a permanent venue for the marathon. The section of the path that runners have to overcome is not without reason considered one of the most difficult in the world, it passes through difficult rough terrain. Tourists are recommended to visit these picturesque places from May to October - during the drought. They will have a unique opportunity to walk along the bottom of the gorge, free from the seething streams of the Fish River.

Cotahuasi Canyon, Peru

Depth: 3535 m.

Cotahuasi Canyon is the deepest in Peru, its depth is 3,535 meters. The canyon is framed by two majestic mountain ranges - Soliman and Koropuna. Also, among the local natural attractions, it is worth highlighting the beautiful waterfalls, the most beautiful of which is Sipia. Translated from the Quechua language, the name of the canyon can be translated as “home for all”, during the colonial period, many miniature settlements and mountain villages were founded on the slopes of the gorge. The Spanish colonialists also built bullrings here, some of which have survived to this day.

One of the most picturesque villages is Calata. Among its main architectural attractions are the ancient cemeteries of Barrancas de Tenajaja. No less attractive is the village of Lucio, on the territory of which there are healing thermal springs. The picturesque Cotahuasi Canyon is a unique treasure trove of natural and historical sights; it will surely impress fans of hiking and excursions. If the gentle slopes of the gorge are suitable for living, then its sheer cliffs are ideal for honing mountaineering skills. There are areas suitable for training here for both beginners and experienced athletes.

Tara river canyon, Montenegro

Length: 80 km. Depth: 1300 m.

In Montenegro, there is a canyon of the Tara River, it is the deepest in Europe. The depth of the gorge is about 1,300 meters, and the length is about 80 kilometers. The canyon is located on the territory of the Durmitor National Park, therefore it invariably attracts the attention of ecotourism adherents. The Tara River and the canyon formed by it received their name in honor of the ancient Illyrian tribe that once lived in these places. The Tara River is one of the main attractions of the country, it has an unusual cascading structure and has more than 40 significant elevation changes along its length. The water in the river is crystal clear, you can drink it without fear. Experienced tourists who enjoy this event note the amazing taste of river water, which cannot be compared with any other.

Rafting fans have chosen these picturesque places for a long time, the cascading structure of the river makes the conditions for rafting just perfect. In addition to rafting, other sports activities are available to tourists - walking along steep mountain slopes and narrow paths on mountain bikes. Among the outstanding natural attractions of the canyon are the beautiful Bajlovic Sige waterfall, as well as the amazing Crna Poda forest, which has preserved its original beauty. In 1940, the construction of the Dzhurdzhevich Bridge was completed over the canyon. It offers a gorgeous panoramic view of the gorge and the surrounding landscapes.

Blyde River Canyon, South Africa

Length: 26 km. Depth: 1372 m.

In South Africa, in the province of Mpumalanga, one of the outstanding natural attractions of the planet is located - the canyon of the Blyde River. Its maximum depth is 1372 meters, and the length of the gorge reaches 26 kilometers. The development of the canyon by man began more than 100,000 years ago. In ancient times, the valley was home to the Swazi tribes. During the study of the canyon, scientists discovered rock paintings, as well as the remains of ancient people who fell in intertribal warriors.

Currently, the main inhabitants of the canyon are animals, including primates that have chosen local forests, and rare kudu antelope, which are attracted by picturesque green meadows. It is also worth noting that wild animals, including leopards, are found in the canyon, so it is not recommended to admire its picturesque landscapes without a guide. A century and a half ago, gold mining began in the canyon, for almost a hundred years inspired miners continuously stayed here, gradually the gold deposits dried up, only the harmonious beauty of the gorge remained unchanged. Some sections of the canyon are ideal for mountaineering; the swift Blyde River flowing along the bottom of the gorge only adds excitement to climbers.

Copper Canyon, Mexico

Depth: 1830 m.

Located in Mexico, Copper Canyon is a collection of six small canyons, which are usually considered as a single natural formation. The name of the canyon fully reflects one of its main distinguishing features; the slopes of the gorge have a rich copper-red hue. Over time, the slopes of the canyon were covered with green moss, which the Spanish colonialists who arrived in these places mistook for copper deposits. Walking on the steep mountain slopes remains one of the favorite pastimes of tourists, and the most fortunate may have the opportunity to see rare species of local predators. It is for this reason that unaccompanied walks in some areas of the gorge are prohibited.

The elevation difference in the gorge is about 1870 meters, and while the tops of the mountains remain covered with snow, at the bottom of the gorge in the subtropical forests, life literally boils. More than 30% of the representatives of the Mexican fauna live in the canyon, among the dense forests you can meet the rare Mexican wolf, black bear and cougar. The number of plants growing on the territory of the canyon is in the thousands. These places invariably attract active travelers, and therefore the beautiful Copper Canyon was chosen as a permanent venue for the Festival of educational and adventure tourism. Fans of excursions will be able to visit the settlements of the Raramuri Indians and buy handmade souvenirs.

Antelope Canyon, USA

At a distance of about 240 kilometers from the Grand Canyon of Colorado is another outstanding attraction - Antelope Canyon. It is located on the territory of the Navajo reservation, so travelers can get to the canyon only after paying a fee and accompanied by a guide. Conventionally, the canyon is divided into two - upper and lower, both of which are distinguished by incredibly beautiful rock formations that serve as a center of attraction for photographers from all over the world. Visitors to these places will have a great opportunity to walk among the fabulously beautiful sandy rocks, through the narrow cracks between which light penetrates and gives these places an atmosphere of mystery.

Among others, Antelope Canyon is distinguished by the history of formation. The bizarrely shaped sandy cliffs that can be admired today are the result of the action of rainwater. Every year during the rainy season, the canyon undergoes a lot of changes, and when the heavy rains end, it becomes available for visiting. During heavy rains, some parts of the canyon are heavily flooded, so it is extremely dangerous to go for a walk along it during the rainy season. The bottom of the canyon is a complex labyrinth of sandy rocks, rainwater forms narrow passages into which light rays barely penetrate. The color of the rocks forming the canyon is reddish-red, it strongly resembles the color of antelopes, this remarkable coincidence gave the name to the canyon.

Charyn Canyon, Kazakhstan

Length: 154 km. Depth: 300 m.

The location of the Charyn Canyon is the Charyn National Park in Kazakhstan, the length of the gorge is 154 kilometers, and its depth varies from 150 to 300 meters. Despite the relatively modest scale, the number of attractions and unique features of the canyon is simply amazing. A mandatory point of the excursion program is a visit to the Valley of Castles. This is the name of the area in which amazing natural formations are concentrated - rocks, shaped like real castle towers. A lot of pleasant surprises await nature lovers. More than 1,500 plants, about 80 animal species and more than 100 bird species are represented in the canyon. It should be noted that many representatives of the local flora and fauna are listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan.

Experienced travelers compare the landscapes of the Charyn canyon with the famous Grand Canyon, they are really very similar, but only externally. The ecosystems of the canyons are different; in the Charyn canyon, rare species of trees that existed on the planet before the glaciation era have been miraculously preserved. Experienced tourists recommend visiting the canyon at sunset, the setting sun colors its slopes in purple, gold and pink tones - this sight looks simply bewitching. The area in which the Charyn canyon is located is characterized by a high content of sand in the soils. This feature makes walking along the slopes of the gorge quite dangerous, the fragile rock can collapse at any moment.

There are a lot of places in the world, after visiting which there are unforgettable impressions. And some of the most amazing natural phenomena that have been created, day after day for a long time, are natural canyons. It is about them that will be discussed in our article.

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Today we are going to meet the best representatives these unusual natural phenomena, learn about them Interesting Facts, and, quite possibly, fall in love with their unusual landscape.

A canyon should be understood as natural formations that arise under the influence of natural forces. The bulk of the canyons are formed in the places where rivers flow, that is, in river valleys, which are surrounded by a number of high rocks. Looking ahead, I note that the largest number canyons is located on the territory of modern USA, and Arizona is considered the most impressive. But this does not mean at all that other canyons that are scattered throughout the globe, are not at all worthy of attention from tourists. Rather, on the contrary.

The Charyn Canyon, which is also called the local "miracle", is considered a unique natural monument of its kind. The age of sedimentary rocks that underlie the rocks of the canyon reaches 12 million years. Since outwardly the Kazakh Charyn is very similar to the American Grand Canyon, the locals jokingly call it that.

Without any exaggeration, such a miracle of Nature cannot be found anywhere else. The canyon is part of the national park, the area of ​​​​which may be the envy of some European countries. It is on the territory of a huge park that archaeologists still continue to find the remains of ancient representatives of the animal world, including the remains of famous mastodons.

The easiest way to get to the Charyn canyon is from the capital of Kazakhstan. The distance of 200 km is quietly covered by comfortable buses or private cars. Ease of accessibility and unique nature have made this place one of the most popular among tourists.

The size of the canyon is impressive. The approximate length is 150 km, and the depth in some of its places exceeds 300 meters! But the main attraction of the canyon is its unique flora. Many plants (such as ash) even managed to survive the Ice Age!

All this and much more like a magnet attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world. And everyone should see the magnificent beauty of the canyon!

Waimea Canyon

The next point of our trip will be the Hawaiian Islands. As it turned out, they can boast not only unique beaches and round-the-clock parties, but also a real canyon, which was named Waimea. Unlike many of its "colleagues", the canyon was not formed at all as a result of soil erosion. The history of its origin is inextricably linked with the volcano, which provoked the formation of a huge failure. Although the flowing river of the same name also contributed to the formation of the crack.

The length of this "scar on the face of the Earth" is 16 km, and the depth of the failure in some places is a record 900 meters. This canyon is also often compared to the Grand Canyon of Arizona. A natural park has been founded around the canyon, which is considered one of the most favorite places for hiking on the planet. Thousands of tourists come here every year to make a multi-day or short-term trip to the jungle of the island.

The park is under protection, and going deep into the island, you should take care of a good map, provisions and inventory for all occasions.

No less grandiose a natural phenomenon is the Colca Canyon in Peru. It is considered to be the deepest in the world. Its depth in some places reaches 3400 meters. The formation of the canyon was preceded by the long-term activity of two volcanoes at once - Valka and Sabankaya. The latter is still active today.

If you consider yourself an avid rafting, hiking and mountain biking enthusiast, you should definitely find the time and opportunity to spend at least a little time in the company of the magnificent Colca Canyon.

In addition to the dizzying height, beautiful nature and unique wildlife, there is something else waiting for all visitors to the canyon. Just imagine, right on the steep slopes there are entire villages with terraces for agriculture, which are still used today. Well, how can we ignore the king of modern birds of prey - the Andean condor. The wingspan of this giant bird sometimes reaches 3.3 meters!

And now let's go to the southern part of the African continent. It is on the territory of modern South Africa that another bright representative of the world of canyons is located - the Blyde River Canyon. It is part of the Dragon Mountains and is included in the list of objects of natural origin that you should definitely see with your own eyes while traveling around the African continent.

In addition to its phenomenal size, the Blyde River Canyon boasts the most dense vegetation, which elevated it to the first place in the ranking of the "greenest canyons in the world." Red sandstone, which in some places appears through dense thickets, only reminds of the origin of the grandiose canyon. And at this time, somewhere below, the river of the same name flows, drawing the eyes of rare travelers behind it into unprecedented distances.

The approximate length of the canyon is 26 km, and the depth in some places exceeds 1400 meters. And this despite the fact that some of the mountain peaks that frame the canyon along the entire perimeter are located at an altitude of more than 2 km above sea level!

Well, so that all visitors can boast of unique photographs upon returning home, full-fledged observation platforms are equipped along the entire length of the canyon, in the most picturesque places.

Arizona's Glen Canyon looks no less impressive. It is here that Americans from all over the country gather, emphasizing how popular this place is. The red-orange sandstone that lies at the base of the canyon gives this grandiose place a special charm. Everything is here: rocky ledges, and deep caves, and hills, some of which are hidden under water.

More than 4,000 square kilometers were allotted for the recreation area alone. That is why every visitor to the canyon will be able to fill every minute of their vacation with active activities and other entertainment. It offers vacationers and water skiing, and jet skis, and excellent fishing, the catch of which will delight even those who are far from fishing rods and spinning rods. Hiking and various excursions are especially popular among vacationers. And for those who want to slowly appreciate all the beauty of the canyon, a comfortable ferry is ready to offer its services, which makes daily boat trips.

Another prominent representative of the "family" of canyons is, which is also located in Arizona. This canyon has the right to claim the title of the most unusual and colorful on the planet. Cracks of bizarre shapes, an unusual color scheme of rocky ledges, which is somewhat reminiscent of the skin of a noble antelope - all this made the canyon a unique and unique place, interesting for every tourist.

Getting into this grandiose place, one gets the impression that he has fallen into a kind of fairy tale, the author of which is Nature itself. Despite this, Antelope Canyon is not assigned to any national park, although visiting it for free will not work. It turns out that representatives of the Indian tribe, who own the rights to this land, will have to pay the fee.

Please note that the light in the canyon does not penetrate well, so you will have to use all your photography skills to get really good pictures. Best time for photography - the middle of the day.