How to glue reinforced film at home. How to glue a film with your own hands for a pond and a greenhouse

  • 12.06.2019

Film welding is one of the working operations that may sometimes be necessary. For many types of work, pieces of polyethylene film must be tightly connected to each other. Most often, this is necessary for the construction of a greenhouse, greenhouse, installation of vapor barrier during construction.

For some activities, it is necessary to provide the material with a tight connection in order to obtain any product. When gluing polyethylene using adhesive tape or adhesives, high-quality sealed joints will not be obtained, therefore, if it is necessary to ensure a strong connection, welding is used.

There are many ways to weld polyethylene film. The operation itself is a bonding of layers of material by heating, creating a temperature convenient for melting. When the layers are compressed, a weld is formed.

Welding of polyethylene occurs as follows: When heated, the layers change their structure, connect at the molecular level, and after cooling, a strong seam is formed.

To glue a polyethylene film, the layers should be well cleaned - with any contamination, the strength characteristics are much reduced.

Alien impurities pass into the melted mass, which violate the molecular structure in the seams.

For a high-quality connection with high strength, the following conditions must be met:

  • when welding the film, its pieces must be homogeneous, belonging to the same batch;
  • surfaces must be clean;
  • select the temperature regime during operation correctly - with insufficient heating, the strength deteriorates, with excessive heating, the joint and the pre-seam section are deformed;
  • when heated, sufficient compression should be ensured.

To connect pvc film quality, you can not re-weld the edges of the material. If it is necessary to perform such an operation, first cut off the damaged edges.

Both in the implementation of construction operations and for domestic needs, the following connection methods can be used:

  • welding with a soldering iron equipped with special nozzles - in this case, it acts as homemade apparatus for welding;
  • docking when heated, melting the film with an iron;
  • the desired temperature of the layers is achieved using a burner;
  • industrial equipment is used to heat the seam.

You can try to heat the film with a hairdryer, then tightly connect the surfaces intended for gluing to each other, but it is better to put it under a press.

Film welding with a soldering iron

How to glue plastic film with a soldering iron? This method can be safely attributed to the most common - the tool is easily accessible, allows you to get a good result, and with a little refinement of the soldering iron, the effect can be improved.

It should be noted that without refinement it will not always be possible to make a tight connection - the joints can be uneven, the material spreads.

So you can glue the film for the greenhouse or make a canvas for other needs. Only with very small amounts of work can we recommend using a PVC connection with a soldering iron. After a little refinement, it turns into a convenient and easy-to-use tool.

Iron as a welding heater

How to glue a film using an iron - the simplest household appliance that is in every home? Everything is very simple - the job is to melt the polyethylene and create joints using a heated iron sole.

An impromptu iron welding machine allows you to connect large sections of the film. In this case, the seams can be made with a certain width. All modern irons have a thermostat that allows you to adjust the heating temperature.

  • Before gluing the film, provide a comfortable place to work - a wooden one is best. smooth surface.
  • The film is laid with an overlap, upper layer cover with fluoroplastic or paper, press the sole of the iron and lead along the welding line.
  • Empirically, the pressing speed, force are determined, the temperature is selected.

Professional welding tools

To connect the film at home, you can make a variety of tools with your own hands, but they are only suitable for performing small-scale work. If you need large-scale production - commercial activity, creating a greenhouse or greenhouses - the use of these devices has the greatest effect. No glue has the same ability.

The welding process is faster, professional devices allow you to customize desired parameters pressure, welding seam advance rate, temperature.

Most professional devices have tension and setting roller elements that pull the film at an optimal speed, which has a beneficial effect on the quality of the seam.

You will need

  • - double sided tape;
  • - soldering iron or iron;
  • - two metal plates;
  • - cotton fabric;
  • - chromic anhydride or chromium peak;
  • - BF-2 glue (phenolic butyral);
  • - glue for polyethylene;
  • - facilities personal protection.


Connect the joints of the plastic film with double-sided tape. This is the simplest and fast way attach parts from this material to each other. However, do not rely on the glued parts to withstand a large load.

Weld polyethylene - perhaps this is the most common way to connect parts from a film. It requires caution, because during heat treatment you risk ruining the material. Three proven methods can be recommended: - Place both sides of the polyethylene to be glued between two metal plates so that the edges of both parts protrude slightly. Run a soldering iron over them - the metal will not curl. Also, if necessary, you can make a polyethylene patch by thermally treating the edges of the parts to be welded; - use an iron heated to the hottest temperature. In this case, the parts should be overlapped (at least 1-1.5 cm). Lay even stripes under the wrong layer of the film and on top and iron them; - You can connect polyethylene parts by dripping melted plastic onto their joint. So you can repair not only the film, but also other plastic items.

Find the right adhesive for plastics. The vast majority of adhesives will not work for you. Some mixtures can be used, but only after the surface of the plastic has been prepared - it should become more active. For this you will have to "mini". So, after applying a solution of chromic anhydride (25%) on polyethylene, you can use BF-2 glue. You can get the specified chromium preparation in stores chemicals or from familiar chemists. You can replace it with a chrome peak.

Try a special adhesive for polyethylene, such as DP 8005 (structural adhesive for plastics) or WEICON Easy-Mix PE-PP (structural adhesive for polyethylene and ). The peculiarity of such compositions is that no pre-treatment of the material is needed. The mixture changes the structure of the polyethylene surface, after which it sticks together normally.


It is necessary to work with chemicals when repairing polyethylene extremely carefully - on outdoors and with personal protective equipment (gloves, overalls, mask and goggles). Chromium preparations are poisonous, they leave indelible stains on clothes. If you do not have conditions for working with chemicals, it is better not to risk it and get by with more gentle methods.


  • Bonding of plastics
  • gluing polyethylene film
  • Can plastic wrap be glued?

To pack a gift in an original way, it is absolutely not necessary to buy a standard gift box. package. It is better to make a pretty container for a gift yourself. Such packaging will not only be unique, but will also inform the hero of the occasion about how much he is appreciated.

You will need

  • -paper;
  • -pencil;
  • -stationery knife;
  • - stationery glue;
  • -rope.


First, choose the color and pattern that will be on. This will depend on the occasion for which the present is presented. For example, a drawing of flowers is suitable, you can choose an image and rings, for Defender of the Fatherland Day - and stars. Decorate the sheet from which you will make the package with a pattern using or stick an appliqué. On the other hand, products are drawn.

Draw the diagram as follows: mark the width of the package, its length, bottom, fold lines. Cut the corners of the bottom on both sides, then to fold the craft. A detailed diagram can be seen in the picture.

Take a special clerical knife and cut off the future product along the edges. Place something hard underneath to avoid scratching the table. Where the fold lines are indicated on the diagram, push with the other side of the knife to make it easier to bend. Carefully fold the craft along all these lines.

Glue the cut out layout with any clerical glue. When the bag is dry, punch holes with a knife or hole punch. On each side, you need to punch two holes, adhering to symmetry. To make the holes stronger, glue with inside products pieces thick paper.

Take ropes that match in color to the main range. Tie a knot on the rope, thread it into the hole so that the end of the lace enters from front side inside and then make a second knot to secure the rope. Insert the handles into the rest of the holes in the same way. The package is complete. Decorate it further own discretion- Glue foil appliqués, sprinkle with glitter or attach other details for decoration. You can also color the package or write on it the name of the person to whom it is intended, or a wish for the hero of the occasion.

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Oilcloth is a synthetic material for wall decoration, as it looks beautiful, but is quite cheap. It is worth knowing about the technology of sticking oilcloth, all the intricacies of this process even before you decide to glue the material at home or in the country.

Welding of film panels can be done in two ways.

Film bonding method 1

Lay one sheet of film on top of the other, cover them with a newspaper or fluoroplastic film on top, then slowly run the edge of the iron, soldering iron tip or roller over the junction of the sheets, preheating it to 250 ° C.

Film bonding method 2

You can connect the edges of the panels as follows: clamp them between 2 smooth strips of metal so that the edges of the film protrude from under them by about 1 cm, and melt them with the flame of an alcohol lamp or blowtorch.

Xylene and trichlorethylene heated to 70-75°C can also be used for film bonding. At a temperature of 30 ° C, film panels can be glued together with 80% acetic acid. If you have chosen to bond the film parts with one of the above substances, use extreme caution when working with them.

The film can be glued with BF-2 or BF-4 adhesives, having previously treated the surfaces to be joined with a 25% solution of chromic anhydride. PK-5 glue is best suited for joining polyamide film panels. Be sure to iron the seam obtained after gluing with a warm iron heated to a temperature of 50 - 60 ° C.

More recently, superglue has appeared on sale, which is designed specifically for plastic film. It gives a very strong, waterproof and elastic bond. In addition, it is absolutely odorless, and the compounds are transparent and almost invisible. With one bottle of glue with a capacity of 50 ml, it is possible to glue a seam 15 - 20 m long.

Since Super Glue contains household solvents, it is recommended that you follow the same precautions when handling it as when using household chemicals. When stored in sealed packaging, the shelf life of the adhesive is not limited. If it dries, it is enough to dilute it with acetone to restore its original properties.

Superglue is also useful for repairing the finished film coating. The method of its application in this case is as follows. Using a brush or stick, apply a thin layer of adhesive around the damaged area on the outside of the film cover. Let it dry for 2 hours. Then cut out a patch of the required size from the film, attach it to the damaged area and smooth it well. Superglue can even glue old film. However, you should know that it is best to repair the film coating in sunny weather.

If you want to sew film panels with threads, overlap them on top of each other. Stitch infrequently. To increase the strength of the seam, make a paper lining. This method of connecting film sheets is most often used if it is necessary to patch the film coating before it is stretched onto the frame or when it is already torn. stretched film. Minor damage to the film can be sealed with adhesive tape.

Currently, polyethylene film is used in many areas. When performing some types of work, you have to resort to connecting separate parts this material. For example, equipping greenhouses and greenhouses, or to create vapor barrier layers during the construction process. In addition, welding of a polyethylene film can be carried out at home. In the article, we will consider what are the features of connecting this material and what equipment you need to use in order to weld the film from your own hands.

Welding of polyethylene is the process of connecting individual sections of the material by heating to the melting temperature and compressing the layers. When the film surfaces are melted, the layers are connected at the molecular level, the result of this procedure is a welding seam. In order for the quality of the seam to be high and it to be as strong and reliable as possible, it is necessary to choose good equipment, strictly follow the welding technology and not make a mistake with the heating temperature. This indicator should vary between 130-160 ° C.

Note! If uncleaned areas are welded, then you should not be surprised at the low quality of the joints. Particles of dirt falling into the molten mass destroy the molecular structure of the seam.

That is why, welding of a film from should be carried out with strict observance of a number of conditions:

  • pieces of materials belonging to the same production batch must be welded,
  • it is important to choose the right temperature regime, if it is below the norm, then the strength will be low, if the specified temperature indicators are exceeded, the joint may be deformed,
  • Another prerequisite is clean surfaces to be joined.

Under no circumstances should sections be welded twice along the same edges.

Also, the success of the work and the quality of the seam is influenced by the welding machine. It is important not only to choose the right device for film welding, but also to be able to handle it.


Welding of a polyethylene film can be carried out using an iron, a soldering iron, as well as special industrial devices.

Film welding with household iron

You need to take an ordinary soldering iron, remove the end of the tip, create a cut with a hacksaw and place an aluminum or copper plate into it and fix it with a rivet. The surface of the plate must be processed and rounded off on all sides with a needle file. The welding process itself is carried out as follows: at an angle of 45 °, the soldering iron is pressed and evenly moves along the parts to be welded. In the process of creating a joint, experts recommend placing a wooden base under the film.

Also, a wheel can be used as a nozzle. To do this, the end of the sting is also removed and a cut is created that is larger than the radius of the wheel. A hole is drilled in the body of the sting for the desired wheel axis (3-5 mm), after which an aluminum or copper disk (8-10 mm) is made. The disk is placed in the recess of the sting and fixed with an axis. The welding process itself consists in rolling a heated soldering iron to the desired distance.

Professional appliances

To perform large-scale work (for example, to create coatings for large greenhouses), it is best to use professional devices for welding polyethylene film. The advantage of such devices is that with them you can adjust the pressure parameters, temperature regime and the speed with which it will move along the seam. If you need to join sections of polyethylene from the same batch, then once you set the necessary parameters, the welding process can be carried out very quickly. Usually, such tools are equipped with guide and tension rollers, thanks to which it is possible to stretch the film sheets subjected to welding at the same speed. Thus, a high quality seam is achieved.

Today there are industrial devices on the market various types. They can have both contact heating and heating, which is produced by means of hot air.

The quality of polyethylene welds significantly exceeds the strength and reliability of sections that were connected using adhesive materials.

Summing up, it is worth noting that welding polyethylene at home is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. For this, various devices are provided, with the help of which you can obtain a high-quality and durable connection. A soldering iron and an iron will help to create a seam in a short time, the main thing is to observe the accuracy of the technology. If large-scale work is ahead, then it is better to give preference to professional industrial devices. In any case, the final result will depend on your efforts and attentiveness. Also remember that doing welding work, do not forget about the personal

Polyethylene films are used for roofing hydro and vapor barrier. During the installation process, it is often necessary to connect the pieces into one panel, but adhesive tape does not always help out. It is impossible to fix the connection with ordinary silicate glue or PVA. How to glue a plastic film at home in order to get a reliable and moisture-proof and steam-proof joint? There are several effective and simple ways that do not require sophisticated equipment.

Problems when gluing polyethylene is a fairly common situation. And it's all about the characteristics of the material. It is worth understanding them - and it will be easy to avoid difficulties.

High temperature sinter two layers

Things to remember from chemistry and physics

Polyethylene is the most widely used polymer in the world. Its extraordinary popularity is explained by the excellent properties of the material - impact resistance, plasticity, low gas and water permeability. For roofs, films reinforced with mesh or fabric are used, which increases the strength of the material.

Despite the advantages, polyethylene films are very rarely glued in the industry. To understand why the connection of parts is problematic, it is enough to recall school chemistry lessons. The molecule of this polymer is a long chain of similar units -CH2-. The charges inside such a molecule are distributed evenly, it is non-polar. And the higher the polarity, the more the polymer is suitable for bonding.

This device is suitable for small parts.

Connection methods without glue and solvent

The method of gluing with its own solution, which is common for many polymers, is also not suitable - polyethylene practically does not dissolve in organic solvents. The answer to the question: how to glue a plastic film is actually very simple: it is best to use welding.

Of the many methods for welding polyethylene film, two are worth highlighting:

  1. Welding with a heated object.
  2. Open flame welding.

Both methods are equally effective, but in non-industrial conditions it is still easier and safer to use the first one. However, everyone can choose for themselves the most acceptable option, given the availability necessary tools and own skills. In any case, these methods make it possible to firmly connect the parts to each other, creating reliable building elements, agrotechnical and protective structures.

When laying the film on the roof, you can do without soldering

Preparatory stages for work

Folk wisdom says: "Measure seven times, cut once." And before starting work with polyethylene, it is necessary not only to carefully take measurements, but also to think over every detail. First of all, answer the questions:

  • What loads will the finished structure be subjected to?
  • What is the expected lifespan of it?
  • Do you need 100% hydro stability?

Perhaps, after such questions, the need to glue many parts will disappear. For example, to isolate transported goods or preserve equipment, some parts of the polyethylene film can be fixed with metal staples or twine. And to protect the building structure from moisture, it is recommended to overlap the polymer, covering individual parts.

But when there is a question of how to glue a film for a greenhouse, reliability should not be neglected. After all, such a design, as a rule, should serve for a long time, perfectly protecting plants from all kinds of weather surprises. Connection with staples and strong ropes in this case will not work, and welding (any of its proposed types) will ideal option.

Hot Welding Instructions

This method can be called the most simple, effective and safe at the same time, especially when it comes to welding at home. An ordinary iron can be found in every home, and the seams created with the help of heated objects are usually the most even and accurate.

Universal roller for gluing polyethylene

The most convenient tool for this method can be a roller with a built-in electric heater. This tool is ideal when you need to do a lot of work - for example, in large agro-industrial enterprises. As a rule, such devices have to be made independently. And in order for them to work well, you must at least be qualified as an electrician.

However, when it comes to how to glue plastic film for a greenhouse at home, the roller method is not very suitable. After all, not everyone has the time, patience and necessary skills to create such a device, especially when the need for welding rarely arises. Then it is worth resorting to the help of improvised means. And in everyday life appliances that can be heated up to desired temperature- approximately 250 ° C - a lot.

How to work with an electric iron and analogues

To glue polyethylene with an iron, you just need to lay out the edges of the material on a wooden lath, and then iron the parts through a newspaper or fluoroplastic film folded in half. By the way, these same safety elements will not be superfluous when gluing with other hot objects. Depending on the area of ​​the surface to be joined, a narrow edge, spout or flat iron can be used. BUT wooden lath will help create a smooth and neat connection.

What temperature should the iron be heated to? Unfortunately, there are no clear recommendations on this issue, and 250 ° C is rather a relative indicator. The melting temperature depends primarily on the brand of polyethylene. Therefore, in the process of work, you need to be very careful. If the material does not connect and does not change at all, it means that the iron needs to be heated more strongly. If the seam is barely noticeable, and the film near it has lost strength, the temperature is already too high.

There is always a risk of burning through the film. To avoid this, you need to reduce the contact of the iron and the parts to be glued to one second. To prevent polyethylene from sticking to the iron, instead of a newspaper, you can cover the surface of the polymer with thin cellophane before work. To check how effective polyethylene soldering is, you need to pull the connected parts in different directions. If the seam has come apart, the process will have to be started again.

Soldering iron with a special nozzle

If the iron method is not suitable for some reason, other tools can be used. For example, a hot knife and a soldering iron tip will make it possible to create even and thin seam lines. Some craftsmen manage to connect polyethylene parts with a red-hot needle. However, you can use other improvised means. Auxiliary tools are the same as when connecting with an iron - a wooden frame, newspaper or cellophane.

Homemade soldering iron for gluing polyethylene

Film welding with an open flame

You will need:

  • one of the possible devices with an open fire: a gas burner, a spirit lamp, blowtorch, match, torch;
  • bars made of ceramic or metal.

First, the edges of the film are fixed with bars so that a narrow strip of polyethylene a few millimeters thick is visible at the welding site. The bars should be made of metal or ceramic, but in no case of wood - after all, their function is not only to keep the polyethylene immobile, but also to remove some of the heat so that the connected parts do not burn out.

After that, with the tool chosen for welding, you need to draw a conditional line along the edge of the polyethylene parts. As a result, at the place of contact of the films with an open fire, a dense connecting roller should form. In order for the welding process to be successful, it is advisable to first, empirically, select the optimal speed of the tool. It depends on the device used, and on the brand of polyethylene.

On the roof it is better to work with the device

Is it possible to glue the film with glue

Some craftsmen tried to use BF-4 or BF-2 tools to glue plastic wrap at home. After processing the parts with a 25% solution of chromic anhydride, they applied glue to the surface, but subsequently the seams on polyethylene film still had to be processed with an iron heated to 50-60 ° C. As a result, this method differed little from the connection with hot objects, even if the temperature was much lower.

Using Super Glue: A State of the Art Approach

The roughness of the surface contributes to the successful connection of parts with glue. But the properties of the polymer in question are the opposite - it is distinguished by its ideal smoothness. And yet, how to glue a plastic film for a greenhouse using only one of the ordinary factory adhesives? Until recently, it was believed that this was impossible.

Recently, however, varieties of superglues specifically designed to work with plastic film have appeared on the market. Among the advantages of such products:

  • lack of smell;
  • water resistance;
  • elasticity;
  • connection strength.

When dry, they can be thinned with acetone. However, they must be used with caution, avoid contact with the skin and household surfaces, because the composition contains potent solvents.

Noteworthy are products based on ethyl-2-cyanoacrylate, which were developed by chemist Harry Coover during military experiments in the United States back in the middle of the last century. Such types of glue are now available due to mass production, create enough strong connections also suitable for working with rubber and metal.

Is the choice of glue for joining parts justified?

Is it worth using glue for polyethylene at home, including for roofing? One of the main problems when used in everyday life can be its toxicity. In addition, not all products on the market are of sufficient quality. And it is simply impossible to check the effectiveness of the glue when buying. At the same time, when using one of the types of welding, there are more chances to get an excellent result.

Using glue for polyethylene

As you can see, there are many ways to glue a plastic film at home, and everyone can choose the most acceptable for themselves. In addition, there is always the opportunity to turn to professionals who will not only give useful advice but can also be of practical help.