What is the name of the people who rule the world. Who rules Russia? The Rothschilds are the financiers who rule the world

  • 29.06.2020


The peoples of the world are tired of feeding and providing for the “golden billion” of the West. The West is especially aggressive towards Russia. The confrontation between the West and our country will be especially catastrophic.

The Secret World Government is a highly conspiratorial criminal community of international, predominantly Jewish politicians acting on the basis of the racist laws of the Talmud. Its main goal is the transfer of all power over humanity into the hands of the "chosen people". The plans of the world secret government include complete control over world finances, organization of terrorist acts, revolutions and wars, creation of puppet regimes, manipulation of the media, destruction of faith and morality.

By their nature and scale of criminal encroachments against the peoples of the world, these organizations are akin to the structures of fascist Germany, for they set themselves the same goals and tasks that Hitler put forward to his associates. Under the slogans of a new world order, the organizations of the world behind the scenes are creating (and in part have already created) a system of total domination and control for humanity. Puppet congresses and parliaments, 'free' media and other 'democratic' institutions are acting before the eyes of the general public of the Western world. But real politics is done behind their backs. They only, like obedient actors, voice it.

To understand the essence and significance of the organizations behind the scenes of the world, it took me many years to work with documents and materials, repeatedly meet people who were somehow familiar with the activities of these organizations. I managed to collect a lot of material on this issue during business trips to Switzerland, France (1990) and the USA (1995-1997), Italy, Germany (2000s).

My first acquaintance with a person who was related to the world behind the scenes happened in Switzerland. It was our compatriot (I'll call him N.), who left his homeland in 1945. N. was among the technical organizers of one of the meetings of the Bilderberg Club. Already a pensioner, he spoke without much embarrassment about the secrecy with which the world's most famous figures gathered in one of the Alpine hotels and discussed some problems for two days behind closed doors (even technical personnel were not allowed). N. himself was most struck by the fact that not a single newspaper or television company reported on this meeting. Then from the lips of N. I first heard the words ‘world government’.

The logical development of the Western anti-Christian, Judeo-Masonic civilization led to the creation of power structures, the theomachic essence of which and the open denial of the precepts of Christ crossed out many of the results of two millennia of Christian culture. God-given monarchies and autocratic kingdoms based on the worldview of the New Testament were replaced by a truly satanic power, on the tablets of which the worship of the golden calf and profit, debauchery and sodomy, the cult of violence and the permissiveness of wealth were declared.

As rightly noted back in 1909, the famous English Bible commentator C.I. Scofield, "the modern world system, based on the principles of power, greed, selfishness, ambition and the pursuit of sinful pleasures, is the work of Satan, and such and such a world he offered to Christ as a bribe (see: Matt., 4, 1-9) . Satan is the prince of the current world system '(Bible. Synodal edition with comments by C. I. Scofield). M., 1989. S. 1495.

Under the guise of so-called democracy, presented in the West as the crown of the state system, the power of Satan is hiding, setting as its main goal the corruption of people, indulging their vices, turning them into slaves of animal passions.

The assertion of this power means the legitimization, the transformation into the norm of all the vices that are categorically condemned in the Bible:

- worship of the golden calf, money, material success (this is the basis of the current Western civilization);

- debauchery and adultery (multiple cohabitation with many "sex partners" has become a common norm);

- sodomy (homosexuality - a mortal sin condemned by the Bible - is legally allowed in all Western countries);

- admiration for strength, violence, the permissibility of murder in the minds of a Western person, admiring the scenes of violence and murder (this is the basis of the entire Western cinema).

These are the main results of the establishment of the Western, Judeo-Masonic civilization.

The spiritual progress and moral development that Christianity has given humanity in the modern anti-Christian Western world have been replaced by a general spiritual decline, the moral degradation of Western man, closed in on his selfish, primitive pleasures.

The Judeo-Masonic civilization, which in this century crossed the borders of Western countries and stepped into Asia, South America, Africa, has created a new type of simplified person who has lost all the rich cultural hierarchy of spiritual values ​​and instead has chosen an orientation towards the pursuit of material wealth and comfort; as in the primitive era, life has been simplified to purely biological guidelines. Deprived of sincere Christian feeling and spiritual choice, a person received in return the right to choose among a variety of goods, most of which are harmful and unnecessary to normal human nature.

To manage such a simplified type of person, a structure of secret behind-the-scenes power is being created, called the world government. Satanic in nature, this power develops based on the priorities of the Judeo-Masonic civilization, seeking to destroy in modern man remnants of the Christian consciousness.

Back in the middle of the last century, the famous Jewish politician B. Disraeli threw out a phrase that became winged: “The world is ruled not by those who play on the stage, but by those who are behind the scenes.” This high-ranking freemason knew what he was talking about, as for many years he was at the center of all world Judeo-Masonic intrigues.

“The Jews,” wrote Copen-Albancelli, a prominent researcher of the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy, “for eighteen centuries have been under the rule of their religious national feeling, to which they owe their preservation as a people, and this feeling developed the more strongly, the more it was humiliated and trampled down by the triumph of the Christian principle. '.

‘The Jewish tribe was to take revenge on the Christian tribes for the indelible stain of the betrayal of Judas. According to its position, it was an eternal conspirator against the Christian tribes and therefore had to sow among them the instrument of eternal conspiracies ... That secret force that conceived, prepared, gave birth to Freemasonry, which spread it throughout the Christian world ... now rules over the Christian world and leads it to perdition, starting from the Catholic countries, this is the secret government of the Jewish nation '(Selyalinov A. Jews, p. 58).

Various combinations of world government, which the Jewish leaders nurtured over the centuries in Egypt, Babylon, Constantinople, Spain, Poland, France, and which up to a time were embodied in the management of the life of Jews only, from the end of the 18th century begin to spread to the life of Christian nations. Of course, at first this influence was not very stable, but was a typical conspiratorial activity, plans for which were hatched at the secret meetings of the Masonic lodges.

The first attempt to influence the life of Christian peoples in an organized manner is carried out by the secret Masonic Order of the Illuminati, which was created in 1776 in Bavaria by the German Jew A. Weishaupt. In a short period of time, this conspirator created an organization that united several thousand people in its ranks. At the secret meetings of the order, a plan was developed to seize power in Bavaria with the subsequent spread of the influence of the Illuminati throughout the world. However, the plans of the conspirators became known to the Bavarian government. Weishaupt was fired from the civil service and fled to Switzerland, where he continued his subversive work against the world. The Order of the Illuminati participated in the secret preparations for the French Revolution. Through members of the order, Weishaupt led a campaign to discredit the French royal family. Through one of the members of the order, an adventurer who spoke under the name of Count Cagliostro, a false story with jewels was organized, which greatly reduced the prestige of the royal couple in the eyes of the French people. The Illuminati became one of the main organizers of the destruction of the French monarchy, and this greatly influenced further world events, significantly strengthening the position of the Judeo-Masonic influence.

Parallel attempts to create a secret world government are also being made in England, among high-ranking leaders of British Masonic lodges. Elite Masonic clubs are being created here, which take on the responsibility of developing the most important state decisions and influencing the fate of entire nations.

In 1764, Jeshua Reynold formed the so-called 'Club', which at various times included Samuel Johnson, Edmun Burke, Oliver Goldsmith, Edward Gibbon, Charles Fox, Adam Smith, George Caning, Lord Brogham, T. Macaulay, Lord John Russell, Lord Kelvin, Gladstone, Hugh Cecil, Lord Salisbury, Rudyard Kipling, Balfour, Lord Rosebery, Halifax, Austin Chamberlain.

In 1812, another club of the ruling elite, the ‘Grillon’, appeared. It consisted of the same members as the 'Club', had the same conditions of membership, but only met at a different time. Its most famous members were Gladstone, Salisbury, Balfour, Lord Bruce, Hugh Cecil, Robert Cecil and others (Quilgley C. The Anglo-American establishment/ From Rhodes to Cliveden. N. Y. 1981. P. 20-32/

In 1877, Cecil Rhodes raises the issue of extending British rule to the whole world, including the United States of America. A secret 'Round Table Society' emerges to pursue this goal. In addition to S. Rhodes, it included many prominent figures of the British Empire, including a well-known Jewish politician, one of the leaders of world Freemasonry, a representative of the Rothschild family, Lord Alfred Milner (Quigley C.).

In March 1891, after the death of Rhodes, this society comes under the leadership of Lord Milner, who manages it based on the interests of the Rothschilds.

Lord Milner forms a group of like-minded people, which has become the most important tool for behind-the-scenes political control of the world. The ‘Milner Group’ included such influential politicians as Lord Johnston, Arthur Balfour, Lionel Curtis, Leopold Emery, Waldolf Astor. This group included not only the British, but also representatives of the USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Germany (Quigley C.). A significant part of these figures, like Milner himself, were of Jewish origin.

Lord Milner further reinforces the mondialist character of the Round Table Society. The need for a single world state and the creation of a world government is being promoted. The society had a strong influence on the policy of the governments of England and the Entente countries during the First World War.

Already at this stage, secret Jewish and Masonic organizations begin to build a system of universal control over the main areas of society. They seek to replace the spiritual values ​​of Christianity with Judeo-Masonic ideas about the 'joy of life'. At first, printing, literature and art, and later the main political institutions societies fall under the influence of the subversive satanic forces of world freemasonry. However, until the beginning of the 20th century, many plans of Masonic conspirators collapsed as a result of the existence of great monarchies - Russian, German and Austro-Hungarian. Until 1914, these monarchies served as a guarantee of Christian development and stability in Europe and the whole world. Having provoked a war between them, the Judeo-Masonic conspirators plunged humanity into a world slaughter, which became the beginning of the end of Christian civilization in Europe, which has survived to this day as separate islands only in Russia.

After the First World War, the center of the secret Judeo-Masonic power moved to the United States. By the end of the 1920s, there were more Freemasons in this country than in the rest of the world. The Jewish organizations of this country were powerful and had huge financial resources.

The infrastructure of the secret power of the world behind the scenes is born in the family clans of international Jewish bankers, covering many states with their influence and actually supporting at their own expense (loans, benefits, subsidies and direct bribery) a significant part of the ruling state elites of the West. ‘What could be a more convincing illustration of the fantastic concept of a Jewish world government than the Rothschild family, which unites in its composition the citizens of five different states ... closely cooperating with at least three governments, whose frequent conflicts have not shaken the interests of their state banks! No propaganda can create a symbol more convincing for a political purpose than life itself' (Sacher H. M. The Course of modern jewish history. N. Y., 1963. P. 129).

The Rothschilds, Schiff, Warburgs, Kuhns, Loebs and two dozen other international Jewish bankers already at the beginning of the 20th century formed an invisible community that wrapped its tentacles around the state mechanisms of the leading countries of the world.

In the 1920s, the well-known Jewish banker P. Warburg (a relative of J. Schiff) and a number of other similar figures called for the creation of the United States of Europe, and in the 1930s they supported a plan to unite under one government about 15 countries on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Subsequently, already in 1950, P. Warburg admitted at the hearings of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee: “The last fifteen years of my life were devoted almost exclusively to the study of the problem of peace. These studies have led me to the conclusion that the main question of our time is not whether a 'One World' can or cannot be realized, but only whether it can be achieved peacefully. We will have a World Government - whether we like it or not! The only question is whether such a government will be established by consent or by conquest '(Kay L. World Conspiracy. New York, 1957. P. 67).

It is on the initiative of these organizations that profound changes are taking place in the structure of the secret Judeo-Masonic power. Along with the traditional Masonic lodges, numerous closed clubs and organizations such as ‘Rotary’ or ‘Lions’ arise, which take over the secret management of various aspects of the society. In most American states and cities, any events in political, social and cultural life, whether it be elections for governors or mayors, a strike or a major exhibition of artists, are discussed and worked out in the relevant closed organizations and clubs, and then presented as an expression of public opinion. Such behind-the-scenes power in many cases becomes stronger and more effective than acting openly.

The secret Judeo-Masonic power is internationalized and takes on a transnational character. From a handful of conspirators, the Judeo-Masonic power is turning into an all-encompassing power structure, a secret world elite that has taken control not only of the states of the Western world, but also of a significant part of the rest of humanity.

By the beginning of the 1970s, three main mondialist organizations had formed in the world behind the scenes: the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Club and the Trilateral Commission.

All these organizations, as well as the Jewish societies and Masonic lodges that gave birth to them, had a secret, criminal, subversive character. Their members were selected from high-ranking figures of the same Jewish and Masonic organizations. About 60% of them were Jews.

The power of the world behind the scenes is created by the money of international Jewish bankers. Only in the United States in the late 80s, the total Jewish capital exceeded the value of the country's gross national product and reached 1 trillion. USD According to the world behind-the-scenes organ The Wall Street Journal, the five largest US investment banking associations, owned by the Lehmans, Kuhns, Loebs, Goldmans and Saxons, owned 23% of the shares. large companies U.S.A.

Jewish organizations and individuals belonging to the top of the world behind the scenes pay big money to politicians and government officials, turning them into obedient instruments of their will. This is done not only in the form of direct bribes, but also in other forms: contributions to election campaigns, disproportionate fees for speeches, speeches and books, free trips to different countries of the world. In the US, Jewish organizations provide about 60% of the campaign funds of the Democratic Party and about 40% of the Republican.

The criminal, subversive nature of the activities of members of the organizations of the world behind the scenes lies in the fact that, not elected by anyone, not authorized by anyone, they are trying to decide the fate of all mankind, considering the wealth of our planet as their own property. In common legal language, the activities of the members of these organizations should be regarded as a criminal conspiracy against humanity. By creating secret, illegal governing bodies, the world behind the scenes and its Jewish leaders oppose themselves to peoples and states, replacing national power with a transnational Judeo-Masonic conspiracy. The new world order, which the secret Judeo-Masonic power is trying to impose on humanity, is not much different from Hitler's plans for world domination.

There is a profound misconception that the world behind the scenes is a kind of monolithic formation, controlled from one center. In fact, it consists of a number of factions vying with each other in the struggle for power over humanity. Even among Masonic organizations proper, there is an ongoing confrontation between various orders and rituals. And what can we say about organizations expressing the interests of competing banking and financial groups, transnational corporations, television companies! All this intricate tangle of behind-the-scenes organizations is united by hatred for Christian civilization (and above all Orthodoxy) and a common passion for enrichment and profit.

The ideology of the world behind the scenes was nurtured at meetings of secret Jewish organizations and Masonic lodges. It was here that the first projects of the world government, the League of Nations and the United States of Europe were developed. ‘Is it not natural and necessary,’ Levi Bing wrote in the Jewish collection ‘Archive Israelites’, ‘to set up a supreme tribunal to deal with public affairs, the complaints of one nation against another, passing final judgments, whose word would be law? This word is the word of God, spoken by His elder sons, the Jews, and before this word all the younger ones, that is, all nations, bow reverently (Archives Israelites, 1864).

In 1867 the Jewish and Masonic organizations form the 'Permanent International Peace League'. Its secretary, the Jewish Freemason Pasen, is developing a project for the formation of an international tribunal that will deliver final verdicts in all conflicts between individual peoples.

This organization for a long time silently existed in the silence of the Masonic lodges. In connection with the events of the First World War, her ideas were revived through the efforts of the chairman of the council of the Order of the Grand Orient of France, Carnot, who in 1917 turned to his brothers with an appeal: “Prepare the United States of Europe, create a supranational power whose task will be to resolve conflicts between nations. Freemasonry will be the propaganda agent for the understanding of peace and the general well-being that the League of Nations brings” (Comte rendu du Cogres des mason masons allies et neutres. Paris, 1917, p. 8). The very idea of ​​a United States of Europe has been promoted by Freemasons since the middle of the 19th century. In 1884, the Freemasons' Almanac spoke of that happy time "when a republic will be proclaimed throughout Europe under the name of the United States of Europe" (La Fran-Masonnerie demasqule. 1884, ? 3. P. 91). Finally, in 1927, at a meeting of the Mixed Freemasonry convention, it was stated that "it is necessary everywhere and at every opportunity, by speech and deed, to inspire a spirit of peace favorable to the creation of the United States of Europe, this first step towards the United States of the World" (Cahiers de L'Ordre, 1927, No. 8, p. 595).

All projects for the creation of the United States of Europe imply a decisive role in them for Jewish and Masonic organizations. The bright ideas of the New Testament are being replaced by the racist misanthropic ideology of the Talmud and the Protocols of Zion. The very structure of world and national politics is changing. Its main leader is a secret behind-the-scenes power based on the rituals and traditions of Judaism and the money of international Jewish bankers. The center of gravity of making the most important political decisions is shifting from national governments to Jewish leaders and financiers. National governments are losing power, becoming its second echelon. Unsuspecting peoples bow their heads before the results of a policy alien to them. Under the slogans of democracy and liberalism, a never-before-seen slavery is being created, the most brutal political dictatorship that can already be seen in the ‘unified Europe construction’ of the 1990s.

The ideology of modern mondialism continues the logic and figurative style of the racist doctrine of the Protocols of Zion - the establishment of world domination by representatives of the ‘chosen people’ and the enslavement of the rest of humanity.

At the end of the 20th century, the mondialists operated with the “magic number” of 2000, when, in their opinion, a new world cosmopolitan order would be established on the entire planet. By this time, they believed, the world government would not only control, but also manage all spheres of society, including religious ones.

One of the prominent figures in the world behind the scenes, a member of the Bilderberg Club, the head of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the French Jew Jacques Attali wrote, in fact, the book ‘Horizon Lines’ that was programmatic for mondialism. In it, he argued the need for a ‘planetary political power’. The New World Order, or, as Attali called it, the trade order, will become universal by the year 2000. With the beginning of the 21st century, the 'magic' number 2000 will be replaced by 2010.

Attali reveals three levels of attempts by the world behind the scenes to dominate humanity, speaks of three types of order, ‘about three ways of organizing violence’: ‘about the world order of the sacred, about the world order of power, about the world order of money’.

He calls the current stage in the development of mondialism the commercial order. In this order, everything is bought and sold, and the main, universal value, including in the spiritual sphere, is money.

The new mercantile world order ‘constantly strives for the organization of a single universal form on a world scale’. Under this order, power is measured by ‘the amount of money controlled, first by force, then by law’.

The cosmopolitanization of mankind is one of the main goals of the world behind the scenes. As the same Attali writes, ‘nomadism will be the highest form of the new society, ... will determine the way of life, cultural style and form of consumption by 2010. Everyone will carry their own identity with them.

By nomadism, Attali understands a society of people who are deprived of a sense of homeland, soil, the faith of their ancestors and live only by the interests of consumption and spectacles that the television and video screen brings to them. ‘Nomads’ will be regulated through computer networks on a global scale. Each nomad will have a special magnetic card with all the data about him, and above all about his money. And woe to him who ‘becomes deprived of money and who threatens the world order by challenging its mode of distribution!’.

‘A person (nomad), like an object, writes Attali, will be in constant movement, without an address or a stable family. He will bear upon himself, in himself, that in which his social value will be embodied, i.e., what his planetary ‘educators’ will invest in him and where they deem it necessary to direct him.

According to Attali, the pressure on a person will be such that he will have only one choice: ‘either to conform with the society of nomads, or to be excluded from it’.

‘The rhythm of the law,’ Attali confesses, ‘will be ephemerality (the creation of an illusory world with the help of television and video. — O.P.), the highest source of desire will be narcissism (self-satisfaction, self-enjoyment. — O.P.). The desire to be normal (typical, like everyone else. - O.P.) will become the engine of social adaptation '.

Already now, the figures of the world behind the scenes are creating mechanisms for global control over humanity. The highest scientific and technological achievements in the hands of the Jewish leaders are turning into the means of establishing the most cruel slavery and oppression in world history. The USA is the vanguard of this ‘work’. In this country, every resident from the day of his birth becomes a number in computer network. All data about him is entered into the computer accounting system. His number is present on all documents, certificates and bank accounts. Oleg PLATONOV http://www.odigitria.by/2014/0... https://cont.ws/@anddan01/7792... https://cont.ws/@anddan01/7793...

Capital is always criminal. Capitalism is a crime by definition. Fascism is a special case of capitalism. Capitalism is fascism. Capitalism as an ideology of murder.

Capitalism has given rise to an ongoing economic and political crisis in Russia with monstrous losses of material, human and intellectual resources, which will end in inevitable catastrophe for Russia.

After each capitalist industrial cycle, capitalists use increasingly destructive weapons in conflicts and sooner or later destroy themselves and all of humanity.

Therefore, either humanity will destroy capitalism, or capitalism will destroy humanity.

Capitalism is rats full of human flesh.


Text: Evgeny CHERNIKH Published: 20.09.2014Source: www.kp.ru

Almost half of Russians believe that we are ruled by Freemasons and Reptilians

Who really rules the world? Interview with historian Andrey Fursov

Almost half of Russians believe in a secret world government! More precisely, 45 percent. These are data from a recent survey by the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM).

Curiously, the degree of belief in a secret all-powerful body grows with the level of education of the citizens surveyed.

True, opinions about the composition of this "government" in Russia differ. Some believe that the oligarchs rule the planet, others blame the Americans, others blame the Freemasons, Jews, "some world politicians", or specific Obama, George W. Bush and Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain. The confusion in the answers is understandable - the government is secret! A third of the Russians polled do not believe in it, a quarter found it difficult to answer.

These 45 percent of our fellow citizens are essentially right, but wrong in form. There is no such form as a “secret world,” says historian Andrey Fursov, who has been studying world elites for many years. - But the closed supranational structures of world coordination and management are a reality. These structures often dictate their will to governments, parliaments, and individuals. But in no case do they represent a single organ of the world elite.

- What is the top of the world?- with hope I ask the historian. What if this is the very secret government of the planet. So you don’t want to part with a beautiful conspiracy version, in which almost half of your compatriots believe!

The world elite is a collection of families of monarchs (not all, of course), the old European aristocracy, bankers and industrialists. They are interconnected by business, family and occult ties, organized into closed lodges, clubs, commissions, etc. A kind of family and business web that has existed in its current form for 150–200 years.

- Does the Queen of Great Britain enter there?

Of course. As well as the royal family of the Netherlands, a number of ducal and count families of Italy, Germany, Austria.

These are not decorative figures at all, relics of the Middle Ages, with which they are often depicted, but one of the segments of what British Prime Minister B. Disraeli called "masters of history", and our wonderful writer O. Markeev called "masters of the world game."

- And Obama?

God bless! Well, if Clinton said that the only thing Obama is good at is bringing coffee to bed for him and his wife, then in relation to the world's top Barack is something like taking out a chamber pot. What are presidents and prime ministers in the West? High-ranking clerks who were hired by the world's elite to serve their interests and put in high chairs. Moreover, as a rule, the special forces of the world's elite look after the clerks. As, for example, Colonel House under US President Wilson and the "assistant" of the British Prime Minister Lloyd George, Lord Lothian.

In reality, it was the president and the prime minister who were with their "assistants". The rare exception is Bush Sr. and his undersized son as presidents of the United States. Bushes enter the world's top, they - distant relatives British Queen, run the Skull and Bones Society (an offshoot of the Illuminati) at Yall. But, again, this is an exception. As a rule, presidents and prime ministers come from the middle class, which the top looks down on, especially in the Anglo-Saxon countries. Recall the story when Thatcher announced the name of the fifth member of the Cambridge Five (high-ranking British - Soviet agents.) - Blunt, who, apparently, was the illegitimate son of George V, i.e. uncle of the current queen. Windsor Thatcher did not forgive this. The bourgeois woman (as another representative of the “gentleman class”, who was then living in Moscow, described her) eventually had to resign - also because of the attack on the owners.

- And Bill Gates, one of the leaders of the Forbes ranking of the world's billionaires - is he among the world's top?

Well, of course not, like all other representatives of the "young money", including the Russian-speaking oligarchs. For all of them, the world elite has one phrase, according to Moidodyr: “Go home and wash your face.”

- But why is the myth of world government so persistent?

This myth did not arise out of nowhere. Swiss and Jewish bankers, the Illuminati spoke about the need to create a world government at the end of the 18th century. In the 20th century, such representatives of the world elite as Warburg, N. Rockefeller, the ideologist of mondialism J. Attali and many others declared this as a specific task. And although the world government has not been created, the elite has moved in this direction.

- Will it work?

I think no. The world is too big and complex to be managed from one center. This is the first. Second: the world elite is not united. Clans compete with each other, and in the post-capitalist world there is not enough room for everyone. However, the top two or three dozen Families will come to an agreement. However, this is not enough to create a world government. Something else is needed. For example, to reduce the world's population from the current 7 to 2 billion; devastate a significant part of the planet with wars, epidemics and famine; chip the majority of the population; standardize, level national cultures; destroy existing system education and all kinds of identity - national, family, racial, gender, human-species (transhumanists deal with the latter). In the West, the destruction of identities is in full swing. But there is Russia, China, India, the World of Islam, Latin America, where all these "knuckles" will not pass, where civilizational (self-)murder in the spirit of the modern West, headed by the United States, flying into the abyss of History, is impossible. In this regard, it should be noted that behind the current confrontation between Russia and the US/supranationals in Ukraine, among other things, there is a conflict between two future projects, two world orders: human and anti-human. After all, it is the Russian Federation with its nuclear power that still guarantees a certain balance in the world, a balance that serves as a military shield for the BRICS. But this is a separate issue.

- And what about the "golden billion"?

To a large extent, this “thing” is like a hearth painted on canvas in the fairy tale about Pinocchio. About 30-40 years ago, it was assumed that the inhabitants of the North (USA, Western Europe), no more than a billion in number, would lock themselves up in the fortress "Sever" (on both sides of the North Atlantic) and from there they would rule the world. However, the neo-liberal counter-revolution of the 1980s-2000s, with its pursuit of maximum profit, buried the "golden billion" project in its original form. The dollar clouded the mind, and masses of people from the South were sent to the North in order to exploit cheap labor: Latinos in the USA, Africans, Arabs, Turks in Western Europe. Today, the South has firmly established itself in the North, where a most acute contradiction has arisen, fraught with a terrible explosion. On the one hand, there is an aging, non-poor, shrinking and de-Christianizing population, a significant part of which is mired in vices and perversions (drug addiction, homosexuality). On the other hand, there is a young, poor, socially angry, family-oriented Muslim (in North America - Latino-Catholic) population. Sooner or later, between these two “blocs”, the Leninist question “who will win whom” will arise, and a “big hunt” will begin. And then instead of the "golden billion" there will be "golden millions" who will try to live either in impregnable floating cities, or in mountain fortresses, or somewhere else. The "Golden Billion" as a strategy of the world elite is the past.

Other conspiracy theorists reduce all events in the world, up to the civil war in Ukraine, to a confrontation between the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. Whoever wins will rule the world!

Indeed, recently this line of confrontation between the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers has been actively promoted. Such opposition does exist. It played a big role in the twentieth century, passing like a red thread through its major events, including world wars, where the victory was on the side of the Rockefellers. It is interesting that this confrontation began in the Russian Empire - in the Baku oil fields. There, the Rockefellers "sponsored" the strikes of workers in the "zone" owned by the Rothschilds. And the strikes were organized by the Bolsheviks of the Fioletov group, where Koba-Stalin played the most active role. The Russian Empire with its Baku oil, or rather, the Western owners of "black gold", was the main competitor of Rockefeller's "Standard Oil" at the beginning of the 20th century. As a result of the 1917 revolution, Standard Oil (more precisely, the cluster of companies into which it was formally divided in the United States) became the absolute leader. The Rothschilds directly “entered” the USSR only after the death of Stalin, although the USSR was in constant contact with companies associated with them (for example, De Beers by the Oppenheimers). With the Rockefellers, especially in the first half of the 1930s, the Stalinist USSR worked very actively, but after the death of J. Rockefeller in 1937, the intensity decreased. In earnest, the second coming of the Rockefellers (and with them the Warburgs) to the USSR took place in 1973, almost coinciding with the election of Yu.V. Andropov a member of the Politburo.

- Very interesting! Well, what about the current stage of the struggle between the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers?

Everything is more complicated here. First, apart from the struggle, there is cooperation: both clans are represented in almost all of the more or less serious behind-the-scenes structures, although on the issue of the world currency, the contradictions, at least for the moment, are essentially irreconcilable. Secondly, the platform of the world elite is not limited to the Rothschilds and Rockefellers - there is the City of London, the Vatican, Arab and East Asian "houses". I'm not talking about the symbiosis of clans, large states and transnational companies, which greatly complicates the picture. Finally, thirdly, something tells me that just as the “right” and “left” were manipulated by the same individuals and groups, the same can be with the pair “Rothschilds - Rockefellers” according to the principle “the struggle of the Nanai boy with the bear ".

- Maybe someone who is even richer than them?

This or these "someone" is not necessarily richer. Money is just a function of power, which is based on one or another system of ideas - secular, and more often occult. Information and energy are more important than matter, and metaphysics is more important than physics. Sapienti sat.

Many believe that the Masons rule the world. It was they who killed Peter III, made the October Revolution and destroyed the USSR, they rule the world.

Well, Freemasonry really played a big role, especially in the 18th and 19th centuries. "Freemasons" brought up the human material that played a leading role in the era of revolutions of 1789-1848. in the West and came to power. However, the nationalization of Freemasonry created a number of problems. Since the end of the 19th century, new forms of organization of closed supranational structures have been required, more adequate to the new era of the world struggle for power, information and resources. We are talking about the "Group" (or society "We"), which was created by S. Rhodes and developed by A. Milner, and other structures.

Nobody canceled Freemasonry, it continued to play a certain, sometimes significant role, but it ceased to be the only and dominant form of conspiracy structures. So, in the Russian revolution, the Freemasons of the Grand Orient of France lodge acted very actively (through Kerensky), but there were other forces associated with British intelligence, the Rockefellers, the Americans, the German General Staff and, of course, Russia's counterintelligence, which put on the imperially oriented Bolsheviks . The resultant of these forces is the October Revolution.

After the Second World War, a need arose for a new “generation” of closed organizational structures, and they appeared: Bormann’s Fourth Reich, the Bilderberg Club, the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission ... Many of their members remained Freemasons, Illuminati, Bneibri, etc., but the structures were fundamentally new, “sharpened” for new tasks.

- Well, what about the worldwide Jewish conspiracy, in which not so few people believe?

The legend of the “worldwide Jewish conspiracy” (a great contribution to its development was made by the Scottish Rite Freemasons) is based on the fact that since the middle of the 19th century, Jews have been very active in the financial sector, in the media, in science, and have largely taken a leading position in these areas. . Moreover, it was Jewish capital that connected Great Britain and the USA at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, which had been at enmity for a hundred years before. The Jewish world diaspora is indeed a serious force, but far from being the only one.

All major forces have their own long-term plans. Some call it a conspiracy, I prefer the term "project". World history is a battle of Projects, their resultant.

Unfortunately, Russia, with the exception of the Stalin period, did not have its own Project.

- And the famous Comintern?

The Comintern, which was allegedly disbanded in 1943 (since 1936, Stalin led the way to this and to establishing control over the assets of this left-globalist organization) is not a Russian project. In general, it must be said that a lot of foreign elements were built into the “USSR project” from the very beginning, realizing the interests of various powers and structures (primarily closed ones). As history has shown, Stalin only succeeded in suppressing this artificiality for a while, but after his death it gradually regenerated. Together with the interests of the degenerated Soviet nomenclature, this factor played a big role in the liquidation of the project, or rather the totality of projects (which never became a system) of the USSR.

And what about the reptilians, Andrey Ilyich? This theme is very popular now in America. Although in Russia he is already walking. Two serious doctors of science assured me with a blue eye that the power on the planet was seized by aliens from the planet Draka or Nibiru, who took on a human form. All Western presidents are reptilians. But they can be recognized by their characteristic special signs. The web is full of videos of these reptilians in the White House, etc.

I love science fiction, fantasy. But I do not want to comment on the version launched by the American Ike. I think that such versions are deliberately spread in order to divert attention from the real secret control structures. And compromise the very search for hidden mechanisms of the historical process as a whole, including ancient history and the origin of man.

Then let's talk about very real structures, for example, the Bilderberg Club. Many call it the secret government of the Earth. Once a year, high-ranking members of the Bilderbergs gather in the hotels of the Rockefellers or the Rothschilds, discuss the pressing problems of humanity behind closed doors, and make their decisions.

Real power is secret power. And the Bilderberg Club is in full view, they even have a website. Bilderberg is the facade organization of the world elite. The club was created in 1954 to reconcile the old European elite, both the one that supported Hitler (“the Ghibelline line”) and the one that fought against him (“the Guelph line”) with the Anglo-Saxons and integrate it into their project in general and "European Union" in particular. Today, the Bilderbergers are running around those questions that are raised in a really closed, often informal mode.

In December we will have a sad anniversary. 25th anniversary of the "historic" meeting between Bush and Gorbachev in Malta. Formally, it was the end cold war". In fact, Gorbi and his team shamefully surrendered the USSR and the entire socialist camp to the West there.

Soon the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century happened - the Soviet Union collapsed. The place of betrayal was clearly not chosen by chance: the island is the patrimony of the powerful Order of Malta. The two main bestsellers of the beginning of the 21st century, clearly promoted on a global scale by some very influential forces, also lead to vague suspicions. The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown is about the Knights Templar and Opus Day. J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter saga frankly advertises the Order of the Hospitallers. There is a strong opinion that it is the orders founded many centuries ago that secretly direct the course of world development.

They don't direct, they just try. Moreover, both in conflict with each other, and in the fight against the Anglo-Saxons. The name of the new Roman pope-Jesuit "Francis" is a kind of gesture-symbol of reconciliation of old opponents, Jesuits and Franciscans in the face of pressure from the Anglo-Saxons. The ally of these two orders is the Order of Malta, whose long-standing specialization is mediation between the Vatican and MI6, the CIA. The Order of Malta is an element of the Vatican system. Yes, the surrender of the socialist camp and the USSR to the Americans and supranationals in the person of Bush Sr. took place in Malta, but Gorbachev flew to Malta from a meeting with Pope John Paul II, who blessed Gorby to surrender the social system and the country. The hierarchy is there.

An attempt to convince people that some separate structure - the Bilderbergs, the Maltese, the Freemasons, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, etc. single-handedly rule the world, away from the real mechanisms of world governance, from the Network as a whole, replacing it with private cells. Another trick is to hide entire structures (corporations, banks) behind specific individuals or parties. Thus, National Socialism is presented to us as an act of the NSDAP and Hitler and Co. In fact, the creators of National Socialism and the Third Reich project were primarily Anglo-American bankers and industrialists, corporations like I.G. FarbenindustrieAG.

You can read more about how these structures created the first form of the European Union - Hitler's "Third Reich" in a very interesting book by Dmitry Peretolchin "World Wars and World Elites". She appeared in the series “Games of world elites. Andrei Fursov recommends reading” (Knizhny Mir publishing house) We conceived this series specifically for publishing works about the world elite and its structures.

The works of Alexander Shevyakin about how the USSR was falling apart, Alexander Ostrovsky about Stalin and perestroika, and Vladimir Pavlenko about the Club of Rome. All three authors are great. I also highly recommend the novels by Oleg Markeev and Alexander Gera, which clarify the picture of the world. By the way, Gera and Markeev died under unclear circumstances...

- And the last question: what awaits us? The victory of the organizers of the world government?

Hardly. There are clan, ethno-civilization and - until now - state interests that are difficult to reconcile. For the Chinese or Muslims to go under a world government? And the Russians won't come either. There is a real reduction in the number of closed supranational structures, each of which will control its own macro-regional bloc. And this is far from the realities of world government. Besides, when the world is collapsing - and the world of capitalism is collapsing! - they are saved, although not alone, but not all together, but in packs. We are waiting for the struggle of "packs" - the most different. And old, very ancient, and relatively young.

Closed societies, once they have arisen, as a rule, do not disappear, they are transformed, be it the priestly organizations of the ancient Near East, the Triads, the Templars, the Freemasons, the Illuminati, the Anglo-Saxon clubs, the Comintern, the Fourth Reich, and many others. Substance (people), energy (money) and information (ideas), having united, acquire superhuman, suprasocial qualities and begin to exist on their own, carefully protecting themselves, their borders and convincing the world around them that they do not exist as organizations. Another thing is that over time they transform, take on new forms (“a snake” sheds its old skin and bites its own tail), enter into bizarre relationships with each other and facade structures. But there comes a day when, in a crisis, the decisive battle for the Future is approaching, and closed structures come to the surface and (or) make themselves known. I think this is the reason for the sharp increase in the volume of printed materials about secret societies. The future is coming, and whoever grabs the trumps will win in it. Therefore, when asked in what currency to keep money, I answer: in the currency of the “Kalashnikov assault rifle”. Or at least a good set of throwing knives.


Fursov Andrey Ilyich, 63 years old. Director of the Center for Russian Studies, Moscow University for the Humanities; director of the Institute for System-Strategic Analysis. Academician of the International Academy of scince (Innsbruck, Austria). Author of over 400 scientific publications, including 11 monographs. Recently new books have been published: Forward to Victory!, Cold East Wind of the Russian Spring, Russian Interest. He lectured at universities in the USA, Canada, Germany, Hungary, India, China, and Japan. Member of the Writers' Union of Russia. Winner of prestigious awards for scientific, journalistic and social activities.

12 best books about the hidden mechanisms of power from the historian Fursov:

  • DeConspiratione / About Conspiracy. Collection of monographs.
  • A. Ostrovsky “Stupidity or treason? Investigation of the death of the USSR.
  • V. Pavlenko. Myths of "sustainable development".
  • A. Shevyakin. How the USSR was killed.
  • S. Nork "Conspiracy against Russia".
  • O. Markeev. "Intrusion Threat"
  • O. Markeev. "Black Moon".
  • O. Markeev. "Unaccounted for factor".
  • A. Gera. NABAT (trilogy).
  • D. Peretolchin. "World Elites and World Wars".
  • E. Ponomareva. Crime International in the Center of Europe. How NATO Creates Bandit States.
  • Y. Emelyanov “Death Combat of the Nazi Leaders. Behind the scenes of the Third Reich.


Text: Evgeny CHERNIKH Published: 03.06.2013Source: www.kp.ru

Andrei Fursov: "The entire twentieth century passed, among other things, under the sign of the struggle of two families - the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers"

The Rothschilds and the Rockefellers are the instigators of the global anti-liberal revolution

A year ago, the two most famous financial dynasties on the planet entered into an alliance that instantly raised a lot of questions and conspiracy theories.

Analysts this alliance seemed strange, unexpected. It was believed that the two clans had long been waging a fierce competitive war between themselves. Conspiracy theorists saw its echoes in many world events. Starting with the economic rise of China with the help of the Rothschilds, which hit the United States - the patrimony of the Rockefellers, the introduction of the euro - a counterbalance to the American dollar, and ending with various trifles.

Type of explosion in the spring of 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of the United States oil platform British Petroleum, considered a reliable asset of the Rothschilds. Even our Mikhail Khodorkovsky was counted among the victims of the struggle of the clans. He had several common projects with the Rothschilds, introduced the veteran of the Sir Jacob Family to the Board of his charitable foundation "Open Russia". The Rockefellers, allegedly, also laid eyes on Yukos. Khodorkovsky's arrest was the result of the undercover battle of the titans. He lost Yukos.

Many other things were attributed to sworn competitors. And suddenly they united. Moreover, they created a $40 billion trust. Secret negotiations were conducted for two whole years. So the decision was not spontaneous.

A number of analysts pronounced a verdict: two Families unite their capital in order to survive in the global crisis!

The historian Andrey FURSOV had a different opinion.

This is the concentration of capital and power on the eve of serious upheavals that go beyond finance and the economy, ”he then commented on the hot news to Komsomolskaya Pravda. - Not just survival in a crisis, as some people think, but a power-economic bid for dominance in the post-crisis and post-capitalist world. The pooling of the capitals of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers may be just the tip of the iceberg, the visible part of the secret agreements in the struggle of some closed societies against others.

A year has passed. I ask Andrey FURSOV, director of the Institute for Systemic and Strategic Analysis, to return to the theme of the alliance. What was it really?

Alliance is really strange. The first oddity: 2 powerful clans, right-wing world families that have controlled the US Federal Reserve System, that is, the dollar printing press for a hundred years, combine assets of only $ 40 billion?

- This is a very solid amount.

Unless for some Gates, Buffetts ...

Why are you, Andrey Ilyich, speaking so derogatoryly about people who have topped the Forbes list of the richest people on the planet for several years?

The ratings of the world's super-rich "Forbes", Bloomberg and others - "This, redhead, everything is in public!", as Galich sang. Well, what is 60-70 billion Gates, Buffett? The main wealth is family wealth, accumulated over the centuries. The total fortune of the Rothschilds, according to the most conservative estimates of experts, goes off scale for 3.2 TRILLION dollars. But no one knows for sure. Not for this they have made a fortune for centuries in order to shine it. In 1818, the Rothschild bankers bent European governments for the first time. Throughout the 19th century, they were considered the richest family on the planet.

The Rockefellers seem to have a trillion less. The founder of the dynasty, John, is the first official dollar billionaire on the planet. And the richest man on earth. Forbes magazine estimated his then fortune at $ 318 billion at the dollar rate at the end of 2007. Compare with Gates, Buffett, Slim... Poverty.

Statements that the wealth, the influence of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers are a thing of the past are pure naivety or a conscious lie.

However, we will not demonize both families. This is not the first value.

- I thought there was no one cooler than them in the world.

Yes, there is. Perhaps Family No. 1 in the world ranking table is Baruchy. Perhaps their financial condition is less than that of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers. But the position at the top of the world is much higher and more serious. It was they who, back in 1613, created the Standard Chartered Bank. Bank of banks! Exactly 400 years ago.

Wait a minute, Andrey Ilyich ... The founder of the Rothschild dynasty, Mayer Amschel, was born in Germany in 1744. American John Rockefeller - Sr. and did in 1839. Indeed, Baruchi is ancient. And what, they are still afloat?

Of course. But they always try to stay in the shadows, not to stick out. Big money loves silence. Real power is secret power. Is that the "Lone Wolf of Wall Street" Bernard Baruch broke the rule, flew from the shadows into the light. But life demanded it. Bernard has been an economic adviser to FIVE US Presidents. Including Roosevelt himself. During the First World War, he headed the US Military Industrial Committee, transferred American industry to a military footing. And he made good money on it. He was a member of the Supreme Economic Council of the Versailles Conference. The Treaty of Versailles, as you know, greatly redrawn the political map of the world after the First World War. Baruch had a hand in this. Later, it was Baruch, they say, who hit the big jackpot in the Great Depression, which ruined many shareholders and financiers. Then he advised Roosevelt how to defeat this same Depression. During World War II, he also played very serious roles in the military industry. By the way, who first coined the term "cold war"?

Looks like Churchill...

Not! His close friend, Bernard Baruch, adviser to hawkish President Harry Truman. April 16, 1947. And not in a private conversation, but in an official speech before the South Carolina House of Representatives. He is also the author of the famous anti-nuclear Baruch Plan, which the USSR vetoed at the UN. Until his death in 1965, Bernard was considered the "grey eminence" of the White House.

- And the bank of banks created by the Baruchs 400 years ago?

It also doesn't go anywhere. It is everywhere, from London to Hong Kong. According to unconfirmed reports, one of the planes that crashed into the Twin Towers on September 11 hit the Standard Chartered Bank's external relations office.

True, you will not find "Standard Chartered Bank" in the ratings of the world's leading financial institutions. There is a bank of banks, and there are all the others. His place is not up for grabs.

But back to our...

- ... sheep!

To the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. I hope it is now clear to you that for each clan separately 40 billion is a trifling sum. As the hero of the film "His Excellency's Adjutant" said: "He has more money than you have in riding breeches and in the entire Kiev treasury." And to say, like other eminent economists, that they opposed the global crisis with 40 billion for two - naivety, it seems to me. If this were true, pooling such a small amount to diversify risk would be a sign of weakness for two big families. It is unlikely that in this case they publicly spread about it.

Another oddity of the high-profile alliance is the capital ratio. The Rockefellers invested 37 billion in the trust, the Rothschilds - only 3. But they rule in the end. The agreement was signed by David Rockefeller, the recognized head of the Family, he will turn 98 in June. And Jacob Rothschild, who is not the most important authority in his Family, to put it mildly.

"And what does all this mean, Andrey Ilyich?"

In my opinion, the victory of the Rothschilds over the Rockefellers. The entire twentieth century passed, among other things, under the sign of the struggle of these two families. At the beginning of the last century, the Europeans Rothschilds were at the top. But the Rockefellers won two world wars. And the Soviet Union to boot. The Rothschilds came to Russia under the tsar. Competitors moved them under Stalin, financed the first five-year plans, industrialization. David Rockefeller met with Khrushchev, Kosygin, Gorbachev...

Throughout the second half of the twentieth century, the Rothschilds were preparing for revenge. And, finally, they got their way.

But this does not mean at all that the Rockefellers are finished forever. The fierce competitive struggle in the top twenty families of the world never ends tragically, with the physical destruction of rivals, as happened with the Kennedy clan, which was not even included in the top hundred. In the first "twenty" is usually a "water truce". A term from Kipling's Mowgli. Remember? Drought in the jungle. The elephant trumpeted a truce, the antelope greedily drinks water next to the tiger, without fear of a predator attack. The stone jungle has its own "water truce". I remember the symbolic cover of Alexander Zinoviev's book "The Yawning Heights" - two rats strangle each other by the throat with their right paws, and with their left paws they cling to each other. This accurately reflects the situation in the global power elite.

- Exactly one year has passed. Can I draw some conclusions, Andrey Ilyich?

The Rothschilds continue to rule. In the US, they needed Obama. They got it. Democrat Obama is running for a second term in the White House.

Well, yes, rival partners gravitate toward the Republican Party. Clan member Nelson Rockefeller in the 70s was even Vice President of the United States under the Republican Ford.

In China, the Rothschilds removed a man who was clearly feared. A popular politician, member of the Politburo Bo Xilai, who, not without reason, claimed even greater power in the country. But Bo Xilai was not allowed to share portfolios at the CCP Congress last fall. They were stripped of all posts, expelled from the party. And the wife was sentenced to death penalty albeit with a suspended sentence. Allegedly for poisoning an English businessman. Who was most likely a major MI6 agent. The Bo Xilai scandal was the largest in China's recent political history.

By the way, when they talk about the danger to the West of Chinese expansion, this is not about the Rothschilds. They are very strongly present in the Chinese economy. They have nothing to fear.

Another thing is, having removed Bo Xilai, the Rothschilds for some reason decided that the new General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping, would play their games. I doubt. He recently made a big announcement. Like, if we behave like Gorbachev, then we will end up like Gorbachev. Therefore, we must behave differently. There is an institute of the USSR in China, I am in contact with it. Two hundred employees study and analyze only one problem - how the Soviet Union was destroyed. The Chinese are very afraid of repeating our recent history. The destruction of China according to the Soviet Gorbachev model for them will mean such bloodshed that it will not seem enough.

A year ago, literally on the eve of the announcement of a "water truce" between the two clans, a secret compromising evidence on Pope Benedict XVI was thrown into the press. In the end, he was forced to resign, which the Vatican had not seen for many centuries. They say that these events are very closely connected. An open "collision" with the Pope allegedly accelerated the signing of the treaty.

The Rockefellers are closely associated with the Vatican. The departure of Benedict XVI, at first glance, is another indicator of the weakening of their positions. But we will not know the whole truth about the Vatican in the near future. To be sure, one of the lines of struggle for the papal seat was to control the Vatican Bank. His assets, according to some estimates (no one knows for sure!) - 2 trillion dollars. A serious jackpot in the struggle for the financial future of the world. The Rockefellers may have been forced to play along with the Rothschilds. It is curious that now the representative of the Order of Malta is in charge of the Bank. The Maltese occupy a special place in the structure of world order and quasi-order organizations. This structure provides communication between the Vatican and the largest Western intelligence agencies Mi-6, the CIA.

Don't forget, the new Pope is a Jesuit. This is another intrigue of the fight in the Vatican.

The current US administration was also interested in changing the Pope. One of Obama's aides openly said that after the "Arab Spring" the "Vatican Spring" would come. And so it happened.

- How did the old Pope interfere with Obama?

The Pope interfered with very, very many people both inside the Vatican and outside it. Despite the fact that he advocated a world government. But he was a conservative, a traditionalist. Apparently, another person was required on the throne, arranging different structures.

Recall that when the West decided to finally destroy the socialist camp, Poland became the main direction of attack. And immediately, the US President had National Security Adviser Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski, a native of Warsaw. Anti-Soviet! And in the Vatican - the new Pope John Paul II - aka Karol Jozef Wojtyla, a native of the Krakow province. Russophobe, Sovietophob. When the Americans decided to attack Yugoslavia through Albania, the ethnic Albanian George Tenet became the head of the CIA.

Now we see the appearance of the Pope from Latin America. Although Francis 1 speaks mostly Italian, German. Went to a German school in Argentina. These schools were often taught by Nazis who fled after the defeat. According to some reports, 30,000 Nazis moved the Vatican to Latin America along the so-called "rat trails." The appointment of a man from Argentina to the Holy See may mean that the Americans have decided to get serious about Latin America, to get rid of the big troubles that the late Chavez and other leftist leaders of the continent caused them. You can't get rid of cancer here alone. More serious action is needed. Dad-"Hispanic" - just from this series ...

Andrey Ilyich, it seems that this alliance also affected Russia. A year ago, I noted in Komsomolskaya Pravda that it was no accident, perhaps, on the eve of the sensational announcement of an alliance of world financial dynasties, the well-known oligarch Mikhail Fridman suddenly submitted his resignation from the post of chief managing director of TNK-BP. The development of events showed that the resignation was indeed not accidental. TNK-BP, Russia's third-largest oil producer, was established ten years ago by our TNK (Tyumen Oil Company) and British BP (British Petroleum), close to the Rothschilds. However, the relationship of partners did not work out. Public conflicts constantly broke out. The British complained about the aggressiveness of the Russian oligarchs, who allegedly were going to take the company under full control, they even thought about leaving Russia. But with the conclusion of the union of the two Families, Friedman resigned. And soon our co-founder oligarchs sold their stake in TNK-BP. Apparently, they received an offer they could not refuse. British Petroleum became a direct partner of Rosneft. They say, much to the annoyance of their former Russian partners and the Rockefellers.

But in the summer, Russia literally flew into the WTO, where we had not been allowed in for many years before. Perhaps the former head of the World Trade Organization, Peter Sutherland, who was also president of the Goldman Sachs bank close to the Rothschilds, and chairman of the board of directors of the same British Petroleum, helped. Allegedly, for loyalty to the Rothschilds, Russia received a pass to the WTO.

Perhaps there is a direct connection, or maybe just a coincidence. I do not have insider information, so I will refrain from commenting. Besides, I'm more interested in the global consequences of a strange alliance, which may affect Russia.

We have already talked about the overthrow of the Pope.

Next in line is a powerful blow to the "young money". Capitals created over several years in Russia and the CIS, Brazil, India, and other countries, mainly illegally. And it's not even about the emotional annoyance of the owners of the "old money", who created their fortunes over the course of generations. The new upstart billionaires, boasting of their wealth, measuring yachts, are tramps compared to trillionaires. Withdrawal of "young money" will help eliminate a number of problems in the global economy.

According to various estimates, we are talking about amounts from 20 to 34 trillion dollars. This is an order of magnitude higher than the capsule of the Vatican Bank. Their confiscation will delay the collapse of the global economy by 5-10 years. Extra years will not interfere with the world elite. Here are the old Families and united under the banner of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers to remove the upstarts.

Artillery preparation began already in June, immediately after the creation of the alliance. In the Morgan Stanley Management report, it was explicitly stated that the fortunes of bloodsuckers who inflate the price of "black gold", stock speculators and those who have amassed capital through thieves should be confiscated. In fact, for the first time, the need to confiscate "young money" was recorded.

In October, at the traditional meeting of representatives of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, the head of the IMF, Christine Lagarde, stated that the debt of highly developed countries is 110 percent in relation to their GDP. Defining the situation as similar to wartime, she pointed out the need for extraordinary measures, characteristic of the harsh wartime.

Including - on the possibility and even the need to confiscate "young money", which will require the provision of an appropriate moral atmosphere to justify an emergency action to wean capital. Lagarde spoke specifically about the moral atmosphere, and not about the legal justification for the "expropriation of the expropriators." Madam wrong? In no case. The legal justification, at least as far as Russian oligarchs and corrupt officials are concerned, was provided earlier by the Berezovsky-Abramovich trial. During the process, it was conclusively established that almost all Russian capital of the 90s is illegal. From the point of view of the Western legal system, "extralegal" sounds like "criminal" with all the ensuing consequences.

Shortly after the speech, Lagarde was fined $340 million by Standard Chartered Bank for some minor infraction. It is clear that without the permission of the Barukhovs, no one would dare to fine their bank. This is purely a symbolic action. Guys, if the Barukhovs themselves are fined, then the representatives of the “young money” will easily be gutted!

This was followed by the defeat of Cyprus, the exposure of the British Virgin Islands - one of the most reliable offshores in the world. Judging by the names leaked to the world press, it was the eminent owners of “young money” from the CIS, Asia, Latin America and other wonderful places who hid their capital on the islands.

- Is it still waiting for them!

Best illustration - painting by Pieter Brueghel the Elder "Big fish devour small ones".

Some financial fish realized that they could be devoured and are ready to act according to the old Soviet joke “Comrade Wolf himself knows who to eat!”

- What are you getting at, Andrey Ilyich?

To the statements of the Forbes super-rich Buffett and Gates that they will leave an insignificant part of the capital to their heirs. The main wealth will be transferred to charity, some public needs.

- We have such a loud and unexpected statement made by the oligarch Potanin. He seemed to be supported by the oligarch Kerimov.

There may be various reasons for such decisions. But I think, most likely, this is a gesture of joining some elite group, a payment for entry to the top of the post-capitalist world, a sign of loyalty to the "masters of the world game", which determine the "needs of society" in the West. Gates, Buffett are definitely not included in the world top, despite their wealth. Especially the Russian oligarchs.

Yes, we are giving away capital, but we remain at the top of the world, albeit in 33 roles. We do not confiscate everything clean. Even if after the "charitable contribution" several billions remain, a "prosperous", to put it mildly, life is still guaranteed.

They and their heirs, whom the “eccentric billionaires”, to the surprise of the common people, seem to be voluntarily deprived of their capital.

It is from this angle that it is worth looking at the mysterious 40 billion Rothschild-Rockefellers. Their trust is rather a symbolic action, the creation of a hypercommon fund of the bourgeois-aristocratic elite of the world, consecrated by loud names. A clear message: join our movement, carry your money, swear allegiance. Indeed, in the harsh and furious post-crisis world, sweet gingerbread is not enough for all the current rich.

In fact, no one gives 100% guarantees in the crisis and post-crisis world. The Old Families are still wolves! No wonder they have survived to our times. If necessary, the "old" will rob the "young" clean. Akela won't miss.

As the crisis worsens, we are in for a lot of surprises. It is clear that an anti-liberal course is gaining momentum in the world economy. The era of neo-liberal counter-revolution of 1980-2010, begun by Reagan and Thatcher, is over. It led to a number of unforeseen results. In particular, to the emergence of the very "young money" that began to really threaten the existence of the old Families.

Of course, it is not bad that the anti-liberal course is beginning to triumph. But it should be remembered that this course is in the interests of the old Families. Which clean up the results of the past neo-liberal 30th anniversary that are undesirable for them. Rothschilds with Rockefellers - right-flank sweeps.

A whole new era is beginning before our very eyes. era of anti-liberalism. It will bury many, many neoliberal heroes. Including in Russia.

This is a question that worries many. And many are still confident that the responsibility for what is happening must be placed on secret organizations. Many of them have been around for centuries, but little is known about them, which makes them even more attractive to conspiracy lovers.

Here is a selection of 10 secret societies that rule our world.

Order of the Illuminati

The order, founded in 1700 by Professor Adam Weishaupt, aimed at the comprehensive improvement of the position of the church and the achievement of general prosperity. It sounds quite harmless and even noble, but the ruler of Bavaria, Karl Theodor, did not think so. He was sure that the Illuminati was nothing more than another offshoot of the Masonic order, which must be destroyed. It would seem that in 1787 the history of the order was put to an end, but many are still confident that it exists and has a direct impact. For example, some associate the Kennedy assassination with the Order of the Illuminati.

Opus Dei

Quite young, by the standards of secret societies, organization. It was founded in 1928 by the Catholic priest Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer. This organization gained fame after the publication of Dan Brown's book The Da Vinci Code. Officially, it helps anyone who wants to "come to God" and does not require at the same time to renounce earthly life. But due to the closeness of the community, many are sure that in fact it is a sect, with its characteristic problems.


This name is on everyone's lips. The official name is quite difficult to understand: "The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and St. John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta." Modern organization has nothing to do with the historical counterpart, except that for entry it is also necessary to be a Christian and go through several special church rites.

black hand

Perhaps many have not even heard of the existence of this organization, but despite this, it managed to very seriously affect world history. This South Slavic secret nationalist organization appeared in 1911. Its main goal was the liberation of the Serbian people from the rule of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. And it was the members of this organization that killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which was the reason for the start of the First World War. In 1917, by order of the King of Serbia, it was liquidated.


Many associate them with hired killers who, on orders, are ready to kill everyone indiscriminately. But in fact, everything is somewhat more complicated. This neo-Ismaili-Nizari society was formed in the 11th century. And for their time, they had completely revolutionary views, and anti-feudal and national liberation ideas are inherent. In 1256, it officially ceased to exist after the capture of the fortresses of Alamut and Meimundiz. But there are rumors that some still managed to escape and settled in northern India. Now their ideas are often used by some terrorist organizations such as Jihad and Hezbollah.

Thule Society

This society became the heart of Nazi Germany. It was engaged in the study of the origin of the Aryan race. In their opinion, Tula was the capital of the ancient Germans, who lived under Atlantis and who just became the descendants of the real Aryans. Founded by a closed society in 1919, it gained crushing proportions and by 1933 simply ceased to exist due to uselessness. The whole of Germany already adhered to these views.

Knights of the Golden Ring

An American organization established in the Midwest in the 1850s and 1860s. Most of her supporters were from the southern states, who advocated the resolution and official legalization of slavery. True, it was quickly covered up, and the organizer and the main leaders were arrested.

Sons of Liberty

Another American organization. True, it was created a century earlier in 1765 by Samuel Adams. She advocated self-determination of the North American colonies. They fought the British authorities against their taxation system. After the repeal of the Stamp Act in 1766, the organization dissolved itself.

Skull and Bones

It is one of the oldest student secret societies in the United States. It arose in 1832 at the suggestion of Yale University Secretary William Russell, who decided, together with 14 like-minded people, to create a secret brotherhood. In their club, they accepted only people from the American aristocracy, Anglo-Saxon origin and the Protestant faith. Rumor has it that these days the prerequisite for admission is that the candidate must be the leader of their campus. The society consisted of US presidents, senators, judges of the Supreme Court, because of which it began to be considered a kind of underground group uniting the political elite. Society meetings are held twice a week, but what they discuss and do remains a mystery behind seven seals.


The official date of the emergence of Freemasonry is considered to be 1717, but there are documents dating back to 1300, which already mention Freemasons. Masonic meetings are held in a ritual form, and candidates for regular Freemasonry must believe in a Supreme Being. Masons themselves say that their goal is moral perfection, development and preservation of fraternal friendship and charity. It is believed that the community seeks to achieve political influence around the world. The most famous members of the society were Winston Churchill, Mark Twain, James Buchanan, Bob Dole, Henry Ford, Ben Franklin and many others. In total, about 5 million people around the world are members of the society.

The shadow forces behind the New World Order (NWO) are consistently implementing a plan to establish complete control over humanity and the resources of our planet. David Icke called this process "totally creeping on tiptoe" as "they" take small steps towards our complete and undeniable enslavement.

The plans of the shadow forces behind the NWO

Somewhere near the top of the pyramid is an ultra-elitist organization, better known as the Council of 13 Families, which controls all the major events taking place in the world. As its name implies, the Council is made up of the highest representatives of the 13 most powerful families on the globe.

A growing number of people are beginning to realize that 99 percent of the world's population is under the control of the "elite" one percent, yet the Council of 13 Families is made up of less than one percent of the "elite" one percent, and no one on the globe can apply for membership. this Council.

In their opinion, they are entitled to rule over us only because they are direct descendants of the ancient gods and consider themselves kings. These families include:

Rothschilds (Bayer or Bower)
Cavendish (Kennedy)
Sinclairs (St. Clair)
Warburgs (del Banco)
Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha)

(Most likely, this list is not final and some very influential clans are still unknown to us).

The Rothschild dynasty is undoubtedly the most influential and famous dynasty on Earth, and its fortune is estimated at approximately 500 trillion US dollars!

They exercise their power through a global banking empire that is almost entirely theirs.

The most important organizations that go out of their way to establish the NWO and completely enslave us include:

Downtown London (Rothschild controlled finance) - NOT part of the UK;

US Federal Reserve (Finance - a private bank owned by the Rothschilds) - NOT part of the US;

Vatican City (indoctrination, deceit and scare tactics) - NOT part of Italy;

Washington DC (military, mind programming, brainwashing and genocide) - NOT part of the US;

All of the above organizations function as separate states, act in accordance with their own legislation, and therefore there is no such court of general jurisdiction on the globe that could ever hold them accountable.

There are many secret societies in the world today that operate as branches of a mega-corporation owned by the Council of 13 Families.

Although they receive significant remuneration for their work, the members of these secret societies are not members of the "elite" dynasties, they have no idea who their masters are, and they have no idea what it really looks like. real plan.


Another method of mass enslavement they use against us is the so-called education system. Schools have ceased to be what they used to be, and children learn to memorize in them without thinking and blindly obeying.

In fact, this education system is too expensive and out of date to be maintained in the Internet age.

Why is it irrelevant? you ask. Because the Internet gives us free access to an almost unlimited amount of information.

So why are we still spending huge sums on public education? Because the world "elite" demands that our children learn to obey unquestioningly and think in stereotypes.

What can we do about it?

Right now the faith of humanity is hanging in the balance as the control of the NWO octopus spreads wider and wider. On the one hand, we are one step away from our complete enslavement, but, on the other hand, we could easily destroy the pyramid of their power simply by uniting against their deceit and bringing about a peaceful revolution in the minds, hearts and souls of people.

For years I have been asking myself what is their most powerful weapon that they use to enslave us. Is this weapon a poor-quality education system, coupled with a constant impact on our brain? Or is this weapon the fear generated by religion? Or is it the fear of being punished by the system (being imprisoned or killed), or is such a weapon invisible enslavement using the monetary system?

In my opinion, all of the above combined have had a huge impact on our community and how we think, but their strongest weapon is the legacy of the financial system!

Currency slaves

The financial system has imperceptibly enslaved humanity and now we are being used as currency slaves. We work every day from 9 am to 5 pm, in boring and oppressive conditions, without any creative or constructive incentive.

In most cases, the only motive that makes us go to work is to get another wages– and no matter how much and how hard we work, we never have enough money.

Have you ever wondered why mega-corporations (with multi-billion dollar revenues) pay tens of millions to their top executives and minimum wages to the rest of their employees?

This approach has been carefully designed to ensure that a person who is constantly “on the edge of the abyss” never has the opportunity for self-education, introspection and - ultimately - for spiritual awakening.

So isn't that the main purpose of our stay on Earth? To become spiritualized beings (obviously, spirituality does not mean religiosity) and complete the cycle of incarnation?

"They" are not going to educate people who are capable of critical thinking and have spiritual goals. No, such people are dangerous for these families!

"They" want submissive "robots" who are smart enough to operate the machines and keep the system running, but stupid enough to ask questions.

Money is the devil's eye

The roots of all the most significant problems inherent in our world are deeply in the field of financial problems: wars, diseases, plundering the Earth, enslaving man and creating inhuman working conditions bring profit.

Our leaders are corrupted by money, and the universal mission of mankind on Earth has also been replaced by money.

So why do we need a financial system in the first place? In fact, we don't need it (at least we don't need it anymore). Our planet doesn't charge us a dime for using its natural resources, and we have the technology to extract them without the use of physical labor.


More to the point, there are "brilliant minds" who have been talking about a resource-based economy for decades. One such example is Mr. Jacques Fresco, an eminent industrial designer and applied sociologist who has spent most of his life designing the future.

The cities proposed by Mr. Jacque Fresco will be built by autonomous construction robots and will be environmentally friendly and self-sufficient, resistant to earthquakes and fires.

Other people are already discussing a transitional plan to the economy of the future, where there will be no need for money, and all people will be offered best conditions to achieve their highest potential - all for the benefit of all mankind.

So my question is, are we ready to accept the future and get rid of the control of the "elite" in a world without money, or will we allow the New World Order to emerge?

We live in an interesting time, when much knowledge is becoming more and more accessible to the general public, and therefore it is already extremely difficult to keep any secrets. This also applies to secret societies, information about which is becoming so accessible that secret organizations may soon lose their main "secret" status. Almost every one of us has ever thought about who really rules the world, since few people believe in the real power and authority of the official government. More and more people are coming to the conclusion that all governments and parliaments are, in fact, big decorations that are created so that ordinary people think that they take part in the choice of power. In fact, he does not possess any, and, moreover, he is forced to obey the rules that legislators adopt, based on the

It would be wrong to assume that information about the "world secret government has only just become famous. In the past, many people, despite the lack of wide access to knowledge, came to their own conclusions about who rules the world and for what purpose. After all, if we follow the entire course of modern history very carefully, we can conclude that many events did not happen at all by chance. Take, for example, the first world war. The official reason for its occurrence is the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary in 1914 by a Serbian nationalist. After that, the empire attacks Serbia, Russia provides assistance and is drawn into the war. Then Germany also declares war on Russia, joining Austria-Hungary. Random chain of events? Far from it. It's just that someone benefited from a large-scale war in Europe, which eventually claimed the lives of tens of millions of people.

The desire of secret societies for world domination has been known since ancient times, but the secret managers had a real opportunity to create a world government only after they created a global banking system, with the help of which it became possible to exert a great influence on the economy different countries as well as their level of development. By the way, the world ones are also not accidental, since, having such weighty levers of power and the ability to control, secret societies can have a significant impact on the policy of any state.

Today, the following information is also known: in the structure of those who rule the world, there is the following hierarchy:

Level 1 - think tank - a few people; their names are unknown, but they have supernatural abilities and are associated with dark forces.

Level 2 - the richest people on our planet, and not all of them are known to the world community. They control the governments of most countries, arrange wars and economic crises.

Level 3 - famous politicians, presidents, sheikhs, kings and so on.

Level 4 - big businessmen, religious figures, political officials of all levels.

Level 5 - law enforcement agencies, which include the KGB, GRU, FSB, police, FBI, CIA, armies of all countries of the world.

Level 6 - the rest of humanity, the percentage of which is approximately 90% in relation to all other levels.

Our life is full of household fuss and daily troubles, so many people rarely think about who controls this world. However, if you ask and delve deeply into this issue, you can get a large number of useful information. Many things that are happening in today's world become quite understandable and understandable if one understands the purpose for which world governance is carried out. Unfortunately, it is the secret rulers that are currently holding back the development of alternative energy, since many discoveries have already been made in this area, which are simply hushed up or are exclusively in experimental laboratories.

Summing up all of the above, it should be noted that today most people have the opportunity to access a wide variety of knowledge, and it depends only on ourselves whether we want to be literate in this regard. It will take quite a bit of time, and the vast majority of people will understand who rules the world and for what purpose this is being done. It is difficult to predict what will happen in this case, but you need to be prepared for various emergencies that can happen in the world.