What or who is a global predictor. Global predictor or world secret government

  • 29.06.2020

In the 7th century BC, X. large group Jewish families, mostly from the family of Levites, began to deviate from the then generally accepted Law of Moses among the Jewish people and approach the teachings of the ancient Egyptian priests. As a fundamental life principle, they began to choose not the return to paradise of people expelled for sin, but the construction of a paradise on earth. At first, this group was small. But, skillfully manipulating the Jews' craving for domination over all people and presenting Yahweh not as Love, but as something unimaginably malicious and hostile, using their position as a priesthood, the Levites gradually introduced more and more Jews to their teaching. And even the then very famous prophet Isaiah, whose influence on God's chosen people was very great, could not stop the development of this teaching. In fact, it was the non-Christian, unhumble Jewish understanding of the Deuteronomy of Isaiah that led to the emergence of this doctrine. He in this book, as it may seem, punished Israel not to help his brother, to be cunning, dodgy, unprincipled, greedy. Christianity does not agree with this interpretation of Deuteronomy.

The essence of the new teaching, as already mentioned, came down to life without God and the denial of His disposition towards man. And then, and in modern times, the adherents of the doctrine do not advertise their denial of the existence of the divine essence, since this would be unexpected for society. A sharp nationwide announcement of one's position could cause a storm of popular indignation and public rejection. Therefore, the method of influencing public opinion of the new, in fact, sect was very careful and calculated.

Based on their convictions and adjusting the interpretation of the Scriptures to them, Jewish sectarians began to preach that the kingdom of God would be on earth, and it would have one ruler - the messiah. And this position is fundamentally at odds with the teachings of Christianity, which clearly says that such a kingdom will exist, but it will not be the Messiah that will lead it, but Moshiach - the world sovereign - the enemy of God. This teaching formed the basis of modern Talmudic Orthodox Judaism - Sioism. It is worth mentioning that the earthly paradise is a place, as the Zionists are convinced, will be created exclusively for the Jews. All other peoples - goyim - will enjoy the status of animals.

After the collapse of the Temple of Solomon and with the beginning of development Christian religion, the Jewish people began to be subjected to humiliation and persecution. For the most part, Orthodox Jews were humiliated. But the baptized representatives of this people also often got hard. It can be assumed that the aggression against the Jews was based on two concepts. First, the Jews crucified Christ and declared themselves His enemies, and therefore should be punished for this. Second, the all-round aspiration of the Zionists to create a global government scared the Christians to the point of panic, who saw and still see the end of time in this. And the Jewish people should not be allowed to unite, because, having united in itself, it will no longer miss the chance to lead the world community and suppress any rudiments of freedom in the world. Christian rulers. guided by these convictions, they wrote decrees and orders forbidding Jews to occupy more or less significant positions.

However, the ancient people not only did not disappear, but also developed incredibly. Realizing that power, both hereditary and acquired, was not available to them, medieval Jews, mindful of the precepts of their ancestors, began to increase material wealth and monetary capital. And, given that "the business of changing" (usury, banking, lending, etc.) in the Middle Ages was considered a shameful occupation for the nobles, Jews began to engage in it and were very successful in this. Over time, the Jews began to hold almost all the world's finances in their hands. They quickly realized that those who own the economy also own the world. The brightest representative of the Jewish bankers - Baron Rothschild once said that if he had the entire economy in his hands, he would not have fulfilled a single law.

Realizing that the Christian authorities will inevitably ruin open societies, Jews from the end of the 11th century began to create secret societies. At first they praised work and were organized as communes, led by small groups of secret leaders. Over time, societies began to evolve, developing their networks of influence and improving their activities. These societies had such enormous cash that entire states and even allied associations of states could lend. Thus, Jewish millionaires began to influence geopolitics, no matter how hard Christians try to delay it.

In the Middle Ages, it is impossible to give an exact date, the doctrine of Kabbalah began to gain momentum. It said that everything in a person is beautiful, and even his animal vices too. Kabbalah argued that the desire for the divine and promiscuity are, in fact, just the incarnations of a person, and one cannot exist without the other. That is, Kabbalah became the antipode of Christianity, which taught that God and vice are incompatible. This doctrine was even more secret than the secret societies. It was part of the basis of the worldview of the members of these societies and guided them throughout their lives. And it was from Kabbalah that they came out modern teachings BER (the concept of public security) and the phenomenon of humanism.

Gradually, the Jewish Talmudists developed a doctrine in which the principles of the doctrine of Moshiach, Kabbalah (and later humanism and KOB) seemed to form the basis of the most correct, from their point of view, understanding of the meaning of human existence and the role of the chosen people in the universe itself. The large-scale doctrine that was deduced said that at the head of each state there are always three hundred of the most influential families. And the time has come to choose the most influential from such families in order to make them the heads of the whole world. Another doctrine grew out of this doctrine - the doctrine of the "Golden Billion", which will be controlled by these very most influential families. The so-called "Committee of 300" has another identical name - the Global Predictor.

Jewish bankers, among whom, of course, the Rothschilds, Morgans, Rockefellers, Jeffes, Kuns, Goths - billionaires and trillionaires should be included in the mentioned "three hundred families." They run the world's geopolitics, revolutions and wars as they see fit, running it all through the Wall Street Banking System in New York. They are faithful to the doctrine of a world one government, heaven on earth. And with all their strength and means they bring the hour of their identity closer, now imaginary uniting people, now playing them off.

There is a widespread belief that the Freemasons are not united in themselves, and even their leaders - Jewish bankers, allegedly constantly quarrel. Therefore, a real united world government is in itself impossible. But the situation when the Rothschilds, Morgans and other richest families in the world enter into dynastic marriages now and then completely refutes this opinion. The Church of Scientology is not a competitor to the Global Predictor either, having subjugated tens of thousands of people from the highest power circles of all countries of the world for half a century.

I want to once again return to the essence of the Global Predictor (GP). In addition, after a critical rethinking of the BER and building it into a consistent mosaic system , in this issue, at last, there was sufficient certainty, completeness and clarity. For several months now I have been thinking about how to approach the disclosure of this issue in a collapsible lexical form, and it is still difficult to find a sequence of presentation convenient for the reader (that would be easy to understand andlogically comprehend the essence of GP). It seems that the question will remain unsolved if you do not begin to state at least somehow.

Whether my reasoning is true or not is for everyone to judge for themselves. This is a working material for further reflection, discussion, and not for faith, in a ready-to-use form.

1.1. Analysis of the concept of Global Predictor. (GP)

Probably, everyone who at least somehow touched the study of COB, or in general encountered the concept of HP in their life, formed their own image. There is no unity in the ranks of the supporters of the KOB on this issue, but the image formed by the VP of the USSR dominates. They themselves write the following about the process of formation of this concept:

... On this basis, asking the questions “What is happening?”, “Who is to blame?”, “What to do?” brought them to the fact that in their inner world there was a figurative idea of ​​the phenomenon that is now called “conceptual power of a global level of significance” in the materials of the USSR EP.

Here is the definition (I take one of the definitions, because in various works it basically repeats itself:

In the Concept of Public Security, set forth in the book "Dead Water", the world behind the scenes, which has absorbed the occult witch doctors and banking clans, by definition, one of the most effective methods control - "predictor-corrector" - Global Predictor. (It was in Pagent http://dotu.ru/2000/12/05/20001205-pedjent/)

I'll start with the fact that the Concept is a word + an image. The word seems to be “Global Predictor”, but with the image everything is much more complicated. Concepts such as: occult healers evoke images of something secret, unknowable and incomprehensible, in fact, to reflect this phenomenon, such a word appeared. With the “banking clans” it is more and more clear, the Rothschilds and others ... However, the generalizing concept (GP), which partly includes both a certain concept (banking clans) and another indefinite concept (occult healers), is also indefinite, like the concepts its components, or is a synonym for a certain concept and then is not generalizing for it). If you paint mathematically, then the expression GP \u003d banking clans + occult healers:

a. In the case of a synonym: any, specifically defined, number, added to zero, gives the same amount - the same number. (GP = banking clans)

b. In the case of a generalizing concept: any, specifically defined, number, added to infinity, gives an infinite sum big number. (GP = occult healers = someone = indefinite concept.)

SOE in KOB is mainly and concentrates on bankers which, in my opinion, is not entirely correct.

(And one more touch to the above definition of the GP "World behind the scenes" = Global Predictor, in my opinion, not quite similar concepts, which I will try to describe further).

As a result, we get the image of the Global Predictor, as "n E who" , similar to the parable of Polyphemus:

Polyphemus, in Greek mythology:

Cyclops, son of Poseidon and the nymph Toosa, daughter of the sea deity Phorky. A terrible and bloodthirsty giant with one eye, Polyphemus the shepherd lives in a cave where he has a hearth, he milks goats, makes cottage cheese, eats raw meat. Song IX of Homer's "Odyssey" is dedicated to the adventures of Odysseus in the cave of Polyphemus, who, while drunk and sleeping, was blinded by the hero, who escaped the fate of his companions, eaten by the Cyclops. Not knowing the real name of his offender, since Odysseus called himself "no one", the blinded giant, at whose call the neighbors of the Cyclops ran, screams, confusing them, that he was blinded by "no one".

Hence the various guesses, and interpretations, and so on ..., and so on .... In fact, this question is not idle, since quite a few works have been written about counteracting him (GP) and his plans.

So I tried to define this concept and try to present it in a form that is accessible to logical understanding. (I must say right away that the result was unexpected :), but natural.)

1.2. Information to start the analysis.

To begin with, I will try to briefly describe everything that was said in the BER about the SOE and its management.

I will list all the characteristics inherent in the GPU, which I met in the BER.

1) GP has always existed throughout the Global Historical Process (GIP) of human civilization.

2) The GP does not care how and on what the structure of society will be based, the main thing is that it be crowd-“elitist”. (GP manages on the first, ideological, priority of generalized controls.)

3) GP the most high level management (other than INVOU ) in a crowd-“elitist” society.

4) GP manages according to the principle of "predictor-corrector"

5) GP manages in a structureless way, egregorial-matrix.

6) The GP evaluates all new trends in society and chooses the best of them for implementation.

7) The GP now, after the operation of the “law of time”, has lost power or the quality of its management has fallen sharply. According to the representative of the VP of the USSR V.M. Zaznobin, “One gets the impression that the GP is no more. Because we don't see his reaction etc…..”

8) GP is conceptually powerful"... conceptual power of a global level of significance", those. controls at the conceptual level.

All of the above creates a kaleidoscopic outlook and worldview, since it is not linked into a single consistent system. One gets the impression that the HP is a superman or a subject in general, not belonging to the species of a reasonable person, an alien, "the great and terrible Goodwin" in general, as he wrote earlier, "someone".

All this made me think and look for a logical non-contradictory explanation of everything described above, moreover, without resorting to mysticism or other unknowable concepts and phenomena.

2.1. GP in terms of 6 priorities of generalized controls.

Using the BER methodology, I will consider the GP. It turns out that the GP, as the subject of the highest level in the control hierarchy, must control the 1st priority of the generalized controls:

" 1. Information of an ideological nature, a methodology, mastering which, people build - individually and socially - their "standard automatisms" of recognizing private processes in the completeness and integrity of the Universe and determine in their perception their hierarchical ordering in mutual nesting. It is the basis of the culture of thinking and the completeness of management activities, including intra-social sovereignty both within the region and globally. "( http://dotu.ru/2005/09/09/about_cob/).

By controlling this priority, the GP will also control any of the priorities that are lower in terms of significance. This statement intersects with the following theses:

- "GP is the highest level of management (besides INVOU ) in a crowd-"elitist" society."

- "The GP does not care how and on what the structure of society will be based, the main thing is that it be crowd-"elitist", i.e. the GP governs on the first, ideological, priority of generalized means of control."

2.2. Structureless way to manage the GPU.

Since the basis of GP management is structureless method, by means of egregorial-matrix control.

"The psyche of an individual through its unconscious levels (and in some cases at the level of consciousness) is always connected with some kind of egregors. there are no individuals whose psyche is not included in the algorithm of any kind of egregor."

To make it clearer, at first I will say that it is necessary to separate the "egregor of the Global Predictor" (GPR) as a tool and the GP as a strong-willed subject capable of thinking creatively and finding adequate current life situations solutions.

"Egregor of the Global Predictor", this is the proper name of a certain egregor, which is inclusive in relation to all crowd-"elitist" egregors. The VP of the USSR has already described one such egregor, to which they gave their own name "Russian Spirit". (EGP, by the way, is embracing in relation to it too, but more on that later).

Therefore, we have a certain strong-willed, creative subject (SE) using the EGP as a means to achieve their goals. Consider this someone, began with the study of his "instrument of production." Approximately in the same way as an archaeologist carefully studying tools, he can quite accurately reconstruct the owners themselves who use them.

A little about the EGP.

To understand what is written below, it is very desirable to read and delve into section 4 of the Fundamentals of Sociology regarding egregors ( http://dotu.ru/2010/04/10/20100410-bases-of-sociology_full/). Or read the note of the USSR VP« About personal-egregorial interaction » . (I can’t give a link to this work, because it wasn’t posted on the Internet, but I got it by chance from a friend on Skype - chat. However, I think you can still find it by googling).

I will stop briefly. Any egregor has 3 mandatory parameters:

  1. The current moral standards are characteristic of egregor.
  2. Information characteristic of egregor.
  3. Algorithmic characteristic of egregor.

The EGP, being encompassing in relation to any crowd-"elitist" egregor, can: either cover them (as, say, the sea covers the islands), or be an obligatory and important common part (core) of any crowd-"elitist" egregore (as, say, a water molecule, an integral part of any body of water).

For clarity, I will consider a practical example from our time. At the moment we have 3 civilizations that have formed 3 well-defined egregores:

- The "Biblical egregor" of Western civilization, formed on the basis of Historically established Christianity.

- "Islamic egregor" of Eastern civilization, formed on the basis of Historically established Islam.

Egregor of Russian civilization, "Russian spirit", formed on the basis of Vedic traditions.

If each of the above egregors is written according to the 3 mandatory parameters that characterize any egregor and compared, then we get that they will have in common only the algorithms characteristic of any crowd-"elitist" egregor. All other parameters will be different to some extent, often significantly different.

I will explain my idea with a graphical example (besides, the KPI emblem is a good help in this) :

Although the Algorithm, characteristic of any crowd-"elitist" egregore, stems from the first two parameters ("current moral standards" and "Information characteristic of an egregor"), nevertheless, it is she who ultimately is the defining and most important component.

The core of the egregore of the Global Predictor (EGP), expressed in the algorithm: "End justifies the means" . It's mandatory a common part any crowd-"elitist" egregore. It is this algorithmic that is necessarily present in any crowd-"elitist" society, always

http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esotericism Esotericism (from other Greek ἐσωτερικός - internal) - in the original meaning of the concept - philosophy, accessible only to a limited, "internal" circle of people, as opposed to exotericism - public knowledge.

However, it is also impossible to reliably say who is at the head of the banking clans, this information is closed from the vast majority of people and is protected as the most important banking secret. For example: Many people know that the FRS is a private structure, but the names of the owners are carefully hidden.

In the parable, Odysseus called himself “no one”, and in the case of the GP, it turned out to be “someone” in the sense of someone indefinite, which is essentially the same thing.

What is a Global Predictor? We answer a little about the Global Predictor (GP) Question: If you look at everything globally, from above, how would you describe what is globally happening on Earth? where is it moving and who is driving/governing? And if it doesn't make it difficult - in your opinion, does the global division into hierarchies look like this? (Fig↓), or is everything different? It is difficult to answer such questions in the format of that social network. And perhaps someone else will be interested in touching on this difficult and largely speculative topic. Speculative, because hardly anyone knows anything specific about the Global Predictor. We can judge it only by those processes, witnesses and participants of which we are. We or our ancestors. And yet, let's try to clarify a little the global situation that has developed today. Because the question “Where are we going” is important for any person. The first thing to note is the correctness of the idea of ​​the authors of the VP of the USSR that the origins of the current global governance should be sought in Ancient Egypt. And it is not so important whether the dates of Akhenaten's reign are correct or distorted. Something else is clear, and, in particular, A. Sklyarov showed this perfectly, - modern Egyptians are by no means descendants of the bearers of that incredibly developed, but somewhat alien to us, ancient civilization. Why Egypt? It's simple: too many traces of a small ancient state was scattered over most of the planet. If you have not watched the fascinating film "Ring of Power" - I highly recommend it. It provides excellent factual material on the presence of Egyptian symbols in the entourage of the current reigning Queen of England. And Petersburg?! All these sphinxes, steles, the Egyptian bridge - just like that? After all, not Sumerian, not Peruvian, or some other - namely Egyptian! When the USA was created - the same Egyptian symbols in all important places. Masons? Of course, but is it just that this network structure has so closely connected its symbolism with the ancient Egyptian one? The All-Seeing Eye is like that of Horus (Chorus), again a pyramid... Even art historians, speaking of Russian classicism, use the phrase "Egyptian-Masonic elements". “The spread of Freemasonry, in whose mysticism and complex symbolism the Egyptian deities Osiris and Isis and other motifs received an important place, influenced landscape gardening and funerary architecture.” Now football. 11 people on each side. As many as there were decision-making hierophants in that Egypt. And who promoted football in the world? English. Sacred game, so it turns out. We see that the management of some processes on the planet is carried out using ancient Egyptian symbols. Whether it is a network structure, such as the Masonic one, or more or less centralized management through royal houses, Egypt is clearly present. Another mystery associated with this country is the name of the main god, RA. The same as the Russians, more precisely - the Slavs, those who praise the Sun. And the Egyptian hieroglyphs were deciphered not only by Champollion, who proposed his own version. Much has been done by Slavic linguists and decipherers. It is based on the Slavic alphabets. So, one can trace a certain continuity in global governance. Previously, eminent Greeks studied with Egyptian priests, today Egyptian symbolism is present in a certain part of the modern control layer. Farther. It is unlikely that today there will be many who want to challenge the following postulate: all processes in the world are controlled. By whom and how is another question, but they are unambiguously controlled. Even in nature, seemingly dead stones - and those are subject to the influence of its Laws. What can we say about the social part of our World?! Nothing passes "spontaneously". And it is unlikely that everything is determined - the Almighty gave man free will, and therefore - freedom of choice. Therefore, there is necessarily a subject on the planet that directs the development of social processes. There are many different assumptions, but is this subject a person? I will not dwell on this, the main thing is that this subject is a living being living on the planet, breathing the same air with us, etc. To keep things simple, it's more logical to assume that the HP is a group of people. But what are these people? Rothschilds? No way! Well, never the Rothschilds! Because they are bankers, i.e. servants. And they appeared clearly after the collapse of that Egyptian civilization. Everything is blamed on the Rothschilds, they succeed everywhere, their influence is huge - yes, it is. Powerful clan. But not self-sufficient in terms of management. A six is ​​a six, even if she is very rich. And can wealth be an end in itself for a GP? Hardly. The manager needs to have the levers of power at his disposal. Effective. If at some stage one of the levers is money - the lever puts pressure on the Rothschilds and the decisions of the GP are moving forward in life. But how can the GP influence the seemingly omnipotent Rothschilds? Here is the most interesting. If the GP is not engaged in business and is not richer than various Rothschilds-Warburgs, then he has such a "gun" that is constantly attached to the banker's temple. What is this “gun”? Knowledge. Knowledge and methodology. Knowledge, methodology and practice. A practice based on the experience of many, many generations. Once I published a retrospective of my personal encounters with the unusual. Only this is unusual for us, brought up on classical physics textbooks. And for those who understand and know more, these phenomena are part of science. Of which we today have only a very vague and rather fragmentary idea. I mean magic, extrasensory perception, astrology and the like. What is included in the field of metaphysics. Until he himself encountered similar phenomena, he did not believe in it one gram. Today is another matter, because experience is a great thing! Someone probably drew attention to one feature of the behavior of the GPU. It seems that he is obliged to inform the people about the upcoming catastrophes or cataclysms. Hence the novel about the sinking of the Titanic a few years before the disaster, and the famous cover in a glossy magazine with a picture of the sinking of the Twin Towers, and similar pictures about our August coup ... If someone publicly speaks out about this BEFORE the disaster or event - the latter is cancelled. Remember the pictures and discussions about the impending disaster before the London Olympics? And the fallen US flag at competitions in the same London? At that time, few people could believe that the dominance of the States was really moving towards decline. Those. for the GPU, the signs and symbols are indeed the elements by which he exercises control. Whether we believe it or not. In short, the “gun” of the GP at the temple of the Rothschilds is the ability of the Global Predictor to influence a person, regardless of where the latter is located. Something like the Japanese practice of piercing a doll representing an enemy with a needle. Knowing and owning the practices of “magical” (ie, from the position of physics unfamiliar to us) influences that are secret to us, the GP forces the Rothschilds to be faithful and obedient to him. Of course, this should not be taken to mean that the GP constantly sends instructions to the powerful bankers or the Queen of England or monitors all their actions on a daily basis. The freedom of choice remains with the latter. But only within the framework of the strategic global task set by the GP. Let's say a hundred years ago. And even all 500, if we are talking about the destruction of Russia. In general, the background needed to answer the questions asked at the beginning is given. Now let's move on to the answers. So, what is “globally happening on Earth”? In the first approximation - a clear transitional period. And since it is transitional, it means that turbulence is present in it. To put it simply, there are quite a few seemingly chaotic changes. From our point of view - chaotic. And with ours - a period of change. In fact, one should take into account a certain inertia of control by the GPU. When the transitional period can stretch for more than one century. After all, what are we seeing today? There was a century-old period of mass consumption of affordable goods. Which require a huge mass of resources, many of which are non-renewable. It is also clear that any system tends to occupy the position with the minimum energy. Like a ball in a U-shaped groove. Always at the bottom, where the potential, and hence the total energy, is minimal. The same is true in social systems. Wars and rallies never last forever. And considering the population of the Earth together with the planet, it should be recognized that minimizing consumption, reducing anthropogenic impact man on nature will provide the society-planet system with the greatest stability. This minimization, as life shows, is one of the goals of the Global Predictor control. Another thing is how this is achieved. But this is beyond the scope of the issues under consideration. Perhaps it would be easier to infect humanity with some deadly virus, but today the world is a system of interpenetration, there are no clear state or sanitary borders. And there is a non-zero probability that in an operation of this magnitude, both the GP families and the part of humanity that is intended to serve these families will suffer. Antidote? Graft? The scale of the operation is too significant to be sure that everything will go without a hitch, without a hitch. For example, after 2-3 generations of vaccinated. Those. the risk is too great. Here we just approached the answer to the question, where are we going. We can say with great confidence: not to a global world war. Why? Why did the GP arrange world wars in the past, but today should be wary of doing so? The answer seems to be logical. The GPU must be wary of being destroyed in a new world conflagration. Multiple deadly technologies have become overdeveloped. Previously, you could sit out somewhere in the Swiss Alps. And today, just from what we all know, even vacuum bombs won't leave anything alive in these Alps. In addition, earlier it was possible to provide for almost absolute means of protection against the damaging weapons of that time. Today, the GP is simply obliged to be afraid of being destroyed ... by his fellow competitor! Under the guise of a world massacre. Again, the level of destruction technology is such that go and then figure out who slammed whom. There is another reason why the GP avoids another world war. And again, the question rests on technology [and, in the limit, on a global systemic crisis, the cause of which was the satanic concept of managing humanity, which made it possible to create deadly technologies that led to this crisis - approx.IAS]. Previously, there was no WMD capable of arranging a nuclear decade, completely polluting water, soil, air, and destroying a significant part of the biosphere. Today, unfortunately, all this is in abundance. And does the HP need to create such conditions on the planet for its descendants that these descendants may simply never be born again?! However, everything that has been said about the world war does not say that there are no forces on Earth that still want to unleash it. Unfortunately, there are enough idiots and bastards on the planet. Especially across the ocean. But this is no longer a GP, which is why today we are witnessing sometimes illogical actions of the same United States. On the one hand, its national elite is pursuing its goals, on the other hand, there is opposition from the forces working for the GP. Therefore, we can never relax. We must resist both the States and the West, and counteract the plans of the GP to drastically reduce the inhabitants of the planet. To do this, Russia must itself participate in global governance, set and strive to achieve precisely global goals. And we, simple people, which constitute the most important part of the social environment surrounding us all, are simply obliged to increase their level of understanding of what is happening, to master alternative knowledge, to comprehend management methods. After all, there are many of us, the overwhelming majority, and the decisions of authorities at all levels depend on the quality of the social environment that we create. And whether the government wants it or not, whether the SOE likes it or not, they all have to reckon with the quality of this very social environment. Let's be passive and silent - we will get a full bouquet of chipization, juvenile justice, pederasty, vaccination, GMOs and other delights. Therefore, an active civic and public position is the duty of each and every one of us. Unless, of course, we want our children to have grandchildren and great-grandchildren... Thus, in order to resolve the global management crisis, it is necessary to massively master a new management methodology, management educational program. This methodology is outlined in the BER and DOTU. Explore the Concept!

(View from Slovakia and Czech Republic)

Seeing a kaleidoscope instead of a mosaic does not mean that a person is stupid, but that he has not yet met with concepts that would help him understand the true nature of the fundamental problems of society and all their interconnections.

This problem exists in various associations, as in state system generally. One person cannot change the whole system, rather it will change him. You can change the government as many times as you want - nothing fundamental will change.

The problem is that the existing crowd system is "elitist" (starting from the 1st priority - worldview).

To date, all known social systems (capitalism, socialism, democracy, and others), as well as all known religions and philosophies, steadily keep a person on the lower types of mental structure. Existing systems they bring up only - the animal type of the psyche, the biorobot - zombies, the demonic and unnatural type of mental structure (voluntary use of psychotropics that depress consciousness - alcohol, tobacco, drugs).

Thus, humanity needs and already has a new concept - "social systems", which will help people acquire a human type of mental structure (starting from the 1st priority of the Generalized Control Means). This will help people to reproduce fair state structures and organizations in the continuity of generations. Also, other structures related to the rest of the OSU priorities will start working in line with the concept, and not against it.

From history: whenever a new global concept comes into the world, for GP (Global Predictor) this means that it interferes with his management, and this undermines the previous concept that allowed him to successfully predict developments and take corrective actions in case of a deviation or change in strategy. But the new concept violates this scheme, as a result, people begin to behave unpredictably, for the GP this means the impossibility of complete control.

Thus, when a new global concept appears, the GP changes the entire current system, including shifts and its location. Will try to create a different concept based on the new one that has already happened, but will make major changes in order to create a hidden system of the crowd - "elitism" (the crowd remains an animal, or a zombie.

And the top - the elite gets more and more relevant knowledge and helps to control the crowd). If the GPU manages to do this faster than it starts to expand and be a functional and powerful alternative concept, it will single-handedly begin to usurp power and begin to oust, demonize, try to ban the other concept.

Something similar already happened in the time of Moses and also in the time of Christ. Jesus probably came from the Qumran-Essene community and wanted to set the Jews on the right path, free from the slavery of the "chosen" deal, the devilish and zombie doctrine of the Jews and wanted to make a doctrine that would help the Jews achieve a human mentality. For some time they succeeded, but the GP intervened in the course of events. They have ensured that these Messiahs have been eliminated and control has been seized.

However, the new concept (Nazarenes-Essenes) worked among the Jews, so the GP had to act. Probably thanks to Saul of Tarsus, control was seized. The Nazarenes called Saul-Paul the bearer of lies, because, in the allegorical representation of the Nazarenes, he taught people to understand literally and thereby distorted the meaning. Apparently, the original successor to the teachings of Jesus was supposed to be James, the brother of Jesus (together they were something like a tandem). In pseudo-Christianity, along with Saul-Paul, Peter also became the head.

Over time, this pseudo-Christian project was adopted in Rome - this made it the main state religion (the First Council of Nicaea). The knowledge preached by the Nazarenes was later declared heresy. They called their teaching derisively Aryanism (according to one of the supporters), and all traces that reflect the actual actions of Jesus and his followers, his original teachings were gradually destroyed (the huge library of Alexandria was burned). Traces were seized and the crowd - "elitism" in the form of pseudo-Christianity was able to continue its spread.

In any case, it is no coincidence that the GP is currently moving again to a new location and it seems that he is retreating. This is due to the fact that in the 90s a new concept of life arrangement (the Concept of Public Security) appeared, and under the influence of this concept, the GP would no longer be able to successfully manage the world with the old methods, based on the old philosophies and systems that provided the crowd - "elitism" .

Firstly, now the GP chooses a new location for its headquarters and leaves the old structures in its old colonies to decay ( They didn't even leave in Jerusalem"stone upon stone" after the departure of the GP, the same situation was in ancient egypt, after his departure he became the prey of other peoples).

It is no coincidence that geopolitical issues are bypassing China, and everything seems to play into its hands. China is prosperous, developing, no sanctions, no color revolutions (problems in Hong Kong are the work of American regional elites (neoconservatives), not the GP. American country elites have not yet realized the real state of affairs and their place in the world, so Hong Kong is only a temporary problem , Nothing serious). The GP defends China, like Switzerland in the past, which was bypassed by the horrors of past wars.

Switzerland, as the current headquarters of the GP, as well as the United States, Sweden, Spain, as the control centers of the periphery, are planned to be disposed of. The US GP will of course have to "merge" first of all, because they have too much influence in the world and a powerful structure, and they carry out such a policy in the world to manage their affairs on their own.

The US is likely to face vast bloody riots throughout the territory, in which not only the United States will break up into separate states, but important evidence and witnesses will be eliminated in the chaos of riots (the SOE can thus get rid of many of its former proxies - and from the entire structure as a whole, as long as there are riots in the country). And for the fate of the United States to be sealed, to divide it into fragmented states, this will be the end of the federation.

If the GP intends to retain power, then he will try to cause fire and chaos throughout Europe. But not before the USA will be irretrievably destroyed and fragmented. Important point so that the weakening of Europe does not strengthen the activation and acceleration of events against the United States, since one process is a trigger for another.

IN modern world there is no threat of a war like the last century, when countries fought among themselves, "head of state" against "head of state." This type of war could escalate into a nuclear conflict, and nobody wants that, perhaps not even the GP.

But a war without a nuclear potential is possible and can be realized if the state is attacked by terrorism. An example of this is Syria, partly Ukraine (Extremists not only helped in the coup d'état in Ukraine, but also continue to help in the punitive operation in the South-East).

The invasion of the state by experienced extremist mercenaries will not make it possible to use the nuclear arsenal. Such an invasion is akin to a viral attack on the body, due to which the body will not be capable for a long time. The attackers in civilian clothes and without insignia means that people will not be able to find who is theirs and who is a stranger, it will be very difficult to fight them. The only weakness of terrorists is their financing and supply of weapons.

But the situation in Europe, NATO's pressure to equip armies and replenish arsenals, plays into the hands of potential terrorism.

We are witnesses of this practice in Ukraine, only in reverse order. No one officially finances the militia, but as it turned out, the militia can be very successful even without it in order to resist the official army, capturing military equipment and weapons on the battlefield (in our opinion, the militia, of course, are heroes, but in the opinion of the Ukrainian fascists, they are terrorists).

It is difficult to say realistically how the situation in the EU will develop in reality, but looking at how the GP behaved in the distant past, we can conclude that he planned to destroy both the US and the EU from within. Perhaps they will try to do this in Russia, but it will be much more difficult to do it there, because of the national unity and special mentality.

It is obvious that the EU is trying to use Islamic extremism. Since immigration to the EU is well developed, mercenaries from the countries of the Middle East, where there are a huge number of them today, can easily help in fanning and supporting interethnic conflict. This can then solve another problem and get rid of Qur'anic Islam and replace it with, for example, Sharia or other types of pseudo-Islam.

The SOE is apparently planning to create an Islamic caliphate from the EU, the great European Islamic state, to change the type of civilization while maintaining the crowd - "elitism". In this context, the EU acts like a stupid suicidal, and implements any stupidity that is dictated from above. At the very end of the global scenario, the GP will probably try a new concept, perhaps some distorted version of the BER, to keep a purely external similarity, but in which there will be serious changes that will allow it to keep humanity in a stable crowd - "elitism" (in not human types of psyche structure), and if he succeeded, he would have tried to destroy the COB under the guise of impartial heresy.

The only thing that can slow down, in our time so rapidly developing information technologies, the process of spreading KOB is kindling civil wars and the spread of extremism and terrorism throughout Europe and in Russia. But this shouldn't happen! Russia has demonstrated throughout history, and in these difficult times, its determination and coherence ( mostly because of Stalin and Putin and in unity as a nation). I am convinced that even China will not be a traitor and will not choose in the future as a suitable host of the SOE and will not become its platform for its social engineering.

The unification of Russia and China today is extremely important, although national sovereignty plays a very important role for each of these countries, which none of the countries wants to lose, the main thing is to promote the implementation of the principle for each other, and defend each other's interests in important issues, willingly to sacrifice something for the sake of common interests. I only hope that China's Achilles' heel will not be its economy and profits, which in the future may become an excuse for the destruction of the union. Much will depend on priority 1 (ideological).

The reality is that the image of the globalization of the new millennium will depend on whether the SOE or the COB succeeds in taking control of this process, and what the world will look like in the centuries to come, now depends primarily on China. Will China be able not to quarrel with Russia in the future. And whether it will allow in its structures to take some new concept from the GP as a basis for BER. At this stage, everything is going well.

With all my heart I wish that in the new millennium humanity will acquire a stable human type of psyche!!! Russia plays a very important role in this process and has taken a very important first step, taking all the blows on itself, the next important step will be China's victory in this fight, not its failure... The future of all mankind is at stake.

The global predictor is the subject of global politics, the scenario-planner of the currently dominant mode of globalization, as well as social processes in relation to humanity as a whole.

We use the term “Na-Jewish predictor”, which denotes the power that is also powerful over the “World Masonic Government”, to which many fighters against Jewish Freemasonry attribute intra-social sovereignty on a global scale.
We are considering a global historical process in terms of Enough general theory management, and the term “global nadjudey predictor” is a name in essence, correlating the life of society with the full function of management: the executive conceptually powerless freemasonry of idiots initiated into something is of little interest to us.
The global non-Jewish predictor is what gave rise to the biblical concept of undivided world domination on a racial usurious basis and carries in this concept one of the stages of the full control function, hierarchically higher in relation to the activities of executive Stoic Freemasonry.
The term was introduced into sociology in order to call things by their essential names. The introduction of this term transfers consciousness to the conceptual territory beyond the question: “Who gave birth to Freemasonry, on what ideological basis, and what can be done with it?”
In addition, the introduction of this term allows not to “veil the true essence”, but to show it to that part of Freemasonry that is able to remember and understand what they read, which opens up the opportunity for them to sober up from inflated self-esteem about their role in the global management of the current civilization.