Games and competitions for carnival. Funny games with children on carnival

  • 20.10.2019

tatiana petrishcheva
Entertainment with children on the street "Play fun, meet Shrovetide"

Target: conducting classes in the air, through emotional empathy and participation in the game-action, to acquaint with Russian holidays, to introduce all participants to the tradition of holding national holiday Shrovetide.


Introduce children to old Russian folk games;

Unite children in joint activities, provide them with the opportunity for self-expression;

- develop children's ingenuity, endurance, motor skills.


Skittles, sleds, icicles, ski poles, a ribbon, a hat or a headband with the image of the sun, a broom - 2 pcs, a rope.

Preparatory work:

1. Arrange for sledding.

2. Cook pancakes, cover festive table (for this, involve a cook kindergarten) .

Lesson progress:

The guys get dressed, go for walks, there at their door meets carnival.


Hello cute kids!

Girly cute

Naughty boys.

Let's enjoy the winter

I'll teach you old games play.


Guys, let's say hello together Maslenitsa.

Children greet.

caregiver: Maslenitsa, and the games are interesting?


Games are interesting, the most wonderful.

Let's not stand still.

It's time for us to be together in them play.


How fluently you speak, you compose poems on the go.

We are very impatient with you to play! Really guys?

Children's answers


Well, here's the first one for you. a game.

With the advent of spring, the sun shines brighter, and warms hotter. And this a game dedicated to our sun.

Playing with the Sun.

In the center of the circle - "sun" (the girl is put on a hat with the image of the sun on her head). Children in chorus pronounce:

Burn, sun, brighter -

Summer will be hotter

And the winter is warmer

And spring is sweeter.

Children go in a round dance. On the 3rd line come closer to "sun", narrowing the circle, bow, on the 4th - depart, expanding the circle. On word "I'm burning!" - "sun girl" catches up with the kids.

A game passes several times.

M: well done, how smart and attentive you are, and also, when I was young, I loved playing with beautiful name "Dawn".

M: Do you want to be in it? to play?

Children's answers

Maslenitsa explains the rules of the game.

Here are the rules of this game Dawn.

Children stand in a circle, hands are held behind their backs, and one of playing -"dawn" walks behind with tape and He speaks:

Dawn - lightning,

red maiden,

Walked across the field

Dropped the keys

golden keys,

blue ribbons,

entwined rings -

Went for water!

With last words the driver carefully places the ribbon on the shoulder of one of the playing, who, noticing this, quickly takes the tape, and they both run in different directions in a circle. The one who is left without a place becomes "dawn". The game is on repeat. Runners must not cross the circle. Players do not turn while the driver chooses who to put the tape on his shoulder.

Maslenitsa:Let's learn the words of this game first.

Children repeat with Maslenitsa.

M.: And now let's play!

passes a game repeated several times at the discretion of the teacher.

M .: Well done children, how quickly you learned everything.


And now, I want to see how smart and fast you are. To do this, let's split into two teams and compete.

(Maslenitsa together with the teacher divide the children into 2 equivalent teams)

M: I announce funny competitions, after all, they were always arranged on the festive square during the holiday. This is where we measure our strength. Which team will be faster?

So the first match:

1. Three legs

The players are divided into pairs, each pair is tied with legs (the right foot of one with the left foot of the other). Couple on "three legs" reaches the turning flag and returns to the start line.

2. Who is faster on a broom

Skittles are placed in a chain on the site. You need to run astride a broom with a snake and not knock down the skittles. The one who knocks them down the least wins.

Team relay where pairing is required. One of the couple will have to become a wheelbarrow, not the car you watch cartoons about, but a freight transport with one wheel and two handles. On such transport in the old days, cargo was transported. The role of the wheel will play hands and arms - legs. On command, the player "wheelbarrow" lies on the ground, focusing on the hands, and "driver" takes his partner by the legs to the body "cars" was parallel to the ground. "Wheelbarrow", moving on her hands, must reach the rotary flag and return back, where the other is already ready to move. "wheelbarrow".

4."Karelian Races"

- (sledding game) .Rivals get into the sled, put their feet on the runners, and accelerate, pushing off with their hands or ski poles. Whoever travels a certain distance faster won.

5. Tug of war

Everyone knows this traditional Russian fun. Let on Maslenitsa it won't be quite traditional. Preparation - as in the usual Tug of war, but the teams take it, standing with their backs to each other. At the signal of the teacher, we begin to pull.


Hey guys!

Ay, well done!

During our last meetings And today, you made me very happy!

M .: It's time for us to see off the winter and welcome spring, look at the mountain there is a "Scarecrow" Shrovetide so that spring comes faster we need to burn it.

Together with the teacher and carnival children sing songs and light carnival.

We haven't eaten pancakes for a long time.

And they wanted pancakes.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

Oh my pancakes.

Guys, our wonderful chef baked for us delicious pancakes. And now, after such fun games, we will go to a group where tables with pancakes and hot tea are already set for us. Let's call auntie with us - carnival.

Children come with carnival. They undress and sit down at the tables prepared in advance by the cook and the nanny. Tea, pancakes, jam, honey and other treats are on the tables.

There is a celebratory tea party.

M .: You fed me, gave me a drink, it's time and honor to know. Thank you guys for the warm welcome entertainment Well, it's time for me to go home.

AT.: Maslenitsa We had a lot of fun with you! Really guys?

children's answers.

V .: Do not forget us, and in next year Come visit.

M: Thanks for the invitation. I will definitely come back and tell you something interesting and show you. Bye for now.

Children say goodbye Maslenitsa and doing things in a group.

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The game begins with the roll call of the driver with the players:

Ding, ding, ding!

Who's there?

From the city …

What are they doing in the city?

The driver can say that they are dancing, singing, jumping in the city. All players must do what the driver said. And the one who performs the task poorly, gives a phantom. The game ends as soon as the driver collects 5 forfeits. The players, whose forfeits are with the driver, must redeem them. The driver comes up with interesting tasks for them. Children count poems, tell funny stories, remember riddles, imitate the movements of animals. Then a new driver is chosen and the game is repeated.


Game progress. The players line up in pairs one after another - in a column. Children hold hands and lift them up, forming a "gate". The last pair passes "under the gate" and stands in front, followed by the next pair. "Burning" becomes in front, 5-6 steps from the first pair, with his back to them. All participants sing or say:

Burn, burn bright

To not go out!

Look at the sky

The birds are flying

The bells are ringing:

Ding dong, ding dong

Get out quick!

At the end of the song, two guys, being in front, scatter in different directions, the rest shout in unison:

One, two, do not crow,

And run like fire!

"Burning" is trying to catch up with the fleeing. If the players manage to take each other's hands before one of them is caught by the "burning one", then they stand in front of the column, and the "burning" one again catches, i.e. "burns". And if the "burning" catches one of those running, then he gets up with him, and the player who is left without a pair drives.

"Bell ringer".

Game progress. Children stand in a circle. The driver is selected by the counting room. He walks around and says:

Dili don, dili don

Guess where the call is coming from.

The rest of the players dance in place. On the word "ringing" the driver turns to the player standing near him and, clapping his hands three times, bows.

The player also claps his hands three times, bows and stands behind the driver. Now they both walk in a circle, saying:

Dili don, dili don

Guess where the call is coming from.

On the word "ringing" the driver again claps and bows inviting the next player to join the game. So the game continues until there are 4-6 people behind the driver.

After that, the children remaining in the circle clap, and the leader and the players chosen by them dance. With the end of the music, the driver and other players should stand in pairs. Whoever did not have enough pair - he becomes the driver.

Playing with the Sun. Game progress. In the center of the circle is the "sun" (a cap with the image of the sun is put on the child's head). The children say in unison:

Burn, sun, brighter -

Summer will be hotter

And the winter is warmer

And spring is sweeter.

Children go in a round dance. On the 3rd line they come closer to the "sun", narrowing the circle, bow, on the 4th - they move away, expanding the circle. To the word "I'm burning!" - The "sun" catches up with the children. Glory to the Sun Thank you!


Children stand in a circle, hold their hands behind their backs, and one of the players - "dawn" walks behind with a ribbon and says:

Dawn - lightning,

red maiden,

Walked across the field

Dropped the keys

golden keys,

blue ribbons,

entwined rings -

Went for water!

With the last words, the leader carefully places the tape on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the tape, and they both run in different directions in a circle. The one who is left without a place becomes a "dawn". The game is repeated. Runners must not cross the circle. The players do not turn around while the driver chooses who to put the tape on his shoulder.

Give a handkerchief of sympathy

A gate with an inclined crossbar is installed on the site, on which colored handkerchiefs are hung on thin threads, at different heights. Competitors need to run up, jump up and rip off one of the handkerchiefs, and then name the girl and give her their torn one.

snow shooting range

In the winter town, you can install permanent targets for throwing snowballs. It is best if these are wooden shields 1 * 1 m in size with concentric circles drawn on them with a diameter of 30.60 and 90 cm. The shields can be installed on poles dug into the ground, hung on a blank wall or on a fence. Probably, it is worth making a special wall of the shooting gallery, on which you can put targets, their guys will shoot down with snowballs.

tug of war Everyone knows this traditional Russian fun. Let it be not quite traditional on Maslenitsa. Preparation - as in the usual tug of war, but the teams take it, standing with their backs to each other.

three legs

The players are divided into pairs, each pair is tied with legs (the right leg of one with the left leg of the other). A couple on "three legs" reaches the turning flag and returns to the start line.


Team relay where pairing is required. One of the pair will have to become a wheelbarrow - a freight transport with one wheel and two handles. The role of the wheel will play the hands, and the handles - the legs. On command, the player - "wheelbarrow" lies down on the ground, focusing on his hands, and the "driver" takes his partner by the legs so that the body of the "wheelbarrow" is parallel to the ground. The wheelbarrow, moving on its hands, must reach the turning flag and return back, where another wheelbarrow is already ready to move.

Who is faster on a broom

Skittles are placed in a chain on the site. You need to run astride a broom with a snake and not knock down the skittles. The one who knocks them down the least wins.

Shrovetide is a special holiday cycle that allows you to fully enjoy a variety of folk entertainment. The number of games, contests and other pastime options can pleasantly surprise you. What options are the most worthy?


Participants should stand in one row and join hands, creating a chain. By right side you need to determine the leader who will run with a change of direction. Other participants must follow the leader. At the same time, only the leader can know the direction of movement. In this regard, the main task is the desire to maintain balance and maintain the chain, but this turns out to be extremely difficult. The following nuance should be noted: it is more difficult for players who are far from the leader to maintain balance, since there is always a risk of unhooking or falling. Despite this, participants who fall are out of the game. The main task is to hold out until the very end.

"Geese and geese".

The game is in contact with folk customs that have existed for a long time. It is known in almost every country in the world, but it differs in names. The game pleases simple rules: Players must stand in a circle facing the center. From the side of the back, the leader should approach each participant, touching the back. Then the participants receive their names, namely "goose" or "goose". If a player has been called a goose, he must remain where he is. If the participant was called a goose, he must move away from his place and run around all those gathered, and then take his place. The difficulty lies in the following: the leader runs around the circle in the opposite direction. The free seat is occupied by the presenter or the player. The one who lost his place must conduct the gameplay according to the above scheme.

Competition "Here, damn it."

This competition is closely related to the attributes of Maslenitsa. Each kid must come up with a poem with certain words, namely: pancake, carnival, winter, spring, sun. If the child has some difficulties with this task, you can ask the parents for help. For this reason, parents can also take the opportunity to enjoy the game. The winner must submit the most interesting and unusual verse. At the same time, one should take into account how active the help of adults was.

Surprise game.

Guests should stand or sit in a circle. Then the participants take a large box and start passing it around while listening to the music. The host can stop the music at any time. The guest who had the box must open it and put his thing inside. After the participants have undressed sufficiently, the box should again start in a circle. Now the rules are changing: each stop of the music requires the participant to put on a thing, but you can’t look into the box. The item will need to be worn for the specified time.

Elephant game.

Elephant is a Russian game that exists long time. Participants can be teenagers or even older. It is important to note that the gameplay is aimed at testing strength and endurance, so boys are of the greatest interest. Girls can also participate if they wish. In any case, the teams must be equivalent. It is important to note that the game not only shows the physical strength of the participants, but also allows you to prepare, improve and even learn how to jump over a goat.

At the very beginning, the players are divided into two teams that have the same number of participants and are equal in strength. One team becomes an elephant. The other team should jump on him.

The participant who is the strongest and strongest must stand in front, facing the wall. He leans his hands against the wall, bends and lowers his head. The next player grabs the participant by the belt, hiding his head. All others follow this pattern. They should visually represent an elephant, trying to hold on to each other.

Representatives of the other team will need to take turns running up and jumping onto the back of the depicted elephant. At the same time, you need to try to sit on horseback as far forward as possible, because there should be enough space for the next players. The whole team must remain on the back of the elephant. In this case, you need to stay on your back for 10 seconds.

Now there is an opportunity to switch roles.

Game "Venitsa".

Participants should stand in a round dance, hold hands and begin to slowly move in a circle. Some people can walk inside the circle. Each walker receives his handkerchief, after which he chooses a "victim" of the opposite sex from a round dance. The handkerchief must be spread out in front of the "victim". After that, the participant leaves the round dance, kneels on a scarf. And then there is the kiss. The "victim" receives a handkerchief, and the "walker" must stand in a round dance. For interesting game it takes about 10 - 15 minutes and a few handkerchiefs.

The game "Earth, air, water, fire."

Participants should stand in a circle, in the middle of which will be the leader. The driver must throw the ball to the participants and say the name of one of the four elements. "Earth" means the need to pronounce the name of the animal, "water" - fish, "air" - birds. At the word "fire" all participants must wave their hands. After that, the driver again receives the ball. If the participant did not have time to name the word or made a mistake, you need to “pay” the phantom, after which it becomes possible to continue the game.

Game "Sour cream".

The optimal number of participants is 2-4 people. Players will need 2 plastic cans of sour cream, 2 scarves or ropes, crowd. The competition can be held with the presentation of various prizes. The main goal is to quickly eat sour cream, but at the same time the hands will be kept tied behind. The spectacle promises to be unusual and truly breathtaking!

Competition "Delicious pancakes".

Such a competition is ideally held during the celebration of Maslenitsa. Competitors must make their own pancakes with unusual fillings and present them in a special way on a plate. Other people must guess the prepared stuffing and evaluate the design of the structure. The winner must surprise with their culinary skills and bright, extraordinary design of pancakes.

Competition "3 legs".

Participants should be divided into pairs. Then each pair allows the legs to be tied in the following pattern: the right leg of one person is tied to the left leg of the other person. The couple in this position must run to the turning flag, and then return to the start line.

Bag fight.

For this competition, you need to fence a small area. Then one arm should remain tightly pressed to the lower back. You can only take action with one hand. To win, you need to be able to move and feel what the enemy is doing. The results largely depend on how the opponent's momentum is used.

Snow maze.

On the site, you first need to draw a square or round labyrinth, providing 2 exits, which are recommended to be placed on opposite parts. Snow must be used for laying out internal parts labyrinth, then walls. In this case, the height of the walls should not exceed a meter. Only in this case, you can easily understand who got lost in the maze. The optimal width of the passages is from 80 to 100 centimeters. If there is a lot of snow, you can create a labyrinth in a different way: you need to remove the snow with a shovel, and then lay it on different sides of the passages. Another option is to trample moves on the territory, trying to confuse the participants. In any case, pastime promises to be interesting and exciting.

Snow range.

You can set targets for throwing snowballs. In the form of targets, it is recommended to use shields measuring 1 * 1 meters with inscribed circles, the diameter of which can be 30, 60 or 90 centimeters. Shields must be installed on dug poles. Targets can be hit with snowballs. Such a shooting range also allows you to feel the charms of winter.

Ice pillar.

You can put a tall pole that you need to pour over cold water. After the pillar becomes ice, you need to hang a few gifts. Players must overcome numerous obstacles in order to get to the very top and get an expensive present.

The traditional Slavic holiday Shrovetide is always celebrated very cheerfully and on a grand scale. It marks the arrival of spring. The main attribute of the holiday are pancakes, personifying the warm sun. During the festivities are held funny games and Maslenitsa contests. The festive evening ends with a farewell to winter and the burning of an effigy.

Shrovetide Contests

sled racing

Participants are divided into pairs. One person gets into the sled, and the other carries them by the rope. The task of each team is to go the distance faster than the others, bypassing all the obstacles encountered on the road. In this case, you must try not to knock down the flags and other markings. After passing the distance in one direction, the participants change roles and go in the opposite direction.


Folk games for children on Maslenitsa are always very fun and provocative. For the next competition, you will need two large sheets of paper and the same number of felt-tip pens. Children are divided into two teams. Circles are drawn on sheets of paper. The competition is held on time. In turn, each team member runs up to the sheet and draws one ray to the circle. Then he passes the marker to the next one. The winner is the team that will draw the most rays in the allotted time.


This old game must be included in the Maslenitsa contests. All participants are divided into pairs and, holding hands, stand one after another. It should be a kind of corridor. The hands of the participants in the game are raised high. The player who did not get a pair goes along the “corridor”, chooses a companion for himself, and together they stand at the end of the so-called “brook”. Left without a couple, he is looking for her again. This game is quite interesting and romantic.

Cast iron with potatoes

Contests for Maslenitsa are mostly held in teams. The same can be said about the next game. Members of two teams are armed with ordinary spoons. Next to them is an empty bowl, and a little further - a pot with potatoes. The task of the participants: in turn, transfer one tuber to their plate with a spoon. The winner is the team that manages to complete the task faster.

Broom competition

Many Shrovetide games for children are played using this simple tool. You can arrange a competition for throwing a broomstick. The strongest and most dexterous will be the winner. You can arrange a chain of pins and invite the participants of the fun to run, sitting on a broom, with a snake, without knocking down the markings. The fastest participant will win this competition.


On the street you can arrange a throwing competition. Children or adults are divided into teams. At some distance from them are empty buckets, and next to them are snowballs. The task of the competitors is to get into the tank. Whoever throws more snowballs into the bucket will be considered the winner.

Running in pairs

It seems that we just met 2018, we haven’t congratulated everyone yet, we haven’t made all our wishes, in a word - we didn’t have time to look around, - as already, together with the mummers, buffoons, fairs and Petrushkas, hot pancakes and fisticuffs, a fervent, noisy, comes to us, Lady Carnival!

And we urgently need to get ready for the Seeing Off of Winter - so widely and loudly celebrated, loved by everyone holiday (also called Cheese Week), tirelessly celebrated by all Russian people - old and young!

From Monday, February 12, until Sunday, February 18, the streets of cities and villages will be given over to fun folk festivals. And to make Seeing off Winter 2018 as interesting as possible, we have written for you wonderful scenario of the grandiose street Maslenitsa!

Props and decorations

Small stage, platform or dais

1. To hold Maslenitsa on the street, it is necessary to determine the place for the platform where the main action will take place. The platform can be square (4x4) or rectangular (6x4).

2. For safety, it is necessary to build a railing (for example, from ropes), or any other restrictions.

3. Steps on two opposite sides of the platform should be up to 10 cm high so that it would be convenient for the participants to climb and descend from this impromptu stage.

4. The shack can be ordered as well as drawn by independent efforts (which is much more interesting), a cheerful Matryoshka, children throwing snowballs, a snow castle and so on can be depicted there.

5. On the stage there should be equipment for musical and sound accompaniment of the scenario, microphones.

Props for contests

For organization funny contests, below, near the platform, the following shells, equipment and devices will be needed:

  • For the contest-game No. 1 "Find your destiny". Between two sticks, firmly fixed at the bases, at a height slightly above the outstretched arm, a rope or wire is stretched. Handkerchiefs with the names of the girls are attached to a rope with multi-colored clothespins: Marina, Svetlana, Natalya, Oksana, Tatiana, Evgenia.
  • For the competition-game No. 2 "A fun obstacle course". Two identical obstacle courses, which consist of tire tracks filled with snow and arranged in a checkerboard pattern; logs in a horizontal position (it will be possible to crawl under them); barrels of water (up to 15 kg) and chairs on which are plates with spoons and raw eggs. Restrictions are hung on each lane: "Start" and "Finish".
  • For the contest-game No. 3 "Hot potato". You will need blindfolds (15 for each team), boxing gloves for each participant, and one basketball for each team.
  • Competition-game No. 4 "Take your man". Nothing is needed for this competition, except for cheerful music, good mood and the same number of participants of different sexes!

Separately, it is necessary to prepare:

  • Scarecrow of Maslenitsa attached to a pole.
  • Small Prizes- sweets, gingerbread, souvenirs and so on - to encourage participants in contests and games.
  • For the children's "Bird Dance" you will need images of birds(10 pieces). They can be drawn and made from cardboard yourself and fixed on sticks.

Decoration of the festive square

1. If there is snow, as a decoration of the festive square, you need to build a castle a little to the side, or at least a wall with turrets.

2. In the center of the square, it is necessary to create a place for a fire and burning an effigy of Maslenitsa. The place should be secured with restrictions in the form of a beautiful colored tape.

3. The area around the perimeter can be decorated with bright braids, huge flowers from balloons, bright flags and ribbons.

4. Opposite the snow wall, on the other side of the square, we arrange two "Obstacle Courses" (which are described above) and other sports equipment for games and competitions.

5. Large painted posters dedicated to the celebration of Maslenitsa are randomly installed: “Hello, Maslenitsa!”, “Winter, go away! Spring-Red, come! etc.

6. Fair tents should be located around the square, where pancakes, pies, tea, coffee will be sold or provided free of charge. Separate tents with other food and souvenirs. It is desirable to arrange each tent under an old hut.

Musical arrangement of the holiday

1. Audio recording of fun instrumental music.

2. Sound recording of Russian folk songs, “backing track” (melody without words), recording of the song “There was a birch in the field”.

3. Be sure to have live musical accompaniment by an accordionist or accordion player.


1. Leading Matryoshka. Dressed in a sundress of bright red color, winter zipun of blue color, kokoshnik, a Russian braid is attached to the kokoshnik. The make-up is bright: cheeks are red, eyebrows, lips and eyes are brightly highlighted.

2. Lead Bayanist. Dressed in a Russian folk costume, a hat on his head, red boots.


Scene #1

There is a fair on the festive square, cheerful music sounds. Matryoshka and Bayanist rise to the platform.


I, Matryoshka, rosy,
A little drunk from the holiday!
Pies swords on the table
Looking forward to a serious conversation!

Who is tired of winter?
(Everyone answers in unison: We!)

Who wants Spring so much?
(Spectators in chorus: We!)

Who is cold from the cold?
(All in unison: We!)

Who brought us presents?
(Spectators mistakenly, by reaction they shout: We!)

So come on, don't be shy!
Quickly, quickly unload.
Where are my gifts?
Plates and bowls?

Who is with me? Ah yes, people!
Do not crowd at the gate.
Meet Shrovetide!

Forget all problems.
Get into a round dance
Winter is calling for Spring!

Accordionist: Hello, dear guests! We are glad to welcome you to our nationwide celebration of the Wide Maslenitsa! Come on, tell me, what is the first rule of Maslenitsa? Correctly! Good mood! Come out, honest people, sing ditties!

(He plays ditties on the button accordion, sing along with Matryoshka, calls one of the audience to sing along. If no one agrees to go on the platform, then Matryoshka will have to go down into the crowd to distribute gifts to those participants whose participation in singing was especially fun and mischievous) .

Chastushki Bayanist and Matryoshka

* * *
Like today at the gate
The bells rang!
Drunk people came
Wanted to visit!

* * *
We are with you: you and me,
They were at the well!
Winter icicles have grown,
You can get stuck!

* * *
Winter, cold!
Get out the gate!
Doors are closing,
Spring is starting!

* * *
Shrovetide friend!
Funny girl!
She came to your house
Bring out the pie!
Pastilles, sweets,
For adults and for kids!

* * *
Damn, damnit!
Baked barrel!
Delicious middle ground
Butter stuffing!

* * *
The carnival has come
Called the holiday to the house!
Driven the cold winter!
Bring spring by the hand!

* * *
snow, snowball,
It melts and flows!
The sun shines brighter, warmer!
Spring is approaching us!

* * *
Boys and girls!
Bunnies and squirrels!
All the snowballs have been collected
Winter has been abandoned!

Go away, frosty!
Lady you are serious!
We are looking forward to Spring!
Our girlfriend, Krasna!

* * *
The sun is shining so!
Invites us to the holiday!
Maslenitsa-Mistress came to us with Spring!
Maslenitsa-Mrs. Zimushka drove away!

* * *
Streams run, streams rush!
To the street, yes to the street!
Shrovetide is knocking on your windows!
Hurry up, but worry!

Scene #2

Matryoshka: Well, dear guests! Our fun continues! And it's time to show the gallant prowess! Men, come out and find your destiny! Whoever rips off the handkerchief faster and finds a beautiful girl among the spectators and guests wins, and at the same time finds his destiny!

Competition-game No. 1 "Find your destiny!"

Cheerful music sounds.
Men come out who want to take part in the competition-game, but no more than 4-5 people. At Matryoshka's command, the participants must try to rip off the handkerchief and find a girl with that name in the crowd, so that they can then bring her to Matryoshka.
The winner is rewarded with a small souvenir and a pleasant acquaintance with the found girl.

Scene #3

Cheerful music sounds.

Leading Bayanist: “Oh, and well done you guys! What beauties you have found! We wish you continued success and hope that you suddenly found your destiny on our holiday ?! After all, it so happened that the Wide Shrovetide itself acted as a matchmaker! And now we are waiting for fellows who want to test their strength! Come out, become two teams!”

Competition-game No. 2 "A fun obstacle course!"

All willing men are divided into two equal teams, which are at the start of the "Obstacle Course".
At the command of Matryoshka, you need to go through this lane.

Tasks on the "Veseloy Lane"

1. Jump from foot to foot from one "drift" in the tire to another.

2. Then crawl under the logs, pick up a barrel of water and bring it to the next stage,

3. Then put a raw egg into a spoon, take a spoon in your teeth and run to the finish line.

4. Go around it, and only then you can pick up a spoon and an egg and return to your team.

5. As soon as the player ran to the Start, the next team member passes the "Obstacle Course".
6. The team whose members finish the fun relay first wins.

Matryoshka gives playful prizes to all the winners.

Scene #4

Cheerful music sounds.

Matryoshka: Just look how strong and, most importantly, cheerful we have good fellows! Well, not only men, but also our beautiful women and girls can take part in the next competition! And any age! Come out all without exception wishing to have fun and to amuse others!

Competition game No. 3 "Hot potato"

All comers are divided into two equal teams.
Participants put on boxing gloves, blindfold and stand in two equal circles.
Matryoshka and Bayanist on a team pass the basketball to the first participant.
Exercise: without dropping to pass the ball in a circle.
In which team the ball will be returned to the first participant first, that team won!
Matryoshka gives each member of the winning team a sweet prize.

Scene #5

Accordionist: Yes, what are you friendly and mischievous! I am sure that our Maslenitsa really likes you all! But do you like each other and are you able to defend your own - we'll see in our next contest!

Competition-game No. 4 "Take your man!"

1. Five men and six women come to the stage.
2. Men stand with their backs to each other in a small circle.
3. Girls and women, dancing, walk around men.
4. As soon as the music stops, the women should run to the nearest man.
5. The one who did not get the man takes the nearest one and leaves the game.
6. So they play until there is only one pair left that wins the competition.
Matryoshka awards the winners!

Scene #6

Leaders take to the stage.


Oh, you, Zimushka-Winter!
Get out the gate!
Enough cold, hunger birds!
Your time is gone
Another - Spring brought!


Hello Spring Red!
How glad we are for you!
You bring bright colors
You are our joy!

Matryoshka: And now it's time for our kids! To spend Zimushka-Winter, and meet Spring-Krasna, they will need to wake up the birds! Children! Take the birds on sticks and fly as you should!

(Funny music sounds, children randomly run, jump and have fun. They have images of birds on sticks in their hands. Adults support the children in every possible way, applaud and rejoice).

Scene #7


But before you meet Spring, you first need to properly spend the Winter. Everyone get into a round dance and let's see her off - our White Beauty! The round dance should be triple: Small - children, the next - more, and the third - the largest. And we will be in the center - your Matryoshka and Bayanist!

(The round dance moves to the music in different directions: the first circle is clockwise, the second is against, and the third is again clockwise).

The “backing track” of the song “There was a birch in the field!”

First verse

We circled in the winter, circled!
Snow, and Frost were friends!
Lu-li, li-li, circled,
Lu-li, lu-li, friends!

Second verse

The time of winter has flown by
The ice wing hit us!
Lu-li, lu-li, flew by,
Lu-li, li-li, hurt!

Third verse

After Winter, Spring arrived,
Brooks, birds sang!
Lu-li, lu-li, arrived in time,
Lu-li, lu-li, sang!

Fourth verse

Oh, you goy, wind,
You fly, fly into the woods!
Lu-li, lu-li, breeze,
Liu-li, lu-li, in the woods.

Fifth verse

Tell them that Zimu has been driven away!
What warm days have come!
Lu-li, lu-li, drove away,
Lu-li, lu-li, they have arrived!

Sixth verse

We tried to collect fires!
With songs set on fire today!
Liu-li, lu-li, picked up,
Liu-li, liu-li, they set it on fire!

Seventh verse

You burn, burn, clear, clear!
So that Spring comes soon beautiful!
Lu-li, lu-li, burn brightly
Lu-li, lu-li, how wonderful!

Eighth verse

To bloom, bloom around the flowers!
So that we dance in a circle!
Lu-li, lu-li, flowers,
Lu-li, lu-li, in a circle!

Scene #8

Matryoshka and Bayanist rise to the stage.

Matryoshka: Maslenitsa-beauty, come in with the guests!

Accordionist: Settle down at the table, help yourself with pies!

Matryoshka: We have been waiting for you for so long, we baked treats!

Accordionist: And everyone got to the holiday, they brought goodies with them!

Matryoshka: Help yourself, good people! Delicious pies!

Accordionist: We are good masters and skillful craftsmen!

Matryoshka: We are waiting for good and praise!

Accordionist: And you, Shrove Tuesday, receive a blessing!

Matryoshka and Bayanist(in chorus): Bring spring! Drive Winter away!

(Cheerful music sounds. The hosts dance and sing ditties, the audience sings along).

Chastushki presenters

* * *
Who, who is at the gate?
Who is without grief and worries?
Who will bring Spring to us?
Will it take away all the problems?

* * *
Oh yes, Shrovetide! Love Shrovetide!
Drive away the winter
And Spring will drive!

* * *
Have fun, honest people!
Do you see the holiday at the gate?
Winter ends, Spring begins!
Dance, spin around to get sick!

* * *
Come closer to me
Get charged up!
Long skirt below
And take a carol!

* * *
Maslenitsa has come to the house!
And she came in immodestly!
I’m going to the table soon with swords,
And do not celebrate modestly!

* * *
Legs are fast
Eyes are sharp!
Handles are grippy!
Sweet words!
All this is Shrovetide!
Good girl! Gorgeous!
We all love it!

She defeated everyone!
Pala Zimushka-Winter!
Turned into water
Surrounded by a wave!
Buzzed, ran!
So that Spring will come soon!

* * *
Shrovetide at the gate
Come out honest people!
Put on your outfits!
Play contests!
Have fun, honest people!
Shrovetide is coming to us!

Scene #9

Matryoshka: So it's time to say goodbye to Winter. Time for the fire! In the meantime, adults will do adult things - lighting a big fire, the kids will play snowballs for the last time! Look at this Snow Castle (points to a wall with turrets). It needs to be completely broken with snowballs so that the snow does not fall again! Can you? Can you handle it?

Children in chorus: "Yes!"

(Children play snowballs, and adults set fire to a fire with a stuffed Maslenitsa to the cheerful game of an accordion player!)

Matryoshka: Well, friends! Thank you for our holiday! Today we say goodbye to you, but with great pleasure we will return in a year to celebrate Maslenitsa 2019 with the same fun and mischief! See you soon!"

Accordionist: “We will definitely meet with you more than once, but already next year! Learn songs, ditties, come up with riddles, games! See you soon in exactly one year!”

(Matryoshka, leaving with the Bayanist, wave to everyone, cheerful music sounds on the square, people gradually disperse to the huts, eat and have a snack, have fun).