See yourself beautiful in a dream book. Dream Interpretation: what is the dream of Strangers

  • 30.09.2019

Most of all, we are worried about dreams in which the main figure is ourselves. Seeing yourself in a dream - what can this mean? Why dream of premature aging, pregnancy, wedding? Are such dreams prophetic, do they reflect our hidden passions and desires? These questions can be fully answered by a dream book, to see yourself in a dream has various interpretations depending on the details and details of the dream. So let's take a closer look at why you dream of seeing yourself in one way or another.

You can see yourself in a dream in various images, each of which has its own interpretation.

Looking at your actions from the outside is always useful! But sometimes we forget that we need to stop in the frantic pace of life in order to analyze all our actions. Very often during this period you can see yourself in a dream, and in a very different guise. This allows you to literally look at yourself from the outside. By correlating what you see with the events in reality, you can analyze your goals and actions. Perhaps it is worth changing direction altogether, reconsidering priorities.

What were you wearing in the dream?

Seeing yourself in a dream in a mirror in military uniform speaks of career advancement for men. For women, this means meeting a successful and responsible man with whom you can build a strong family.

Elegant, beautiful clothes speak of your social significance. You are honored and respected by your surroundings.

If you see yourself without clothes

If you are unhappy with how you look without clothes, this indicates problems with self-esteem.

The interpretation of a dream depends on the feelings that you experienced after you happened to see yourself naked in a dream. If you are satisfied with the proportions, are proud and admire your body, then in life you are confident enough, everything is in order with self-esteem. You are also respected by others, you are even, to some extent, an authority for them.

But to see yourself naked in a dream, if at the same time your body does not cause anything but disgust: excess weight, uneven, ugly proportions, painful skin color, various irregularities on the body, then soon you may encounter unpleasant diseases.

However, if you actually have imperfect proportions, and in a dream you saw your real naked body and feel dissatisfied about this, you should pay attention to your attitude to the situation. You should spend less attention and energy on trying to fit in with the ideal and redirect your resources to achieve any significant goals.

If in a dream you were caught naked, and at the same time you were shy and scared, you are too susceptible to fear of condemnation. Excessive timidity can become a stumbling block in achieving goals.

Seeing yourself as too old or too young

We are accustomed to correlate age with worldly wisdom, experience, valuable knowledge. Seeing yourself elderly in a dream is a sign that you have already gained enough wisdom and intelligence in your life. This means that we will soon be moving to a completely different level. Of course, the upcoming events will be positive - to match your dignity.

If you saw your old age from the negative side: you saw a weak, miserable, sickly old man, then this indicates imminent illnesses that will deprive you of your reserves of strength and energy. It is worth considering if you happen to see yourself gray-haired in a dream, you may have outlined very labor-intensive and exhausting projects, and this is a sign that you should not torment yourself like that.

Seeing yourself beautiful and young in a dream means that you are surrounded by the attention of men. If you already have a chosen one, seeing yourself young in a dream means that he appreciates true spiritual and physical beauty in you. And you should discard your doubts about this, so as not to inadvertently harm the relationship.

There are other interpretations of why you dream of seeing yourself young and beautiful:

  • Dream Interpretation Grishina. Changes not in better side. If recently you have dramatically changed your habitual behavior, found a new way to solve problems, turned to a new occupation - most likely, innovations will lead to a worsening of the situation.
  • Online dream book. Some important task could not be completed due to an error on initial stage, which can be found only at the end. If it's not too late, you should postpone long-term projects until later, or try to carefully control the process.
  • Dream Interpretation Gadalkin House. Seeing yourself with familiar people, also young, nostalgia, bright memories, meeting with old acquaintances. Seeing yourself young in the present is a break from reality, wandering in the clouds, fantasies. Most likely on this day, your dream is recommended to be accepted, understood, and be alert.

Did you see the marriage ceremony

Every girl dreams of such a beautiful and significant event in her life - a wedding. But to see yourself as a bride in a dream is not always prophetic dream. Yes, mostly such dreams portend positive events, but in some cases, bad news can also be expected. See also: what is the dream of the bride.

Seeing yourself in a veil in a dream may mean that your chosen one wants to confess something serious to you. At the beginning of a relationship, this may be a declaration of love or a desire to move on to a more serious relationship.

Own marriage followed by fun festivities means good news, amazing and pleasant events in the near future. It can also mean big purchases. However, if this wedding was not played according to your will, or you see that your relatives and friends are unhappy, this is a harbinger of unpleasant events.

  • Dream Interpretation Grishina. Isolation, alienation. You are in a wedding dress - a feeling of loneliness and misunderstanding from others will soon come. You may need help and it turns out that there is no one to turn to. choose, buy Wedding Dress You are doing something that will alienate you from your loved ones.
  • Chinese dream book. Trying on, choosing wedding dresses - to find out that someone is better than you thought about him, the person will pleasantly surprise you. see yourself in Everyday life dressed in a wedding dress - to be in the spotlight.

You dreamed of a new hairstyle

If you saw yourself as a brunette in a dream, someone wants to deceive you.

Seeing yourself as a blonde in a dream means positive, good news. They may be unexpected: your long-forgotten wish will suddenly come true, or you will be invited to spend the evening in good company, they will call you for a walk or even keep you company on a trip.

If you have turned into a luxurious brunette, you should be wary. Most likely, someone is preparing a cunning plan to set you up at work or gossip behind your back. Beware in work matters, carefully check documents, trust only trusted people!

Why dream of a short haircut at home - this means a shortening of your financial budget. Beware of rash spending, correctly prioritize purchases. If you happen to see yourself in a dream with a short haircut, keep an eye on the money you carry with you: theft is possible.

An absurd, strange hairstyle with which you are extremely unhappy means dissatisfaction with yourself and in real life. You want change, dissatisfied with the environment and people around. Such a dream can be considered a kind of sign: act! And do not delay, because negative energy can have a big impact on your life.

Other oddities: baldness, mustache, fullness

  • Seeing yourself bald in a dream: how amazing this incident seems to you, how amazing and unexpected the upcoming events in your life will be. Expect surprises, unexpected news and meetings!
  • A dreamed mustache can mean excessive softness and suppleness in character. Your attitude towards people is akin to the attitude of old people towards their grandchildren. This is what a mustache is dreaming of in oneself, this dream can be considered a kind of sign: be less compliant, show more self-confidence, do not let anyone "sit on your neck."
  • Why dream of seeing yourself fat in a dream? Everyone must remember that in the old days, fullness was considered a sign of prosperity, well-being. It is the same here: soon expect great success in financial affairs, business profits or an unexpected inheritance.

You dreamed of your own illness

Usually such dreams are more frustrating and frightening than others. What does such a dream mean? Is this a prophetic dream? What to do in the future: is it worth waiting for diseases? We want to assure you that seeing yourself sick in a dream does not necessarily mean the approach of the disease. On the contrary, it may be a good omen.

For example: to see yourself in a wheelchair in a dream means that your self-confidence and firmness of character are comparable to the steadfastness of our Paralympians! The dream makes it clear that you must definitely believe in your own strengths and capabilities, you can handle any difficulties. It can also mean attracting the attention of others.

Why dream about cancer in yourself - this may mean your fear of acquiring this ailment in real life. Release your fear, tune in to a positive wave. Remember: negative thoughts attract negativity! Why do you dream of diarrhea in yourself - this is a sign to reconsider your attitude to nutrition. Also, the disease can talk about your general fatigue. The body is already screaming for rest, so hear it!

And other unpleasant incidents

  • Why dream of arresting yourself? If you were suddenly arrested in a dream, do not be discouraged: this is not a prophetic dream! On the contrary, soon you will receive good news, good news. See also: what is the dream of prison.
  • Why dream of kidnapping yourself? If in a dream you were taken hostage, this means that in life you are just as if you are "hostage". It can be public opinion, the decisions of your parents, simple self-doubt and inability to express your own position. You should be more respectful of yourself and your feelings.
  • Own death, you see, is a very unpleasant dream. However, it does not in any way mean death in reality. On the contrary, you will live a happy, fulfilling life, you will be bypassed by illness and trouble. You will be happy and loved!

Interpretation of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud and others

Many psychologists, thinkers, and scientists worked on dream books at one time, so do not be surprised that there are several different interpretations of your dream. To be sure of the correct interpretation, try to correlate it with the real events of your life, based on personal knowledge and experience.

Miller's dream book - your business is going great

It’s great if in a dream you notice and admire your beauty. According to this dream book, seeing yourself beautiful can only mean that all your affairs go “with the flow”: easily and naturally! And you have the time and desire to emphasize, show everyone your beauty. Surrounding in admiration for you! However, if in reality you have a serious problem in appearance, then a dream means that you cannot come to terms with your peculiarity.

Seeing yourself old means career success, promotion, promotion. Seeing yourself gray-haired is a quarrel, and this mainly concerns family matters.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation - you are out of place

According to Vanga's dream book, seeing yourself in a mirror in a dream portends financial success.

If you saw yourself in the water: swimming against the current or desperately trying not to drown, you should carefully review your life. You are not on your way, not in your position - not in your place! Listen to yourself: where does your energy go and vitality? Is that the case?

If you saw yourself sick, exhausted, in an extremely poor condition, then this is a sign that you have recently committed or are just about to commit a bad deed. You are haunted by the thought of this, and rightly so, because such a dream is a sign of the upcoming retribution for sin.

Many people manage to see themselves in the mirror in a dream. According to this dream book, seeing yourself in the mirror means approaching career success, promotion and financial success.

Freud's dream book - a joyful event ahead

The great psychologist, doctor of medical sciences and thinker, Sigmund Freud was also engaged in the interpretation of dreams. Agree, it is interesting to know the meaning of your dream from the point of view of psychoanalysis. Here are some of them:

  • The appearance of a beard in oneself, on the one hand, can be a sign of the wisdom of the past years, on the other hand, it symbolizes a mask. Under this mask, you hide the problems and mistakes of the past from yourself.
  • If you are cheerful in a dream, you feel good, this means that soon you will take up a new business or project that will bring you good luck.
  • For girls, to see pregnancy in a dream means to meet in life with deceit, betrayal. For a woman - joyful events associated with a sense of pride in oneself. Perhaps you will achieve what you have long dreamed of.
  • If the disease from which you suffer in a dream is incurable, then most likely you blame yourself and regret some imprudent act. If in a dream you are recovering and recovering from a serious illness, then in the near future you will come out “dry out of the water” from some unpleasant situation.
  • If you were fired in a dream, you are in dire need of serious changes. Perhaps they will even be associated with a change of residence. Do not be afraid that you will have to "burn all the bridges." Change will certainly be for the better!
  • If in a dream you comb your hair, then in the near future you intend to show frivolity, thoughtlessness in actions. Gray hair - the approach of misfortune. Hair loss is also an unfavorable sign.
  • If in a dream you are a bride or groom, that at the moment you are on the verge of making one of the most important decisions in your life. The choice you make will determine the rest of your life.

Modern dream book - pleasant changes are coming

  • The dream in which you are pregnant is a sign of the undisclosed creative potential of a woman. You dream of starting a new business that will emotionally fill you.
  • Dreaming of a wedding with you in the title role means changes in personal life: unexpected confessions, and possibly even a break in relations. Everything will be resolved soon.
  • Being fired from work is by no means a prophetic dream! He promises success and good luck in business: family, health, career - everything will get better and seem to fall into place.
  • If you saw your own old age in a dream, you will have to face serious diseases in the near future.
  • If you are a participant in a crime, events are taking place in your life that are difficult or completely impossible to influence. In this situation, it is best for you to "go with the flow."
  • If in your dream you suddenly decide to commit suicide, expect problems in the near future. You will be very worried, be in an anxious state.
  • The threat received in a dream means a feeling of fear, helplessness in real life. Your fear is the main obstacle on the way to dreams, such a dream can be considered as a sign: get rid of feelings of guilt and helplessness as soon as possible! More confidence in yourself and your abilities!
  • Cutting your hair means shameful situations. Hair loss in both men and women promises adverse situations, a decline in success in business.
  • If in a dream you saw yourself touching money, this means connections, useful acquaintances, friendship with influential people. The latter will be able to help you climb higher up the career ladder in the near future.
  • If in a dream you were chained to a wheelchair, you are very unsure of yourself. You are afraid of the opinions of others, feel fear, put your principles below the rest.
  • Illness means you are in danger. You want too much, and this can lead to trouble in the future.

English dream book - the influence of a relative

Those events that took place at a time when you were like in a dream will be especially important now. This can be both an increase in the influence of relatives who were born or came into the family at that time, or the response of the political events of that time to the current situation.

Russian dream book - a new love

Seeing yourself as a child, a teenager - forgetfulness, memory lapses; young girl - romantic feelings, love; married woman or a young mother - a responsible matter that requires great effort.

Dream Interpretation of Artemidorus - communication with youth

Seeing yourself young in the present tense - you will better understand the new generation, communication with the young. To see the past, where you are young - on the contrary, to get stuck on the norms of your time, not to understand the youth.

New dream book - frivolous behavior

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, then in real life you behave not in the best way. Your childish antics are highly inappropriate and offend the people around you. Others show their authoritarianism towards you and try to control you.

Druid Dream Interpretation - Career Difficulties

You excessively, even grotesquely, focus on your solidity, which makes some people smile, while others misunderstand and interfere with your career and personal growth. Look at yourself in the mirror and laugh.


In no case should you be afraid of your dreams. It is not a reflection of the past, present or future. These are just our hidden thoughts. Dreams reflect the subconscious. Since it is directly related to the intentions of the soul, you may not guess the truth. In this case, dream books will help you deal with the interpretation of what you see. Good dreams to you!

Video "Dream Interpretation - Seeing Yourself"

A dream in which a person sees himself from the outside usually symbolizes plans for the future that will come true in the near future. In some cases, such a dream promises career advancement, in others - material well-being.

In order for the interpretation of the dream to be as truthful as possible, it is necessary to recall all its details: whether the person saw himself young and full of strength or old and haggard, what he did and in what position he was, what clothes he was wearing and what impression was left of the dream as a whole.

Dream interpretation of O. Smurova

According to this dream book, if a person looks at himself from the side, not recognizing, then such a dream means that soon he will have to find himself in a certain situation in which he will really be unlike himself (in other words, the dreamer will have to do things that have never been characteristic of him before).

If in a dream you see own statue made of good quality material- you will be lucky, and children will inherit the best of your character traits. If the statue is made of fragile and short-lived material, the dreamer is in for trouble and failure.

Lewis' dream book

As the dream book says, to see yourself in a dream means that in reality the dreamer will going to face some difficulties. These problems have been successfully avoided in the past, but they can no longer be ignored.

Universal dream book

This dream book tells you what to see in a dream yourself old and haggard- a sign that in real life a person feels exhausted and tired.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Folk dream book

  • A dream in which you saw yourself dressed in bad, ugly clothes promises sadness and boredom.
  • If you are wearing wedding dress- soon you will yearn or become seriously ill.
  • If the dreamer sees gloves on his hands, this is a symbol that he will achieve the respect of the people around him.
  • To see yourself decorated with flowers is to joy and contentment, which, alas, will not last long.
  • Seeing yourself drunk - to increase wealth and good health. However, if you see that you are drunk without drinking any alcohol, this is a bad omen, promising punishment for some unseemly act.
  • If in a dream you got drunk with wine or other sweet, pleasant-tasting drinks, in real life you will be loved by a very important person who will give you wealth.
  • Getting drunk on plain water means that in life you will put on airs about someone else's power and brag about your financial situation.
  • If in a dream you are so drunk that you vomit, this is a bad dream warning of a possible loss of state. If a gambler has this dream, he will soon lose everything he has won.
  • A dream in which you are drunk, you feel a strong heartbeat and colic, means that employees will quietly rob you.
  • If you dreamed that you were cut off the head of a killer or robbers - for a man this dream promises the loss of children, home or loved ones, and for a woman - the loss of expensive trinkets.
  • If the dreamer was beheaded by a court verdict, in reality he will finish all his affairs and be freed from longing. However, for paramedics, money changers, bankers and industrialists, this dream portends the opposite.
  • To see that your throat was cut, and at the same time you survived, symbolizes the hope for a successful completion of affairs. If you cut off someone else's head, the dream portends success and revenge on enemies. Wring the neck of any bird - to the imminent joy and fun.
  • A dream in which you see yourself covered with a scab or leprosy means that you will make a profit in a dishonest way. This dream portends to a woman that soon a rich man will look after her, who will give her expensive gifts. Sometimes a dream promises contempt and ridicule because of some woman.
  • If in a dream you were healed of a wound, soon you will brag to others about your own courage.
  • A dream in which the dreamer descended into hell and returned safely from there promises profit if he is poor, or loss if he is rich.
  • Seeing yourself playing ball is a harbinger of quarrels and long, painstaking work, which will later help you acquire a large fortune.
  • If you see yourself on a ship and are afraid to fall overboard and drown, the dream warns of impending danger. Such a dream is favorable only for people who are in captivity and prisoners, since it portends their imminent release.
  • A dream in which you see yourself naked promises poverty, illness, shame and dishonor. However, if you are in a bath in this form, a dream, on the contrary, promises good health, joy and well-being.
  • For a woman who sees herself in a dream naked in the arms of her husband, the dream portends bad news that will cause deep sadness. If a man sees such a dream, good luck, strong friendship and joy await him.

Modern dream book

According to this dream book, to see yourself in a dream - good omen. You have grandiose plans, and such traits of your character as optimism, ingenuity and dexterity will greatly help in achieving your goals. If you are thinking about starting your own business, the dream portends success in this endeavor.

If a an elderly woman sees herself in a pregnant dream, a dream warns her of impending troubles. But for an unmarried girl, a dream promises a meeting with a good young man and mutual feelings.

Dream Interpretation of Adaskin

The meaning of sleep about self-observation (Modern dream book)

Seeing yourself is good sign. You have grandiose plans for the future, such qualities as positive, dexterity, intelligence will help you realize yourself, do a great job to achieve financial independence. We decided to open our own business - a dream prophesies a good future for it, your business will go up.

Dream Interpretation Seeing yourself pregnant for older women does not bode well, but for young unmarried girls it predicts a meeting with a positive young man, mutual love.

To see yourself - why dream in a dream (Dream Interpretation of the XXI century)

To see yourself naked in a dream - in reality you will soon receive an expensive and very valuable gift. If you saw yourself in the mirror - you can seriously quarrel with your soulmate, be careful in your statements, rash words can hurt your loved one. You dreamed of yourself dead or lying in a coffin - in reality, expect trouble associated with your activities.

Seeing yourself as a beautiful and confident girl predicts a new acquaintance, which will develop into a stormy romance or strong friendship. Perhaps someone influential will lend a helping hand to you, help you develop a business or achieve certain career successes. Why dream of seeing yourself as a man to a girl? A dream predicts that your state of affairs is improving. If you are involved in a lawsuit, then its outcome will be in your favor. Some important document can be the basis for a new beginning.

The meaning of sleep about your own image (Universal dream book)

Interpretation of the dream book: Seeing yourself with a bald head on your head indicates the appearance of difficulties on the horizon, you will not be able to fulfill all your plans. Look at yourself drunk - some joyful event will soon happen that will lead you to change your image and lifestyle in general. For a woman, a dream predicts pregnancy. Why dream of Seeing yourself as an old man - an increase awaits you, as well as an increase wages. You feel bad, feel sad for no reason - soon this apathy will pass. See yourself young in a dream - in reality you are healthy, full of strength and energy. Soon you will achieve not only harmony, but also material well-being.

Seeing Seeing yourself as a child portends a meeting with a vile and deceitful person who rushes to extremes and does not complete the work he has begun. In a dream, you got fat - your financial situation will improve significantly, just don’t bring yourself to emotional devastation in the pursuit of money.

The meaning of sleep according to the Children's dream book

Seeing yourself beaten in a dream - One of the high school students is interested in you.

If the sleeper sees Himself in a dream (from the book of Tatyana Lagutina)

To see yourself in a nap means that something important will happen soon.

See yourself at the hairdresser - Do not go for a walk far from home.

Seeing Seeing yourself with glasses - You do not notice your shortcomings, although you are trying to prove to everyone around you that they are behaving unworthily.

According to the dream book, to see in a dream that you see yourself in new clothes - To changes in fate, moreover, significant; for girls, a dream means a new hobby, some kind of serious romance.

Many people have to see themselves in a dream. But not everyone is trying to interpret such a dream. Meanwhile, it may mark important changes. Dream books will help you find out why you dream of seeing yourself.

Below are the interpretations of sleep from the dream books of Miller, Vanga and others.

Miller's dream book

If you saw yourself healthy and beautiful in a dream, then your plans for the future are being realized. If in a dream you were an elderly person, then more attention should be paid to spiritual life. Seeing in a dream how you are beaten - to rash spending. If in a dream you were with your loved one - to a long relationship.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

If in a dream you saw yourself in a mirror, then you will soon be promoted. Such an increase will bring you material benefits and will allow you to make many useful acquaintances. It is possible that in the future you will become the owner own business. If in a dream you saw yourself in a deplorable state, then you will face serious problems.

Autumn dream book

Seeing yourself in a dream as an elderly person - to poor health. If you quarreled with someone, then you are waiting for mutual love. Seeing yourself naked in a dream is an invaluable help from close friends. If in a dream you were sick, then in real life you will start a new business.

Spring dream book

If in a dream you saw yourself with gray hair, then problems in your personal life cannot be avoided. Seeing yourself in a dream as a newlywed - to receive an expensive gift. If in a dream you saw yourself in abrasions, then radical changes will take place in your life.

Summer dream book

If in a dream you saw yourself drunk, then wait for replenishment in the family. If you feel bad, you will receive a large inheritance. To see your reflection in a dream - to big trouble. If in a dream you cut off your hair, then in real life difficulties will arise that will lead to an oppressed state.

Every woman dreams of seeing herself beautiful. And even though this does not always happen in reality, even if many become beauties only in a dream, but dreaming, as they say, is useful! But why such metamorphoses are dreamed of, not everyone knows. But now we will “throw back the curtain” from the secret, and dream books will help us in this. So, let's begin!

Miller's dream book

Seeing yourself unspeakably beautiful in a dream is just wonderful! Because such a dream predicts mischief and a good mood in real life.

A somewhat different meaning is the dream that a girl with an external defect sees herself as a beauty. Most likely, your dreams, the dream book tells her, will remain dreams.

Natural beauty as a symbol of sensual happiness

I dreamed that you couldn’t get enough of your reflection in the mirror - fortunately and well-being, Tsvetkov’s dream book gives hope.

A woman in her years to see herself beautiful and young in a dream - men will not be able to escape from her spell in reality.

A girl with an imperfect figure sees herself as very slender - for an early proposal for marriage, and maybe even for marriage itself, Vanga's dream book gives joy.

For a girl with a nondescript appearance to see herself beautiful and happy - to meet a guy who will appreciate her for the beauty of her soul.

"Obtainable" charm, or beware of lies and betrayal

I dreamed that you were evaluating your appearance looking at the reflection in the mirror? The interpretation of the dream depends on what you see: you dream that you look thinner, beautifully made up - you will not be able to “bite through” the deception. And if you face yourself are not at all what you would like, you will “figure out” the liars at a glance.

To admire your slender body in a dream - you yourself decide to deceive, but it will be revealed, and discontent and accusations of familiar people will fall upon you.

Giving beauty is a sign of patronage

I dreamed that you were a hairdresser, and your clients are all beauties, to whom you make stylish hairstyles - you will need the patronage of a high-ranking person, the Lunar Dream Book prophesies.

There is a dream that you are a beautician or masseur, turning fat and pimply young ladies into beauties - in fact, you are bogged down in a boring business that you cannot handle.

See yourself as a beautiful young woman with long hair helping others present themselves in at its best- you will help your friend in a delicate matter.

“They meet by clothes ...” or Success is already rushing to you

A dream in which you can see yourself elegant and beautiful, in a chic dress, in heels - a well-deserved success awaits you. And you will be lucky literally in everything, the Gypsy dream book pleases with the interpretation.

Seeing yourself dressed in a wedding dress is a success in matters relating to the family and home life. You can become the perfect hostess and it will bring you pleasure.

I dreamed that you were spinning in front of a mirror in elegant clothes that you sewed for yourself - you will make a splash in society, the Eastern Dream Book prophesies.

I dreamed that you were trying on a fur coat - to a quiet, sincere mood.

"Ugly" dreams - pay attention to health

The nightmare that you are turning from a very beautiful young girl into an old woman - listen to your body and assess its condition. Although, if in a dream you become young and charming again, your fears will be in vain, predicts Miss Hasse's dream book.