How to open an airsoft shooting range: tips for buying a shooting range franchise. Business idea sections

  • 23.09.2019

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Active types of entertainment are quite popular among the population today. A separate category is games designed for team military sports, this includes paintball, laser tag, hardball and airsoft. The latter is especially loved by people who like to participate in games that are as close to real conditions as possible, airsoft uses weapons that are as similar as possible to the real thing, competitions are held mainly in the open air, and sometimes the size of the polygon is several hectares, due to which you can arrange almost a full-fledged "war" and live in the game for several days. All this adds to the popularity of this type of leisure, and in almost any city you can find people who are ready to give money and constantly participate in ongoing competitions. Of course, you can build your own business on this, even though the game is presented as non-commercial.

In any major city you can find several companies that offer their customers the opportunity to take part in airsoft competitions, however, in most cases, paintball and laser tag are much more popular. There are several reasons for this. These two games are easier to organize, because it is enough to buy a small training ground and equip it properly. You can do this without problems in the city itself. With airsoft it is more difficult - you need a large area, fenced, often it is chosen outside the city or on its outskirts. The next point - airsoft assumes the unconditional honesty of the players, and it is more suitable for those people who are seriously interested in military sports. It is quite easy to imagine clerks or simply bored youth playing paintball or laser tag with enthusiasm - the rules are simple, hits are recorded with markers or special equipment, the competition is short and not traumatic, you do not need to buy special equipment (in many cases it is rented, which is included in the price). ticket).

It is better to build an airsoft business in the format of an almost full-fledged sports club, and in this case it will be possible to hold competitions between different clubs and teams within it, on which you can earn extra money. For the same reasons, many companies open a simple paintball range, and recently laser tag has become especially popular, without spending extra effort on organizing a more complex airsoft. In small towns, it is rarely possible to find clubs or just organizations that deal with airsoft, and therefore the level of competition in most cases is insignificant. If we consider the organization of a sports club, then several such organizations will not even compete, but interact with each other. In general, with a competent approach and a thorough analysis of the market situation, you can save yourself from many risks in the early stages of work and quickly take your place in the market. However, it should be borne in mind that if there are a small number of direct competitors, there may be a huge number of indirect competitors; we are talking about organizations that hold paintball and laser tag games - a significant part of potential customers may prefer other ways of spending their leisure time, and you need to be able to attract customers to yourself.

To get started, you need to register as a business entity, the easiest way is to register as an individual entrepreneur, it will take a little time, money and effort. If there is a need to register a legal entity, then a limited liability company can be called the preferred form, because in this case, as in the case of individual entrepreneurship, a simplified taxation system will be available, which involves transferring no more than 6% of income to the state or 15% of operating income.

It must be said that at present, airsoft games do not require special permits, despite the fact that this sport can be classified as traumatic; the entrepreneur generally acts here rather as a person who provides a platform for games, the games themselves and their rules are established by the participants, although today the practice of organizing an event by the company that owns the landfill is gaining ground. The activity itself falls within the definition (OKPD 2) 93.29 Other entertainment and recreation services. If desired, an entrepreneur can register his company, which will be a non-profit organization, that is, work in the format of a non-profit club that is focused on supporting sports or even an association of people of interest. However, many non-profit organizations survive due to the fact that they receive subsidies from government agencies, but in this direction you should not count on any encouragement from the municipality.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The next stage in the organization own business– search for premises and a site for organizing a full-fledged landfill. Usually, airsoft matches take place on the territory of abandoned buildings; for organization, you can find old non-working camps, abandoned construction sites, and similar sites that are no longer needed by their owners. A person who himself is fond of airsoft will be able to more accurately select the territory for the training ground, because in the end the game must be dynamic and interesting, players also need space to maneuver, open areas, full-fledged buildings and shelters. Then customers will return to the landfill. Large companies maintain several landfills, some, on the contrary, prefer to take their clients out of the city to some forest, without having their own landfill. In the second case, the company offers simply the organization of the game and comprehensive support during the game, up to the provision of medical care.

However, nevertheless, the organization of such a business involves the maintenance of its own landfill, in extreme cases - to have the opportunity to come to the right place at any time, which is, if not leased, then simply available by agreement with the owners or municipal structures. Due to the fact that it is necessary to buy out the abandoned territory, which at the same time can be located outside the cities, one can count on the fact that the amount of initial investment will not be large. In any case, the larger the plot, the better, because then, if necessary, it will be possible to create several polygons or fence a certain area if the game scenario provides for a limited small space. But in general, airsoft players prefer to play on large areas, and the range in any case should be of considerable size.

Next, you need to invest in the arrangement of your territory, although this is not always required, it still allows you to recreate the terrain of real hostilities. But first of all, it is necessary to make sure that the territory is fenced, access roads are laid to it; you also need to take care of the construction or arrangement of auxiliary premises, where the company's staff is located for the duration of the games, there is a conjugation, that is, you need something like an administrative block.

You also need to have an office in the city, so that the players have the opportunity to contact representatives of the organization directly, not only directly at the game. Game recording, negotiations, and if a full-fledged club opens, then all club, as well as organizational, administrative issues are resolved on the territory of the office, the training ground is a platform where only games are held. Office space should not be large enough to rent a small room where 2-3 people can work, because even club life for the most part will take place on the territory of the landfill. For the office, it is necessary to purchase the appropriate equipment - furniture, computers and peripheral equipment, and the like.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The amount of initial investment as a whole can vary significantly, because if it is supposed to buy out premises and plots, then you need to count on several million rubles, otherwise, if it is supposed to rent premises and land, you can save a lot at the start, but then you have to rely on large monthly expenses, which vary greatly depending on which city and even its district buildings and territories were rented.

In order to ensure the maximum possible flow of customers, you also need to purchase equipment that can be rented. Airsoft equipment differs in that it consists of many parts and most closely matches the equipment of the military or any law enforcement agencies. The club usually sets requirements for the equipment of its members, identification marks are applied to the clothes, but the weapons of all players may be different.

Airsoft uses pneumatic weapons that use the energy of air or carbon dioxide to fire; due to the fact that hit registration is not required, the weapon looks like a combat weapon, and even taking it in hand, you can mistake it for a real one. Professional players use machines that are equipped with electric drive, the cost of one machine can exceed 10 thousand rubles. The games also use more expensive weapons, there are naturally pneumatic machine guns, sniper rifles, uses an imitation of grenade launchers, many players build grenades that are inherently safe, but still scatter grenade fragments. Efficient combat requires multiple magazines, and in some cases the rules of the game require the use of a weapon whose magazine count matches the number of rounds in the magazine of the real prototype, although a normal magazine for an average pneumatic assault rifle can hold more than a hundred plastic bullets. The realism of the event is especially valued here, so players can take it very seriously.

Many players carry an air pistol in addition to their main weapon. During the game, other items of equipment may be required - knives (not for combat), flashlights, grenades, additional magazines and batteries for electric weapons are needed for combat. So that all this can be carried with them, the players put on an unloading vest. The equipment also includes knee pads, special shoes, often a helmet, gloves, but the most important are goggles that can withstand a plastic ball, which, by the way, has a fairly high initial speed and therefore can cause damage. Eye contact can lead to very sad consequences up to blindness, but there have been cases when a bullet pierced the skin in unprotected areas of the body. The organizer must ensure that the players are protected as much as possible. All this equipment should be in several sets for rent, the cost of one set is about 50 thousand rubles, however, this is the cost of only a basic set, if you buy more technologically advanced weapons, the cost increases, and you need to add the purchase of consumables to the amount of purchase of equipment - plastic bullets and grenades in the first place.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Players who are fond of airsoft can be divided into 3 categories. The first are professional players who have their own equipment and who are looking for training grounds for their competitions. Despite the most serious approach to the game, they are less interested in the services of organizations that are involved in the games. This is due to the fact that such players prefer to look for places to play on their own without paying anyone money. It will be more interesting for them to be in a club that is directly involved in the search for opposing teams and organizing full-fledged competitions and even tournaments than just paying money for the opportunity to visit the training ground, because it is not difficult to find an abandoned territory, where you can sometimes even enter illegally, which adds adrenaline and excitement. The second category includes people who are also quite passionate about airsoft, but do not have equipment, at least in complete set, and therefore are forced to apply for rental equipment to third-party organizations. These players also appreciate the legality of the competition and need additional support and security during the game. Finally, the third category includes people who perceive airsoft as just a possible way to spend their leisure time and are not very passionate about it. They rarely participate in full-fledged competitions, preferring to occasionally visit the training ground for the opportunity to shoot at each other, collecting a lot of positive impressions and making a large number of photos.

In this regard, the airsoft club offers its customers several possible ways to conduct competitions, usually they distinguish between large games that stretch for a whole day or even several days, and mini-games, which consist of one or more short rounds, are often limited in time and present minimum requirements to the participants. Such games are also more suitable for beginners. An airsoft club should offer its customers the maximum possible range of services and various game formats. It should also be noted that if you exceed one player, then with a high degree of probability he will bring a certain number of his friends to the training ground, who will be fascinated by the occupation of their friend. The club is generally interested in having the maximum possible number of members to form several teams that differ from each other in terms of training and even in strategy and tactics of warfare. In order to attract players from the first category, the organizers often turn to a third-party organization to recreate the appropriate entourage at the competitions; at big games, you can find rented military equipment and even people who shoot from blanks and act as extras.

The organizer is also responsible for providing meals to all participants, their transportation to the venue of the competition, medical care and all other support services. In this regard, you need to take care of purchasing a special vehicle that can carry enough large groups people, as well as equipment, provisions, support staff and everything else that is necessary for the game, because it is not always possible to store all your equipment at the training ground. To promote your services, you can provide information about yourself in the local media, order a full-fledged advertising campaign, but still, the most effective way to attract players to your club will be direct contact with them. If there are informal associations of airsoft players in the city that they can be contacted in the first place, usually rookie teams are happy to accept the proposal of the clubs, because this allows them to solve many organizational issues. It is advisable to give information about yourself on thematic portals on the Internet, as well as, with a sufficient budget, create your own website, which will become a powerful advertising and information platform. In general, to run such a business, you need to have enough creative people in the team who can not only promote services on the market and find customers in unusual ways, but also develop interesting competitions that can attract the maximum possible number of consumers.

The work will also require the involvement of a sufficiently large number of full-time employees. If you consider working in a club format, then you may need trainers and instructors who teach newcomers the basics of fighting and give them the necessary instructions for an effective and safe pastime. Often, the duties of a coach are taken on by already experienced players who have membership in the club, they can train neophytes for free and show them their tricks. This allows the club to save money on attracting such employees. To work in the office, you will need people involved in administrative issues, but it is also very important to have employees who are engaged in the full organization of games, develop scenarios, coordinating it with the players and taking into account all their wishes, and, if necessary, also find a training ground for games. Their duties may also include negotiating with other clubs for the appointment of full-scale tournaments between different teams. The entrepreneur himself can lead the whole process or simply participate in it. In addition, you need to involve people who are involved in the supply, cooking during the games, and also, if possible, you need to have your doctor on staff, who is also present at all games. It is better to outsource all business processes that are not related to making a profit by an organization; in this business, this includes bookkeeping and advice on tax and legal issues.

Usually membership in the club is free, players pay for the opportunity to participate in competitions and tournaments; a significant part of the income is generated by the rental of equipment and the sale of consumables. Thus, the cost of participating in large scenario games for people who have their own equipment and are club members rarely exceeds 500 rubles, it can be higher only if a full-fledged tournament is organized with the involvement of a large number of intermediaries to recreate the military surroundings, that is if equipment is rented, people are hired for extras and expensive game props are used. The cost of participation in training and mini-games is usually 100-200 rubles. At the same time, services such as photography, technical support and even catering are included in this price.

The situation is different with people who just want to participate in the game. In this case, they pay about a thousand rubles for a simple game, designed for a maximum of several hours and not having a special scenario. If you don’t have your own equipment, then you will have to pay about two thousand rubles to participate in a large scenario game. Many entrepreneurs who organize airsoft games offer discounts to large organized groups of people, especially if an organization is interested in the opportunity to play airsoft and wants to hold a corporate party or even team-building for their employees in this way. Such a business can develop for a long time, especially if in the region or city of work a small number of people are passionate about this sport, however, with proper organization, you can increase interest in airsoft games, after which you can count on a large number of customers, and therefore on frequent games and, as a result, a good profit.

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To open a paintball club, you first need to think and weigh everything. In small towns, I think there will not be a great demand for such services. Well, we're not talking about crazy amounts here. You can make good money on this idea. Especially if you are the first to open such a club in your city. I do not presume to say that this business idea is incomparable, but it is very unusual, And people are drawn to the unusual and new. If there is no demand, then it must be created.

Each region has its own laws, I just offer an unusual idea. How will the club earn? Of course, on subscriptions and the sale of equipment. Selling subscriptions for different periods - a month, 2 months, six months, a year. Renting for an hour or more - it seems to me not very profitable. And the subscription card of a club member will spur the interest of customers and his friends, and will also serve well as a free peddler of club advertising.

The most important thing in this business is to sell the first 100 pieces of subscriptions. After that, new customers will slowly but surely come. The setting of the battle scenario also plays an important role - you should have several of them in reserve. The landfill can be easily found - unfinished buildings or empty buildings, I'm sure almost every city has industrial areas - an ideal place to deploy a landfill.

In order to attract customers even more, it is necessary to film each meeting and upload it to popular city websites. At first, I advise you to hire a professional film crew - they will shoot the first few promotional videos. And of course, you also need a website with a forum.

As soon as you understand that you are ready to open such a business in your city, the question will arise of purchasing equipment for paintball and airsoft. This includes uniforms, protective pads, helmets, weapons (hard drives, machine guns, sniper rifles), as well as ammunition for them. In China, such equipment shaft. An approximate starting budget could be $7,000 or more.

Organizing a paintball game is the key to a successful and prosperous business. The main thing is to draw up a good business plan for a paintball club, choose a good location, equip it with the necessary equipment. This is quite enough for the business to begin its development and bring in income, and a constant one, regardless of the time of year.

Business Analysis

Markets and products. The products used and the overall market strategy will closely match those of other successful paintball field operations throughout the area. Russian Federation. The products used will be the industry standard to generate revenue and encourage paintball equipment companies to sponsor contests and events that will help attract players from across the region. All products will be considered on a cost-benefit basis and will consider factors such as safety, reliability and price. The development-oriented market will mainly consist of young people aged 16-25 and older than 26-46.

The goal of a paintball club business plan is to develop an indoor and outdoor playing field, and generate income through rent and admission to the field. In addition, revenues will be generated from paintball equipment rentals, supplies, and food concessions. These four streams of income should make the initial investment profitable within the first year of operation and ensure continued revenue growth on an annual basis as the sport of paintball grows across the country.


It is already a hundred million dollar business across the country, with revenue that continues to grow on an annual basis. Similar to a bowling alley in some organizational aspects, a paintball service company provides rentals to players and equipment in a structured environment.

League play is not only possible but highly encouraged and a necessary component of building a profitable local business. Scores are stored and published, and tournaments can be run to encourage player activity and receive free publicity. The largest fields in the country have hundreds and even thousands of players who participate in tournaments and competitions sponsored by savvy equipment manufacturers.

Other income generating opportunities include the sale of consumable items such as paintballs, CO2 refills, and various types of essential and consumable equipment. Concessions are another source of stable and significant income that, if properly managed, can lead to significant profits.

As an example for a business plan, a paintball club is located in the southeastern part of the city and is the site of an abandoned multi-screen cinema. It is located in a demographically popular part of the city and is very close to shopping malls and major thoroughfares of the city.

There are many places to play fresh air, and there are several centralized buildings that would also provide an indoor gaming arena. The facility is currently unused and is a mandatory and dormant asset for the current owners of a regional theater chain that would like to relinquish ownership.


The organizational form of the paintball club will be individual entrepreneurship. As a taxation system, it is planned to apply the simplified tax system, 15% of the organization's profit.

Production plan

The production development plan has importance for the overall concept. The business should strive to make it a paintball destination in the local community. There is a certain atmosphere that must be created for this to happen. The type of atmosphere required for success depends on the development of the theme for the playing field.

The theme for a paintball field can be post-industrial or military or something like that. The theme is very important in making the paintball field a destination and not just a place to play. The more successful the theme, the more likely it is that repeat players will return and use the field on a consistent basis. Several topics were discussed and the military theme adopted for the region itself.

An aggressive growth strategy requires us to adopt the following schedule in our paintball club business plan:

  • Winter 2017 - Rent of a primary land plot in the southeastern part of the city.
  • January 2018. - Bid specifications prepared for contract construction services.
  • February 2018. - Applications awarded for March and April above ground construction.
  • March 2018. - Above-ground rehabilitation of standing buildings for the inside of the playing field.
  • April 2018 - Above-ground rehabilitation of outdoor playgrounds and construction.
  • May 2018. An equipment installation and distribution center has been established. May 15, 2018. - Initial promotional blitz.
  • June 1, 2018 - the grand opening of the Paintball Sports Palace.

Market analysis

Market analysis across the country. The paintball market across the country is outstanding. Fields across Russia are reporting record growth, and the demand for deposits is growing, not decreasing. As more experienced players develop and move to different parts of the country, the total number of participants continues to grow. Likewise, the longer the game is played and the longer people are exposed to the sport, the more disparaging paintball becomes and the more national advertising will be spent promoting paintball.

Market analysis in the business plan of a paintball club on a regional scale. Several fields opened, while two others went offline. The main reason for the closure of two fields in the southern part of the region is not due to lack of business, but instead due to local zoning requirements and the fact that these businesses do not operate in a professional manner.

Market analysis locally. The paintball club market locally consists of one competitor. Located in the southwest quadrant of the city, this competitor is mostly an indoor arena. There is no room for expansion and extensive rebuilding of the playing field, which is an essential element of field design. Even though it is a small facility with erratic hours, during the hours it is open it does an amazing business of booking events and keeping loyal customers. The business is owned by two current police officers who also lease a field in the city to use as a police training ground for close quarter situations. This is the biggest competitor in the city for paintball dollars and although they are currently running successfully, they have not even used part of the market due to their minimal advertising and lack of space. Since this business is not the owner's main source of income, competition with this facility is considered manageable and even beneficial in developing a local paintball club business plan.

The target market for paintball is young and even middle age, mostly adult men. Younger players may have experienced a VR-type game and are looking for simple strategy games with lots of action. Older players tend to be more interested in more challenging games where patience is more than that. These players come from out-of-school backgrounds (or sports enthusiasts) and they usually include a group of close friends or co-workers, while younger players tend to come in smaller groups of friends. Both groups rely heavily on interaction with their peers and using this peer pressure as a positive marketing tool is essential.

There are many women who also participate in paintball games, but usually they are brought in either as part of a corporate job or some similar situation.

Paintball is a competitive sport and while some basic fitness will add to the enjoyment of the game, it is not necessary to be fully fit for it. Senior players and those with physical limitations should be reminded of the requirements of the game and encouraged to play appropriately for their skill level.

Since young adults and middle-aged men tend to be the target demographic, advertising will target these types of players.

Marketing plan

While corporate bookings and older players will end up being a large part of the target audience, initially the best chance for a positive cash flow is to call on younger players to become loyal customers and really provide a financial base Normal media channels designed for all young people, best suited for these clients. Radio advertising seems to be especially effective when you are trying to reach this market, and various radio stations with a rock or hard rock format seem to be perfect for advertising.

In addition, there are many local institutions that cater to young people where joint promotional deals can be made. A gaming arena with a laser tag, for example, would provide a great place to recruit members.

There are also local paintball supply stores that can provide a constant source of interested customers willing to play the game and full cooperation can be done. Once this target market has been reached, the next target of the paintball club sample business plan marketing strategy will be middle-aged players. These players can be reached mainly through corporate advertising as teamwork and by calling for the competitive and sporting nature of the game. Many local paintball fields have had great success recruiting corporate memberships by offering specialized recruiting discount packages. Once again, if the field is properly packaged as a paintball item and not just as a paintball field,


In the business plan of a paintball club, the number of staff must be entered in advance. The workforce will be fairly static and will increase significantly if a big event happens. It will take about 10 workers per day to operate the entire field.

Required staff breakdown:

  • 1 manager on site for the entire operation.
  • 4 rotary counters of people and equipment tenants.
  • 2 concession offices.
  • 3 referees and security inspectors.

The cost of renting the field during the season will be about $6,000 for the year, plus public Utilities and a nominal end-of-year cleaning fee for any areas that need to be restored to their original state.


Below is a list of some of the equipment (prices obtained at discount rates) and projected quantities needed to launch a paintball club business plan:

  • 50 Stingray Paintball Guns - Semi-Automatic, Durable, Carbon Fiber $94.95 ea. = $4,747.50
  • 20 Tracer Paintball Pump Guns-pump action, easy to operate 94.95 ea. = 1,899.00
  • 20,000 paintball water-soluble, 2500 per case, various colors 89.95ea. = 719.60
  • 2 N2 compressed air systems plus C1 CO2 Nitro reusable tanks 329.95 eq. = 659.90
  • 100 CO2 portable containers - reusable and for use with weapons 39.95 ea. = 3,995.00
  • 100 VL 2000 Paintball Loaders are reusable and hold 200 paintballs 9.95 ea. = 995.00
  • 10 VL 2000 Electronic Loaders - Primarily for resale at 54.95 ea. = 549.50
  • 70 Goggles and visors combinations - with full protective visor 54.95 ea. = 3.846.50
  • 100 Barrel scraper - for use with a gun, reusable and durable 9.95 pcs. = 995.00
  • 100 Barrel Plugs - reusable and bright colors to accommodate 4.95 ea. = 495.00
  • 10 Vent Hold-forward barrel hold, primarily for resale at 24.95 ea. = 249.50
  • 10 Head Wraps - for extra head protection, accessories 9.95 ea. = 99.50
  • Various bags with equipment lens, ruling, smoke, flash off, etc. Various = 1,000.00

Total Cost of Paintball Club Equipment = $20,251.00

Financial plan

A paintball club business plan with calculations will be valued according to the aggregate sum of all building purchases, cash on hand, receivables, furniture/lighting purchases and all capital expenditures divided by the par value of the shares.

The overall assessment of the company must be obtained under the supervision of an accredited accounting firm and at the request of any shareholder of the business at any time.

Income January February March April May June July August
Total sale 2000 2000 2000 +4400 +6800 9900 9900 9900
Cost of sales 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300
Gross profit +1700 +1700 +1700 +4100 +6500 +9600 +9600 +9600
salary 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Payroll 1000 1000 1000 1000 1500 3000 3000 3000
Accounting 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
legal 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
insurance 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
advertising (300) (300) (300) (300) (300) (300) (300) (300)
automotive 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Office Miscellaneous. 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
miscellanea 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
Rent 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
Public Utilities 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Permissions 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Repayment of a credit 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Telephone 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Fax / comp. 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Postage 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
miscellanea 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
All expenses 2530 2530 2530 2530 3030 4530 4530 4530
Net profit before tax -830 -830 -830 1570 3470 5070 5070 5070


The risks of a ready-made paintball club business plan are minimal and mainly relate to liability and other operational risks.

Liability risks are as follows:

Players need to be given a certain amount of latitude in regards to movement, and while the field and boundaries are well marked and defined, some players may wander out of the playing area and may attempt to shoot paintballs at unspecified targets. This won't be a problem in some places; however this place is close to the main highway. Fencing will fix this problem, but it will be a costly solution to a relatively small security issue.

There are issues with booking very large events, which are mostly logistical in nature. Paintball equipment to be provided may be limited and difficult to supply. Joining a local paintball storage shop can alleviate this problem, but it may be a less than ideal solution if there isn't enough equipment.

Inner part the arena may require more extensive renovation than originally envisaged, as site surveys have shown that internal walls the main structure of the arena can be fixed and/or removed.

There are several security issues worth considering. Although paintball is considered to be a completely safe sport, there are a few permanent injuries, sometimes injuries due to physical activity and cannot be softened. In addition, there is potential for injury associated with improper use of the equipment, which could result in more serious injury. These issues are addressed in the safety briefing given to each player at the start of the game. In addition, each player must sign a liability waiver upon entering the play area. Offenders are banned during the day, and if the offense is serious enough, they may be banned from a future game.

Opening an airsoft club from scratch - The best business ideas of past years

I like to play airsoft and paintball, by the nature of my activity I spin in the field of advertising, events and organization of holidays, I have a desire to combine business with pleasure. More precisely, airsoft and paintball are useful in themselves, as active outdoor recreation and a sea of ​​​​positive, so combine Very useful with pleasant

Actually, if you briefly state what is required to open a club: - training ground - equipment, weapons, equipment - unusual and original game scenarios (to differ from competitors) - competent sale of services (team building, recreation - look at the base of any event agency, almost each has a paintball / airsoft) - solution of all legal issues

requirements for the training ground: ease of access (driving without traffic jams, presence of bus stops/suburban stations nearby) people who ate a dog at the organization of games (From the Watches to the organization of role-playing games on the ground). there is a workshop for costumes and props, historical costumes (World Wars I-II, NATO, etc.), there are connections with military-patriotic clubs that can be used at big games. One of the possible scenarios is the dramatization of episodes of the Second World War. - competent sale of services: there is already an Event-agency (ours), already working, with the help of which services can be sold. You can also establish links with other event agencies: they take the service to their base, and in fact become an agent to promote services. There is a video studio where you can shoot promo videos, advertisements, or even create a video site (there is a team of flash programmers, a designer, a copywriter, etc.). There is an opportunity to sell the service to very serious people - in fact, the club will serve several large regular customers. - Solving legal issues - there should not be big difficulties, in general, the trend is that such projects receive all kinds of assistance (you just need to act under the auspices of "patriotic education youth"), although there will be nuances here, environmentalists constantly visit the familiar office and make sure that grass is not trampled excessively at the landfill and trees are not broken. :shock: in principle, you can do another service: a military-patriotic camp for youth, by type summer camp, put up houses on the territory, hold games, if you wish, you can arrange an army hand-to-hand combat section there, there are many options. Of course, the polygon will need to be very large, ideally, there should be several "maps" for games: the shore of a reservoir, the ruins - something industrial, a forest, a base.

How I'm going to differ from competitors: -unique scenarios of games, good level organization and conduct of these games. - already existing opportunities and experience in selling services, advertising - achieving the maximum quality of work, organizing through experienced performers. One notorious figure once said: take my factories away from me and leave my workers to me, and soon I will have factories even better than before. It is important that all the people, the team, have been doing this for many years, and airsoft, organizing games, team building for them is where they are like a fish in water.

Actually, there is all of the above, which is not available for implementation - there is no landfill yet, there are no large funds. I plan to do all this not alone, but to look for co-founders of partners. according to my estimates, the amount of investments is about $ 50,000. Right now I don’t have that much, so I think - to look for opportunities to get a loan? Or maybe start with the available funds? I don't feel good about the last one.

Your comments, criticism, thoughts

Paintball is a word that even ten years ago caused bewilderment and misunderstanding among the citizens of our country. But times change, people develop, learn new things. And today, few people can be surprised by playing paintball. With the onset of the warm season, from about mid-spring to mid-autumn, various paintball clubs begin to work actively, competitions, tournaments, and championships are held. But also ordinary people, who do not do this professionally, are not averse to shooting at each other for fun and entertainment. The demand for paintball is growing, which means that you need to occupy a free niche, offering people an alternative to barbecue, fishing, and just gatherings in the park with beer. To be frank, active and extreme recreation is becoming more and more popular every year. Perhaps people are tired of the “standard” types of recreation, or maybe the very concept of recreation goes to another level. I would like to get a charge of adrenaline, cheerfulness, new, previously unknown sensations. Paintball, by the way, helps to solve all these needs.

Another plus, paintball is a team game. You can invite all your friends, acquaintances, gather colleagues at work, or business partners. There are no bosses or subordinates. You only have a supply of paintballs, a strategy, a mask, equipment, and the desire to defeat the opposing team. In this article, we will talk about how to make money on paintball, what you need to do in the first place. How to open a paintball club, where to buy equipment, what documents to collect, how to draw up a business plan, and what you need to take into account. If you approach the matter competently, having drawn up the right business plan and having thought through all the points, then you can make good money on paintball, developing your club, offering all new services and leisure activities.

How to develop a paintball club

There can be several options for the development of a paintball club. It all depends on the initial investment, your capabilities and ability to negotiate mutually beneficial cooperation. First of all, you need to find a base for games. There are many options here. It may be some kind of abandoned building, on the outskirts of the city, it may be a recreation center, where there is a large free area, you can organize a springboard for games somewhere in the forest, landing. It is clear that in the forest or planting you can play calmly, and no one will charge you. But with the recreation center, everything is a little more complicated. Here you need to negotiate with the owner, and give him arguments that such cooperation will be beneficial for both you and him. Firstly, teams play paintball, which means you will bring a dozen potential customers to the base. Secondly, no one leaves after the game, and, as a rule, there is a high probability that everyone will stay at the same base for further rest. You can find other motives that will be significant and will play a plus in your cooperation. If you have a spare amount that you plan to invest in a paintball club, then you can think of not only one playground, but several. It is very interesting when you offer a client several options for playing: capturing the base, night games, playing in the forest, playing at a construction site, etc. Something like a computer shooter where you can choose any map you like.

We are sure that in your city, somewhere on the outskirts, there are abandoned buildings, and maybe a whole complex of buildings. Contact the district council, rent this building, put it in order, and go ahead, you can play. Let's say from our own experience that once we played on the territory of an abandoned children's camp. So everything is possible, everything is real.

Required documents for opening a paintball club

If we talk about documents, then everything is as simple as possible. You only need a certificate of registration of the enterprise (as a rule, an individual entrepreneur is registered under a paintball club), and a certificate of payment of a single tax. Of course, you can work without registration, bypassing the tax service, but this is not serious, and you will not receive many serious orders. If you already organize a business, then you need to do everything as openly and transparently as possible, so that the customer is sure of your reliability, and there are no complaints from the state. They are not mandatory, but you can always have the following documents:

  • Certificates for equipment and a marker (special in-game weapon). If the players are experienced, they will definitely ask what kind of markers you have, where the equipment comes from, what balls they will shoot, etc. In order not to be unfounded, you can provide all the certificates and documents that confirm their quality and reliability.
  • Documents for the lease of the land or building in which the games will be held.

From the documents, perhaps, everything. In the legislation, at the time of writing this article, there were no special requirements for paintball clubs, certification and licenses to engage in this kind of business are not needed. Everything is as simple, clear and accessible as possible.

Starting capital for opening a paintball club

A business plan for a paintball club will necessarily include estimated costs and potential income. In order to open your club, you will need:

  • Buy equipment. The foundation of your paintball club is good quality equipment. A paintball set consists of a marker (special weapon), equipment (protective suit, goggles, helmet, elbow pads, knee pads, gloves). Such sets need at least 20-25 pieces. Very rarely all 20-25 sets will be used at the same time, but don't forget that equipment and markers can break during the game, and everything will need to be quickly replaced. Therefore, you should always take with a margin to avoid embarrassing situations. Paintball shots are fired by a sharp burst of compressed air. Accordingly, you need cylinders for markers, stations that will fill these cylinders, as well as balls for the game.

Now let's look at prices. Markers cost $90 and up. But if we take the average price of a normal marker for the game (we are not talking about professional ones, the price of which starts from $ 500 and above), then this is about $ 150-200. The price of a balloon for a marker also starts at $ 30. But it is better to take something more expensive, and, accordingly, more reliable. A good bottle costs from $100. Also add here the cost of an air pumping station, equipment and protection. By the way, in order to save on camouflage clothing, you can not buy it in specialized stores, but order tailoring in an atelier. In total, based on average prices at the time of writing, you will need at least $7,000 to purchase 25 sets of equipment and gear.

  • You will also have to spend money on the organization of the playing space. Will people not play in a bare field? In order to make the whole process more interesting, you need to set up various barriers, make shelters, and interfere. For this, improvised means (tires, boards, car cabs, and other items) are perfect. If the budget is large and the scope of the club is also serious, then you can make everything to order. Also, do not forget that if you organize several sites, then there will be more costs.
  • Advertising costs. Here, too, there is no exact budget. You can not advertise at all, but then the business efficiency will not be great. On the early stages the work of your club, you need to invest in maximum information and advertising. We will talk more about this later.

According to our personal calculations, in order to open a paintball club, you will need at least 10,000 dollars. Of course, this figure may be less if you already have an equipped playground, and you can advertise with minimal cost. But the purchase of equipment and equipment will have to pay a good amount of money. Don't forget about running costs. These include:

  • Purchase of consumables (balls for the game, air cylinders)
  • Employee salaries. Before each game, you need to fill the tanks, charge the markers, distribute everything, conduct a briefing, and control the game. If you are not going to do it yourself, then it is best to hire 1-2 people. Special qualifications are not needed here, and even students can be taken for the summer period. You don't have to pay much either. The bet can be fixed 15-20 dollars for one game.
  • Taxes and fees
  • Rent for land plot or the place where the games will be played.

Paintball club income

Having paid attention to start-up investments, it is necessary to talk about the income of your future paintball club. What and how much can you earn?

  • Participation fee for games. This is completely optional, and, as a rule, many clubs do not practice this at all. There is a fee only for participation in competitions or in tournaments.
  • The sale of paintballs is the main profit of a paintball club. On average, a person needs 200-300 balls per game. A pack of balloons (2000 pieces) costs $35. If we take the calculation that 20 people will play for you a day, and they will spend 2 packages of balls, then you can earn 300-400 dollars.

Most often there is a fixed price for the game, let's say $20 per person. This price includes equipment rental and 150 balls. If you want more, you can pay another $10 and get 300 balls. Thus, the game and 300 balls will cost one person $30. Accordingly, with 20 people you will earn 600 dollars, of which approximately 400 will be net. In ideal scenarios, 3-4 games can be played over the weekend. But this perfect option. It will be great if at the beginning of your development you can receive one order per week.

Paintball club advertisement

Massive advertising should begin on the eve of the May holidays. It's getting warmer outside, and people are starting to think about outdoor activities. Not everyone wants to drink beer and eat barbecue, someone wants to run, shoot, have fun. Advertising can also be divided into several types:

  • Advertising in sports shops, shops about tourism and recreation. You can try to negotiate with the owners of such stores that you leave your business cards, flyers, or even set up a stand. In return, you can offer to advertise their shop among the players, or a discount, or maybe a free game, in your club.
  • Advertising in magazines and newspapers. If your city has magazines about sports, tourism, recreation, then you can order an article there, or just advertise on a spread. If there are no specialized ones, but there is simply about the life of the city, then it will also do.

  • Internet advertising. You must have your own website, which needs to be promoted according to regional queries such as "Paintball Kiev", or "Paintball Tula". Also promote secondary queries "Paintball price Kiev", etc.
  • Don't forget about social media advertising. This is a great place to submit information pointwise. Choose as an audience guys from your city aged 17 to 35 years old, and show them ads that lead to your public or directly to the site.
  • You can also try using the "grandfather" method - ads, leaflets, flyers.

In general, advertising is a set of measures, and you need to try, experiment, combine these and other ways of advertising your business. That, perhaps, is all that we wanted to tell in this article. We are sure that now you know more about how to open a paintball club, and you will be able to draw up a business plan for a paintball club without any problems.



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Sincerely, Anatomy of Business project June 17, 2014 4:42 am

How to open a paintball and airsoft club

To open a paintball club, you first need to think and weigh everything. In small towns, I think there will not be a great demand for such services. Well, we're not talking about crazy amounts here. You can make good money on this idea. Especially if you are the first to open such a club in your city. I do not presume to say that this business idea is incomparable, but it is very unusual, And people are drawn to the unusual and new. If there is no demand, then it must be created.

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How to open an airsoft club

To open a paintball club, you first need to think and weigh everything. In small towns, I think there will not be a great demand for such services.

Well, we're not talking about crazy amounts here. You can make good money on this idea. Especially if you are the first to open such a club in your city. I do not presume to say that this business idea is incomparable, but it is very unusual, And people are drawn to the unusual and new. If there is no demand, then it must be created.

Each region has its own laws, I just offer an unusual idea. How will the club earn? Of course, on subscriptions and the sale of equipment. Selling subscriptions for different periods - a month, 2 months, six months, a year. Renting for an hour or more - it seems to me not very profitable. And the subscription card of a club member will spur the interest of customers and his friends, and will also serve well as a free peddler of club advertising.

The most important thing in this business is to sell the first 100 pieces of subscriptions. After that, new customers will slowly but surely come. The setting of the battle scenario also plays an important role - you should have several of them in reserve. The landfill can be easily found - unfinished buildings or empty buildings, I'm sure almost every city has industrial areas - an ideal place to deploy a landfill.

In order to attract customers even more, it is necessary to film each meeting and upload it to popular city websites. At first, I advise you to hire a professional film crew - they will shoot the first few promotional videos. And of course, you also need a website with a forum.

As soon as you understand that you are ready to open such a business in your city, the question will arise of purchasing equipment for paintball and airsoft. This includes uniforms, protective pads, helmets, weapons (hard drives, machine guns, sniper rifles), as well as ammunition for them. In China, such equipment shaft. An approximate starting budget could be $7,000 or more.

Active recreation and entertainment are gaining more and more popularity in Russia. Airsoft is one of the new and popular types of leisure that attracts the attention of fans of realistic team games. Organizing a business in this area is an interesting and profitable idea.


Airsoft organizers create conditions for players as close to real as possible. During the game, participants use weapons that are similar to real ones, conduct battles in open areas and, according to the conditions, play a military-tactical team game. All this is fascinating and is a very exciting process. Therefore, there are more and more people who want to play airsoft not only among men, but even among women.

The competition in this area is:

  • other airsoft clubs in the city;
  • paintball clubs;
  • game of laser tag.

Before opening an airsoft club, one should study the competitive environment and, based on the data obtained, form an effective pricing policy, advertising activities, a list of services and scenarios for playing games. In order to withstand the competition, you must always be one step ahead of other participants providing similar services.

Registration and organization of business

Any business is subject to mandatory registration, the opening of an airsoft club is no exception. To start a business, you need to register an individual entrepreneurship. This is the simplest and most convenient organizational and legal form of activity.

It is not required to obtain licenses and permits to organize a business. However, it is worth having:

  1. Equipment certificates - these may be required to present to customers and indicate the quality of the materials.
  2. Agreement for the lease of land or premises for competitions and tournaments.

Location of the games

In order for the game to be as interesting and exciting as possible, it is necessary to prepare several sites for fighting.

A prerequisite is the compilation detailed maps terrain.

The playground should be fenced and located at the exit from the city or in the industrial area. The most suitable places for airsoft:

  • abandoned industrial buildings;
  • unfinished premises;
  • non-functioning municipal buildings.

To communicate with clients, get acquainted with the portfolio and scenarios, as well as accommodate staff, you should rent a small office, preferably in the central part of the city. In the office building, you should allocate space for storing equipment and all the necessary accessories for the game.

Weapons and Equipment

Weapons for organizing battles are very similar to real ones, this is the main distinguishing feature of airsoft from other team games. Therefore, this issue needs to be given great attention and responsibly approach its choice. The weight, appearance and even the rate of fire and recoil of the gun are identical to the real one, but it shoots with plastic balls, caliber 6 and 8 millimeters.

For an interesting and effective game, you need to purchase at least 20 sets of weapons and accessories.

List of necessary equipment:

  1. Gloves, face shield or goggles.
  2. Knee pads, elbow pads.
  3. Bullet store.
  4. Protective vest.
  5. Military uniform.

In addition to all of the above, you will need special balls that will be used as bullets. In addition to providing the participants with the necessary weapons and equipment, you should take care of their transportation to the game venue in advance, so you need to have a vehicle that can carry a large number of people and equipment. In between rounds, it is worth offering players small snacks and water.

Game scenarios

The popularity and reputation of an airsoft club depends on the originality and attractiveness of the scenario for holding games. The development and writing of the script should be treated as creatively as possible.

All airsoft players can be divided into several categories:

  1. Professionals - have their own equipment and only rent areas for games.
  2. Passionate about the game people who do not have their own equipment and need the support of the club.
  3. People who consider airsoft only as entertainment.

For professionals and amateurs, it is worth organizing long games that can last from one day to several days. For those who came to the club to have fun, mini-games are suitable, with minor requirements for participants.

The script for the games needs to be constantly updated, otherwise regular customers will get bored over time, and they may go to competitors.


Of course, it is impossible to independently organize the entire process of the airsoft club, you need a staff. For the smooth and effective conduct of the games, the following personnel are needed:

  • club administrator;
  • accountant;
  • Instructor;
  • trainer;
  • sports doctor;
  • driver.


In order to attract potential customers and retain regular customers, it is necessary to develop an effective advertising campaign. The list of promotional activities that is most suitable for promoting an airsoft club:

  1. Promotion in social networks.
  2. Distribution of leaflets and booklets in public places.
  3. Creation of your own website with a beautiful portfolio from the places where the games were played, placement of scenarios and the possibility of registering for the event online.
  4. Outdoor advertising on banners.
  5. Development of a bonus system for permanent members of the club and corporate orders.

To maintain the prestige and increase the recognition of the airsoft club, military-patriotic tournaments, shooting master classes should be held, enterprises and organizations should be attracted to participate in the games.

It is best to entrust the organization of marketing and promotional events to professionals, so you should resort to the services advertising agency. This will require additional costs, but will bring quick payback, and later on stable income from business.

The financial component of the business

With a creative approach to the process of holding games and a cohesive, organized work of the airsoft club staff, this business area can become a source of constant income for the owner.

Cost of opening and maintaining

The most expensive part of the budget when opening an airsoft club is the purchase of the necessary equipment and weapons. In general, starting a club will require an initial capital of at least 700,000 rubles.

Current costs include:

  • monthly wage employees;
  • gasoline costs;
  • payment of taxes;
  • rent office space and areas for airsoft games;
  • Consumables, minor repairs weapons and equipment.

Size of future income

The main profitable part of the business is the participation of players in airsoft competitions and tournaments. Additional types of income include:

  • sale of consumables;
  • renting weapons and all necessary equipment;
  • sale of fast food products.

Each participant in the airsoft battle wants to have unusual photos from the game, so it is worth engaging an experienced photographer for cooperation and getting a certain percentage of his work.

The average monthly income of the club starts from 60,000 rubles. Everything will depend on attendance, the effectiveness of advertising, the competent organization of the entire process of conducting games and the list of additional services.

Payback period

The profitability of the business is quite high and amounts to 40-45 percent. The average payback period is from 1 year to one and a half years.

The success of an airsoft club and the financial independence of its owner primarily depend on a creative approach to writing scripts, the quality of weapons and equipment, and the right organized work taking into account all the requirements of customers. This type of sports and entertainment leisure is only developing in our country, which means that there is an opportunity to occupy your niche and get a stable income in the future.

Airsoft provides an opportunity for adult "boys" to play "war games" again, while playing seriously: the weight of the weapon, and therefore the recoil, rate of fire, specifications weapons are close to real.

Airsoft games are played in real conditions. In order to start a business, providing all the details and at the lowest cost, as well as in order for the profitability of the business to be high, you need to carefully work out the plan for opening an airsoft club.

First you need to identify several playgrounds, find or make detailed maps of the area.

And since the competitiveness of an airsoft club depends directly on the originality, as well as the thoroughness of the game scenario, you need to make a portfolio of scenarios before opening the club, regularly replenish it, because the main focus is still on the permanent members of the club.

The weapon is considered the main "highlight" of airsoft. Therefore, plan to purchase weapons of several types in quantities of at least 40 units. Approximate cost - 240,000 rubles.

You also need to purchase at least 20 sets of equipment, which includes a protective mask (700 rubles), a protective vest (700 rubles), gloves (700 rubles), a set of clothes (about 3,000 rubles).

The equipment gets dirty and wears out not very quickly. Consequently, the maximum cost for the purchase of equipment (20 sets) will be 102,000 rubles.

To play, you need airsoft machines, special balls, the cost of which is 10 rubles / 100 pieces. They can be sold for 40 rubles / 100 pieces.

The staff will need:

Payment for the work of a cashier and equipment is fixed - about 20,000 rubles each, and the salary of administrators is piecework.

Equipment rental is about 600 rubles. Payback period - 8 months.

Address: Tovarnaya, 57-B, 121135, Moscow,

Phone: +7 971-129-61-42 , Email: [email protected]

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