A step-by-step recipe for jelly cake broken glass with a photo. Broken glass: no-bake jelly cake

  • 19.10.2019

Delicious, moderately sweet and savory dessert based on condensed milk and multi-colored jelly is a great option for a summer dessert. It turns out very appetizing, bright and colorful. Try making a cake Broken glass according to our recipe with step by step photos.

To make sweets, you can use any fruit jelly (orange, cherry, lemon, blueberry, raspberry, cherry or kiwi). The main thing is that the dessert turned out to be colorful and iridescent. Jelly for the cake, you must choose only a high-quality, trusted manufacturer. If you are preparing a sweet for kids, you can replace the purchased product with homemade jelly from any fruits and berries. To do this, it must be prepared in advance and poured into molds.

Broken glass cake will look great on children's holiday and at a banquet. If you are making jelly big company, use a double portion of the required ingredients. By the way, a similar delicacy, but immodest, can be cooked according to.


- multi-colored dry jelly of 90 grams (3 packs);
- condensed milk (300 ml);
- gelatin (15 grams).

Cooking cake Broken glass in step by step photos

1. We prepare the necessary products for the cake.
2. Pour gelatin into a bowl, pour 100 ml of cold water and wait 15-20 minutes. During this time, it will increase in size.
3. Pour the contents of the packages with jelly into glasses. Fill each container with 200 ml of boiling water and mix thoroughly.
4. Pour the prepared mass into a bowl covered with cling film(to make it easier to take out later). Repeat the whole process with other fruit jelly. We put it in the refrigerator, wait 2-3 hours.
5. We remove the frozen jelly from the bowl.
6. Cut the frozen mass into arbitrary segments.
7. Pour the gelatin into a saucepan, heat it until the product is completely dissolved.
8. Combine condensed milk and gelatin.
9. We spread the multi-colored pieces of jelly in a mold and pour it with the cooled milk mass, send it to the refrigerator, wait 2-3 hours.
10. Carefully remove the finished jelly cake from the mold. Cut into portions.

Serve a bright and refreshing dessert Broken glass on a hot summer evening with a cup of glisse or "solo".

Useful nuances

1. Homemade jelly in the cake can be replaced with ready-made purchased one, or marmalade can be completely chopped.

2. If you don’t have enough pastries in dessert, make a jelly cake on the cake. For a flour base, it is convenient to use any biscuit or biscuit crushed with butter.

3. The more contrasting colors in the jelly will be involved, the brighter and more festive your confection will be.

4. As for the taste, it is better to make jelly “glasses” with sourness, since the main filling from condensed milk is cloying. But together it will just turn out to be balanced and everything in moderation.

5. Choose either a silicone or detachable cake mold so that you can carefully remove the cake from it without damage.

The Broken glass cake recipe is very simple, and the photos do not even convey all the beauty and fabulousness that the eyes see! Treat yourself and the kids. And for lovers of jelly goodies, we advise you to take a look at the recipe. Freshness, aroma and beauty in one dessert dish!

There are a lot of recipes for broken glass jelly cake. They make such a cake with biscuit, yogurt, cottage cheese. This is a sour cream cake recipe.

Sour cream is better to buy with a fat content of 20-25%. Multi-colored jelly can be made from ready-made jelly in packs or from gelatin and fruit and berry juice.


– 2 jars of 500 ml

Sugar - 2 cups

Jelly - 4 packs ( different color)

Gelatin - 50 grams (for sour cream)

Vanillin - 1 sachet (or vanilla sugar)

Kiwi - 1 piece

Orange - 1 piece (or tangerine 2-3 pieces)

How to make Broken Glass cake with sour cream:

First you need to make multi-colored jelly. You can make jelly from ready-made fruit jelly. If you cook from juice, then pour a dessert spoon of gelatin (without top) with a small amount of water. For each color - one spoonful in different bowls. Leave to swell, as written on the package.

Then pour gelatin with a glass of berry or fruit juice of different colors and heat in a water bath, without boiling. Stir the liquid periodically so that the gelatin dissolves better.

Instant gelatin can be immediately poured into juice and dissolved in a water bath.

Pour the dissolved gelatin into molds (each color separately). To do this, you can use ordinary plastic containers. Place in the refrigerator until the jelly hardens. Better to do at night.

When the colored gelatin hardens, cut it randomly into small pieces.

Using a mixer, beat sour cream with sugar and vanilla. In order for the sugar to dissolve faster when whipping, it is better to grind it into powdered sugar first.

Gelatin for sour cream pour 1.5 cups hot water and mix until the gelatin is completely dissolved. This is if the gelatin is instant. Prepare regular gelatin according to package directions.

Mix gradually whipped sour cream and dissolved gelatin. Gelatin must be cooled to room temperature before mixing.

Add chopped multi-colored jelly to this mass and mix gently.

Cover the mold with cling film. You can use a regular bowl or salad bowl. Cover with foil so that there are free ends.

First lay out the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bkiwi and orange slices. Then - sour cream.

Place in the refrigerator until the jelly is completely set.

Turn the frozen jelly onto a dish and garnish with orange, tangerines and kiwi if desired.

Advice. jelly cake with sour cream can be cooked in layers. To do this, first lay out a layer of sour cream jelly, then a layer of colored jelly.

Bon Appetit!

Loved by many for its simplicity, brightness and taste, the Broken Glass dessert is very easy to make. Broken glass jelly cake is so named because it is multi-colored transparent pieces of jelly that look like broken glass, sometimes this cake is called "Mosaic". There are several options for making this cake. We will cook it on a biscuit pillow, fill the pieces of fruit and berry jelly with sour cream. The cake needs to chill in the fridge. We advise you to cook it a day in advance and leave it in the refrigerator before the celebration, so it is guaranteed to harden.

Taste Info Cakes and pastries

Biscuit Cake Ingredients:

  • Flour 1/3 tbsp. or 70 g;
  • Eggs 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar 0.5 tbsp.;
  • Baking powder 1 tsp;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp
  • For the jelly layer:
  • Berry or fruit jelly in packs - 4 pcs.;
  • Sugar 100 g;
  • Sour cream 400 ml;
  • Instant gelatin 1 pack - 20 g;
  • Detachable form - 23 cm.

How to cook jelly cake "Broken glass" with sour cream

First, prepare everything you need for the jelly layer. You can make your own jelly from fruits and berries, but I prefer store-bought, as it is brighter. With it, the cut cake looks much more fun. The fat content of sour cream does not matter, and it is important to check the expiration date of gelatin when buying, otherwise the result may not be as expected.

We dilute the jelly of each color with boiling water, while halving the amount of water indicated in the instructions so that the composition is more dense after solidification. So, instead of the recommended 400 ml of water, I added only 200.

Cool to room temperature, then leave the jelly to harden in the refrigerator for an hour or two.

At this time we are preparing a biscuit. You can make a cake without a cake, but it is a good base, moreover, it is more satisfying and tastier. We will prepare all the ingredients necessary for the biscuit cake.

Beat eggs with sugar in a blender so that the mass increases in volume and becomes white, the sugar should completely dissolve.

Sift the flour into the egg mixture, add the baking powder and lemon juice, gently mix everything with a spoon.

Lubricate the detachable form with oil, if there is parchment paper, it would be good to line the form with it. Pour in the biscuit dough.

We put the form in the oven, preheated to 175-180 °, for 20-25 minutes. Having endured the required time, open the oven and check the readiness of the cake with a match. It is impossible to open in advance so that the biscuit does not settle.

Let the cake cool directly in the form, then, carefully transferring to wooden board or a large flat dish, remove the parchment. We lay it out again in a detachable form.

In order to prepare the jelly layer, take a diluted hot water(50 ml) gelatin, sour cream and sugar. Mix everything together thoroughly so that the sugar is completely dissolved, and the mass becomes homogeneous.

Jelly, frozen during this time in the refrigerator, we take out of the molds and cut into cubes. So that it does not immediately begin to melt, the board and knife must be chilled.

Now we take all the prepared ingredients and begin to assemble the cake. Pour a little sour cream filling into the cake mold and lay a layer of multi-colored jelly cubes.

Again, pour sour cream mixed with gelatin.

Lay another multi-colored layer and pour the remaining fill.

We put the form with the future cake in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours (or overnight) so that it freezes well.

We take out the finished Broken Glass jelly cake from the mold, cut it into portions and serve it on the festive table.

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Jelly cake "Broken glass" with fruits

Unusually delicate jelly cake "Broken glass" is suitable for any holiday, it will please with its bright view and melting taste of not only children, but also adults. Moreover, it is so easy to prepare, and its ingredients are so simple that you can pamper your loved ones not only on holidays, but also on any day. I prefer to make a cake with fruit, many do it with colored store-bought jelly, or you can use both. In winter I use bananas, kiwi, grapes and tangerines, and in summer I add berries.

Biscuit Ingredients:

  • Eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • Flour - 1 cup;
  • Sugar - 1 cup.

For jelly:

  • Sour cream (the fatter the better) - 500 g;
  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Gelatin - 20 g;
  • Water (or milk) - 100 ml.

For filling:


  1. First, prepare the gelatin. To do this, soak it in cold water(I prefer milk) and leave to swell for 30 minutes.
  2. Cooking biscuit. Beat the yolks with sugar until a white foam is obtained, carefully introduce the proteins there. Continuing to stir, carefully pour in the flour. If desired, you can add half a bag (1 tsp) of baking powder, but with proper whipping, the biscuit will rise perfectly without it.
  3. In oiled butter pour the dough into the mold and put it in the oven preheated to 180 ° for 20-25 minutes. When the biscuit is ready, it will turn brown, its top will be golden. We carefully open the oven door to protect the biscuit from settling, and with the help of a match we make sure that it is ready (the match must remain dry).
  4. While the biscuit is cooling, prepare the fruits and berries. Wash, dry, clean, cut (small berries can be put whole).
  5. Now let's start making jelly for the Broken Glass cake with fruit. Thoroughly beat sour cream with sugar. Add the swollen gelatin and stir.
  6. All the components of the cake are ready, it remains to assemble it.
  7. I prefer to use a detachable form, it is very convenient. At the bottom of the form we lay the biscuit (if it was baked in another). I cut it into 2 cakes, since it is a bit thick as a whole, I put one in a mold, and I break the second in the middle of the cake, but this is optional.
  8. We put a layer of different fruits on the cake (with pieces of the second cake), pour in part of the sour cream, another layer of fruit - another layer of jelly, and so on. I usually get 3 of these layers.
  9. We remove the form with the future cake in the refrigerator. After 2-3 hours, the delicious Broken Glass dessert will be ready. I prefer to leave it to dry all night.
  10. Before serving, we take out the form from the refrigerator, carefully remove the sides and transfer the cake to a dish. Cut and eat right away. He cannot stand for a long time, otherwise it will flow. But for a long time it will not stand idle, because it is surprisingly tasty!


  • More often they prepare a “Broken Glass” cake with sour cream, or you can add cottage cheese, but then it’s better to take not granular, but homogeneous, fat-free, and beat it with milk until the consistency of sour cream.
  • If you are too lazy to bake a biscuit, you can use the usual shortbread cookies from the store or do without it altogether, make a cake only from jelly.
  • You can use soft multi-colored marmalade for the filling along with fruits (when, for example, the fruits do not differ too much in color).

During my student days, a cake called "Ukrainian tsіtska" was popular (I apologize for the not quite decent style, but you can’t throw out the words from the song). The jelly cake was prepared in a deep bowl with a rounded bottom, then turned over onto a dish and brought into the room to the guests with deliberate shaking of the tray - so that the "tsіtska" trembled expressively.

In general, the erotica of this recipe is a very controversial moment, but it was like that. And it was very much in demand: they prepared everything with rapture and delight. However, times and tastes are changing, and now the same cake is nobly called " broken glass". I wonder what you call this dessert?

The substance that makes cold desserts harden without baking, gelatin, was invented in 1845 by engineer Peter Cooper - it was then that he received a patent for a method for preparing sausages, hams and other meat products, the individual parts of which are fastened together with a stable food "glue" .
A few decades later, Pearl Waite, another entrepreneur, figured out how to use gelatin to make desserts. The method turned out to be so simple and accessible that it seemed that the invention was going to be an instant success, but this did not happen - and after many unsuccessful attempts, the author of the idea sold it to the next owner, Woodworth. He, by the way, also did not immediately manage to give impetus to gelatin desserts - in the history of his success there was a moment when a desperate entrepreneur offered his assistant to buy a patent for sweet gelatin desserts for only $ 30. The assistant refused, believing that the whole idea was completely and completely a failure, however, it was from that moment that the growth in popularity of gelatin began. Housewives all over America have been cooking, experimenting, sharing recipes and falling more and more in love with a simple, affordable and very interesting way to diversify the sweet table at home.

Cake "Broken glass" very positive, upbeat and cheerful. For a summer dessert - simple perfect option. It's easy to prepare, but it's delicious! Light, unobtrusive, almost imperceptible!


3 packs of jelly of different colors;

fruits - optional (bananas, kiwi, oranges, tangerines);

0.5 l sour cream;

1 cup of sugar;

20 g gelatin.

Prepare the jelly according to package instructions. I usually slightly reduce the amount of water with which I dilute the dry mix - it turns out a little denser, but the cubes are clearer, more "broken". Do not forget that each color is bred separately, pour into a shallow flat dish. After hardening, cut into pieces in the form of squares or rhombuses, put in a deep bowl in which your cake will solidify.

Gelatin should be diluted with a small amount of cold water and left for 5-10 minutes until swelling.

After that, it must be heated over low heat until completely dissolved (do not boil!), Cool slightly.

Sour cream must be beaten with a mixer with sugar. I take the store, it seems to me tastier. You can use the market one - then the cake will turn out to be more airy (market sour cream whips better), but fatter. You can take cream, kefir or even yogurt, but do not forget to adjust the amount of gelatin.

We introduce gelatin in a thin stream, while immediately stirring the sour cream, continuing to beat it with a mixer.

Put multi-colored jelly cut into cubes in sour cream.

Stir and add fruit if desired. We put in the refrigerator for 4-7 hours.

After complete solidification, lay out on a dish.

I'll dwell a little on getting the cake.

You can go three ways, you choose the one that is easier for you.

1. Lower the bowl with the cake for 5-10 seconds into a bowl (full sink) with hot water, turn it over onto a dish. Method well beautiful flat surface cake, but there is a risk of overdoing - the top layer will flow.

2. Initially line the bowl with cling film, remove the cake by pulling on its edges.

The downside is that you are unlikely to be able to perfectly line the bowl, there will be “wrinkles” on the cake.

3. You can cook a cake in a detachable form. Everything is fine, but when removing the removable side, the edges of the cake will have to be separated from the mold with a knife, while often there is an incised cream on the mold, the cake looks sloppy.

A morning started with pieces of this cake promises a great day!

Hello everyone who visits the blog

I didn’t give recipes for cakes for a long time)) And I just have one suitable for warm weather, when oily, heavier cakes don’t go very well, it’s called “Broken Glass”.

I usually cook it in the summer, it is very light, well, it turns out very tasty.

The cake is very famous, although maybe you haven’t met this recipe yet, or met it, but you haven’t tried cooking it yet, then now is the time.

I will give a “basis cake”, a broken glass cake recipe with a photo step by step with a biscuit, sour cream and jelly, because I know that sometimes they replace the biscuit with cookies (as an option, you can buy a ready-made biscuit), sometimes fruits are added to the cake, I myself don’t I tried it, so I can’t say how much tastier it will be with fruit.

The only thing if you add fruits is that pineapples, kiwi, mango and papaya should not be added because they contain an enzyme due to which gelatin may not harden, although this is theoretical, as they say in cookbooks, and theory does not always coincide with practice))

Well, are we ready? 🙂

"Broken glass" cake, recipe with photo

We will need:

For the biscuit:

For cream:

Pay attention, this basic recipe according to which I originally cooked, but for my taste sour cream not enough for a cake. Therefore, I increase its amount by one and a half times. That is, for the cream: 3 cups of sour cream, 0.75 cups of sugar and approximately 25 grams of gelatin. You, of course, choose the option for yourself.

Short cooking recipe

Prepare colored jelly from bags according to instructions. Leave in the refrigerator until cold. Cut frozen jelly into squares.


Beat eggs, sugar, flour. Bake a biscuit, cool. Cut into small squares.


Soak gelatin (ordinary) in water, let stand for 10 minutes, dissolve on the stove or in microwave oven.

Beat sour cream with sugar. While stirring, add vanillin, cooled gelatin.


Line deep dishes with cellophane or confectionery film. Spread, alternating pieces of jelly and biscuit, periodically pouring cream. Close, put in the refrigerator. Invert onto a platter before serving.

Cake "Broken glass", a recipe with a photo step by step at home

And as usual step by step photos, and I myself love recipes of this kind, and I hope it’s more convenient for you to cook this way.

First of all, prepare the jelly from the bags. Jelly, for beauty, it is better to take different colors.

Usually I take 4 packages, provided that it is Belarusian or similar jelly (similar - Russian and Ukrainian, I bought Polish, and so it turns out almost twice as much from one same pack).

Prepare the jelly according to the instructions on the package.

An important nuance: take less than 50 grams of water so that the jelly is more solid in consistency than usual.

Prepared each color separately, poured into different forms and placed in the refrigerator to harden.

At this time we are preparing a biscuit. Beat eggs with a glass of sugar until fluffy, add flour, for reliability, you can add a teaspoon of baking powder.

Pour into a mold and put in the oven to bake until golden brown.

Here he is ready. The biscuit will be thinner than in this photo, because I made a double portion for two cakes.

For cream.

As I already wrote, for me this amount of cream seems not enough, so I suggest making it for one and a half servings.

That is, the proportions for the cream will be as follows: 3 cups of sour cream and 0.75 cups of sugar. The amount of gelatin, in theory, needs to be increased from 18 grams to 23 grams, but here “exactly exactly” will not be fundamental if we add it a little more or less, good gelatin will “keep” the cream in the right state.

Soak ordinary gelatin in cold water, after standing for 10 minutes, dissolve it on the stove in a water bath or in a microwave oven (it will melt in the microwave in about 40 seconds).

This time I tried cooking with gelatin fast food(it is immediately poured with hot water and not brought to a boil), although last time it did not work out for me, but this time it worked out, probably the gelatin has become better 😉

While the gelatin is infused, beat the sour cream with sugar.

Now you need to mix the sugar-sour cream mass and gelatin. To do this, add a few tablespoons of sour cream to the gelatin, stir, and then pour it all into the remaining cream. Stir, adding a little vanilla.

Cut the cooled biscuit into small cubes.

Transfer the frozen jelly to a cutting board and also cut into cubes.

It is easy to take out, easy and beautifully cut.

We will form the future cake in a deep bowl, it turns out nice if it is domed. I use plastic bowls in which I knead the dough.

We line the form with cellophane or cling film. V original recipe cellophane needs to be lubricated with oil, I didn’t do that, the cake is easy to get and without lubrication. But in a form that is without a film, just lubricated with oil, it turned out worse.

We lay out the pieces of biscuit, alternating with pieces of jelly.

Periodically pour sour cream into the mass.

When everything is ready, we cover it with cellophane “tails” on top, if it is not enough, just tighten it with cellophane or cling film on top and put it in the refrigerator, best of all for the night.