The main contribution to the phenomenon of the greenhouse effect is made. What is the greenhouse effect and what is its essence?

  • 10.10.2019

In the last decade, the phrase “greenhouse effect” has practically never left either television screens or the pages of newspapers. Curricula in several disciplines at once provide for its thorough study, and its negative significance for the climate of our planet is almost always indicated. However, this phenomenon is actually much more multifaceted than it is presented to the average person.

Without the greenhouse effect, life on our planet would be in doubt

We can start with the fact that the greenhouse effect has existed on our planet throughout its history. This phenomenon is simply inevitable for those celestial bodies, which, like the Earth, have a stable atmosphere. Without it, for example, the World Ocean would have frozen long ago, and higher forms of life would not have appeared at all. Scientists have long scientifically proven that if there were no carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, the presence of which is a necessary component of the process of the greenhouse effect, then the temperature on the planet would fluctuate within -20 0 C, so there would be no talk of the emergence of life at all.

Causes and essence of the greenhouse effect

Answering the question: “What is the greenhouse effect?”, first of all, it should be noted that this physical phenomenon received its name by analogy with the processes that occur in gardeners’ greenhouses. Inside it, regardless of the time of year, it is always several degrees warmer than in the surrounding space. The thing is that plants absorb visible sunlight, which pass absolutely freely through glass, polyethylene, and in general through almost any obstacle. After this, the plants themselves also begin to emit energy, but in the infrared range, the rays of which can no longer freely overcome the same glass, so a greenhouse effect occurs. The reasons for this phenomenon, therefore, lie precisely in the imbalance between the spectrum of visible sunlight and the radiation that plants and other objects emit into the external environment.

The physical basis of the greenhouse effect

As for our planet as a whole, the greenhouse effect here arises due to the presence of a stable atmosphere. To maintain its temperature balance, the Earth must give off as much energy as it receives from the Sun. However, the presence of carbon dioxide and water in the atmosphere, which absorb infrared rays, thus performing the role of glass in a greenhouse, causes the formation of so-called greenhouse gases, some of which return back to the Earth. These gases create a "blanket effect", raising the temperature at the planet's surface.

Greenhouse effect on Venus

From the above we can conclude that the greenhouse effect is characteristic not only of the Earth, but also of all planets and other celestial bodies with a stable atmosphere. Indeed, research conducted by scientists has shown that, for example, near the surface of Venus this phenomenon is much more pronounced, which is due, first of all, to the fact that its air shell consists of almost one hundred percent carbon dioxide.

The greenhouse effect is an increase in the temperature of the earth's surface due to the heating of the lower layers of the atmosphere by the accumulation of greenhouse gases. As a result, the air temperature is higher than it should be, and this leads to irreversible consequences such as climate change and. Several centuries ago this existed, but was not so obvious. With the development of technology, the number of sources that provide the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere increases every year.

Causes of the greenhouse effect

You can't avoid talking about environment, its pollution, the dangers of the greenhouse effect. To understand the mechanism of action of this phenomenon, it is necessary to determine its causes, discuss the consequences and decide how to combat this environmental problem before it is too late. The causes of the greenhouse effect are as follows:

  • the use of combustible minerals in industry - coal, oil, natural gas, the combustion of which releases huge amounts of carbon dioxide and other harmful compounds into the atmosphere;
  • transport – cars and trucks emit exhaust gases, which also pollute the air and increase the greenhouse effect;
  • , which absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, and with the destruction of every tree on the planet, the amount of CO2 in the air increases;
  • – another source of destruction of plants on the planet;
  • an increase in population affects the increase in demand for food, clothing, housing, and to ensure this, it grows industrial production, which increasingly pollutes the air with greenhouse gases;
  • agrochemicals and fertilizers contain varying amounts of compounds, the evaporation of which releases nitrogen, one of the greenhouse gases;
  • The decomposition and combustion of waste in landfills contributes to the increase in greenhouse gases.

The influence of the greenhouse effect on climate

Considering the results of the greenhouse effect, we can determine that the main one is climate change. As the air temperature increases every year, the waters of the seas and oceans evaporate more intensely. Some scientists predict that in 200 years the phenomenon of “drying” of the oceans, namely a significant decrease in water levels, will become noticeable. This is one side of the problem. The other is that rising temperatures lead to the melting of glaciers, which contributes to rising water levels in the World Ocean and leads to the flooding of the coasts of continents and islands. The increase in the number of floods and flooding of coastal areas indicates that the level of ocean waters is increasing every year.

An increase in air temperature leads to the fact that areas that are little moistened by precipitation become arid and unsuitable for life. Crops are destroyed here, which leads to a food crisis for the population of the area. Also, there is no food for the animals, since plants die out due to lack of water.

Many people have already become accustomed to weather and climate conditions throughout their lives. As air temperatures rise due to the greenhouse effect, global warming occurs on the planet. People cannot withstand high temperatures. For example, if previously the average summer temperature was +22-+27, then an increase to +35-+38 leads to sunstroke and heatstroke, dehydration and problems with the cardiovascular system, and there is a high risk of stroke. In case of abnormal heat, experts give people the following recommendations:

  • — reduce the number of movements on the street;
  • - decrease physical exercise;
  • - avoid direct sunlight;
  • — increase the consumption of simple purified water to 2-3 liters per day;
  • - cover your head from the sun with a hat;
  • - If possible, spend time during the day in a cool room.

How to minimize the greenhouse effect

Knowing how greenhouse gases arise, it is necessary to eliminate their sources in order to stop global warming and other negative consequences of the greenhouse effect. Even one person can change something, and if relatives, friends, and acquaintances join him, they will set an example for other people. This is a much larger number of conscious inhabitants of the planet who will direct their actions to preserve the environment.

First of all, we need to stop deforestation and plant new trees and shrubs, as they absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. By using electric vehicles, the amount of exhaust gases will be reduced. In addition, you can switch from cars to bicycles, which is more convenient, cheaper and better for the environment. Alternative fuels are also being developed, which, unfortunately, are slowly being introduced into our daily lives.

An entertaining video about the greenhouse effect

The most important solution to the problem of the greenhouse effect is to attract the attention of the world community to it, and also to do everything in our power to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas accumulation. If you plant a few trees, you will already be of great help to our planet.

The impact of the greenhouse effect on human health

The primary consequences of the greenhouse effect are on the climate and the environment, but no less detrimental is its impact on human health. It's like a time bomb: many years later we will be able to see the consequences, but we will not be able to change anything.

Scientists predict that people with a low and unstable financial situation are most susceptible to diseases. If people eat poorly and do not receive certain food products due to lack of money, this will lead to malnutrition, hunger and the development of diseases (not only the gastrointestinal tract system). Since the greenhouse effect causes abnormal heat in the summer, the number of people with cardiovascular diseases increases every year. This is how people’s blood pressure increases or decreases, heart attacks and epilepsy attacks occur, fainting and heat strokes occur.

An increase in air temperature leads to the development of the following diseases and epidemics:

These diseases spread geographically very quickly as high atmospheric temperatures facilitate the movement of various infections and disease vectors. These are various animals and insects, such as Tsetse flies, encephalitis ticks, malaria mosquitoes, birds, mice, etc. From warm latitudes, these carriers move to the north, so people living there are exposed to diseases because they do not have immunity to them.

Thus, the greenhouse effect causes global warming, and this leads to many ailments and infectious diseases. Thousands of people die as a result of epidemics different countries peace. By combating the problem of global warming and the greenhouse effect, we will be able to improve the environment and, as a result, people’s health.

In the 21st century, the global greenhouse effect is one of the most pressing environmental problems facing our planet today. The essence of the greenhouse effect is that the sun's heat is trapped near the surface of our planet in the form of greenhouse gases. The greenhouse effect is caused by the release of industrial gases into the atmosphere.

The greenhouse effect is an increase in the temperature of the lower layers of the Earth's atmosphere in comparison with the effective temperature, namely the temperature of the planet's thermal radiation recorded from space. The first mention of this phenomenon appeared in 1827. Then Joseph Fourier suggested that the optical characteristics of the Earth's atmosphere are similar to the characteristics of glass, the level of transparency of which in the infrared range is lower than in the optical. When visible light is absorbed, the surface temperature rises and emits thermal (infrared) radiation, and since the atmosphere is not so transparent for thermal radiation, heat collects near the surface of the planet.
The fact that the atmosphere is capable of not transmitting thermal radiation is caused by the presence of greenhouse gases in it. The main greenhouse gases are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane and ozone. Over the past decades, the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has increased significantly. The main reason scientists consider human activity.
Due to the regular increase in average annual temperatures in the late 1980s, there was concern that global warming caused by human activity was already occurring.

The influence of the greenhouse effect

The positive consequences of the greenhouse effect include additional “heating” of the surface of our planet, as a result of which life appeared on this planet. If this phenomenon did not exist, then the average annual air temperature near the earth's surface would not exceed 18C.
The greenhouse effect arose due to the huge amount of water vapor and carbon dioxide entering the planet's atmosphere over hundreds of millions of years as a result of extremely high volcanic activity. The high concentration of carbon dioxide, which is thousands of times higher than today, was the cause of the “supergreenhouse” effect. This phenomenon brought the water temperature in the World Ocean closer to the boiling point. However, after some time, green vegetation appeared on the planet, which actively absorbed carbon dioxide from the earth’s atmosphere. For this reason, the greenhouse effect began to decline. Over time, a certain equilibrium was established, allowing the average annual temperature to remain at +15C.
However, human industrial activity has led to the fact that a large number of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Scientists analyzed data from 1906 to 2005 and concluded that the average annual temperature increased by 0.74 degrees, and in the coming years will reach about 0.2 degrees per decade.
Greenhouse effect results:

  • temperature increase
  • changes in the frequency and volume of precipitation
  • melting glaciers
  • sea ​​level rise
  • threat to biological diversity
  • death of crops
  • drying up of fresh water sources
  • increased evaporation of water in the oceans
  • decomposition of water and methane compounds located near the poles
  • slowdown of currents, for example, the Gulf Stream, resulting in sharply colder temperatures in the Arctic
  • decrease in tropical forest size
  • expansion of the habitat of tropical microorganisms.

Consequences of the greenhouse effect

Why is the greenhouse effect so dangerous? The main danger of the greenhouse effect lies in the climate changes it causes. Scientists believe that the strengthening of the greenhouse effect will cause increased health risks for all humanity, especially for representatives of low-income segments of the population. A decrease in food production, which will be a consequence of the death of crops and the destruction of pastures by drought or, conversely, flooding, will inevitably lead to a shortage of food. In addition, elevated air temperatures cause exacerbation of heart and vascular diseases, as well as respiratory diseases.
Also, an increase in air temperature can cause an expansion of the habitat of animal species that are carriers of dangerous diseases. Because of this, for example, encephalitis ticks and malaria mosquitoes can move to places where people lack immunity to the diseases they carry.

What will help save the planet?

Scientists are confident that the fight against the strengthening of the greenhouse effect should involve the following measures:

  • reducing the use of fossil energy sources such as coal, oil and gas
  • more efficient use of energy resources
  • dissemination of energy-saving technologies
  • usage alternative sources energy, namely renewable
  • use of refrigerants and blowing agents that contain low (zero) global warming potential
  • reforestation work aimed at natural absorption of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
  • abandoning cars with gasoline or diesel engines in favor of electric cars.

At the same time, even the full-scale implementation of the listed measures is unlikely to fully compensate for the harm caused to nature due to anthropogenic action. For this reason, we can only talk about minimizing the consequences.
The first international conference at which this threat was discussed took place in the mid-70s in Toronto. Then, experts came to the conclusion that the greenhouse effect on Earth is in second place in importance after the nuclear threat.
Not only a real man Every person must do this to plant a tree! The most important thing in solving this problem is not to turn a blind eye to it. Perhaps today people do not notice the harm from the greenhouse effect, but our children and grandchildren will definitely feel it. It is necessary to reduce the volume of burning coal and oil and protect the natural vegetation of the planet. All this is necessary for planet Earth to exist after us.

Speaking of the greenhouse effect, one immediately imagines a large greenhouse, gentle rays of the sun penetrating through the glass, bright green beds and a fairly high temperature inside, when winter still rules outside.

Speaking of the greenhouse effect, one immediately imagines a large greenhouse, gentle rays of the sun penetrating through the glass, bright green beds and a fairly high temperature inside, when winter still reigns outside. Yes, this is true; this process can most clearly be compared with what happens in a greenhouse. Only in the role of glass are greenhouse gases, which are abundant in the atmosphere; they transmit and retain heat in the lower air layers, ensuring the growth of plants and the life of people. Today, more and more often, the greenhouse effect is called an environmental term that has become a disaster. Thus, nature is crying out for help, and if nothing is done, humanity will have only 300 years left until the inevitable end of the world. It is important to understand that the greenhouse effect has always existed on Earth; without it, the normal existence of living organisms and plants is impossible, and we owe a comfortable climate to it. The problem is that harmful human activities have assumed such a scale that they can no longer pass without a trace, affecting global, irreversible changes in the environment. And in order to survive, the population of our Planet needs the same global solidarity in resolving this serious issue.

The essence of the greenhouse effect, its causes and consequences

The vital activity of mankind, the burning of millions of tons of fuel, increased energy consumption, an increase in the vehicle fleet, a significant increase in the amount of waste, production volumes, and so on, leads to an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in earth's atmosphere. Statistics show that over the past two hundred years, carbon dioxide in the air has increased by 25%; this has never happened before in the entire geological history. Thus, a kind of gas cap is formed above the Earth, which delays the return thermal radiation, returning it back and leading to climate imbalance. As the average temperature at the Earth's surface increases, the amount of precipitation also increases. Remember that condensation always forms on the glass in a greenhouse or greenhouse; in nature, this happens in a similar way. It is impossible to accurately calculate all the disastrous consequences of this, but one thing is clear, the man started dangerous game with nature, we urgently need to come to our senses in order to prevent an environmental catastrophe.

The reasons causing an exacerbation of the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere include:
- economic activities that change the gas composition and cause dustiness in the lower air layers of the Earth;
- combustion of carbon-containing fuels, coal, oil and gas;
- exhaust gases from automobile engines;
- operation of thermal power plants;
- agriculture associated with excessive rotting and excess fertilizers, a significant increase in livestock numbers;
- extraction of natural resources;
- release of household and industrial waste;
- deforestation.

Surprisingly, it is a fact that the air has ceased to be renewable natural resource, which remained until the beginning of intensive human activity.

Consequences of the greenhouse effect

The most dangerous consequence of the greenhouse effect is global warming, which leads to disruption of the heat balance on the Planet as a whole. Already today, each of us has experienced an average increase in temperature, phenomenal heat in the summer months and sudden thaws in the middle of winter, this is a frightening phenomenon as a consequence of global air pollution. And droughts, acid rain, hot winds, tornadoes, hurricanes and other natural disasters have become a terrible norm of life these days. Scientists' data indicate far from comforting forecasts; every year the temperature increases by almost one degree, or even more. In this regard, tropical rainfall intensifies, the boundaries of arid territories and deserts grow, rapid melting of glaciers begins, permafrost areas disappear and taiga territories are significantly reduced. This means that harvests will sharply decrease, inhabited areas will be flooded with water, many animals will not be able to adapt to rapidly changing conditions, the level of the World Ocean will rise and the overall water-salt balance will change. Scary, but the current generation may be witnessing the fastest warming on Planet Earth. But, as world practice shows, for some parts of the world, global warming also has a positive effect, giving the opportunity to develop agriculture and cattle breeding, this insignificant benefit is lost against the backdrop of massive negative impacts. Debates are raging around the greenhouse effect, research and testing are being conducted, and people are looking for ways to reduce its harmful effects.

Modern ways to solve the problem

There is only one way out of this situation: find the new kind fuel, or radically change the technology of use existing varieties fuel resources. Coal and oil, when burned, release 60% more carbon dioxide, a potent greenhouse gas, than any other fuel per unit of energy.

What you need to do to escape the threat of the greenhouse effect:
- reduce the consumption of fossil fuels, especially coal, oil and natural gas;
- use special filters and catalysts to remove carbon dioxide from all emissions into the atmosphere;
- increase the energy efficiency of thermal power plants through the use of hidden environmentally friendly reserves;
- increase the use of alternative energy sources, wind, sun, etc.;
- stop cutting down green spaces and establish targeted landscaping;
- stop the general pollution of the Planet.

There is currently an active discussion of such reduction measures anthropogenic impact, as the regular removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, through the use of high-tech devices, liquefying and pumping it into the waters of the World Ocean, thereby getting closer to natural circulation. There are ways to solve the problem, the main thing is for everyone to take on this together, the population, the government and the younger generation, and carry out a huge, but so useful, work to cleanse Mother Earth. It's time to stop the consumer attitude and start investing energy and time in your future, the bright life of the next generations, it's time to give back to nature what we regularly take from it. There is no doubt that the ingenious and enterprising humanity will cope with this very difficult and responsible task.

Deforestation and the pace of industrial development lead to the accumulation of harmful gases in the layers of the atmosphere, which create a shell and prevent the release of excess heat into space.

Ecological disaster or natural process?

Many scientists consider the process of rising temperatures to be a global environmental problem, which, in the absence of control over the anthropogenic influence on the atmosphere, can lead to irreversible consequences. It is believed that the first to discover the existence of the greenhouse effect and study the principles of its action was Joseph Fourier. In his research, the scientist looked at various factors and mechanisms that influence climate formation. He studied the state of the planet's thermal balance and determined the mechanisms of its influence on average annual temperatures on the surface. It turned out that greenhouse gases play one of the main roles in this process. Infrared rays are retained on the Earth's surface, which is their effect on the heat balance. We will describe the causes and consequences of the greenhouse effect below.

The essence and principle of the greenhouse effect

An increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere leads to an increase in the degree of penetration of short-wave solar radiation onto the surface of the planet, while a barrier is formed that prevents the release of long-wave thermal radiation from our planet into outer space. Why is this barrier dangerous? Thermal radiation, which is retained in the lower spheres of the atmosphere, leads to an increase in ambient temperature, which negatively affects the ecological situation and leads to irreversible consequences.

The essence of the greenhouse effect can also be considered as the cause of global warming caused by an imbalance in the thermal balance of the planet. The mechanism of the greenhouse effect is associated with emissions of industrial gases into the atmosphere. However, to negative influence industry should add deforestation, vehicle emissions, forest fires, and the use of thermal power plants to generate energy. The impact of deforestation on global warming and the greenhouse effect is due to the fact that trees actively absorb carbon dioxide and the reduction of their areas leads to an increase in the concentration of harmful gases in the atmosphere.

Ozone screen condition

The reduction in forest area, coupled with large volumes of emissions of harmful gases, leads to the problem of ozone layer destruction. Scientists are constantly analyzing the state of the ozone ball and their conclusions are disappointing. If current levels of emissions and deforestation continue, humanity will face the fact that the ozone layer will no longer be able to sufficiently protect the planet from solar radiation. The danger of these processes is caused by the fact that this will lead to a significant increase in environmental temperature, desertification of territories, and an acute shortage of drinking water and food products. A diagram of the state of the ozone ball, the presence and location of holes can be found on many sites.

The state of the ozone shield worries environmental scientists. Ozone is the same as oxygen, but with a different triatomic model. Without oxygen, living organisms will not be able to breathe, but without the ozone ball, the planet will turn into a lifeless desert. The power of this transformation can be imagined by looking at the Moon or Mars. Depletion of the ozone shield under the influence of anthropogenic factors can lead to the appearance of ozone holes. Another advantage of the ozone screen is that it blocks ultraviolet radiation that is harmful to health. Disadvantages - it is extremely fragile and too many factors lead to its destruction, and the restoration of characteristics is very slow.

Examples of how ozone depletion affects living organisms can be given for a long time. Scientists have noted that in Lately The number of cases of skin cancer has increased. It has been established that exactly ultra-violet rays contribute to the development of this disease. The second example is the extinction of plankton in upper layers ocean in several regions of the planet. This leads to the disruption of the food chain; after the disappearance of plankton, many species of fish and marine mammals may disappear. It is not difficult to imagine how this system works. It is important to understand what the results will be if measures are not taken to reduce anthropogenic impact on ecosystems. Or is it all a myth? Maybe life on the planet is not in danger? Let's figure it out.

Anthropogenic greenhouse effect

The greenhouse effect occurs as a result of the influence of human activities on surrounding ecosystems. The natural temperature balance on the planet is disrupted, more heat is retained under the influence of a shell of greenhouse gases, this leads to an increase in temperature on the surface of the Earth and ocean waters. The main reason leading to the greenhouse effect is emissions harmful substances into the atmosphere as a result of the operation of industrial enterprises, vehicle emissions, fires and other harmful factors. In addition to disrupting the thermal balance of the planet, global warming, this causes pollution of the air we breathe and the water we drink. As a result, we will face illnesses and a general reduction in life expectancy.

Let's look at what gases cause the greenhouse effect:

  • carbon dioxide;
  • water vapor;
  • ozone;
  • methane.

It is carbon dioxide and water vapor that are considered to be the most hazardous substances which lead to the greenhouse effect. The content of methane, ozone and freon in the atmosphere also affects the disruption of the climate balance, which is due to their chemical composition, but their influence is currently not so serious. The gases that cause ozone holes also cause health problems. They contain substances that cause allergic reactions and respiratory tract diseases.

Sources of harmful gases are, first of all, industrial and automobile emissions. However, many scientists are inclined to believe that the greenhouse effect is also associated with the activity of volcanoes. Gases create a specific shell, which results in the formation of a cloud of steam and ash, which, depending on the direction of the wind, can pollute large areas.

How to combat the greenhouse effect?

According to ecologists and other scientists who deal with issues related to the conservation of biodiversity, climate change, and reducing human impact on the environment, it will not be possible to completely prevent the implementation of negative scenarios for human development, but it is possible to reduce the number of irreversible consequences of industry and humans on ecosystems. For this reason, many countries are introducing fees for the emission of harmful gases, introducing environmental standards into production, and developing options for how to reduce the destructive impact of humans on nature. However, the global problem lies in the different levels of development of countries, in their attitude towards social and environmental responsibility.

Ways to solve the problem of accumulation of harmful substances in the atmosphere:

  • stopping deforestation, especially in equatorial and tropical latitudes;
  • transition to electric vehicles. They are more environmentally friendly than conventional cars and do not pollute the environment;
  • development of alternative energy. The transition from thermal power plants to solar, wind and hydroelectric power plants will not only reduce the volume of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, but also reduce the use of non-renewable natural resources;
  • introduction of energy-saving technologies;
  • development of new low-carbon technologies;
  • fighting forest fires, preventing their occurrence, establishing strict measures for violators;
  • tightening of environmental legislation.

It is worth noting that it is impossible to compensate for the damage that humanity has already caused to the environment and completely restore ecosystems. For this reason, one should consider actively implementing actions aimed at reducing the consequences of anthropogenic impact. All decisions must be comprehensive and global. At this point in time, this is hampered by the imbalance in the level of development, life and education of rich and poor countries.