Royals: how to understand the Leo man. lion man

  • 26.09.2019

What to expect from him

A lion without love is an extremely rare and terribly sad sight. It's just that sex is not enough for him, he is always tuned in to the Big Romance. First of all, he is greedy for appearance, but he despises accessible, vulgar women. He needs a princess - luxurious, with flow and status, so that everyone would envy him. Although, given his character, an anxious cuttlefish with low self-esteem would have suited him better - many tragedies could have been avoided. But Leo will approach this option only in adulthood, when he becomes wiser, more pragmatic and will no longer depend on the opinions of others.

The lion is not one of those who are ready to beat on closing the door. He loves the game, hunting, but he does not play obviously losing games. His motto is "I want you, but if you don't want me, then I don't need you." However, one approving smile is enough for him to turn on.

His desires are very serious, he does not intend to postpone their fulfillment, he begins to act immediately. One "but". If Leo is serious, then he acts cautiously, because he is afraid of rejection (and even more afraid that everyone will find out that he was refused). If Leo does not have far-reaching plans for you, there will be an operation "storm and onslaught". One way or another, but in his bed you will find yourself quickly enough.

The Lion in Love is an impressive attraction. He will adore you, carry you in his arms, litter with money, fill up with gifts and flowers. You may think that you have already conquered it. In fact, the prey is you. Did you think he drags you to parties to entertain you? No, he's just showing off the trophy to his friends!

Leo is not aware that slavery has long been abolished. The phrase "my girlfriend" he understands literally. Only he can decide what his girlfriend should wear, what perfume to use, who to be friends with, what to love, how to spend time, etc. Everything that was in your life before him (friends, relatives, hobbies, work) should disappear. Only he remains. He needs to be idolized, he needs to be taken care of.

He appreciates clarity, diligence, punctuality. If you promise something to Leo, you will have to fulfill it, it is forbidden to be late, you cannot categorically look bad, disobedience is punished on the spot.

Emotional closeness is impossible, you should not count on sympathy. Do not even try to discuss your emotional or psychological problems with Leo - such conversations infuriate him.

Out of jealousy, he can kill - both you and the intended opponent (he does not tolerate competition). You will begin to suspect something is wrong if you do not pay any attention to him for five whole minutes.

He himself is too proud (and too lazy) to change. Unless in marriage, and even then only if the partner does not idolize him convincingly enough and takes care of him somehow without enthusiasm.

#one. Right off the bat - let's start with the answer to the main question: how to understand a Leo man? Everything is very simple: each Leo, without exception, like air, needs one thing - adoration. You will have to get used to the fact that such a man will always try to draw all the attention to himself, so do not even think about competing with him in the number of “subscribers” on Instagram or enthusiastic fans.

#2. The typical Leo man is wildly popular, including at work. Be prepared that in the company he may have several freeloaders who will not mind basking in the rays of his glory and taking advantage of his generosity. Therefore, if we are talking about your colleague, remember that you will have many competitors in the struggle for his attention.

#eleven. For such a partner, a successful erotic experience is the basis of a nascent relationship. And he obviously will not delay this check - be ready for sex on the first date or, moreover, within a couple of hours after meeting! He does not like it when in bed with him his mistress is shy or rejects his wildest fantasies. How to understand that a Leo man likes you? The most obvious option is will he ask for your phone number after a spontaneous sex experiment or not?

#12. Phew, called back! The case is small - how to keep it? Just treat him like a king and accept that this will always be the case from now on. Calm! Relations with His Lion Highness will not require superhuman sacrifices from you. Just make him feel loved and appreciate the time spent together - in the case of great and sincere sympathy, this will not be difficult. Do not skimp on compliments and do not be afraid to overdo it - Lions can enjoy even outright flattery for years. This is how these wayward felines are arranged.

#13. Given: Leo man. How to understand that he is in love? Jealousy ! Here keyword. When Lions truly value something, they are not at all ready to share it with anyone else. Jealousy concerns not only flirting with other men, but also, for example, your friends and even work.

#fourteen. The hardest thing with Leo men is Capricorn, Pisces, Aquarius and Taurus. But, on the other hand, isn't this the very challenge that love often throws at us?

On the face of it, of course, nothing has changed. But you feel like everything has gone wrong. “Yesterday I looked into your eyes, but now everything looks sideways.” Stopped calling every half an hour. In the evening he comes home, mumbles something and goes to bed. All conversations are only about what you need to buy.

Taught by girlfriends, you know that most men, when they lose interest in a woman, prefer to hide and not discuss it with her. He will not directly say: "Let's disperse." And most likely, it will wait for the moment when you yourself will understand everything without words. Or maybe it’s necessary, as in a joke: “I told my husband that I want to be his friend, he opened a can of beer and began to tell how family life got him”? ..

What to do if the attitude of a man has changed dramatically? How to understand if he has lost interest or cooled off? They talk about it.

Has the man really cooled off towards you? Signs of Losing Interest

First of all, let's find out if there are really signs that the feelings of a loved one have cooled, or it just seems to you.

- The man does not pay attention to you and flirts with beautiful girls. If you went out somewhere together, and in your presence he begins to communicate nicely with other young ladies - this is the first sign that he does not care about your opinion.

The man prefers to rest without you. He goes to discos, to cafes, meets with friends, but he doesn’t take you with him, because “he’s already tired.”

The man stops talking to you. He is simply not interested in what you think and what you say.

- The man stops being jealous of you. If you deliberately flirt with another man, and your chosen one does not even change his face, this is an alarming signal.

- The man stops calling and does not pick up the phone when you call him. You call him, but he does not answer and does not even call back for no particular reason. He no longer calls, as before, and is not interested in where you are and when you will be at home.

- Lack of sex. It is clear that passion fades over time. But that doesn't mean it disappears completely. She just disappears along with interest.

Why does a man lose interest? Main reasons

From princess to Cinderella

Usually in fairy tales, the frog skin is shed after the wedding. But for many women, she just puts on. It is not necessary to walk in a greasy bathrobe and curlers (few people do this now). And yet, your appearance in a black clay mask, squeezing out pimples with it, hair removal not done a month ago also give a man a certain signal. For example, that now you don’t need to “conquer” him, and therefore you can appear to him in any form. But a man still loves with his eyes ...

- Like instead of talking

In the evening, he comes home, you quickly cover dinner and sit in an embrace ... with your phone? This is good. But only for your Instagram. And a man will be offended very quickly by your monosyllabic exclamations. And he will find a replacement for your communication even faster.

- Sucked in the middle-class swamp

Repairs, swearing because of a new wardrobe, who will wash the dishes?.. These and many everyday issues kill relationships completely. “The love boat crashed into everyday life” is one of the most popular wording when parting.

- It's Complicated

“One time I was in such a serious relationship that we didn’t even smile once.” Let's be honest, how do you spend your time? Are you a good company? Is it possible to relax with you after a difficult working week and just laugh? Boredom is a killer thing for any relationship.

- It would be desirable...

Monotony in sex can kill the most passionate feelings in a man. And that's it.

He really fell in love with you

It happens that relationships capture both, they develop rapidly and it seems that you will live like in a fairy tale. But as a result, as in a joke: “They lived happily ever after. Three years happily, thirty years long...”. This does not mean that the man will immediately leave you. Often they stay “out of habit” (men are generally very afraid of change). But what to do with it is up to you. You may be able to rekindle the fire in him.

The success of a relationship depends on many factors. Very often we wonder why we cannot get along with this or that person, although there is no apparent reason for this. It turns out that the zodiac sign is also of great importance for the development of relationships between a man and a woman. In this article, we will look at how a Leo man behaves if he wants to leave.

Leo in a relationship

The love of a Leo man can rightly be called ideal. Almost every woman dreams of such a man. The Leo man is a combination of strength, courage, passion and love. This is a real knight with the qualities of a leader and a hero. In relationships, Leo always dominates, takes leadership positions. Despite a certain image of a hero-lover, Lions are very loyal and devoted to their partner. These men strive to build strong relationships, create a family. The family of this sign turns out to be patriarchal, traditional, where the man is the owner of the house, the breadwinner, and the woman is the keeper of the hearth. In return for complete devotion, a man will surround a woman with care and love, beautiful courtship and surprises.

Lions have special requirements for choosing a life partner. Just like herself, a woman must possess the qualities of an ideal. It should be a beautiful woman, always looking impeccable, well-mannered and interesting, economic. Leo's chosen one should idolize her husband, care for him, pamper him, constantly remind him that he is the best. What will be the behavior of women in this marriage, such will be the return.

Being married to Leo is a great happiness that must be earned daily. It is unlikely that ambitious girls will get along with such a person, for whom career and personal growth come first. For the man himself, the priority will always be family values, but he will require the same attitude from his life partner. Career and earning money is better left to a man. Lions achieve great results in a career or business, it is important that during this period there is a woman next to him who would support him, believe in his undertakings, in his success.

How and why Leo men break up

The main reason why representatives of this zodiac sign break off relationships is the loss of a woman's trust. Lions never forgive betrayal, betrayal. They are also hard-pressed if the beloved woman did not justify his trust. If the reputation of a man has suffered in addition to all this, then the relationship will be over forever. In addition, the husband will never tolerate the disobedience of his wife, his manifestations of character, neglect of his opinion.

Leo man, when he wants to leave, begins:

  • show aggression and rudeness;
  • communicate in a disrespectful tone;
  • provoke his wife to quarrels and scandals;
  • defiantly interested in other women.

When the situation reaches a peak, he will throw a huge scandal and leave, leaving his wife no chance to justify himself. After a divorce, Leo men stop all communication with their ex-wives, even if they have common children. No, they remain wonderful fathers even after parting, but in relation to ex-wives they include demonstrative ignorance.

It happens that the marriage breaks up due to the fault of the spouse, he met another woman and went to her. In this case, he will never allow his ex-wife to be treated disrespectfully, he will support her both morally and financially throughout his life.

How to return the love of a Leo

If, after parting, a woman realizes that she cannot live without ex-husband, then she should think about how to return Leo's love. This is not easy to do, as people of this zodiac sign are very touchy, impulsive and proud. They sincerely believe that women should obey them, so any quarrel on her part is regarded as waywardness, disobedience and disrespect. To return a man, you need to act on the basis of character traits:

  • its superiority must be emphasized:
  • never need to criticize him;
  • do not put pressure on pity;
  • do not humiliate yourself;
  • work on your appearance;
  • attract the attention of other men, but do not provoke them;
  • be relaxed in sex;
  • support perfect order in the house;
  • prepare the most delicious dishes for a man;
  • most importantly - be flexible, compliant, cheerful and sweet.

Leo is inherently a winner. He wants to always get the best. This is the best you should become for him. Moreover, it is important for him that comfort, peace and comfort always await him at home. After a hard day's work, the wife should not nag and annoy her husband, but meet him joyful, light, no matter how tired she is. Delicious dinner, clean cozy house, a beautiful smart wife - this is exactly what a man dreams of. Also be prepared for the fact that people of this zodiac sign are cordial and hospitable, they love parties and holidays. Leos love to show off to friends and colleagues what they have achieved in life. If your husband has a business meeting with partners, then he will not take them to a restaurant, but to his home. And you, as a faithful companion, must provide a decent welcome to the guests.

As you can see, the Leo woman is, first of all, his close comrade-in-arms, his muse, which inspires deeds. His success largely depends on what kind of woman is around. Being the wife of such a man is not easy, but it is he who can provide real stone wall, for which you can live without experiencing a lack of anything.

Have you already been influenced by the charm and special power of the Leo man? Fell in love with this person, but it is difficult enough for you to understand him? The Leo man sometimes surprises with sudden silence, begins to evade answers, and it seems to the woman that he has problems, a new love, or he just stopped loving her. It is very important for Leo to feel like the master of the situation, to lead. This man dreams of a devoted, glamorous woman to admire. How does the Leo man love, how to understand his unpredictable actions and protect himself from anger, to build a relationship with him correctly?

Try to devote more time to your loved one, be attentive to all his remarks, any words and deeds. Gradually, you will develop an individual portrait of your chosen one. To complete the picture and a more objective perception of the behavior of the male Leo, knowledge of the main character traits inherent in most representatives of this zodiac sign will certainly come in handy.

The ambitious and vulnerable king of beasts: learning to understand the Leo man
Of course, the beloved woman of the Leo man in many ways can only be envied. This man is generous, ready to create ideal conditions for his wife, he is quite balanced. But there are also difficult moments, for example, Leo's jealousy often knows no bounds ... You need to adapt to the character traits of the Leo man and learn to understand him.

  1. Despot or leader? Everything here will depend on how exactly you begin to perceive the desire of the Leo man to keep everything in his hands. Even when he loves a woman, he needs to control everything, be strict, sometimes deliberately demonstrate his power. The best option- allow Leo to be king all the time, and only in exceptional cases, very delicately, ask him to change his mind or consult with you. Then your Leo man will be quite happy with his role. He can only be the head of the family.
  2. Careerist. A Leo man can adore a woman, carry her in his arms, but when it comes to important business meeting, meeting or necessary extracurricular work, romance has to be forgotten. Do not try to put a choice in front of your beloved man: you or his career. The likelihood that he will choose you is extremely small. Even if Leo cannot imagine life without his lady of the heart, he certainly will not be able to refuse the opportunity to achieve more at work, in the creative field.
  3. Jealous. The sense of ownership of the male Leo is developed quite strongly, and he makes very high demands on his beloved woman. They need to be matched, otherwise your Leo will quickly be disappointed. He should not be given reasons for jealousy, the maximum that he can see is the interest in you from men. You yourself must constantly confirm that you love only the Leo man, are faithful to him and do not even allow the thought of betrayal.
  4. Ambitious. Most Leo men are ambitious. And it is expressed not only in the desire to occupy a high position in society or quickly run up the career ladder. Often, ambitious thoughts lead Leo when choosing a wife. It is important to remember that the image of a woman, her relationships with others, the assessment of her qualities by Leo's relatives and friends plays a big role for him. This man wants to be proud of his wife, will certainly pay attention to all the nuances. In dreams he sees perfect woman from which absolutely everyone will be delighted. You will need to skillfully establish contacts, find universal methods of communication, select a "key" to each of your loved one's environment.
  5. Vulnerable. Try to be as sensitive, delicate as possible, be very careful about your beloved Leo man. He is able to be offended by any trifle, because he reacts very sharply to criticism, disrespect or distrust. It is especially important for a Leo man to hear praise and feel the devotion of a beloved woman. Your advice, comments, in no case should injure Leo.
  6. Demanding. The Leo man does not have many requirements, but one of them is extremely important. You need to constantly demonstrate devotion to Leo. He does not tolerate falsehood, any double game, albeit out of good intentions, most often does not forgive betrayals.
Be for your Leo man the only one that he will admire, then your relationship will delight in harmony.

Generous and romantic Leo man
The Leo man conquers with generosity, the ability to make a woman truly happy. The main thing is to remain attractive and interesting for him.

  • Romantic. When a Leo man loves, he is ready to turn a woman's life into a real fairy tale. During courtship, this person works real miracles, sometimes he is capable of recklessness, which, in principle, is uncharacteristic for him. This man is impressive, makes unexpected gifts, comes up with original congratulations and arranges romantic dinners. It is almost impossible to resist Leo, who decided to conquer a woman.
  • Generous. Even if the Leo man is not very rich, he will definitely find an opportunity to please his beloved woman, to amaze her imagination with a wonderful gift. For most representatives of this zodiac sign, generosity is characteristic. It is curious that such an autocratic Leo, striving to lead in everything, can family budget trust your wife completely. Calculations tire him, he prefers to take a pack of banknotes and exchange them for joy, surprise, delight. However, it is important to remember that the Leo man needs to be constantly thanked, to demonstrate his admiration. His generosity is to be commended.
  • Compliment lover. Yes, affectionate words, any praise and even outright flattery of a beloved woman is the best balm for the heart of a Leo man. And it's even good! After all, you have an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your love and admiration to your chosen one.
  • Successful. Most Leo men go through life confidently, achieving their goals. When a Leo man loves, he is ready to share everything with his chosen one. If you support your Leo, help him and create good conditions at home, he will surely achieve a lot and present all the benefits received at your feet. Do not miss your and his opportunities, let him develop and grow. Leo is usually not created for a quiet and measured life, he strives to conquer new heights in creativity and at work.
  • Home is rest. Some women are not able to understand the originality of the Leo man, they try to force him to be an active worker at home. This is not entirely true. When the Leo man refuses to go knock out the carpet or does not want to drive that same nail into the wall, you should not blame him for indifference. He simply believes that at home you need to relax and prepare for new achievements, and not work again in a new capacity.
  • Reliable. Next to the Leo man, the beloved woman will always feel calm. Most Leos provide for their families well, become real protection and support for their relatives. It is important not to interfere with Leo to achieve success, support him and stimulate him morally. Even a kind word said in time can become a noticeable help for this person.
  • Responsive. The Leo man knows how to understand people, to feel their problems as his own. Try not to scold your loved one and do not make comments to him if he spends a lot of time and effort to support a friend or acquaintance. For him, this is important, do not show excessive practicality or cruelty.
It is really good with the Leo man, because he is ready not only to take, but also to give in love.