Learn how to pose correctly for photos. Basic poses for a photo shoot for overweight girls - tips from professionals for beginners

  • 20.10.2019

The quality of the photo depends on the experience of the master, the looseness of the model. If two conditions are met, then even plump models will look more slender. But there are certain rules that govern the poses for a photo shoot for obese girls. We will consider posing options in the article.

Do you want to be beautiful in the photo?

If you are the owner of magnificent forms, then it is not necessary to deny yourself the pleasure of being photographed. Years pass, but the memory of them can be captured. Do not be ashamed of yourself and look at the catwalk models with sadness. You are also a model, but unique.

The success of a photo shoot will depend not only on appearance model, but its openness, natural state of peace, self-confidence. Tune in to a positive result in your head, but knowing the basics of correct posing in front of the lens will not hurt you.

Portrait Rules

The portrait should emphasize the dignity of the face and neckline of the model. The plan turns out to be large, the lens can add a couple of kilograms. Therefore, the photographer should take pictures from above, but in no case from below.

To avoid the effect of a second chin, you must:

  • sit half-turned to the camera;
  • raise your head a little and tilt it back slightly (do not overdo it so that it is not noticeable in the photo that you intentionally did this);
  • lean forward with your upper body - there will be an emphasis on the face, which will stretch a little;
  • owners of long hair should loosen them over their shoulders in order to also lengthen the oval. If the portrait is made half-turned, the hair can be thrown to one side, covering the cheek close to the lens;
  • try to avoid straight lines in posing in front of the camera, there must be a slight deflection of the body or a bias to the side;
  • the play of light and shadow, if the shooting is studio - a bright accent is given to the center of the face, the contours are slightly darkened to hide chubby cheeks, a second chin, to make the oval more elongated.

Regular photo standing, sitting or lying down

Many ladies of naughty forms refuse to be photographed in full height, collecting in his album only pictures along the chest line. If you choose the right posture, you can remove the wrinkles on the stomach, lengthen the legs, reduce the volume of the hips, make the arms more attractive even in short-sleeved clothes.

standing angle

Fat girls always try to shrink, slouch, thinking that this way they will be smaller. A correct posture for a photo shoot is:

Poses for plump sitting

When the model sits down on a chair, sofa, armchair, her body becomes shorter and wider, especially if you turn full face.

Half-sitting position

Correct posture is in the following nuances:

  1. Sit in a half-turn without touching the back. The back is straight, the shoulders are laid back. Tilt your head slightly to the side and lift. You can throw your legs on top of each other or raise one on a bench and leave the other below. In this case, the body should be straight or slightly reclined back to avoid creases in the abdomen.
  2. The chair can only be used as a support - stand with your back to it, rest your hands behind your back, and sit down slightly or bend one leg at the knees and leave the other straight. Do not allow the direct direction of the body to the camera in a sitting position.
  3. Use accessories to cover your belly while sitting. A soft toy, pillows will divert attention from problem areas.
  4. Chubby girls at a photo shoot should try their hand at lying down, especially on their stomachs. This pose will add spice to the pictures. So that the photo does not seem vulgar, you can wear a beautiful evening or home outfit. It all depends on the theme of the photo shoot.

"Mermaid Pose" for sitting photo

The key to success is, of course, the right outfit, hairstyle, makeup. Without this, even the brightest model with correct proportions the body may turn out unsuccessfully in the photo.

Many people love selfies, but most of them don't know how to take them properly. The photos are not very beautiful or exciting, they cannot impress people, and therefore no one will look at them. There are some people who manage to make even the scariest photo look cute, but how do they do it? Today we will look at how to take a cool picture for a guy and a girl or tips for a cool selfie.

1. Lighting

Before taking a photo, you need to make sure that your room has enough natural light. If the sun shines too bright, then you can hang a thin curtain. Such light makes the photo natural, and the lines of the face are smoother and softer.

Also, if the light is not enough, then use an artificial one to fill in the shadows.

2. Favorite lipstick (girls)

Bright lipstick always helps to attract attention. When people look at photos, they will first notice your beautiful lips, and therefore the selfie will come out more memorable. It is recommended to use delicate pink, bright red or purple lipstick. Also, don't forget about transparent gloss.

3. Beard (guys)

Men can use their beard to their advantage. Almost everyone knows that a beard gives brutality, and also makes a photo memorable. You can also use glasses or a stylish hat along with the beard.

4. Correct angle

Many argue that if you tilt your head at an angle and take a picture, the photo will come out more voluminous. So you can visually enlarge the eyes and emphasize the cheekbones.

You need to choose the side of the slope, you can first take a picture with right side and then from the left. See which side is the most photogenic and take selfies from the right side.

5. Smile

If you want to get positive emotions from your photo, then you need to smile for a selfie. Smiling conveys a positive attitude and also makes faces much prettier.

The smile must be natural. To call it, you can remember pleasant moments from your life or funny cases from comedies.

In addition, you can wake up the actor in yourself and try to take a selfie with other facial expressions - sadness, fear, solemnity and others.

6. Perfect pose

Find the perfect pose for you. Most people who look very good in photographs have several of their ideal poses. You need to find your own pose, which will make you very beautiful and desirable in all the pictures. Practice daily in front of a mirror.

7. Use different apps and filters

In order to make the photo more beautiful, it is allowed to use many applications. You can find them on the Internet or the same popular Instagram, which allows girls or guys to make their photos more colorful. Try on a retro look with a black and white filter, add some warm tones or use a little blur. Try, remember, just do not overdo it with processing.

8. Beautiful places

Use locations where it would be a great idea to take a selfie in the background. Sky, sea, mountains - all this will make your photo unforgettable. Look for different angles or natural objects to create a photo.

9. Overhead selfie

Raise your smartphone above your head and take a picture. Use the above Beautiful places. From this angle, you will see beautiful places behind you, a piece of clothing, your emotions and much more. The picture will turn out to be more saturated and interesting.

10. Selfies with animals

Do you have a pet or did you meet a very beautiful animal on the street? Then act! Animals have the ability to take photos very well. Selfies with cats, dogs, parrots, rats and other pets are the way to photography success.

Selfie poses for a guy:

The following poses are a kind of hint, which can be used not only by the model, but also by the photographer. So, if you are going to make a creative photo shoot in the studio or on the street, print these pictures or download them to your smartphone. In difficult times, they will help you tune in the right way.

Well, it's time to get acquainted with the spectacular poses of girls. There are 60 in total:

1. This portrait pose is simple. The model's gaze is aimed at the camera lens. She looks at him over her shoulder. Take a close look at the model. If you regularly change the angle, each time her portrait will be unique.

2. Often, in the process of shooting a portrait, a model with a photographer ignores one important detail. In this case, we are talking about the position of the hands. If you ask a girl to play with her hands, you can get very creative photos. In this case, you should adhere to the following rule. The hands should be soft, flexible, and the palms should not be flat or tense.

3. This photographer demonstrates such a compositional rule, usually the rule of 3rd.

4. Agree that the model who sat down and brought her knees together looks very cute.

5. When a girl is on the ground (reclining or fully lying on it), she radiates openness. Squat down and start shooting literally from the bottom position.

6. Let the girl give free rein to her hands. She can cross them or casually touch them to the ground. This angle is perfect for an outdoor pose for any girl. Especially if the girl is among the flowers, as well as herbs.

7. The most simple pose. At the same time, she looks spectacular. The photographer must shoot from a low position. Go around the girl from all sides and shoot her from different angles. In this case, the model should be liberated and regularly make smooth movements with all parts of the body.

8. This position is ideal for models that have any, even the most non-standard, parameters. Let the girl change the positions of her legs with her hands, etc. In doing so, you should focus all your attention on her eyes.

9. Not for nothing, this pose is called pretty and groovy. It will successfully complement almost any interior. A photographer can photograph a girl when she is lying on a bed, lying on the grass or sunbathing on a sandy, pebble beach. You must take a picture of the girl from the bottom position, focusing on her eyes.

10. Thanks to this pose, the model will demonstrate all the charms of her figure.

11. Suitable for a sitting girl. Sit the model in such a way that one of her knees touches her chest, and the other is in contact with the ground. The girl should look into the camera lens. The perfect pose for a photo in a girls studio.

12. Allows the photographer to emphasize all the charms of the girl's body, as well as its plasticity. As a rule, it is used for filming against a bright background. A good pose for photographing the sea.

13. This provision is distinguished by simplicity, naturalness, and a variety of choices. Experimentation is also welcome. Let the model work her hips, etc. The perfect pose for a photo shoot in a dress.

14. This position is light and, at the same time, graceful. The girl turned her body slightly to the side. Moreover, her hands are hidden in the back pockets of jeans, shorts.

15. With the help of a slight forward tilt, the girl emphasizes the shape of her body. Thus, she radiates sexuality.

16. In this position, the model demonstrates her sensuality. As a rule, it is chosen by slender, sports girls.

17. There are many options for poses when a girl is removed to her full height. Such a situation may become initial. After that, the girl should easily turn the body of the body, make movements with other parts of the body.

18. This posture implies relaxation. Remind the girl that you can touch the wall with more than just one back. For this, it is recommended to use other parts of the body. The perfect pose for a full length photo shoot.

19. Frames in which the model is captured in full length are specific. As a rule, girls with tall stature are depicted in such photos. Be sure to use next secret. The girl's body should look like a curved snake letter "S". She should concentrate all the weight of her body on one of her legs and relax her arms as much as possible.

20. This is the most ideal position for girls with a slim figure. It provides various options. In order to capture the model in the most advantageous position, ask her to make leisurely movements with her hands.

21. Romance and tenderness emanates from this pose. It is recommended to use all kinds of fabrics. Draperies will do. Thanks to them, you will be able to make the most sensual photos. In this case, you do not need to bare your entire back. It is enough to bare the shoulder a little. And a playful mood is guaranteed.

22. This is one of the most spectacular positions for filming. The girl is turned sideways to the camera lens. At the same time, the shoulder is slightly upturned. Important - the chin should not touch the shoulder.

23. Pretty traditional pose. The girl transfers the entire weight of her body to one of her legs and bends in the form of a serpentine English letter. alphabet "S".

24. The girl touches her hands to the plane, which is in a vertical position. For example, against a wall. This pose allows you to take excellent portrait photos in nature.

25. If a girl is beautiful, and besides long hair, you simply have to demonstrate them in dynamics. Ask her to quickly turn her head. Thus, her hair will start to wave.

26. The girl sat down on the bed, lay down in an easy chair. And if you give her a cup of coffee at the same time, you can get a very atmospheric shot. It may seem that she is very cold and is currently warming herself with a hot drink.

27. This provision is literally created for organizing filming at home or studio conditions. A girl can choose a bed or a comfortable, soft sofa.

28. One of the most spectacular positions for girls who sit on a soft sofa.

29. Designed for girls who sit on the ground. At the same time, you can photograph it from various angles.

30. Go beyond the standard stories. Even in a sitting position, the model gives you the opportunity to experiment on her image.

31. It is generally accepted that if a person crosses his legs and arms, then he creates psychological barrier in front of other people. That is why it is not recommended to do this in the process of photographing. But there is an exception to the rule. You should try to take a picture of a girl with her arms crossed over her chest.

32. Not in all cases it is necessary to ask the model to place her hands in a certain position. It will be better if she relaxes them and behaves naturally. This rule also applies to the legs.

33. This is another one of the brightest examples, which was created for the successful shooting of a girl in the entire length of her body. At the same time, her hands should be located in her pockets.

34. Usually this position is taken during the shooting that takes place on the street in summer and autumn. You should ask the girl to take off her shoes and take a leisurely walk.

35. The girl's hands are hidden behind her back. This standing posture is extraordinary and very sincere. However, the girl can lean against the wall.

36. This pose is for formal compositions. The girl is turned to the camera lens with her hip. And her gaze is focused on the photographer. As for her head, it is slightly tilted to one side.

37. When a girl touches her waist with her hands, she will look spectacular in the frame. Should make a good half-length or full-length portrait.

38. Author: Gunnar Rathbun. When there is a bulky piece of furniture nearby that allows you to lean on it with your hand, do not use it. He will allow the girl to take a formal and at the same time free pose.

39. The girl should sit down on some object. You can shoot it in this position both at home and outside.

40. Feminine and spectacular pose for a girl that you shoot in full length.

41. This is a very difficult situation. Since the photographer must convey the movement of the girl. But if he gets it right, it's a good fashion shot.

42. Good position. But in order for the picture to turn out spectacular, you need to adjust some camera settings. The model must rest on the bridge railing. A fence will do too. Thanks to the wide aperture, you will be able to achieve a shallow depth of field as well as blurry backgrounds.

43. Proper arrangement of all moving parts of the body is a decisive factor for this position. For such a photo shoot, a girl of any physique is suitable. The photographer needs to shoot from a slightly elevated position. A good pose for a photo in the forest.

44. This position is made for intimate photos. It is used in completely different conditions. Whether it's a bed, a sandy beach, etc. A good pose for erotic photography.

45. The photographer must take the angle from the lowest position. In this case, the girl is recommended to slightly rise, and slightly bow her head. She will need to bend her legs, cross her feet.

46. ​​This provision is not easy to implement. Pay attention to the following nuances. One of the hands that the girl uses as a support should be facing away from the body. Moreover, she needs to stretch her legs and control her abdominal muscles. This position is suitable for those models who can boast of a good physique.

47. It is also difficult to perform and will require professional skills from the photographer. To make spectacular shots, he must follow the entire body of the girl.

48. A very effective position for a photo shoot.

49. Well suited for sophisticated artistic photography of a naked female body. Provides for many different variations with all sorts of placement of body parts.

50. The main thing in this position is the most correct placement of the legs. Very carefully guide the movements of the girl, prompting her the necessary position. An important condition is that the girl must wear shoes that have high heels.

51. Differs in simplicity and indisputable perfection. Make sure that the girl does not cover her face with her hand or shoulder. And if she fixes her eyes on the floor, then the photo will turn out to be extremely romantic. As for the raised elbow, it must be directed to the left or right of the camera lens.

52. Designed for a full-length portrait. It is necessary to shoot the girl next to the wall. The photographer must take a picture of the girl, going behind her back.

53. Usually such poses are taken by models who are fond of one of the sports. They bend their body in an "S" shape. Regularly make movements with the hips and arms, turn the head here and there.

54. If you use a light, airy fabric, the girl and the photographer can make bold experiments. The end result is spectacular shots. This pose is recommended to take in nature, when a light breeze blows.

55. Among other positions, this posture stands out for its ease and simplicity. Thanks to her, the girl is able to emphasize the graceful curves of her figure.

56. Airy and gentle position. The girl sits down. At the same time, it only partially transfers the entire body to the feet of the legs bent at the knees. He looks at the photographer over his shoulder.

57. This posture is characterized by simplicity and, at the same time, magnificence. Suitable for all conditions. You can photograph the model in this position both inside the house and on fresh air. As a rule, it is used for a photo shoot of a silhouette, which is located on a bright and colorful background.

58. Author: Karen Abramyan. A wall or other vertical object creates ideal conditions for creating a particular pose. So, the same walls can be used as a handhold.

59. A very graceful position. Remind the girl to slouch a little. That is, lean from the supporting back easy chair, benches, etc.

60. Pose in motion. It is necessary to take steps walking towards the photographer. It is not necessary to look into the lens.

In conclusion, it would not be superfluous to remind once again that the above examples are only a kind of initial “sketches”. After all, there are many different variations of each position. Feel free to bring creative ideas to life. Constantly ask the model to experiment with facial expressions, smile, change the position of the arms or legs. Keep in mind that even if the girl slightly changes the position, you will get pictures with a completely different context. Also, if the photographer changes the angle, then we should expect completely different shots.
At the same time, you can change the distance to the girl you are photographing - then approach her, then move away from her.

The poses of the girls from this article should be treated as initial advice. It is better if he looks through and evaluates the angles we have proposed with the model who will pose for him. Especially if she is new to the business. This will help the photographer to find a girl mutual language and tune it to your wave.

During the photo session, be sure to ask the model for her opinion, ask which of the poses she likes the most. Thanks to this simple psychological technique, she will be liberated, and you will be able to do beautiful pictures.
Also, before the photo shoot, ask the model how she wants to see herself in future photos. Innocent? Sexy? romantic? Perhaps she wants to emphasize one of her character traits? In general, do not be shy, communicate with the girl. That way you get to know her better.

Do not ignore the framing of the picture, experiment with its composition. In other words, don't be afraid to make mistakes. Because they are learning.

Simple tips with examples and photos

First of all, why do you need a photo session? If for low-grade sites and magazines, then this article will not help you. Here we will talk about how to take really beautiful photos. Something to be proud of. Such, thanks to which they become famous and which after 50 years are not ashamed to show their grandchildren. Let's leave the technical side of the issue, let's talk only about places, clothes and poses for photographing.

How not to take pictures

Let's start with common truths that everyone seems to already know, but still, thousands of "photo masterpieces" appear on the network every day.
    Remember these 5 main taboo rules:
  1. Never take pictures in the toilet! Never!!!
  2. Avoid horizontal and unnatural postures.
    Lying, crawling, wringing your hands, arching on an unmade bed, on the floor in an apartment, on carpets - this is at least ugly. If you really want to lie somewhere, then it is better to choose a flower meadow.
  3. Do not dress vulgarly: the details of underwear should not fall out from under the clothes, however, like some parts of the body. It is easy to determine this line: the photo should not contain anything that you would not want to show to your present or future children, or parents.
  4. Do not wear tight-fitting clothes for a photo shoot, so that instead of beauty you do not get a "sausage effect".
  5. Don't pout your lips.
Of course, there are no rules without exceptions, but these exceptions are best left for a personal photo archive or professional photographers who know how to present even dubious situations beautifully.

10 tips for taking good pictures

1. Take pictures in nature. Hard to do indoors nice photos without special equipment.

2. Posture should be natural. Remember: any position in which you are uncomfortable will turn out badly in the photo.

natural pose

3. Don't make a languid expression! A sincere smile or laughter will make even a bad picture more attractive. During filming, remember something very pleasant and smile with that very mysterious smile of the Mona Lisa, which makes everything more beautiful. female face.

4. Try to take pictures not in front, but in half a turn. Try not to look into the lens - this way the pictures can turn out more interesting.

5. When photographing, what is closer to the lens looks larger, and what is further away looks smaller. Therefore, for example, fat people it is better to photograph a little from above, so that the figure looks slimmer.

Avoid "straight" poses

6. The photo will be more interesting if the lines of the shoulders, tilt of the head, legs, etc. are not perpendicular. Avoid straight lines and "straight" poses. However, it is also not necessary to bend too much and take unnatural poses. Everything in moderation!
No need to wear green for a photo shoot, otherwise your face may take on the same shade. Mike Newming

8. Portrait photographer Mike Newming advises: "You don't need to wear green for a photo shoot, otherwise your face may take on the same shade." However, the opposite also works: if the face is too red, then green clothes will help to hide this flaw.

9. In makeup, pay special attention to blush to make your face look more expressive. Sparkling and pearly shades are best avoided.

10. When you feel too constrained, just make a jump (jump photo). Jump a few times higher, and let the photographer select the "sport" shooting mode to get several shots in a row. After that, you can relax and the next shots will turn out better.
But most often the "jumps" themselves turn out to be the most successful photographs. Show some imagination to make interesting photos.

. "Jumpik" relaxes.

And for those who want not only to be photographed, but also to win at beauty contests or create their own lookbook (lookbook) with photos, there is one magic secret on how to learn how to quickly and easily choose clothes, place and poses for photographing: imitate those who Like.
Choose the famous "style icon", preferably from the last century, and start imitating it. Imagine that you are her. The one everyone admires. For instance, . Do you think Grace would crawl in front of the camera on an unmade bed or bend indecently in the toilet? Look at her photos, poses, clothes, makeup. And when you take a picture, think, what would Grace do?

If you're stuck with ideas, creative stagnation, or just want some tips for shooting women, you can use the following examples as a cheat sheet. Many professional photographers use this method both for preparation and during a photo shoot. The poses suggested in this article can be used as a starting point. I advise you to look at the poses with the model, especially if she is inexperienced. During the photo shoot, be sure to talk to the model and suggest how to change the pose if the model took it unsuccessfully. If you radiate confidence, it will be transferred to the model, and as a result, work will become more productive. So let's look at the basic poses 1. A very simple portrait pose. The model's gaze is directed over the shoulder. Pay attention to how unusual and interesting a portrait can look, taken from a different angle or from a different angle.
2. In portrait photography, hands are usually not visible or at least do not dominate the picture. However, you can get interesting photos if you ask the model to play with the hands, trying different positions around the head and face. However, keep in mind one caveat: the model should not show the palm or the back of the hand, only the side.
3. Surely you are familiar with the rule of thirds. Now try using diagonal lines in your shot. With their help, you can also get a harmonious visual perception. Also remember that it is not necessary to keep the camera perfectly level on the horizon. Don't be afraid to tilt your camera to get interesting angles and perspectives.
4. Good and beautiful pose with a sitting model. The knees should touch each other. You need to shoot a little from above.
5. Open and attractive posture for the recumbent model. Get down and shoot almost from floor level
6. Variation of the pose for the lying model. Hands can also rest on the ground. good pose for shooting outdoors, such as in a meadow in the grass or in wild meadow flowers.
7. A simple basic pose that looks absolutely amazing. You need to shoot almost from ground level. Try changing the shooting point. moving around the model, ask the model to change the position of the hands and head.
8. Another simple but great pose for all body types. Try different hand and foot positions. And remember to focus on the model's eyes!
9. Very cute pose. Works well in various conditions: the model can, for example, lie on a bed, on the ground, in the grass, or on sandy beach. Shoot from a very small angle (meaning the angle of view of the lens, that is, a large focal length - translator's note). Focus on the eyes.
10. Simple and great pose for a seated model.
11. Another simple and effective pose for a sitting model. Try shooting from different directions and angles.
12. Great way to showcase beautiful figure models. Works very well as a silhouette when shooting against a bright background.
13. Simple natural pose. You can try many options. Ask the model to rotate the body, change the position of the hands and try different head turns.
14. Another simple and elegant pose. The model turns slightly to the side, hands in the back pockets of the trousers.
15. Forward bending can be very attractive. This is an unobtrusive way to emphasize the upper body, chest.
16. Sensual pose. Hands above the head emphasize the lines of the body. Good pose for slim women.
17. Endless variations of poses are possible when shooting full-length portraits. This posture is only Starting point. Ask the model to slightly turn the body, change the position of the hands, the direction of the gaze, turn the head.
18. Relaxed posture for standing model with back against the wall. Remember that the model can not only lean her back against the wall, but also put her hands on it, and also use various positions of the legs against the wall.
19. It should be remembered that poses for a standing model work well only with a slender type of figure. The principles of posing are simple - the body should be curved in the shape of the letter S, the arms are relaxed, the weight is transferred to one leg.
20. Exquisite pose for thin athletic models. Lots of options. In order to find the best suitable position for the model, ask her to slowly change the position of the body, hands. When you see good option, ask the model to repeat and take some shots.
21. Romantic and tender pose. Any fabric can be used, even a curtain. I note that not necessarily the entire back should be open. Sometimes just an open shoulder can look very good. Now you have the starting poses for shooting. I hope you find at least a couple of poses to work in different shooting conditions. Keep in mind that the sample poses shown are just a starting point. Each pose has endless variations. Just be creative and adjust your posture as needed (e.g. try different positions of arms, legs, head, different angles, etc.)