Prey walkthrough to find the technique for. Prey Walkthrough - Story Campaign Walkthrough

  • 22.09.2019

At the very beginning, we choose the main character, a man or a woman. After you wake up, put on the uniform hanging on the door. You can look around, read magazines and notes, look at messages on the computer. In the future, all viewed messages can be viewed in the menu. When you're ready, leave the room, take the elevator up to the roof and get into the helicopter.

Upon arrival, go inside the building and optionally talk to the robot. After that, go down the elevator. Approach your brother Alex. After a short conversation with him, go to the test chamber.

Approach the glass wall where several scientists are standing. After a short briefing, press the red button, and then shift the boxes that appear outside the circle. Go to the next room. You can hide behind a chair, or you can do nothing - you still fail the test. The next room - press the button, jump over the obstacle and press another button. Next is the last room. Sit down at the table and start psychological test. Answer the questions however you want, and then watch a short cut-scene.


Waking up again, we look around the room again, read everything that comes across, and also view messages on the computer. We select all the items, rummage through the boxes, and then put on the uniform and leave the room. We select a wrench from the corpse on the left, and then the mysterious "January" will contact us.

We go back into the room and break the window with a wrench. Study all the computers and notes that you come across.

Go right around your room. In the room with the experiment chair, there will be a suitcase with a Stunner shocker, which is extremely effective against robots, as well as a Kinesthetic Assistant chip, on the cabinet. We pass through the door with a burning orange light, then into the room with the helicopter. From there - into the corridor where we met with Alex. Through the now open reception. In the second side room there will be two chairs - one of them is a mimic, the same as the one who attacked the scientist at the end of the test. These small dirty tricks disguise themselves as various objects that are nearby. You see two cups side by side - one is most likely a mimic. A trash can rolled - again most likely a mimic. And so it is with every item.

We climb the stairs and go straight through the disinfection chamber. We watch how the mimic deals with the scientist, after which the alien will multiply. When they run away, the doors will open. In the next room, on the nearest computer on the left, read the message "Urgent!", After which you will receive the additional task "The Disappearing Corpse".

Before us is a closed door to which you need a pass. Here you can do it differently. First, you can use the ventilation shaft hatch on the right in the far corner. Secondly, there will be Bellamy's office on the right, in which there will be a key card from the simulation laboratory on the table. Beware of Mimics that are hiding among the objects around.

Having passed into the next corridor, we will see a more formidable enemy - a phantom, although as long as you can not be afraid of him, he will not leave the limits of that room. We go along the corridor and select the gypsum gun. From the corpse we also collect ammunition for it. With it, you can make improvised stairs along the wall, close up holes in pipes, etc. It will also help in combat - with its help, you can immobilize opponents for a short time and make them more susceptible to damage. There will be several Mimics in the lobby. Try out the new cannon on them. After that, "January" will offer to take the neuromod from the showcase, the additional task "Everything is about to change." We take it, we pump over, we examine everything around, and then we pass into the hall. We go down the stairs, after which "January" contacts us again and offers to go to your office.

Office with a great view

Facing the elevator, on the right will be the Transtar Exhibition. There you can take the neuromod from the pedestal, but a phantom walks there. On the early stages the easiest way to deal with him is in 2 stages: first, neutralize with the help of a gypsum gun, and then strike with an adjustable wrench if you have not yet found a pistol or shotgun.

We rise to the third floor along the stairs nearby. We approach our office and enter the code 0451 on the panel to unlock the doors. Inside, pick up everything you see. On the table near the distributor of operators there will be a pass to Morgan's apartments and a pistol. There will also be a Fabricator and a Recycler in the room. The recycler is used to process any items into materials, from which, if you have the right blueprint, you can then make weapons, first-aid kits, cartridges and much more, which is essential for passing.

After looking around, go to the computer. Take the teleconferencing center pass from the table and read the note attached to the monitor. We enter the password, read the messages and turn on the video “Look at me, Morgan” in the “Functions” menu. We turn around and watch the video. In the video, you can see the code - 5150. This combination is suitable for a safe from the Neuromod department.

Through the dull glass

You will not be allowed to watch the video until the end. After you are contacted first by your brother Alex, and then by January, we go back. There will be two side rooms in front of the stairs. In the far table there will be a pass to the emergency room (you can also take a pass to the emergency room on the ground floor at the counter behind the elevators). We pass to the teleconferencing center, located at the other end of the landing. Keep the gypsum gun ready, because Several Mimics will attack you at once. Immobilize them, and then finish them off with an adjustable wrench. Immediately outside the door will be the corpse of Elias Black. Take pistol and shotgun ammo from his body, as well as a blueprint for the 9mm ammo needed for the pistol. The gun itself is nearby.

You can go down to the emergency room. It is located one floor below. Inside there will be two phantoms - normal and fiery. Try to shoot at the balloons to cause maximum damage. It is worth moving quickly and not standing still, because. a new type of typhon creates a pillar of fire right under the hero. In the foyer of the emergency room, you can download a map of the sector from a computer, as well as view mail. The latter will continue the quest "The Disappearing Corpse". Also inspect the entire medical bay. There is an operator distributor here, where you can call a medical operator who can always cure you, in fact an endless first-aid kit, but tied to a specific area. In one of the rooms there will be a living person, Trevor J. Young, who is under mind control. For now, you won't be able to disable it without killing it, so if you want to get the "Do No Harm" achievement, wait until you have a special grenade - a null wave silencer.

On the ground floor near the stairs there will be a security office. You can get inside through the pipe, which you should jump on at the beginning of the corridor, and then jump from it into the ventilation shaft. Inside you can find a shotgun and ammo for it. There is also a note with the code from the interrogation room - 1129. In the safe there is a drawing of 12-gauge shotgun cartridges, code 0526, it can be found here, in Sarah Elazar's office, in the Orit book. Also take the note from the table - this will start the Stolen Neuromods quest.

If you go through the teleconferencing center and then across the bridge to the other side of the hall, you can get to the sales department, where the Huntress dart launcher will lie on the floor. You can also find a box with four Neuromods here - after finding it, complete the Stolen Neuromods quest.

On the second floor, from the landing, you can get through a narrow ledge to the staff lounge. Behind the bar is the body of Octavia Figgs. After listening to her transcript, you will find out the code for the door to the pre-flight preparation room - 3884.

When you're done looking around the lobby, go up to the third floor using the same stairs you used to get to your office, go through the teleconferencing center and turn left, then go to a new location - the hardware lab. To do this, you will have to use an adjustable wrench to clear your way from hardened foam.

Inside there will be a new enemy - an infected operator. For him, you can use the Stunner shocker. He knocks out the robotic enemy for a while, and also deals significant damage to him. After being stunned, you can finish him off with a wrench, but keep in mind that when he is destroyed, he explodes, dealing damage. Going a little further, in the corridor on the left, you can take the Neuromod. There will also be another infected operator and a mimic, and at the end of the corridor there will be a hall where through the glass you can watch a scene about the unequal struggle between a scientist and a phantom. From Sean Larsen's body, take the Staff Entrance Pass. Then you can jump down, especially if you want to go stealthily, and climb into the ventilation. You can go back and go to the security point, where you can take cartridges, weapons, as well as a drawing of cartridges for a pistol.

You can get into the next room with elevators to the second floor either through the front door near the security post, or through the ventilation, which was written about earlier. Inside will be a phantom. On the ground floor, in a side corridor, you can find the corpse of Eme Schmidt, from which you can pick up a pass to the ballistics laboratory and a disposal grenade. It can be used to destroy Typhons, as well as clear your way by recycling large crates into materials. Nearby will be the ballistics laboratory itself. Inside you can find a lot of materials. Code from the safe 8028 - can be read in a note lying on the floor behind the bars.

In the southern part of the room, near the workshop of Dr. Calvino, you can get into the demonstration scene, the same room where you could watch the murder of a scientist by a phantom a little earlier. The phantom itself will be one level lower. There you can also find a utilizer and a dart launcher "Hunter". In the central room, on the floor, there is a chip with protection against ethereal damage.

We approach the workshop of Dr. Calvino. After January contacts you again, we return to the security point and put a marker on Lorenzo Calvino in the hardware laboratory. We rise to the second floor by the elevator in the next room. If you go into the corridor on the left, then there you will be attacked by a phantom and several mimics. There will be a terminal near the porthole. The password is on a note on the floor next to it. The second letter will contain the code from the pantry of the machine shop - 9501. Then you can get into Thorstein's office. The code for the safe is 9954.

On the second floor, in one of the side corridors, there is a mark about Lorenzo's body. If you go there, you will find out that you can only get to it from outside the station, and for this you will have to make Artax. We pass into the next room - a mechanical shop. You can do this through the main entrance, but you will have to fix the electrical installation so that you are not crippled by the current, or use the gypsum gun to stop the sparking of the shield for a few seconds. You can also go around the side of the ventilation. We kill several infected operators and mimics. To get to the blueprint and fabricator, climb up the bales on the side. After you've done everything, open the gateway and go out into outer space. Fly to the marker, search the body of Lorenzo Calvino, take the pass and the transcriptor and return back. Go to Dr. Calvino's workshop. In the far corner of the room, turn on the power supply. On the terminal in the center, we check the network utilities, and then we look at the entry. Please note that on different screens there are videos from different angles. This will give you access to the doctor's secret safe. The thermos is lying on the floor near the large screen on the right in the nook, if you are facing the terminal. Put it on the scales and a panel will open next to it.

Return back to your cabin. The hall will again be populated with mimics and phantoms, so be careful. Let's watch the video.

Talk to "January"

One of the shortest and easiest missions in the game - just talk to the operator.

Public access pass

After the conversation, "January" will give you a pass and a neuromod - take them from the table.

Data store

Get down to the main elevator and try to start it. When nothing comes out, "January" will contact you and issue the next main task "Bypass".

Who are you, December?

Go to the door to the Psychotronics Lab. On the way, you will be contacted by another operator who will introduce himself as "December". Follow the department of neuromods, there in the lobby you will see a small scene, then search the remains of the operator. You can continue the main story or look around and climb to the second floor. There you can search the cabins of volunteers and production. In any case, you will have to return to the last room in the future to remove the copy protection (an additional task that you will receive if you do not do this now will be called “Copy Protection”) so that you can create neuromods on the fabricator unlimited number of times. We need Holden Graves' office. You'll have to sweat a little, because. It will be guarded by a rather strong enemy - the Technopath. The most effective against him is the "Stunner", but only at close range, or utilizing grenades. At the bottom there will be a corpse with a pass to the desired office. Use a computer. When you're done with everything, return to the main task.


Go forward on the only path. There will be a guard post on the right. You can get inside either with a dart gun (break the glass and then shoot the button), or you can just hack code lock. At the terminal inside, you can download a map of the location.

Go to the showers. There will be a hole in the floor. We jump into it and at the end of the tunnel we take away the psychoscope from the body of the scientist. It will allow you to scan typhons and get their abilities. Scan the immobilized mimic nearby, and then head back to the showers. Go further and take the elevator up. Scan the open capsule to calibrate the psychoscope.

You will receive an additional task "Dr. Kelstrup's Neuromods". It is recommended for passing, because. receive a NEUROMOD blueprint. Just go to the side room and search everything there. The treasured drawing will lie in the safe. At the terminal, you can watch a video about typhons, and pick up key cards from the doctor's body. If you create a lot of mods, the lock will turn on and the "Copy protection" task will appear if you have not removed it before. If you haven't, you'll have to go back to the Neuromods department. The passage of this quest is higher in the mission "Who are you, "December"?".

When you're ready to continue, approach the large round door. If the psychoscope is calibrated, then you will be allowed further.

To the right is a staircase that leads to the second floor. At the far end there will be a gateway, which is better to open, and on the opposite side you can find a transcriptor near the girl's body on a chair and get the additional task "True Teller". When you're done here, head back down the stairs and scan the Weaver behind the large glass. Here is a fork.

You can go left. In this case, you will have to plaster holes in the pipes to stop the fiery jets, and there will also be several mimics. Going further, you will find yourself near a glass chamber with a test subject and get a new task: "Prisoner in the psychotronics laboratory." Here you will have the first choice that affects the ending: you can free the prisoner by opening the cell door, or kill him by launching mimics to him. All this is done on the terminal near the camera. If you release the prisoner, he will tell you the code from the door to the next room. There, among other things, there will be drawings of 12-gauge cartridges for a shotgun and a pistol with a silencer.

Also in a large room with a camera there will be a corpse of a woman with a psychoscope. There will be a transcriptor nearby, after listening to which you will be given the task "Sealant for a million dollars." To complete it, you need to go into outer space, since the gateway is not far away, and close up a gap in the hull with the help of a gypsum gun. After that, go back to the place where they found the transcriptor Christine Lloyd and kill the phantom in the room next to her corpse. Here you can find a lot of exotic matter. Having finished on this side, we return and pass by a large glass, behind which the Weaver is visible. We get into the observation room. On the right you can go down the elevator to the morgue. Just here you can continue the quest "The Disappearing Corpse". You can't get into the right room without a pass, but you can break the window and shoot the button that can unlock the door with the Huntress Dart Launcher.

Take the pass from the corpse of Sylvain Bellamy. Further progression of this additional task can be continued later, when access to the living section becomes available. When you're ready, go to the terminal by the large glass chamber and follow the steps in the "Managing the Exam Room" section one by one. Kill the appeared phantom, and then proceed to the new location "Saggita". You can immediately go through the gateway, or before that you can go down the stairs and look around. Before us will be a long tunnel. Fly forward avoiding the cystoids and their nests. The way forward will be blocked several times by locked gateways and other obstacles. To progress further, either pick the lock, or fix the electrical panel where necessary, or find ventilation. If the fan will work, fix it with a gypsum gun. Fly until you reach the airlock that requires a pass. There will be a branch nearby. You will immediately recognize him, because. it will be with the field of gravity change. Follow there. Examine everything and listen to the transcriptor. Beware of energy emissions. Every time he approaches, you will be warned - hide behind the cabinets. In the far corner, read the letters on the terminal and get the task "Blackbox Project". Mark the location of Josh Dalton here on the terminal and download the location map. Rise to the second floor and climb into the field with zero gravity. Take the service tunnel pass from the body of the scientist and go back to the locked airlock. When you get to the fork, follow the markers: the Arboretum is on one side, the body of Josh Dalton on the Blackbox Project quest is on the other. First, let's do an additional task. Fly towards the marker and you will see a large metal round pipe running along the wall. The body is behind her. To get into this pocket, fly along the bottom of this pipe and there will be enough room near its bend to fly under the pipe. Take a pass to the Blackbox laboratory from the body, and also look for a K-beam gun nearby - a fairly strong weapon. Now you can continue the main task.

Fly towards the marker in the Arboretum. On the way, you will have to face the Weaver. The K-Beam will be extremely effective against him. We make our way through the gateway, and then go to a new location. Ahead will lie a corpse with a transcriptor. Listen to it to get the task "Disgruntled Employee". Climb up the stairs and then climb into the ventilation. Here they will give out another task - "Problems with the elevator."

To complete it, go to a new location and deal with the Technopath there. Use Stunner and EM Charges to deal damage and temporarily disable him. As soon as you clear the area, travel by elevator will become available. With it, you can quickly move between the hall, life support and the arboretum. Here, search the corpse of Devris and take the key card. Listen to the transcriptor lying nearby and get the task "Do No Harm!". To complete it, you will have to go down the hall and go to the emergency room. In Devries' office, read the letters on the terminal and download the encryption key. Listen to the audio recording of "Morgan: Tantrum" through your inventory. The code for the safe in the office can be viewed in the back room of the emergency room, behind the glass - 7324. Next, we go to Dr. Kohl's office nearby and run the test on the computer. Use the suggested answers: A, C, B, A, C. A safe will open nearby. Listen to the transcriptor lying there, than complete the task.

When you're done, return to the arboretum. Here are some more side quests:

Save Rani. It is taken in a greenhouse - the building is located on a hill above the entrance to the residential section. However, do not rush to go there. To get started, follow the narrow path that begins near the entrance to the living section and leads to the gazebo. Read the note from the ground and get the code. Go to the greenhouse. Be careful here. There will be a dangerous opponent here - the Telepath. He subjugates people and directs them to you. Once in the vicinity, their heads explode, dealing significant damage. The Null Wave Jammer or Stunner will help neutralize them. Open the greenhouse on the control panel using the received code. Do not approach people, make a couple of shotgun shots at the Telepath, after which he will leave the greenhouse, and you can calmly deal with him without exposing people. Remember that Rani must survive in order for you to receive this task. The second option is not to open the door and climb onto the roof, from where you can start firing at the Telepath. When he dies, talk to Rani. She will issue the warehouse code AR01. Go to the warehouse and complete the task.

"Golden Pistol" Create a staircase with the gypsum gun on the rocks where Alex's office is located. Climb up it and climb into the space under your brother's house. There will be the corpse of Marietta Kirkas. Deal with the electrical panel, and then take a pass and a transcriptor from her body, which is worth listening to. Further, the quest will continue in the residential section.

"Gardening Tips". Near the body of Marietta Kirkas, whom we have just visited, there is a small elevation of stones. Climb on them, and then jump into a kind of crater. Julien Howard's body will be there. Listen to its transcript and create the necessary device on the fabricator. After that, go to the watering system next to the greenhouse. Place the device in the slot and press the button. Now you need to wait 10 real minutes for Dr. Howard's Superfruit to grow. Take it to complete the task. You can grow an infinite number of times, the main disadvantage is the long wait. At the same time, the fruit perfectly heals wounds.

Let's return to the main task - "Bypass". Walk towards the marker and take the elevator down. Listen to Zacharias West's transcriber - his corpse will be right in front of the data vault entrance. Get the new main quest - "Gathering Votes" and "Bypass" will be completed. Do not forget to take a pass and a note, which will turn out to be a treasure map for the "Treasure Hunt" quest. Now our path lies in the residential section, but it is worth looking into Alex's office.

Who are you, December? (Part 2 - Arboretum)

Climb up to Alex's office in the arboretum. The elevators don't work, so build a ladder along the edge of the hill with the gypsum gun. Go inside and move the box blocking the entrance to the hatch located near the table. You will need the ability "Climb II". Climb inside and unlock the safe. Code - 2512. Take the key card from the apartments of Alex Yu. Continue the quest - in the residential section.

Collecting votes

Go to the living section. Here you will immediately be met by Nightmare and many people controlled by a telepath. Until the Nightmare reacts, we immediately throw a null-wave silencer at the nearest people if we want to save their lives. If you kill at least one of them, then you will not receive the “Do No Harm” achievement (if people explode themselves near you, then this will not be considered a murder). For a while, they can also be immobilized with a gypsum gun, but if you pass by, they will still explode. There are two options with Nightmare: you can run away and sit out for 2 minutes in a secluded place or kill him. For the second option, the K-beam gun is ideal, and for the first, the room with the utilizer on the second floor (the door is on the left, as soon as you climb the stairs located to the left of the entrance to the living section). There will be one phantom. From his corpse you can take a pass - Drugs with limited access. Also in this room, a piece of paper with the code from the elevators to the directors' apartments will be attached to the table - 3302.

"Cook's Request" - you will receive this side task automatically as soon as you find yourself in the residential section. The cafeteria is located on the first floor in the far corridor on the right, if you stand with your back to the entrance to the location. The path will be blocked by many infected people. Use a Null Wave Silencer or a Stunner Shocker (the latter is only effective at close range). Against the telepath, use the K-beam gun. Once he dies, all the people he controls will pass out. After that, go to the kitchen and talk to Cook Will Mitchell. Take the pass and head to his cabin. Inside, listen to the transcriptor after completing the "Gathering Votes" part of the task, and also grab the medal from the bedside table near the bed. Go back to Mitchell and give him his reward. Go to his kitchen. The cook will complain that the water pressure regulator is broken. You can do it in two ways: you can fix the one lying nearby, or you can return to the arboretum and pick up a working device from the greenhouse. When you fix it, the cook will let you into the freezer. When you wake up, go to the back room. Abigail Foy's body will be there. Listen to her transcript. This will advance you through the main quest, giving you the required voice sample, and will also give you a new quest - "Daniella Shaw". Move the block of ice aside if you have the appropriate skill, or shoot the pipe on the left to melt the ice. After that, open the hatch and climb into the ventilation. The task "Cook's Request" will be completed. Do not rush to leave the kitchen - Mitchell left a mine on the door. Shoot the button that opens the door with a dart gun to disable the trap.

"Truth-lover" - part of this additional task is played in the residential section. Follow the marker and search the girl's corpse. Listen to her transcript. After that, head to the security point on the first floor of the residential section and listen to the recording and read the report. The continuation of the quest is in the cargo hold.

The Disappearing Corpse - Enter Bellamy's room and search it and the quest will end.

"Golden gun" - go to the desired cabin and open the safe (code 3479).

Let's continue with the main task. Visit Danielle Shaw's cabin and listen to the transcriptor lying there. Also on the computer, you can take an additional task - "Treasure Hunt". Another transcriptor will be in the cinema on the second floor under the chairs. Another part of the voice can be obtained in the bar, also located on the second floor. In the far corner, climb into the ventilation and turn on the power supply. Near the stage there will be a small room with a terminal. Listen to the recordings. The next sample will be in the recreation center on a table on the second floor. On it you can take a pass to the cabin of Abigail Foy. There, listen to the recording on the computer, and get 100% of the voice samples.

After collecting all the voice samples, or even if you haven’t collected them, and you are too lazy to continue, you can proceed to the Daniella Shaw side quest. Go to the fitness center (door code 5078). Be careful - there are many people subordinate to the telepath. The telepath himself is in the far large room - the pool. Kill him, and then go to the window in the far corner and knock on it. Daniella Shaw will appear, she will give out a voice sample, and also offer to deal with the cook. You need to look for it in the arboretum.

In this location, you can take another side quest. In the crew quarters on one of the upper beds, listen to Lawrence Baxter's transcriber. So you will receive the task "A Gift for a Beloved". To complete it, you will need to return to the arboretum.

Who are you, December? (part 3 - Residential section)

Enter the password for the elevator (you can find it on the second floor in the room with the utilizer - 3302). The required pass will be under the globe on the bedside table. Just hit it with a wrench. Then you can leave the station with the help of an escape pod, returning to the arboretum, but the game will not appreciate this and will offer to play further.

Restore from backup

We return to the arboretum. There are two side quests that can be completed at the same time:

"Daniella Show" - we go to the bridge of "Talos 1". Our pretender will sit in the far capsule on the left. As soon as you enter the capsule, immediately run away, because. another device will work. After that, the task will end.

"Gift for a Beloved" If you stand with your back to the waterfall, then there will be a thick tree on the left. Move the stone next to him. Take the pass from storage room A2. Kill the phantom inside and pick up valuable items.

Now you can return to the main task - "Restore from backup". We go to the data warehouse. Unlock it with Shaw's voice password. Move forward and kill the technopath.

On the side there is a staircase to the second floor. There, on the terminal, you can continue the quest "Disgruntled employee" by entering his number - 1129. After that, mark his location on the terminal of the security service. It is located outside the station, so you have to fly in outer space.

Upstairs, take the security pass to get into the room on the first floor. There, on the terminal, unlock the door to the archive. Follow the room with zero gravity. Fly down to the hard drive. There will be many cystoid nests along the way, and the Weaver will also be waiting below. Take the spare hard drive and connect it to the server above. On the terminal, click "Connect disk" and go back. Climb back up to the second floor to the room with the Recycler and the Fabricator. On your computer, download the "Activation_Key_U_M" file. After that, you will be given the next task "Keys to Paradise". It leads to one of the endings. Since it’s easy to get one key, it’s enough just to create it on any fabricator, and the second one can be obtained only in life support, and this can only be done much later in the story, let’s return to the “Restore from backup” quest.

On Daniella Shaw's nearby computer, access data module B, then go to the opposite part of the location on the second floor. You will need to move the closet. If you don't have the required skill, use a salvage grenade. Having dealt with the weaver and the phantom, follow the desired corridor. Open the hatch and press the button, after which you will find yourself in a capsule in outer space.

Waking up, press the button and fly to the cargo hold. On approaching him, Dr. Igwe will contact you and the quest of the same name will begin. Remember - you only have 7 minutes to save him. If you do not have time or simply open his container, then he will die, and this will affect the ending. Fly to his capsule and remember its number. After that, fly to the cargo hold and enter the number of the desired container at the terminal - 2312. The container with Igwe will start moving and dock with the station. After that, through the same container, get inside the station.

Receiving and sending

Go through the central doors (over the bridge) to the room with the survivors. Climb up to the second floor and talk to Dr. Igwe after completing his quest, and then to Sarah Elazar. She will issue the task "Defense of the Cargo Bay". It also affects the ending. To find the drawing of the turret, you should again go outside and find the desired safe through the hole. The code is 7527. To supply power to the fabricator, you need to go along a long corridor engulfed in blue fire. This can be done on top, moving along the racks and pipes. Press the button on the switchboard and then exit through the door. You need to install at least three turrets in front of the door to compartment B (the area is highlighted in dark gray metal), it doesn’t matter how you get them. You can create them on the fabricator, or you can drag ready-made ones. One will be right on the bridge, another one is in container number 05. To get to it, take the freight elevator at the terminal opposite. The third turret is from the survivors in the warehouse on the first floor. To open the door, either hack the terminal, or get the note from Gus Magill's body. After setting up three turrets (more is better), Sara Elazar will offer to open the door and provide the code. After you open it, it will climb from there a large number of different typhons. After you deal with them, the task "Receiving and Sending" will be completed.

Follow the room with the containers. You can search them, or you can go further into the loading bay of SAGITTA. There will be a container ahead. Pick the lock and take Annalisa Gallegos' flash drive from the corpse. Thus, you complete the quest "Truth-lover". Next, go to a new location - Life Support.

Ekaterina Ilyushina will contact you. First, go up to the floor above the stairs on the right. Search the corpses. Erica Teague will have the password for the safe in the security booth - 9193. There will also be a passage barricaded with plaster. Break the obstacle and read the note from the corpse of Elton Weber. It will talk about the cache. We go back down and go past the failing electrical panel (you need to either temporarily neutralize it with the help of a gypsum gun or repair it). Using the elevator we go down to the floor below. There is a passage to the escape pods. Where it bends, jump down, under the bridge. There will be a secret. One of the capsules will contain the Corpse of Emily Carter. Listen to her transcription to get another side quest, "The Detox". To complete it, you need to go to the water treatment plant in the same location (requires the Climb III skill). You need to restore the power supply (remote to the right of the entrance) and go down the elevator at the far end of the room. There, use the terminal to open the hatch and complete the task.

It will also be useful in the future, before sending it to the power plant, to look into the atmosphere control room on the level above. Deal with the enemies and go around the entire structure from behind. At the terminal, stop the fans, jump down and remove the beam that prevents the correct operation of one of the fans, then quickly leave the danger area until the fans start working again. It will be possible to do this later, at the same time, it will greatly save time in the future.

When you're done, go to the power plant. There will be a locked door ahead. Hack into the security terminal in the room in the middle of the corridor, or use the gypsum gun to build a ladder to the ventilation shaft in the far corner of the corridor above the operator's station. Walk forward and take the elevator down. You will find yourself in a chamber with a coolant. Deal with enemies. The gateway is closed. The key card you need will be immediately to the left. Put out the fire with the gypsum gun and take the pass. Move on and talk to Ekaterina Ilyushina. Help her or not - will be reflected in the ending. You can immediately go to open space through the cargo hold for the medicine, or you can restart the reactor first and exit through the airlock here. For everything about everything you have 2 real hours.

Get down to the reactor, first on the elevator, then on the stairs. The easiest way to get inside the control room is through the roof (you need Climb II). You can also pick the lock (level 4). At the terminal, press "Emergency Switches". Next, read what is written on the tablet next to it. The correct order of changing the position of the opened levers will be given there: first three on the left, in turn, starting from the one farthest from the terminal, and then three on the right in the same way. After that, on the computer, start the restart procedure. When the breakdown happens, leave the room and enter the reactor through the glass doors. Walk around and see a broken divertor. Now there are two options: a longer one - to pick up a serviceable spare part from the elevator, which can be found out from the transcriptor lying around here (you can get to the elevator by stairs), or to repair the existing part (repair level 3). Install a working diverter, return to the control room and proceed with the restart. Return to Ekaterina Ilyushina.

Now you can complete her quest "Help Ekaterina Ilyushina". Unblock the gateway and go out into outer space. Follow the marker, find the desired hole in the station's casing and take the medicine from the locker. Return to Ekaterina and inject it into her.

Keys to Paradise

Return to the hall. You will need to go through the coolant chamber again, but this time the room is shrouded in gray fog. One shot and the game is over. Go through either stealth or using a gypsum gun. You can immediately get into the hall through life support - an elevator at the top level of the location. You will also receive a new additional task "Ekaterina Ilyushina". To complete it, simply return to your office, where Dr. Igwe and Ekaterina will be waiting for you. Talk to them and get a new task - "Catherine's Father".

To complete it, you will have to run to the data warehouse through the arboretum. Passing there, you will additionally receive a quest from Dr. Igve - "Gustav Leitner". Once in the vault, follow the marker. The right door locked. There are two ways: break the lock of the 4th level or build a ladder from the gypsum gun to climb onto the blue wires, and from there another one to climb into the hatch. Having reached the computer, you will have a choice - to erase the recording or move it to the computer in your office, so that later you can return to Ekaterina and listen to the recording. If the record does not appear on your computer, then talk to Ekaterina several times, and then check again. In both cases, the task will be completed, however, what decision you make will affect the ending.

"Gustav Leitner" - through the arboretum, get into the living section and go to Igwe's room. There, near the picture, play the proposed entry through the inventory and take it with a connection. Give it to Ygva in your office to complete the quest.

It is better to complete both of these tasks before visiting Alex's office, because. After that, life will become much more difficult. Before that, it is better to stock up on ammo, especially charges for the shocker, as well as EM grenades. When you're ready and have completed all the side quests you wanted, then head to Alex's office in the arboretum. Now you will already have the code for the elevator - 1696.

Before I give you the key

Enter the password on Alex's computer and watch the video. Take the chip from the table and install it. Go out into outer space and scan two Coral nodes, then return to Alex's office in the arboretum. You can't finish what you started. Two combat operators will appear.


To begin with, it is better to complete the additional task "Dal Pursuer". Run to the data vault and in the room on the second floor, deactivate your beacon bracelet. You need to enter the code on the terminal - 0913. Luther Glass will also contact you there and issue an additional task “Help Luther Glass. To perform it, you will have to return to the emergency room. It's actually a trap, and Luther is long dead. We will have to survive the attack of a huge number of combat operators. After that, the task will be completed.

In the lobby, you can also talk to Dr. Igwe about his quest "Incapacitate Dahl". This task is required if you want to leave the station. Follow the shuttle bay - the door on the first floor of the hall. On the left there will be a corridor through which you can get to the pre-flight preparation room, the code is 5593. The only thing is that a large closet blocks the way - either move it or use a disposal grenade. Here, from the table, take a pass from the shuttle control point - located on the right, if you stand with your back to the entrance to the location. Inside, pay attention to non-working gravity lifts. From this room, go down the stairs to the lower level. A little closer to the center there will be a door that can be unlocked with an already existing pass. Activate the grav lifts and climb back up the same stairs, then use the elevator to go up another level.

Control point - a room hanging separately from the ceiling. The bridge to it is broken, so climb onto the railing, accelerate and jump over. Extend the bridge using the terminal, and then climb back down and enter the shuttle. Before this, you can also complete another side task - "Attempt to Escape". To do this, go down the stairs in the same corridor that we freed from the large closet. You will find yourself at the rescue capsules. You will be asked to blow up the hatch. Go into outer space (airlock on the lower level of the shuttle bay), get to the desired hatch and knock on the red latches. Return to the capsules, open the hatch on the panel and launch capsule 2. The reward will be on the lower floor in the toilet on the panels under the ceiling.

When you're ready, take the shuttle. Near the cab there will be a terminal - on it we move the file with the parameters of the task. Now you need to find Dahl's technician. To do this, we go into outer space. Once you're outside, Dal will make things a little more difficult for you.

Dahl's Ultimatum. 15 minutes of real time are given to complete it, while the outcome of the task affects the ending. We fly to the gateway of the power plant, from there - to the life support compartment. We go to the control point of the atmosphere. If you have not fixed the fan earlier, then we go around the room along the perimeter and on the opposite side of the entrance at the terminal we stop the fans, quickly jump down and get the stuck beam. After that, we leave the recess with the fans as soon as possible. Now we go to the room here on the second floor. If you stand with your back to the entrance, then it will be on the left (Dal - in a similar room on the right). We start the disinfection procedure on the remote control. So Dahl will lose consciousness. If you want to save the survivors, then by no means kill Dahl. We go to his room. The door is locked with a level 4 lock. It can be hacked, but you can also break the glass near the stairs and go through it. Ahead will be a wall with panels, one of which is lit red. It is necessary to fix the air mixture regulator lying nearby and put it in place. Now people's lives are not in danger and the timer will turn off. Now let's deal with Dahl's technician - Kaspar. We are heading to the laboratory of psychotronics in a convenient way for you. On the way, Dr. Igwe will contact you and offer you to look into the Neuromods department on the assignment "Incapacitate Dahl." To get to Kaspar, go to the director's office, and then into the passage at the back of the room (you need to allow access to the conference room at the terminal in this room). The desired operator will hide behind the mirror.

"Incapacitate Dahl." Completing this task will open access to one of the endings - without this, you will also not be able to save the survivors. We go to the department of neuromods. Just follow the marker and you will be at the surgical terminal. Use the computer to fix Dahl, scan the brain, and then perform a neurotomy.

Keys to Paradise (Part 2 - Arboretum)

Go to Alex's office in the arboretum. The brother of the protagonist / heroine will be hiding in the back room - you can easily find the door by the marker. Open it and talk to Alex Yu. To save your brother, simply drag his body back to the back room he came out of and lock the door. Next will be the actual endings.

Mind without limits

In this variant, craft a Null Wave Jammer Prototype on the Fabricator, travel to the Psychotronics Lab, and install it in the heart of the coral. Then you need to go through the arboretum to the Talos-1 bridge. There will be a choice, but if you want to activate the device, and not blow up the station, then kill "January". Run the null wave device on the terminal. Watch the video - the game is over.


In this case, go to the power plant and go down to the reactor. In front of the glass doors in the floor, open the hatch and press the button. Get down downward, in the appeared passage. Insert two activation keys. Then you need to go through the arboretum to the Talos-1 bridge. Activate self-destruct. Following are a few options:

  1. Die with the station. Sit in a chair opposite, next to the window.
  2. Run away. There are several ways to escape. First, on the shuttle, but Dal must be alive. Survivors, if any, will go with you. You can also leave the station in a rescue capsule. In this case, follow the quest marker "Who are you, 'December'?".


This is the true ending - you will see it after the credits. Here you will be reminded of everything that you did during the game. To get the best ending you need:

  • Do not install neuromods in the Typhon skill tree. You can do a little, but without them at all - it's better.
  • Rescue test subject Ingram in the psychotronics lab
  • Rescue Dr. Ygwe and then find his connectomes
  • In the cargo hold, help Sarah Elazar and set up the turrets, as well as prevent Dahl from strangling her and her people.
  • Spare Dahl and let him live
  • Bring medicine to Ekaterina Ilyushina and let her listen to a recording about her father that compromises you
  • Find Danielle Shaw (knock on the glass in the fitness center) and then find Volunteer 37 (Cock Mitchell) trying to escape.

After you find out the truth, Alex will offer to shake his hand. You can either agree or kill everyone.

This article will cover all the steps you need to take to complete all the optional missions in Prey (2017). Part of the most simple tasks was described in separate articles devoted to the search for the crew.


Where to get it: Neuromod department.

To start this quest, go to the offices after you see a mimic killing Gavrilovich (search the corpse of Jovan Gavrilovich) in the Neuromods department. Behind the first table on the left there is a terminal - read the letter called "Urgent!". You will learn about some body, so an additional task will begin. We will immediately describe its passage, but note that in order to complete the mission, you will have to visit other locations.

Go to the Talos-1 Hall location and go to the emergency room (the key card is downstairs, on the counter in front of the corridor leading to the shuttle bay). Take the beacon bracelet from the table marked with a marker, and also read the letter "Wounded on the way." The task will be updated.

The next goal is the psychotronics laboratory. When you are at the glass chamber with the corpse, which the Weaver will turn into a phantom, then go down the gravity lift and in the far part you will see the morgue. Wait for the operator to fly inside, or break the glass and shoot the dart at the button near the door. Search the corpse of Dr. Sylvain Bellamy to get the key card to Bellamy's cabin. When you're in the living section, just look into the doctor's quarters to complete the quest. Inside you will find 3 neuromods.


You will activate this quest according to the plot. At a certain point in the game, December will contact you and say that you left him a message - you need to leave Talos-1. This is one of the alternate endings, after which the normal loading from the last checkpoint occurs.

Go to the neuromod department and chat with "December". In the briefing room opposite Morgan Yu's apartment (at the beginning of the game), there is a briefcase on the cabinet on the left. Search it to make sure the keycard is not there (if you didn't already). Go back to the meeting place with "December" and you will see that "January" destroyed it (if you searched the suitcase earlier, this will happen immediately upon returning to the neuromod department). Search the remains of the operator "December" and from the note you will find out the code for the safe in the office of Alex Y.

When you find yourself at the location "Arboretum", then follow the same path that is described when taking the quest "Golden Gun". From here, find a point where you can climb higher, to Alex Yu's office. Of course, you can hack the gravity lift, but you need a skill level 4.

At the top, move the box (the skill "Lift-II") and open the protective hatch to find a safe behind the wall. After entering the code, take Alex Yu's transcriber and Alex Yu's apartment key card.

Once in the living quarters, activate the elevator and go upstairs to the directors' apartment, go to Alex's apartment and find the key card needed for the quest under the globe on the bedside table.

Now return to the arboretum and go up to Alex Yu's office. There is a terminal here - if you hack it, the bridge will extend. The terminal requires Hack-IV. Alexa will give you the code later anyway. Go into the capsule (you can fly to it without a bridge if you're smart) and start the evacuation. See one of the endings. Next to the capsule is Alex Y's beacon bracelet.


Where to get: A note from the interrogation room in the security office in the Talos-1 lobby.

There is a table with a note in the interrogation room of the security office. Read it to take the quest. To complete it, it is enough to go up to the teleconferencing center (you will get there along the storyline) and go along the bridge to the sales department. There are 4 Neuromods lying under Yumi's office desk at once. Quest completed.


When you find yourself outside Talos-1, having got out of the hardware laboratory, then fly to the corpse of Dr. Calvino. Repair the sparkly panel to the left of the door and then return to the Hardware Lab. Take the gravity lift and go inside the Wave Lab. Quest completed!

There will be a terminal with information on the Blackbox project. This will start the additional quest "Project Blackbox".


Where to get it: examine the data in the terminal of the wave physics laboratory at the Hardware Laboratory location.

To complete the task and at the same time break through the last door of the wave physics laboratory, you need to find the corpse of Josh Dalton. You will do it on the SAGITTA location (read the article on the SAGITTA location).


Where to get: at the location "Psychotronics Laboratory" find the corpse of Annalisa Gallegos with a transcriptor. Listen to the recording to start the mission.

This quest is activated after you listen to one of the recordings on Annalize Gallegos' transcription system in her office in the Psychotronics Lab. When you get to the residential section, follow the marker and pick up the Transcript "Surveillance Request: Annalize Gallegos" from the corpse of Maria Fowles.

Go to the terminal on the ground floor near the grav lift (concierge desk) and transfer the surveillance files. Further, when you find yourself in the cargo hold and go through the story to the room with the containers, do not look for the right one here. The container in which Quinten Purvis wanted to escape is located in the next spacious room directly opposite the door.

Container with the corpse of Quinten Purvis.

After searching it, you will complete the quest.


Where to get: the next additional task is taken in the process of listening to the transcriptor Jia Kyung-Ho, whose corpse you will find immediately after moving from SAGITTA to the arboretum.

Continue it in the data warehouse. When you're near the Daniella Shaw terminal upstairs, go to the other terminal on the left and type in the number for Grant Lockwood's beacon bracelet - 1129 (or something like that, indicated in the description of the task). Activate his beacon, then on any terminal in the security office, select Grant Lockwood to track. Go outside of Talos 1 and fly along the marker until you find the corpse of Grant Lockwood.

Corpse of Grant Lockwood.


Where to get: after listening to the recording from the transcriptor of Devris (on his corpse by the main elevator, if you enter from the side of the arboretum).

To complete it, take the elevator down to the Talos-1 hall, go to the emergency room and use the key card to open the door of Devris's office. From the terminal, download the decryption key, open inventory, go to the "Data" section and select the "Morgan: Tantrum" audio diary. Press Enter to listen to it again.

You will hear some code combination - A, C, B, A, C. Go to the neighboring office of Matthias Kohl and run the test from his terminal. Go to the terminal at the table on the left and answer test questions in exactly the same order as written above - ACBAC. A safe will appear, from which you can get 3 neuromods and a transcriptor of Matthias Kohl "Audio recording of the session: Morgan Yu".

Hidden safe in Matthias Kohl's office.

SIDE QUEST "Smugglers on Talos"

Where to get it: After listening to Lilly Morris's transcriber in the Arboretum hallway leading to the main elevator.

The body of Lilly Morris.

You need to find 6 points where the smugglers have hidden resources. They are all inside safes hidden behind red fire alarms. To open them, you need to knock on them three times. But there are more than six alarms on Talos-1. Therefore, you need to recognize those behind which contraband is really hidden. And to do this is simple - a red light is on above them. Here is the location of all cargoes:

1. On the wall right above the corpse of Lilly Morris in the arboretum, where the quest is taken.

First cache.

2. In the hall "Talos-1" on the first floor there is an exhibition hall - on the wall near one of the doorways.

Second cache.

3. In the Talos-1 hall, go on the first floor to the restrooms, but in front of them, turn into the corridor on the left. On the wall to the right, high up.

4. In the hardware lab, go to the atrium with the gravity lift and go upstairs. There is a circular bridge and a large statue on a stone pedestal stands near one of the walls. There is an alarm lamp hanging on the wall.

5. In the living compartment, go to the fitness center and turn right down the corridor to find a cache on the wall.

Fifth secret.

6. In the cargo hold, take the gravity lift upstairs and enter the room with Dr. Igve (if you saved him) and Alisa Musayeva sitting on the floor. Look on the wall to the left.

The last secret.

Quest completed!


Where to get it: when you find yourself in the Residential Section location, you will hear the chef's monologue. The quest will start soon.

Cock Will Mitchell.

You need to kill the telepath in the cafeteria and incapacitate or kill the infected people. After that, go to the indicated window and talk with the cook. He will give you a key card to Will Mitchell's cabin. Go to the cabin and open it. Find the award for the best chef on the cabinet and give it to the quest giver.

Enter the kitchen through the side door. The cook will ask you to repair the water supply. If you have not yet picked up the desired part, then return to the Arboretum location and find it in the greenhouse on one of the tables.

Greenhouse water pressure regulator.

Set in place. The cook will open the freezer. Enter and you will be locked into it. Find a way out by pushing the ice floes or melting them with fire (shoot the pipe from the side). In the refrigerator you will find two corpses behind the far right door and one corpse near the ice floe blocking the protective hatch. You will also find a beacon. Get out of here to complete the quest.


Where to get: read the letter in Daniella Shaw's terminal (in her cabin on the territory of the residential section). You need to find four parts of the map:

1. The first one will be found on the corpse of Zechariah West at the location "Arboretum" at the transition point in the data warehouse.

Treasure map of Zacharias Vesta.

2. Emma Beatty's second treasure map can be found on her body in the corridor of the fitness center, in a place where fire is coming out of the pipes.

3. Elias Black's treasure map is in the recreation center, on a table on the second floor.

Elias Black Treasure Map.

4. Daniella Shaw's map can be found in the Data Vault location. Climb to the second floor and download the map from the terminal in the command center.

Now you need to go to the places that are shown on each card and find four numbers.

– Map of Hordinbafl (Zacharia West) shows a water treatment plant in the life support sector. Go to the far left corner and find the number "3" on the wall. Part of the quest will automatically count when you are next to the number.

Number "3".

Location on the map.

“Rosalyn's map points to the cargo hold. In the cargo hold, go to the door leading to the life support department. Facing her, turn right and find the number "5" on the wall further than the container.

Number "5".

– Mechetyk's map leads to a room with a recycler in the living section. Go to front door to this location and go up the stairs to the right as you look at it. Turn into the room on the left and look at the number "6" directly opposite the door.

Number "6".

– The last map will lead you to SAGITA. Go to this location through the arboretum. It will be easier! Fly down the mines where the fuel storage is located. Go inside and jump over the destroyed bridge. Ahead will be the entrance to the shuttle bay. On the right in the corner, on the wall opposite the gravity lifts, the number "1" is depicted. Look at her to complete the quest.

Number "1".

When all the numbers are found and the tasks are marked as completed, then go back to the residential section. Go to Abigail Foy's cabin and enter the code "1365" in the terminal. You will receive a blueprint for the Adventurer's Arsenal as a reward. If you craft this at the Fabricator, you'll get a suit chip that provides several benefits. More details in the screenshot. Quest completed!

Functions of the Adventurer's Arsenal Chip.


Where to get it: listen to the audio recording on the Lawrence Baxter transcriber in the residential section (read the article on this location).

The lounger where the transcriptor for taking the quest is located.

Go to the location "Arboretum" and go to the fountain. A little further than him lies the corpse of a woman - it was for her that Baxter prepared a gift. The corpse lies under a tree with initials. Find a stone next to the tree that can be moved. Under the stone you will find the key card from the storage room A2. Enter the storeroom to complete the quest. After killing the phantom, you can search the last corpse at the location of Lawrence Baxter.

The guide is under development and will be updated.

First day at work

Before starting the game, you will be prompted to choose the gender of the hero and the level of difficulty. You start in your suite. Look around. There are a lot of items here that you can pick up. There are also notes to add to the journal and 3 letters on the computer. Once you're ready, put on your suit and leave the apartment. On the way to the drop zone, you can talk to Patricia, but this is optional. Use the elevator to get to the roof. Board the helicopter to be taken to the TranStar headquarters.

Once at the headquarters, sit in the elevator and go down. Alex Yu will meet you there and send you to the testing room. Here you need to pass 4 tests that cannot be failed, even if you do not follow all the instructions of scientists.

In room A, press the button and then move the three boxes to the platforms. In room B, you will need to hide behind a chair when asked to do so. In room C, press the first button, and then run to the second by jumping over the wall. In room E, sit on the chair to take the test. Any answers can be given. After the test, one of the scientists will be attacked by a Mimic and the prologue will be completed.

Department of Neuromods

You can explore the apartment again (all the notes and items you picked up in the prologue will disappear) or you can immediately put on your costume and leave the apartment. There will be a dead Patricia in the corridor. Be sure to pick gas key. This will be your first weapon, and it will be useful to you even at the end of the game. A little later you will find shotgun or pistol.

For further passage, break the aquarium in the corridor or a window in the apartment. This will take you to the Neuromod Simulation Lab.

Important: I advise you to carefully examine the initial location. Since here you can find many useful items that will be useful to you on initial stage. This is especially true for those who play on high difficulty.

Starting in the lab, you can focus on side quests and explore, or go straight through the story. But I would recommend the first option. Keep in mind that now you will constantly meet with mimics. To continue the plot, you must go up to the second floor of the simulation laboratory. You can climb up the boxes or go through the room where the helicopter is. In the second case, you will find a ladder that will take you to the second floor after you exit the flight simulation room.

Follow the arrows and you will find yourself in the Lobby. As you approach the decontamination room, you will witness a mimic attacking a station worker. After the scene, go to the research and design room. The door we need is locked. You can:

  • Find key, which will lie on the table in Bellam's office. Be very careful, as Mimics disguise themselves as household items (mugs, chairs, etc.) and can attack you from behind.
  • You can use the ventilation shaft. The entrance to the mine will be to the right of the locked door.

After entering a new area, you will meet the first Ghost, but he will not fight you, but just scare you. Go to the main corridor and pick up gel gun. A very useful weapon. You will be able to test this weapon after you enter the Neuromod section, where you will be attacked by several Mimics. Freeze them with a cannon, and then finish them off with a key. Before leaving this location, you can take a side quest. Once you're done here, go to the door leading to the Talos 1 main lobby.

Talos 1

You will find yourself on the second level of the Talos 1 lobby and you will need to get to the protagonist's office, which is located on the third floor (it's more of a place on the map). Take a good look at the first corridor, because there will be shotgun. The shotgun is very useful against the ghosts that you will encounter while exploring Talos 1.

Go down the stairs to the first level and head south around the central part of the lobby (the broken elevator will be the landmark). Get to the stairs located in the southwest corner of the map and go up to the third floor.

Once on the third floor, head to the main character's office. The office will be closed, but January will contact you and dictate the password - 0451 . Or you can find out the password by reading email on Chang's computer (next to the door). You will see the password from the computer on a note attached to the monitor.

There will be many valuable items here ( 3 neuromods and silenced pistol on the table and gel gun ammo in the safe). There will also be installations for the disposal of unnecessary trash, the creation of weapons and other items. But you need to use a computer. On your computer, go to the "Utilities" tab and play the video. Watch the video that ends at the very end. Listen to the arguments of your brother and January. The mission ends here.

hardware laboratory

You need to restore the video and watch it to the end. Move towards the equipment laboratory. The entrance to the laboratory is located in the northwest part of the Talos 1 lobby on the third floor. There are two ways to get to the laboratory:

  • Through the teleconferencing center, which is located on the west side of the third floor. In this case, you need to take the pass from the desk in your office. In the center, a group of Mimics will attack you. Use the gel gun and then finish them off with a wrench or a pistol before they run away or attack the main character again.
  • The second way is a little more interesting. Break the glass you were watching the video on. Go ahead and jump on north balcony. With this method, you will bypass the teleconferencing center and you will not have to fight with Mimics. Next will be debris. You can shoot the canister or use the wrench to destroy the obstacle.

One way or another, you will find yourself in the laboratory. Hostile operators are waiting for you here. Their main weapon is a flamethrower, so be careful. You can go behind them and take them out with a key or a shotgun, or you can use EMP grenades (which you need to find first). After the hall, turn left (you can also visit the nearby security station and download a map of this location) and you will enter the demonstration room. Here you will find the corpse of Sean Larsen and employee card which will be useful to you. With the card, return to the security station and go through the large door. The card will help you with this.

There is an alternative way. There is a ventilation shaft in the hall where you found Sean. Walk along it, and you will immediately find yourself in the atrium. Dr. Calvino's workshop is in the southwest corner of the atrium. On the way there, you can kill the phantom or just sneak up the ventilation shaft. As soon as you are in place, you will have another problem. To enter the workshop, you must find Calvino and get an access card.

Two new goals will appear in your journal, and one of them will be optional. You need to find the registry of crew members and find out where Calvino is (more precisely, his body). If you want to complete this task, then you need to return to the security station. Use the computer and the registry to find the doctor. After that, you will have a marker on the mini-map.

Follow the label. Near the entrance to the laboratory there will be mimics and phantoms. When you get to the place, you will see that the corpse of Calvino is hanging inside the destroyed room. Now you need to get out into space and fly to the doctor's corpse.

The next destination will be the engine department. The main entrance to the atrium was blocked by unstable electricity. You can get rid of this problem with a gel gun, or you can simply turn off the power by climbing into the ventilation shaft.

There will be hostile operators in the engine room. In the northern part of the room there will be a huge airlock that will help you get out into outer space. Examine the terminal and January will offer you to find equipment that will be useful to you in space. Equipment will be nearby. Climb one of the buildings and then jump over to the platform. There will be drawing and necessary materials for making.

After building the equipment, go to the gateway, use the terminal and go out into outer space. If this mission is selected as the current mission, then there will be a mark on Calvino's corpse. Fly to the destroyed laboratory, where there will be pass card Dr. Calvino.

After receiving the map, you can explore the expanses of space (limited) or return to the airlock and go to the Calvino laboratory. Thanks to this card you will enter without any problems.

Inside the laboratory, try to restore the video, but the system will give an error. No power supply. Follow the big cable and you will reach a place where power can be restored. Return to the console and start checking all servers. In my case, the problem was fixed after selecting the second entry, but this moment is determined by random.

After everything is done, return to your office. But be aware that new monsters appear in that location. At the center of the teleconferences will be a stronger opponent - the "Ethereal Phantom". If you found Q-beam, then this is a good time to use it. Otherwise, just sneak past or try to take him down with sneak attacks. In addition to the ghost, you will meet improved mimics. These are the same facial expressions, only healthier, and they also throw themselves in your face. The method of punishment is the same as over ordinary mimics.

Once in the office, use the computer again and watch the rest of the recording. This will end the mission.

It turns out that January is not a person. This is a regular operator that was released in January. Talk to him. You will receive a new task and shared card, which will help you get to new stations and neuromods.

You can also destroy the Operator for the " Indirect suicide". The death of the operator does not affect anything. Examine the remains of the operator. There you will find further instructions, shared card and neuromod.

In both cases, you will receive a new mission.

PREY is a first-person shooter made in the genre of a fantastic thriller. It is noteworthy that a game with this name has already made a splash in 2006. Therefore, the developers initially planned to make a logical continuation of the first part, but in the end they presented a fundamentally new project to the gaming community. So, if you type PREY game 2017 in the search engine and download the torrent, you will find yourself in the role of Morgan Yu, who became a participant in an experiment for the benefit of mankind, but something went wrong, and the hero ended up in splendid isolation on board the Talos-1 space station where strange things happen.

PREY 2017 walkthrough

Let's make a small PREY 2017 review that will help players get used to the board faster spaceship. Actually the passage comes down to destroying the mysterious phantoms and revealing the various secrets of the station. Despite the modest description, the gameplay of the toy is very dynamic and makes you cling to the computer monitor for a long time. We will not make a detailed walkthrough guide, at least for now, but just give a few useful tips. In particular:

  1. Use and collect everything that is not bolted to the floor. Gas cylinders explode perfectly, taking the lives of paranormal entities. Even a nondescript paperweight thrown skillful hand can finish off the enemy or open the door. However, remember that any noise can attract unwanted guests.
  2. Collect any garbage and feed it to the disposers. This will help you get materials to improve ammunition.
  3. gypsum gun is an indispensable friend and helper that will help you enter the premises through ventilation shafts and other high-lying openings.
  4. Always Read Story Notes and listen to messages. Here you can find a lot of interesting information.
  5. Remember that the game play PREY 2017 is about caution. If you recklessly run around the locations, you can quickly die. The enemies here are endless, so even in cleared compartments, phantoms reappear.
  6. Psychoscope- a useful thing that allows you to study enemies in detail, revealing their vulnerabilities.
  7. Avoid the Nightmare. Such an epic name characterizes a huge typhon that will haunt you after exceeding the limit of implanted neuromods. The game notifies you of the approach of a monster with an alarm signal. You will surely lose the first fight with the monster: Nightmare knows the location of the hero, and a certain time is given to destroy the creature. Therefore, the best option is to hide in a nearby location.

PREY is a rather versatile project that gives players maximum freedom of action. Therefore, do not hesitate to experiment, perhaps this idea will help you get out of a hopeless situation.

Separately, you need to consider PREY 2017 save. With the release of the latest update, progress is stored in the root directory of the game. Therefore, in order to restore progress or delete old saves, you need to go to the game folder and find a file called SAVE GAMES / ARKANE STUDIOS / PREY.

PREY 2017 codes

PREY 2017 PC is not only a shooter, but also an arcade game where you have to crack many coded safes and doors. Hacking codes will have to be looked for, and the developers have tried to hide them well. To make things easier, here is a list of useful codes. For instance:

  • Neuromod room safe - 5150.
  • Morgan rooms - 0451.
  • Security safe - 0526.
  • Department of IT-technologies - 0913.
  • Containment rooms - 1129.
  • Safes of doctors Devries and Thornstein - 7324 and 9954 respectively.
  • Gunsmith in the psychotronics division - 8714.
  • Reactor - 3845.
  • Doctor Calvino's safe - 0523.
  • Doctor Igwe's cargo box - 2312.

These security codes will save you a lot of time on your way through.

PREY 2017 system requirements

A bright picture and a surprisingly colorful interface make the game very demanding on computer resources. To participate in an exciting space adventure, the hardware must meet the following parameters:

  1. operating system: Windows from the "seven" and older with a 64-bit system.
  2. CPU: CORE i5 2400/AMD FX 8320.
  3. RAM: at least 8 GB.
  4. Video adapter: GTX 660/AMD RADEON 7850 with 2 GB memory.
  5. Free space - 20 GB.

Download PREY 2017

The best option is to download PREY 2017 via torrent. To do this, go to the official portal TORRENT-NET. COM, install the UTORRENT utility on the computer. Then we find the game and open it with the installed application. Now all that remains is to wait for the installer to complete and immerse yourself in the exciting atmosphere of a sci-fi thriller.

Torrent PREY 2017

Note that the game is surprisingly well optimized, so if you meet the minimum system requirements, it works as correctly as possible. Any errors can be caused by a mismatch of PC resources, so they are usually solved by updating the software to the latest version.

Prey 2017 passage

On the street March 15, 2032. The main character is a man named Morgan Yu. Waking up in his apartment, Alex Yu contacts the hero. As soon as control passes to you, put on the Transstar work uniform. Four books and three messages on the computer can be read in the apartment. If you rummage through the cabinets, then you will find a couple of useful items for inventory.

You have to go to work anyway, so get out of your room. Walk down the corridor and take the elevator up to the roof. On the roof, you can complete the hidden achievement "Skip" (for this you need to die under the helicopter propeller, so before doing it, save first). The helicopter, in turn, will deliver the hero to workplace to the skyscraper On the roof of the hero will be met by a flying drone, and only after that his brother in person. Go with them to the test room to chat with Dr. Bellamy and thereby undergo a kind of training.

Test room "A": click on the button, drag the three indicated objects from the circle. Test room "B": Hide behind the chair by pressing the "C" key. Test Room C: Press the button to jump over the barrier, then press the button again. Test Room "D": Sit down at the computer to answer certain questions in the test. When you reach the drawings at the computer, at that moment the doctor behind the glass will be attacked by an unknown black mucus resembling an insect. The guards will begin to shoot back, and in the meantime the main character will be put to sleep by gas.

Part - 2: "Department of Neuromods"

How to get Prey 2017? All secrets, codes and passes in the Neuromod Department level

So, the main character wakes up again at home and the alarm clock once again says that today is March 15, 2032. First of all, inspect your computer, where there will be six messages with the same content. Once again, collect all the useful items, put on your uniform and go out into the corridor. Instead of the previously seen worker, a dead, withered corpse will lie in the corridor: search the pockets and get your first weapon - the Adjustable Wrench. Shortly thereafter, a stranger under the curious pseudonym "January" contacts Morgan. He will tell you that in fact this is not a dream, so you need to get out of this place as soon as possible.

(?) Quest: "Run"

Go back to the main character's apartment and beat the glass with a wrench, after which the exit will open. It turns out that behind the glass is not a balcony, but a huge laboratory, so the image of the city is just a hologram. Examine the nearest computer, where you will find a curious audio message in which you can hear familiar words (it was with them that Alex Yu met the hero).

There are corridors on the sides, so go through them past the scene with the helicopter. Also along the way, go through the working corridors and test chambers. Near room "D" you can find an audio recording of Alex Yu.

Do not delay for a long time and climb higher to the second floor. If you wish, you can also go to a dead end on the left side ("Stage B"), where the main control of the platform with a helicopter is located, but keep in mind that two monsters can attack you in that place, so be careful. In any case, go through the airlock, where along the way you can watch the scene in which the black monster kills a person, after which it multiplies into four other creatures. At the same time, "January" will talk about the fact that these mysterious, cunning and strong creatures are called mimics: they are able to disguise themselves as ordinary objects, completely unexpectedly attack and absorb people's energy.

Location: "". So, go inside the department called "Research and Design", where on the left side you can immediately delve into the computer. In addition, if you examine the corpse of Dr. Bellamy, then you will receive an additional task: "".

In any case, go to the room on the right side and take the important item "red pass to the Simulation Lab" on the table. A little further ahead is a locked door, but it can now be opened with the found access card, although there is another option to get inside: climb the cabinet on the right side and make your way further inside through the ventilation hatch.

No matter how you got inside, in the distance, the main character will still notice a full-sized black monster, which is called a phantom. When you stop admiring, then go along the corridor on the left side to inspect the corpse of the guard and get a new weapon - the "GIPS gun". Thanks to this weapon, it will be possible to immobilize enemies, and then calmly finish them off with an adjustable wrench - use it. Although this is not all the functions of this device.

Moving further, pay attention to the sloping wall - it will be possible to climb onto the roof of the security post, where, in turn, the girl's corpse is already lying. As for the security post, there is no way to get into it yet. On the left side of the room, be sure to examine the corpse in the corner, where you will find an audio recording of Robert Greige. In addition, in this place there are more rooms and as many as two unexplored floors, but so far the path there is closed, so go further.

(?) Quest: "Things are about to change"

In the central hall, break the display case first and get the Neuromod from the skull. This item can be spent to instantly learn any one specific skill from the profession tree: "Scientist", "Engineer" or "Guard". When you deal with the skills, exit through the white gate on the right side.

Part - 3: "Hall of Talos-1"

Prey 2017 walkthrough. All secrets, codes and passes in the "Main Hall" level

(?) Quest: "An office with a great view"

Well, go out into a fairly large room, from where it will be perfectly clear that the hero is on the Talos-1 space station. By the way, at this stage of the passage, you can see the location map using the "M" key.

Location: "". There is a broken elevator in the center. Near the elevator on the table there will be a "Pass to the Trauma Center". On the right side, there is, in fact, the Transstar Exhibition itself, where the second Neuromod lies, but in the same place you have to fight a phantom for it. Also, if it is interesting, then at the exhibition it will be possible to see an alternative history of the development of astronautics. There are turrets in the center, so if it becomes too difficult to fight the enemies, then just run back to these defensive installations. On top of that, there are a couple of locked rooms.

Location: "". On the west side is a staircase, which you now need to climb to the third floor. And in the first office you come across, you can find a “Pass to the Trauma Center”. Be sure to read the message next to the computer (in the same room), where you will find code from the cabin of the volunteers - 3689.

You will learn the password to your office from a stranger - "0451". On the right side behind the glass, be sure to inspect the cabinet and find the following things: “Shotgun”, “implant” and “cartridges”. There is a safe in the wall on the right side, and useful upgrades for weapons inside. On the left there will be a recycler and a fabricator, where you can create items from a variety of things and ingredients that will be obtained during the passage. On the table to the left is a "Pass to Morgan Yu's apartments." And finally, pay attention to the computer, because there will be "Neuromods" (in the amount of three pieces) and "Pass to the Teleconferencing Center" next to it.

Now you can start watching the video on your computer from yourself, but from the past. The essence of this message will be as follows: the main character lost his memory after the neuromod was removed, and the stranger under the pseudonym "January" is just a bot that acts as an operator and thereby helps to restore the main character's memory. In the middle of the video recording, the brother interrupts, who does not want you to be able to find out the whole truth.

(?) Quest: "Through the Dark Glass"

It's time to get to the workshop of Dr. Calvani, where in turn it will be possible to restore the video server. So go there.

Location: "". Go down to the second floor. First of all, in this place, find the security computer (it is located at the entrance). The computer will have a map of all floors of the hall. Plus, the map will show the location of all the dead and living people who are still on the station (so you get an additional task to find all the survivors). And from the new message you will learn that the body of Dr. Bellamy is no longer here, so you will have to go to a special compartment for the corpse.

Move on: on the left side is the psychoanalyst's office, and on the computer is the test survey that you took at the very beginning of the game. But among other things, the message on the computer will have a different helpful information: code from the quarantine zone - "2184".

In the central hall of the hospital, the hero will stumble upon a couple of phantoms and a much more powerful monster. This "pack" of enemies can be both bombarded with oxygen tanks and blown up with a shotgun. In any case, the corpse (on the couch in the center) will have an EM Charge. On the side, it is possible to activate the panel, thereby calling a medical bot that will completely restore the health of the main character.

It's time to enter the quarantine room. In the same room outside the window, Morgan will see a man named Trevor Young. The password for opening the doors is "2184". The only problem is that the person inside is zombified by typhons, which means that when the doors are opened, he will die. Therefore, if you want to save him, leave him for now - until a means of salvation appears. Inside the Quarantine, a useful clue "Devris 7324" is scratched on the wall on the left.

Location: "". From the second floor, from the landing, it is possible to jump directly to the ledge and thus reach the central balcony. Having reached the balcony, it will be possible to get directly into the rest room. However, keep in mind that there will be a couple of Mimics inside. After dealing with the monsters, pay attention to the bar counter, because behind it you need to find an audio recording, which contains the "Code of the Preflight Room". In the end, in the cabinets you can collect a lot useful products if suddenly you have an acute shortage of first aid kits.

It's time to go back to the main character's office. You have the ability to break glass for video communication. What for? There will be a tunnel behind the glass, but the only problem is that a locked door will appear on the way. Therefore, destroy the glass that leads to the central hall. Next, jump onto the path that will be suspended in the center - go along it to the northern part of the third floor.

Location: "". Enter the first room on the right side and quickly kill the phantom, which will stand in splendid isolation. Near the first computer in this room lies a new unique weapon - the Huntress Dart Launcher. There are four Neuromods in the workplace next door, so don't miss it.

Location: "". Inside this place there will be only a couple of Mimics and the corpse of an unknown person. Therefore, I recommend that you immediately go to the department in the neighborhood, along the way there breaking through the obstacles from the plaster. After the plaster is broken, it will be possible to leave the location.

Part - 4: "Hardware Lab"

How to find all codes and passes in Prey 2017

In the first rooms, nothing interesting and curious can be found. So I recommend that you immediately go to the corridor on the left - there, at the very beginning, you can find Neuromod. In the auditorium, carefully inspect the corpse, from which be sure to take the "Pass: Entrance for personnel." A little lower there is an opportunity to go down into the ventilation and there to examine another human corpse.

Location: "". Continue moving further down the corridor. At the first opportunity, open the doors with the pass you found. Immediately at the entrance you will stumble upon another corpse - inspect it. This way you will receive an audio recording and preflight room code - "0854". Now find an elevator in the center of the Atrium, thanks to which you will rise to the top floor. Upstairs, near the golden statue of a man, you can find a new weapon - the Silenced Pistol. In addition, the corpse of another young lady will lie on the second floor and you can find an audio recording from her.

Location: "". In the corridor to the north lies another corpse, but in order to get to that part of the location, you must first plug the pipe from which the fire comes from with plaster. The corpse can be found "Pass to the Laboratory". Therefore, taking a pass, immediately go inside. In the lab, the first thing you will come across are a few recycling grenades - they turn everything around into compact little balls. Large boxes will be stacked in the corner of this room, and behind them is a secret. So, to remove the boxes, throw the previously found salvaged bombs into them (one is enough). Behind the crates in the corner you can find a note with the code for the safe in this room (other useful materials can be found in the safe).

Location: "". Go down to the scenes where earlier the hero saw through the window how a man was killed. In the very center of this scene there will be a suitcase, and inside - Neuromod. From above, it will be possible to notice that it is possible to build a whole staircase from gypsum, which will lead up. So show your imagination and build some stairs that will lead you upstairs. Upstairs, first examine the corpse and listen to the audio recording. After that, climb into the ventilation shaft. Although there will be a dead end at the end, there will be a utilizer at the bottom, in the central room there is a Shock Absorber chip and a dart launcher.

Location: "". In the challenge room, first hack the computer to get code from the pantry - "6627". The next computer will have another code - "2104". Use the last code on the doors opposite to enter Dr. Thorstein's cabin inside. Plus, in the back room, you can see that the laboratory is completely weightless, so you need to enter there strictly in a spacesuit.

(?) Assignment: "Propulsion system for work in zero gravity"

Location: "". There will be a rather dangerous breakdown at the entrance, which beats with electricity, so it needs to be boarded up with plaster, after which it will be possible to pass by completely calmly. Next, find the gateway to space and on the right side of the gateway on the computer, select the item "Remove blocking". Now, to go into outer space, you will have to get a specially designed suit.

On the second floor, both the utilizer and the fabricator are located in the same place. To get to them, take the boxes there or build a plaster staircase (which is much easier to do). At the top there will be a computer, and in it there are two new drawings. In addition, a drawing of a suit will lie on the table nearby. Therefore, throw all things with a gray background into the recycler to get useful resources. Now go to the fabricator, where you can create useful items from the resources received, but first of all, you should make a spacesuit called "Artax".

On the ground floor of this building, the entrance will be littered with a bunch of heavy crates, so you'll need to have level 3 lifting to free it. Although a heavy load can be removed from the path even thanks to disposal bombs. Therefore, use the bomb in this case. Behind bars, you can find a lot of useful things, including another Neuromod and a rather rare weapon upgrade blueprint. In the other corner there is a separate closed room, and you can get there thanks to the hatch on the ceiling, but you can find two Neuromods there (again, you can get there with the help of plaster). As for the machine shop, there are several hanging booths in it (they hang at the level of the second floor). There will be corpses in the booths, and one of the corpses will have another Neuromod.

Part - 5: "Sheathing of Talos-1"

Prey 2 (2017) walkthrough

It's time to go into outer space. You can use the Shift key to speed up. You can stop on the usual key. However, this is not the most important thing, what is more important is that a new angle of rotation will appear here, so you can rotate using the “Q” key and the “E” key. In space, always try to focus on key plot points. Therefore, as soon as you reach the destroyed room, near the corpse, take the “Pass to the Workshop of Dr. Lorenzo”. In addition, two Neuromods can be found in the corpse's pockets.

Do not rush to move on, because there is an opportunity to examine a couple of other corpses that absolutely also fly in space. Search them as early as possible, because the further you go through the storyline, the more enemies will appear around, which means that at this time there will be no time for collecting things. In any case, after this little adventure, head back to the Hardware Lab Gateway.

Location: "Workshop of Dr. Lorenzo." Once on the ship, enter the workshop. There will be a "mirror" terminal in the center of the room, but for now it will be disabled, so move along the cable until you come across a generator. You can turn on the generator using the button on the screen. After that, in the “mirror”, enter the folder called “Network Utilities” and then restore all the servers.

It is possible to watch a couple more videos on the local computer. In the second video, the doctor goes to the left side of the screen, so go to the right side to follow Lorenzo's further actions on the screen: there you will see how he puts his thermos on the scales. Plus, in one of the messages on the computer there is a mention, which says that the thermos has an exact weight - 170 grams. In general, the bottom line is that by placing a thermos on the scales, a cache will open, which is located in the wall. Therefore, you need to find a thermos (it stands on a red table under the stairs). Put the thermos on the electronic scales on another table and in the cache that opens you will find Lorenzo Calvino's Cabin Pass and two neuromods. And for unraveling the secret, you will receive the achievement "Coffee Break".

Location: "Hall of Talos-1". We need to go back to the lobby to get to Morgan's apartment. There, in turn, you will need to watch the interrupted video. In it, the main character proposes to himself from the past to activate the self-destruction of the station, in order to prevent the spread of created creatures - typhons.

(?) Quest: Detour

Soon after the message, the same bot "January" will fly to the main character. He will tell you that you will have to get two keys, otherwise self-destruction will not activate: the first key (which belongs to the main character) must be restored; the second one needs to be taken from the brother, who is not going to die and is trying to solve the problem in a different way. From Morgan's desk, take the "General Entrance Pass" and one Neuromod, which will bring "January".

Location: IT department. When re-visiting the hall with a new pass received, it will be possible to inspect the remaining unverified rooms. In the office of the protagonist, it will be possible to break the mirror and thereby go through a hidden corridor. Following in the corridor, it will be possible to break the glass floor and, thus, end up on the lower floor of the IT department. Inside, in a wall cabinet, there is one neuromod and a Death from Heaven chip, so I recommend that you definitely take these things.

Location: Personnel Department. The entrance to this place will be blocked by a sofa and several heavy cabinets. The easiest way to remove all obstacles is to use a utilizing grenade. Inside, there will be another chip on the table, but now it’s a “V-amplifier”. In any case, you will need to go to the lower floor of the hall. The corner starting room can now be opened there, so it will be possible to go through this room to a new location.

(?) Additional task: "Who are you, "December"?"

Location: Neuromod Compartment (upper floors). As soon as you, in the role of Morgan, get to a new compartment called the Psychotronics Laboratory, a new bot, December, will get in touch. He immediately offers the main character not to follow the rules of quarantine and leave the ship on a rescue capsule. The bot will set up a meeting on the upper floors of the neuromod bay. Therefore, if you want to see such a version of the development of the storyline, then you need to go back (and immediately) and go to the meeting place, because otherwise the hero simply will not have time.

Through the hall, return back to the main hall of the neuromod bay. On the railing in this place will be the corpse of a person who was not there before. Examine it and find a map and "code from the security booth 5344". There will be a computer in the security room. With it, it will be possible to unlock the entrance to the previously locked room (although it could actually be opened earlier if you shoot aiming darts from the window through the entire room several times).

Location: Skill Translator. In any case, enter the opened room, in the center of which stands the piano. Through this room, go to the room above, after breaking the glass. There will be a corpse under the landing, and one Neuromod can be found near the corpse.

Location: Volunteer Testing Department. In this place there is a red chair, and on it is a person from which it will be possible to extract all available neuromods. So remember this place.

Location: "Cabins of the volunteers." Before entering this room, you need to know that it is dark inside, so immediately go to the toilet, and then make your way through the ventilation hatch. Turn on the electricity inside. As a result, after this action, the floor in the shower will become electrified, although this will not be too dangerous for Morgan. The main problem is that an invisible poltergeist will roam the room. Therefore, carefully make your way to the cabin of the volunteers, where you need to further inspect the receiving table. After that, climb into the next ventilation hatch and make your way through the ventilation ducts one floor higher.

Location: "Production". On the top floor in the first room you meet, inspect the corpse, which will have the Heavy Equipment Optimizer chip. And in the same room, Morgan will find the destroyed December bot. Be sure to examine him, because he has the code for Alex's safe - an additional task "".

So, now be extremely careful, because a technopath and a couple of turrets will be flying outside. There is a locked office on the top floor, but it can be opened by shooting darts through the window. Inside this room, the hero will stumble upon a murdered man named Holden Graves. Plus, there will be several audio recordings here, and near the computer it will be possible to renew the license for creating neuromods - this applies to the additional task "" (after that the task will be completed). There is another corpse on the lower floor of this location and it will have a "Pass to Holdon Graves' Office". Below, under the table, if you look closely, you can see a fallen Neuromod. After all these actions, it will be possible to return back to the passage of the current story mission in the new open compartment of Talos-1.

Part - 6: "Psychotronics Laboratory"

All codes and passes in Prey 2017

Location: "Security Terminal". There is a locked security room on the side, but the doors can be opened by firing the dart gun at the buttons on the computer screen several times: the "Functions" button and the "Open door" button. Inside the room you will find upgraded weapons and a couple of turrets (two). Turrets can be installed in the central corridor.

A little further on there will be a locked door that requires an unknown device. So go to the women's restroom and there, through the hole in the floor, go down one floor. The hero will end up in the luggage compartment with mimics, so kill them, examine the corpse and find the "Psychoscope" - a device that was created to search and scan typhons. In addition, the corpse will have a "Mimic Detection" psychoscope chip. So now the first thing to do is scan a couple of monsters to gain access to the following skill trees: Energy, Transformation and Telepathy. From now on, you can add them to yourself as neuromods (but when you first play through the game, I recommend not using them if you want to get the corresponding achievement). Go back to the floor to get into the elevator with the psychoscope.

Location: Atrium. So, now the first thing to know in this place is that you can scan a couple of monsters in the tanks. On the side is Director Kelstrup's office, but it is firmly barricaded with plaster. However, that's where you need to go now. When doing this, do not forget to neutralize the electrical device. After that, inspect the body of Hans (the corpse is near the computer) to get the "Pass to Hans Kelstrup's Cabin" and "Pass to the Director Kelstrup's Office".

With a pass you can now open rear doors and go down to the room of the station "Mirror". There, first of all, look for the "Elevation Control" chip and a new audio message. On the screen, you will have to click several times on the green button to turn on the mirror with the monster. And just at that moment, a real monster will enter the room, which will have to be killed. So when you deal with him, get out of here.

At the exit from the office, Alex Yu will call the hero and give the code from Kelstup's safe - "3951". Moreover, the code will be random every time, so there is no way to know it in advance. In any case, inside the safe you will find two ready-made Neuromods and a Neuromod blueprint. However, if you try to create a neuromod using a fabricator, then it turns out that this feature was blocked by one of the directors - this is how the hero receives an additional task "".

Through the round-shaped gateway, go straight into a huge room. Ahead behind the glass you can admire the new monster - "Weaver". It turns out that the first Soviet satellite of the Earth was in its web. At the very beginning, you can go up to the second floor and carefully examine the laboratory.

Location: "Laboratory - A". The stairs to the upper floor will be broken, but thanks to the walls it will be possible to build a comfortable staircase using the gypsum gun. There will also be a medical compartment at the top, in which the bot can heal you if desired. There is another room here, but it will again be firmly barricaded with plaster. There will be five Mimics inside the room and this place will be a great opportunity to get the "Massacre of Mimics" achievement. It is enough just to throw a utilizing grenade there so that the monsters die. Inside the office will be the corpse of Dr. Anna Gallegos, an audio recording and another neuromod. After listening to the audio recording, you can get an additional task "" - Dr. Anna was going to tell everyone about illegal experiments on people, but did not have time, for which she hid the evidence in her cabin, which is located in the living compartment.

Location: "Laboratory - B". In this place, through the lattice window, first of all, take an audio message from a certain Mitsuko Tokaji. As for the room itself, it will again be possible to open it if you shoot the computer with a dart gun a couple of times. Inside is a weapon upgrade and a message about the 37th test subject. In the room next door, there are heaps of notes on things, so that it can be seen, they say, they are real, not facial expressions. Moreover, there will still be mimics in this room, and there are only two of them. Both Mimics can be easily found with a psychoscope. The last room will have Behavior Telemetry with several test rooms to test Nullwave and Typhon Lure. Near the entrance to small room with golden threads of the weaver there will be two neuromods.

Location: "Processing of raw materials." Walk around the huge round capsule with the weaver. In the room to the east, behind the glass, a live bandit volunteer will be locked for the time being, from whom it will be possible to receive an additional task: “A prisoner in the psychotronics laboratory”. The captive can be both fed to the Mimics and set free, just by opening the doors. And if he helps him, then he will give the code from the arsenal - "8741". In the arsenal are pistols, shotguns, cartridges and one neuromod. On the left side there are locked doors in the laboratory of exotic matter, but next to it there will be a corpse with a new curious audio recording. Therefore, when you listen to the transcriptor, you will receive one more additional task: "". To enter the laboratory, you will first have to close up a hole in the compartment outside in space.

Location: Observation Room. The further path is blocked due to closed doors, so you have to go around the large capsule from the other side. In the next room, on the table, be sure to take the "Accelerated Scan" chip. In the center there will be a glass room, inside of which there will be a button, and by pressing the button, the weaver will be released. After that, the weaver will fly up to the corpse and create an electrophantom from it, which will approach the main character. It can be scanned, but after that you have to fight. The best tactic in battle is to cover him up with plaster, then throw a disposal grenade at his feet. You will have to kill the monster if you want to remove the quarantine from this room. For that, after the victory, you can go to the room, which is located in the southern part. In this room there is a transition to a new unexplored compartment - "Morgue". So it will be possible to go down the elevator from the observation room straight to this location. There will be locked doors below, but you can open them, as usual, with a dart gun through the glass into the door button. Inside, two Neuromods and a Mortuary Pass can be found on a table. Among the pile of corpses will lie the corpse of Dr. Bellamy (on the additional task ""). In addition, after examining the corpse of Bellamy, it will be possible to take the "Pass to the Cabin of Sylvain Bellamy".

Part - 7: "SAGITT"

Location of all secrets in Prey 2017

Right under the entrance there is a utilizer and a computer. So there is a great opportunity to recycle all the trash. In any case, go to the zone with reduced gravity and fly through the tunnel, inspecting all the corpses along the way.

"Pipe section #2". In this place, Morgan will stumble upon new monsters - a nest of cystoids. This "mixture" is a living radioactive mine, which is left by weavers. So it is quite logical to destroy them from afar. However, this is not all: cystoids, in addition to everything, flock to the sound source, therefore, to attract their attention, I recommend using grenades, or attracting attention with shots, but closer to the gas pipes (which are located at the edges). You can also just throw items in front of the hero.

"Pipe section #3". It turns out that the gateway between the compartments is firmly locked. But if you are careful, then you can find a ventilation hatch nearby. Inside, you will have to stop the fan with a plaster gun, after which you can get inside quite calmly.

"Pipe section #4". There will be a lot of cystoid nests in the next compartment, so even with full pockets of cartridges, there will still not be enough for everyone. So I recommend just flying past them by inertia, trying not to make sounds.

"Pipe section #5". And in the last part of this long pipe, the doors will be locked with a combination lock, so a pass will be required. Nearby there is also a side wall with access to the normal gravity zone (this path leads to the research floor).

Location: "Management of the magnetosphere." First of all, in this place you can notice a large capsule, inside which a movable no less large magnet works. Moreover, inside there will be the corpse of an astronaut hanging out. On the first floor in this place, go to the toilet and find a book there called "The Conqueror of the Stars. Volume 2", which will definitely come in handy for getting the achievement. Now examine the corpse from which you need to take the audio message. So the main character will receive an additional task: "" (to find out the details of the task, you will have to find Josh Dalton). But do not slow down at this point and climb higher to enter the electromagnet zone. Between magnetic pulses, you need to catch a good moment in order to accurately fly inside. So as soon as you manage to do this trick, find the “Pass to the Service Tunnel” and the “Artx Drive” chip from the corpse.

Location: "Gas tunnel". Return back to weightlessness to open the locked gateway with the previously found pass. Morgan will be in a compartment that is overflowing with golden threads of the weaver. In addition, the hero will begin to hear the voices of aliens in his head. A little further ahead in the tunnel there will be two weavers. The problem is that the weavers are killed for a long time and, in addition, they can stun the main character. So, as usual, it's best to just fly past them.

At the very beginning of the next part of the location, you can visit the dead end on the right side. At the end, another corpse will fly, and near it is the entrance to the cargo hold, but for now it is not necessary to visit it. Along the way, you will definitely stumble upon the entrance to the intermediate floor of the Fuel Storage, and there, in turn, there will be several mimics and a thermal phantom. But now you need to find the last fifth body of the employee in the SAGGIT location in order to pick up the Pass to the Fuel Storage. Once the pass has been found, turn on the emergency power at the back of the large installation. Thanks to the pass, you can go through the side doors and pick up three Neuromods. At the top there is an opportunity to open the doors that lead to the "Shuttle Bay". There you will also find the number "1" on the wall - a treasure map will point to it. And when you're done exploring and searching, fly straight into the tunnel on the left to enter the Arboretum Gateway. There, Morgan will hear the radio communications of two surviving girls: Catherine and Sarah.

Part - 8: "Arboretum"

Passage of all tasks in Prey 2017

On the way, the doors will be locked, so you have to go through the hatch, from where the corpse of a person will fall out. Inside, get to a dead end, then climb up to then be on the surface. Near the watering plant, be sure to read the note about the invention for the rapid growth of plants, if you want to get an additional task: "Gardening Tips".

Location: "Greenhouse". A little higher is the greenhouse. The greenhouse will be inhabited by real zombie people, who will be controlled by a new typhon with telepathic skills. There are two ways to enter inside: the first is with the Hacker skill, the second is by climbing through the high roof. Therefore, it is worth talking about the second version of the passage, because with the first everything is already clear. So, near the computer, jump onto the installation on the right side, and further from it to the lamp that is located above the doors. Now from this place you need to construct a ladder up to the roof. The entire roof of this greenhouse will be entirely made of glass, but it’s better not to jump down if you don’t want to accidentally kill people. Therefore, I recommend luring the typhon telepath to the hero in order to neutralize him further with a null wave and, in the end, kill him.

Inside the greenhouse, you can find the "High Temperature Amplifier" chip and the "Water Pressure Regulator" item, which is required for the task. In addition, many different fruits will grow inside the trees. In addition, after the death of a telepath, one girl will not faint and therefore it will be possible to talk to her after receiving an additional task: "". Nearby, you will need to find the AR01 warehouse, take a couple of turrets from there and install them on the road. While the hero is doing the installation, Rani Chodari will get to the cargo hold and the task will be completed.

Location: "Central elevator". In the very center there is an underground tunnel that leads to the central elevator of the station, but in order to use this elevator, you first need to repair it during the additional task: "". But in the entrance tunnel of the elevator lies the corpse of a girl, after listening to the audio recording of which, you can get the following additional task: "" (during which the hero will have to find six caches).

(?) Side mission: "Smugglers on Talos"

Before searching, it's useful to know that all the hiding places will look like fire alarms, each of which is attached to the wall. There are many such devices and they are installed throughout the station, but the hiding places differ from them in that they will have a red light above the alarm. But to open the cache on the panel you need to knock with a wrench three times. Location of all caches inPrey 2017 : the first cache is the Arboretum location, a tunnel leading to the hall, right next to the place where you can get the task; the second cache is the location "Hall", an exhibition on the first floor; the third cache is the location "Hall", the corridor on the left side of the toilets; the fourth cache - the location "Residential compartment", in the fitness center, in the corner on the right side of the entrance; the fifth cache is the Hardware Laboratory location, the second floor of the atrium, right behind the statue; the sixth cache is the location "Cargo Bay", on the second floor of the shelter near the girl who is sitting.

When you're done looking for caches, go to the elevator platform, where there will be a technopath typhon, who will control the bots and all other electronic devices / objects around. Like it or not, you have to kill the typhon, because he controls the operation of the elevator. Be sure to also inspect the site - there will be a corpse. The corpse, in turn, will have a "Pass to the Cabinet of Hendrik Dervis" and an interesting audio recording. Thanks to the audio recording listened to, the hero will receive an additional task: "" (it will be possible to decipher this audio message in the hall).

(?) Side mission: "Do No Harm"

Location: Hall. Emergency room". For the "Do No Harm" quest, enter the previously locked room of Hendrik Dervis and download the decryption key from there to listen to the second part of the audio message. In the next room (psychologist's room) on the main computer, turn on the test again to pass it, answering the questions as follows: "A", "C", "B", "A", "C". After you enter the correct combination, a secret safe will open under the picture, inside of which there will be three neuromods.

Continue to move further along the location, sticking to the right side, passing rocks and thickets along the way. On the left side in the forest there will be a large mirror screen - break it and behind it you will find a first-aid kit with new monsters. The new monsters will be higher mimics. When you get to the round clearing, on the bench you will find the next book “The Conqueror of the Stars. Volume 4". On the last platform, the hero is now waiting for an ethereal phantom that will move quickly, so when you encounter it, try to slow it down as quickly as possible with the help of a gypsum gun.

Nearby, on the side branch, there is a waterfall, but in fact it is not real, but only created with the help of a “mirror”. So break the glass bottom of the waterfall and jump to the intermediate level, where you will find the "Psychoactive Regenerator" chip. After that, go down using the elevator straight to the data warehouse. Open the gateway that leads into space, but do not exit. In the corridor, inspect the corpse, from which you will need to take the "Pass to the Residential Section" along with the paper drawing "Treasure Map for Hordinbafl Flagdasterus".

(?) Quest: "Gathering votes"

There will be another locked door ahead, but now with a voice code, so to open it you will have to find the voice of Daniella Shaw. Moreover, the audio recording of this person (20%) lies in the same place. Go back to the arboretum, go through the tunnel that leads to the living quarters. On the lower floor near the elevator, go to the checkpoint. If you break open the doors, then inside on the computer you can download extremely useful map compartment and view the location of all personnel that is at the station.

Part - 9: "Residential Section"

How to get Prey 2017

Zombified people will roam throughout the location. If you get too close to them, they will explode. Therefore, if you want to leave people alive, then you need to stun them with a null wave with a grenade, or just shoot them with a shocker.

Location: "Reaction Center". A poltergeist will live in the leisure room. Since the monster will be invisible, you will have to take up the scanner to find it and notice it in time. Upstairs on a large table there will be sheets with characters from the table role play"Fortress of Doom. 6th edition". In the same place, you can find another audio recording of Shaw (this will already be 40%), “Pass to Abigail Fay’s Cabin” and “Treasure Map for Mechetyk” (the map will show a room with a utilizer, inside, look at the arrow, you will see on the wall number "6").

(?) Additional task: "Cook's request"

Location: Cafeteria. Well, first of all, in the cafeteria, the hero will stumble upon a telepath who will once again control the zombie people. For the time being, I suggest staying away from him and in general it is better to bypass this place. The best tactic with minimal casualties: sneak up behind, shoot from a shotgun - this will decrease more health. With the help of a null-wave grenade, the monster can be temporarily deprived of all skills. So when you finish him off, the cook will get in touch with Morgan, but he won’t let him into the kitchen, but for that he will give Will Mitchell’s Cabin Pass.

Location: Crew Quarters - A. In the corridor, the hero will stumble upon an electric phantom, which will have an advantage, because absolutely the entire floor will be flooded with water, so he will have to be lured out and only then killed. As for the toilet - there will be a poltergeist sitting there. Now as for the cabins: cabin "102 - J.Marks" - it will be possible to get inside only when you find the key lying in the Shuttle Compartment; cabin "105 - M.Ilyushin" - it will be possible to enter inside only if Morgan turns into some small object; cabin "106 - W.Mitchell" - in Mitchell's cabin you can find a chef's medal, but more importantly, there will be a code from the directors' apartment in his computer.

Location: Kitchen. Go back to the cook so that he will let Morgan into the kitchen. There will be a shaper in the kitchen. The cook will ask you to repair the plumbing, and there are two options for solving the problem: the first is to bring a new whole part from the arboretum greenhouse, or the second is to repair the broken part. After that, the cook will let the main character into the refrigerator, which will turn out to be a trap, because the fat one will close the doors. In the first chamber there will be a piece of meat from the real Mitchell. In the other side chamber there will be a new weapon - the Markgraf laser gun. In the far part of the chamber lies the corpse of a girl named Abigail, but she will have another part of Shaw's audio recording (after that it will be 60%). Nearby there will also be ice blocks, behind which the passage to the ventilation shaft will be hidden. Shoot at the gas pipes that are located on the wall and as a result, the fire will quickly melt the ice, after which you can safely get out of trouble. And over the past time, of course, the cook managed to escape.

Location: Pool. On the concierge's computer, you can look at the location map and get an audio recording with a code from the Fitness Center, through which, in fact, the pool passes. On the floor above, next to the treadmills, there will be another neuromod. A telepath will fly over the pool, and several people around him. One of the people will have a Rosalyn Swift Treasure Map.

At the corpse, you can find a message from Daniella Shaw and thereby get an additional task: "". It is enough to go up to the pool window and knock on the glass three times with an adjustable wrench. As a result, live Daniella will fly up outside. After talking, she will ask for revenge on the cook who killed her beloved Abigail, and plus at the same time it will be possible to record another part of Shaw's voice.

Location: Cinema. There is practically nothing interesting in this place. The only thing that might come in handy is another audio recording with Shaw's voice under the chairs.

Location: "Bar: Yellow Tulip". Behind the bar, first of all, be sure to inspect the broken bot, inside of which you will find the "Pass to the Pantry" yellow tulip". In the pantry, in turn, there will be two corpses, a gun and a drink. In the far part of the hall, it will be possible to get into the ventilation and thereby turn on the light in the bar. Near the place above the table, but a little higher, there is another ventilation hatch, and this in turn will lead to the fitness center, where Morgan will encounter wandering zombies. next to the bar will be separate room with a utilizer inside - there will be a note, and on the note the code from the gravity lift is “2512”. And do not rush to leave right away, because in the same room look at the number "6" on the wall - a treasure map will point to it.

Location: "Directors' apartments". So, now, thanks to the code found in the note, you can use the gravity lift to go up to the floor with the directors' apartments. In his cabin called "Morgan Yu" you can find two Neuromods and a Psychoscope Chip "Potentializer". In the computer, you can find audio recordings of all the important people on the Talos-1 station. Brother Morgan's cabin will be locked, and there will be a phantom in the guest cabin.

Location: Crew Quarters - B. Cabin "107 - J. Thorstein" - here you can find the "Battery Optimizer" chip. Cabin "108 - S. Bellamy" - to get into this cabin, you will need a pass, which in turn can be obtained on the "Vanishing Corpse" task, inside the task will be completed and you can take three neuromods along with the "Psi-amplifier" psychoscope chip ". Cabin "111 - L.Calvino" - inside there is a neuromod, a couple of interesting records (and one of them will contain a code from Dr. Calvino's safe) and, in fact, a safe hidden behind a mirror glass, inside which there will be three neuromods. Cabin 112 - D.Sho: When you get to Danielle Shaw's cabin, inside you can find the book "The Conqueror of the Stars. Volume 1", Neuromod, and next to the bed there will be another audio recording (80%), the only problem is that it has to be repaired using the engineer's skill. Also, a small fragment of Shaw's voice can be found on the computer (90%), and after reading the message, you can get an additional task: "".

Location: "Habitable capsules". Inspect the capsules first, including those on the second floor. In one of the capsules you can find the code from the Post Office (there will be three neuromods near the concierge's computer), in the other capsule there will be an audio message with an additional task: "". Examine the first corpse of the concierge and get one more additional task: "". Find the capsule of Shaw's friend, where the last key audio recording with a voice will lie (100%). After that, you can finally leave this sector. Make your way back to the arboretum, although Morgan will encounter many ethereal and electrical phantoms along the way. The most important thing is to get to the data warehouse in order to go further, having previously recreated the full voice of Daniella Shaw.

Part - 10: "Data Warehouse"

All codes and passwords Prey 2017

(?) Quest: "Restore from backup"

As soon as you enter this compartment, Morgan's brother will block the doors, so you won't be able to go back, but that's for now. Therefore, go to the first computer and get the code from the Exit to the stairs on it. Neuromod will lie next to the computer. In the second room of the protagonist, a technopath is waiting - a new monster that can hack all nearby technical devices and attack with large fireballs.

After the fight, descend into weightlessness between floors. A server computer will be located in front of the hero, but it turns out that the central hard drive has been removed from it. Therefore, now you have to fly down, bypassing the weaver and his mines, in order to get the disk from the bottom. After that, fly up to the server, the disk will be inserted automatically. You just have to download the information about the key.

Location: Control Center. Now go back to the floor where there is normal gravity. From there, climb through the cabinets to the security floor. The security chief's computer will be able to trace the personnel by the ID number of the bracelet. In addition, you can enter the number "3232" (the code is constantly random) to find Grand Lockwood for the additional task "" and "". Nearby on the table there will be a “Security Pass” and two neuromods.

Soon, Danielle Shaw will call Morgan to tell him how to get out of the blocked compartment. In her computer, for this, download the file called "Activation_Key_M_U". By the way, in the same files is the "Treasure Map for Melindra Shadowconer". On the next table lies the "Optimizer (telepathy)" chip.

Location: Confidential Records. Well, the doors inside, as usual, will be locked, but it will be possible to climb up. Inside, in turn, it will be possible to find data on experimental volunteers and a safe.

(?) Quest: "Up here!"

Location: "Data Modules". The entrance inside will be barricaded with heavy cabinets, but they can be disposed of either with a salvage grenade, or moved with a skill, or even get rid of with a balloon explosion. In any case, there will be a weaver sitting inside, so quickly run up and kill him. From this place, on the advice of Daniella Shaw, go into open space through a nearby gateway. Due to the fact that Alex Yu closed all the other airlocks from the inside, you will have to get through the cargo hold, where the airlocks, in turn, are semi-automatic.

(?) Side mission: "Million Dollar Sealant"

Location: "Shelling Talos-1". Along the way, it will be possible to complete the task that the hero received earlier. Find a long crack in the skin of Talos-1, from which air will actively escape. The entire surface will have to be filled with a gypsum gun so that the air stops escaping through the damage. Immediately after that, access to a previously inaccessible depressurized room will open inside, but for now, you should not rush to go there.

(?) Additional task: "Disgruntled employee"

If you turned on the bracelet ID search when the hero was in the data vault, then you should now be able to see where Grand Lockwood is. It turns out that the corpse of a man is far beyond the protective field of the station. Therefore, when Morgan goes out of bounds, he will slowly begin to be killed by solar radiation, so I recommend you hurry. When you find the corpse of the astronaut, you will find the Atrax 2 chip in the suitcase, which allows you to make a double jump.

(?) Side mission: "Dr. Igwe"

Get to the cargo section of Talos Station 1. In this place, Dr. Igwe will contact the hero. He will tell you that he hid in a container that is now drifting somewhere in space. You will be given seven minutes to complete this task. It is impossible to open the container, because otherwise the scientist will immediately die without air. Pushing the container will not work either. In the input panel, look for the container number "2312".

After that, fly into the recess in the cargo hold, where there will be a lot of mines - clear this place. There will be a cargo control panel on the wall on the side, and on it you will need to enter the number of the container so that it automatically docks with the ship. Thus, the scientist will be saved. Morgan, in turn, can now easily pass through the docked container to the station.