What does linear meter mean. Running meter - how much? How is it used in kitchens? What products are measured by the running system? What is a running meter

  • 15.06.2019

Many people confuse two units of measurement - square meter and running meter. To make it easy to understand, we will give simple and to everyone understandable examples from Everyday life. So what is the difference between a square meter and a running meter?

The concept of a square meter

A square meter is a standard unit of area, which is equal to the area of ​​a square with a side of one meter. In order to calculate the area in square meters, you need to multiply the length by the height if we are talking about a wall, or the width by the length if we are talking about a floor or ceiling. Referred to as sq. m. This unit of measurement is very widely used in everyday life, and one of the most striking examples of its use is the size of a dwelling. That is, when it comes to a room that is 16 square meters, which means that the floor area of ​​the given room corresponds to this value.

Basically, this unit of measurement can be found in cases that are directly related to construction. In order to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba wall, the height of which is four meters, and the length is six, it is necessary to multiply four by six, that is, it turns out that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis wall is twenty-four square meters.

The concept and distinctive features of a running meter

Linear meter is a unit that characterizes the length of the measured object; just like a regular meter, a running meter consists of one hundred centimeters. This unit is designated as m. As for its use, if you want to measure, for example, the length of a piece of fabric, then it will be measured in linear meters, while finding the area of ​​​​this segment will require knowledge not only of its length but also width. This unit of measurement is used if the width, height or thickness of the product does not matter, for example, a roll of fabric or a carpet. However, things like ceramic tile or laminate are calculated in square meters.

Rolled Construction Materials are also often measured in linear meters, since usually their thickness is already included by the manufacturer in their cost. For example, linoleum is measured in linear meters, since its width is already included in its price, therefore, the buyer pays only for the required number of linear meters. The cost of furniture, such as a kitchen, is also indicated in linear meters, which is much more convenient for calculations. This means that the buyer pays only for the length of the headset, regardless of the number of shelves and doors, if we are talking about standard fittings.

Also, when it comes to doing construction works, such as, for example, the installation of a skirting board or grouting on a ceramic plate, linear meters are widely used. However, the rest of the work is based on the number of square meters, the area of ​​the repaired premises.

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1 linear meter - the average price of a meter in length. Used when calculating the cost of a product to order for 1 meter.

Linear meter of the kitchen- a meter in length, this is a CONDITIONAL UNIT OF MEASURING THE KITCHEN of a standard small kitchen with a minimum set of elements. And this means the conditional price per meter, which usually includes: a kitchen made of chipboard, without finishing, with a minimum internal filling of cabinets, lower and upper cabinets with hinged doors, 1 shelf, countertop, a bar for hanging shelves. Sometimes they include plinth, handles, plinth.

Before buying a kitchen

  • We ask what this store includes in a standard linear meter and what height is the standard;
  • We measure the length of our kitchen and choose the height!
  • We multiply the length of the kitchen by the running meter at the selected height.
Linear meter of the kitchenit is a meter of kitchen furniture installed along the wall. Often the length is called the width of the kitchen and vice versa, but it is important to understand that this is a kitchen from one end to the other when you look at it from front side. (left to right or right to left). That is, the longest part of the kitchen (length).

How do sellers initially consider a running meter of a kitchen? A standard kitchen with a minimum set of drawers, a minimum height and a minimum length and width is taken and its cost is calculated, then divided by meters. (For example, a 3x2 kitchen costs 10,000 rubles, then a running meter will cost 3,333 rubles, respectively, if there are more meters, and drawers and kitchen heights, other material, then the price is greater.) The length of the kitchen is multiplied by the cost of a running meter, which Each store has its own rules.

Manufacturers often include the simplest and cheapest materials in a running meter of a kitchen.

The cost of a running meter of the kitchen is NOT included: backlight panel, socle, cornice, wall panel, wall plinth, sinks, ovens.

Running meter - how much? The nuances of the calculation

Before going to the store, measure the length of the kitchen on the plinth.

Ask what is included in the standard kitchen, according to which the running meter was calculated kitchen set.

When calculating, the low version of the kitchen is taken (up to 72 cm), and the most dimensional parts of the kitchen.

You can find out the price of a running meter of a kitchen by dividing the cost of the kitchen by a meter of the kitchen along the length (along the wall).

You can find out the price of a custom-sized kitchen by multiplying the length of the kitchen set by the cost of a running meter of the kitchen (but you need to take into account the separate cost of fittings and the different cost of different materials).

The price of any kitchen can be reduced or increased by collecting it differently.

It would seem that it could be simpler than the units of measures that every person faces literally from the cradle. A meter, a kilogram, a liter… However, sometimes life raises new questions even for real “gurus”. One such example is what a running meter is. Indeed, at school, in geometry lessons, no quantities are measured in such units. So, perhaps they do not exist at all, and the running meters themselves are pure fiction? Now that the Internet is available to everyone, it is theoretically easy to find an answer to almost any question posed. The main thing is to formulate it correctly. An inquisitive user who has typed in the search line of the browser the query “what is a running meter” will certainly be surprised by the fact that these words are adjacent to the kitchen theme. What does this mean?


Perhaps, after all, it is worth understanding in detail the question of what a running meter is. Obviously, since we are talking about units of measurement, then we should look for the answer in France, in the Bureau of Weights and Measures itself, where all reference samples are stored. But if we could look at the stands, we would not find any mythical running meter there. This indicates that the desired measure of length has only an indirect relation to the real meter.

Initially, one ten-millionth part of the duration of the earth meridian intersecting with Paris was taken as a standard. The necessary measurements were made in 1795, and after making corrective additions, in 1799, based on the data obtained, a ruler was made of noble platinum right size. However, subsequently the accuracy of such a meter was increasingly questioned, since the shape of the planet is far from a perfect ball, and in classical geodesy it is almost impossible to obtain such unprecedented accuracy without a satellite metric. If at the time of the creation of the initial "standard" its accuracy was quite sufficient for all tasks of that time, then every year the situation changed. As a result, in 1960 it was proposed to use a certain part of the atomic transition in krypton as a meter. And only 23 years later, the standard adopted its modern interpretation, tied to the path length of a light beam in vacuum.

What is a running meter?

This concept is used primarily in the sale roll materials. Thanks to him, it is possible to significantly simplify the calculations. For example, a person needs to buy 10 square meters of linoleum. In retail outlets, this material is sold in rolls, the width of which is unchanged for each model. Thus, to obtain the required 10 sq. m for a roll 2 m wide, you need to measure only 5 m. Since 2 m * 5 m = 10 sq. m. These 5 - and there are running meters. In other words, a linear meter is equal to the reference value, but taking into account some additional constant value (in this case, the width).

but this definition requires some explanation, since the often encountered expression "linear meter of the kitchen" is not always clear. After all, by analogy, when buying a kitchen set, theoretically, you can ask to unwind a certain number of cabinets from a roll. The confusion arises because sellers furniture products the previously mentioned constant value is not the width, but the cost of material and labor. If the price of a meter is known, and each subsequent one differs only in the spatial configuration (while maintaining the same amount of materials), then it is much easier to use the concept of a linear meter in approximate calculations. A buyer interested in the cost of “the same kitchen model, but longer or shorter” can easily calculate it even on their own.

Everything is measurable. It is a fact. But the values ​​used are different. Most of the products that are rolled up, which relate to fittings and kitchen products, are today measured in linear meters. To be more precise, a running meter is how many meters in length. The width is not taken into account.

In one store, these stripes are in this form. But in the other there is just one wide strip of 3 meters long 10 meters. In essence, this is what we need. Since the cost is indicated in linear meters, in the first store we will pay three times more than in the second. The savings are huge!

Remember, 1 linear meter is 1 meter of the product in length. And then it doesn't matter what the width is. The price will not change.


Very often, only the number of linear meters and the price are indicated in the product information card. This means that we do not know anything about the width of the product. If you buy everything in a store or market, you can bring your own tape measure.

On the Internet, such data is often hidden. You can not order a product without making sure of its parameters. It is worth calling the store and find out its width.

When you find two identical items with different prices, do not rush to order the cheapest one. It is possible that the width of that product will not suit you.

Marking the fabric is a matter, although not simple, but accurate. With kitchens, which are also measured in linear meters, everything is much more complicated. Usually, we take into account 1 meter of standard headset. That is, simple cabinets and tables are always used for miscalculations. All additional decorative elements are negotiated separately.

If you buy a ready-made kitchen, then information about running meters is not particularly important. You already see the finished price tag and decide whether the price is right or not. But with individual orders, you need to carefully consider everything.

It is important to emphasize that you can never know the exact amount in advance. We can only judge the minimum cost of 1 linear meter of your future kitchen.

There are two popular situations in which the answers are completely different:

1. Accurate calculation. You order an ordinary kitchen, where all drawers, cabinets and tables have standard sizes. You don't change anything. The final price may differ slightly from the planned one.

2. Completely inaccurate calculation. The kitchen is completely original. All cabinets and drawers are designed for your convenience and size of dishes and furniture. The headset fits exactly into the design of the room. The final price may be several times higher.

Why is the total going up?

It is difficult to translate linear meters. And for the sake of a new idea, you have to put up with the pricing policy. To cut costs, it is worth connecting different components. That is, it is necessary to use as many standard elements as possible, diluting them with custom ones. So you get a kitchen that fits well into the interior, and save your budget.

Don't forget that different materials and designer features add value. One linear meter of a locker can become more expensive if you decide to install not 4, but 5 drawers in it. Each detail requires additional expenses. Carving or decorative stickers are far from cheap.

Alternative to running meter

Many shops calculate the price based on ready-made kitchens. You choose the model you like, see its price, and then change it a little, if necessary. In such cases, it is easier to evaluate a future purchase.

As a result, we see that a linear meter is a value by which many goods are measured, from fabric to kitchen. It defines the length without specifying the width. In order not to make a mistake in the purchase, you need to clarify all the points. If the Internet refuses to tell you the width, then it's not worth the risk. After all, you can just lose your money.

It is generally accepted: "The kitchen is a kind of altar on which a woman every day, relatively speaking, sacrifices herself to the family." And it is for this most important reason that the fair floor should cook in a spacious and comfortable kitchen where you can fit everything you need for this process. The design of the room also plays a significant role, but this is a completely different story. Initially, you need to calculate the dimensions of countertops and cabinets, and then opt for a specific color and shape.

Before making a choice, in the store, each kitchen buyer should ask the seller a question: “What does your store include in the standard list of measuring a linear meter and what height does the standard have?”.

It is a conventional unit of measurement for any kitchen with the most minimal set of certain elements, which includes a kitchen made of DPS without finishing, a minimum internal filling of cabinets, upper and lower cabinets with opening doors, one shelf, one countertop and a plank designed for hanging shelves. It happens that the minimum set also includes handles, a plinth and a plinth. All this ultimately means that a linear meter is the average price of one meter in length, it is used in the active calculation of the cost of a particular product to order per meter. It should be borne in mind that the cost of a running meter does not include: a plinth, a backlight and wall panel, a cornice, an oven, a sink and a wall plinth.

Linear meter of the kitchen- this conventional unit kitchen measurement, which is the result of dividing the store value of the headset by its length along the wall.

How to calculate the running meter of the kitchen

After determining within this question, you need to measure the length of your kitchen and decide on the height. Then everything can be calculated and the desired result can be obtained using a simple formula: we multiply the length of your kitchen by a linear meter at a given height.

In order to avoid troubles and errors in measurements, it is easier to calculate the length of the kitchen along the baseboard. The calculations take the lowest version of the kitchen, which is up to 72 centimeters long, as well as the largest parts of the room.

If the headset custom sizes, then its length must be multiplied by the store value of the value. Experts said that the price of any kitchen can go down or up if it is assembled differently.

Still, any kitchen is very special, one might say, intimate places. Indeed, in the kitchens, sometimes those things are said by themselves that cannot be said for anything and in no way, for example, in an ordinary living room. Avid housewives will agree with this expression, and therefore for them the kitchen acts as a kind of sanctuary, where the sacrament of preparing various feasts and secret conversations takes place. The design and size of your headset should be comfortable for the first sacrament and conducive to spiritual conversation. Therefore, when choosing a kitchen, women care little about how much a running meter costs. The main thing is how many guests it can accommodate and how much space it needs for cooking. Both the customers themselves and the employees representing the corresponding store can count the running meter.