What does a charismatic person mean. What is a charismatic person?

  • 11.10.2019

We often hear: "This person has charisma" or "This is a charismatic person." But what is charisma? What do we understand by this term? Who can be called a charismatic person?

If we turn to various dictionaries, we will find out: “Charisma is a gift from God; high giftedness, personal attraction, exclusivity of the individual in intellectual, spiritual, or some other respect. In general, this is a person who has such traits and qualities that provide admiration for her, unconditional trust and faith in her exceptional capabilities that can effectively influence people.

The quality of charisma is not so much acquired as bestowed by nature, or by some mystical forces.

The term itself comes from ancient Greek mythology, in which the ancient Greek goddesses of beauty, grace and grace were called charismatics.

The modern usage in sociology was introduced by Ernst Troeltsch. The German sociologist M. Weber gave the following definition: “Charisma is the quality of a person, recognized as extraordinary, thanks to which she is evaluated as gifted with supernatural, superhuman, specifically special powers and properties that are not available to other people.”

Charisma most often arises in extreme historical conditions. The most famous and generally recognized charismatic personalities are Jesus Christ, Buddha and Muhammad.

On the other hand, the property of charisma does not depend on the type of activity and its moral content. A charismatic leader can be a saint or a criminal. Thus, famous statesmen and military figures - Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Hitler, Roosevelt, Churchill, Lenin, Stalin, Mahatma Gandhi, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, Martin Luther King - are recognized charismatic personalities.

The common expression "He has charisma" means that a person makes a strong impression on others, they succumb to his influence and are ready to follow him. The phenomenon of charisma usually arises in some groups, rallying into which people single out a leader and follow him unconditionally.

But there is another point of view that charisma is not an innate or magical quality of a person, but the result of special behavior that can be learned. Men and women want to have charisma in order to be successful in their careers and personal life. And, despite the fact that experts believe that charisma is a set of certain qualities of a person, laid down by nature and upbringing, they offer a number of tips with which a person can develop charismatic qualities in himself:

  • Listening skills.
    A person will feel comfortable in communicating with you if he is allowed to finish his thought.
  • The ability to ask the right questions.
    Your interlocutor will feel comfortable if you ask questions about himself or about what he heard from him.
  • The ability to give compliments.
    By noting a person's real strengths, you confirm what they already know about themselves.
  • Ability to make eye contact.
    Looking into the eyes of a person when communicating with him, you show interest in the interlocutor and demonstrate the absence of fear.
  • The ability to be visible to others.
    When entering a room, make sure that people notice your presence.
  • The ability to smile sincerely.
    Smiling signals that you are confident and value yourself highly.
  • The ability to live in harmony with oneself.
    People around you like confident people.
  • The ability to stand out.
    Don't try to be like everyone else. People are attracted to those who know how to stand out from the "gray mass".
  • The ability to express one's disagreement with other people's opinions.
    It is necessary to object and enter into an argument with dignity, without becoming personal.
  • The ability to be patient.
    Give people the impression that everything is going as it should, easily and naturally.
  • The ability to present yourself.
    Confident gestures, gait, posture signal to others that you are ready to face any difficulties on your way.
  • The ability to "disappear" for a while from the field of view of people.
    If you are around for too long, then your presence will lose its original value in the eyes of other people.

And remember that:

“True charisma is the ability to arouse the strongest inspiration within oneself and demonstrate it outwardly; this ability makes a person an object of close attention and unconscious imitation by others” / Leah Greenfield /.

“Charisma is what allows one successful salesperson to sell five times as much as his peers in the same industry. It’s the difference between entrepreneurs who have investors constantly hustling at the door and their less fortunate peers who have to beg the banks give them credit… Charisma is useful for a stay-at-home mother who needs to raise her own children, influence their teachers or other members of her inner circle” / Olivia Fox Cabein /.

Hello, dear readers and readers of my blog! Today I would like to talk about what makes people listen one person with a sinking heart and salivation. And we are not talking about medical violations.

Enthusiasm for an interlocutor is one of the most powerful manipulative means. A person who rudely tells you what to do wants to respond with indignation, but the situation may change. For example, if you stood and chatted with him, they told you a joke and won you over. And then, quite unobtrusively, they said “if you did this, I would be happy.” And now the opponent is already willingly doing what he did not want or what he did not even think about. What is the reason? People easily agree with those they like. Therefore, the topic of today's article will be charisma and What does a charismatic person mean?

What do people mean by this word?

For the best disclosure of the theme of ladies 2 definitions charisma: one scientific and the other ordinary, with concrete example. So, let's begin?

First of all, in research psychology, charisma is understood as special personality traits, thanks to which a person is evaluated as gifted, capable of exerting an effective influence on others.

In the philistine sense, this word is synonymous with the words "opportunity", "success" and "charm". Why exactly? Charismatic people often cause boundless trust and faith in their abilities from the very first seconds of communication. Sometimes even non-verbal.

Perhaps you were in a situation where you were sold a completely unnecessary thing. Or did you agree to visit your sick grandmother with your friend, although you are very busy, and you see your friend for the second time in your life?

Or another situation. What do pickups play? In fact, there is a wide range of nuances. However, all these situations have one thing in common. When you didn’t want something, but after talking with a person, you sharply wanted and did it, you succumbed to the influence. And this is not at all about dictatorship, butabout charisma. so that he believes in your absolute competence in resolving this issue, and also carries out what you motivated him to do.

Sounds impressive, right? However, this is an elementary digression. into history . Did great leaders carry out revolutions through despotism and power? Yes and no. First of all, they evoked sympathy for themselves and faith in their ideals. After that, they received the boundless trust of people. Stalin, Hitler, Fidel Castro - the perfect example of a charismatic personality, although their manner of speaking varied. in the fashion industry and computer technology famous figures are Coco Chanel and Steve Jobs.

If you choose by intimidation, several problems will arise at once. The first is that there will be a negative attitude towards you, which is unlikely to ever change. The second is that there will always be someone who will not be afraid. As a result, there remains a short-lived power and an unpleasant aftertaste. You can read more about what happens if you choose intimidation. .

What makes a person special

Not everyone wants to take over the world, but everyone wants to realize themselves in life, whether you man or woman . Charisma helps to easily and naturally reach heights in any area where other people are involved. I mean, almost everyone. We're not hermit crabs, are we?

improve business, love relationship and even the development of the intellect will help the inner fire, rebirth. So, what makes people charismatic:

  1. . The ability to boldly and decisively declare oneself, defend one's ideals and boldly make decisions when required. To know that the saying “one in the field is not a warrior” is not true. And you yourself can achieve a lot without relying on others.
    After all, no one will trust a doctor to make decisions for his own life if he lowers his eyes and stammers nervously, saying “probably this is a tumor, you need to operate.” A logical question arises: “How is it possible ?! Either yes or no, or go to hell." Or a politician who promises freedom of choice, but his wife or press secretary pulls his sleeve. And you immediately understand that he cannot control his life, since he can guarantee this to you? Read more about the importance of personal development in this article. .
  2. Unique . There must be something that distinguishes a potential leader from the crowd, makes him recognizable appearance out of a thousand others. This may be the timbre of the voice, a special facial expression or gesticulation, a unique personal style of clothing, or even a kind of defect that is presented as a highlight. Worse than being blamed can only be invisible.
  3. Self-control and In life there are different situations not everything goes according to plan. But the ability to get out of the water dry, successfully beat your own mistake or restrain emotions, tactfully explaining your disagreement is a rare skill. Cry wrong or unrestrained. knowledge is positive trait . Sometimes an angry statement can ruin a career. A charismatic person catches the mood swings of others, their needs and desires, being able to successfully speculate with this.
  4. . Not only the essence of the information is important, but also its presentation. Competent expression of one's thoughts, giving them an emotional color, impressive vocabulary, possession of the voice, the ability to ignite and inspire the whole crowd.
  5. Sociability. Being an introvert and a charismatic person at the same time is very difficult, if not impossible. Charisma is about making connections easily when needed. Wherein necessary condition is naturalness and ease. And this is possible only with frequent and refined skills of communication with other people. How this can be done can be found in the article. .
  6. Charm. Even a stern leader must sometimes smile to melt the hearts of others. Be that as it may, maintaining direct eye contact, along with a smile and a compliment, disarms anyone, sets them in a positive way.

A nice bonus, but not a mandatory element will be a sense of humor. AT right situations it can play into your hands, but you can do without it. Also, important meaning is graceful and beautiful appearance. However, many create their own special style, which can go beyond the usual concepts.

Where to begin

What qualities possesses a charismatic person, we have already decided. What about how to develop them? Books give hints "Charisma. How to influence, convince and inspire Cabin Fox and "Leader's Charisma" Radislav Gandapas.

Some have innate charisma, and some acquire it through self-improvement. If you are reading this article, you are probably the second type. You need not only signs charismatic person, but also information how to become . My article will help deepen your knowledge on this topic. .

To help develop charisma will help:

  1. Empathy. In simple words , when communicating with people, you need to record all their gestures, facial expressions and intonation, even implicit pauses or accelerations. By understanding what matters to a person, you will be able to understand how to win him over.
  2. Courses. You can go to a professional, or you can limit yourself to playing performances and making speeches.
  3. Successes and mistakes. It is important not to be afraid of mistakes, to be able to accept your defeats, but always strive to win. The more knowledge and skills you have, the more confident you will feel.

A person who can be called charismatic, seen from afar. He always has something to say. And while doing this, he enjoys every minute, every surprised, delighted or dissatisfied exclamation. Time stands still next to him and I want to postpone all things.

This is not magic, but the psychology of influence. If this information was useful to you - subscribe and share the link in social networks. See you soon!

0 Many people have come across in everyday communication with various tricky words, the meaning of which is not entirely clear to them. For those who are constantly lost and do not know what to answer a seemingly simple question, we have published this article. Today we are going to talk about what charismatic Human?. So be sure to add us to your bookmarks to visit us again. However, before continuing, I would like to advise you a couple more useful publications on the subject of science and education. For example, what does Essay mean, how to understand the word Tilt, what is Lipophrenia, what does the word Homunculus mean, etc.
So let's continue Charismatic, what does it mean? This term was borrowed from the Greek "χάρισμα", and is translated as "gift" (from God).

Charismatic person- this is a special quality of a person that allows him to look in the eyes of other people as an outstanding, exceptional, eye-catching individual

Different charismatic people, there is one common feature, this is an excellent possession of oratory. This is an important component of the personality of any leader if he wants to lead the people. Of course, there are citizens with great charisma who do not have this skill, but they are few and excel in other fields.
This raises the question, can people who do not have charisma have the art of a speaker? Of course they can, for example, among teachers, although their speeches, while possessing irrefutable rightness, do not have that spark that kindles the hearts of other people and would awaken them to action.

From this we conclude that charisma is essentially a gift from God, a special talent that is not given to everyone. It is hardly possible to develop charisma by reading a book, " How to become a charismatic person for dummies". However, oratory is a completely different matter, and it can really be learned.

Define charismatic a person can be, for example, by the art with which he tells parables, stories, the plot of a film or book. After all, these people love to lead the masses with the use of such stories. Since in order for your information to reach everyone, you need to choose the most accessible option for its submission.

A charismatic person during his speeches uses a special pace of speech. Look at how the politicians speak, their delivery of the text is very slow, they practically do not gesticulate so that the attention of the audience is fixed on their figure, while they make long pauses.

Find performances by such famous figures of the past as Brezhnev and Stalin on YouTube. They always acted with extreme restraint, practically did not use facial expressions and gestures. Fidel Castro is an excellent speaker, he could start the crowd with half a turn, while he always spoke slowly, and at the same time with a touch of theatricality, perfectly controlling the modulations of his voice.

Remember that the deliberate display of a strong accent or speech defects can be a real calling card. charismatic person. Distinctive features help him to be heard, and to be deeper in the mind than the performances of his opponent, and will be remembered for a long time. From this we can conclude that for the bearer of charisma, as a rule, correct and grammatically correct speech is not needed, because he is not going to teach studious. For this individual, the most important thing is the creation of his memorable personality.

By reading this article, you have learned that Charismatic, what does it mean, and now you will not get into a mess by finding this word again.

This chapter will analyze psychological concepts charismatic personality. The results of the analysis will help answer the questions: what is charisma and what qualities of charisma should a person engaged in managerial activities have.

Psychological concepts of a charismatic personality

managerial personality charisma psychological

"A charismatic person is a person who has charismatic qualities (charisma)". At present, the concept of "charisma" is actively used in political, social, psychological contexts. However, in psychology there is still no clear developed approach to understanding the phenomenon of "charisma".

In order to understand the understanding of the phenomenon of "charisma" and to identify the main qualities necessary for a charismatic personality in a particular activity, in the opinion of the author of the work, it is necessary to analyze the ontology of psychological approaches to the study of a charismatic personality.

Initially, the concept of "charisma" comes from the Greek chyumb - "grace", "divine gift", "grace". In ancient Greek mythology, it was used to denote the ability to command and attract attention. In Christianity, charisma is a unique "gift of God, grace", an ability bestowed as a reward by the Holy Spirit.

In the field of psychoanalytic approach, the system psychological knowledge regarding charisma, it is most fully presented in the works of Z. Freud, C. G. Jung, A. Adler, E. Fromm, where an analysis of the characteristics of prominent personalities is carried out and attempts are made to explain the masses' preference for a certain type of leader (leader).

Investigating social processes and the influence of the psychological characteristics of a person on them, Z. Freud concludes that “a charismatic leader acts as an autocentric link in the chain of command-submission. The followers are so enthusiastic about him appearance and manners, that the thoughts expressed by him are perceived by the masses as their own. . Z. Freud believes that the main link that unites the followers of a charismatic leader is the “collective libido”. Nevertheless, in his research, he does not specify what qualities a charismatic leader should have.

Following Z. Freud, his followers were interested in the problem of leadership. In A. Adler's concept of individual psychology, "an individual pathologically strives to rule over others, as a means of compensating for certain of his own mental and physical shortcomings." That is, the desire for power and suppression of others - weaker personalities, is seen as compensation for an inferiority complex, which can both impede the positive growth and development of a person, and encourage her to constructive efforts and achievements (which is just characteristic of a charismatic personality). Therefore, charismatic qualities in a person can be developed.

C. G. Jung introduces the concept of “mana-personality” into psychology, which is a personified archetypal image of supernatural power. “The mana-personality acts as the dominant of the collective unconscious, a well-known archetype of a powerful person, who appears in the form of a hero, leader, leader, sorcerer, magician, healer, saint, ruler of people and spirits, friend of God.” Analyzing this concept, K.G. Jung concludes that each individual tends to identify himself with the manna-personality. As J. Campbell notes, she attracts to herself, because she is a subject “charged with the spell of an impressive social mask”, i.e. "anna-personality" acts as an analogue of a charismatic personality.

Based on the ideas of K.G. Jung's built whole line other theories and typologies of charismatic personalities. So, “using the idea of ​​archetypes, J. Steyrer proposed the following types charismas: "Father", "Hero", "Savior" and "King".

· The image of the father (paternalistic charisma), according to J. Steyrer, is associated with the "despotic father-lord" or with the "father-benefactor". The father is the prototype of the creator, parent and unlimited ruler. In accordance with the type of despotic master, he is reasonable, omniscient, omnipotent, unshakable and reliable. As a “benefactor”, he treats his environment favorably, patronizingly, with understanding, forgiving mistakes and transgressions, and can be strict and demanding, showing his power and punishing the recalcitrant. The quality of the relationship between a father and his entourage is analogous to that of a father and children who obey him.

Therefore, these relationships are characterized by both feelings of gratitude, love and trust, as well as hatred, fear and resentment.

· The archetype of the "hero" is the most popular in the world as it is found in the mythology of various cultures. He is the “youthful opposite” of an aged father and personifies what his father was once endowed with - stamina, courage, courage. The qualities of a person with heroic charisma: originality and independence, faith in one's strength and dedication, dominance and firmness.

· "Savior" (missionary charisma) is a type of innovator, transformer, magician, turning all things into the best. He instructs the masses on the true path, crushes their "willfulness", makes them an obedient instrument. The qualities of a person with such charisma: inspiration, self-confidence, dedication, as well as extraversion and expectation of effect. According to the interpretation

The archetype of the “king” (majestic charisma) C. G. Jung, the founder of the concept of archetypes, sees in the figure of the king-father an archetypal form, symbolizing the wisdom of the collective subconscious, recognizing in this figure the prototype of higher prudence and wisdom.

The image of the “king” embodies majestic charisma and manifests itself in introversion, authenticity, readiness for cooperation and subtlety of feelings, as well as exclusivity and independence.

Thus, J. Steiter was the first researcher who proposed a typology of a charismatic personality and, most importantly, identified its main qualities.

Modern concepts of a charismatic personality are based on a "behavioral approach" and are developed within the framework of the theory of transformational leadership. These concepts answer the question, what are the "outstanding qualities" that allow a person to become an inspiration to others.

N. B. Enkelmann identified the following characteristics of a charismatic personality:

· Individual magnetically attractive force;

The inspiration experienced from the life task being performed;

Identification of oneself with the work performed;

· Confidence in your strength;

the ability to focus on the most important things;

communication skills and the ability to establish long-term and strong interpersonal relationships;

the ability to motivate yourself and others;

the ability to find the right approach to people;

Ability to make decisions and serve as a role model;

a positive outlook on life.

E. V. Sidorenko believes that the basic components of charisma include:

· psychosexual attractiveness;

higher than average intelligence

socially acceptable marginality of the individual;

Existence of extreme life experience.

A. Sosland, who studies the features of artificially formed charisma, believes that it is based on “the ability to give the impression of possessing charismatic properties, and determines a number of behavioral characteristics of its bearers”:

· Constant readiness for battle (a charismatic personality is always in demand where you need to raise someone to battle);

innovative lifestyle, so the loss of "novelty" is fraught for its bearer with a loss of charisma;

a certain sexual-mystical image.

Summing up all the properties of charisma, A. Sosland derives its "core characteristic - transgressiveness, due to which a special energy field is created, where everyone who has had even the slightest contact with a charismatic personality is attracted" .

Thus, after analyzing the well-known psychological concepts of a charismatic personality, we can say that charisma is the presence of certain qualities in a person that attract other people to her.

The word "charisma" comes from the ancient Greek "charita", meaning "gift from God", or "divine grace".

In myths Ancient Greece Charites - daughters of the almighty Zeus - the goddess of joy, beauty and harmony, accompanying the beautiful Aphrodite. (In the myths of Ancient Rome, they are also the Three Graces.)

According to esotericists, charismatics are people whose souls have reincarnated many times, therefore they are more perfect than the souls of other people.

What is this gift of God? People endowed with it have extraordinary magnetic power - they are so attractive to others that they often become for them an indisputable authority, an idol and exert on them big influence sometimes regardless of the views they preach.

“Charisma is a spark in a person that money cannot buy. This is an invisible energy with a visible effect,” said the American writer Marianne Wilmson, who calls herself the spiritual mentor of Hollywood stars, described the charisma.

Another American writer, Robert Greene, wrote in The 24 Laws of Seduction that "charisma is a kind of mysterious force that causes our enthusiastic reverence ... It is seduction on a massive scale."

In our everyday life, the word "charismatic" has become widely used not so long ago - and in vain, because they alone can characterize a person, which previously would have taken us a dozen words. It is charming and attractive, charming and attractive, charming and bewitching, stunning and captivating, interesting and fantastic, etc.

Charismatic people are much more attracted to them than hand-written beauties and beauties or "smarts and smarts" because they have a zest, a spark that ignites others.

But charisma, charisma, charisma, charisma beckons you so

“The most famous actress in history” - this is how they wrote about the French actress Sarah Bernhardt at the beginning of the last century. She was called "divine Sarah", but she was not a beauty.

She did not know maternal love, because her courtesan mother was constantly on the road and Sarah was brought up by nannies. She grew up in an oppressive and dreary environment, became withdrawn and for a long time could not read, write, or count. In addition, she was not completely healthy, and the doctors said that she would soon die from tuberculosis.

As a teenager, Sarah got into the Comedy-Française theater. “When the curtain went up, I felt that I was losing consciousness ... and at that moment the curtain of my life went up,” she later writes in the book “My double life". She became an actress, and almost immediately an incredible and unexpected artistic success came to her. He was explained by the extraordinary charisma of Sarah Bernhardt, and she herself said that “to achieve success, you need to be charming. Charm is manifested in everything and nothing at the same time: in the energy emanating from you, in your look, in your walk, in your physique, in the sound of your voice, in your graceful gestures.

The famous Coco Chanel also possessed a mysterious French charm, who did not differ in ideal features and shapes, but was incredibly charming. She was orphaned early, grew up in an orphanage - it seemed that good things could await her in the future? But she herself had no doubt that it would be wonderful.

Inner strength and self-confidence, the magnetic look of black eyes fascinated those around him. She became a fashion designer and literally turned the fashion world upside down. “We must preserve our own uniqueness: in movements, thoughts, actions,” she said. One of the journalists who interviewed her said that even in her 80s she was almost desirable.

Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, was a charismatic leader. It seemed that he alone, thanks to personal magnetism, set in motion the mechanism of a huge corporation. He was characterized by the gift of persuasion, the ability to motivate employees and a brilliant flair. He was someone who wanted to be equal and reach the same level as him. He is called one of those people who changed the world for the better.

It is curious that speaking of a charismatic person, we mainly mean a positive personality, radiating light energy. But among charismatics there are also repulsive personalities who also have the traits of a leader.

For example, the same war criminal Hitler possessed the power of persuasion, thanks to which he made his compatriots believe in the exclusivity of the Aryan race and its special mission, which as a result led to the death of 56 million people.

Anyone who knew him in his youth would never have thought that he was the future leader of Germany. Unsightly in appearance, ignorant, having no friends and hating everyone, the little man suddenly became an idol for his fellow citizens.

How could this happen, what is this hypnotic power of one person that could send the entire planet to hell? Many studies by historians and psychologists have been devoted to this issue, including the book by the British historian Lawrence Reese "Hitler's Dark Charisma: Leading Millions Down the Abyss" and documentary BBC "The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler".

Is it possible to become charismatic?

Sociologists and psychologists are still arguing whether charisma is an innate quality or an acquired one. Lived in the XIX - XX centuries. German sociologist Max Weber, who studied issues of leadership and power, believed that a charismatic person has supernatural, superhuman and exceptional abilities that are not characteristic of ordinary people, which are explained by divine origin.

Our contemporary American Olivia Fox Cabein, who studies leadership, writes in her book Myths of Charisma that charisma is not a genetically inherited gift, but an art that can be mastered. In another book, Charisma. How to influence, convince and inspire” she shares the secrets of how to discover charisma in yourself. What for? “Charismatic people influence the world,” she says.

Communicating with charismatic people, you yourself are charged with their energy. It is pleasant to be friends with them, work with them, you trust them. These people are preferred by employers. For example, working in sales, they sell several times more than their colleagues. They easily find investors, and do not take a loan from a bank.

Thanks to their personal qualities, charismatics move up the career ladder faster and become people who make “weather” in this world.

Become charismatic

If you want to become charismatic, you should pay attention to your appearance: accuracy comes first. Perhaps someone likes charming sluts, but there are hardly many such people. Most likely, these are those who are sloppy themselves. Coco Chanel said that “you can still get used to ugliness, but never to slovenliness!”. And also: "You won't get a second chance to make a first impression."

Appearance is also the ability to hold on beautifully, to use “body language” correctly. Everyone can walk and talk, but how? Only a few are worthy of emulation, so we will do our best to become one of them. Moreover, now everyone can find developing courses on the Internet to their liking.

And do not forget to follow the facial expression. Even if we are not in the mood, we take off the mask of concern, oppression by life circumstances and put on a smile, radiate goodwill. “Smile more often and people will be drawn to you,” says folk wisdom.

A charismatic person is an interesting and witty interlocutor. He will always find a topic for conversation with anyone. His judgments are original and unbanal. But he does not crush the rest with his knowledge and does not chatter incessantly, giving others the opportunity to speak.

He knows how to listen, which, unfortunately, is given to a few, so he is often trusted with his secrets. A very valuable quality, especially for those who know how to benefit from the information received.

Possessing the art of conversation, the charismatic knows how to win over the interlocutor: he will call him by name several times, inadvertently make a compliment, and now they will say about him: "A person who is pleasant in all respects."

Empathy is an indispensable quality for a charismatic person. The ability to feel what it is like for another person now, to feel into his emotions, so as not to offend him, to sympathize with him, to support him, to rejoice with him - this property of character is worth a lot.

People with the absence of this valuable quality are selfish, callous and have many ill-wishers through their own fault. “Let's understand each other perfectly,” wrote Bulat Okudzhava.

All charismatic people have an inner core. They can only appear outwardly soft and compliant, because they are tolerant and able to control their emotions. Their inner strength and self-confidence do not allow them to be led astray from the path they have chosen for themselves. And it is this power that attracts other people to them, infecting them with positivity and faith that everything planned will work out.

Charismatics love themselves, they don't self-flagellate, self-deprecate, and they don't waste time on fruitless regrets - they don't have time for that. They know their worth and try to be in harmony with themselves and the world around them.