I dreamed that the plane fell and crashed. Why dream of a falling plane? The interpretation of sleep depends on the situation.

  • 22.09.2019

Why dream of a plane crash? If the day before you did not watch a movie about a plane crash and your feelings are not related to the planned flight, a dream may warn of impending danger. However, the details of the interpretation will depend on many nuances. Let's consider in order.

Common interpretation among the people

Most dream books are unanimous in their opinion: a dream warns of the collapse of plans. If you did not plan big things, an airliner crash may warn of a disruption to a party or a grand meeting.

If the dreamer during a plane crash was in the cabin with his beloved, to go through a stormy scene of a showdown. Peace and harmony will be broken, perhaps strangers will interfere in the relationship.

Also, a plane crash in a dream can warn of:

  • emergency serious illness;
  • high risk associated with finances;
  • loss of position in society / at work;
  • the misfortune of a loved one / native person.

However, if a dream after experiencing unrest or waking stress, the crash plot may be a continuation of what is experienced in the dream. It is impossible to interpret such a dream from a dream book.

Dream with a plane crashing into the water shows upcoming unrest and emotional outbursts about negative events in the dreamer's life. Water always symbolizes emotions and speaks about the psychology of the perception of an event by a particular person.

If you had a dream before flying on an airplane, it is better to return the ticket and not tempt fate. Perhaps the air flight will end with a successful landing, but heavy thoughts about the crash will leave a mark on the psyche for a long time.

Different dream plots

If in a dream you watch an airliner crash, this portends the destruction of all hopes and aspirations to change life or a conceived business. However, not everything is bad: perhaps your plans were not very feasible or brought a lot of trouble after implementation.

  • The fallen liner is a symbol of cruel disappointment in anything. It can be disappointment in love, in people, in life itself or in one's outlook on life. A plane crash is a disaster in your life. Does it always mean bad things? Sometimes there is no happiness without unhappiness. Be philosophical about everything.
  • Jump out on a parachute from a falling liner - you can adequately get out of the current catastrophic situation, and even learn from it a positive lesson for the future. For the dreamer, life will provide another chance to realize his dream, or a new dream will appear in life, more real and feasible.
  • Fly on a broken plane- make a mistake by mistake. Possible reprimand from superiors, dissatisfaction with colleagues, loss of reputation.

Dream Interpretations

Miller's dream book considers this plot an omen of collapse in the personal, public and financial sphere. If a businessman is driving a plane in a dream, this portends the collapse of the business. First there will be an incredible rise, and then a crash.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation interprets the vision of the crash of the liner as follows: troubles and misfortunes will bypass the dreamer. The hurricane will pass by without hitting a person. It is considered a bad omen if the dreamer is on board a falling plane - this portends a dark streak in life, worries and troubles. However, the dreamer will be able to overcome troubles and even get out of difficult circumstances with honor.

Loff's dream book believes that the dreamer has low self-esteem. Confidently navigate the liner - independently cope with various problems, crash - an indicator of uncertainty in one's strengths and capabilities. The dreamer must overcome inferiority complexes in himself, learn to be proud of himself and his achievements.

Dream Interpretation Longo advises to postpone the flight if it is scheduled for the next few days. If air travel is not expected, you should be careful at home and on the street. The chance of injury is very high. The plane crashed into a mountain - in reality, the dreamer will make a mistake due to inattention. To crash on an airplane is the beginning of a new life stage. Fall out of an airliner - to be fired from work.

Universal dream book believes: the dream has no unambiguous interpretation. This may be a warning about the transience of life and a hint to reconsider your life values. If you spend your life in carelessness or eternal discontent, you should think about the meaning of being.

The dream book also warns of the onset of a difficult life period, full of trials and troubles. Treasure life, do not spray on trifles. Perhaps the fear experienced in a dream will have a beneficial effect on real life. You will become bolder and more confident, you will be able to find dormant strength in yourself to overcome obstacles.

Esoteric dream book sees in this plot the collapse of hopes. If the plane exploded in the fall, financial problems are coming. For a young girl, this dream prophesies a disorder wedding celebration. Crashing while flying is a very bad omen. Making an emergency landing due to a malfunction is a financial loss.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti regards this plot as a latent suicidal tendency. At an unfavorable moment in life, the dreamer can lay hands on himself. On the other hand, a plane crash can also indicate a tendency to kill. To see a dream in which the dreamer is in the cabin of a crashed liner is a subconscious desire to die with the help of another person.

Modern dream book interprets the plot with the crash of the liner as a foreshadowing of failures in important matters or projects. Survive after a plane crash - have a large supply vitality to successfully overcome negative events.

Seeing the crash of the liner on which they were supposed to fly is good luck. The dreamer in reality will avoid a serious catastrophe. The fall of the plane into the water - you are trying to save a deliberately failed project. The plane crashed into the house - take care of your property. Fly with the deceased - refuse any planned trips.

Why dream of a plane crash (falling plane) 5.00 /5 (1 votes)

A plane crash may dream of a person who is terribly afraid of flying on an airplane. Such a dream is a reflection of fears and worries, especially before the upcoming flight. But in some cases it can be prophetic. And therefore, you definitely need to find out what the falling plane is dreaming of.

Reflection of spirituality

According to some interpretations various dream books flying on an airplane is a reflection spiritual development person. It is enough to carefully analyze the dream about him, and it becomes clear that the plane crash in this case reflects spiritual doubts and torments. Perhaps some event happened in real life that radically changed the views on faith.

Plane crash dreams of trials

However, most often a falling plane warns of upcoming life tests. If miraculously catastrophe was avoided, then in real life there is a way out of the circumstances.

If the image of a falling plane is dreamed regularly, then most likely the person himself is doing something that leads him to self-destruction. Therefore, something urgently needs to be changed in behavior, lifestyle or thoughts.

Drop plans

Why else dream of a plane crash? It symbolizes outside interference in fate. Sometimes it can even indicate deliberately induced damage.

If you dreamed that you were in a falling plane, then in reality you should not build far-reaching prospects. It still won't work. On the other hand, the sudden crash of the plane predicts an early declaration of love.

Dream Interpretation warns: Be careful!

If in a dream your plane falls to the ground, then in real life you do not experience the reliability of your position. Seeing the remains of a crashed apparatus means that you should not rely on others at all. However, everything will have to be controlled personally.

Any accident, including a plane crash, calls for maximum caution in further actions. This dream symbolizes possible mistakes and wrong decisions, which in the end can lead to complete collapse. Try to trust your intuition more, even if the premonition is at the expense of logic.

A falling plane in a dream is a real threat

In extremely exceptional cases, a plane crash in a dream is a warning of a real disaster. From others prophetic dream distinguished by its absolute realism. Every detail, down to the smells, sinks into memory.

Dream interpretation of a falling plane

A falling plane is a rare and unusual dream. An interpretation of such a plot can only be found in more or less modern dream books, since this aircraft was invented only in the 19th century. To correctly understand what a falling plane is dreaming of, detailed memories of a dream and tips from authoritative dream interpreters will help you.

your behavior

Transport in the sleepy kingdom always acts as a symbol of something significant, large, large-scale and carries an important message.

The dream interpretation interprets a falling plane as a sign of a loss of control over what is happening in real life.

If you dreamed of a liner losing altitude, then be prepared for the collapse of plans. All ideas will collapse, and the plan will go awry. Intervenes in your life high power capable of turning the situation in the opposite direction.

Watch from the side

Seeing an airplane crash in a dream

Seeing a falling plane in a dream means experiencing a turning point in life that will make you rethink and realize a lot. The dream interpretation warns: it will be difficult to recover from the shock alone. Feel free to ask your friends for support, they will never refuse you.

If you are watching the collapse from the side, then you will have to witness the collapse in the life of a loved one. Be sure to extend a helping hand to him, and, if necessary, help financially. Those who are in trouble will appreciate this act and will definitely thank you at the first opportunity.

To understand what the falling plane is dreaming of, the emotions experienced during the dream will help you:

  • you were shocked by what you saw, and you were seized with horror - it means that prepare to face your fears head on;
  • if panic has seized you, then grandiose plans will not come true;
  • you smiled and were calm - competitors will be defeated and enemies destroyed.

Iron bird falls but does not explode

Did you dream of a crash without fire? So you can be betrayed close person. Most likely, it will be a business partner. He has been hatching a plan for your deception for a long time, but you do not notice it. A blow to the back will be unexpected and very painful. The consequences of such incorrect behavior on the part of a trusted person will have dire consequences. The possibility of complete collapse and bankruptcy hangs over you.

Dreamed of a burning aircraft

Burning liner explodes

If you dreamed of a similar plot on the eve of important negotiations, then you can’t even hope for a favorable outcome. The deal will fail, and your investment will be in vain. The dream interpretation promises the sleeper financial losses.

Explosion aircraft also predicts risky undertakings in which it is better not to get involved. It is possible that you will lose your high position and become completely bankrupt.

Be inside the plane

If the dreamer is on board during the fall, then in real life his hopes will not come true. Most likely, in your imagination you have painted a picture of an ideal future that cannot be achieved in reality. Miller's dream book claims that the sleeper will have to face a cruel reality and take off the "rose-colored glasses" in which he constantly resides.

have time to jump out

The plane explodes and burns, but at the last moment you manage to jump out of it? you are very happy and successful person surrounded by faithful, reliable friends. Friends are ready to support you in any situation. You will never know what loneliness and despondency are.

Fall to the ground

If a burning plane falls along with a sleeping one, then it needs a real shake-up. Most likely, you are too gullible and soft person who does not notice the obvious things. . Around there is deception and betrayal, and you pretend that everything is fine. Open your eyes, boldly face the truth, no matter how bitter it may be.


Did you dream of a crash during which you die along with the rest of the passengers? Get ready for tragic events in life: things will end in failure, money will slip through your fingers, quarrels and conflicts will begin with your loved one. Some interpreters tend to perceive this plot as a sign of imminent death or serious illness.

Be in the role of captain

To be an aircraft pilot in a dream

If the dreamer himself acts as a pilot, then he will need to make a difficult decision. The interpretation of a dream is very simple: you should not shift responsibility onto other people's shoulders and be afraid to be responsible for your actions.

Plane crash site

The collapse of a white-winged iron bird promises the dreamer difficulties and experiences. Often such dreams indicate collapsed plans.

Fall into the water

If you dreamed of an airplane explosion, during which it crashed straight into the water, it means that you are destined by fate to overcome many obstacles on the way to success and prosperity. The dreamer should cope with all the hardships on his own, without the help of friends and acquaintances. It will be difficult, but you will definitely cope.

The dream book also indicates that you need to be wary of overexertion and the subsequent nervous breakdown. Do not work until the seventh sweat and rest in time.

The plane crashed into the house

The interpretation of this dream is very negative. Crashing into private house the iron bird symbolizes a competitor seeking to take your place under the sun. You have an enemy who is ready to do anything for his own benefit. Be alert!

Explosion and fall on multi-storey building indicates that many people will be involved in deception against you. Someone really wants to harm your reputation. Due to the intrigues and deceit of enemies, you can lose respect, work and money.

Also, the house and the liner falling on it can be a symbol of the collapse of your family. If you are on the verge of a divorce, then it is better to let go of the obsolete relationship and try to start a new life.

Crashed to the ground

I dreamed of a destroyed liner

The dream interpretation indicates that often such plots can signal a decline in working capacity and the inability to meet the required deadlines. Relax, gain strength and join the battle with renewed vigor!

Reference to dream books

Let us turn our attention to the opinion of the interpreters of dreams. In most cases, it is they who help to correctly understand the dream.

Vanga's point of view

The dream interpretation regards the plane crash and the liner that crashed into the house as a symbol of troubles and strong disappointments. The closest person will not justify your hopes, from which this circumstance will seem even more unpleasant and annoying.

The view of psychologist Loff

You definitely need to learn to love yourself and be proud of your knowledge. You are an extremely humble and insecure person. The dream interpretation advises the sleeping person to attend special self-esteem trainings.

The view of Denise Lynn

Renowned healer sees plane crash as a sign real danger. You better give up extreme entertainment, travel, hiking and long trips.

Fly on an airplane. Such a dream can be both ordinary and indicative at the same time, since some people are calm about flying, while others are terribly afraid of them. For example, all football fans in America know that the famous commentator John Madden never flies on planes - he travels around the country by bus. Many share his fears, although at night they may well dream of flying. In this case, it is an attempt to overcome irrational fears.

Airplane flights for the sleeper are full of adventure. The feeling of intoxicating delight is usually caused either by the flight itself, or by the dizzying speed and realization of how air TRAVEL brings the most remote corners of the earth together. In addition, you may experience the anxiety that comes with thinking about the potential dangers associated with travel, such as hijacking. In this case, it is possible that you will brilliantly cope with the situation.

Manage an airplane. Here are possible various options visions of oneself (or someone else) as a pilot. Are you confident in yourself both in a dream and in reality? If you are flying a plane, then you will be able to keep the situation under control in reality.

If the plane crashes and crashes, it means that in life you do not feel confident enough and, as it seems to you, do not meet the requirements.

Who is on board the aircraft? In real life, you are responsible for these people, you have before them certain obligations, and your control of the aircraft shows how well you cope with your duties.

What feeling - confidence or increased responsibility for the fate of people - prevails while flying an aircraft?

How do other passengers feel about your presence - accept you, ignore or despise you?

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Interpretation

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And many dream of airplanes. This article will discuss dreams associated with aircraft and their true interpretation.

Why dream of an airplane circling in the sky, falling to the ground, bombing from an airplane, pregnant women, without wings, white, without a pilot

Seeing planes flying in the sky in a dream may indicate your ambitions, which are so high that not all of them are destined to be realized. It is not necessary to build illusory and unattainable plans, which will help to cope with less significant goals, and in the end this will lead to the implementation of planned projects.

Like seeing an airport, watching a plane crash or seeing one that crashed to the ground, falling on me (on you) or just falling, crashing (seeing how it crashed, fell), this means not achieving the goal and the fact that none of the plans will not be implemented in the next week, so it is recommended to leave them for later. In another dream book, we are talking about the loss of money and financial collapse.

Watching a plane dropping (throwing, dropping) bombs, with bombs or bombing (bombing) a certain area, you will have to cope with the barrier that separates you from your loved one, including omissions and intrigues of envious people.

Pregnant women will dream of an ordinary plane, fortunately, which is just around the corner, and it can also mean normal family relationships.

If he is without wings or one wing, expect danger.

If he white color, which means that your cherished desire will soon come true and you just have not to frighten off good luck.

If there is no pilot, then the efforts made in any business will not make any sense.

Why dream of a plane taking off, in the water, crashing into a house, exploded, in which you fly, an accident, burns, makes a dead loop, for a girl

A plane taking off (on takeoff) or taking off in it, as well as flying on it, will indicate the exorbitant bar of your ambitions, which makes it impossible to correctly present yourself and achieve your goal.

To sit on the water (on the water, sinking) - you are destined for unexpected results of your journey or trip.

A plane crashing into a house, falling or seeing how it crashes (fell) into a house, this is a disease that appears suddenly and will be a serious test for you.

Explodes (explosion) indicates that your illusory hopes are doomed to failure. An emergency landing of an airplane indicates that you will soon have to make a decision that determines what your life will be like in the future. To a girl, a woman, an airplane in the night sky indicates that she will find her betrothed in the coming days.

Airplane flight without visible problems, speaks of the need to be creative in solving the problem. , which means that you need to become bolder in your actions, and show firmness of character.

A burning plane that is on fire becomes a symbol of the beginning of a life period favorable for you, during which it will become easy to realize your plans. If he makes a dead loop, then conflicts will begin in your social circle.

What does it mean if you dream of flying on a plane, a landing plane, rides (ride), fighter, helicopter, paper, parachute

To dream of flying in an airplane means changes in life, and entrepreneurs for good luck in business.

If he sits down, lands (landed, landing) or in a dream you see a plane landing, then all your plans can be realized in the next couple of weeks.

Rides, so you are waiting for a business trip or travel.

Fighters can be harbingers of swift events that will burst into your life like a whirlwind and turn everything upside down.

If you dream of a helicopter, then your main business will be successful in its completion.

An airplane made of paper means the unfulfillment of your dream.

Seeing a parachute in a dream is a sign of an imminent illness, the consequences of which will not be simple for you, and without the support of loved ones, it will completely break you.

Why dream of a plane that cannot take off, shoots, flying over the house, flying at me, low overhead, to a man

If it did not take off, then do not wait for the completion of the planned activities.

Shooting from an airplane is a meeting with interesting person or old acquaintances.

If it flies over a building or house, then good news awaits you.

It flies at me, which means there will be serious problems in relations with the opposite sex, relatives, dad and mom.

Flew overhead - expect danger from where you do not expect it.

For a young guy or a man, such a dream will indicate that he will find his soul mate.

What is the dream of the plane according to Miller's dream book

According to Miller, such a dream will mean a journey in which it is easy to realize your dream or meet a person with whom you want to spend the rest of your life.

Why dream of a small plane, on the ground, on the runway, on the road, falling into the water (sea), crashed, jet

Small planes indicate difficulties in relationships with the opposite sex or spouse (husband).

A plane standing on the ground indicates the opportunity to advance in one's plans or up the career ladder, but there are obstacles that cannot be overcome without third-party support.

It is on the rise, which means that we must begin to prepare for the reception of guests who will arrive from afar.

If you stand in the way of a plane taking off, then in reality you will begin to protest because of the injustice you have seen, and the outcome of the protest will entirely depend on your desire to achieve what you want.

A crashed or crashed plane symbolizes the refusal to fulfill previously existing plans, which will entail trouble and proceedings with superiors. A low-flying plane speaks of your short-sightedness.

Jet will tell you that your journey will be faster than planned.

Why is the plane dreaming of Wangi's dream book

If you become a pilot, then you will have the opportunity to command or control people on or off the job. You need to understand that in such a situation you will have to bear responsibility for everyone, so the work will not be the easiest. If you are in the cabin and are an ordinary passenger, then you will have a calm and measured life without adventure.

Why dream of the Juno plane

Such a dream will speak of high ideals that you want to strive for and the achievement of which depends only on you and your efforts. He also says that you will be able to achieve new heights and enter previously uncharted paths, wandering along which you can find success.

Why dream of an airplane according to Freud

Why is the plane dreaming? According to Freud, we are talking about close relationships, their frequency and perversity. In his understanding, the degree of deterioration of the aircraft in a dream will speak of the ability to love with another person, and the ability to take off has a corresponding meaning in reality, applicable to love joys.

Why dream the plane didn’t crash, war, military, drive, the rumble (noise) of the plane, you’re late (to be late, I’m late), wait

A large (huge) plane that avoided a collision is an expectation that can be realized in any way you would like.

War has a completely understandable meaning, involving "military actions" in relations with the people around you.

Military aircraft with a dive or dead loop, these are symbols of a quarrel with comrades. You fly or fly on a faulty "iron bird" - in reality you will have problems due to your oversight or poor preparation.

Lead - to the fact that you will be able to control your destiny and everything that will happen around you.

Forgetting a plane ticket is not good, because without it you will not be able to realize your plans.

The drone of an airplane indicates the fact that problems are already very close to you.

Missing the plane, I'm late, hurry up or you're late, being late - all this symbolizes the transformation in your life and not in the most better side. For example, they can be fired from work or expelled from the institute. If you managed to catch it, but there were difficulties, then you will overcome all the obstacles that stand in the way of your goal.

If you expect him in a dream, then you will not have initiative in any business.


Why dream of a toy plane, fall out, low-flying, faulty, flight, downed, burned out, old

If it was a toy or it was a fabulous airplane carpet, then you will have a new addition to your family.

Going on a trip in a small plane or seeing a lot of planes flying means you want to travel or you will have the opportunity to get a business trip.

Fall out to new problems, low-flying to a quick solution to accumulated problems, and faulty to failure to fulfill a dream.

Dreaming of a flight - soon there will be a pleasant journey. Knocked down to the fact that plans simply collapse, and warmed this warning and a hint of the presence of envious people.

To set off on an old plane in a dream indicates problems in intimate relationships.

Why dream of a plane ladder, jump, hijack, black, private, be at the helm

If you saw a ladder in a dream, then the trip will be successful. The jump symbolizes injury or illness, and theft speaks of the many dangers that you will encounter in reality.