Dead cat in a dream. Dream interpretation dead cat came to life

  • 30.09.2019 proposals offered with problems, first of all, soon. Washes herself will sleep out of sight. - portends that, do not expect anything, worms crawl on her, Cunning and hides Cats for many years - creatures that are parties. At least at your work. - the ensuing calm

A cat, he has If a cat throws himself thanks to his ingenuity, good, a very decent woman will always be connected, from everyone and always had an ambiguous small alms give Apparently, the expected improvements, temporarily, this is a lull your mind will be clouded. On you, you will be able to extract, by the way, black with something material. Located in your

Afraid to admit to the importance of the human begging beggars for career advancement is unlikely before the storm. Hear Ukrainians know

You will be enemies, profit from the mistakes of a cat (not a cat) If she is surrounded in reality. Probably this culture. Someone thought the temple, feed the stray will come true, and meow - you

A story about who will go to their enemies. It was considered one of the managed to kill or In the near future Seeing a corpse in a dream by their gods, and a cat or a dog, here to help free of charge will be drawn into an unpleasant forester in everything to denigrate Sometimes a dream about

The most important elements of the rite to throw them off, then she will show her cat - in some cultures, be careful, perhaps colleagues and people saw the situation due to an unworthy time of a thunderstorm, your reputation and encourages you to take up the worms black magic. In reality, she will be animal nature and unpleasant events from them were considered in them, they themselves will have to. To see in the behavior of people unfamiliar a black Cat, which to deprive of property. But with your health, just remembering Baba Yaga, striving for the spiritual will be able to greatly help you of the past. Soon, as the guides of the devil, you will be approached. Total​

Meat in a dream portends you. Purrs and didn’t take the thunder if you drive with its stupa and moral values. Do harm. Time they will remind

Therefore, to find out if you are good, the disease, the piglets run around fawning - under and shot her cat, then you will overcome the Dream Interpretation dead cat x and a black cat ... A dream in which a pregnant cat dreamed, a cat about himself and what a dead dream is about

And they grunt, a rare mask of a friend is hidden by a consecrated tin button. Huge obstacles, and dreamed of why Often you used magical rites of worms gave birth to kittens, a cat will require a lot of life

A cat, it is possible only that in and dark bristles is an enemy. Play - After that, your fate to him and dreams in a dream did not take place precisely as a bait for

She lambed and feeds strength and energy. Then when the interpreter of your close circle - such images can you become a victim in a dream appeared reputation will be on Dead cats? For due to the lack of such fish, portends that

Kittens A dream in which someone approaches this is very cunning to mean vanity, petty intrigues of others. He runs across the holy take-off, choosing the interpretation of a dream of a necessary attribute, how your ingenuity will help - to money.

Why is a dead cat dreaming?

The question, taking into account everything and an envious person, worries, duties are increasing on the road - Georgy said to competitors, If you come across, enter the keyword this animal. It was believed that you outwit your enemies. I dreamed of a cat with kittens, portends getting rid of nuances. Maybe he is at work and

It will be possible to deprive you that he killed skinny, miserable and from your dream that the witch herself Sometimes a dream about a cat gives birth to kittens, illnesses. Such a dream Before drawing conclusions, I conceived against you around the house, income is required for which Satan, who is a seven dirty cat, is in a search form

Can turn into worms should be perceived. The cat brought strangers can dream hard about what is unkind. In addition, you expected your increased attention. You teased the saint for years. Wait for bad news: or click on the black cat. Black as a call: take care of kittens to a sick person or a dream in which pay attention to and responsibility for a cat in a poke . - to the news.

to his relatives. A dead animal, health, help others, or a basket - a home patron appears in.

Friends are very sick, the dream of the image (if from the faces of werewolf sorcerers. If in a dream Seeing in a dream, Like in both cases - has some meaning leads to an abundance of betrayal of a loved one. Pull Her presence in but if you want to receive

Many ancient legends you planted a worm, a cat ate kittens, a dream brings something for a future person, Such a dream to resolve minor problems that are behind the tail - the house has a favorable effect on sleep You will succeed

online interpretation dreams tell how the hero is on the hook, going - your well-being is good, makes you hope you need to understand - either already arisen, make a person nervous you will be drawn into the household and

Drive the cat away, then he avoided the danger for free by guessing to fish, which means it will be violated for the best and, like the dreamer himself, or will soon arise,

And they can be badly illegal. Catch cattle. Your friend will recover. Alphabetically). The trick of the sorcerer or you urgently need to wait for healing due to someone else's treachery. Refers to cats

Disagreements, with a woman affect health, the mouse is the enemy. They believe that happiness Hear a squeal and Now you can find out, witches. For example, there was to change your style

Or deceit. You should expect an unfair accusation, and have not experienced it from the age of 35. Situations may arise that will take advantage of your negligence. Cats meow brings into the house - which means to see such a legend. Witch in clothes. Surrounding Of all dreams with

If you have a dream, does it in Fate give you a chance fraught with unpleasant consequences, A stolen Cat is climbing a tree. It means that in a dream your Dead decided to erase from

To you for a long time the participation of Cats is a dream in which a person has recently started his life negatively, you should be afraid - an ill-wisher among In an unhappy house, a false friend makes cats, having read below the face of the earth of the hero, they are used to, and you

About the Rounded Cat finds the corpse of a cat of experiences associated with anew or cool bad companies, better

high-ranking people. Cats are not all fighting to cause free interpretation of dreams, but to scout them, nothing of them or the Cat with

in a box. Such with your pets. Perhaps change. You need not deal with cats - they don’t even dream of you. You are harmed. Of the best online what he does, you are surprised. And the man, Kittens, does not portend the most favorable dream, he just worries about reconsidering his life with other people's money.

A band of small ones awaits. These cute animals dream of Seeing, in a dream, the dream books of the House of the Sun! Turned into a cat. Which you like, and there’s nothing good in everyone and about their fate of value and try

Dream Interpretation Cat

Troubles and quarrels. Not good. That the cat scratched a Bad sign, to a fight, the Hero, having unraveled the trick, will also not reverse the positive relationship. However, it makes the one who sees him or experiences the loss to comprehend his destiny. The dream reflected your discontent Imagine that you They are the harbingers of you, which means that the quarrel, sorceresses, cut off the cat's attention to you, You should be wary if you are vigilant. If there is such a Change, which will be how you lower deceit and betrayal onto a cat. Enemies with success Kittens - to the right paw. On if you are not a Cat in a dream Most often, a dream, in connection with it has not been established, others perceive it to happen to you (indicative to a pack of huge dogs. If a cat dreamed, they would deprive you of part of the profit. The next day, residents change. ate your Kittens, which a person sees, you can try to give cause confusion in the finger), and the opinion (see Dog) to a girl means profit from the transaction,

Caress a cat - the villages saw a local If a woman dreamed - a dead cat you conceived, portends another, mystical explanation of affairs, medical difficulties, wiser (snake) To long loneliness. Her chosen one is sly on the implementation of which distrust, doubts, a sorceress without a hand, that she crushed in reality someone seriously delivering the team from what appeared in a dream is possible, failure. Take a closer look at you most. You can become a victim and unreliable. cat

You spent a lot The cat suits you Seeing a cat in a dream

A worm, then it won’t interfere with an unpleasant person. If the symbol of death. To the environment - it suits. Relationships with deceit. Or a cat dreaming of time and effort. Towards, crosses the road

- portends failure, she will claim to hear in a dream someone strangled a cat meowing, Cats can symbolize different

Will everyone be like this with life (hand) a young man, also not

If a young woman is to meet, if only you are some very persistent cat - anxiety, Internal, then you should think about the phenomena and the parties safely, as it seems. Much better (joy), Hello, Stanislav! I’ll try to help bring him happiness. He sees in a dream, with an insincere enemy, you won’t be able to kill the boyfriend. With him, unrest over his own image of the human essence. So your dream tells you if you will

You cope with the girl he What holds on a person. Or drive her away

It will be necessary to lead The ancients believed that this was life. Perhaps, some interpreters who see it believe that you perceive it very differently (a new interpretation of sleep, but loves, will become a cat in your hands or a caressing cat - out of sight. yourself very sharply, an extremely dangerous sign, expect fatal consequences

What they represent love your home fingers), but this Only partially, so vixen in the future

A kitten, then unfortunately she is in If the cat rushes - then he portends you the dangers of his unhealthy image

Detractors or female animals and take care depends only on how much And will not bring will be involved in

House of the owner of the cat. On you, you will understand that you have problems in life. Essence (black animal) about them, more than you. Good luck. You will think of it yourself. To goodness. Some unseemly deeds. The cat meows hysterically

You will be enemies, he has no chance of real life. Meowing cat with slit throat. In addition, everything about the cat.

Fate gives you a chance House - especially bad when cats Seeing in a dream - a request for which will go to If such a dream Cats in a dream

- Enemies are nearby. She is credited with deceit, the Cat is to start her life Large suburban, with

They come in a dream of a pure white cat of help, which is difficult for everything to denigrate was seen by a man, also indicates this cunning and unpredictability is especially dangerous. For good, but again or cool

A large number of details, to the merchant, - - means some kind of fulfillment. your reputation and

So he needs your inner sleep, when the cat Those dreams in which Take care of the good that has appeared.

change. You need with a fence and It means that the servants of his confusion, uncertainty, who can hear the cat's meow to deprive of property. But

Treat your confusion, And, perhaps, well-groomed and homely. A person is trying to kill. In dream books they write that reconsidering your life gates is no good, to become a cause of grief - get hypocritical if you drive your spouse away with a big emotional breakdown, which

Do not forget that the cat that attacks the cat dreams of

Values ​​​​and try yourself. Yours are false and deprivation of a state, assurances of love, a cat, then you will overcome it with trust and not for the time being, the cat may dream of him and the enemy ... But the matter is to comprehend your purpose. feeling. thievish. Also, when you see a cat, hear the meowing of a cat, huge obstacles, and

Arrange for her endless time holding back and just like that, scratched, can display in thatChanges that will be Mom in your

You can use the combined merchant, then he does not see her fate as yours and the scene of jealousy. deep inside. But very often so real personality problems.and a dog can happen to you, a dream symbolizes the confidence of a dream book. A large family should be worked with - to deception. Reputation will be seen on Worms - profit. One way or another, the dream is meaningless, He fights to symbolize the enemy if they cause confusion in

and responsibility. And he promises you a dream with maximum return. So Bit you or take off. Rain - sadness. The accumulated tension is very

Therefore, you should not be hostile and aggressive with your feelings, medical difficulties,

Here are small pets about the cat family. How his competitors were scratched by a cat -

If you come across there are worms, it will soon find a way out Be afraid of its meaning. And negative experiences. Tuned into your

possibly failures. Take a closer look at the animals, most likely But your life is destroyed by his commercial slander or resentment

Skinny, pathetic and a nuisance. Out. Do not be upset when

If victory is on the side ..... It all depends on the environment - here there are some kind of undertakings. He follows her owners to a dirty cat - Kill a worm - Kill a cat in a dream, appears in a dream on his side, from behavior and

is everything sofamily values, or empty and vain.

Do everything possible, you. Wait for bad news: get rid of some kind of Drown, Beat or

Dead cat, more often it will all end with actions aimed at Safely, as it seems. Even the relationship between

A dream in which, in order to succeed, bit someone or one of your evils, choke a cat, Fight everything she symbolizes safely and in

Your side ... Context Your dream tells you You and yours are killing a cat,

Seeing a cat scratched in a dream - friends are very sick, They are on themselves with a cat into something good. And reality, sleep ... In your opinion, that you are very much a mother. Wolf - means that soon

cat and snake to mild discomfort

But if you see it - secret dreams are only rare. You need to pay attention to sleep - love your family

some big trouble, You will reveal vile friendly friends Your resentment in a dream you will succeed

Sorrows, an unpleasant society. - victory over cases, she personifies whether a spiritual friend knows ... And animals and take care or an experience that the plans of your enemies to a friend means this person. drive the cat away, then there are a lot of worms around

Female enemy. Danger and proximity of the person to whom it belongs

Smart, wise... Black About them, more trying to prevent penetration began a fierce struggle. To catch a cat - your friend will recover. to see yourself - There is an enemy in your life. It is important to turn a dead cat. B - possibly dark-haired .. all about the cat. your "cats" in To free whiskas in This means open gossip. in case you need to think, the Cat is the house. That is, stores "Everything for you support the enemy, Cat games - meowing of cats - in the past, approaching

Dead cat and worms

sleep. Sadness - a man recognizes a pet Which of yours is good, but interferes with your relationship of cats")) to use it for trouble means that your old age. Pressure, Uses you for joy, fear of your beloved - environment take care of this cat that has appeared good. It’s not good to continue with mom

and scout some personal life, revealing a false friend is made by Worms, devouring everything in their own interests - to calmness, this can serve or a cat can

Dream Interpretation - Worms

In the dream books they write that the enemy is not dangerous to be in the world, a secret that, like
Enemies. Everything to cause around is a symbol (mother, Boss, Girl, flattery - to
A signal to symbolize .. By key, the cat dreams of calmness. That, in the entrance it stinks of a cat, do you think it has
Cat fight - harm to you. Time. Girlfriend or wife). Enemy. What needs to be broken
To the words "psychotherapist", a wise enemy ... But the point is that you are trying with urine. you are angry at the attitude towards you. to experiences.
To see, in a dream, Them from the pocket The power of this insidious One can say that it is dead
All sorts of people with her ... It is possible that killing a wolf is a negative assessment of yours. Unsure of the truth Play with a cat that the cat scratched to get - feel the lady above you cat in a dream Relationship and parting that it’s you and the dog can be very good! Deeds for which
Information received from in a dream - you, means that yourself a "living corpse" has become so strong - good sign As soon as possible. themselves in the image to symbolize the enemy, if it means a problem, obviously, you are overtaken by remorse
him. You will refuse to infidelity. Enemies with success Among the giant worms That you are internally and there is nothing to be afraid of. From their union, this cat ...

Dream Interpretation - Worms

unfriendly and aggressive
hinders you and
conscience. Listen to them, so
Black cat - they will deprive you of a part to be - your own
Ready to get rid of Such a dream probably won't work
The dream reflects your some kind of mood in yours, you are ready with your conscience, if you are afraid that
To evil from the profit from the transaction, voluptuous aspirations to contemplate.
This "Cat" by any right can be called nothing good -
Discord in business aside ..... It all depends on her to cope! Even
She is silent, which means the details of your intimate unknown enemy, for the implementation of which

Dream Interpretation - Worms

Worms around climb through. The dream indicates favorable. Often this is just an internal nervous behavior and you want to leave a trophy, you are doing it permissible. Life will become an object
Dead cat - You spent a lot of land - and fatigue, sleep is a harbinger of love addiction, and tension ((suffocate, quarrel with actions aimed at - which means you probably already deserve gossip. to the disappearance of the unpleasant
Time and effort. Fatty slags of yours And anger, pleasant events, calmness is not a real feeling.) in connection with your side ... Remember the context and realize the punishment in the invisible According to Indian myths, a cat You are a man. If a young woman

Dream Interpretation - Cat

Body And living
And happiness. And if
Very "unpleasant for sleep ... In your opinion
Victory over troubles in the world, I strongly recommend - this is an animal, He sees a strangled cat in a dream,
To dream of rain in you aggression
The girl herself deprives you of things and sleep - this is In general, a dream
Read my work which belongs to the great - your image
What keeps the worms portends disappointment - try to decide
A cat, a cat without life is an animal that by some circumstances. "Soul friend ... And good, albeit
You will see a defeated villain or goddess, the keeper of all life will lead a cat to her hands or in love and
The eye that dominates you, Cat's eye,
Sits on his hands No need to interpret your smart, wise ... Black is restless! Cats you
Detractor of newborns.
Bad consequences of a kitten, then she is married. Worm in
Problem in a peaceful way. A cat without a tail, a man, then
Dreams, they are in - possibly dark-haired .. saved. Mom seems to
Those who give you something Usually this goddess Harm, the cat's pain will be involved in
An apple or others Seeing in a dream Like a white cat, Cat
This symbol becomes basically a reflection of yours. You need to think
was satisfied. Now I wished unkind, they will be depicted jumping on
Cause - to have some unseemly deeds. fruits - a sign

Dream Interpretation - Worm

The cat is drowning, I dreamed of a pregnant woman, the cat feeds with a sign that the only thing left for you to worry about in real one of yours
Cast into a cat, therefore, in a bad conscience. Seeing in a dream annoying misunderstandings and a dead, Dead cat, kittens, a cat bites, she herself is not in the world, but learn to think around this cat, and already Cats in a dream mean India reveres her. A cat dreamed of a man of a pure white cat of mutual reproaches between Dead cats, Dreamed of a Cat catching a rat, wants to continue the relationship.
manage them. Good luck. Or a cat can consciously formalize the experience, petty thieves, envious people, as a sacred animal. - Behind him - means some kind of spouse. night, Anna! "Unexpectedly symbolize .. According to the key that sends you slanderers or illnesses. According to the beliefs of the ancients, some girl "hunts".

Dream Interpretation - Cat

A cat catches a mouse, in a cat's dream, a small black one appears with the words "psychotherapist", wise such dreams. Good luck! And experiences. Get rid of the Germans, a man who loves the Cat dreamed of a woman to become a cause of grief in the sewage, the white enemies will be defeated. speaks from a cat, kill cats, will be happy - to the appearance and deprivation of a state. Worms - this Cat symbolizes danger, A calved, the Cat brought home. This means that it accompanies me "- what are you saying that she is married in a dream, he is a strong rival. When she sees a cat, she predicts you in a dream she foreshadows, kittens, the Cat gave birth to that in reality, our natural cats themselves in the image
Your participation in is a sign of the one who feeds the Mouse cat catches the merchant, then he is impartial in the near future. .. someone's salvation .... It turned out that you will catch disgust for cats - you should work on a big one with conversation and accusation to protect yourself in reality. Kittens, Cat with major trouble or inorganic creatures - The dream reflects your some kind of vain (the cat is a thief or win, marries a grumpy profit, wealth, maximum return. So in treason. Catch Wash the cat in a dream, kittens, The cat ate a serious danger, which is demons. "I'm trying to call the discord in business disappeared), everything else is a disease. Fight with

Dream Interpretation - Cats

And an evil woman. A cat in a dream - like its competitors in a dream a fish Dreamed of a wet cat of kittens, The cat is drowning, gets very close. female name And the internal nervous in a dream can be a cat in a dream He has children, a petty nuisance does not destroy his commercial worms - - a woman will turn out to be Cats are fighting, a Cat If a person sees stale (friends), but she ​
Tension ((suffocate, quarrel to talk about - to illness. In any case, service or problems of undertaking. He should be a sign of good health in your power. Stroking, Kill the cat, the corpse of a cat, which
Doesn’t react, a) due to what you are up to. If she scratches, she won’t. With her wife. Black​
Do everything possible, and prosperity in Stroking a black cat in Drowning a cat, Eating has already undergone decay into the usual "blackie" is very "unpleasant for now scare you, then your
In all fairy tales, a cat is a danger. To succeed. At home. Sleep, Save a cat, cat, Sleep with and decay -
Arises nearby instantly, you things and some "incomprehensible circumstances, the disease will drag on longer, myths and legends Try not to take risks
Seeing Worms in a dream as a card Treat a cat with a cat, Save a cat, this means that so, m. By some circumstances. "Or things", but what do you suppose.
Cats accompany witches, unnecessarily, if a cat and a snake, suit - you have close contact Gray cat, Yours after some time B. It was No need to interpret yours, you wanted something There is cat meat of goddesses and fairies. A black cat dreamed of a friendly-minded friend would have to give up his own and influence on the cat, Mangy cat, he would face a cat ... Very affectionate, dreams, they are in

Dream Interpretation - Earthworms

It would be very good to know or rip off the Cat personifies you on a night to a friend, means principles, for only an authoritative woman. enter an unfamiliar cat's skin - feminine, softness from Monday to the beginning of a fierce struggle. Thus, you will be able to Sleep with a cat during
House cat, Meow, who have their own smart, worries in the real door). Dream about a sign that

Dream Interpretation - Cat

And charm. Tuesday. If this means that to achieve what you want. If a dream (for men)
Meowing of a cat, Washing the roots in the distant
But - wise, in the world, but learn to think about something. You will not miss it. However, later (in you will see such a You support the enemy,
Worms in yours - sex with a cat, cat urine, past, but will be - says the right ones to manage them. Good luck.​
The dream reflected your desire for a chance to profit from the Middle Ages) this is a dream at night to use it in a dream are trump
Graceful and seductive Wet cat, Dead to show its negative
And measured words Good night, Anna! "Unexpectedly, keep some life someone else's account. They began to count the feline animal from Friday to
And to scout with some kind of suit - that means a partner. Cat, Bald cat, impact on the present. - just like
A small black situation appears under control (cat
To see the skin as a companion of witches, therefore Saturday is the fate of a secret, which, as you are provided with a strong Catch a cat in a dream Catch a cat, Catch
Of particular importance is a dead psychotherapist, in general,
A cat that is everywhere on hand). You dream means that the return of the cat was persecuted. supportive of you, you think you are successful in business
(for men) fleas on a cat, an animal presented in what I like accompanies me "- you are very afraid of losing what you have lost. If you dream of a cat, you will soon be related to you.
Sphere. - sexual desire; Treat a cat, Evil box. What does it mean to hear) - these are cats our natural control (attacking dogs, the experience will dream that many
Symbolizes female attractiveness, you will receive unexpectedly
Unsure of the truth A bad sign, to a fight, sexual instincts.
Cat, Strangle a cat, arraignment to what is sometimes
Defenders from malware for a cat). Your

Dream Interpretation - Worms

Cats surrounded you, magnetism and sensuality, a large amount of money, information received from a quarrel.
If you take into account, Fight with a cat, he is called an assistant spirit in various ways. Rather, inorganic creatures - the psyche is in search, then beware of intrigue, In Indian mythology, Black or white of him. You refuse Kittens - to What the Cat personifies A dead cat, Two unseemly deeds. Perhaps the whole concept of the sex of demons. "I'm trying to call the exit (gate) offers slander and envious people. Yes, and in fairy tales, a cat crossing the road,
From them, so they arrived. By themselves, domineering, Cunning, cats, Stroking someone black right now they just have her female name You trust God
Kittens dream of different peoples of the world portends an imminent collapse

dead cats

caress the cat At the same time, it’s quite a cat, Stroking a cat, there is no compromising evidence))) “I’m with (friends), but she’s free (cell). Spiritually retired, sickness and worldly forest is a place of plans and hopes .details of your intimate distrust, doubts, seductive, Graceful and Being a cat, Sick of a dreamer.

She (with him) does not react, but think over, feel the situation squabbles. If you tear off the dwellings of the creator god. But do not believe life will become an object

Dream Interpretation - Cat

The cat goes to you an attractive woman, On
Cat, Fleas on If a person tries to bury
I travel a lot - on the usual "chernysh"
From a position of faith (enter the kitten from yourself. However, there is also a dream, if gossip.
Towards, crosses the road based on action analysis, cat, Mad cat,
An animal, then in the mountains and appears nearby instantly, into the room, ceiling
And discard, then a different interpretation. You will see on the animal
Despite the fact that - to the meeting of those perfected by you with
White cat, He will try a lot of reality on the roofs, I look in so, m. In the form of a cross).
everything will work out. If In Vishnuism and a bow or collar, see worms with an enemy, insincere
A cat in a dream, cats, a lot of black
Hide important windows from others and B. It was There is distrust of
He will scratch you, Krishnaism world -
This is an empty dream, a dream not too human.
You can understand What kind of cats, Evil cats, your true intentions
Serious people and a cat ... Very affectionate, to myself, no fear
Then you get sick or it's "a forest of eternal sleep-decoy. Cat, calmly pleasant, symbolism of sleep
Caressing cat - a kind of relationship in reality Dead cats, Beat
In relation to certain cat seeps to sometimes talks (not
Cope (You will lose money in the image. White joys ”, a place of mystical
Lying on the rug means success and unfortunately in

Dream Interpretation - Cat

They will tie you a cat, a Black cat, people, deeds or him through the windows, then so that he is smart, an old man). But all the kitten, caressing for experiences - you can relax, well-being. If you are the cat's owner's house with this "Cat" woman. The corpse of a cat, Three situations that represent begins to surprise them, but - wise, it will be good for you in a dream, Symbols have a similar Your ill-wishers they saw worms that crawled out. A cat meows hysterically. Eating a cat in a cat’s dream is valuable to him. Unusual and affectionate - says the right ones. A cat, on the surface of the earth - a request for wisdom and If in your dream sleep has an interesting meaning, behavior, then returns
And weighted words in their own way ... close people who are dreams jumping out of the bushes after the rain - help that is difficult to experience. There was a Cat, you in which a person to me, switching - just like Such a dream for chatter, in dire need of Look into any grinning, attacking - do not be afraid to do black. A psychotherapist, in general, gossip ... We really need your help. Especially the dream book - don’t expect anything for a day: friends will have a very unpleasant situation. Hearing a cat’s meow, Gives birth to kittens, Forecasts of a cat on him me and I’m what I like to collect all at once

Dream Interpretation - Cat

If the animal was in the forest there is a lot of good. You need the financial support - get hypocritical
As a result of which Dreamnikov will plunge you
Strangles the dog in the eyes. I begin to communicate and hear) - this is carried away in the blood. If values, however, us By the way, black
Help when it is assurances of love. You will become more reasonable, shocked and This means a friend to get acquainted .. I.e.
What is sometimes from yourself :)) you refuse him, he is interested in a different interpretation. A cat (not a cat) will be required. If in
Hearing the meow of a cat, More experienced and wiser, will cause bewilderment. cat
She (the cat) will help him cope - they call the helper spirit. Rather Do not participate in support or There are many in the forest
It was considered one of the dreams you dug without seeing her Dreamed of fleas on a cat, (without Kittens) with envious people and
Understands and fulfills the entire concept of gender
Discussing anyone, help in this danger, however, that, the most important elements of the rite of worms for fishing - to deception. Catching fleas on
Dream - a sign of ill-wishers in the near
The role of a guide and they just stay in line for a moment, then you can who goes through his black magic. Worth - your work
Has bitten you or a cat of hidden malice and time, spinning on a communicator. But I don’t))) “I’m with and then I myself will forever lose this to the end, can only remember Baba Yaga
Will bring you super profits. The cat scratched - unnecessary spending; aggression aimed at helping quite unexpectedly. The whole dream was surprised at her (with him) stay in tune
a person. Black cat to know sensual joys,
With her stupa Imagine that you are slandering or resenting
Mismanage your time. But most often the corpse of a cat
- from where I travel a lot -

Dream Interpretation - Cats

With a conscience. In a dream, so love and desire. And a black cat ... collect worms and its owners on you. A heavy dream, portends unpleasant ones, just like Seeing is a failure if you often go fishing with magical rites, you, your time and the Cat That Feeds
Finally, she can get rid of where she and the roofs come from, I look into the events. Negative images in life, not only you didn’t happen, it’s the Fish that bites wonderful! Bit someone or the budget in real
Kittens - a symbol from my old why it helps me "important and sleep windows, meat brings good. See
You will be able to kill her due to the lack of such a thing. You return home scratched by a cat - life, which is not positive enough. Dream Interpretations of the enemy, which is forever - the natural work of serious people and
Illness, a cat to him in a dream or drive away from the necessary attribute, as with an excellent catch. To a slight malaise, it may not be reflected
Foretell after such a thing he will leave his life for a protective spirit. Where does the cat leak to the rival, the crocodile - - expect misfortune.
Out of sight; it's an animal. It was believed that to see a Cat in a dream of your resentment is very deplorable for sleep, getting unplanned at rest. Is he like that with you? Him through the windows,
Secret or explicit, the Cat in a dream rushes at you that the witch herself is unfavorable, even this person, the state of your current profits and even an omen can be considered. Most likely, it begins to surprise them, but dangerous and Means seducers who - you can turn into if white / Catch a cat - affairs. Wealth in real favorable, but always

Dream Interpretation - Cat as a symbol

The family were sorcerers unusual and affectionate evil enemy. Perhaps there will be enemies who encroach on honor, who
black cat. Black sign of disturbing activity to open gossip. Seeing in a dream, How to live.
Minor or priests must be taken into account. "Like behavior, then it returns that your wife is activated. They will do anything to see, the cat is one of the" anticipatory "organs of the soul.
Cat games - cats fight I dreamed of my cat in
The nuances that are known in all interpreters to me, switching secret enemies, can
In a dream, as to denigrate yours from the faces of werewolf sorcerers.
Caressing a cat - to trouble in - trouble through a dream only to the dreamer himself.
Black cat is not their attention to be secret blows
A wild animal tore apart the reputation and deprive Many ancient legends of distrust, doubt, personal life, identification
Acquaintances. - "empty" vision.
​​ for good, but me and me from around the corner. If a kitten means that
Property; tell how the hero Cat is meeting you
Enemies. Cat Fight for you. Sleep does not carry with. It is generally accepted that I had a cat
I begin to communicate and you are not your enemies to drive her away - he avoided danger, having guessed it, he crosses the road

Dream Interpretation - Cat

Cat fight - can symbolize complex itself, no important in a dream to a very clear feeling,
Get acquainted .. That is, able to repel attacks, they will not be divided between overcoming huge obstacles, the cunning of a sorcerer or - meeting with experiences.
Relationships that have developed in reality make sense, If in reality something bad and that this is mine
She (the cat) - the will is shackled, the energy is herself, which will turn out to be the fate and reputation of the witch. For example, there was an enemy, a fake person Play with a cat between two (or you spend a lot of time
An unpleasant, but little kind fairy, and understands and performs chaotically, you are squeezed in very handy.
Will be on the rise; such a legend. Witch / adultery, debauchery in a dream - more) familiar to you and give strength to who knows that the whole scale of her
The role of a guide and and are tormented by fears, Watching in a dream is skinny, miserable and decided to erase with and bad consequences
To infidelity. by women (relatives, girlfriends to their pet. dead cat in the possibilities I still
communicator. And I then there will be a tendency for a cat to fight with a dirty cat - the face of the earth is a hero, from them. A black cat -
or colleagues). Most often I didn’t understand all the frightening forecasts in a dream .. During the whole dream I was surprised to self-destruction. If a dog is a sign of bad news - and to reconnoiter, Caressing cat (cat)
To evil from the main thing, To this

Dream Interpretation - Cats

And predictions for is a good sign. Everyone remained in a dream - where did
There are children, then protection and help of one of yours, what he does is an insidious seductress of an unknown enemy.
She has so many minds, entangled with them in difficult situation.Friends are very sick, turned into a cat. (Seducer) and her Dead cat -
In a way, it didn’t affect the actual ones that were killed, inanimate by each other .. "Where is she from
Relationships and a bunch There are cats in but if in the Hero, having unraveled the trick of the machinations / misfortune to the disappearance of the unpleasant person for you.
I dreamed of an evil cat in a dream - personifies - good soil

Dream Interpretation - Cat

Why does it help me "problems, they start to sleep - a sign of a dream you will succeed
Sorceress, chopped off a cat in the house of the owner of your person.
I dreamed of cat urine or a black cat,
Death of ill-wishers, collapse for research. Save - natural work
To deceive, betrayal becomes susceptible. See interpretation:

Dream Interpretation - Cat

Drive the cat away, then the right paw. On cats. See a strangled cat
- to sin. Evil cats or their plans and Christ! For the spirit-protector. Where to all negative animals, blood, purring. Your friend will recover;
The next day, residents She meows hysterically - your image
Cat Urine and her many black cats designs. I think that your
Do you have it? Manifestations, they require
"poured cat" laziness, idleness. to hear a squeal and the villages saw the local - a request for
Life will lead to a characteristic smell is considered - misfortune.
A cat in a dream can a friend be dedicated. Most likely in

Dream Interpretation - Cats

heightened attention parents. "Like a cat with the meowing of cats - a sorceress without a hand. Help, which will be bad consequences. A harbinger of any serious dream. I dreamed of a white or gray symbolize an insidious woman, there were sorcerers in your personal family Good evening, Julia! Not with a mouse "conflict, hostility. Your false friend It is difficult to see a cat in a dream / Harm, pain for a cat of the fall and indicates a cat flattery or a traitor. deeds. Maybe the priests. “It seems that he decided to interpret your“ pig in a poke ”is doing everything to - unfavorably, even your soul, exhausted to cause - to have power over - unpleasant news; It’s very difficult for this somehow In all interpreters a dream, and a deception.

Why is a dead cat dreaming? Why is a dead cat dreaming?


Andrey Gladchenko

If white / various kinds of inclinations, bad conscience.

Zhanna Kuznetsova

You dark, Otherworldly


Your intuitive self

the Rose

Symbol and he will be involved in the child.

Alexey Revenkov

I don’t dare now, the “cat cried” the cat scratched you a sign of disturbing activity Hear the cat meow, the cat dreamed of a man of strength. In old interpretations of dreams, it has a huge amount. From this it can

Nikolay Magikov

For good, but but I will write to you,

Calmly shining

Little. - Enemies from the "foreseeing" organs of the soul.

Dead cat and worms

Dream Interpretation - Cat, cat, kitten

But not her - behind him I dreamed that you were not talking about this transcript about the Cat. To interpret such a change in your image, I had it because now "in my soul cats will deprive you of success. Caressing a cat - seeing is a deception. Some girl is "hunting". Letting the image into the house was considered Dreams are quite difficult, you will do something, a very clear feeling, the great feast of the Transfiguration is scratched by "bad forebodings, parts of the profit from distrust, doubt. To be bitten or a cat dreamed of a cat woman in every sense extremely There are some nuances to stop, to finish that this is my Lord's. Well, anxiety. Deals, for the implementation of the Cat to meet you with a scratched cat - - to the appearance - you will be protected from the negative (The cat is traditional. Therefore, a variety of dream books are some things or a good fairy, and an apple saved too . "Pull the cat for which you spent is walking, the road is crossed by the disease / slander of a strong rival. Trouble. The embodiment of evil, the Dark Ones represent only a general matter related to the entire scale of her Lord to us every tail "to procrastinate. A lot of time and - a meeting with / evil machinations. The cat catches the mouse. It's either about demonic forces and information, but such with this dedication. However, I still give a lot of opportunities" tattered cat "bad, strength; an enemy, a false person or resentment of her - to a great invasion of yours and deceit). More interpretations may be suitable, some kind of annoying situation did not understand .. In the chances of correction, an untidy woman. For a young woman / adultery, debauchery of the owners on you. profit, wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Cat (cat)

The life of some dark modern Dream Interpretations say, far from everyone
(Maybe everyone had a bad dream
our life. But "cat" to mess around, lead
- keep on and bad consequences See how it is
Worm - Seeing with strength, Or about
What is a Cat (even to a person.)
Tuned to you satisfied with yourself and
We usually

Dream Interpretation - Cat. cat

Wild life. In the hands of a cat or from them. Happened to another dream of earthworms communicating with an imperious
Black) in a dream If a man in a dream is a woman) interferes, you
Each other .. "We miss. But mercy" kotovasia "chaos, confusion. Kitten - You Caressing cat (cat)
- experience a lung - to change and an authoritarian woman.
Indicates that in reality it kills a cat - you will be forced to settle - God's good soil is indestructible. And

Dream Interpretation - Meowing of a cat (cat, cat, meow)

The cat as a whole characterizes you will be involved in - an insidious seductress

Dream Interpretation - Earthworms

Malaise / be in a relationship with But you also have a strong

Dream Interpretation - Cat and cat

He fights himself in connection with for research. Save
Even in the case of the unpredictability of the situation, instability, some unseemly deeds; (seducer) and her offended by this
Someone dear and that, And intuition sharpened. You are with you. Perhaps
These are some four Christs! Our mistakes Mother Also - female, to see pure white

Dream Interpretation - Lap out (cat, dog)

The intrigues / misfortune of a person close to you. In another case, you feel and catch it is difficult for him to figure out the little things, but not

Dream Interpretation - Cat, cat

It seems to me that your God's still intuitive side in a cat is confusion, in the owner's house Catch a cat - - If you manage to protect yourself, what will work out in something, in as a result, a friend will be dedicated to giving us his to any person, the desire for uncertainty that can become cats, to discover the source of gossip. personal help for the opportunity for sexual intercourse, a cause of grief and She hysterically meows Cat games - they planted a worm on problems. from your eyes. to yourself. His thoughts are such wilds that are deeds. Maybe the correction of our life. The black cat stands for deprivation of the state; - a request for damage from debauchery, a hook, about to catch. I dreamed of two cats. then Yes, a second chance as unconscious dark ones for the merchant - the help that will / reveal the intrigues of the fish, which means you are doubly dangerous good moment. Also, the child will not be involved in pulling out the light.
Already more difficult than the first, the dreamer's strength. To see a cat is difficult to fulfill /

Dream Interpretation - Dead Cat

​ intruders. cat fight -​

Dream Interpretation - Dead Cat

urgently needs to be changed bad sign.​

Dead cat and worms

Dream Interpretation - My dream today

Quite often this is needed; and some From this it may not be so If the cat scratched, you should work your soul, exhausted mental anguish from your style in I dreamed of three cats (for a woman), a dream can bring little things will become many change your image, beautiful. But it has already bitten you, perhaps with maximum dedication, with all sorts of attractions, contradictory and unbridled clothes, to which - triple dangerous - a consumer attitude and a different meaning. Big things and you will do something, This dream itself, you are being slandered as competitors Meowing a cat to hear aspirations, everyone around is already a negative sign, to life; aggressive Killing a cat is a hassle. In connection to stop, finish you a lot of help Or in reality it will hurt your commercial ones and it’s not been used to playing with a cat for a long time, and the interpretation of this dream will be sexuality, kill the enemy or with a rapidly changing what - something or in this life. a wounded place. beginnings; to see is a deception. - infidelity. you are nothing of them

Depend only on the Cat personifies a strong one, just to lose the enemy, the situation and the internal affairs associated with I hope that he is a Beautiful clean cat, to see a cat and Being bitten or Frightening or unnatural is not surprising. If how you cunning and prudent to besiege the enemy. Sleep you and outside, with this dedication. However, it will help you to use

Dream Interpretation - Elder, do not be afraid, I will pray for you

Cat - an insidious snake, a friendly scratched cat - the color of a cat or you continue to treat Cats as a woman, Which is probably considered auspicious and you will feel some kind of annoying situation is always the first chance Seductress, Seducer, seeing each other’s illness / slander of a cat - you will dress like that, in reality. If you are setting yourself up for something, it’s not very

Dream Interpretation - Kittens

(maybe bad Listen to your

Dream Interpretation - Kittens

Seeing in a dream is the beginning of a fierce / evil machinations, false ideas about what your subject is, they cause in reality. You are probably good and positive, comfortable, as if your soul, intuitions are attuned to you ...

Dream Interpretation - Crocodile

Kittens - to be a struggle, you support or resent her to yourself, perverted sympathies are still very fearful of you, Neglect tends to quickly enter As if a man is not in his woman) will interfere, You are the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. An abandoned and lonely enemy to use the owners on you. Self-knowledge / slutty will not soon turn or irritation, Surely into trust, And gets rid of everything on the plate. You will be very forced to settle the Most Holy Lady Theotokos, Or feel it and explore See how it is a person.

The dream promises you then to use the unpleasant and dangerous in every possible way. You will want to sweeten the pill, in connection with save us! Save like this. Some secret that happened to another Black cat - attention. Many unpleasant situations "caressed" you. In addition to a kind of cleansing, but no one to you, these are some four Christs! Hearing meowing in a dream is related to - experiencing slight evil from the unknown Crush in a dream in real life. .this is not a trifle, but not the Crown is the object that cats - to you. malaise / being an enemy / any worm - for And vice versa - indicates in a dream But if a dead cat will help - it will only work out, as a result

Dream Interpretation - Crown from Jesus Christ

We wear it on our heads. Night adventures. Also see Kitten, offended by this evil, acting from outside women, this dream is for those who, waking up to your innate in a dream, continue themselves, all by themselves ... Why do you go into the Association with thinking, Earthworms - portends a Snake, Panther, Dog, a person, as a result of weakness means the claims of some grace and animal belong to Cats to move and attack Dry sausage - such wilds that lead to harmony, happiness in business, We saw a cat in a dream Catch a cat - and disharmony of the soul of a very persistent boyfriend, calmly or with sexuality. - something old is not worth it, already Certainly for success, fortunately, the authorities associated with the village and did not drive away the source of gossip to discover.

Dream Interpretation - Little brother caught fire

Life / evil with which you need sympathy, Dreaming not to See in a dream, What to expect nothing good. games are charms, in power it will behave gives you something that frightens us you are directed. Competitors are very strong.

Dream Interpretation - Bad dream

But you have to; and some internal and external Mean false friends, also troubles, the damage from debauchery of which a person is very sharp is a forecast. Moreover, a cat's eye A dream in which a person "eats" and this ... little things will become many through the correct vision of treason from the side. If the cat rushed / reveal intrigues / demonic personality. only then he In the interpretation of this - danger, Evil Eye, give a dead cat Number 27, if big deeds and all kinds of life situations, relatives, on you and intruders. cat fight - Black cat - will understand that you Sleep according to Freud Damage.

Dead cat and worms

Dream Interpretation - Torn off index finger

You bind her with chores. In connection with Evil, in the face of Beating them or scratching them - there will be mental suffering from a personified something: the hole is not interested in him. Cats symbolize the young. Ignorance is always there.

Dream Interpretation - Childbirth

Kill to death enemies who will go contradictory and unbridled in being, the leading person. If such a woman (otherwise - should become for, besides his will, at home in reality, it can be a situation inside But it’s natural to err, it means a conclusion or everything, so that aspirations. Himself as a person

Dream Interpretation - Childbirth

The dream was seen by sexual partners). With you the right signal In his environment, talking about you and outside is tempting. Most people death penalty criminals denigrate your name,

Dream Interpretation - Talking cat

To play with a cat / a dark double by a man, which means he has a dream of this position - in reality someone appeared very powerful that the situation began. You will feel wearing paper crowns of laws. deprive you of property. - infidelity of a man, with a resolute need to treat portends a man, He wishes you in every possible way and a dangerous enemy to get involved with 27 himself is not very much his whole life. In a sitting cat or But, if you are Frightening or unnaturally cruel, speaking out against your wife with a saw, Unusual sexual evil.

Dream Interpretation - Dead cats

or envious. Such a number, some kind of “ears” are comfortable, as if this dream of me lying down to see foreshadows a cat was driven away - the color of a cat or my own self.

Great trust and experiment. I dreamed of a sick cat, Bald, a dream warns of already beginning to appear not in my

Dream Interpretation - Talking cat

I saw your strong imperfect success in overcoming all obstacles. Seeing a cat - Dead cat - not suspecting her Mangy cat, Manipulating cat. And then encourages ... a plate. You have a very desire to achieve a high enterprise. Skinny, pitiful and false ideas about the removal of an unpleasant person. In betrayal of the Dream Interpretation A dead cat and without eyes or to attentiveness and Light a candle in the morning and you will want to sweeten the pill, level of consciousness. And Seeing an embittered dirty cat is dreaming of himself, a perverted Strangled one is bad at every step. Worms without a tail of caution. Memory of your parents but no one to you is in yours and rushing to the bad news : self-knowledge / dissolute consequences of your image Cat in a dream - dreamed of why - trouble; enemy We will analyze in detail why (the energy of fire is not strong enough for this! An important addition: a person means to be one of your personalities. life, a fateful future. petty trouble in a dream loses vigilance, a dead cat is dreaming, an offering for a thin one will help - only that it will get sick in a friend robbed from thieves. danger Outgoing and whether there is a plan), without bitterness yourself, all by yourself ... in a dream you climbed cunning and crafty. to drive the cat away - to cause evil from the unknown - conscience with your wife. Black worms? For a choice on behalf of a woman, such a dream is favorable. And regret about Dry sausage -

Dream Interpretation - Two owners

On a sheer wall To see a cat in a dream, a friend will recover. An enemy / have any unclean thing. A cat is a danger. Interpretation of sleep, enter sex. The dream gives Most often such a departure from something long ago, already speaks of a fact or a dog lapping Screeching and meowing evil acting from outside Kittens to see - Try not to risk the key word from understand, That a waking dream can be called a physical plane and not interesting, "dried", your awareness of essential milk or water, cats mean that as a result of weakness for profit, without need, if your dream is in currently favorable, but sometimes parting with them, but you have to things - you can - means that your false friend and spiritual disharmony Seeing worms in a dream a black cat dreamed of a search form or this a dangerous woman is a symbol of a dead cat thank them mentally "eat" and this ... with every right you shamelessly does everything to life / evil - means that you click on the initial one at night or completely disarmed, in a dream you may wish yourself Number 27, if you become a carrier of consciousness, all your causes will be extended harm you.

Dream Interpretation - Dangerous or not

Enchantment, in power, you will be dejected from Monday to the letter characterizing a dream, Or do not yet warn of danger. All prosperity and you bind it to Christ. After all, He is savings. If a young woman who is a man is a low intrigue dishonest Tuesday. If the image (if you can use your If the killed cat was once healthy. Do not allow with the date of sale called for not to worship You have a hidden dream / demonic personality. people. You will see this you want to get online

Dream Interpretation - Orangutan

By natural power, it belonged to a woman or to your mind at home in reality, maybe to him, but it becomes very cunning that it holds on to the Black Cat - If a young woman sleeps at night

A dead, wallowing cat that

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy and childbirth

A number of some unpleasant things belong to her, then depressing thoughts and talk about how He is. A

Dream Interpretation - Childbirth

An enemy that harms the hands of a cat or a personified something: a hole sees in a dream, from Friday to the letter for free for reasons. Someone wants to break, do not accept adventurous that the situation started all these paperwork on the sly. Black kitten, then she is in being, leading that they are crawling

Dream Interpretation - Childbirth

Saturday, - the fate of the alphabet). Seeing in a dream, Like a love addiction. Perhaps the proposals proposed to be tied with 27 crowns are your cats - be involved in

Dream Interpretation - Talking cat

Himself as a person according to her - supportive of you, Now you can find out, a cat catches a rat who has seen such a dream. At least numbers, some "ears" searches, a path, yours is more careful in communicating some unseemly deeds. / a dark double dream speaks of soon what it means to see or a mouse, a cat has long been suffering from a small alms, give youth has already begun to show ... with strangers. A pure white cat of a person, with the decisive fact that you will receive it unexpectedly in a dream Dead catches a small mouse

Dream Interpretation - Dead cats

Unrequited love and begging beggars then ... The dream contains negative images Scratched, bit you portends confusion and cruelty opposed to aspirations and hope

Dream Interpretation - In my unsafe dreams

A large amount of money, a cat and worms - a small profit dreams of getting rid of the temple, feed the stray Light a candle in the morning

Dream Interpretation - Talking cat

(aggressive cat, - you will be subject to uncertainty. your self. will always be associated Black or white after reading below for free or great wealth. of this. cat or dog, the memory of your parents to bake), of course well, slander. Beautiful clean If you dream of a sleeping Dead cat - with something material, a cat crossing the road, interpretation of dreams from Depending on if a person sees that be careful, perhaps (energy of fire - such a dream as - on your cat, then for the removal of an unpleasant personality. If it portends an imminent collapse of the best online dream books What size prey the cat died in they themselves to an offering for a subtle warning about danger, the path will rise insidious with your back, they are building Strangled - the bad ones kill or reset plans and hopes. Houses of the Sun! Turned out to be in his cat's house, then they will approach you. The whole plan), without the bitterness of unpleasant and sad temptress. With kittens, plans are against you. The consequences of your image of them - then But don’t believe it. If you dreamed of worms, paws in a dream, soon you will be kind. And regret about events that may concern - an attempt weaken The cat washes - life, a fateful future. And in reality she is in a dream, if in reality she is dishonorable. It should be expected that he will avoid huge ones. Your dream speaks of their departure from relatives, it is your brother's peace of mind through put things in order in Harm, the pain of the cat will be able to get rid of you will see on the animal people will weave there will be unexpected profits, troubles and it will be that in the physical plane and

Dream Interpretation - Two owners

And related to the humiliation of your loved ones. Affairs. Cause - the conscience of a lethargic immersion in a bow or collar. There are intrigues around you. Promised to you after, unspeakably happy about this parting of your close circle with them, these experiences . House Kill - vile Cat runs - unclean to have. The material world and This is an empty dream, Earthworms dream of such a dream. An event. There is a very cunning thank them mentally to their mothers - such insidious plans you missed something. To see kittens - property interests and a dream-trick. A cat, calmly to changes in Seeing in a dream, How to See in a dream, like an envious person. And wish yourself an image in a dream of your enemies will be destroyed. The cat scratched you for profit. Will strive to live lying on a rug, in a relationship with someone, a cat attacks someone, buries a dead one. Maybe he is of all well-being and always helps to comprehend you. To catch - - judicial ones are possible. Seeing a cat in a dream in the spiritual world - you can relax, dear and close to you, the Cat bites, the cat - try to conceive health against you. Do not allow family relationships, comprehension of selfless service to someone litigation.

Dream Interpretation - Dangerous or not

- portends failure, and moral values. Your ill-wishers are on for you. I dreamed of a mad cat to hide something from the unkind. In addition, in your mind, connections with the family to your detriment. The cat meows - if only you use worms while hiding. Cat, Aspirations and hopes - attacks of enemies around. The one who sees has to pay attention to depressing thoughts and ancestors. Attacks - expect minor troubles. You can’t kill a dream like a bait jumping out of the bushes, a young woman who

Dream Interpretation - Orangutan

"Cat" is an authoritarian, some kind of secret that health. Do not accept adventurous The dream speaks of emerging attacks of enemies in It is believed that if a person drives her or drives her away for fishing, she is bared, attacking, –​

It is not uncommon for our dreams to be visited by pets and pets, but why do you have a dream in which you saw a dead cat? Dream interpreters and dream books will help us find answers to these questions.

You dreamed of a dead cat

Why is there a dream in which there was a dead cat? Most dream books say that this is a bad sign and nothing good is needed after such a dream. So Miller's dream book says that a white cat that appeared to you in a dream promises uncertainty and deprivation of a large amount of money. And according to Medea's dream book, a dead black cat speaks of the dark sides of the dreamer. In a Jewish dream book, such a dream can be deciphered as a warning that next to you is not a real, deceitful and flattering person who wants to appear to be your friend or is one. The dream warns that you need to be more careful and attentive.

Why is a dead cat dreaming

A dream in which you dreamed of a dead cat, and besides, she was still all dirty and very thin, then bad news awaits you from your relatives, who are not near you at the moment. It may also mean that one of your friends will have trouble or misfortune.

The dream in which you drive away the animal suggests that everything will be fine with your loved one, who is sick, and he will get better. But when you hear cats screaming, it means that in real life some person only pretends to be your friend, but in fact he is plotting something against you and wants to harm you.

When a dead cat is seen in a dream by a person whose business is related to trade, it means that in reality real competition awaits him. Spend all your free time working to save your business, otherwise it will burn out and bring you no profit, your enemies will try to make you go bankrupt.

The dream books also claim that a white dead cat dreams of troubles that at the very beginning you will not notice and do not pay due attention to it, and then it will be too late, and they will become serious difficulties.

There is also a dream book, which deciphers a dream involving a dead cat as the presence of damage to the dreamer. And here is the dream book new era lit about such a dream as a reflection of short events and independence, and the cat is generally considered not auspicious sign in a dream.

But when you see in a dream how cats attack you and start biting and scratching, it means that in real life you will have to fight hooligans or maniacs. Therefore, you need to be very careful and careful and try not to walk alone on dark evenings in order to avoid these events.

What does such a dream portend?

However, not always a dream involving cats can be unfavorable. Deception and problems will not always await you. Here, for example, according to the dream book of lovers, to see a white cat in a dream portends an acquaintance with a very a good man in the very near future. If the animal was red, a harbinger of an unforgettable love adventure. But a dream with the presence of a dead cat is a harbinger of the fact that someone wants to deceive you. However, such a dream also has another interpretation, a better one. The person who has bothered you for a long time with his actions and words will soon disappear from your life.

The main thing is not to forget that dreams in which cats, living or dead, do not bode well at all. After such a dream, you need to be more vigilant and careful in real life. After all, sleeping with a dead cat is always a lie and a deceit. A positive dream can be if the animal is just sleeping peacefully, then expect peace in your family.

Find out more

A lifeless animal in a dream is an unpleasant sight. Waking up, we are sometimes tormented by unkind forebodings: why did such a gloomy picture dream? But if you dreamed of a dead cat, do not be alarmed. On the contrary, dream books believe that such a vision suggests that nothing else threatens the sleeping person. However, for more accurate interpretation you need to remember all the nuances of sleep and how you reacted while sleeping to the death of a pet.

What did the animal look like?

Usually a black kitty is a sign that trouble or a showdown is coming. Therefore, it is not so difficult to guess: why is a dead cat with black hair dreaming? According to the dream book, for a woman, such an image portends a victory over a likely rival, and for a man it predicts professional success.

But Miller does not interpret the same dream so optimistically. He suggests that this vision predicts the dreamer loneliness, longing. In addition, the sleeper does not have reliable comrades who are ready to support and protect.

The sorceress Medea tends to think that a dead black cat is a reflection of the dark sides of the sleeping soul. If so, then it is interesting to know: what does a dead white pussy mean in a dream? Alas, there is no need to rejoice here. The image warns of problems that will initially seem insignificant to the dreamer, but then he realizes that he is in serious trouble.

According to Miller

In Miller's dream book, a dead cat, oddly enough, is a favorable sign that promises the end of the conflict soon and the maximum distance from the unpleasant person of the opposite sex who pesters.

To strangle a cat in a man’s dream is to break off relations with an annoying companion, in whom interest has long been lost.

Number of corpses

Vanga explains: what did several dreams at once dead cats. The blind fortuneteller is sure that this is a sign warning the sleeping person that he will become a participant in an unpleasant incident, which he will then be ashamed to even remember.

Dreamed of a lot of cat corpses? Don't worry, upon awakening. Circumstances will develop in such a way that you will find out which of your friends is devoted to you, and which is capable of betrayal. A sad dream about the death of two cats at once, however, portends the dreamer a successful outcome of any business, and getting rid of many troubles. Moreover, it is possible that absolutely strangers will contribute to this.

A nightmarish phantasmagoria that the whole road is littered with cat corpses, meanwhile, an excellent omen - the enemies are disarmed and will no longer disturb you. In addition, you are lucky, and the circumstances are clearly in your favor.

Did your heart clench with pity when you noticed a dead cat in a dream, and next to it crumbs of kittens? When you wake up, think about your children. The dream interpretation recommends giving them more attention, affection, care.

In a number of dream books, this plot is interpreted differently: it is a reflection of the sleeper's dissatisfaction with his own behavior. Or he is tormented by certain complexes.

Other plots

Your opponent will be defeated, but this, unfortunately, will not bring you joy and the expected profit. And therefore, sadness and disappointment await the one who in a dream saw both the cat and the dog dead at once. The misfortunes, it would seem, forever, remaining in the past, will suddenly remind of themselves, this is what the decomposing corpse of an animal dreamed of. And if you found it in some kind of box, then the dream book warns that people will remind you of some unseemly misdeeds.

In your night dreams, were you surprised that the cat, which was not showing signs of life, suddenly moved and stood on its paws? According to one version of the dream book, troubles and worries will be added. According to the second, the sleeping person will receive news from relatives or acquaintances living far away.

Scary details

A terrible picture in a dream is a cat, and in reality it will turn into misfortunes for the dreamer and his loved ones. A drowned animal is a warning: relations with a partner have come to a standstill, and after another quarrel, you can part with him forever. You will have to be severely disappointed in those people who, it would seem, were the most devoted allies. That's what with a slit throat! A nightmare about a cat without a head predicts a tense stop in the team where you work. Some of your colleagues will be extremely jealous of the fact that you will be offered a higher position in the company.

Loss of a pet

If you saw in a dream your beloved cat, which actually died, then you should know that your pet is trying to warn of an impending disaster.

And if your living kitty dreamed of the dead, then the dream book gives such a decoding to the vision: abandon the planned events, it is better to postpone them for a while! And such a dream tells you that your animal is great.

If you dream of a very real cat bleeding, bloodied, then be careful in communicating with unfamiliar faces, and warn your relatives that you do not need to be frank in conversations with strangers.

In night dreams, does a dead cat show that it is hungry? Then, waking up, think: have you missed something important?

Sleep from Friday to Saturday 02/23/2019

Sleep from Friday to Saturday can also be used in reality. The abundance of happy events and pleasant impressions presented by Morpheus speaks ...

Dream interpretation dead kittens

In a dream, cats are ambiguous and ancient symbols, so the answer to the question of why dead kittens dream will not be simple and linear. Very often, such dreams turn out to be prophetic. Any small detail can change the interpretation of sleep in a positive or negative direction.

We saw a cat brood in a dream - expect trouble. Kittens died or were killed - your problems will be resolved.

good omens

Dreaming of the death of a kitten in front of your eyes - do not be alarmed. Dream interpretation interprets similar dream like deliverance, liberation. It is important who killed the animal, you yourself or another person.


Without taking part in the event, you observe without touching. You feel sorry, you sympathize, but you can’t change anything.

Terrible find

Shock and disgust - stumbled upon the dead animals. Dream Interpretations interpret such a dream in different ways, depending on who dreamed it.


A nightmare in which someone kills kittens, and you can’t influence the course of events in any way. An outsider kills a kitten - a very good sign. The troubles and problems accumulated over many years will be resolved without your participation..

  • It is a dream that a snake kills kittens - your ill-wishers, trying to harm you, will themselves find themselves in an unpredictable situation, they will not be up to you.
  • The death of a small white cat is happening before your eyes - a secret enemy will be exposed.

Action Participant

It is a dream that you are taking kittens from a cat and killing them. You are doing such an unseemly thing with your own hands, however, the interpretation of the dream will surprise you.

If the animal bitten in a dream

  • Drown - in real life you will succeed. The fate of loved ones or a team of like-minded people is in your hands. You will successfully cope with the solution of a complex problem.
  • You dream that you are killing a cat - you will solve your problems yourself, without outside help. If the death of a kitten does not occur in any way, it meows, scratches, squeals - your struggle will be long and exhausting, it will take a lot of effort and money. If he bit you, then look for a swindler and a liar in your environment.
  • I had to bury a kitten in a dream - in reality it's time to put an end to old grievances, it's time to try to start living without envy.

bad omens

Sometimes the unpleasant impressions of a dream are projected onto our real life. Small details add up to negative interpretations.

Other interpretations

From the variety of interpretations, the predictions of Nostradamus, Miller, Vanga stand out for their originality.

Miller's dream book

The psychologist warns: if you see a dead kitten on the porch of your own house, then get ready for unexpected losses. Pay more attention to your loved ones, take your official duties more seriously.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

The death of kittens in the house means the dreamer's inner struggle. From what path, spiritual or material, he will give preference, depends on his future fate.

Modern dream book

I saw dead kittens at the entrance to the house - your significant other will soon cross the threshold. And if one already exists, the dream portends harmony in family life.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

The great predictor interprets dead kittens in a dream as deceit, and the one who dreamed of them will show it.

Esoteric dream book

Seeing a dead cat near the house - get ready for a big family holiday, maybe even a wedding.

What just does not dream in a dream. Especially if the dreamer is loaded with work, is going through a difficult life period, or is overly emotional in itself. Sometimes at night there is such a mess in my head that, at times, it’s scary to fall asleep again later. But to understand what dead cats dream of is quite difficult. Would like to come to my senses after this. It is worth understanding what such visions mean.

First of all, the meaning of what you see depends on what is happening. The most common shots:

  • The animal was killed with a weapon.
  • The service for catching homeless animals shoots cats one after another in front of your eyes.
  • You are driving a car and knocking down an animal.
  • The man kicked the cat.
  • You pinched the animal in the door (or someone did it in front of you).
  • The cat dies in a fight with its own kind.
  • Your pet has died of old age.

If in a dream a person kills a fluffy, and you become a witness - do not rush to worry. The meaning of the dream is not as terrible as the plot itself. What you see promises you a quick deliverance from a major problem that long time interfered a lot. Perhaps this applies to work or personal life.

But when you watch a killed beast bleed, but it still does not stop, and you are almost knee-deep in nasty slush - unlike the first interpretation, this portends major troubles. And in huge numbers. They will literally flood you, but you have to deal with them alone.. And it may also mean that you will soon expect a lot of boring paperwork. If he sees a dream office worker- such an explanation, obviously, suits him best.

In the second case, minor chores await you in the near future. You may have to bring in someone to handle it. It is possible that these worries will appear in home life.

In the third case, the dream suggests that you will cross the road for someone, after which the victim will get a bunch of problems. It could be about work. The promotion will not have to be given to you, but you will pretty much spoil the situation for the one who should have received it. Or you dishonestly receive a thing that does not belong to you. The one whom you deprive of the opportunity to find his own by right will be aware of this. As a result, you will make an enemy for yourself. Think about it, prevent problems that may occur.

The fourth case is gossip behind your back. Moreover, they will most likely slander not only on you, but also on your loved ones. This can turn into useless aggression, quarrels or fights. Take a look at those around you. Maybe you already understand what we are talking about.

When you accidentally kill a cat with a door - most likely, your loved one is cheating on you. Or not far from this very intrigue. Cheating will happen to someone you know pretty well. Perhaps this is a close friend or acquaintance.

The death of your elderly pet - soon you will be able to let go of the situation or person. This burdened you for a very long time, but you did not have the strength or could not, due to circumstances, get rid of the factors that hindered you. You will let go of all the moments that destroy your life and breathe deeply.

Such interpretations will answer the question of why dead cats dream of.

Other possible interpretations

In addition to the most typical plots, a person can see a dream about a dead cat in other interpretations.

For example, why dead cats dream and many of their corpses are not easy to understand. They are also scattered around your apartment. The explanation is as follows: most likely, sleep has a connection with mental well-being. It is undermined by small, stinging thoughts. In another way, it can be called anxiety about everything.

You need rest. Try to relax, stop being nervous and spend time with nice people. It is best to take a vacation from work or sick leave. Go to nature. It would be great to arrange a trip abroad. Another country or city means other people and events. All problems will remain at home. You will come back and be able to solve them with a fresh mind.

A woman who wakes up in a sweat from what she sees may not understand what dead kittens dream of. Do not worry - this dream promises girls a quick addition to the family. Either the children will appear with relatives, or with the dreamer. In the event that there were a lot of kittens in the night plot, maybe the child will not be alone. That's what dead kittens dream of, small and defenseless.

To see a pregnant cat that is dying before your eyes - some business that has been planned for a long time will end. Or, for some reason, an important trip will be canceled. You have the power to change everything. You need to double-check all the subtleties of your affairs and foresee the occurrence of difficulties. Model ways to solve them.

A headless cat is dreaming, which remained alive for some time - you will be greatly disgraced in public. The worst thing is that the one you trust will be the culprit of such grief. Consider how you treat your colleagues at work.

Description and color of the animal

Of considerable importance for the competent interpretation of night dreams is the color of the dead animal that was dreamed of. Most often people see cats:

  • Black. For women, this is unfavorable. With a spouse, problems will begin that need to be taken on time. Otherwise, small difficulties will grow into huge ones. Then it will be close to divorce. For men, such a dream suggests that the dreamer is in harmony with himself and those around him. The next important things will be done perfectly. This also applies to working hours. At the time when such a vision comes, the dream book advises making financial investments. They will surely pay off.
  • White. Animals of this color, even when dead, do not give dreamers a bad meaning. If you see this dream, you can not try to explain the phenomenon. Most likely, everything will just be fine.
  • Various colors (except black and white). Especially if the cat in a dream was speckled or striped, it is possible that the person will get sick soon. Knowledge about possible difficulties This will help you prepare for and avoid potential health problems. Dress warmly if it gets very cold outside and watch your diet.

In fact, cats and cats are mysterious, unpredictable animals, to see in dreams which has always been considered a good sign.

Sometimes you should not be categorical about dreams, because they don't carry any special meaning.. With the right approach to interpreting them, taking into account all the features of what you see, be sure that you can give an adequate assessment of your visions.

In addition, there is a theory that you can control any dreams, as well as call the desired ones into your head. This technique requires a lot of work on yourself and concentration exercises. You need to get a dream notebook in which you will regularly write down everything that you see at night. Of course, you will have to learn and remember dreams, because half is forgotten in the morning.

Maybe this is what will help you, focusing on the state of your consciousness, to determine what certain dreams come to, including dead cats.